extending enterprise through mobility dave baker – microsoft uk simon hart – hitachi consulting

Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Extending Enterprise Through Mobility

Dave Baker – Microsoft UKSimon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Page 2: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

• Background• Architectural Considerations• Deployment & Management Considerations• Call To action


Page 3: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

BackgroundU.S. and Worldwide Mobile Phone Shipment Growth by Device Type, 2008–2010

“smart phones will remain one of the best

performing and most dynamic technology

sectors, bucking the trend in the overall

mobile phone market, which Canalys

expects will contract by around 10% this


“Western Europe is forecast to retain the

highest growth potential in EMEA, with

12% year-on-year growth predicted for


“smart phones accounted for 18% of the

mobile phones sold in Western Europe

in 2008 and this proportion is expected

to grow rapidly”

Canalys – March 09“not all segments of the mobile phone

market are expected to decline. IDC expects

converged mobile devices – commonly

referred to as smartphones – to grow 8.9%

worldwide in 2009. This contrasts sharply

against the negative growth expected for

the entire mobile phone market.“

"Users have come to realize what these

devices can do beyond voice telephony ...."

IDC – Dec 08

Page 4: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

GrowthBoom In Smart, Connected Devices


% s














19%Mobile PCs

4%Desktop PCs

50%Connected Consumer Devices

23%Connected Enterprise Devices

Page 5: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

What's Driving The Growth?

“… 3 out of 4 companies will increase spending on devices such as smart phones”

Sources: Elena Malykhina, InformationWeek, Oct. 2006


Page 6: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

What's Driving The Growth?

85%“of companies will provide more access to

applications via mobile devices”

Sources: Elena Malykhina, InformationWeek, Oct. 2006

Page 7: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

What's Driving The Growth?

“It’s not e-mail, but Line of Business Applications that will drive the next level of take-up for mobile data in the enterprise.”

Sources: Stephen Pritchard, ComputerWeekly.com, Oct. 2006


Page 8: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

• Retail– Doorstep Transaction– Stock Management– Legal compliance– CRM– etc

• Services & Utilities– Geolocation– Information repositories– Scheduling/ routing– Asset tracking– etc

• Government & Agencies– Business processes– Compliance– etc

Usage Scenarios [TBD Pictorial]

Page 9: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Where do we start?

Page 10: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Design Architectural Considerations

Thick Client Thin Client

Rich Internet Application

Page 11: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Thick Client1. Requirements

1. Occasionally connected – intermittent connectivity

2. Access to hardware – GPS, phone, camera, flash card etc

3. Access to local storage i.e. reading from a local database

Page 12: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Thick Client: High Level Mobile Client Stack

Windows CE (Windows Mobile 6.5)

.NET Compact Framework 3.5

Windows Forms

Signature Capture Camera API Outlook TCP/IP Stack

SQL Server Compact 3.5

ADO.NET Managed Provider

Microsoft Sync Framework

Sync Services for ADO.NET

Third Party Managed API wrappers, GPS, Connection Manager etc

Custom Windows Forms Apps

Page 13: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Thin Client: High Level Mobile Client Stack

Page 14: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

RIA: High Level Mobile Client Stack

Page 15: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Thick Client: System ArchitectureMobile Application

Local Data


ServicesData SourcesServices


Data Layer

Business Layer

UI Layer

Repositories ORM Service Agents

Domain Model Workflows


ServicesData SourcesServices



ServicesData SourcesServices



s Cu













MVC MVP Regular WinForms


BizTalk Server


BizTalk Server


BizTalk Server

Unreliable networks


Page 16: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Thin Client1. Requirements

1. Fast time to market2. Easy and fast rollout3. Support for many different devices inc non-

Microsoft devices4. Simple application architecture5. Always connected environment

Page 17: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Thin Client: System ArchitectureMobile Device

Web Server

Web Application

Web Browser (IE Mobile 6)


1. Easy Deploy/upgrade path2. Easy target larger audience


1. More difficult to implement more complex feature rich apps

2. Constant network connection3. Risk of data loss due to losing

connectivity4. No access to device resources,

GPS etc5. No mobile specific tooling

Web Server

Web Application

Web Server

Web Application

App Server




Data SourceData

SourceData Source

Page 18: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Rich Internet Applications1. Requirements

