executive board member name: jon westover – president ......executive board meeting (wednesday,...

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name:_Jon Westover – President DATE 11/1/15 Meetings/Calls/Conferences Executive Board meeting in San Diego General membership meeting in San Diego President’s Council meeting in San Diego Nacac membership meeting in San Diego Conference call with AMC chairs Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities Working with Jeff Gallant and PD for 2 Reach Higher programs that are joint sponsored with MASCA on 11/6 at Stonehill and UMass Lowell Working with Eric Secor and GRAC to secure proclamations/resolutions commemorating NEACAC’s 50 th anniversary for annual meeting Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities Will be representing NEACAC at one of two joint Reach Higher Professional Development Days with MASCA at Stonehill College

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Page 1: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name:_Jon Westover – President DATE 11/1/15


Executive Board meeting in San Diego General membership meeting in San Diego President’s Council meeting in San Diego Nacac membership meeting in San Diego Conference call with AMC chairs

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

Working with Jeff Gallant and PD for 2 Reach Higher programs that are joint sponsored with MASCA on 11/6 at Stonehill and UMass Lowell Working with Eric Secor and GRAC to secure proclamations/resolutions commemorating NEACAC’s 50th anniversary for annual meeting

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities

Will be representing NEACAC at one of two joint Reach Higher Professional Development Days with MASCA at Stonehill College

Page 2: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided
Page 3: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name: Sherri Geller, President-elect DATE October 30, 2015


At NACAC national conference in San Diego: • Attended NACAC Presidents’ Council Meeting • Participated in NEACAC Executive Board meeting (and other meetings on behalf of the Association) • Selected to be a member of national Rising Star award committee; attended first meeting.

Meetings: • Attended kick-off meeting for AMC 2016 (at Northeastern) • Participated in conference calls and in-person meetings about Joint NYSACAC/NEACAC conference in

2018 • Arranged site visit (to be held 11/9/15) for AMC 2017 • Participated in several conference calls regarding plans for NEACAC’s 50th Anniversary celebration.

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

Annual Meeting and Conference Planning Committee: • Plans are well underway; ongoing communication with chair and chair-elect as questions or issues

arise. Sponsorship Committee:

• Committee has thoughtful, strategic plan for networking with and recruiting potential sponsors for AMC 2016. Some “bigger questions” will be addressed soon, about pricing structure and special sponsorship opportunities for 50th Anniversary.

Please see the Committee Chairs’ reports for additional information.

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities

Outgoing committee chairs: • Contacted all committee chairs whose terms expire in 2016 regarding their interest (if appropriate) in

serving for a second term. Phone appointments set up (for week of 11/9, before GB/EB meeting on 11/13) with all outgoing chairs to solicit input about successors. Appointments also set up with chairs interested in returning, about goals/efforts in/appropriateness of a second term. Initial thoughts to be shared with Executive Board at November meeting; paperwork to be complete in mid-December for Governing Board vote/approval at winter meeting.

Page 4: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name:_Marguerite M. Raymo______________________DATE____October 31, 2015______________________________________


Executive Board meeting in San Diego on September 30, 2015. Executive Board Retreat in June 29 and 30, 2015. NEACAC LDI in August 3,4,5,2015 Attended NACAC LDI in July in Minneopolis (July 15-18, 2015). Update on assembly. Chief Assembly Delegate Meeting in San Diego September 30, 2015 Conference calls on Memorandum of Understanding for Super Conference in August and September. Meeting to sign the MOU at San Diego on September 30, 2015.

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

Conference call with Adopt A District to plan next steps. Call planned the week of 11/2/2015 with Admissions Practices Committee Nominating committee has requested nominations and the deadline is 11/15/15. A committee was put in place and there has been communication from the chair.

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities

Review proposals for site for Summer Institute for 2016. Made two site visits. Site selcted.

Page 5: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name: Cindy Jacobs DATE: October 30, 2015


• Attended the Executive Board Meeting at NACAC • Reported out at the Membership meeting at NACAC • Organized the membership meeting at NACAC on October 1st

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

Membership Committee • Email correspondence with Bill Hughen regarding an initial membership meeting. • An email was sent out to the general membership committee for consensus on a date, but I have not

heard back on whether or not a final date was selected. • The next membership meeting will be held at Lowell Tech sometime in December. • Bill has also reached out to the committee for assistance with a few applications.

Idea Committee

• There have been several emails between Sara, Caroline, Shamika Walters and I regarding the Margaret Addis Scholarship. Shamika will be overseeing this scholarship.

• Sara Kratzok and I will be meeting on November 4th to review several important items including the Margaret Addis scholarship and camp college and other IDEA related matters.

• Forwarded Sara information about her budget as she did not attend LDI.

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities


Page 6: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name: Bill K. Jack (Wesleyan University, CT)__________________________DATE Friday, November 13, 2015__________________


Executive Board Meeting (Tuesday, June 2, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NEACAC Annual Meeting and Conference. There are no updates to report. Governing Board Meeting (Tuesday, June 2, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NEACAC Annual Meeting and Conference. There are no updates to report. General Membership Meeting (Thursday, June 4, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NEACAC Annual Meeting and Conference. There are no updates to report. Executive Board Retreat (Monday, June 29, 2015 and Tuesday, June 30, 2015): After what I have referred to as my summertime sabbatical last year, which meant that I did not attend the Executive Board Retreat in summer 2014, it was great to be back in the mix at this year's Executive Board Retreat. As some might know, the first ever Executive Board Retreat took place in Amherst, MA, and although we did not learn this until after our Executive Board Retreat took place, it was very neat to be back in this location as we kicked off NEACAC's 50th Anniversary. Executive Board Meeting (Monday, August 3, 2015): This meeting occurred at the Leadership Development Institute. One of the things that I brought up during this meeting was on the topic of taking minutes, how minutes should be taken, who should be able to see minutes, and more. Those present agreed that it would be a good idea for me to reach out to my affiliate counterparts to see how minutes are handled across the country. Leadership Development Institute (Tuesday, August 4, 2015 and Wednesday, August 5, 2015): Just as I did during LDI 2013, I took a good amount of notes during LDI. Although notes taken during the workshops and trainings are not minutes that will require Governing Board approval, I was happy to take them so that there would be a record of what was discussed. And, since there were several people who were unable to attend, I wanted to have some sort of notes to provide to them. Also during LDI, I gave a presentation about rules of order and parliamentary procedure. Governing Board Meeting (Wednesday, August 5, 2015): This meeting occurred at the Leadership Development Institute. There are no updates to report. Governing Board Special Electronic Vote (Friday, August 28, 2015 through Tuesday, September 1, 2015): Over the past few years, the Governing Board has utilized conference calls and electronic votes in order to

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conduct business. This year did not waste any time, and we held a special electronic vote only weeks after LDI. That special electronic vote was actually two votes in one, both of which were related to committee chair appointments to two ad hoc committees which the Governing Board had approved during their August 5 meeting. Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided a summary report of my findings on the topic of how the other affiliates handle meeting minutes. General Membership Meeting (Thursday, October 1, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. There are no updates to report. As usual, there have been numerous e-mail communications since the time of my previous report, chiefly with the members of the Executive and Governing Boards.

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

Articles of Organization and Bylaws Committee (Jayson Hodge): Due to some scheduling conflicts, I did not connect with Jayson during the one-on-one liaison conversations during the Tuesday afternoon of LDI, but Jayson and I have been in communication periodically since the Executive Board Retreat. For more information about the committee's work, refer to Jayson's committee report. Communication Services Committee (Lisa Ellrich): Lisa and I had a really good one-on-one liaison conversation during the Tuesday afternoon of LDI to talk about how the past two years of her tenure have been and how this next year is shaping up. During the summer, her committee oversaw the execution of a communication survey to the membership, which proved very revealing about some of the things that the association should be doing. In fact, despite being done during the summer months, so many people participated in the survey that we exceeded the number of participants that a free SurveyMonkey account allows. There are some nice changes that Lisa and her committee will need to explore this year. For more information about the committee's work, refer to Lisa's committee report.

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities

Policy and Procedure Manual: I took responsibility over updating the Policy and Procedure Manual for 2015-2016. It was definitely a time-consuming endeavor, but fortunately I did not have to go at it alone. A huge thanks to Brandon Gomez from the College of the Holy Cross for his careful eye and keen attention to detail. While I was able to focus my energy on updating content, Brandon was the mastermind being style and formatting. Although normally we would want to have the Policy and Procedure Manual updated in time for LDI so that Governing Board members can sign their various forms and policies, unfortunately the updates were not available in time, but since the updates have been made in time for the November Governing Board meeting, Governing Board members will be able to sign the appropriate forms and policies at that meeting. Minutes: As was mentioned elsewhere in this report, one of the things that I did since my previous report was reaching

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out to my affiliate counterparts about how they handle minutes. It was a great way to connect with my counterparts, which I have not done previously, but also a really interesting exercise because it really revealed what I suspected: each affiliate handles minutes in their own way that works for them. Executive Board Reports and Committee Chair Reports: We are trying something new this year. Traditionally, the executive administrator/director is the one who has sent reminders to Executive and Governing Board members to complete their forms, been the person to whom reports were sent, and been the person who compiled all the reports, we are going to have the secretary do this. Not only is this a way to help take the burden off of the plate of the executive director/administrator, but the secretary already needs to contact the Governing Board members prior to each meeting to provide a copy of the previous meeting's minutes, but this will allow her/him to also be the one to send the compiled reports that will be part of the consent agenda. Also new this year is that the ad hoc committee chairs will be required to submit a committee chair report. One thing that is not a change this year is that each standing committee will be required to provide an oral report at one Governing Board meeting per year. For whichever meeting that committee chair provides an oral report, she/he will not need to provide a written report.

