excep- wonder petkbraces tionally values ful1dj c y › lccn › sn85052116 › 1906-04-21 ›...

1 ° n- K Ii rYt t1 n af7 t + q r n i f I > rA 1 A 1 t tmEPAI U AnWEV NIN J i i UN J + 7 VgAATUIIDAI l1 Y The Week In Society t APRILi i 0 I The form of Aprllrbpautlful and gay Adown thL world p comes dancing In delight A cloud of snowy appleblossoms by lay A fire bt all the daisied stars by 3 night She gives the music to the raptured thrush That In the woodland sings the t whole day long She roves With Echo through the startled hush And mocks the bobolink with shower of song t tYel though her wondrous charms are fresh and now None guess tho proud queen In tho maiden free She tildes her thousand eyes with vi ¬ olets blue She veils her splendor with sim ¬ plicity 13 W Mason In April Smart Sot Aunaummeuls MTiw Suslo Thompson will enter ¬ tale oa few friends with a dinner on Monday evening at her holllool Broadway complimentary to Slfss Elizabeth Scott of Clarksdale Miss tho guest of the Misses Decker Mrs Saunders A Fowler Is hos ¬ tess to Jho Five Hundred club on Wednesday afternoon at her homo Edgowqod on West Broadway It I Is the first meeting of the club since they adjourned for Lent Mr and Mrs Hal S Corbott wlK entertain the As You Ulko It clug on Friday evening at their homo on North Ninth street Tho Paducah chapter U D C n will have charge of thu Country Store during the carnival t weak be ¬ ginning April 30 ThWroceodij will go towards the local Confederate monument fund Members of the chapter will bo In charge of tho storo each day Mrs Bortlo Campbell Is general chairman of the committee N 0 DrlflllN of CovKnily Wedding Society Interest for tho coming week centers In tho wedding of Miss Louise Elizabeth Cox and Me Jams Henry Rudy on Tuesday oven Inc at 9 oclock at the Ilroailwn Methodist chinch It will Jio a brit ¬ liant social event uniting two of tho most prominent young people members of loading families of the city A reception at the homo of Mr and Mrs William Armour Gardner theS ceremony Mlsii Coxs attendants aro Miss Anita Wood of Wichita Kansas Miss Ifthol Brooks Miss Ruble Cor belt and Miss Ella Sanders the bridesmaids Mrs Sounders Fowler and Mrs Thomas Hall fire tho mat ¬ TOOK of honor Tho maid of honor will bo Alias Martha Davis Tile ushers arc Mr I Stuart l i 1 Rudy Mr Will Rudy nir Slnnott Mr Charles All colt Mr John Brooks of the city and Mr James lIolige of Henderson Ky Tho brldo will enter with her brother Mr Charles Cox and Mr Edwin J Paxton is the grooms best map I The ceremony will be per formed by Rev W K Cave D D or Iho First Presbyterian chinch and 1 Rev r J Newell D Df of the Broadway Methodist church Mr Harry Gilbert will have the wedding music In charge The bride will wear a handsome princess gown df white satin with panels of real lace Tho bridal veil will be caught with orange blossoms and the shower bouquot will bo of whllo roses and lilies of tho valley Teh attendants gowns will bo of white Arabian silk They will carry pink roses and will wear tho Prince of Wales tips In hair Among the out ot town guests to be present for tho wedding are Mrs Mary Rudy of CascyvIIle the grand ¬ mother of Mr Rudy Mrs Henrietta Jackson of Denver Col an aunt Mr and Mrs Clarke Knowlton of Memphis Mr and Mrs Isaac Pc ¬ leIs of Memphis Mrs George Fous Df Baton Rouge La Mrs Charlea James of Evansvlllc Miss Anita Vool of Wichita Kan Miss Anna Parks of Nashville Tenn Mr Win Ieech of Crlpplo Creek Col an U- ndo of Miss Cox Mr Charlie Cox from Ann Arbor Mich Mr James Hodge of Henderson Ky Mr1 Jos ¬ eph Newbcrn of Memphis 0 JMnrliron to Jkllw O + v Miss Martha Davis favo a charm Ing luncheon at 1 oclOCk today at her homo on Kentucky avenue in honor of tho brldo of the coming week Miss Louise Cox and her at tondants Tho table was a beautiful scheme In roso color with spring lowers jl 1 lacs hyacinths and narcissus artist- Ically ¬ arranged In a centerpiece Pinkshaded candles added to thoI pretty effect The placo cards wort mlnaturo fans each containing some bright and clover saying about marriage Tho menu was a very de- lightful ¬ one Ijho guests Included MIss CoxI Mrs Saunders Fowler Mrs