1. Great user experience – always connected environment

2. Fast time to market3. Easy and fast rollout4. Possible future support for other non-

Microsoft devices

Page 19: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

RIAs: System ArchitectureMobile Device

Web Server

Web Application

Web Browser (IE Mobile 6)


1. Great compelling look and feel apps

2. Great tooling support (expression)

3. Easy deploy/upgrade story4. Easy to target a larger

audience5. Widget support (WM 6.5)

Disadvantages:1. More difficult to implement

more complex feature rich apps

2. Constant network connection3. Risk of data loss due to losing

connectivity4. No access to device resources,

GPS etc

Web Server

Web Application

Web Server

Web Application

App Server




Data SourceData

SourceData Source

Widgets Packaging and Configuration


Page 20: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

So what are the challenges?

Page 21: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Main Challenges to Consider



User Interface Configuration

Data Access

Logging Deployment



Page 22: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

User Interface: Challenges

WM 6.1: WVGA 480 x 800

WM 6.1: QVGA 240 x 320

1. Multiple resolution sizes and orientations i.e. QVGA, VGA, WVGA etc

2. Screens are much smaller3. Differences between SKUs,

Windows Mobile Standard, Professional

4. Many devices do not have a dedicated GPU

5. UI controls that work with all types of devices

Page 23: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

User Interface: Challenges: SKUs

Smartphone – non touch (WM Standard)

Touch (WM Professional) with radio

Touch (WM Classic) Without radio

Page 24: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Security: Challenges

1. Devices are single-user – no concept of authenticating the user out of the box2. No concept of file system security (other than 1 tier/two tier)3. Not all devices have the same security model4. Security of data over the wire5. Encrypting and password protecting data stores



1. Use the security model at service layer (IIS) that the device calls2. Use Mobile Device Manager (integration with Active Directory to authenticate)3. Encrypt files on the device using AES or DES encryption algorithms4. Always sign your apps with a certified security certificate such as one by VeriSign5. Encrypt message content over the wire when implementing an ad-hoc gateway6. Encrypt and password protect SQL CE 3.5 databases

Page 25: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Data Access: ChallengesMobile Application

Local Data


ServicesData SourcesServices


Data Layer

Business Layer

Repositories ORM Service Agents

Domain Model Workflows


ServicesData SourcesServices



ServicesData SourcesServices


UI LayerMVC MVP Regular WinForms

1. Handle occasionally connected scenarios

2. Local storage requirements

3. Securing local data4. ORM frameworks

Unreliable networks




1. MCSF disconnected agent app block

2. ADO.NET Sync Services3. RDA/Merge Replication4. SQL Server CE password

protection and encryption5. EntitySpaces, LLBLGen

Page 26: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Performance: Challenges

1. Devices are memory constrained – much less power than a PC2. Porting a desktop app to a device has to be redesigned for device scenario3. Many devices – <= Win CE 5.0 have a limit of 32mb per process space4. Storage is limited. Some devices have no removable flash card capabilities5. Mobile users expect actions to be instant



1. Design mobile apps to be lighter than a typical desktop application2. Mobile app should require as few screen taps to get the job done. Avoid

the keyboard where possible3. Windows CE 6.0 removes the 32mb per process space limit4. If logging, log to the back office instead of locally

Page 27: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

Deployment: Challenges1. Updating of an application2. Shipping an application

1. Deploy OTA (Over the Air) (WMDM) or custom service2. Deploy via Flash card3. Deploy via .MSI package while device is cradled


Page 28: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

When to use what architecture?

Thick Client Thin ClientRich Internet Application

Page 29: Extending Enterprise Through Mobility Dave Baker – Microsoft UK Simon Hart – Hitachi Consulting

1. Inclusion of your application into the Windows Mobile Catalog to increase sales

2. Get the “Designed for Windows Mobile” logo3. Work to Windows Mobile Design Guidelines

handbook to save you some pain along the way

Solutions: Application Readiness Program






Windows Mobile Catalog:

Application Readiness Program: