exploration of the new world

Exploration of the New World ESSENTIAL QUESTION What impact did European contact have on the Native Americans in the New World? Why did European countries (such as France, Spain, and Great Britain) explore and create colonies in North America?

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Exploration of the New World. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What impact did European contact have on the Native Americans in the New World? Why did European countries (such as France, Spain, and Great Britain) explore and create colonies in North America?. Warm up: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Exploration  of the New World

Exploration of the New World

• ESSENTIAL QUESTION–What impact did European contact have

on the Native Americans in the New World?

–Why did European countries (such as France, Spain, and Great Britain) explore and create colonies in North America?

Page 2: Exploration  of the New World

WARM UP: Wednesday: Fill out table of contents…

TUESDAY: (Use text page 24 or 25)Write a short paragraph of 5 sentences or more to explain the similarities and difference between a slave and an Indentured Servant.

See text page 112 for help. But do not COPY from the book.

24 Frayer Vocab

25 Frayer Vocab/Warm-Up

26 Notes: Chapter 4 Sect. 1 & 2

Page 3: Exploration  of the New World


GOALSRoute to AsiaGod – convert others to ChristianityGold – fortunes/landGlory - fame

Route to AsiaExotic foods, wealth, and mercantilismGod, Gold, Glory

Route to AsiaDevelop fur tradeGod, Gold, Glory


Landed in Florida, marched north, entered Georgia close to present-day Albany.

Landed in Virginia and went south

South Carolina (Charlesfort in 1562) and Florida (Fort Caroline in 1564)


Missions to convert NA’s. NA’s used missions to integrate into European world

Sometimes friendly & trade with NA, but sometimes attack

Very friendly, wanted to keep trading

RESULTSSoldiers killed 1000’s of NA’s. More died from measles, smallpox, influenza, whooping cough

Jamestown est. in 1607. NA still died from measles, smallpox, flu, etc. Some from attacks

Settled in areas along MississippiNA still died from measles, smallpox, flu, etc.

Page 4: Exploration  of the New World

Chapter 4 Notes: Take notes about main ideas & information written under each red and green heading in your textbook.

Guidelines: • Work Alone or in a Group of 2-4 people• Red Headings: need 2 bullets• Green/Blue Headings: need 3-5 bullets

Use Textbook Pages 104-113(Write on INB page 26-27)

Page 5: Exploration  of the New World

Spain, France, and England’s REASONS for exploring and establishing colonies were all

basically the same. They did it For:


-To spread Christianity

-To get richer

-For FAME and a larger kingdom

Page 6: Exploration  of the New World

LEFT SIDE: Headings/Questions

English Settlement of New World:

Permanent Settlements:


1. England pursued its interest in the New World after defeating Spanish Armada2. Believed there were large amounts of gold, silver, & exotic foods in new world.3. Began permanent settlements along the cost of new world – first colony in Virginia4. Some colonies begun by refugees from religious persecution. Others settled for economic gain5. Hoped to establish a system of mercantilism.

1. Began in 1607 with English settlement of Jamestown (Virginia)

Page 7: Exploration  of the New World

Permanent Settlements cont:

Indentured Servant

2. Because settlement located beside a swamp, malaria swept through village & by end of first year, only 38 settlers remained alive, but colony survived3. Colony flourished after settlers discovered tobacco grew well there4. Tobacco created need for labor & Dutch traders met that need5. Dutch introduced Africans into Virginia, most of whom were indentured servants

Person who agrees to work for someone for a set period of time (usually 4 to 7 years) in return for passage to the New World. At the end of that time - free

Page 8: Exploration  of the New World

Permanent Settlements cont:


Fort King George

6. As 17th century wore on, Africans began to be treated more like slaves.

Slaves had few rights and spent entire lives in service to others.

7. English explorers started settlements in New England & Carolinas. 8. Spanish were already in Guale & conflicts arose between them. 9. By 1686, Spanish retreated to St. Augustine, but English needed buffer between its colonies & Spanish – Georgia became buffer

1. French & Spanish posed a threat to the British colonies

Page 9: Exploration  of the New World

Fort King George cont:Garrison

Important because:

New World & Old World Exchanges

a fort where troops are housed

1. Kept French & Spanish out of area & helped British gain

control of Southeast2. Gave British control of the Altamaha River.3. Helped lead toward settlement of

Georgia in 1733.

New World Got:Agricultural Products – Rye,radishes, beets, sugar cane, rice, peaches, and wheat all came from Europe to the New World.

Page 10: Exploration  of the New World

New World & Old World Exchanges

New World Got cont.

Old World Got:

Animals – Horses, chickens, pigs,oxen, sheep, goats, and cattle all came from Europe to the New World

Agricultural Products – Corn, white potatoes, yams (sweet potatoes), peanuts, and pumpkins all came from the New World and were takento Europe.

Animals – Turkeys were brought from the New World and taken toEurope

Page 11: Exploration  of the New World


1. Many of the soldiers at Fort King George suffered from trench mouth, a painful condition. It was caused by the soldiers eating out of a “trencher,” a piece of wood with the middle scooped out as a bowl. Because the bowls were rarely washed, the men got ulcers on the mouth and tongue.

Page 12: Exploration  of the New World

2. Matoaka, who was the daughter of the Powhatan chief of the powerful Algonquian tribe. You probably know her betteras Pocahontas, which was a nickname meaning “thenaughty one” or “spoiled child.”

Page 13: Exploration  of the New World


1. Read Text pages 110-1132. Draw one Frayer Square for:
