extraordinary hkkx ii—[k.m 3 mi&[k.m (ii) part …forest.bih.nic.in/notifications/s.o. 1823 (e)...

2525 GI/2016 (1) jftLVªh la ö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 1243] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] ebZ 19] 2016@oS'kk[k 29] 1938 No. 1243] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016/VAISAKHA 29, 1938 ubZ fnYyh] 19 ebZ] 2016

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  • 2525 GI/2016 (1)

    jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

    vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY

    Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)

    izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY

    la- 1243] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] ebZ 19] 2016@oS'kk[k 29] 1938 No. 1243] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016/VAISAKHA 29, 1938




    , ,

    , वन


















    ubZ fnYyh] 19 ebZ] 2016








    . .

    . 1823












    —िन�िलिखत �ाप अिधसूचना, िजस ेके�ीय सरकार, पया�वरण (संर�ण) अिधिनयम, 1986

    (1986 का 29) क� धारा 3 क� उपधारा (2) के खंड (v) और खंड (xiv) तथा उपधारा (3) के साथ प�ठत उपधारा (1) �ारा

    �द� शि�य का �योग करते #ए, जारी करने का �%ताव करती ह,ै पया�वरण (संर�ण) िनयम, 1986 के िनयम 5 के

    उपिनयम (3) क� अपे�ानुसार, जनसाधारण क� जानकारी के िलए �कािशत क� जाती ह;ै िजनके उससे �भािवत होने क�

    संभावना ह ै; और यह सूचना दी जाती ह ै)क उ� �ाप अिधसूचना पर, उस तारीख से, िजसको इस अिधसूचना वाले भारत

    के राजप, क� �ितयां जनसाधारण को उपल-ध करा दी जाती ह0, साठ )दन क� अविध क� समाि2 पर या उसके प3ात् िवचार

    )कया जाएगा ;

    ऐसा कोई 5ि�, जो �ाप अिधसूचना म6 अंत7व8 �%ताव के संबंध म6 कोई आ�ेप या सुझाव दनेे म6 िहतब; ह,ै इस

    �कार िविन


    अफगािन% तान, चीन, पा)क% तान, मंगोिलया एवं साइबे�रया और अ य दशे िनवास % थान ह0 जो सद� ऋतु म6 और सरीसृप �े,

    के समूह ह।ै अभयारB य म6 भगवान िश व का म)ंदर महाकाZ य समय के िलए दबुारा खोजा गया और इसका िवशाल धा7मक

    मह[ व ह।ै

    और, इस �े, म6 उपि%थ ित अंकन क� कुछ मह[ वपूण� पि� य क� �जाितय म6 दलमटैन पेलीकन (पेलीकनस दरूीसपुस्),

    भारतीय डरटर (अन_लगा पा),बार हिेडड कलहसं, वाइट _वगड वुड ब[ तख (कैरीवा सकुटुलाटा), माब�लड टोल (मरमरोने`ा

    अनa यू% टीरो% टृीस) बेइरस पॉच�ड (अयc याबेरी), साइबे�रयन करेन (dुस िलयोdेनस), भारतीय % क�e मर (रयनचोपस

    अलीबीकोलस), ओgरयटल a युस0डर (मरेa यूस गुस0डर), िवस_लग टील, कौि़ड@ ला ब0गनी मूर – मुगi आ)द ह0 और कुछ

    मह[ वपूण� जलीय पौधे �जाितय म6 जलकुe भी, नरकट, जंगली चावल, नीली जल िलली, हाइडलेा, म% कdास आ)द ह0। अ य

    वन% पित म6 फ�कस राइगीओसा, फ�कस बंगालेनीसीस, फ�कस इंफटोना, बबूल आ)द ह0 और मह[ [ वपूण� मछली �जाितय म6

    रेछु, कटला, _सही, गराई, बमा�, इचना आ)द ह0 और सामा य % थलीय व यजीव म6 लघुपूk छ वानर, बनैला सअूर, िसयार,

    नीलगाय आ)द ह0 और सरीसृप म6 कछुआ म6 जैसे )क हरही एवं अछुआ और जल सांप म6 चेरना, मचलीदीही बसमहा और

    दरराह सिeम िलत ह0।

    और, अभयारB य कमला बलन, पुरानी कमला, कोसी, भूतही एवं जीवk च बाढ़ जल फैलाने वाली न)दय स ेबाढ़ और कृिष

