evolution or innovation

2012 © Gordon Jones, DHA Slide 1 Evolution Innovation

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A discussion on whether human inventions are evolutions of ideas or the innovation of ideas.


  • 1. Evolution 2012 Gordon Jones, DHAInnovation Slide 1

2. InnovationInnovate (in.no.vate)To try out new ideas: to introduce anew way of doing something or a newdevice.Forms of innovation:Incremental is a small change orimprovement 2012 Gordon Jones, DHADisruptive is a fundamental, paradigmchange in a process or approach Slide 2 3. Slide 32012 Gordon Jones, DHA 4. Slide 42012 Gordon Jones, DHA 5. The Visionary1. a person given to fancifulspeculations and enthusiasmswith little regard for what isactually possible; 2. a personwithunusualpowers offoresight; 2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Leonardo di VinciColumbusSteve Jobs Slide 5 6. The Visionary Example2012 Gordon Jones, DHACommunicatorEnvisioned by Gene StarTacRoddenberry in 1996 By Motorola 1966 for StarTrekSlide 6 7. The Visionary Example2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Wireless EarpieceEnvisioned by Gene BlueTooth Earpiece byRoddenberry inEricsson in 2004 1966 for StarTrekSlide 7 8. The Innovatora person or organization who isthe first to do something newand often opens up a new areato achieve an improvementupon the way things are donecurrently.2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Thomas EdisonWright BrothersTim Berners-LeeSlide 8 9. Knowledge Building 2012 Gordon Jones, DHATo be honest, I never would have inventedthe wheel if not for Urgs groundbreakingtheoretical work with the circle. Slide 9 10. Evolution or Invention2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Slide 10 11. Evolution or Invention2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Slide 11 12. Evolution or InventionWhat would be the next andgreatest evolution of thesuitcase and when would ithappen?2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Slide 12 13. Evolution or Invention2012 Gordon Jones, DHA Slide 13 14. Evolution or Invented 2012 Gordon Jones, DHASlide 14 15. Evolution or Invented 2012 Gordon Jones, DHASlide 15 16. Evolution or Invented 2012 Gordon Jones, DHASlide 16 17. The EntrepreneurYou need to suspend disbelief tostart a company, because so manypeople will tell you that what youredoing cant be done, and if it couldbe done, someone would have done 2012 Gordon Jones, DHAit already.Paul Maeder, a general partner at Highland Capital.Slide 17 18. Collaboration"It is literally true that you can succeedbest and quickest by helping others tosucceed."- Napoleon Hill"Manyideasgrow better when 2012 Gordon Jones, DHAtransplanted into another mind than theone where they sprang up.- Oliver Wendell HolmesSlide 18 19. CollaborationSlide 19 2012 Gordon Jones, DHA 20. Play IgnorantThere are nearly seven billion humanbeings on this planet, weve been aroundfor hundreds of thousands of years,were a couple hundred years into theindustrial revolution and nobody has2012 Gordon Jones, DHAdone what you want to do? Thats justplain crazy.Nay-Sayers Slide 20 21. 240 Million Calls2012 Gordon Jones, DHAto 911 Slide 21 22. Slide 22 2012 Gordon Jones, DHA 23. Slide 23 2012 Gordon Jones, DHA 24. Slide 24 2012 Gordon Jones, DHA 25. Slide 25 2012 Gordon Jones, DHA 26. MaximsTo never laugh at anyones dreams,2012 Gordon Jones, DHAbut instead encourage them! Slide 26 27. MaximsIf a straight line is required,obtain only two data points. 2012 Gordon Jones, DHASlide 27 28. MaximsIf all you have is a hammer,everything looks like a nail. 2012 Gordon Jones, DHASlide 28 29. MaximsIf at first you dont succeed,hide all the evidence (old) 2012 Gordon Jones, DHASlide 29 30. Maxims 2012 Gordon Jones, DHAIf at first you dont succeed,review, share and discuss to overcome next time Slide 30 31. Maxims 2012 Gordon Jones, DHAIf at first you DO succeed, hide all astonishment!Slide 31