extract. ballon bios · the daily bee-omaha, saturday, makoh8, 1884. biliousness. bilious symptoms...

THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , SATURDAY , MAKOH8 , 1884. BILIOUSNESS. Bilious symptoms invariably nrigo from indigestion , such rw furred tongue , vomiting of bile , giddiness , sicklieaduchcirregulnr bowels. The liver secretes the bile and nets like n filter or sieve , ti clcnnso impurities of the blool. By irregularity in its action or suspensions ot its functions the bile is littblu to overflow into the bbod , causing jinuulice. sallow nom- plo.ioQyollovoyos. - . bilious iliarrlucn , a languidwoary , fooling and many other distressing symptoms. Bil- iousness ¬ may bo propjrly termed an affection of the liver , and can bo thoroughly cured by the grand log- ulhtor - of the liver and biliarv organs BURDOCK BLOOD BITTBHS. Act upon the stomach , bowels and liver , making healthy bilu and pnro blood , and opens the culverts and sluiceways for the outlet of disease. Sold everywhere and guaranteed to- cure. . CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000 , tfi.Tlclcota only 5. Shares in ProportionlEa Louisiana state Lottery Company , " Wt do hereby tertify that ice the at- ranyementt for all (Ar Monthly and SemiAnnual- Drawing' of "" Louisiana State Lottery Company , ani in person manage and control the Draicingt themselves , and that the tame are conducted tn'tA- hcntity , fairness , and in good faith toward all pat , itt , and we authorite the company to use thii eer- ilcate - , with fae-timilet our liynaturet attaehta- n ite advtrtMcmtnti. " COUM1UIOBIU Incorporated In 136. " ( or 25 yean by the legttUtmt- lor educational and charitable purposes with cap Ital ol $1,000,000 to which a 'reuotvo fund ol ov i- HM.OOO has Bliico been added.- By . an orwheltnlnp popular rote Its Iranchlw- m made a part ol the present ctato oonntltutlor adopted December 2d , A. D. 1870. The only Lottery over voted on and en- dorsed ¬ by the people of any Stato.- It . never scales or postpones. , Its grand ainglo number drawings take place monthly.- A . splendid opportunity to win a Fortune. Third Grand Drawing Class C in the Acail- oray - of Music , Now OrleansITuesday , March ' 11th , 1884 IfiCtb Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , § 75000. 100,000 TickdtH at Five Dollftrs Each. 1'rac- tioiis - , In Fifths in proportion. LIST O PHIZES. 1 CAPITAL PH1ZK I7B.OOC- I do do S5OOC 1 do do 10,000- s rnizm OF ceooo 12,000 6 do MOO 10,000 10 do 1000 10,000 20 do 600 10.00C 100 do 200 20,000- SW do 100 80.000 600 do fO 25000 1000 do 25 25,000- API ROXIMno.i rmzKa. 9 Approximation prices ot {750 8,7(0 0 do do 500 4,600- B do do 250 2 , 0- 18C7 Prizes , amounting to 5285,600 Application tor rates to clubs should be made onlj- at the olllix ) of the Company In New Orleans. For lurtherInformation writ* clearly giving lull address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and addrcea Registered Letters to NEW OIILKANS NATIONAL BANK , Now Orleans , La. Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex- press (all sums ot ? 5 and upwards by Express at oai- cxpenbo) to M A. DAUPHIN , or If. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La. 8 07 Seventh Bt , Washington , D. O- .Off. . . FELIX Lt BRUN't PKEVENTIVE AND CUKK. FOR EITHER SEX , The remedy being injected directly to the Beat el- l the dlseaae , requlroH no chan f ol dl l t or mercurial or poisonous medljinci to bo taken Inter ually. When uted aa a prevjntUo by either sex , I til- im possible tu contract any private disease ; but In thi- eaao of thoeo already unfortunately afflicted we guar- antee thieoboxoa to cure , or wo will refund themon- y. . Price by mall , pObtajepild2. per boxortlirw boxes for ti.WJUTTEN aUARANTEES caned by all authorized agen- ts.Dr . Felix t.eBrun&Co. SOLE I'HOl'IUETCnS. C , F. Uoodman , Sole Agent , lor Omah- iJwlv Ken. Health is Wealth ! lii ) K. 0VF.srn NEIITK AND HIUIN TIIKAI- UEN7 , ii Bunmnt'MHl BpociBo fur Jljstorm , Uann- oss. . CouYUlsionB , Nervous JSournlBin Heartache , Nervous ProntrntioncnuBcd Ijytlioiii * ot alcohol ortolmccii. WiikofulnoBB , Mental lia- proKsiuii , Bottoninu tit the Drain resulting in in- ennity nnd leacliiiR to jniecry , decay iiiul (lentil lreraQturo Old Ago , DaircnneBS , LOBS jif JIOW- Bin either eor , Involuntcry IJOBSPS nnd Hneriunt- crrhocn caused by over-exertion of the brain , sell nbiiBoor ovor-indulBonoo. Each b x contain otio immth'a troatmnnt. JLOOn boz.or fcix b"ie- furS.OOBentby muil propaidon roceijit of price Wi : UCAKANTIJi : SIX 1IOXKH- To euro nny COBO. With cncli orclor nwoived by n for six boiea , nccoiniianiMl with t5W ? , wo wu bond Ilioj'iircliiinor our written gunrai'.uxj to re- fumitho mouty if the trrntrneutUoosuotcffeo- ucuru. . OuiiTuiilous i&mioaonu'oy- C. . F , GOODMAN Bole A eut , Omaha Neb. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES- .Erlanger . , . Bavaria Culmbacher, . Bavaria Pilsner . Bohemian Kaiaor . . Brornen DOMESTIC.- BiKlweiser . . .. . . .St. I ouis- AnhaiiBcr . . St. Louis Bes - , s . Mil'vaulos- fRchlitzPjlsiier . Milwaukee Kruir's . Oniahn Ale , Tortcr D'niPBtic and Jlhim- Wine. . ED. MAUHBH 1'21 i Fiivniirn OMAHA Stove Repair Works 109 South 14th St.l- arnUUni . ; caMlne * and reptli tat > K> tM ul all description , wood ttovei , ohangotl t barn cxal , rttAat , UrcUick , dampen, to. ooajUaU ) oo baa ) . Tn out o our itovi ) p" tbilvM ui- in r > ft , KID , WADE'S GANG , Two Hayc Been Scat to tbe Peat- tcntiary - , Ynrt n Probability Hint More "Will- VoMovv. . This evening's ttv.in from the north brought lion. F. H. Till'my , district mlgo of the Ninth judicial district , into ) mnha , and by ix train over the 11. & SI' , rom Lincoln last night 11 , J. Simpson , tiorirofBrovrncountycAmointo ( this city , bhctiti Simpson is returning from n ( rip- e the capital city , whcro ho wont in his Ilictnl capacity to deliver over to the vardon of the slnto penitentiary Andy 'ulbortaon and William Morrison , con- ictod - nt the last term of the district ourt , hold in Brown county , thia atnto , in February 25th , for horse stealing , ' 'udgo TifTiiny is returning lomo : from ho northwestern counties , whore ho has ooa holding court. These two gentle * nonnro wollficquiuntodwith the facts con- crutng - Kid Wade and his gang , throe of horn having boon recently tried before udgo Tiffany in Brown county. Those two gentlemen wore found t their hotels by n BEE roporto , nd wore very willing to give all the facts onnoctcd with the desperadoes who lave become inoro notorious than any gang in the state since the days of "Doc"- liddloton. . Theao bandits seemed to lave formed an organization extending rom the mouth of the Niobrara river west to the Bad Lands. How many or- vho have belonged to it will never bo- mown. . Some have lied the country caving their families 611 homesteads to- .ho tender cares of strangers , some have gone to servo a term of ,ycars in the ) onitontinry , seine have gone to that 'undiscovered country" and the connoc- ions of others with this band of out- aws - will never bo told. The reports 'rom that section regarding these men aeem to have been grossly exaggerated , , ho prevailing opinion being that four- teen - of "Kid" Wade's band have ended their mortal careers by the process of- ynch law. Sheriff Shnpsoil says only our h'uvp mot death in that way and doubts if the number is as great a9 that oven. "Kid" Wade was hung to a whistling post ono-hnlf inilp cast of Basset , a station on- ho ; Sioux City & Paeifts rend in Brown county , n man named Murphy mot his leath in the Keha Faha country at the lands of the vigilantes. A man named Whitestocking was reported to have boon ound hanging to a tree near where Mur- phy ¬ was hung , and others who have inco been through that country say a- onoly grave , unmarked and unknown , can ho seen near the place described , and the whereabouts of "Kid" Wado's 'ather is not known. If the old man Wade mot his death by a decree issued rom the court presided over by Judge Lynch then only four at most have so ended this life- .Thuso . men whom Sheriff Simpson took to Lincoln were on the 4th of March lontcnced to the penitentiary bj Judge TilTany , Culbcrtson , for eight years , and Morrison for sovon. Horace S to wart was also tried at the same term of court , but was found not guiliy. Thcso men bad been indicted at the October term The grand juay at the term just closed Found indictments against several others , but how many could not bo learned.- An . indictment was also found against ono of th ° vigilantes , who was charged with tin assault with an attempt to com- mit ¬ murder. His case was continued to the next term of court. In Holt county , whoso term of court has just closed , throe Dthors wore indicted and arrested , and boini ; unable to give ball were taken to- bho Fremont jail , where they will remain until the next session in that county It was intimated by the counsel for these defendants that a change of venue would be applied for on account of the bias of the citizens. Judge Tiffany's court room, during the trial in Brown county , was filled to over- Hewing daily , but perfect order pre- vailed - , the desire being to give those in- dicted ¬ a fair and impartial trial. The excitement and agitation is gradually abating , and the wish of the citizens now is that the law take its course. The ac- tion ¬ of the vigilantes has never been up- held by the order loving people , with the exception of a low who have boonledinto- it by the excitement. There are ten or twelve more in Holt county who have no boon included in the above, who are un- der ¬ bonds on the same charge , being held by the examining magistrate- ."Kid" . Wndo was only twenty-three years old when he died. Ho was the boy who wns found in the canon with "Doc'1 Middleton the time ho WM sur- prised ¬ and captured. IIo seems to have boon born with his hand n aiimt ovoiy man , and ever Hineo ho has been in that country ho hnn borne the uamo of n highwayman and an outlaw. Since this band has been broken up- no nioro horooa have "been stolen and ii example has any ollVct it will bo eonii : time before another will spring up- .Wei . It IB now undisputed that We I Do Mov- or'H Gutarrti ( Jure is the only treatment thut will absolutnly euro CaUrrh frfiali 01- chronic. . "Very efficacious , Sainl. Gould Weeping Water , Neb. " Ono box cured mo MM. Mury Kenyan , IMimark , Dakota. " "Il- rtwtored me to tlio pulpit , Kev. Ceo. K. Hels Coblevlllo N, Y. " "Ono liox radically pured- ma , Uov. C. If. Taylor , MO NcrfJo street Brooklyn. " "A perfect curelnftnr HO yean ullerii'g J. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N Y. , &c. , &c. Thousands of testimonial an received from all parts of the world. Deliv- ered , 8100. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's IIIUHtra ted I'rculUe, " wiuh statement * by tbo euro mailed free. D. li. Dewey & Co. , 182 Kulto- otroot , N. Y, tuett-tburcWt-in&o-3m Heal Kstato Transient. The following deeds were filed foi record in the county clerk's oflico Marel 0 , reported for TUB BKB by Amos' rea estate agency : Charles J. Canan and wife otal to Join J. IJaller. wd , lout 4 and 5 in May Hold 812JO , John Xeiao and wife to W. IT. Mary weather , wd , part nw j BOO 18 , il } ( 10 u $012, "I have unfld Jlunlock J.lwl llltUn wit ] great benefit for indigccti'in and ooiiHtipatloi- of the bowels. " 0. L. Jiartou , Hamilton , Out Very Correct. The county commissioners J.avo beoi engaged for some day's , assisted by How- ard B , Smith , Kstj. , in examining tLi accounts of late Judge Clwlwiek , and after a full and thorough cxitnuiftUon they find that ho should have had on land as county judge something over 11000. The amount found to his credit , as county judge in the banks , ex- actly ¬ balance nnd ono cent ovorjojcnroful | and accurate had ho been. During the time ho had boon in oflico ho had han- lied over S50.000 , principally of funds Belonging to estates and of condemnation nonoy- .It . was remarked as a singular fact that the final word of the last entry which ho wrote in his books an hour before his sudden death was "released. " KVPPV Vermin to bo n Itcnt Success [ it this Ufa must Imvo n specialty ; that Is.nutst concentrate the abilities of body and mind on- soiuo one pursuit. flluoil llittert have their 8i eclnHy Mn coniiloto ) nnd radical euro ) f dysnciwla , nml llvor and kidney affection * . WIGS KOH WOMEN , The Iiatest Ouzo la to Tliin Out tlio Natural llnir nr Hhavo It Off Altogether. The curly wig craze has broken out in Chicago and bids fair to become on epi- demic. . A Wabash nvonup hair dealer who understands his busiuesa predicts .hat there will not bo n wiglcss woman in society six months hence. "I know what am talking about , " ho declared , "for I lave sold 1127 wigs in Chicago since lost September , and on nn average , I 'half- shinplo' a customer every day. " "What do you men by half-shinglo ? " was asked- ."Thinning . out tlio hair and cutting it- jff just below the cars. The thinning out liolps the growth ot the hair , and just enough is loft in the length to curl cosily.- I'ho . hair can bo dressed and put up in- curlingleadsand the next day it is ready for uso. The hair is drawn up on the crown of the head , where it is invisibly pinned. Then the curls are pulled out irouud the face , ears , and neck to suit the style of the face. Young "ladies and missus dispense with the pins , and scram- ble the ringlets round the head , as it wore , but unless the face is both youthful and pretty the ell'ect is very apt to ho- rowdyish. . Yes , it seems easy enough , but tliero is not ono woman in a dozen who can make a good job of the work un- til she haa failed a score of times. An export has no trouble , and after the loads are untied it does not take five minutes to pull out the coiffure. Wo have ono girl in the toilet-room to whom wo pay § 20 a week for this kind of { work. She is a French girl , and came over from Franco in the same steamer with the Irving com ¬ pany. She got her ideas of the present style from Miss Ellen Terry , who , you know.has a reputation for her studies in- toilet. . " "Well , what about the wigs ? " "Just this : If n woman has enough hair on her head to cover the scalp wo trim it , cultivate the growth , and encour- ngo - her to wear it an naturalo. But if the hair is poor and the scalp barren wo shingle the hair, convict style , and take her measure for a wig. The color ! Oh , that depends on what the woman wants.- If . it is uoasiblo to suit her wo succeed , Blonde , golden brown , chestnut , black , brown , gray , anything she uolects will bo all the same to us. But if she leaves the choice with us wo ntudy her complexion and give her just the color best suited to her eyes and eyebrows. The demand is for blonde wigo , and wo put them on women with black eyes , gray eyes , brown eyes , haxzel eyes , green eyes , and Muo eyes , too. 1 think the nicest piecu ot matching 1 ever made up wont to an Ada street belle with a clear , healthy com- plexion ¬ , ruddy with color , an oval face , and a pair of grayish-black eyes darkened by long , bluck lashes and heavy , black eyebrows. The wig was a blonde of the page style , made BO as to' bo worn in a club if preferred. You can only imagine how charming she looked , for I cannot begin to toll you. She was so de- lighted - with her appearance that she said I might charge her any price and send tho.bill to papa. I got what I asked for , 25. " It would amaeo the uninitiated to know how many women buy those wigs women of all ages and styles , but principally wo- men ¬ who are neither so old nor BO whim- sical ¬ as todonbttho eflicacy of a becoming coilfurp. At a recent party of the Talis- man ¬ club , hold in a west side hall , thirty- two young ladies wore wigs , and wore thorn gracelessly enough , too , in several instances- .It . is not generally known that it is ra- pidly ¬ becoming faehionablu for young widows who are not averse to a second perusal of the wedding service to dnn white wigs. The natural hair is cut oil' the hair line well powdered , and thu white parchment of aniull ringlets worn under the widow's cap mokea the wearer almost as interesting n.t K lurgo bank ac- count would Put oni ) uf those siuw wigs on a roe' ) of 40 and nlio can pass fur 32 any day if she but known the tire principles of making up. Un athorur roses who huvo found the hearts of men invulnerable have rucourxo to thin ulmnii , and oven if the blind god dois not propi- tiate , they nt least h.ife thu satisfautiun- of boitn ; litlruciivn , ai.d , next to admini- tion , thoru IB Mothmn so tU'ar to the femi- nine heart , The English walking-hats for the com- ing season will ba provided with fron and hack fringtH of water-waves , whicl will do away with all further ha rdressinf. for the street. The front hair is BO ar- ranged as to bo readily worn banged curled , or pulled in frizzes and worn witl- a center or side part. The back , o scolding locks , consist of from throe tc seven cuila , thick and loose , and Ion | enough to swoop the collar. The hat i high in crown , narrow , and beveled ir- urim , and intended to bo sot back 01 the head. With it o the Englis- ltailorinado coatumo and standing liner collar. This wig-wearing fashion will doubtlos- be favorably regarded by the physician of the city , ono of whom says : "Th Americans are fast becoming hairless b ; heredity , Tlio ravages made by the fals hair of the last thirty years are shown ty the present generation , The children , i they have any hair, are born with di- scased that is , barren scalps , whic- no amount of care or culture will mak- productive. . If wigs are to be worn th hair will of necessity bo coarse from fre- quent cutting , hut it will bo luxuriant nnd tliero will bo less baldness and fowe scantily covered heads in twonty-liv years than at present. " llallroml Sandwiched , iU Cal- lCustomer "What do you charge fo- thar.. ham'! ' Butcher "That is not for sale. It i only for a sign , It io made of wood. " Customer "How long has it bee hanging thcrol" Butcher "About three years. " Cuitomer "Must bo pretty woU f- lvorod by this time. " Butcher "Flavored ? " Customer '"Yos. What