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Rev LKO 2013

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Date: October 30, 2015

Executive Board Member Name: Eric Nichols Position: Treasurer

Institution: Saint Anselm College

Meetings/Calls/Conferences o Executive Board Meeting – September 30, 2015

o National Finance Committee Meeting/Treasurer’s Counterpart Meeting – October 1, 2015 o NEACAC General Membership Meeting – October 1, 2015 o NACAC Conference – September 30 – October 3, 2015

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

o Current Trends o Communicated at LDI to discuss plans for the year

o Finance o Communicated prior to NACAC to share updates

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities

o Weekly expense updates sent to bookkeeper o Monthly payroll reports sent to bookkeeper o Paid NEACAC invoices and reimbursements o Prepared budget, statements, and Financial Report for Executive Board and General

Membership Meetings at NACAC Prepared budget and statements for November Executive Board and Governing Board Meetings

o Reviewed financial aspects of bids for Summer Institute o Communicated with Payroll Company o Communicated with Merrill Lynch

Page 10: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT Executive Board Member Name:_______Caroline Dana_____________________DATE_________October 27,2015_____________________


Call with Sponsorship (C.Brown & J. Portu) to discuss AMC and registration process. Call with Dash to review AMC Registration form and process. Waiting for edits. Call with AMC Mobil App Guidebook to review and contract for 2016. Call with Shamika Cameron to begins MAMS process (postcard, nomination form, deadlines) Call scheduled with Mo Zelaya regarding Web site RFP Attended first AMC meeting at Northeastern University. Will attend November 19th meeting Attended Summer Institute 2016 Site visit. Will attend AMC 2017 site visit.

Communication with Committees Liaison Responsibilities

Conference call with hosts of Washington County Community College & U.Maine Presque Isle about whether to continue the College Fair. Will speak with Orono to see if they can extend fair to accommodate students. May survey Down East counselors. Calls and with Hadley regarding 2 year committee. Jon will apply for Transfer Grant. The committee is asking 4 year schools for scholarships to send committee to AMC. Recipients will submit proposals to present transfer related sessions at AMC. Sent file of all 2 year members as FYI to Hadley.

Other Executive Board-Related Responsibilities

Still re-invoicing for Fall Fairs and membership. Sent 10 Fair refunds. SIAF registration, invoicing and payment completed. Opened Nominations, AMC Session Proposals, Faculty Applications for ASSCI. Race to Nowhere- 5 requests Constant Contact monthly Emails for 50th celebration. Posted on homepage of web site. Pulling year end Income for Bookkeeper. Calls out to Dash…….

Page 11: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: ___October 31, 2015________________

Committee Name: Admission Practices Chair(s) & Institutions: Jim Fowler, Salve Regina University, Kathi Moody, Lynnfield High School

Committee Members & Institutions: Liz Hamlin-Volz UVM, Eric Nichols-St.Anselm College, Brandy LaPointe- Cape Elizabeth High School, Brenda Poznanski-

Bishop Guertin HS, Michelle Cloutier-Bryant, Jill Britton,Paual Kennedy-Southern CT State

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Meeting scheduled for 11/13/15 Review changes to SPGP, discuss current cases, develop calendar for the year

I. Professional Community III. Knowledge Expertise Recognition Work toward building committee to have representation from both high school and college representatives.

Attended NACAC AP Chair Counterparts meeting. Met with National Committee members and discussed committee practices, reporting procedures and current iniatives.

I.Professional Community Incorporate NACAC policies and practices in the NEACAC frameworks.

Ongoing discussion of cases, responding to emails from the NEACAC website, providing guidance to counselors who have procedural questions.

IV Advocacy

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Date: _10/28/2015________________________________

Committee Name: _Annual Meeting & Conference_______ Chair(s) & Institutions: Kate Gerbode-Grant, The College Board; Diane Soboski, College of the Holy


Committee Members & Institutions: See attached roster._______________________________________________________________


Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Invited Members to Annual Meeting & Conference Committee July/August

When creating the committee, we were mindful to invite people from all aspects of our professional community. We increased our involvement of secondary schools, public universities and community based organizations. We also established a 50th Anniversary committee for this year to ensure that we celebrate our organization’s milestone in all aspects of the conference.

Sub- Committee Chair Meeting August 21, 2015

Initial meeting held at Northeastern University to tour the institution and begin planning. Goals for each committee were established guided by NEACAC’s Mission and Strategic Framework. Special consideration went into ensuring that our member’s professional development needs are met as well as honoring our organization’s 50th year.

Held Conference Calls with all Sub-Committee Chairs September

Followed up with goals set at August 21 meeting, reviewed individual committee budgets, set expectations for sub-committee chairs, discussed marketing plans, curated an ongoing list of ‘to-dos’ for each committee, discussed future meeting dates/locations and evaluated any new ideas since the August meeting. Our sub-committees will make progress towards the strategic framework in the following ways: Community Service: will support the strategic framework of advocacy by continuing their work at a local underserved high school. They will also support the strategic framework of knowledge, expertise, and recognition since they will be seen as a recognized and trusted source of knowledge during their presentations. Additionally, Community Service will continue to raise funds that will go to the Imagine Fund and Make a Difference Fund which will help support the framework of professional community

Page 13: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

and advocacy.

Sponsorship: will support the strategic frameworks or organizational effectiveness through their efforts to create income for the organization. During the NACAC conference, we engaged with long-time and new sponsors to encourage them to consider sponsoring in June.

Newcomers: will support the strategic framework of professional community by supporting and welcoming new attendees to the conference. They will also encourage and cultivate participation in our organization to newcomers by connecting them with mentors and organizational resources.

Pre-Conference: will support the strategic framework through providing professional development opportunities. In selecting themes for these workshops, the broad needs and interest of the membership are taken into consideration, especially those groups with which we are trying to engage more in NEACAC. Additionally, length and pricing is being reviewed again to ensure that we meet the requests and needs of our membership. Pre-Conference will also support the strategic framework of knowledge, expertise, and recognition as it will allow members of our association to present and be seen as an “organization of experts”. We also will consider topics that promote advocacy. These topics could include policy and national issues.

Programming: will support numerous frameworks by providing session content on varied professional development topics. They will focus on curating content for sessions including topics ethical and processional standards, advocating for students, diverse student populations, college access and regional/national issues. They will also ensure that there are sessions for all our membership categories including secondary school counselors, community colleges, college access organizations, and independent counselors.

In conjunction with our 50th anniversary ad-hoc committee, Programming is working towards connecting voices from the past, present and future

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so that experts from our professional community across multiple generations engage with one another.

Communications: will support the strategic frameworks of professional community as they ensure that outreach regarding the conference reaches all member segments by utilizing the various channels available. They will target traditionally underrepresented populations at the conference. As well, they will market NEACAC as an “organization of experts”. We will continue the use of a mobile application that allows members to be more engaged and informed during the conference. In conjunction with the 50th anniversary ad-hoc committee, Communications will pay special attention to our history and celebration of our organization’s milestone while promoting the professional development opportunities at the conference. Entertainment and Recreation: will support the framework as they provide fun and relaxing ways for the membership to interact with each other outside of formal networking events. Secondary School Counselor: will support the strategic framework in a number of ways including advocacy by presenting workshops during the conference geared specifically to secondary school counselors, CBOs and other partners. Also, the strategic framework will be supported through Knowledge, Expertise and Recognition, by organizing a counselor bus tour in the area that will provide greater knowledge about specific institutions to those who attend and will help build better partnerships within our professional community.

Explored Keynote Speakers The committee has explored a number of keynote speakers. At the time of this report, we have identified and tentatively confirmed a nationally known and respected member of our profession. A draft contract is expected by the end of October.

Counselor Bus Tour With the significant opportunity that Northeastern’ s location brings to our membership, the Secondary School Counselor committee chairs have conducted a survey to solicit feedback on what types of programming secondary counselors would like to see at the conference as well as a preferred list of institutions to visit on a bus or walking tour. Tour

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institutions will be discussed and confirmed shortly after the November meeting.

50th Anniversary Celebration We are working continuously with the 50th Anniversary ad-hoc committee, the president, president-elect and Northeastern to ensure that the organization’s milestone is celebrated appropriately and throughout all aspects of the conference.

Page 16: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: __10/30/15

Committee Name: _College Fair Chair(s) & Institutions: ___Joe DiCarlo, Worcester State University

Committee Members & Institutions: __On-site Coordinators_____________________________________________________________



Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Completed the fall 2015 college fair schedule. Thirteen fairs were held throughout New England. Evaluations of the fairs are being collected and will be shares with each host site. Host-sites are preparing their reimbursement paperwork and submitting to the college fair chair for review and approval.

College fairs support NEACAC’s commitment to increase knowledge of post-secondary school options to students, along with delivering meaningful services to its members.

A conference call took place with Caroline Dana and the on-site coordinators from Washington County Community College and UMAINE-Machias. Conversations around continuing to hold this far due to low attendance where discussed. It is likely that this fair will be cancelled in the future. Beforehand, the college fair chair and Caroline will consult with UMAINE Orono to determine if they may be able to support students from Washington Co. by extending their fair hours. To address this same concern, UMAINE Augusta will offer an evening portion of their fair for the first time in Spring 2016

Planning will start of the spring 2016 college fair schedule soon. A new fair has been added and will be held at Mitchell College in CT.

Page 17: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: ___11-3-2015______________________________

Committee Name: ___Current Trends_______________________ Chair(s) & Institutions: Brenda Poznanski, Bishop Guertin High School__

Committee Members & Institutions: Alyssa Frank, Boston Latin School; Amy Swords, Campus Bound; Caroline Dana, NEACAC; Catherine McGraw, Williston

Northampton School; Christi Parlon, Dean College; Craig Plummer, The College Connection; Cristan Harris, Williams School; Eliza Dwyer, UVM; Jacklyn Haas,

Salem State; Jennifer Lynch, Greenwich HS; Jill Britton, Westbrook HS; Jim Cristiano, Merrimack College; Jim Tweed, Lasell College; Julia Varriale, UCLA, Kathy

Strand, College SearchU; Keyiona Ritchey, UVM; Sarah Morales, Suffolk University; Stephanie Rudzinski, WPI; Terry Ward, Providence Country Day; Zach

Weilgus, BC.

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework 11-2-2015 Meeting held at WPI – 2:30 – 5pm.

