external positioning


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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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External positioning



EGRD3014Alhady Ali



Here are a few of the event I was lucky enough to go to.The pictures above were from the TDC exhibition held at JWT. I was apart of a small group who curated the exhibition. It was our job to choose what we wanted to exhibit, we were restricted due to the size of the venue, so consideration

of the layout one of our biggest concern. This gave me a really good insight on how much planning goes on behind a event this big.

Another concern was the flow of the work, and also making sure there wasn’t a build up of people surrounding a particular

area. Also taking into consideration to health an safety precaution, by keeping all exits clear.

The TDC exhibition was a huge help, due to the knowledge I have gained from this experience. I was able to pass on certain knowledge and point out anything what weren’t consider up to the lead up of the event.

The exhibition was a great success, held at a Ebbisham center, there was a enough space for 25 people to host there work, a live workshop

and also a shop selling students work.

It had a really good feeling to talk about my own work and also great to get feedback.

One thing I would of hope for was for more people attending the exhibition, so if I was to be apart of the group who dealt with the advertising for the exhibition. I would have

made more of an effort to draw in more people to view the exhibition. As the facebook page and the distribution of flyers wasn’t enough unfortunately.

The event can be viewed by typing, ‘no added sugar exhibition’ into Youtube. Credit: Luke White

This was a network gathering of creatives within the creative industry, which was known as ‘Bladdered’.

The Bladdered gathering help me to gain an insight to the creative industry, for a student in my position. I got some good answer, especially from a recent graduate, Lee and

also from OverthrownUK. Who were very helpful in telling me what employers are looking for when they look through a portfolio.

Ally was very helpful in answering a lot of my questions not unfortunately too much with the questions I had about advertising agencies. She knew a lot on branding agencies, as she has worked at Wolff Olins. What she did tell was that creative teams do differ from agency to agency, but she wasn’t quite sure

about the structure of advertising company as she has never worked within the advertising world.Unfortunately I had a technical glitch, when interviewing Ally the dictaphone I had brought in, didn’t record. Ally did say she’s used one before so I let her set it up, I got nothing.



Networking- Hoxton Letterpress private view.

I was first aware of the HANDMADE & BOUND publications fair, when I was appraoched from one of my second year friends, and I happen to show her my book I had been working on. She mentioned that they had a table at the fair. I was asked if I could produce as many as I could for sunday. Anyway I manage to produce 10 books. So it really taught me a lesson for being efficient and punctual, and if you put your mind to something you’ll achieve it.

When getting there I had the chance to mingle with other designers and also other students. At the end of the day the sales were tally up and money was distributed to who sold what etc. One thing I was unaware about the cost of the table, but all in all, I learnt the whole process of how much effect is put into producing your publication to selling it, this will all benefit me for the furture book fairs I plan to do. This helped me to be more prepare for the ‘No Added Sugar’ exhibition.


C a k e

M o t h e r L o n d o n



C M W L o n d o n

C h i & P a r t n e r s

N a k e d C o m m s

W & K L o n d o n

P o s t e r s c o p e

G r e y

F a l l o n

B r o t h e r s & S i s t e r s

T B WA L o n d o n

S a a t c h i


K i t c a t t n o h r

A t t i c

we are fallon

The agencies who had got back to me about creative placements. Basically the agency Brothers&Sisters have put me onto there records. Also awaiting on a further reply from them to get the details of there creative management.

Whereas with Fallon they had given me a automative message, following there guidance to apply for there creative placement form.


This is a website I’m currently working on, at this stage the appereance isn’t how it looks like above but in time it will have a similiar remsemblence.

Keeping it simply and

clean, so its easy to navigate.When completed I will be able to have online portfolio for my work. So in the future when I do go for interviews I will be able to showcase more of my portfolio.

As it will make my work live and accessible so more and more people can view my work and get in contact with me, without it all being one way traffic, on my behalf so favouring myself.


This brief is about producing a campaign that increases the awareness of street children.

The campaign I wanted to build was based on

the phrase ‘I want to be’ campaign, showing the potential of street children. But Above shows the another idea where this campaign targets existing Aviva customers

to take a policy which they can’t refuse. Bringing children around the world off the streets and back into education. A promise that Aviva would keep.

For this brief I had this idea of producing this online community, which allows individuals/organistations to converse and team up to ‘build a

difference’, in communities which need them. On this online communities there can be a update on the next build, or you can find a build near you.

Also trying to bring up a competitive spirit amogst the charity organisation.

This is an idea where the customers take out the policy, where they may think its to do with insurance but

really contract where a percentage gets taken away directly from the contract they have with Aviva. whatever it may be.

I think external positioning has made me more aware of the creative industry. One aspect I was slightly nervous about was actually meeting people from the industry. From the networking events I managed to go we’re alot of help, in terms of building my confidence and also communication barrier between a few agencies. Which has given to the chance of a possible placement.As it allowed me to talk creatives who are in the industry about what I should be doing to get myself out there, or what I should be working on, how should my portfolio should be like. What I did find out was to tailor portfolio’s to cater for the certain agency as a graduate to target. By researching the back round of the agency. Also when approaching a advertising agency, you’re portfolio should contain campaigns from popular brands, adn try and avoid charity campaigns. But unfortuantley I managed to pick two.

To be honest I have really struggle to get any replies from agencies about work experience, so I think I will have to improve on that and show that I know what there about and most of all what I’m all about. Developing my website will help me to act more professional, and of course its out there for people to stumble across.

From this unit I will carry on and attend talks at the typographic circle and also the ones at uni, carrying research on agencies adn continuing on my hunt for a placement with alot more consideration.