wil ) you tnko- or ill" Butcher "It only co t half R dollar ad von can have it for that if you prefer n old ono to a now ono. There are ilonty more nt the planing-mill where I- ot this. " Customer "Well , I will take it if you will saw it into slices. " 'Butcher "Into slices ! Great St. Abattoir ! What do you want it in slices or ? " Customer "I am a manufacturer of- .tilway restaurant sandwiches. The Davenport and Rock Island Uidgo company , organized for the pur- lose of building a now bridge over the ilissisiippi river at Davenport , has tiled rticlos of incorporation ; capital stock , 1,000,00- 0.TEKAMAH . TIDINGS , The I'rcBcnt ProsporUy of the Toun- nml ItH Future Prospects.C- oirospamlcncn . of TlIK DKK- .TKKAMAII . , Burt County , Nob. , March . The winter season is perhaps not the > est time to judge of the growth and rospority of any portion of the country , ml yet there are indications of the ox- auslon - of interests in and about Toka- mah - which leave no doubt in regard to- io assured success of this prosperous own. With a superior quality of land whoso increase of products is contributing o the trade and business of the plauo , nd with au energy and business tact haractcristio of Nebraska people , there s abundant promise of a great outgrowth lore. The tastp for a now and hotter class of- mildincs is showing a good fruitage in- ining tlio streets with a style of architoe- uro - that is fast becoming the pride of- ur vigorous frontier slnto. The range of blull'a encircling the busi- losn - portion of the town nfl'ords very do- ir - blo locations for the elegant private residences which are looming up conspic- loualy - all around thu picturesque city imita. The imposing brick blocks within whoso walls , the enterprising norchant , tradesman , professional and > anker nro plying their several branches and callings , are evidences of the strong confidence felt by the people in the fu- uro - of their town. The schools under the leadership of- rof. ? . Huston are justly becoming the ride of every citizen of Tokamah. The churches are ably manned onor- oticpastors - ; { , and a general air of pros- icrity - is manifest in those several inter- ests ¬ , which are the attraactivp exponents of every wide awake community through- out ¬ our state.- I'ho . Presbyterians have just entered upon a promising career of prosperity mid growth under the faithful direction f their newly called young pastor , llov. . C. Chprryholiues. A high-day of sor- ice has just boon enjoyed by his people , v largo accession of now members has ust been welcomed into its membership , ind a stimulating tide of prosperity has ot in. Tlio superintendent of missions , lev. Oeorgo T. Crissmon , recently spent a day in looking over the work hero , ad- ministering ¬ the sacrament nnd ordaining and installing now ollicors in the church. Among r.omo of the business men plans mvo boon laid for the formation of n- argo syndicate for the purpose of con- lucting - an extensive cattle busi- ness ¬ in Texas. The capital took swells into many thousands of- if dollars and the profits arising there- rom nro pictured as enormous. Judging if the success of this syndicate and from ho character and ability of the men who trp pushing it forward , wo can readily iring before our minds visions of a now class of cattle , kings who will make good use of their present prosperity.X. . Y- .FORXVKIGHTU . GoNGltESS.HP- .NATK. . . WASHINGTON , March 7. Mr. Williams dom. Ky. , ) moved to discharge the com- nittoo - on military affairs from con- sideration ¬ of the bill , regulating the retirement rf army oflicors , introduced t y Mr. Bock , (dom. . Ky. ,) who supposed at the time ho was acting for Mr. Williamo. The latter know nothing of the bill and disclaimed all respon- sibility ¬ for it.- Mr. . . Beck explained that n young man came in looking for Mr. Williams and saying the latter had agreed to introduce .bo bill.j Mr. Beck therefore introduced 't as ho supposed for his colleague , hut t his since transpired that ho was im- osod - > upon. The committee was dis- charged ¬ from furthnr comdoration of the ' bill ' Tliii Moimto passed the bill reported by- Mr. . ( J triand (dom. , Ark. ) , from the coin- mil tut ! on the judiciary , constituting a- ni j"nty of the judges of iho supreme com t of tlio United StatcB a quorum , in- itca'l - of six us livrrrnforo. The bill also jirbhihitu a judjio li i board a case in the circuit con re- from niuii ; { on the supreme bunch whim thu cat.u comes up on appoa ). The bill to ostab'i-li ' a bureau of statis- tics ¬ of labor came up under the flvu min- ute - rulo.- Mr. . . Merrill (rop. , Vt. ) suggested a- poBtponomont in order , to givi more time tor dobato.- Mr. . . Blair ( rop. , N. II , } opposed delay.- Mr. . . Hoar ( rop. , Mass. ) urged the inv portanco uf theblll. lie despaired of thu maintenance of the republic many gener- ation ¬ * unless the great mass of tbo people received enough pay to afford them the comforts of life and to enable them tn educate their children and develop thoii- patriotism. . After further discussion the bill wenl- ovor. . Sir. Plumb (rep. , Kas. ) from the com- mittee on'publto landsreported favorably the house bill declaring forfeited the lands granted the Texas Pacific railroad and stated that the minority of the com- mittee desired tlio privilege of submit- ting a dissenting report at their conveni- ence. . Adjourned till Monday. ' iioutfi : . The bill authorizing the rotirmont o General Alfred I'leasonton as colonel wm recommitted without instructions.- Mr. . . Browne ( rep , Ind , ) immediately introduced a bill granting Pluasanton i pension of 8100 a month , Inferred U the committee on invalid pensions. The house wont into committee of tin whole on the private cnllendar , Mr. Co : (dom , N. Y. ) in the chai and remained in aoealou till 4 o'clock when several private bills wcr reported to the house and paused. Tih- ouap | then took a rocesa till 7iO :! thi evening , the session to bo for Iho con nideration of pension bills ,. At the evening session the houti passed a number of pension bills and ad journod. BiormH In Cultloriuo. , SAN FUANCISCO , March 7, It is at ! jutorming heavily in the control and eoutl orn nootioiiR of the stato. The rivers are rising , and lands are flooded. lltllroad communication with Lost Anqclos U still interrupted , and liable to remain so for ten dity ; . Kosher Hlidimrtiol , Oi.mr.LANn , March 7. The grand lodge of the Jewish benevolent order of Kosher Sholbargol , district No.I , is in- Hcssion hero. Ono hundred dolcgatcs are present , representing lodges in Ohio , Indiann , Illinois , Kentucky , Tennessee , Arkansas , Missouri , Nebraska Kansas , Colorado , lown , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Michigan and Cannda. President Sam- uel ¬ Lweuatoin ,T f Kvansvillo , Ind , , , de- livered - the annual address. The usual reports .worn made. After disbursing $1)8,000 ) the treasury has a cash balance of § 0000. The general grand lodge , lion. Simon Wolf , of Washington , grand- master , begins its annual session Sunday , A banquet occurs Tuesday- .Tlioy . Obeyed Ihn Women. KINGSTON , N. Y. , March 7. Ton towns in this county voted no liconao , The women of Allonvillo threatened to- "Boycott" business men not voting the temperance ticket.- A . Good NRW OUI.BANS , March 7. Mr. John 11. Stone , nominated by the republicans for attorney general , declines. IIo says' ho is a democrat and will support the democratic nominees. Awaiting the Verdict.- Nuw . YOUK , March 7. The libel suit for § 10,000 of Captain Duncan against the Now York Times has boon Riven the jury who are directed to bring in a sealed verdict. lr Army Ti'itnsixirlattonllKU- NUARTXR * DlU'AnTUkNT W TIIH I'UTTK OIUHA , Nun. , March 1,1831 < JI- 'rouoNftlH riUM'OSM.S. Ill trlplloAtP , iiibject to thn SKALKU condition * lowhoil nt this otllro until 12 o'clock , iinmi , Tuesday , the tut ilitv ol April , 1881 , or fit stmo hour , ( nllnwi.iK'or il.tlciunco In limn , ) nt the Illcvx ol tlio AlhUtant 'JtiiurtirmiiHtois- atChujciX'O ' Depot , Wjomlinr. Mid IHrdon , Utah , nt time nud iilaoni they 111 bo opotiril In pioi- cnou ol bidders lor n <on trnnsitt | uon nn tli lol- lo - ltiK ilcHcrihed ruitei , during the fiscal 3car 10111 * mcnclii ; July 1st , 1SSI : 1. llctwccn Hlilnoy , Ncb.an lKortltoblniion , Nt-b. 2. Uctaoen Clii-jcnno Depot , W. T. nnd Korw Ijxr- amlo - and McMimoy , W. T, 8 llctHO-n Itnck Cr > ok Htntkn , V. 1' . Hy. and F rt MrKliiiioy , W. T- .Itetuoon . UawlliiH Station , U. 1' . lly. and Kort- Washaklo , W. T. , Ucturci Oirtor Station , U. F. Hy. nuU Foit- CD UtldRcr , W. T. 0. Iletwt en Outer Btatlon , Xorthorn I . Hyand- Kort McKlnney , W. T. 7. Itctn ccn Omalia Dopnt or ony | olnt In Omalu- Uitt to I'ort Omahix Nob.- S. . . Ui'twcon any points Omaha Citvlliulls.- U . llctw. en Vali'iitliix StMlon , H. C'. and 1'Acino 11- .U. . . and Tori Nlihram, N b. 10. llotwucn ClioicniHi City an ! Chcycnno Dcp't and K rt 1) . A. Kus rli , W. T.- II. . . Ilvtuven Rnlt Uko City and Kort Douglas , Utah.- Tiv . reimms the rllit | to icjcct nny- or nil propotnlft.