Thomas Hall Miss Anita Wood of Kansas Miss Ethel Brooks Miss Ruble Cor bolt lIssl Ella Sanders t3 Pretty 1 KvrnlnK Card Tarty Miss Faith Langstaffs card party Friday evening at her homo on Ken ¬ tuck avenue was a pretty compli- ment ¬ to her houseguest Miss Jose ¬ phine Gardner of Qiiogue L I ana to Miss Elizabeth Scott of Clarksdale- Mlss the visitor of Mlssv Myrtle Decker and Mss Helen Decker Tho house was a charming spring sym- phony ¬ with Its profusion of lilacs dogwood and apple blossoms used throughout the rooms Miss Mary Boswell captured tin o first prize fur the ladles The second prize wont to Miss Elizabeth Sin ¬ nott The first prize for the gentle- men was won by Mr Thomas Harri ¬ son and Mr Charles Cox secured tho second A delightful courseluncheon was served after tho gameI I Thero were twelve tables of guests 0 Inilurnli III New Orleans Miss Ethel Brooks who Is sponsor for the James T Wnlbcrt camp U C Vat the Confederate reunion I In Now Orleans April 2C27 will leave at 3 1 1C Wednesday morning with her party 8ho will bo accompanied by her rather Dr J G Brooks n dieI ¬ tinguished Confederate soldier Her maids of honor are Miss SUe Thump sore and Mss Kathleen Whltcflcld of tho city and Miss Anita Wood of Wichita Kan Mrs Bertie V Camp bell la tho official chaperone The days in New Orleans will be very i crowded andbrllllant ones and Padu cahs pretty sponsor with 1 her charm Ing coterie will bo acknowledged fa- vorites ¬ In tho gay throng of repre ¬ sentative women of the Southland Mr David Kbger wno has been ap- Pointed by Gen H A Tyler es a major on his staff will leave on Mon- day ¬ In advance of the others as his duties demand his early presence 0 the scone He Will bo accompanied I by his father CapL James Koger a prominent Confederate veteran Ma ¬ jar Kogor will bo a gallant and pop ¬ ular aide A number of the local veterans are contemplating attending > Dr David 1 G ttlurrell Is a delegate > from the James T Walbert camp and wIN be occbmpanled by ihls wife who Is a prominent member of the Paducah chapter U D C Mrs Murrell was a Miss Randolph of Louisiana and I will be at homo In New Orleans 0 Mutlnco Munlcnl Club The Matinee Musical club offers an i I unusually Interesting program for Wednesday afternoon at iaeocloc In thc parlors of the Eagle building f Wagner and Liszt being the compos- ers ¬ Mrs Coo B Hart Is the leader The numbers havo been selected with discriminating caro and it promises to be one of the most delightful open meetings tints popular club has Ar ¬ ranged for Its members and their guests The guests are limited t two for each active and associate member The program follows 1 Character sketches Mrs II 8 I Wells 2 Vocal solo = Elizabeths Pray ¬ er from Tannhauscr =Wagner Mrs W C Schoflold 3 Violin soloSoleetediPro Wm Deal 4 Vocal solo Lorcllo Liszt Miss Anno Bradehaw 6 Basso Aria from The Flying Dutchman Mr Emmet Bagby G Plano duct Rhapsodic nom groiso No 2 LisztMss Nowdl 1 and Mr Gilbert 7 The Story of Lohengrin Miss Allne Bagby 8 Vocal soloElsas Drum j tram Lohengrin Mrs James Welllo 0C- otllllon Club The I Raster german of the Cotil- lion i club on Monday evening at the Palmer House was a very delightful affair It was led by Mr Louis flick e Jr The presence of a number J charming outoftown visitors added to the attractiveness of the occnso Among Those present were less arid Mosdames Sounders Fowler 13dI u need Noble George Langstaff Mes > dames J G Brooks J M Buckn Thomas Leech Dertlo Campbell Misses Anita Woodof Wichita E1Ut > beth Scott of Clarksdale Mist Josephine Gardner Quogue L L Misses Myrtle Decker Helen Deck Ethel Brooks Elizabeth Sinna tit Halllo Hlsey Ruth Well Faith Lan staff Blanche Hills Hattlo Terre Mildred Terren Canine Sowell Bcl Cave May Owen Frances Coleman Lulu Reel Henrietta Roger Sue Thompson Judge Walter Evans Louisville Samuel T Stewart of Now York John Bleecker Lou fiche Jr W T Sttirtcvant Cal- houn t fiche Pat McElrath Jot Drooloa Edson Hart Morton lion David Roger Fred Wade lien Dewey Frank Bourne Joo Exn 1 Iveiaoni LeechI Algernoni 43 t Mngazlno Club Miss Martha Davis was hosless I 1 I Rudy Phillips Ko I + 219223 ROADWAY