• Worked on purpose of the committee and how we can best serve the membership

• Discussion of future activities sponsored by the Current Trends Committee

• EBlast serial • AMC ideas • Enrollment Management Forum planning • Development of subcommittees

These activities hit on all three segments of the Strategic Plan. Additional Meetings: End of January (exact date TBA) full committee meeting Ongoing – subcommittee work – conference calls and meetings

• Continue discussions of future activities • Enrollment Management Forum • AMC proposals • EBlast activities

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Page 19: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: November 1, 2015

Committee Name: Finance Chair(s) & Institutions: Mario Silva-Rosa, Assumption College

Committee Members & Institutions: Emma Brown (Stonehill), Jessica Murray (UVM), Kathleen Farmer (St. Anselm), Shamika Cameron (Emmanuel), Tricia

Bergantino (Providence), David Volain (UVM), Steve McGrath (NH Trio Program), Bob MacLellan (Hebron Academy), Ronn Beck (Dean), Timothy Cushing

(Wheaton), Eric Nichols (St. Anslem), Jacklyn Haas (Salem State)

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Meeting – Will be meeting to discuss the agenda and goals for this coming year, including budget, record retention policy, investment updates and current fiscal health of NEACAC.

Looking to meet for a projected total of 3 times between November 2015 and June 2016. This is to ensure that all initiatives and investments support NEACAC’s mission.

Budget Development – Work with committees and liaison to address current budget allocations as well as the development process for budget requests for the fiscal year 2016-17.

Monitor use of funds and gather requests to decide on appropriate levels of future funding. Ensure that we have in place a sound strategic practice and provide fiscal responsibility.

Record Retention Policy – Sub-committee will work on the development of a policy to ensure proper handling of NEACAC records.

This is to make sure that NEACAC continues to keep clear records and they are properly maintained and secured.

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2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: ___________10/30/15______________________

Committee Name: ________Government Relations__________________________ Chair(s) & Institutions: _____Eric Secor University of New Hampshire____

Committee Members & Institutions: ___________Attached_____________________________________________________________________



Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Ap Fee Waiver Conversation -Being revisited by NACAC on Nov 2.

In progress-Help members and policymakers understand and

better serve an increasingly diverse student population.

Washington DC Planning -In progress

In progress- Provide resources to enable members to best serve their


AMC Event Planning -In progress

In progress-

Expand partnerships with organizations that support NEACAC’s mission and best practices regarding student access and success

Keep members informed about issues that impact access to

higher education and provide members with the information and means to contact elected officials and other policy makers.

Government Recognition –in progress

In progress-Engage members and state and regional policymakers on issues relevant to our profession through advocacy efforts

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Page 22: Executive Board Member Name: Jon Westover – President ......Executive Board Meeting (Wednesday, September 30, 2015): This meeting occurred at the NACAC National Conference. I provided

2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: __10/30/2015_______________________________

Committee Name: ___IDEA_______________________________ Chair(s) & Institutions: ____Sara Kratzok, Collegewise______________________________

Committee Members & Institutions: Adina Goodman, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Ann Hellman, Bottom Line; Brenna Heinz, MIT; Brooke Libby, Gould

Academy; Caitlin Cotter, University of Rhode Island; Chizu Shiono, Dynamy Internship Year; Coutney Kipp, Northeastern University; Dora Barnes, West Haven

High School; Ellen Johnson, Simmons College; Emily Sheldon, MIT; Erin Brandt, Northeastern University; Erin Earle, University of Rhode Island; Jacklyn Hass,

Salem State University; Jill Reitzell, Lasell College; Joshua Kellogg, University of New Hampshire; Julliana Jennings, Bentley University; Kashema Jennings, East

Granby High School; Kate Botelho, Lasell College; Kelsey Cromie, Wheaton College; Keyiona Ritchey, University of Vermont; Kristen Calahane, Wheaton College;

Lauren Caputo, Manhatanville College; Lilliam Abreu, Community College of Rhode Island; Lisa Ellrich, University of Maine at Farmington; Mary Carper, Alvirne

High School; McDonald Johnson, Community Financial Literacy; Priscilla Alicea, Bryant University; Raul Cervantes, College Visions; Ruby Morris-Jones,

University of Rhode Island; Sara Kratzok, Collegewise; Shamika Cameron, Roger Williams University; Sharon Vetch, Housatonick Valley Regional High School;

Sharonda Dailey, Choate Rosemary Hall; Tricia Culver, Lasell College

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework No meetings have been held yet- we are currently planning a January meeting, and several IDEA members have offered to host at their institutions.

I. I. Professional Community- the 34 members of IDEA represe a broad range of institutions a. a. Public Universities- 7 members b. b. Public High Schools- 4 members c. c. Community Colleges- 1 member d. d. College Access Organizations- 4 members e. e. Independent Counselors- 1 member f. f. (Remaining members work for private colleges

and high schools) All returning and new IDEA members have been assigned a subcommittee (Annual Meeting and Conference, Camp College, Essay Writing Contest, Make a Difference Fund, and Margaret Addis Memorial Scholars). All sub-committees have also been assigned a chair.

a. II. Organizational Effectiveness b. a. Clear membership records have been kept and

shared with NEACAC c. b. Current roles and responsibilities have been

communicated clearly to sub-committee chairs and all IDEA members

Margaret Addis Memorial Scholarship Committee- Shamika Cameron serving as then new chair of this subcommittee and has been

a. I. Professional Community b. a. Supports and promote professional developmen

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communicating with NEACAC admin regarding updating the application and getting things ready for next year’s nomination proces

c. b. Delivers meaningful services and value a membership segment (funds secondary counselors from under-represented areas)

d. c. Promotes membership and increase involvemen of public high schools and college access organizations

e. d. Engages membership and grow leaders from different member segments and geographic areas within the region.

f. II. Knowledge, Expertise, and Recognition g. a. Develops, enhances, and continues training

opportunities in relevant priority areas. h. b. Provides a range of professional development

opportunities for various membership segments.