- lllmik . pro | o al > , (( imnof contract * and printed clrculam lull Informtt'lon a tn nun nor nt- i iddlnif , terms if contract and painentlll liu fur- nlshud - on applicntlon to this otllo or to the ottlct1 * ol the Assi taut Quartermasters at t'hejenim and OK'ilvll. . Knvclopo' (oontaln Inprropora's ' should bo marked "I'rypos.ilsforwni.'on Tianniiortatlon bct Mii and . " (! . 11. DANDV march 1-m eOt Chlot Quartermaster. for Subsistence HtorcH.- I'TIIBl'WriB . , ' ! OfKILK UlllKr OlHUlNKAUV UK Sl- Oinalm UmlnntMiF !, ry , Neb , Februa- Rctlcd 16th. 18S . ) propotaN In ilupllcAta , marked "Proponals fur Buhilatcnco .Storui , " nnd ml'tri-Haui ! to the underl- iiiccl - , lll 1m teccl cd , kuhjoct to the u : nl cur- il , - t Inns , at this olllco until 12 ti'clnck iiiion , Harcli to , 18M4 , nt whlcli tlirvonnd ] hru they will ho opened If- ith | iruscnciiof hlddora for ( urnUhlni ; nnd dellxary- nt tlio hul'slttenco StorchoiHo or such oilier plau In the rlty ot OinMii ni nuy hu designated.- ISOIUrrcls . 1'ork , llslil moss- .lllailc . | iroponaln inJ Information as to the inannor- cf hlddlni ; nnd tonniof navniont. lll ho ftirnUheil- onajiplloatlon tJ till * iilllco. The tlcht U rcitent'J- to r jcct nny or all bid *. JOHN 1' . HAWKINS , inu J-at Jlujor and U , B. UNITED STATES OF OMAHA. Capital , - - $100,000.00- O. . W. HAMILTON , Pros't.- S. . . 8. CALDWELL , V. Pros't.- M. . . T. BARLOW. Cnshlor. DIRECTORS : . S. OALDWKLL , B. F. SMITH , I. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAULOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts aolloltod and kept aub , oct to sight chock. Certificates of Dopoolt Issued pay abto In 3,0 nnd 12 months , bearing ntorost , or on demand without In- orost. - . Advances made to customers on approved securities at market rate of Intercut. The Intercuts of Customers are cloooly guarded and every facility compntlblo wtth prlnclploo of sound banklno freely oxtondod. Draw night drafts on Englnnd.lro land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu- opo. - . Sail European Pansaro Tickets , Maoo. United States Uepository- B ' OK OMAHA Cor. 13th and Farnam Btu , Thn Oldest Banking stabhshmen- in Omaha , TO KOUNTZ- KOrccnliea In 1803- .Orijaulzod . aa a National Bank In CAPITAL . SZOO.OOU AND PIIOFITS . 15OOOt- ornoiu UuMin Kocima , I'roaldeot. ton* A. CBIIOUTOII , Vice Pfesld ni.- A UBTD Kotinrii , M Vice I'reildenl.- VT . B. UKHtmu , Awlitant Cublcr.- TrantaoH . a genera banking btulnei *. I ue iliui- otitlflcMea bearlu nterwt IJrawi dialU en Sa ! Francisco ami principal cltic. In tbo United Bwte- Al 9 Londou iublln , Bllnliurifh aud * h prlnrlivII- KI'IIKHKNTB ! phwnU Awaranc * Co., ol jxmdon , Oaeh . . . K. V. ( Capital . 000OOaO- of .efc nt Nek N.J.CpiUl 1 it76 (XW.- OtitcaVn Fire. 1iuad.lphw, UplW. ... ,W.MO.- OrirenWirunil.Cai'ltal ' ,. ..,,,, . I.ttVJlC.C- FIO Hv >m IV, Uuuuu Kutljua BOc Uull (3U VY'H Bl'KOIFT- RADB MARK rf t An- unfalllnir cure fet Bomliml WeAk * noiw , RpcrmMotr- hcr - , Impotcncy , anil all Diaoaxn that follow an a- prqutnco nl 8rl | . Almne ; a Ion of' ' - "tRETARinO , aiUa3uiiiopiin AFTER TAKIHQ , In the luck , DlmncM ol Vlnton , frcinaturo olil AK- Uami Jinny other ill IWK that lead to Insanity or Don- uiiiitlon - > ] and a rnniaturo ( Irate.- iUwARi . ot adTerttamcnta to rcltlnil money , when drinririUft from whom tlio rnedlrlno Is bought no not refuiul , but rclcr jO'tto thn mMuitactnrers , and the requirements are iiuch that they are ntlioin , if eper.- MinpllMl . with. Hce thclrMrlttcnfc > iara Uo A trial ot ono lntlo | iaokixe | ol Speclflc wilt convince Iho ntont nkojitloAl ol I In rral merits.- On . account ol oount ifeltm , wo have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; Iho only Rcmilno. . X TFull Mrtlcularalnour | nmih1etnhlch irtAt tire to send Irco by mall to every one. IfTThe Hp- eIflaUotliolneiimolilby - . Ml drucirUla at fl | rpack.- go . , or U | wcka )4 lor ? 5, or will le nent Irco br mall on tlio rooolpt of tlio monov , by ftililremiliii ; THK OUAYMKUICINKCO , , lluflalo. N. V. .Hold n Omaha I - - - | v IRmb Very Important. Got the Qanul- no.Hoff's . Malt Extract. Unequalled In Its tonta Ir"3 action on th > enfeebled 232 and sick. TARHAXT- Co. . : UyfAtnlly ] . .hjlclan- lias rccoinincndnl jour iiorrn HALT i- rilAlTfor : . my wife , win- has bun an Invalid for fifteen , ntiil It lia * lnuMt performed inlrn rlc . "llroMii. Jrn. lS5't1- 'KICK , $4 HU ) HT dfl o Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USKFUIiI- N NO DEALER A I I- NGrouorics GROCERY CAN .vrroitn T011- BWithout A 1'AIH OS li.- AS . COUNTKUKCALK- S.N.C. . . CLARK. SOLE PROPRIETOR.- OUA1IA . , IS'Iill. ( ItTKK. ) RIjioTUO-VOLTAIO Iini.T nnd otlu-r KMtcmin on U) U.iyu1 Trial TO- 11HN ONLY. YOUNQ Oil OLD , who nro nffer- nic - ( from KEIITOUU Dtcnatrr. LOST VITAUTT , STlNaVKAKHrsfitH , nml nil tliono dlnonfon ot n- soNii. . NATUIIB , n-sultlnK from AIIUHFS nmlO- AUSKH. . Hiiwdy teller anil riiniilcto- nutorutlon | to HKAI.TII , Vmou nnd > | AKIIOOI- iUARAKTErD. : . He nil at onua tor Hliulratod 'amplilet frfo. Addreu- "OI.TATO niil.T CO. ! , ninrnlmll. nil oil. Nebraska Cornice ANDU- ANUFAOTUUKlUi OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN, IRON AND SLATt ROOFING, PATENT UETAUO BKYLIOHT , Iron Fencing ! Orestlnfrs Balustradim , Verandas , Oflloeand Baiil- lUlllnKi , Window and Collar Guards , Kto. 0011 , 0. ANUttU BTUKi : ' , LINCOLN NKIJ.- OAIRUH. . . oranuter , XTotioo to Cattle Mou. ! 1)00 ) CATTLE FOR SALK , UO Head til Utccra Tlirco Vvurs Old.- SOO . ' " Tail " 2d ' " Ilflfern , Two " ISO " ' hteisri , On " > ! U " " HclfrrB , One " Tlio aljovo ( H crljtd | caltleuruallni.il lirt'J Iowa CAttle , ntralulit and pmootli llitsu rattluivill be- lil Iii l iU to'iiilt | iuiciiKcrH ) , anil nt rcanoimblcli- 'Cu. . I'or finltiLT imrtl ulari.call mi nruildires- M, K, PA1TON , llrcinui f.'o , IIIHO. 1'. B , Aljo younK Kradvd Inilla. iii"-iiiio-3twH 1 1- AI.ONO TIM : i.i.sn OK THB- Jjlilcapi Si. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this line from WokolMd up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the CAN through Coucurd and ColcrldKu- inhr.s . - - the bout nortlon ol the State , flpoclal ox- curslon ra'oi for Und ( tinkers ovrr this Una ti- Wayni , Norfolk and llartlnxton , anil la lilalr to all l rtntlpal | io'iti on thu * HIOUX. 01TY it PACIFIC RAILROAD Tr ln over tht a , Bt. I1. H. A: 0. Ilillwav f Cov- Inirton , Hloux city , I'onca , Jlartlntoa ; , Wayne and Norfolk , Oox3xa.oot *vt 3EIllr For tVemont , Oakiblo , Nellicb , and throuxh to Val entln- v.Lffut . ratei and all Information call on- K. . U. WlllTNKr.aeiieral Acnt | , Mtraaj I UoJlilotf , Cor , lOtb and Farnam Kts. , Omaha , Neb, CVTuiKcc ULII lie secured at depot , corner 14tt . * w , gt.r Bttotn OOLD MEDAL , PARIS , JH7Q BAKER'S AVurraiilcd abioliittlir - Coeon , from which tbo rxccss o- Ollhasbcvnrraiovrd , ItliufArc- Itnitt the ttrenglh of Cocoa mlii'i iBUirc.i , und U tlnTi'f'.Tu far inoro i- r&l. . It U dclltlous , nourl lusr- lri'iiflliniliv ! , in > .lly illgrntrd , am- uilnilrully adapted fur InvullJjt u well u* for I'twns In health. Sold ufllrottTt crerj lirr , BAKER 5 CO. , florcllDSlcr. Mass IMORPHIHE HABIT llt ll 11. KiKt , of | Ut |X JulUf _ JIunt *. UQWCflvi Itclu4UliBIclf fci ou turn ruri |ilw * lf yuUllr d | tilolttlj. K r Uitliuy- uil - tuJoiivnii till lium i-nimuitt Ballon Bios South ISHli Street , below Farnnm. SOLE AGENTS FOR P 50 NEW LOTS .1 ust platted out in this addition nt- SJ25 ! to 850. Per lot. First allotment nil taken mainly by persons who will build desirables residences in the spring. This Addition t runs from Dodge street to Daven- port ¬ street , the most healthful , sightly and desirabl- eSUBURBAN ' 4 PHOPEBTY- IN OMAHA. Near Cabin , Belt and Cnming street lines. Sold Forty-One Lots in this addition in January. Call i lliee Will take you out and Ij.'U'.lc in hull ! au hour.- A . Desirable Business Property on Itanium Street. Rented to good tenant. Pays ten per 'cent on in- vestment ¬ , net" . One of the Best Business lotd on Tenth Street ? < ! xl32nO,5)0- .An ( ) . Improved Farm , Near station in Douglas county , two d houses and frame barn n first class farm in every respect. Will icll or exchange for city property. Desirable Lands ii Boone , Madison and Nance coun- ies - , , in quantities 19 snit purchusern , 8.00 per acre. Will tike : less for i quantit- y.Fortv . Acres ci' first-class lnn-1 , improved , good for gardens and nmall fruit , within three miles of postotllce , § 50 per acr- e.DESIMBLE . EESIDEKCE , full lot , two story house , methl- of , 8 rooms. Mush be sold. Spe- cial ¬ terms at ollieo. Good Cottage , ( ivo rooms , new , ono block from street curu , § 1000. Monthly pay ¬ ments. Fine Residence , near Twentieth and.Uass . streets , liaey payments. Residence Property on 18th street. Largo house , good barn , full lot , street cars , 3500. Business ( Property. ; on Saundors'Strajt , A good invest ¬ ment. Call i'or particulars. Several Good Lots on very easy terms to those who will buil- d.Property . Shown on Application , BALLOU BROS , ,