    भिूम के िनकट जल जमाव को रोकने के िलए जल �ाn त करती ह ैऔर अत: यह जलाशय के प म6 और भ-ूजल �रचाज� क�

    �)pया म6 भी काय� करता ह।ै

    और, कुशेशवर अ%थान प�ी अभयारBय के चार ओर के �े, को, िजसका िव%तार और सीमाएं इस अिधसूचना के पैरा 1 म6


  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3

    (4) आंचिलक महायोजना, पया�वरणीय और पा�रि%थितक िवचार को समाकिलत करने के िलए राt य सरकार के सभी

    संब; िवभाग के परामश� से तैयार होगी, अथा�त्:--

    (i) पया�वरण ;

    (ii) वन ;

    (iii) नगर िवकास ;

    (iv) पय�टन ;

    (v) नगरपािलक ;

    (vi) राज% व ;

    (vii) कृिष ;

    (viii) िबहार राt य �दषूण िनयं,ण बोड� ;

    (ix) _सचाई; और

    (x) लोक िनमा�ण िवभाग ।

    (5) आंचिलक महायोजना अनुमो)दत िवqमान भ-ूउपयोग, अवसरंचना और )pयाकलाप पर कोई िनब{धन अिधरोिपत

    नह| करेगी जब तक )क इस अिधसूचना म6 िविन


    (iv) कुटीर उqोग, िजसके अंतग�त dामीण उqोग, सिुवधा भंडार और % थानीय सुख-सुिवधाएं ह0 और;

    (v) वषा� जल संचयन ।

    परंतु यह और )क जनजातीय भिूम का उपयोग राtय सरकार के पूव� अनुमोदन और संिवधान के अनुk छेद 244 या

    त[समय �वृ� िविध के उपबंध के अनुपालन के िबना, िजसके अंतग�त अनुसूिचत जनजाित और अय परंपरागत वन िनवासी

    (वन अिधकार क� मायता) अिधिनयम, 2006 (2007 का 2) भी ह,ै वािणिtयक या उqोग िवकास )pयाकलाप के िलए

    अनुOात नह| होगा :

    परंतु यह और भी )क पा�रि% थितक संवेदी जोन के भीतर भ-ूअिभलेख म6 उपसंजात कोई ,ु�ट, मानीटरी सिमित के

    िवचार �ा2 करने के प3ात् राtय सरकार �ारा �[येक मामले म6 एक बार संशोिधत होगी और उ� ,ु�ट के संशोधन क� सूचना

    क6 �ीय सरकार के पया�वरण, वन और जलवायु प�रवत�न मं,ालय को दनेी होगी।

    परंतु यह और भी )क उपयु�� ,ु�ट का संशोधन म6 इस उप पैरा के अधीन यथा उपबंिधत के िसवाय )कसी भी दशा म6

    भ-ूउपयोग का प�रवत�न सिeमिलत नह| होगा ।

    परंतु यह और भी )क ह�रत �े, जैसे वन �े,, कृिष �े, आ)द म6 कोई पा�रणािमक कटौती नह| होगी और अ�युa त

    या अनु[ पादक कृिष �े, म6 पुन: वनीकरण करने के �यास )कए जाएंगे ।

    (2) �ाकृितक जल �ोत

    �ाकृितक जल �ोत�ाकृितक जल �ोत

    �ाकृितक जल �ोत - आचंिलक महायोजना म6 सभी �ाकृितक जल ोत क� पहचान क� जाएगी और उनके संर�ण और

    पुनLभूतकरण के िलए योजना सिe मिलत होगी और राt य सरकार �ारा ऐसे �े, पर या उनके िनकट िवकास )pयाकलाप

    �ितिष; करने के िलए ऐसी रीित स ेमाग�िनदKश तैयार )कए जाएंगे ।

    (3) पय�टन

    पय�टन पय�टन

    पय�टन –


    – (क) पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन के भीतर पय�टन संबंधी )pयाकलाप पय�टन महायोजना के अनसुार ह गे जो )क

    आंचिलक महायोजना के भाग प म6 होगी ।

    (ख) िबहार राtय के पय�टन िवभाग �ारा िबहार सरकार के पया�वरण और वन िवभाग के परामश� से पय�टन आंचिलक

