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Amran Ethiopia Tour and Travel


Page 1: Excursions




Page 2: Excursions

Addis Ababa (The home of the hominid) - Debre Zeyit

Addis Ababa (“New Flower” in Amharic), the capital city and arrival point for incoming Flights, also the best place to Begin exploring. Addis Founded in 1887 by Emperor Menelik, this Sprawling, and vibrant city of 3 million Inhabitants is home to both the headquarters of the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. This stunning city has a lot of chronological and cultural site seeing placing. Also it is situated above sea level 2,300 2,500meters. Addis also got 13 months of sunshine with a faberable temperature. Inside This Camelot city we also found a lot of attraction places. In exceptionally historian & tourist put this city 1st place that people have to see. So our venture offers the 3,000

mysteries history for you.

Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia is a resort

town, well-known for its five crater

lakes. The serene Lake Hora is an

ideal place to indulge in various

water sports. You can watch a

variety of water birds at the site of

this beautiful lake. An annual

festival is organized here, marked

by joy and fervor

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The other lakes that you will come across while exploring the land of Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia are -

• Lake Koriftu • Lake Bishoftu • Lake Bishoftu Guda • Lake Cheleklaka

Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia is home to the Ethiopian Air Force. The airport in the town is a commercial airport, and is named as Harar Meda Airport. The Addis Ababa - Djibouti Railway connects the town to other parts of the country by rail.

Hundreds of tourists from different parts of the

world come to Debre Zeyit in Ethiopia round the

year. There are various tourist attractions in the

town that are surely worth a visit. Visit these places

of interest and make your trip to Debre Zeyit,

Ethiopia a memorable one.

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Addis Ababa {the capital} - Sodere

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is actually the capital city of Ethiopia. As a most attractive

city, the Addis Ababa has the position of both city and state. There are almost 80

nationalities speaking in various 80 languages. This is actually the grassland-biotic

community. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is conveniently situated at the 9.03° North and

38.74° east. From the lowest area around the Bole International Airport amid the

southern edge to the northern part of the city with more than 3,000 meters in the

Entoto Mountains, Addis Ababa is in easy access to various parts of Ethiopia. The city

lies at the foot of Mount Entoto, and is home to Addis Ababa University.


Located approximately 25 kilometers south of Adama (or Nazret) and 120 kilometers southeast of Addis Ababa in the Misraq Shewa Zone of the Oromia Region with an elevation of 1466 meters above sea level. It is one of five settlements in Adama woreda.

Sodere lies alongside the Awash River and features lush, shady vegetation. Vervet monkeys live on the resort grounds. Crocodiles and, less frequently, hippos may be seen in the nearby Awash River. The hot springs resort, popular for its therapeutic effects, is located outside the town. An Olympic size swimming pool, reportedly empty during the week, is a popular draw for weekenders from Addis Ababa. Other features include a full-service restaurant, and a hotel and conference center.

What to see?

• The forests which fringe the river are also good for birds.

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Addis Ababa - Debre Libanos

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has plenty of places to

travel around during your leisure time. The

Ethiopian National Museum is popular for the

plaster copy of Lucy. This museum is conveniently

situated in between the University of Addis Ababa

Graduate School and Arat Kilo Avenue. This

museum boasts all the important things and

artifacts portraying the history of Ethiopia. You can

also see the Africa Hall, the various historical

palaces and the well-appointed Parliament building

while you go for Ethiopia Tours.

Debre Libanos {the 13c Miracle}

• There is a large naturally heated swimming pool, and a number of smaller pools throughout the grounds of the resort.

• Vervet monkeys and baboons are common in the resort, and

• Visitors can see crocodiles basking along the banks of the Awash River.

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Debre Libanos is a monastery in Ethiopia, lying northwest of Addis Ababa in the Oromia Region. Founded in the thirteenth century by Saint Tekle Haymanot, the monastery’s chief abbot, called the Ichege, was the second most powerful official in the Ethiopian Church after the Abuna.

The monastery complex sits on a terrace between a cliff and the gorgle of one of the tributaries of the Abbay River (the Blue Nile). None of the original buildings of Debre Libanos survive. Current buildings include the church over Tekle Haymanot’s tomb, which Emperor Haile Selassie ordered constructed in 1961; a slightly older Church of the Cross, where Buxton was told a fragment of the True Cross is preserved; and five religious schools.

Along the side of the church, you cross a river and proceed on foot up a hill for about 15 minutes. According to legend, the Ethiopian Saint, Tekle Haimanot, prayed for 7 years (or 29 years, depending who you ask). The legend says that he stood on one foot for so long that the other foot fell off. Sick people queue to receive holy water (which is believed to be a sign of the saint’s prayer).

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Addis Ababa - Adadi Mariam church, Tiya {a Prehistoric

Tale Told in Pictures…}

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Adadi Mariam church

Not far from Addis Ababa, in the Soddo Region, is a field that contains steal found nowhere else in the world. A cemetery was uncovered, with bodies buried in the position of prayer. We are in the very mysterious archeological site of Tiya, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1980. There are 40 steal in this cemetery. It is likely they were warriors, because the sword is the most predominant image on the steal. Bodies of people aged 18 to 30 were found. The largest stele, situated at the entrance of the site, was five meters. There are no fewer than 13 swords engraved on it, which means this warrior killed 13 enemies.

No one has been to determine with any certainty the age of the steal, but the analysis of human remains suggests that they are from the period between the 10th and

15th centuries.

This rock-hewn church is a 600-year-old sanctuary in the building tradition of the northern part of Ethiopia, and marks the advent of Christianity in the southern part of Adadi Mariam. The rock hewn church of Adadi Mariam, contemporaneous with those of Lalibela. In fact local tradition ascribes it to King Lalibela who is said to have had it built on his visit to Mount Zuqwala in 1106. Damaged during the wars with Ahmed Gragn in the 16th century, it fell into disuse and was only reopened in the time of Menelik II. It is today in regular use.

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Addis Ababa-Menagesha-Suba forest and Addis Alem church

Addis Alem church

Addis Alem founded by Menelik II as it was his capital before he moved back to Addis Ababa is famous town for the church of Debre Zion on the top of a small hill. in early 1900 Emperor Menelik II found Addis Ababa to be an “impossible capital” and decided to move to Addis Alem (meaning ‘New World’) where a palace was constructed. However, due to some practical reasons the plan was abandoned. Menelik returned to Addis Ababa in 1902 and the palace was later converted into a church. The church is Debre Tsion St. Mary. The church and sanctuary are decorated with an amazing variety of interesting paintings depicting wildlife, biblical scenes, and various Ethiopian rulers. Near the church a museum contains the clothes and decorations of several former rulers and their families, and south of the church compound is the restored part-time residence of Menelik. Below this building is the large, elliptical former dining hall.

The tukul west of the compound was once the kitchen.

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Menagesha is also known by the churches which are

found around the area. Most of them were built around the

Menelik II era. Also have a lot of museums which includes

books, clothes, artifacts, Ethiopian ancient manuscripts and

old parchments. Some Ethiopian scholars said, menagesha

was the places were the right hands cross of Christ were

placed for a several year before taken to the mount.

Menagesha-Suba forest

The Menagesh Suba Park is known as the oldest park in Africa.

The 14th c emperor Zera Yacob planted its first trees, and the

forest’s rich biodiversity-leopard, giant African forest hog, yellow

fronted parrot and giant juniper trees-is a living testimony to the

foresight of Ethiopia’s “first conservationist.” It is situated some

35kms away from west of Addis Ababa and it is densely wooded

with some 400 years old trees. It is also a sanctuary for several

endemic birds and animals such as the Abyssinian Catbird and the

Menelik Bush Buck.

Addis Ababa- Menagesha churches

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Menagesha also said to be a best place for a short and memorable trekking site…at the top of

mount menagesha we can found 1-3churches with in one compound. Theses churches are not

known by the tourists and some of the local b/c it took a lot of effort to take a journey to see

this spectacular and unique churches. These churches are unique by there constructing styles

…and also these sites considered to be one of the old testimony worshiping places next to

tedbabe mariam & Axum Tsion. There also another mysteries things going on in this place...

legend says, There is a church which is disappearing with 30,000 people and they continue by

saying you almost can hear every day at 06:00am at the morning the mass and smell inces

which is burring through the church …also hearing the songs of the high priests and the people.