I What l Yi J Gives a woman that distinction of being well dressed air of chic appearance more than anything elseher hat and her gloves Our Millinery Department isy being reinforced daily with new arrivals of hatsafter the rush t for Easterand you now have quite a new lot to select your bonnet out of We have also received new lot ofi blackand white long silk gloves which are so popular this i season and car furnish you with these for v 1 VJ 1 l V < 1 Per pair j t i t i 1 1ii > t A 1 if < rj P ti I i C 1r r I 11 t j I ut + o the Magazine Club on Thursday at h her homo on Kentucky avenue Jt 1 was n hymen Abbott afternoon with a discussion of some of tits leading April Magazines and was an espcc laity delightful meeting Quotations from Lyman Abbott t were given In opening and Mrs Henry Overby followed with an In tot eating character sketch of Abbot L Titer Outlook of which Lyman Ab- a bolt Is the editor was ably represent ed by Mrs George Langstaff Jr Land Miss Frances Gould Mrs Scott and Miss Helen Lowry foatureL excellent resume of the North can RevlCw The leading of Harpers Magazine were delight fully given by Mrs Robert Decker Phillips The Atlantic Monthly was cleverly reported by Mrs George Flournoy A beautiful luncheon was served after the literary digest t An informal business session was held before adjourning devoted prin ¬ cipally to tho coming meeting of the State Federation of Women Clubs a Mt Sterling I In Juno at which tho- i magazine club will bo represented petk womens club are presenting to the citizens Tho next meetIng of tho club w1 t be held on May 10 with Mrs Saun- ders Fowler at her items Edge wood on Woat Broadway It will I be the final mooting of tho season 0 1nMyo Y entertained at l cards on Wednesday afternoon at her prottS titegg These Were distributed from a mln lature wagon drawn by a rabbit The yelt tlons of the rooms and In thoode Ilghtful luncheon scheme The first prize was won by MrsLln neaus Ormo and the second prize by Mrs Kate Wilson Miss Clara Thomp son captured the lono hand prizeand I the consolation prize went to Mrs Henry Thompson There were ten tables of guests 0 Impromptu Orgies Recital At 130 today an Informal organ recital was held at the First Presby ¬ terlan church Mr Hewitt of Louis ¬ yule who has friends In the cltyand I Is passing through was prevailed up- on to sing toan Invited audience He Is quilt a delightful soloist Miss Ada Brazelton accompanied him at ofthe organ 7 qi1anre Last Night raTho younger society set gave an cnjoyabffe danceiltlhofI5lk8 > HaVl l last evening About twenty couples erwore present The dance was diaper oned by Sirs W F Dradshaw and Mrs Jetta Hobson 0 Delphic Club yearser ermlhndy of Women Eminent In French Tuesdayg Carnegie library It sessionle I and able papers Mrs Frank Par ham gave a resmue of The Mother ofof Napoleon1he Times of the IoulsPhllllpennd lsairs Donheu Llllurtu I Eugenicdr reelII adJournmentbutIt r- t noon Tea will be given Tuesday nf ternoon May 1 at 4I oclock In the Delphic room at tho library It will limitedto Next years program of the Del LIto and Artand the Tucday 0 Liuirlicon in Visitors i onterlnlaeiwith d on wyIII tillsJosephine tongIsland FalthTanglart and i carnations wore Used with effect In elaboratecourse delightfulCovers e guests were raliases Emily Upton Josephine Gardner Faith Langstaff Elizabeth Slnnott CaveSue RobbIe ¬ i e s About People popularSirs III with threatening appendicitis for the past week or more will be glad to 1 l learn that she Is able to bo up and out again t r Mr James Hodgo of Henderson Ky Is expected this evening to visit Din Henry Ttudy of Kentucky nvo puo Ho comes to attend the Cox Rudy wedding On Tuesday eveningI Vitas Elizabeth Scott of Clarks- dale silos is the attractive guest of Misses Myrtle and Helen Decker tI I Jefferson Street She arrived pn Monday Mr Charley Cox has arrlvedjronf i Ann Arbor Mich where heisat I I tending the university to attend the 1 v J T f Rudy Phillips 6 oii ii J t B1V223 BROADWAY 4 r t i L Wash goods excep- t ¬ tionally braces it1tr J c II I f yit Our fljl white TIe t wonder 1 ful 1dJ 1 values I i I + 4 4y 4 > I VERY 1 woman will delight in seeing the exceptional values i t f we are now showing in our white goodssectlonwhatt sheer dainty white stuffs we have imported for her summer 1i comfort In our linens we have imported directly a much t larger quantity than heretofore and are offering at wonderfully < tX > k r low figures by the yard We quote only few prices but the > whole department is full of good things i rAt Co < 1 A beautiful line of white figured madras for25c the yard i Dotted Swiss in embroidered patterns at18C 25C 35C 4OC the yard 36 Inl guaranteed pure linen waists or suits at25c the yard f In Union Linen for sklrtsat20c the yardA I36ID shirt waist linen beautiful quality already shrunk at 4QC the yard J Striped and caeck dimities sheer and dainty checks and stripes 1 J s all sizes af10C 15C 20cI 25C the jard Ij R Ifl in linen cambric a magnificent value for 35c the yard it 1 w- rra l ra t j 1 I j 2T < r- 8t223 Rudy Phillips ROADWAY r IN OUR SHOE t 1 r 1 I A lEA TURE ofthe Queen Quality linebeirig r s I I 4 w I vA 250 and 300 for patent kid allstyles 250to3 INFANTS DEPARTMENT Jj SOc buys patent vamp blue or white silk top Roman sandal 1 SOc buys patent barefoot sandal50 I v ttd 25c You will be surprised to see the handsome soft soles at J t t > S < this price t25c b ltd r 150 to 200 buys handsome line of Gibson ties inr Ift r J vicixand I patent kid r150 to 4 2iOO F 1 1I I r It t t 1 1 > r rYY t wedding of htasl8terMiss Louise Cox and Mr Henry Rudy Miss Finny Upton of Now Or teens who has peen tho pleasant guest of her aunt Mrs David O JMurrell during the winter left Thurs day for her home Miss Upton Is very popular In Paducah The wedding of Mr L K Taylor of this city to Miss Alma Peajj Belcher of Covlngton Ga will take Wedne6dajThocoullo Paducah and resldo at Hotel Craig A Singular case Princeton Ky April 21As next friend Mrs Bello Glbbs has Instltut jOd suit tori2Q < damages In clr cult court against Mrs Sh 1 C Pars ¬ ley for Ed Morris charging aliena ¬ tion of affectlbn of wire of Morris and procuring attachments of tho property of Mrs Parsley The suit was flied by Attorneys A D Moore land S D> Hodge airs Parsley and the young bI1 are gatd to bo la Deep AVater Mo Morris and Miss orte Parafejr eloped tp Metropolis ill1 a abort time ago anj wero mar rled there 1 1U t A r f e 1I 1 DEPAREMENT tshape WILL iKADUATi IX JUNE Dr Overtoil Brooks May Then Enter time Marine Service Mr Ovorton Brooks tho son of Dr J Brooks will graduate In medi ¬ clime from the Northwestern Unlver ¬ sity at Chicago June 25th The young physician has gone through thorough training In the Chicago school has had great Jealo actual experience In work here hav- Ing ¬ studied under hla father during vacations In Puducab The young man will probably go Into the marine service this being a branch that holds more advantages and opportunities to young physic ¬ ians He has been In the naval acad only ItJ Annapolis but left the serv ¬ ice preferring to study medicine Ho will probably como home td visit his parents before ho decides on what course he will pursue cents It cost go by hotly cars from Toklo Yokohama the port of the Japanese capital Cars start every five minutes from C In the morning toll at night iL1 tc p t t I v i tV J rtt jii 11 Jj f 1 Itj ¬ > I J r r y ir I J r- K iiii- d q j a j for 36 1 36 I 0 the IMf 5 l l o I It 1- a 1 H n I 1 l ° r p t < i V t r 1 1 i G a and a to to 9 y c = I WANTS UAM IGKS 1T1 T1 t < ° id hJi i From Peanut Company for IIIJ J Through Annoyance Ely rle8J f i rJ9hn i r rl d against the Southern Peanut cum C I pang for 2500 damages andjaeejfS I to effect cessation of operatibn fbl 1 the plant of the defendant In a racaaJ- r YFTho > l 1 pany which operates acrpsa the street- In the old mill property at First aqd Washington streets operates itu such a way that dust flies airoV neighborhood It gets into his houdoit and forces him to keep his hjittcr rodsides A n Just across tho stfeW restralllnqoroer b operating In such a way that It wilt l inconvenience the neighbors untlj the matter Is settled Tfie case Jsset for April 27 Air castles are built on fo tion ofIwposetbllltI a n a r t a ta 1