    महायोजना तैयार )कया जाएगा ।

    (ग) पय�टन संबंधी )pयाकलाप िनe निलिखत के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे, अथा�त् :-

    (i) पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन के भीतर सभी नए पय�टन )pयाकलाप या िवqमान पय�टन )pयाकलाप का िव%तार

    क6 �ीय सरकार के पया�वरण, वन और जलवायु प�रवत�न मं,ालय के माग�दश�क िस;ांत के �ारा तथा राz ीय Z या

    संर�ण �ािधकरण, �ारा जारी पा�रि%थितक पय�टन (समय-समय पर यथा संशोिधत) माग�दश�क िस;ांत के

    अनुसार, पा�रि%थितक पय�टन, पा�रि%थितक िश�ा और पा�रि%थितक िवकास को मह[व दतेे #ए पा�रि%थितक

    संवेदी जोन क� वहन �मता के अ}ययन पर आधा�रत होगा;

    (ii) पा�रि% थितक अनुकूल पय�टक )pयाकलाप के संबंध म6 अ%थायी अिधभोग के िलए वास सुिवधा के िसवाय

    कुशेशवर अ%थान प�ी अभयारBय क� सीमा स ेएक )कलोमीटर भीतर होटल और �रसोट का नया संिनमा�ण अनुOात

    नह| होगा ;

    परंतु सरंि�त �े, क� सीमा स ेएक )कलोमीटर क� दरूी से परे पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन क� सीमा तक नए

    होटल और �रसोट� क� %थापना पय�टन महायोजना के अनुसार पा�रि%थितक पय�टन सुिवधा के िलए पूव� प�रभािषत

    और िविन

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5

    क� जाएगी और उह6 प�ररि�त )कया जाएगा तथा उनक� सुर�ा और संर�ा के िलए इस अिधसूचना के �काशन क� तारीख से

    छह मास के भीतर, उपयु� योजना बनाई जाएगी और ऐसी योजना आंचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी ।

    (5) मानव िन#मत िवरासत � थ

    मानव िन#मत िवरासत � थमानव िन#मत िवरासत � थ

    मानव िन#मत िवरासत � थल

    ल ल

    ल -



    पा�रि% थितक संवेदी जोन म6 भवन , संरचनाx, िश@प-तcय, ऐितहािसक, कला[मक और

    सां%कृितक मह[व के �े, क� पहचान करनी होगी और इस अिधसूचना के अंितम �काशन क� तारीख से छह माह के भीतर

    उनके संर�ण क� योजनाएं तैयार करनी होगी तथा आंचिलक महायोजना म6 सिeमिलत क� जाएगी ।

    (6) % व

    % व% व

    % विन �दषूण

    िन �दषूणिन �दषूण

    िन �दषूण - पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 } विन �दषूण के िनयं,ण के िलए राt य सरकार का पया�वरण िवभाग, या

    िबहार राtय पया�वरण संर�ण बोड� वायु (�दषूण िनवारण और िनयं,ण) अिधिनयम, 1981 (1981 का 14) और उसके

    अधीन बनाए गए िनयम के उपबंध के अनुसरण म6 माग�दश�क िस;ांत और िविनयम तैयार करेगा ।







    �दषूण - पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6, वायु �दषूण के िनयं,ण के िलए राtय सरकार का पया�वरण िवभाग, या

    िबहार राtय पया�वरण संर�ण बोड�, वायु (�दषूण िनवारण और िनयं,ण) अिधिनयम, 1981 (1981 का 14) और उसके

    अधीन बनाए गए िनयम के उपबंध के अनुसरण म6 माग�दश�क िस;ांत और िविनयम तैयार करेगा ।

    (8) बिह�ाव










    रण - पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 उपचा�रत बिहाव का िन%सारण, जल (�दषूण िनवारण तथा

    िनयं,ण) अिधिनयम, 1974 (1974 का 6) और उसके अधीन बनाए गए िनयम के उपबंध के अनुसार होगा ।

    (9) ठोस अपिश.

    ठोस अपिश. ठोस अपिश.