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Page 1: Extract. Ballon Bios · THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAKOH8, 1884. BILIOUSNESS. Bilious symptoms invariably nrigo from indigestion, such rw from indigestion, such rw


BILIOUSNESS.Bilious symptoms invariably

nrigo from indigestion , such rw furredtongue , vomiting of bile , giddiness ,sicklieaduchcirregulnr bowels. Theliver secretes the bile and nets like nfilter or sieve , ti clcnnso impuritiesof the blool. By irregularity in itsaction or suspensions ot its functionsthe bile is littblu to overflow into thebbod , causing jinuulice. sallow nom-plo.ioQyollovoyos.

-. bilious iliarrlucn ,

a languidwoary, fooling and manyother distressing symptoms. Bil-


may bo propjrly termed anaffection of the liver , and can bothoroughly cured by the grand log-ulhtor


of the liver and biliarv organsBURDOCK BLOOD BITTBHS.Act upon the stomach , bowels andliver , making healthy bilu and pnroblood , and opens the culverts andsluiceways for the outlet of disease.Sold everywhere and guaranteed to-

cure. .

CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000 ,

tfi.Tlclcota only 5. Shares in ProportionlEa

Louisiana state Lottery Company ,

" Wt do hereby tertify that ice the at-ranyementt for all (Ar Monthly and SemiAnnual-Drawing' of "" Louisiana State Lottery Company ,ani in person manage and control the Draicingtthemselves , and that the tame are conducted tn'tA-hcntity , fairness , and in good faith toward all pat ,

itt , and we authorite the company to use thii eer-


, with fae-timilet our liynaturet attaehta-n ite advtrtMcmtnti. "


Incorporated In 136. " (or 25 yean by the legttUtmt-lor educational and charitable purposes with capItal ol $1,000,000 to which a 'reuotvo fund ol ov i-

HM.OOO has Bliico been added.-By

.an orwheltnlnp popular rote Its Iranchlw-

m made a part ol the present ctato oonntltutloradopted December 2d , A. D. 1870.

The only Lottery over voted on and en-


by the people of any Stato.-It

.never scales or postpones. ,

Its grand ainglo number drawings takeplace monthly.-


splendid opportunity to win a Fortune.Third Grand Drawing Class C in the Acail-oray


of Music , Now OrleansITuesday , March' 11th , 1884 IfiCtb Monthly drawing.

CAPITAL PRIZE , §75000.100,000 TickdtH at Five Dollftrs Each. 1'rac-


, In Fifths in proportion.LIST O PHIZES.


I do do S5OOC1 do do 10,000-s rnizm OF ceooo 12,0006 do MOO 10,000

10 do 1000 10,00020 do 600 10.00C

100 do 200 20,000-SW do 100 80.000600 do fO 25000

1000 do 25 25,000-API ROXIMno.i rmzKa.

9 Approximation prices ot {750 8,7(00 do do 500 4,600-B do do 250 2 , 0-

18C7 Prizes , amounting to 5285,600Application tor rates to clubs should be made onlj-

at the olllix ) of the Company In New Orleans.For lurtherInformation writ* clearly giving lull

address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable andaddrcea Registered Letters to


Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex-press (all sums ot ?5 and upwards by Express at oai-cxpenbo) to

M A. DAUPHIN ,or If. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La.

8 07 Seventh Bt , Washington , D. O-






The remedy being injected directly to the Beat el-

lthe dlseaae , requlroH no chan f ol dll t ormercurial or poisonous medljinci to bo taken Interually. When uted aa a prevjntUo by either sex , I til-

im possible tu contract any private disease ; but In thi-eaao of thoeo already unfortunately afflicted we guar-antee thieoboxoa to cure , or wo will refund themon-

y. . Price by mall , pObtajepild2. per boxortlirwboxes for

ti.WJUTTEN aUARANTEEScaned by all authorized agen-


Felix t.eBrun&Co.SOLE I'HOl'IUETCnS.

C , F. Uoodman , Sole Agent , lor Omah-iJwlvKen.

Health is Wealth !

lii) K. 0VF.srn NEIITK AND HIUIN TIIKAI-UEN7 , ii Bunmnt'MHl BpociBo fur Jljstorm , Uann-oss. . CouYUlsionB , Nervous JSournlBinHeartache , Nervous ProntrntioncnuBcd Ijytlioiii *

ot alcohol ortolmccii. WiikofulnoBB , Mental lia-proKsiuii , Bottoninu tit the Drain resulting in in-

ennity nnd leacliiiR to jniecry , decay iiiul (lentillreraQturo Old Ago , DaircnneBS , LOBS jif JIOW-Bin either eor , Involuntcry IJOBSPS nnd Hneriunt-crrhocn caused by over-exertion of the brain , sellnbiiBoor ovor-indulBonoo. Each b x containotio immth'a troatmnnt. JLOOn boz.or fcix b"ie-furS.OOBentby muil propaidon roceijit of price

Wi : UCAKANTIJi : SIX 1IOXKH-To euro nny COBO. With cncli orclor nwoived by nfor six boiea , nccoiniianiMl with t5W ? , wo wubond Ilioj'iircliiinor our written gunrai'.uxj to re-

fumitho mouty if the trrntrneutUoosuotcffeo-ucuru. . OuiiTuiilous i&mioaonu'oy-

C. . F , GOODMAN Bole A eut , Omaha Neb.

Imported BeerIN BOTTLES-



,. BavariaCulmbacher,.BavariaPilsner. BohemianKaiaor..Brornen


.. . . . . .St. I ouis-

AnhaiiBcr. . St. LouisBes -, s.Mil'vaulos-fRchlitzPjlsiier.MilwaukeeKruir's .Oniahn

Ale , Tortcr D'niPBtic and Jlhim-Wine. . ED. MAUHBH

1'21 i Fiivniirn

OMAHAStove Repair Works

109 South 14th St.l-



; caMlne* and reptlitat > K> tM ul all description , wood ttovei , ohangotl tbarn cxal , rttAat , UrcUick , dampen , to. ooajUaU )oo baa) . Tn out o our itovi) p" tbilvM ui-

in r > ft ,



Two Hayc Been Scat to tbe Peat-




Ynrt n Probability Hint More "Will-

VoMovv. .

This evening's ttv.in from the northbrought lion. F. H. Till'my , districtmlgo of the Ninth judicial district , into)mnha , and by ix train over the 11. & SI' ,

rom Lincoln last night 11 , J. Simpson ,

tiorirofBrovrncountycAmointo( this city ,

bhctiti Simpson is returning from n ( rip-

e the capital city , whcro ho wont in hisIlictnl capacity to deliver over to the

vardon of the slnto penitentiary Andy'ulbortaon and William Morrison , con-


nt the last term of the districtourt , hold in Brown county , thia atnto ,

in February 25th , for horse stealing ,''udgo TifTiiny is returning lomo: fromho northwestern counties , whore ho hasooa holding court. These two gentle *

nonnro wollficquiuntodwith the facts con-


Kid Wade and his gang , throe ofhorn having boon recently tried beforeudgo Tiffany in Brown county.

Those two gentlemen wore foundt their hotels by n BEE roporto ,

nd wore very willing to give all the factsonnoctcd with the desperadoes who

lave become inoro notorious than anygang in the state since the days of "Doc"-

liddloton. . Theao bandits seemed tolave formed an organization extendingrom the mouth of the Niobrara river

west to the Bad Lands. How many or-

vho have belonged to it will never bo-

mown. . Some have lied the countrycaving their families 611 homesteads to-

.ho tender cares of strangers , some havegone to servo a term of ,ycars in the

) onitontinry , seine have gone to that'undiscovered country" and the connoc-ions of others with this band of out-



will never bo told. The reports'rom that section regarding these men

aeem to have been grossly exaggerated ,,ho prevailing opinion being that four-teen


of "Kid" Wade's band have endedtheir mortal careers by the process of-

ynch law. Sheriff Shnpsoil says onlyour h'uvp mot death in that way and

doubts if the number is as greata9 that oven. "Kid" Wadewas hung to a whistling postono-hnlf inilp cast of Basset , a station on-

ho; Sioux City & Paeifts rend in Browncounty , n man named Murphy mot hisleath in the Keha Faha country at thelands of the vigilantes. A man namedWhitestocking was reported to have boonound hanging to a tree near where Mur-phy


was hung , and others who haveinco been through that country say a-

onoly grave , unmarked and unknown ,can ho seen near the place described ,and the whereabouts of "Kid" Wado's'ather is not known. If the old manWade mot his death by a decree issuedrom the court presided over by JudgeLynch then only four at most have soended this life-


men whom Sheriff Simpson tookto Lincoln were on the 4th of Marchlontcnced to the penitentiary bj JudgeTilTany , Culbcrtson , for eight years , andMorrison for sovon. Horace S to wartwas also tried at the same term of court ,

but was found not guiliy. Thcso menbad been indicted at the October termThe grand juay at the term just closedFound indictments against several others ,but how many could not bo learned.-


indictment was also found againstono of th° vigilantes , who was chargedwith tin assault with an attempt to com-mit


murder. His case was continued tothe next term of court. In Holt county ,whoso term of court has just closed , throeDthors wore indicted and arrested , andboini ; unable to give ball were taken to-

bho Fremont jail , where they will remainuntil the next session in that county Itwas intimated by the counsel for thesedefendants that a change of venue wouldbe applied for on account of the bias ofthe citizens.