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Page 1: excep- wonder petkbraces tionally values ful1dJ c y › lccn › sn85052116 › 1906-04-21 › … · 1 ° n- K Ii rYt t1 n af7 t+ q r n i f I >rA 1 A 1 t tmEPAIU AnWEV NINJ ii UN

1° n-

KIi rYt t1 n

af7 t+ q r n i f

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The Week In Societyt


0 IThe form of Aprllrbpautlful and

gayAdown thLworld pcomes dancing

In delightA cloud of snowy appleblossoms by

layA fire bt all the daisied stars by

3 night

She gives the music to the rapturedthrush

That In the woodland sings thet whole day long

She roves With Echo through thestartled hush

And mocks the bobolink withshower of song

ttYel though her wondrous charms arefresh and now

None guess tho proud queen In thomaiden free

She tildes her thousand eyes with vi ¬

olets blueShe veils her splendor with sim ¬

plicity13 W Mason In April Smart Sot

AunaummeulsMTiw Suslo Thompson will enter ¬

tale oa few friends with a dinner onMonday evening at her hollloolBroadway complimentary to SlfssElizabeth Scott of Clarksdale Misstho guest of the Misses Decker

Mrs Saunders A Fowler Is hos ¬

tess to Jho Five Hundred club onWednesday afternoon at her homo

Edgowqod on West Broadway ItI Is the first meeting of the club since

they adjourned for Lent

Mr and Mrs Hal S Corbott wlK

entertain the As You Ulko It clug onFriday evening at their homo onNorth Ninth street

Tho Paducah chapter U D Cn will have charge of thu Country

Store during the carnivalt weak be ¬

ginning April 30 ThWroceodij willgo towards the local Confederatemonument fund Members of thechapter will bo In charge of tho storoeach day Mrs Bortlo Campbell Isgeneral chairman of the committeeN 0DrlflllN of CovKnily Wedding

Society Interest for tho comingweek centers In tho wedding ofMiss Louise Elizabeth Cox and Me

Jams Henry Rudy on Tuesday ovenInc at 9 oclock at the IlroailwnMethodist chinch It will Jio a brit ¬

liant social event uniting two oftho most prominent young peoplemembers of loading families of thecity A reception at the homo of Mrand Mrs William Armour GardnertheSceremony

Mlsii Coxs attendants aro MissAnita Wood of Wichita KansasMiss Ifthol Brooks Miss Ruble Corbelt and Miss Ella Sanders thebridesmaids Mrs Sounders Fowlerand Mrs Thomas Hall fire tho mat ¬

TOOK of honor Tho maid of honor willbo Alias Martha Davis Tile ushers arcMrI Stuartl i 1 Rudy Mr Will Rudynir Slnnott Mr Charles Allcolt Mr John Brooks of the cityand Mr James lIolige of HendersonKy Tho brldo will enter with herbrother Mr Charles Cox and MrEdwin J Paxton is the grooms bestmapI The ceremony will be performed by Rev W K Cave D Dor Iho First Presbyterian chinch and

1 Rev r J Newell D Df of theBroadway Methodist church MrHarry Gilbert will have the weddingmusic In charge

The bride will wear a handsomeprincess gown df white satin withpanels of real lace Tho bridal veilwill be caught with orange blossomsand the shower bouquot will bo ofwhllo roses and lilies of tho valleyTeh attendants gowns will bo ofwhite Arabian silk They will carrypink roses and will wear tho Princeof Wales tips In hair

Among the out ot town guests tobe present for tho wedding are MrsMary Rudy of CascyvIIle the grand ¬

mother of Mr Rudy Mrs HenriettaJackson of Denver Col an auntMr and Mrs Clarke Knowlton ofMemphis Mr and Mrs Isaac Pc ¬

leIs of Memphis Mrs George FousDf Baton Rouge La Mrs CharleaJames of Evansvlllc Miss AnitaVool of Wichita Kan Miss AnnaParks of Nashville Tenn Mr WinIeech of Crlpplo Creek Col an U-ndo of Miss Cox Mr Charlie Coxfrom Ann Arbor Mich Mr JamesHodge of Henderson Ky Mr1 Jos ¬

eph Newbcrn of Memphis0JMnrliron to Jkllw O + vMiss Martha Davis favo a charm

Ing luncheon at 1 oclOCk today ather homo on Kentucky avenue inhonor of tho brldo of the comingweek Miss Louise Cox and her attondants

