evolution of marketing

Evolution of Marketing Marketing Concepts Customer Orientations

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Evolution of MarketingMarketing ConceptsCustomer OrientationsEvolutionRobert Bartels in The History of Marketing Thought' categorised the development of marketing theory decade by decade from the beginning of the 20th century thus: !00s: discovery of basic concepts and their e"ploration !0s: conceptualisation# classi$cation and de$nition of terms !20s: integration on the basis of principles !%0s: development of specialisation and variation in theory!&0s: reappraisal in the light of ne' demands and a more scienti$c approach !(0s: reconceptualisation in the light of managerialism# social development and )uantitative approaches !*0s: di+erentiation on bases such as managerialism# holism# environmentalism# systems# and internationalism!,0s: socialisation- the adaptation of marketing to social change.he /roduction Concept0 production orientation dominated business thought from the beginning of Capitalism the mid !(01s2 Business concerned itself primarily 'ith production# manufacturing# and e3ciency issues2 .his vie' point 'as encapsulated in 4ays 5a' 'hich states 4upply creates its o'n demand2 .he /roduct Concept.he 4elling Concept.he Marketing Concept.he 6olistic Marketing Concept7hat to Market89oods: 9rocery# :e'elry# furniture# Cars4ervices: Banks# 4chools# Colleges# Rail'aysEvents: 7orld;cup cricket# OlympicsE"perience: 0musement /ark# 7ater /ark# Cruise/ersons: Celebrity concerts# 0rtists/laces: .ourism/roperties: Real Estate# 9O campaigns?nformation:?nternet# Consulting?deas: 0'areness campaigns @0ds of ?dea# .0.0 teaAMarketsMaslo'Bs 6ierarchy of >eedsConcept of C7antsBNeeds become wants 'hen they are directed to Cspeci$c ob:ectsB# that might satisfy the need2Need of t'o di+erent persons may be the same# but wants may di+er2Wants are shaped by our society2DemandDemands are 'ants for speci$c products backed by an ability to pay2Ealue reFects sum of perceived tangible and intangible bene$ts and costs to the customer24atisfaction vGs 5oyaltyReferencesMarketing Management by /hilip Hotler?nternet; '''2Marketing!2com9oogle images'''2managementparadise2com

0sst2 /rof2 /allavi Chand'askar