Judge Tiffany's court room , during thetrial in Brown county , was filled to over-Hewing daily , but perfect order pre-vailed


, the desire being to give those in-


a fair and impartial trial. Theexcitement and agitation is graduallyabating , and the wish of the citizens nowis that the law take its course. The ac-


of the vigilantes has never been up-held by the order loving people , with theexception of a low who have boonledinto-it by the excitement. There are ten ortwelve more in Holt county who have noboon included in the above, who are un-der


bonds on the same charge , beingheld by the examining magistrate-."Kid"

.Wndo was only twenty-three

years old when he died. Ho was theboy who wns found in the canon with"Doc'1 Middleton the time ho WM sur-prised


and captured. IIo seems to haveboon born with his hand n aiimt ovoiyman , and ever Hineo ho has been in thatcountry ho hnn borne the uamo of n

highwayman and an outlaw.Since this band has been broken up-

no nioro horooa have "been stolen and iiexample has any ollVct it will bo eonii :

time before another will spring up-



It IB now undisputed that We I Do Mov-or'H Gutarrti (Jure is the only treatmentthut will absolutnly euro CaUrrh frfiali 01-

chronic. . "Very efficacious , Sainl. GouldWeeping Water , Neb. " Ono box cured moMM. Mury Kenyan , IMimark , Dakota. " "Il-rtwtored me to tlio pulpit , Kev. Ceo. K. HelsCoblevlllo N, Y. " "Ono liox radically pured-ma , Uov. C. If. Taylor , MO NcrfJo streetBrooklyn. " "A perfect curelnftnr HO yeanullerii'g J. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N

Y. , &c. , &c. Thousands of testimonial anreceived from all parts of the world. Deliv-ered , 8100. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's IIIUHtrated I'rculUe," wiuh statement * by tbo euromailed free. D. li. Dewey & Co. , 182 Kulto-otroot , N. Y, tuett-tburcWt-in&o-3m

Heal Kstato Transient.The following deeds were filed foi

record in the county clerk's oflico Marel0 , reported for TUB BKB by Amos' reaestate agency :

Charles J. Canan and wife otal to JoinJ. IJaller. wd , lout 4 and 5 in May Hold812JO ,

John Xeiao and wife to W. IT. Maryweather , w d , part nw j BOO 18 , il }

( 10 u$012 ,

"I have unfld Jlunlock J.lwl llltUn wit ]

great benefit for indigccti'in and ooiiHtipatloi-of the bowels. " 0. L. Jiartou , Hamilton , Out

Very Correct.The county commissioners J.avo beoi

engaged for some day's , assisted by How-

ard B , Smith , Kstj. , in examining tLi

accounts of late Judge Clwlwiek , andafter a full and thorough cxitnuiftUonthey find that ho should have had onland as county judge something over11000. The amount found to hiscredit , as county judge in the banks , ex-


balance nnd ono cent ovorjojcnroful|and accurate had ho been. During thetime ho had boon in oflico ho had han-lied over S50.000 , principally of fundsBelonging to estates and of condemnationnonoy-


was remarked as a singular fact thatthe final word of the last entry which howrote in his books an hour before hissudden death was "released. "

KVPPV Vermin to bo n Itcnt Success[ it this Ufa must Imvo n specialty ; that Is.nutstconcentrate the abilities of body and mind on-

soiuo one pursuit. flluoil llittert havetheir 8i eclnHy M n coniiloto) nnd radical euro) f dysnciwla , nml llvor and kidney affection * .


The Iiatest Ouzo la to Tliin Out tlioNatural llnir nr Hhavo It

Off Altogether.

The curly wig craze has broken out inChicago and bids fair to become on epi-

demic. . A Wabash nvonup hair dealerwho understands his busiuesa predicts.hat there will not bo n wiglcss woman insociety six months hence. "I know what

am talking about , " ho declared , "for Ilave sold 1127 wigs in Chicago since lost

September , and on nn average , I 'half-shinplo' a customer every day. "

"What do you men by half-shinglo ? "

was asked-."Thinning


out tlio hair and cutting it-

jff just below the cars. The thinning outliolps the growth ot the hair , and justenough is loft in the length to curl cosily.-


hair can bo dressed and put up in-

curlingleadsand the next day it is readyfor uso. The hair is drawn up on thecrown of the head , where it is invisiblypinned. Then the curls are pulled outirouud the face , ears , and neck to suitthe style of the face. Young "ladies andmissus dispense with the pins , and scram-ble the ringlets round the head , as itwore , but unless the face is both youthfuland pretty the ell'ect is very apt to ho-

rowdyish. . Yes , it seems easy enough ,

but tliero is not ono woman in a dozenwho can make a good job of the work un-

til she haa failed a score of times. Anexport has no trouble , and after the loadsare untied it does not take five minutes topull out the coiffure. Wo have ono girlin the toilet-room to whom wo pay §20 aweek for this kind of { work. She is aFrench girl , and came over from Francoin the same steamer with the Irving com ¬

pany. She got her ideas of the presentstyle from Miss Ellen Terry, who , youknow.has a reputation for her studies in-

toilet. . ""Well , what about the wigs ?""Just this : If n woman has enough

hair on her head to cover the scalp wotrim it , cultivate the growth , and encour-ngo


her to wear it an naturalo. But ifthe hair is poor and the scalp barren woshingle the hair, convict style , and takeher measure for a wig. The color ! Oh ,

that depends on what the woman wants.-If


it is uoasiblo to suit her wo succeed ,

Blonde , golden brown , chestnut , black ,

brown , gray , anything she uolects will boall the same to us. But if she leaves thechoice with us wo ntudy her complexionand give her just the color best suited toher eyes and eyebrows. The demand isfor blonde wigo , and wo put them onwomen with black eyes , gray eyes , browneyes , haxzel eyes , green eyes , and Muoeyes , too. 1 think the nicest piecu otmatching 1 ever made up wont to an Adastreet belle with a clear , healthy com-plexion


, ruddy with color , an oval face ,and a pair of grayish-black eyes darkenedby long , bluck lashes and heavy , blackeyebrows. The wig was a blonde of thepage style , made BO as to' bo worn in aclub if preferred. You can only imaginehow charming she looked , for I cannotbegin to toll you. She was so de-


with her appearance that shesaid I might charge her any price andsend tho.bill to papa. I got what I askedfor , 25. "

It would amaeo the uninitiated to knowhow many women buy those wigs womenof all ages and styles , but principally wo-


who are neither so old nor BO whim-sical


as todonbttho eflicacy of a becomingcoilfurp. At a recent party of the Talis-man


club , hold in a west side hall , thirty-two young ladies wore wigs , and worethorn gracelessly enough , too , in severalinstances-


is not generally known that it is ra-


becoming faehionablu for youngwidows who are not averse to a secondperusal of the wedding service to dnnwhite wigs. The natural hair is cut oil'the hair line well powdered , and thuwhite parchment of aniull ringlets wornunder the widow's cap mokea the weareralmost as interesting n.t K lurgo bank ac-

count would Put oni ) uf those siuwwigs on a roe' ) of 40 and nlio can pass fur32 any day if she but known the tireprinciples of making up. Un athorurroses who huvo found the hearts of meninvulnerable have rucourxo to thin ulmnii ,

and oven if the blind god dois not propi-tiate , they nt least h.ife thu satisfautiun-of boitn ; litlruciivn , ai.d , next to admini-tion , thoru IB Mothmn so tU'ar to the femi-nine heart ,

The English walking-hats for the com-ing season will ba provided with fronand hack fringtH of water-waves , whiclwill do away with all further ha rdressinf.for the street. The front hair is BO ar-ranged as to bo readily worn bangedcurled , or pulled in frizzes and worn witl-a center or side part. The back , oscolding locks , consist of from throe tcseven cuila , thick and loose , and Ion |

enough to swoop the collar. The hat ihigh in crown , narrow , and beveled ir-

urim , and intended to bo sot back 01

the head. With it o the Englis-ltailorinado coatumo and standing linercollar.

This wig-wearing fashion will doubtlos-be favorably regarded by the physicianof the city , ono of whom says : "ThAmericans are fast becoming hairless b ;

heredity , Tlio ravages made by the falshair of the last thirty years are shown tythe present generation , The children , i

they have any hair, are born with di-

scased that is , barren scalps , whic-no amount of care or culture will mak-productive. . If wigs are to be worn thhair will of necessity bo coarse from fre-quent cutting , hut it will bo luxuriantnnd tliero will bo less baldness and fowescantily covered heads in twonty-livyears than at present. "

llallroml Sandwiched ,

iU Cal-

lCustomer "What do you charge fo-

thar.. ham'! 'Butcher "That is not for sale. It i

only for a sign , It io made of wood. "Customer "How long has it bee

hanging thcrol"Butcher "About three years. "Cuitomer "Must bo pretty woU f-

lvorod by this time. "Butcher "Flavored ?"

Customer '"Yos. What wil) you tnko-or ill"

Butcher "It only co t half R dollarad von can have it for that if you prefern old ono to a now ono. There areilonty more nt the planing-mill where I-

ot this. "Customer "Well , I will take it if you

will saw it into slices. "'Butcher "Into slices ! Great St.

Abattoir ! What do you want it in slicesor ? "

Customer "I am a manufacturer of-

.tilway restaurant sandwiches.