Tho table was a beautiful schemeIn roso color with spring lowers jl1lacs hyacinths and narcissus artist-Ically


arranged In a centerpiecePinkshaded candles added to thoIpretty effect The placo cards wortmlnaturo fans each containingsome bright and clover saying aboutmarriage Tho menu was a very de-lightful


oneIjho guests Included MIss CoxI

Mrs Saunders Fowler Mrs ThomasHall Miss Anita Wood of KansasMiss Ethel Brooks Miss Ruble Corbolt lIsslElla Sanders


Pretty 1KvrnlnK Card TartyMiss Faith Langstaffs card party

Friday evening at her homo on Ken ¬

tuck avenue was a pretty compli-ment


to her houseguest Miss Jose ¬

phine Gardner of Qiiogue L I anato Miss Elizabeth Scott of Clarksdale-Mlss the visitor of Mlssv MyrtleDecker and Mss Helen Decker Thohouse was a charming spring sym-phony


with Its profusion of lilacsdogwood and apple blossoms usedthroughout the rooms

Miss Mary Boswell captured tin ofirst prize fur the ladles The secondprize wont to Miss Elizabeth Sin ¬

nott The first prize for the gentle-men was won by Mr Thomas Harri ¬

son and Mr Charles Cox secured thosecond A delightful courseluncheonwas served after tho gameII

Thero were twelve tables of guests0Inilurnli III New OrleansMiss Ethel Brooks who Is sponsor

for the James T Wnlbcrt camp U

C Vat the Confederate reunion IInNow Orleans April 2C27 will leaveat 3 11C Wednesday morning with herparty 8ho will bo accompanied byher rather Dr J G Brooks n dieI ¬

tinguished Confederate soldier Hermaids of honor are Miss SUe Thumpsore and Mss Kathleen Whltcflcld oftho city and Miss Anita Wood ofWichita Kan Mrs Bertie V Camp

bell la tho official chaperone Thedays in New Orleans will be veryi

crowded andbrllllant ones and Paducahs pretty sponsor with 1her charmIng coterie will bo acknowledged fa-


In tho gay throng of repre ¬

sentative women of the SouthlandMr David Kbger wno has been ap-

Pointed by Gen H A Tyler es amajor on his staff will leave on Mon-


In advance of the others as hisduties demand his early presence 0the scone He Will bo accompanied I

by his father CapL James Koger aprominent Confederate veteran Ma ¬

jar Kogor will bo a gallant and pop ¬

ular aideA number of the local veterans are

contemplating attending > Dr David1

G ttlurrell Is a delegate > from theJames T Walbert camp and wIN beoccbmpanled by ihls wife who Is aprominent member of the Paducahchapter U D C Mrs Murrell wasa Miss Randolph of Louisiana andI

will be at homo In New Orleans0

Mutlnco Munlcnl ClubThe Matinee Musical club offers aniI

unusually Interesting program forWednesday afternoon at iaeoclocIn thc parlors of the Eagle building fWagner and Liszt being the compos-


Mrs Coo B Hart Is the leaderThe numbers havo been selected withdiscriminating caro and it promisesto be one of the most delightful openmeetings tints popular club has Ar ¬

ranged for Its members and theirguests The guests are limited ttwo for each active and associatemember The program follows

1 Character sketches Mrs II 8I

Wells2 Vocal solo = Elizabeths Pray¬

er from Tannhauscr =WagnerMrs W C Schoflold

3 Violin soloSoleetediProWm Deal

4 Vocal solo Lorcllo LisztMiss Anno Bradehaw

6 Basso Aria from The FlyingDutchman Mr Emmet Bagby

G Plano duct Rhapsodic nomgroiso No 2 LisztMss Nowdl1and Mr Gilbert

7 The Story of Lohengrin MissAllne Bagby

8 Vocal soloElsas Drum j

tram Lohengrin Mrs JamesWelllo

0C-otllllon Club

The IRaster german of the Cotil-lion

iclub on Monday evening at the

Palmer House was a very delightfulaffair It was led by Mr Louis flick eJr The presence of a number J

charming outoftown visitors addedto the attractiveness of the occnsoAmong Those present were lessarid Mosdames Sounders Fowler 13dIuneed Noble George Langstaff Mes >

dames J G Brooks J M BucknThomas Leech Dertlo CampbellMisses Anita Woodof Wichita E1Ut >

beth Scott of Clarksdale MistJosephine Gardner Quogue L LMisses Myrtle Decker Helen DeckEthel Brooks Elizabeth Sinna titHalllo Hlsey Ruth Well Faith Lanstaff Blanche Hills Hattlo TerreMildred Terren Canine Sowell BclCave May Owen Frances ColemanLulu Reel Henrietta Roger SueThompson Judge Walter EvansLouisville Samuel T Stewart ofNow York John Bleecker Loufiche Jr W T Sttirtcvant Cal-houn

tfiche Pat McElrath Jot

Drooloa Edson Hart Morton lionDavid Roger Fred Wade lienDewey Frank Bourne Joo Exn 1