The Essay Writing Contest continues to be chaired by Lilliam Abreu, CCRI and Jacklyn Hass, Salem State University. The Make a Differen Fund continues to be chaired by Julliana Jennings, Bentley University Both sub-committees will be more engaged in the new year (the Essay Contest is a spring event, and the first MADF deadline for this academ year is December 15th).

a. I. Professional Community b. a. Promotes membership and increase involvemen

of public universities and high schools, community colleges, college access organizations, and independent counselors throughout New England.

c. II. Knowledge, Expertise, and Recognition d. a. Continues to connect members and the public to

our various resources: human, financial, organizational electronic/technological, and printed.

e. b. Provides a range of professional development opportunities for various membership segments.

f. III. Advocacy g. a. Provides resources to enable members to best

serve their students.

Erin Earle, University of Rhode Island, is continuing to chair the Annu Meeting and Conference sub-committee and is working with her committee to ensure that IDEA sponsors access-oriented sessions at th AMC.

a. I. Professional Community b. a. Delivers meaningful services and value for each

membership segment. c. b. Promotes membership and increases involveme

of public universities and high schools, community colleges, college access organizations, and independent counselors throughout New England.

d. II. Advocacy e. a. Provides resources to enable members to best

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serve their students.

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NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: Due October 23, 2015 Committee Name: Membership  Chair(s) & Institutions: Bill Hughen, Hudson School District 

Committee Members & Institutions:  Chizu Beck, Independent Counselor, Cindy Jacobs, Malden Catholic, Jacklyn Haas, Salem State, Jennifer Hornby, Hingham 

High School, Molly Dever, Emmanuel College, Sharon Veatch,Housatonic Valley Regional High School, Tim Kelly, Boston University, Rebecca Kosakowski, Midcoast 

College Counseling, LLC, Tracy Encarnacao, Haverhill School District, Ryan Scheuer, Northeastern University, Bob Martin, Mitchell College, Kathryn Dromey, 

Northampton High School, Janelle Holmboe, American International University 


Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework I have planned out first meeting to be held at Greater Lowell Tech hosted by Tracy Encarnacao.

The goal for this meeting is to review all applications that are pending and to distribute them to the committee members for follow up.

We will continue to discuss ways in which we can get the word out about NEACAC with the intent of increasing membership with quantity AND quality.

We will discuss how membership can help celebrate the 50th anniversary NEACAC has this year.

We will review the current website to analyze its ease of use so we can provide feedback regarding any potential changes.

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2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: _October, 2015____________________________

Committee Name: Professional Development Chair(s) & Institutions: Jeff Gallant, Boston College

Committee Members & Institutions: Lilliam Abreu (Community College of Rhode Island), Kristen Banks (Fitchburg State University), Erin Brandt

(Northeastern University), Maddie Brodeur (Simmons College), Emma Brown (Stonehill College), James Brown (Alvirne High School), Shamika Cameron

(Rodger Williams University), Tommaso Canetta (Babson College), Christopher Charron (Bishop Feehan High School), Jonathan Crocker (Avon Old

Farms), Erika Couture (Saint Anselm College), Lauren Cunniffe, (Stoneleigh-Burnham School), Timothy Cushing (Wheaton College), Lisa Ellrich (University

of Maine Farmington), Kathleen Farmer (Saint Anselm College), Susie Furrow (Maine Central Institute), Christopher Fox (University of Southern Maine),

Karen Gerrior-Mariani (High Point University), Diana Gingles (Providence College), Christopher Gray (Lasell College), Kayte Hager (Boston College),

Cristan Harris (Williams School), Erika Howe (Simmons College), Kate Innes (Emmanuel College), Bill Jack (Wesleyan University), Cindy Jacobs (Malden

Catholic High School), Tim Kelly (Boston University), Courtney Kipp (Northeastern University), Kim Major (Saint Anselm College), Tara Manzello (Fitchburg

State University), Cortney Martel (Emmanuel College), Katie Metevier (M.I.T.), Katherine Miele (University of South Carolina), Jeffrey Portu (Northeastern

University), Jill Reitzell (Lasell College), Danny Richer (Saint Anselm College), Elizabeth Santiago (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Linda

Shapiro, Diane Soboski (Holy Cross), Kiel Szivos (Fitchburg State University), Sharon Veatch (Housatonic Valley Regional High School), Dave Weber

(Boston College)

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Summer Institute: NEACAC's 40th Summer Institute was held Monday, July 27th –Thursday, July 30th 2015 at UMass-Lowell. Nearly 100 admission and school counselors participated in the four-day program. Cindy Jacobs did excellent work planning and executing this historic Institute. 2016 Chairperson Chris Charron, Chair-Elect Sara Brookshire and the committee announced recently that the 41st edition of Summer Institute will take place July 25th - 28th at Providence College. Thanks to Marguerite Raymo for coordinating the site selection process. The faculty has been selected and plans are underway.