The Davenport and Rock IslandUidgo company , organized for the pur-lose of building a now bridge over theilissisiippi river at Davenport , has tiledrticlos of incorporation ; capital stock ,1,000,00-




The I'rcBcnt ProsporUy of the Toun-nml ItH Future Prospects.C-



of TlIK DKK-



, Burt County , Nob. , March. The winter season is perhaps not the

>est time to judge of the growth androspority of any portion of the country ,ml yet there are indications of the ox-


of interests in and about Toka-mah


which leave no doubt in regard to-

io assured success of this prosperousown. With a superior quality of land

whoso increase of products is contributingo the trade and business of the plauo ,

nd with au energy and business tactharactcristio of Nebraska people , theres abundant promise of a great outgrowthlore.

The tastp for a now and hotter class of-

mildincs is showing a good fruitage in-

ining tlio streets with a style of architoe-uro


that is fast becoming the pride of-

ur vigorous frontier slnto.The range of blull'a encircling the busi-


portion of the town nfl'ords very do-


blo locations for the elegant privateresidences which are looming up conspic-loualy


all around thu picturesque cityimita. The imposing brick blocks

within whoso walls , the enterprisingnorchant , tradesman , professional and>anker nro plying their several branches

and callings , are evidences of the strongconfidence felt by the people in the fu-


of their town.The schools under the leadership of-

rof.? . Huston are justly becoming theride of every citizen of Tokamah. The

churches are ably manned onor-oticpastors

-; { , and a general air of pros-icrity


is manifest in those several inter-ests


, which are the attraactivp exponentsof every wide awake community through-out


our state.-I'ho


Presbyterians have just enteredupon a promising career of prosperitymid growth under the faithful direction

f their newly called young pastor , llov.. C. Chprryholiues. A high-day of sor-ice has just boon enjoyed by his people ,

v largo accession of now members hasust been welcomed into its membership ,ind a stimulating tide of prosperity hasot in. Tlio superintendent of missions ,

lev. Oeorgo T. Crissmon , recently spenta day in looking over the work hero , ad-


the sacrament nnd ordainingand installing now ollicors in the church.

Among r.omo of the business men plansmvo boon laid for the formation of n-

argo syndicate for the purpose of con-lucting


an extensive cattle busi-ness


in Texas. The capitaltook swells into many thousands of-

if dollars and the profits arising there-rom nro pictured as enormous. Judgingif the success of this syndicate and fromho character and ability of the men whotrp pushing it forward , wo can readilyiring before our minds visions of a now

class of cattle , kings who will make gooduse of their present prosperity.X.

. Y-







WASHINGTON , March 7. Mr. Williamsdom. Ky. , ) moved to discharge the com-nittoo

-on military affairs from con-


of the bill , regulating theretirement rf army oflicors , introducedt y Mr. Bock , (dom.. Ky. , ) who supposedat the time ho was acting forMr. Williamo. The latter know nothingof the bill and disclaimed all respon-sibility


for it.-


. Beck explained that n young mancame in looking for Mr. Williams andsaying the latter had agreed to introduce.bo bill.j Mr. Beck therefore introduced't as ho supposed for his colleague , hutt his since transpired that ho was im-


> upon. The committee was dis-charged


from furthnr comdoration of the'bill '

Tliii Moimto passed the bill reported by-Mr. . ( J triand (dom. , Ark. ) , from the coin-mil tut ! on the judiciary , constituting a-

ni j"nty of the judges of iho supremecom t of tlio United StatcB a quorum , in-


of six us livrrrnforo. The bill alsojirbhihitu a judjio li i board a case in thecircuit con re- from niuii ;{ on the supremebunch whim thu cat.u comes up on appoa ) .

The bill to ostab'i-li' a bureau of statis-tics


of labor came up under the flvu min-ute




. Merrill (rop. , Vt. ) suggested a-

poBtponomont in order , to givi more timetor dobato.-


. Blair ( rop. , N. II , } opposed delay.-Mr.


. Hoar ( rop. , Mass. ) urged the invportanco uf theblll. lie despaired of thumaintenance of the republic many gener-ation


* unless the great mass of tbo peoplereceived enough pay to afford them thecomforts of life and to enable them tneducate their children and develop thoii-patriotism. .

After further discussion the bill wenl-ovor. .

Sir. Plumb (rep. , Kas. ) from the com-mittee on'publto landsreported favorablythe house bill declaring forfeited thelands granted the Texas Pacific railroadand stated that the minority of the com-mittee desired tlio privilege of submit-ting a dissenting report at their conveni-ence. . Adjourned till Monday. '

iioutfi : .The bill authorizing the rotirmont o

General Alfred I'leasonton as colonel wmrecommitted without instructions.-


. Browne (rep , Ind , ) immediatelyintroduced a bill granting Pluasanton i

pension of 8100 a month , Inferred U

the committee on invalid pensions.The house wont into committee of tin

whole on the private cnllendar , Mr. Co :

(dom , N. Y. ) in the chaiand remained in aoealou till 4 o'clockwhen several private bills wcrreported to the house and paused. Tih-


then took a rocesa till 7iO: ! thievening , the session to bo for Iho connideration of pension bills ,.

At the evening session the houtipassed a number of pension bills and adjournod.

BiormH In Cultloriuo., SAN FUANCISCO , March 7, It is at !

jutorming heavily in the control and eoutl

orn nootioiiR of the stato. The rivers arerising , and lands are flooded. lltllroadcommunication with Lost Anqclos U stillinterrupted , and liable to remain so forten dity ; .

Kosher Hlidimrtiol ,

Oi.mr.LANn , March 7. The grandlodge of the Jewish benevolent order ofKosher Sholbargol , district No.I , is in-

Hcssion hero. Ono hundred dolcgatcsare present , representing lodges in Ohio ,

Indiann , Illinois , Kentucky , Tennessee ,

Arkansas , Missouri , Nebraska Kansas ,

Colorado , lown , Minnesota , Wisconsin ,

Michigan and Cannda. President Sam-uel


Lweuatoin , T f Kvansvillo , Ind , , , de-


the annual address. The usualreports .worn made. After disbursing$1)8,000) the treasury has a cash balanceof §0000. The general grand lodge ,

lion. Simon Wolf , of Washington , grand-master , begins its annual session Sunday ,

A banquet occurs Tuesday-



Obeyed Ihn Women.KINGSTON , N. Y. , March 7. Ton

towns in this county voted no liconao ,

The women of Allonvillo threatened to-

"Boycott" business men not voting thetemperance ticket.-



GoodNRW OUI.BANS , March 7. Mr. John

11. Stone , nominated by the republicansfor attorney general , declines. IIo says'ho is a democrat and will support thedemocratic nominees.

Awaiting the Verdict.-



YOUK , March 7. The libel suitfor § 10,000 of Captain Duncan againstthe Now York Times has boon Riven thejury who are directed to bring in asealed verdict.

lr Army Ti'itnsixirlattonllKU-


OIUHA , Nun. , March 1,1831< JI-


riUM'OSM.S. Ill trlplloAtP , iiibject to thnSKALKU condition * lowhoil nt this otllrountil 12 o'clock , iinmi , Tuesday , the tut ilitv ol April ,1881 , or fit stmo hour , (nllnwi.iK'or il.tlciunco Inlimn , ) nt the Illcvx ol tlio AlhUtant 'JtiiurtirmiiHtois-atChujciX'O' Depot , Wjomlinr. Mid IHrdon , Utah , nt

time nud iilaoni they 111 bo opotiril In pioi-cnou ol bidders lor n <on trnnsitt| uon nn tli lol-


ltiK ilcHcrihed ruitei , during the fiscal 3car 10111 *

mcnclii ; July 1st , 1SSI :

1. llctwccn Hlilnoy , Ncb.an lKortltoblniion , Nt-b.2. Uctaoen Clii-jcnno Depot , W. T. nnd Korw Ijxr-


and McMimoy , W. T,

8 llctHO-n Itnck Cr > ok Htntkn , V. 1' . Hy. andF rt MrKliiiioy , W. T-


UawlliiH Station , U. 1' . lly. and Kort-Washaklo , W. T.

, Ucturci Oirtor Station , U. F. Hy. nuU Foit-CD UtldRcr , W. T.

0. Iletwt en Outer Btatlon , Xorthorn I . Hyand-Kort McKlnney , W. T.

7. Itctn ccn Omalia Dopnt or ony | olnt In Omalu-Uitt to I'ort Omahix Nob.-


.. Ui'twcon any points Omaha Citvlliulls.-


.llctw. en Vali'iitliix StMlon , H. C'. and 1'Acino 11-


.. and Tori Nlihram , N b.

10. llotwucn ClioicniHi City an ! Chcycnno Dcp'tand K rt 1) . A. Kus rli , W. T.-


. Ilvtuven Rnlt Uko City and Kort Douglas , Utah.-


reimms the rllit| to icjcct nny-or nil propotnlft.-


pro | o al > , ( ( imnof contract * and printedclrculam lull Informtt'lon a tn nun nor nt-i iddlnif , terms if contract and painentlll liu fur-


on applicntlon to this otllo or to the ottlct1 *

ol the Assi taut Quartermasters at t'hejenim andOK'ilvll. .

Knvclopo' (oontaln Inprropora's' should bo marked"I'rypos.ilsforwni.'on Tianniiortatlon bct Miiand ." ( ! . 11. DANDV

march 1-m eOt Chlot Quartermaster.

for Subsistence HtorcH.-




OinalmUmlnntMiF ! ,

ry, Neb , Februa-

Rctlcd16th. 18S . )

propotaN In ilupllcAta , marked "Proponalsfur Buhilatcnco .Storui ," nnd ml'tri-Haui ! to the underl-iiiccl


, lll 1m teccl cd , kuhjoct to the u :nl cur-il

, -t Inns , at this olllco until 12 ti'clnck iiiion , Harcli to ,

18M4 , nt whlcli tlirvonnd ] hru they will ho opened If-

ith |iruscnciiof hlddora for ( urnUhlni ; nnd dellxary-nt tlio hul'slttenco StorchoiHo or such oilier plau Inthe rlty ot OinMii ni nuy hu designated.-


1'ork , llslil moss-.lllailc


| iroponaln inJ Information as to the inannor-cf hlddlni; nnd tonniof navniont. lll ho ftirnUheil-onajiplloatlon tJ till * iilllco. The tlcht U rcitent'J-to r jcct nny or all bid *.


inu J-at Jlujor and U , B.



Capital , - - $100,000.00-O. . W. HAMILTON , Pros't.-


.. 8. CALDWELL , V. Pros't.-


.. T. BARLOW. Cnshlor.




Accounts aolloltod and kept aub, oct to sight chock.Certificates of Dopoolt Issued payabto In 3,0 nnd 12 months , bearingntorost , or on demand without In-


.Advances made to customers on

approved securities at market rateof Intercut.The Intercuts of Customers are

cloooly guarded and every facilitycompntlblo wtth prlnclploo ofsound banklno freely oxtondod.

Draw night drafts on Englnnd.lroland , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-opo.


.Sail European Pansaro Tickets

, Maoo.

United States Uepository-


Cor. 13th and Farnam Btu ,

Thn Oldest Banking stabhshmen-

in Omaha ,


KOrccnliea In 1803-



aa a National Bank In


ornoiuUuMin Kocima , I'roaldeot.

ton* A. CBIIOUTOII , Vice Pfesld ni.-

A UBTD Kotinrii , M Vice I'reildenl.-



B. UKHtmu , Awlitant Cublcr.-



a genera banking btulnei *. I ue iliui-

otitlflcMea bearlu nterwt IJrawi dialU en Sa !

Francisco ami principal cltic. In tbo United Bwte-Al 9 Londou iublln , Bllnliurifh aud * h prlnrlivII-


phwnU Awaranc * Co. , ol jxmdon , Oaeh. .

. K. V. ( Capital.000OOaO-of.efc nt Nek N.J.CpiUl 1 it76 (XW.-

OtitcaVn Fire. 1iuad.lphw , UplW. . . . ,W.MO.-OrirenWirunil.Cai'ltal' ,. . . , , , ,. I.ttVJlC.C-

FIO Hv >m IV, Uuuuu Kutljua BOc Uull



unfalllnir cure fetBomliml WeAk *

noiw , RpcrmMotr-hcr


, Impotcncy ,anil all Diaoaxnthat follow an a-

prqutnco nl 8rl | .

Almne ; a Ion of''

- "tRETARinO , aiUa3uiiiopiin AFTER TAKIHQ ,In the luck , DlmncM ol Vlnton , frcinaturo olil AK-Uami Jinny other ill IWK that lead to Insanity or Don-uiiiitlon


> ] and a rnniaturo ( Irate.-iUwARi

.ot adTerttamcnta to rcltlnil money , when

drinririUft from whom tlio rnedlrlno Is bought no notrefuiul , but rclcr jO'tto thn mMuitactnrers , and therequirements are iiuch that they are ntlioin , if eper.-MinpllMl


with. Hce thclrMrlttcnfc >iara Uo A trialot ono lntlo |iaokixe| ol Speclflc wilt convinceIho ntont nkojitloAl ol I In rral merits.-


account ol oount ifeltm , wo have adopted theYellow Wrapper ; Iho only Rcmilno.. X TFull Mrtlcularalnour | nmih1etnhlch irtAttire to send Irco by mall to every one. IfTThe Hp-eIflaUotliolneiimolilby


. Ml drucirUla at fl | rpack.-go

., or U |wcka )4 lor ?5 , or will l e nent Irco br

mall on tlio rooolpt of tlio monov , by ftililremiliii ;THK OUAYMKUICINKCO , , lluflalo. N. V.

.Hold n Omaha I - - - | v IRmb

Very Important. Got the Qanul-


Malt Extract.Unequalled In Its tonta

Ir"3action on th > enfeebled 232and sick.


Co. . : UyfAtnlly ] ..hjlclan-

lias rccoinincndnl jour

iiorrn HALT i-


: .

my wife , win-

has bun an Invalid for

fifteen , ntiil It lia *

lnuMt performed inlrn

rlc .

"llroMii. Jrn. lS5't1-'KICK , $4 HU ) HT dfl o

Patent Dried Fruit Lifter,




CAN .vrroitnT011-









., IS'Iill.

( ItTKK. )

RIjioTUO-VOLTAIO Iini.T nnd otlu-r KMtcminon U ) U.iyu1 Trial TO-

11HN ONLY. YOUNQ Oil OLD , who nro nffer-nic

-( from KEIITOUU Dtcnatrr. LOST VITAUTT ,

STlNaVKAKHrsfitH , nml nil tliono dlnonfon ot n-

soNii.. NATUIIB , n-sultlnK from AIIUHFS nmlO-

AUSKH. . Hiiwdy teller anil riiniilcto-nutorutlon

|to HKAI.TII , Vmou nnd > |AKIIOOI-iUARAKTErD.: . He nil at onua tor Hliulratod'amplilet frfo. Addreu-"OI.TATO niil.T CO.! , ninrnlmll. nil oil.

Nebraska CorniceANDU-






Iron Fencing !

Orestlnfrs Balustradim , Verandas , Oflloeand Baiil-lUlllnKi , Window and Collar Guards , Kto.

0011 , 0. ANUttU BTUKi :' , LINCOLN NKIJ.-



. oranuter ,

XTotioo to Cattle Mou. !


UO Head til Utccra Tlirco Vvurs Old.-


' " Tail "2d ' " Ilflfern , Two "ISO " ' hteisri , On "> ! U " " HclfrrB , One "

Tlio aljovo ( H crljtd| caltleuruallni.il lirt'J IowaCAttle , ntralulit and pmootli llitsu rattluivill be-

lil Iii l iU to'iiilt | iuiciiKcrH) , anil nt rcanoimblcli-'Cu. . I'or finltiLT imrtl ulari.call mi nruildires-

M , K , PA1TON, llrcinui f.'o , IIIHO.

1' . B , Aljo younK Kradvd Inilla. iii"-iiiio-3twH


AI.ONO TIM : i.i.sn OK THB-

Jjlilcapi Si.. Paul , Minneapolis and

OMAHA RAILWAY.The now extension of this line from WokolMd up


BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the CANthrough Coucurd and ColcrldKu-

inhr.s. - - the bout nortlon ol the State , flpoclal ox-

curslon ra'oi for Und ( tinkers ovrr this Una ti-

Wayni , Norfolk and llartlnxton , anil la lilalr to alll rtntlpal | io'iti on thu *

HIOUX. 01TY it PACIFIC RAILROADTr ln over tht a , Bt. I1. H. A: 0. Ilillwav f Cov-

Inirton , Hloux city , I'onca , Jlartlntoa; , Wayne andNorfolk ,

Oox3xa.oot *vt 3EIllrFor tVemont , Oakiblo , Nellicb , and throuxh to Val



ratei and all Information call on-K. . U. WlllTNKr.aeiieral Acnt| ,

Mtraaj I UoJlilotf , Cor , lOtb and Farnam Kts. ,Omaha , Neb ,

CVTuiKcc ULII lie secured at depot , corner 14tt. * w ,gt.r Bttotn



AVurraiilcd abioliittlir -

Coeon , from which tbo rxccss o-

Ollhasbcvnrraiovrd , ItliufArc-Itnitt the ttrenglh of Cocoa mlii'iiBUirc.i ,

und U tlnTi'f'.Tu far inoro i-

r&l. . It U dclltlous , nourl lusr-


, in>.lly illgrntrd , am-

uilnilrully adapted fur InvullJjt u

well u* for I'twns In health.

Sold ufllrottTt crerj lirr ,

BAKER 5 CO. , florcllDSlcr. Mass

IMORPHIHE HABITllt ll 11. KiKt , of |Ut |X JulUf_ JIunt * . UQWCflvi Itclu4UliBIclf

fci ou turn ruri |ilw * lf yuUllr d |tilolttlj. K r Uitliuy-uil


tuJoiivnii till lium i-nimuitt

Ballon Bios

South ISHli Street , below Farnnm.




.1 ust platted out in this addition nt-

SJ25! to 850.Per lot. First allotment nil takenmainly by persons who will builddesirables residences in the spring.

This Additiont

runs from Dodge street to Daven-


street , the most healthful ,

sightly and desirabl-




Near Cabin , Belt and Cnming streetlines.

Sold Forty-One Lotsin this addition in January. Call

i lliee Will take you out and

Ij.'U'.lc in hull ! au hour.-



Desirable Business Property

on Itanium Street. Rented to goodtenant. Pays ten per 'cent on in-


, net" .

One of the BestBusiness lotd on Tenth Street ?

<! xl32nO,5)0-


() .

Improved Farm ,Near station in Douglas county , two

d houses and frame barn n firstclass farm in every respect. Willicll or exchange for city property.

Desirable Landsii Boone , Madison and Nance coun-


-, , in quantities 19 snit purchusern ,

8.00 per acre. Will tike: less fori quantit-



Acresci' first-class lnn-1 , improved , goodfor gardens and nmall fruit , withinthree miles of postotllce , § 50 peracr-




full lot , two story house , methl-

of , 8 rooms. Mush be sold. Spe-



terms at ollieo.

Good Cottage ,(ivo rooms , new , ono block fromstreet curu , § 1000. Monthly pay ¬


Fine Residence ,

near Twentieth and.Uass. streets ,

liaey payments.

Residence Propertyon 18th street. Largo house , goodbarn , full lot , street cars , 3500.

Business (Property.;

on Saundors'Strajt , A good invest ¬

ment. Call i'or particulars.

Several Good Lotson very easy terms to those whowill buil-




on Application ,