IveiaoniLeechIAlgernoni43tMngazlno ClubMiss Martha Davis was hosless I



Rudy Phillips Ko I


219223 ROADWAY


Whatl YiJ

Gives a woman that distinctionof being well dressed air of chicappearance more than anythingelseher hat and her glovesOur Millinery Department isybeing reinforced daily with newarrivals of hatsafter the rush

tfor Easterand you now have quite a new lot to selectyour bonnet out of We have also received new lot ofiblackand white long silk gloves which are so popular this iseason and car furnish you with these for v

1 VJ1l

V < 1 Per pairj t


t i 1

1ii > t A 1 if < rjP tiI i C

1r r



t j Iut + o

the Magazine Club on Thursday athher homo on Kentucky avenue Jt1

was n hymen Abbott afternoon witha discussion of some of tits leadingApril Magazines and was an espcclaity delightful meeting

Quotations from Lyman Abbotttwere given In opening and MrsHenry Overby followed with an Intot eating character sketch of Abbot L

Titer Outlook of which Lyman Ab-

a bolt Is the editor was ably represented by Mrs George Langstaff Jr

Land Miss Frances Gould MrsScott and Miss Helen Lowry foatureLexcellent resume of the Northcan RevlCw The leadingof Harpers Magazine were delightfully given by Mrs Robert DeckerPhillips The Atlantic Monthly wascleverly reported by Mrs GeorgeFlournoy A beautiful luncheon wasserved after the literary digestt

An informal business session washeld before adjourning devoted prin ¬

cipally to tho coming meeting of theState Federation of Women Clubs aMt Sterling IIn Juno at which tho-

i magazine club will bo representedpetkwomens clubare presenting to the citizens

Tho next meetIng of tho club w1 tbe held on May 10 with Mrs Saun-ders Fowler at her items Edgewood on Woat Broadway It willIbe the final mooting of tho season01nMyo Y

entertained atlcards on Wednesday afternoon at herprottStiteggThese Were distributed from a mlnlature wagon drawn by a rabbit Theyelttlons of the rooms and In thoodeIlghtful luncheon scheme

The first prize was won by MrsLlnneaus Ormo and the second prize byMrs Kate Wilson Miss Clara Thompson captured the lono hand prizeandIthe consolation prize went to MrsHenry Thompson

There were ten tables of guests0Impromptu Orgies RecitalAt 130 today an Informal organ

recital was held at the First Presby ¬

terlan church Mr Hewitt of Louis ¬

yule who has friends In the cltyandIIs passing through was prevailed up-on to sing toan Invited audienceHe Is quilt a delightful soloist MissAda Brazelton accompanied him at

ofthe organ

7qi1anre Last Night

raTho younger society set gave ancnjoyabffe danceiltlhofI5lk8 > HaVlllast evening About twenty couples

erwore present The dance was diaperoned by Sirs W F Dradshaw andMrs Jetta Hobson0Delphic Clubyearserermlhndy of Women Eminent In FrenchTuesdaygCarnegie library ItsessionleI

and able papers Mrs Frank Parham gave a resmue of The Mother

ofof Napoleon1he Times of the

IoulsPhllllpenndlsairsDonheuLlllurtu IEugenicdrreelIIadJournmentbutItr-


noon Tea will be given Tuesday nfternoon May 1 at 4I oclock In theDelphic room at tho library It willlimitedtoNext years program of the DelLItoand Artand theTucday

0Liuirlicon in Visitors i

onterlnlaeiwithdonwyIIItillsJosephinetongIslandFalthTanglartand i

carnations wore Used with effect In

elaboratecoursedelightfulCoverseguests were

raliases Emily Upton JosephineGardner Faith Langstaff ElizabethSlnnottCaveSueRobbIe ¬

ie s

About People

popularSirsIIIwith threatening appendicitis for thepast week or more will be glad to 1

llearn that she Is able to bo up andout again t r

Mr James Hodgo of HendersonKy Is expected this evening to visitDin Henry Ttudy of Kentucky nvopuo Ho comes to attend the CoxRudy wedding On Tuesday eveningI

Vitas Elizabeth Scott of Clarks-dale silos is the attractive guest ofMisses Myrtle and Helen Decker tII

Jefferson Street She arrived pnMonday

Mr Charley Cox has arrlvedjronf iAnn Arbor Mich where heisat


Itending the university to attend the1 v


fRudy Phillips 6 oiiii JtB1V223 BROADWAY 4

r t


L Washgoodsexcep-







yitOur fljl

whiteTIe t



valuesI i


44y4 >




woman will delight in seeing the exceptional valuesi


f we are now showing in our white goodssectlonwhattsheer dainty white stuffs we have imported for her summer 1i

comfort In our linens we have imported directly a much t

larger quantity than heretofore and are offering at wonderfully < tX>

krlow figures by the yard We quote only few prices but the >

whole department is full of good things i rAt Co


1A beautiful line of white figured madras for25c the yard i

Dotted Swiss in embroidered patterns at18C 25C 35C 4OC the yard

36 Inl guaranteed pure linen waists or suitsat25c the yard fIn Union Linen forsklrtsat20c theyardAI36ID shirt waist linen beautiful quality already shrunk at 4QC the yard


Striped and caeck dimities sheer and dainty checks and stripes 1 J s

all sizes af10C 15C 20cI 25C the jard Ij R

Iflin linen cambric a magnificent value for 35c the yard it

1w- rra


rat j


I j2T

< r-

8t223Rudy Phillips







A lEATURE ofthe Queen Quality linebeirig r s

I I4 w IvA

250 and 300 for patent kid allstyles 250to3INFANTS DEPARTMENT


SOc buys patent vamp blue or white silk top Roman sandal 1

SOc buys patent barefoot sandal50 Iv ttd

25c You will be surprised to see the handsome soft soles at J t t> S

< this price t25c b ltdr

150 to 200 buys handsome line of Gibson ties inr Ift r


Ipatent kid r150 to


F 1 1IIr

Itt t

11 >

rrYY twedding of htasl8terMiss LouiseCox and Mr Henry Rudy

Miss Finny Upton of Now Orteens who has peen tho pleasantguest of her aunt Mrs David O

JMurrell during the winter left Thursday for her home Miss Upton Isvery popular In Paducah

The wedding of Mr L K Taylorof this city to Miss Alma PeajjBelcher of Covlngton Ga will take

Wedne6dajThocoulloPaducah and resldo at Hotel Craig

A Singular casePrinceton Ky April 21As next

friend Mrs Bello Glbbs has InstltutjOd suit tori2Q< damages In clrcult court against Mrs Sh1 C Pars ¬

ley for Ed Morris charging aliena ¬

tion of affectlbn of wire of Morrisand procuring attachments of thoproperty of Mrs Parsley The suitwas flied by Attorneys A D Moore

land S D> Hodge airs Parsley andthe young bI1 are gatd to bo la DeepAVater Mo Morris and Miss

orte Parafejr eloped tp Metropolisill1 a abort time ago anj wero marrled there


1U tA

rf e 1I1


Dr Overtoil Brooks May Then Entertime Marine Service

Mr Ovorton Brooks tho son of DrJ Brooks will graduate In medi ¬

clime from the Northwestern Unlver ¬

sity at Chicago June 25th Theyoung physician has gone throughthorough training In the Chicagoschool has had great Jealoactual experience In work here hav-Ing


studied under hla father duringvacations In Puducab

The young man will probably goInto the marine service this being abranch that holds more advantagesand opportunities to young physic ¬

ians He has been In the naval acadonly ItJ Annapolis but left the serv¬

ice preferring to study medicine Howill probably como home td visit hisparents before ho decides on whatcourse he will pursue

centsIt cost go by hotlycars from Toklo Yokohama theport of the Japanese capital Carsstart every five minutes from C Inthe morning toll at night

iL1 tc p




v itV Jrttjii

11 Jj


Itj¬ > I

J r


irI Jr-

K iiii-d qj












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1 l° r

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and a









From Peanut Company for IIIJ JThrough Annoyance Ely rle8Jf i

rJ9hni rrld

against the Southern Peanut cum C Ipang for 2500 damages andjaeejfS Ito effect cessation of operatibn fbl 1the plant of the defendant In a racaaJ-



pany which operates acrpsa the street-In the old mill property at First aqdWashington streets operates itu sucha way that dust flies airoVneighborhood It gets into his houdoitand forces him to keep his hjittcr

rodsides A


Just across tho stfeW

restralllnqoroer b

operating In such a way that It wiltl

inconveniencethe neighbors untljthe matter Is settled Tfie case Jssetfor April 27

Air castles are built on fotion ofIwposetbllltI an a

r t a ta1