Awash National Park

It covers an area of 827 sq km in which most of the area lies at an altitude of around 900 mt with its hot temperature through out the year. Over 400 bird species and few mammals like the endemic Swayne’s Hartebeest, Lesser and Greater Kudu, Defersa waterbuck, Somme ring’s Gazelle, Lion, Hamadryads Baboon and Caracal inhabit Awash National Park. On the other hand, Fantale creator/volcano and on the Southern flank of which can be seen the dark scar of the latest lava flow of 1820 is one of The main features of Awash National Park. The park takes its name from the Awash River which marks the park’s southern boundary. The rivers last gesture is the salt lake, Lake Abbe, on the Ethiopia-Djiboutian border. The park offers quite good wildlife and outstanding birdlife viewing. It also contains an interesting range of volcanic landscapes.

Addis Ababa- Awash National Park

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Addis Ababa –Lake Zeway

Lake Zeway

Lake Zway or Lake Ziway is one of the freshwater Rift Valley lakes of Ethiopia. Lake Zway is 25 kilometers long and 20 km wide, with a surface area of 434 square kilometers. It has a maximum depth of 4 meters and is at an elevation of 1,846 meters. It has five islands which include Debre Sina, Galila, and Bird Island and, perhaps most notably, Tullu Gudo, home to a monastery said to have housed the Ark of the Covenant around the ninth century. The lake is known for its population of birds and hippopotamuses

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Addis Ababa- Debra Brehan and Ankober

Drive 140kms north east of Addis Ababa to visit Debre

Berhan, the city founded by King Zera Yacob (1434-1468). It

was important in the earlier days because of its proximity to

Ankober and the trade route through the rift valley to the

coast. There is a large wool factory and the teacher training

institute in the town. Ankober, located a short distance of

43kms from Debre Berhan, is built on the edge of the great

escarpment of the rift valley. It is also founded by King Zera

Yacob in the 15th C. Ruins of the palace of King Sahle Selassie

and his predecessors are worth visiting in the area.

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Addis Ababa- Blue Nile Gorge

Blue Nile Gorge

The Blue Nile Gorge is situated 225kms.

North of Addis Ababa. This majestic and

massive gorge is the most captivating gorge

in Africa. You feel completely hot when you

drive down to the gorge. The area has a

magnificent, captivating physical feature

and natural beauty.

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Addis Ababa- Melka Kunture

Melka Kunture (Prehistoric site) It is regarded to be one of the most Stone Age sites in Ethiopia. Although no human fossils have ever been found, the layers of rock uncovered by the river (Awash) contain large numbers of Stone Age arte facts such as hand-axes and cleavers.

Melka Kunture lies in the upper awash valley, 50 km south of Addis Abeba. The site, discovered by Gerard Dekker in 1963, was surveyed by Gérard Bailloud in 1964, and then systematically explored by a French mission directed by Jean Chavaillon (1965-1982 / 1993-1995), and subsequently, since 1999, by an Italian mission directed by Marcello Piperno for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in agreement with the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Oromia Culture and Tourism


Addis Ababa- Wanchi Creator Lake

Wanchi Creator Lake It is located at a high volcanically formed steep-walled creator about 27 km south of Ambo. It is an area of heather moor land with very fascinating scenery which makes the visit worthwhile. Ambo is situated 125 kms west of Addis Ababa. It can be reached only after two and half hours drive. The magnificent landscapes, the volcanic Hot springs, surrounded by shady trees are enjoyable. Ambo yields the most popular mineral water in the country. Its hot springs have been turned in to modern spas. After half an hour drive (32kms) south of Ambo on the left side to Wolisso, Lake Wonchi could be reached. The lake lies in unique and irregular shaped basin surrounded by chain of circular height covered by greenish Alpine vegetation.

There is a small monastery church called Saint Kirkos on the island.

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