“Develop, enhance, and continue training opportunities in relevant priority areas” (III. Knowledge, Expertise, Recognition). “Celebrate and appropriately honor Association and member milestones.” (II. Organization Effectiveness) Recent Summer Institutes have come in under budget promoting “strategic and prudent financial management”. (II. Organizational Effectiveness).

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Students in Admissions Forum: On Sunday, September 20th, Stonehill College graciously hosted the 2015 Students in Admissions Forum. We welcomed 197 students and staff to the program from over 20 institutions throughout New England. This year’s conference was chaired by Emma Brown from Stonehill College and co-chaired by Jeff Portu from Northeastern University; also on the planning committee were Kristen Banks, Bill Jack, Karen Gerrior, Diane Soboski, Kiel Szibos, Cortney Martel, Lisa Ellrich, Diana Gingles, and Tim Cushing. Our keynote speaker this year was Stonehill College Communications Professor Nicole Conlon-McCombe. This year’s event celebrated the 50th anniversary of NEACAC. Emma, Jeff and their team deserve recognition for their efforts to make SIAF 2015 the success it was.

“Engage membership and grow leaders from different member segments and geographic areas within the region (I. Professional Community)” “Develop, enhance, and continue training opportunities in relevant priority areas” (III. Knowledge, Expertise, Recognition). “Celebrate and appropriately honor Association and member milestones.” (II. Organization Effectiveness)

Colleagues in Conversation: We held 4 Colleagues in Conversation programs this travel season. Colleagues in Conversation are designed to be times for admission and school counseling colleagues to gather together and enjoy some downtime during the busy travel season. On September 15th, 14 counselors met at CBS Scene at Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA. This evening was organized by Chris Charron (Bishop Feehan). Additional programs were offered in New Hampshire on September 21st (Erika Howe, Simmons College), Maine on September 27th (Emma Brown, Stonehill College), and in Connecticut on October 21st (Courtney Kipp, Northeastern University, Diana Gingles, Providence College and Katherine Miele, University of South Carolina). The entire effort was coordinated by Tim Cushing from Wheaton College. Attendance was very strong this year thanks to the efforts of Tim and other leaders – ranging from 17 to 30 participants at each event.

“Celebrate and appropriately honor Association and member milestones.” (II. Organization Effectiveness) “Provide a range of professional development opportunities for various membership segmants.” (III. Knowledge, Expertise, and Recognition)

Reach Higher: The Professional Development Committee, partnering with with the Massachusetts School Counselors Association (MASCA), will present a full-day of professional development workshops on Friday, November 6th. There will be two programs offered that day – a program at Stonehill College, and another at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Both programs will run from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm and will be free for school counselors to attend. Multiple institutions and schools from around New England, MEFA and the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will be represented.

We will certainly continue to look for ways to “deliver meaningful services and value” for this population of NEACAC members (I. Professional Community). Provide resources to enable members to best serve their students (IV. Advocacy).

Expand partnerships with organizations that support NEACAC’s mission and best practices regarding student access and success (IV. Advocacy).

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ASSCSI: Cindy Jacobs and I assisted ASSCSI Chairwoman Moira McKinnon (Berwick Academy) in conducting site visits to five institutions culminating with Simmons College being selected as the host campus of ASSCSI 2016. ASSCSI will take place at Simmons College, July 13 - 15, 2016. The theme is "Restoring Mental Balance to the College Search." Faculty applications are due November 1st.

“Develop, enhance, and continue training opportunities in relevant priority areas” (III. Knowledge, Expertise, Recognition). IV. Advocacy

Middle Management Workshop: Kate Innes (Emmanuel College) and Tim Kelly (Boston University) have agreed to return to lead the Middle Management Workshop 2016. The planning process has begun between Kate, Tim, Kelly Richards, Kate Gerbode-Grant, Diane Soboski and Jackie Hass from the NEACAC AMC Planning Committee. RLC 2015 participants are invited to participate in MMW this year.

“Develop, enhance, and continue training opportunities in relevant priority areas” (III. Knowledge, Expertise, Recognition). Engage membership and grow leaders from different member segments and geographic areas within the region (I. Professional Community).

Rising Leaders Colloquium: The second-ever Rising Leaders Colloquium was a huge success at UMaine-Farmington, which proved to be a gracious and outstanding host. Chairwoman Kelly Richards did a great job leading ten faculty mentors -- Anne Richardson, Kents Hill; Lisa Ellrich, UMF; Jackie Haas, Salem State; Dan Monahan, Cheshire Academy; Danny Richer, St. Anselm; Jon Henry, Husson University; Moira McKinnon, Berwick Academy; Brooke Libby, Gould Academy; Jenn Cluett, WPI. Programming centered on Tom Roth's STRENGTH FINDERS 2.0. In addition to UMF, Bates College sponsored an afternoon program and tour. Our goal is a poster presentation featuring participants’ year-long projects and a reception as part of the Middle Management Workshop during AMC.

“Develop, enhance, and continue training opportunities in relevant priority areas” (III. Knowledge, Expertise, Recognition). Engage membership and grow leaders from different member segments and geographic areas within the region (I. Professional Community).

Professional Development Chair Selection: Call planned with NEACAC President-Elect Sherri Geller to discuss candidates to become NEACAC’s next PD Chairperson.

I. (Professional Community)

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2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: ____10/30/2015_______________________

Committee Name: __Sponsorship________________________ Chair(s) & Institutions: ___Jeff Portu, Northeastern University___________________

Committee Members & Institutions: Christine Brown (Cape Cod Academy), Christina Parlon (Dean College), Erin Brandt (Northeastern University),

JoAnna Bishop (Lasell College), Patrick Cameron (Becker College)

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework Prospective Sponsor Outreach: At NACAC in San Diego, the committee, in conjunction with the AMC committee chairs, worked to publicize and encourage sponsors of the 2016 Annual Meeting and Conference. The committee produced post cards to be distributed to potential sponsors. Since then, there has been ongoing relationship management as we prepare the 2016 sponsor opportunities.

NACAC has traditionally been the best way to connect with sponsors, both to maintain relationships with sponsors that have supported us in the past as well as create new connections on behalf of the organization. This work will continue to allow the committee to strive for larger goals and initiatives.

2016 AMC Sponsor Planning: Work has begun to plan the sponsorship opportunities that we will be offering to sponsors at 2016 AMC. The hope is, similar to NACAC, to have a longer time that attendees are able to interact with the sponsors though a more centrally located and open-ended exhibitor time. We hope to pair this with the success of past networking hours and more unique opportunities to provide amenities to the AMC. In looking to a different pricing structure, we have looked to other regional ACACs, especially New York, which will allow for an easier transition for the 2018 combined AMC.

Understanding that AMC is the main revenue provider for the Sponsorship Committee, effective sponsorship planning is crucial to the success of the committee. New and effective initiatives will ideally increase the monetary success of the sponsorship committee.

Sponsor Database Maintenance: Based on the updated information received, work has been done to maintain and update the sponsor database.

This allows our committee to be as up to date as possible, ensuring that any future work that is done can be directed to the correct contact persons within our sponsoring organizations.

Sponsor Invitations: In November and December, once the AMC Sponsor opportunities have been laid out, we will send individualized invitations to become a sponsor at this year’s AMC, reaching out first to previous sponsors, then to other connections

This plan will allow us to engage sponsors for AMC early in the planning cycle as well as promote past relationships.

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2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: ___November 13, 2015___________________________

Committee Name: __Two Year Colleges Committee Chair(s) & Institutions: _Hadley Camilus, Qunisigamond Community College

Committee Members & Institutions: ________________________________________________________________________________



Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework The association re-applied for the NACAC Transfer Grant Scholarship.

The Transfer Grant scholarship allows more counselors from two-year colleges, community based organizations, and 4-year transfer counselors to attend the Annual meeting.

Reached out to some 4-year institutions about the possibility of sponsoring members served by the Two-Year Colleges committee to attend the Annual Meeting.

The aim of this initiative is the same as above,

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2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: ______________10/30/15___________________

Committee Name: __Adopt-A-District ad hoc________________________________ Chair(s) & Institutions: _Donna M. Lyons, Longmeadow HS

Committee Members & Institutions: _Madeleine Bergstrom/Western New England University, Marguerite Raymo/Jonathan Law HS, Jayson Hodge/University

of Connecticut, Paula Kennedy/Southern Connecticut State University, Rich Veres/Agawam HS

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework The committee met via conference call to discuss selecting a meeting date with superintendent of schools in Bridgeport, CT.

I. Professional Community Added three new members from CT representing the college and high school side.

The committee plans to communicate via email to brainstorm possible PD events that could be provided by NEACAC.

I. Professional Community The goal is to support and promote long-term professional growth with counselors in Bridgeport

Committee members to meet with superintendent in November to present the Adopt-A-District proposal.

III. Knowledge, Expertise, and Recognition and IV. Advocacy

The end goal being to provide a range of professional development to the counselors of an underserved district and provide resources to enable members to best serve their students.

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2015-2016 NEACAC COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Date: 10/23/2015

Committee Name: Ad Hoc Committee on International Resources for Secondary School Counselors

Chair(s) & Institutions: Anne Richardson, Kents Hill School

Committee Members & Institutions: Brenda Poznanski – Bishop Guertin High School, Joyce Vining Morgan – Educational Transitions, Alan Haas –

Educational Futures, Ronn Beck – Salve Regina University, Chizu Shiono, Independent Counselor, Lisa Partridge – Tilton School, Jim Richardson –

Marianapolis Prep School, Alison Gilroy – Natick High School

Committee Work/Meetings Progress Toward Strategic Framework We have just begun our work and are having our first conference call on November 4th.