    ठोस अपिश. -


    - ठोस








    (i) पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 ठोस अपिश8 का िनपटान भारत सरकार के त[कालीन पया�वरण, वन और

    जलवायु प�रवत�न मं,ालय क� समय-समय पर यथा सशंोिधत अिधसूचना सं. का.आ. 1357(आ), तारीख

    8 अ�ैल, 2016 नगरपािलक ठोस अपिश8 �बंध िनयम, 2016 के उपबंध के अनुसार )कया जाएगा ;

    (ii) %थानीय �ािधकरण जैव िन�ीकरणीय और अजैव िन�ीकरणीय संघटक म6 ठोस अपिश8 के संपथृन के

    िलए योजनाएं तैयार कर6गे ;

    (iii) जैव िन�ीकरणीय सामdी को अिधमानतः खाद बनाकर या कृिम खेती के मा}यम स े पुनःच)pत )कया

    जाएगा ;

    (iv) अकाब�िनक सामdी का िनपटान पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन के बाहर पहचान )कए गए % थल पर )कसी

    पया�वरणीय %वीकृत रीित म6 होगा और पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 ठोस अपिशz ट को जलाना या

    भz मीकरण अनुOात नह| होगा।

    (10) जैव िच�क0 सी

    जैव िच�क0 सीजैव िच�क0 सी

    जैव िच�क0 सीय अपिश2 ट

    य अपिश2 टय अपिश2 ट

    य अपिश2 ट- पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 जैव िच)क[सीय अपिश8 का िनपटान भारत सरकार के

    पया�वरण, वन और जलवायु प�रवत�न मं,ालय क� समय-समय पर यथासंशोिधत अिधसूचना िज.एस. आर 343 (अ) तारीख

    28 माच� 2016 �ारा �कािशत जैव िच)क[सीय अपिश8 �बंध िनयम, 2016 के उपबंध के अनुसार )कया जाएगा ।

    (11) यानीय





    प�रवहन - प�रवहन क� यानीय गितिविधयां आवास के अनुकूल िविनयिमत ह गी और इस संबंध म6 आंचिलक

    महायोजना म6 िवशेष उपबंध अिधकिथत )कए जाएंगे और आंचिलक महायोजना के तैयार होने और राt य सरकार के स�म

    �ािधकारी के �ारा अनुमो)दत होने तक, मानीटरी सिमित �वृ� िनयम और िविनयम के अनुसार यानीय गितिविधय के

    अनुपालन को मानीटर करेगी ।








    औ4ोिगक इकाईयां

    औ4ोिगक इकाईयां औ4ोिगक इकाईयां

    औ4ोिगक इकाईयां –


    (क) �% तािव त पा�रि%थितक सवेंदी जोन म6 िव िध के अनुसार % थािप त िव qमान काz ठ आधा�र त उqोग के िस वाए नए काz ठ

    आधा�र त उqोग क� % थापना को अनुOात नह| )क या जाएगा ।

    (ख) जल, वायु, मदृा, } विन �दषूण का�र त करने वाल े )क सी नए उqोग क� �% तािव त पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 % थापना

    को अनुOात नह| )क या जाएगा ।








































    पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन म6 सभी

    )pयाकलाप पया�वरण (संर�ण) अिधिनयम, 1986 (1986 का 29) के उपबंध और त;ीन बनाए गए िनयम �ारा शािसत

    ह गे और नीच ेदी गई तािलका म6 िविन

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7

    अनुपचा�रत बिहा�व और ठोस

    अपिश8 का िन%सारण ।

    िविनयिमत �9याकलाप

    िविनयिमत �9याकलापिविनयिमत �9याकलाप

    िविनयिमत �9याकलाप

    11. होटल और �रसोट क� %थापना । पा�रि% थितक अनुकूल पय�टन )pयाकलाप से संबंिधत पय�टक के

    िलए अ%थायी आवास के सरंि�त �े, क� सीमा के 1 )कलोमीटर के

    भीतर नए वािणिtयक होटल और �रसोट क� %थापना अनुOात


    पंरतु, 1 )कलोमीटर से परे और पा�रि% थितक संवेदी जोन के िव% तार

    तक सभी नए पय�टन )pयाकलाप या िवqमान )pयाकलाप के

    िव% तार पय�टन महायोजना और राz ीय 5ा संर�ण �ािधकरण के

    )दशा-िनदKश के अनुप ह गे ।

    12. संिनमा�ण )pयाकलाप। (क) संरि�त �े, क� एक )कलोमीटर क� सीमा के भीतर )कसी भी

    �कार के नए वािणिt यक संिनमा�ण को अनुOात नह| )कया जाएगा:

    परंतु % थानीय लोग को पैरा 3 के उप पैरा (1) म6 सचूीब;

    )pयाकलाप सिहत उनके आवासीय उपयोग के िलए उनक� भिूम म6

    संिनमा�ण करने क� अनमुित दी जाएगी ।

    (ख) ऐसे लघु उqोग जो �दषूण उ[ प न नह| करते ह0, से संबंिधत

    संिनमा�ण )pयाकलाप िविनयिमत )कए जाएंगे और लागू िनयम

    और िविनयम , य)द कोई ह ,के अनुसार स�म �ािधकारी क� पूव�

    अनुमित से ही यूनतम पर रखे जाएंगे ।

    (ग) इसके अित�रa त, एक )कलोमीटर से परे पा�रि%थितक संवेदी

    जोन के िव% तार तक सावपवू�क %थानीय आवSयकताx के िलए

    संिनमा�ण और अय संिनमा�ण )pयाकलाप को महायोजना के

    अनुसार िविनयिमत )कया जाएगा।

    (घ) पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन संिनमा�ण )pयाकलाप आंचिलक

    महायोजना के अनुसार ह गे।

    13. nलाि%टक बैग का उपयोग। लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    14. �ाकृितक जल िनकाय म6 बिहा�व और

    ठोस अपिशz ट का िन%सारण ।

    लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    15. वायु और यािनक �दषूण । लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    16. } विन �दषूण । लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    17. भिूमगत जल का िनz कष�ण। लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    18. वृ� क� कटाई । (क) राtय सरकार म6 स�म �ािधकारी क� पूव� अनुमित के िबना वन,

    सरकारी या राज%व या िनजी भिूम पर या वन म6 कही वृ� क�

    कटाई नह| होगी ।

    (ख) वृ� क� कटाई संबंिधत क6 �ीय या राtय अिधिनयम या उसके

    अधीन बनाए गए िनयम के उपबंध के अनुसार िविनयिमत होगी ।

    (ग) आरि�त वन और संरि�त वन क� दशा काय�योजना म6 )दए

    गए िववरण का अनुसरण )कया जाएगा ।

    19. रोपवे का संिनमा�ण। लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।


    20. िवqुत लाइन का इसुलेशन। भिूमगत केबल डालने का संवध�न )कया जाएगा।

    21. सुर�ा क0 प क� %थापना। लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    22. दरूसंचार (मोबाइल टावर)क� %थापना लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    23. िवqमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना और उह6

    सुदढृ करना।

    उिचत पया�वरण समाघात िनधा�रण और यूनीकरण उपाय यथा

    लागू अनुसार ह गे ।

    24. होटल और लॉज के िवqमान प�रसर म6

    बाड लगाना।

    लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत होगा ।

    व यजीव के मुa त संचलन को अनुOात करने के िलए पा�रि% थितक

    संवेदी जोन के भीतर होटल या अ य वािणिt यक % थापना अपनी

    प�रसंपि[ तय म6 काटेदार से बाड नह| लगाएंगे और कोई भी बाड़

    एक मीटर स ेऊंची नह| होगी। कोई िवqमान बाड़, जो इस उपदश�

    का अनुपालन नह| करती ह,ै को आंचिलक महायोजना म6 व7णत

    समय-सीमा के अनुसार उपांत�रत )कया जाएगा ।

    25. कृिष �णािलय म6 आमूल प�रवत�न । लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    26. िवदशेी �जाितय को लाना । लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    27. राि, म6 यािनक यातायात का संचलन । लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    28. वािणिt यक साइनबोड� और होडग । लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    29. �दषूण उ[प न करने वाले लघु उqोग । पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन से गैर �दषूण, गैर प�रसंकटमय, लघु और

    सेवा उqोग, कृिष, पुz प कृिष, उqान कृिष या कृिष आधा�रत दशेीय

    माल से औqोिगक उ[पाद का उ[पादन उqोग और जो पया�वरण

    पर कोई िवपरीत �भाव नह| डालते ह0, को अनुOात )कया जाएगा ।

    30. वन उ[पाद और गैर काz ठ वन उ[पाद का


    लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    31. �वासी चरागाह। लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    32. मछली पालन। लागू िविधय के अधीन िविनयिमत ह गे ।

    संव#धत �9याकलाप

    संव#धत �9याकलाप संव#धत �9याकलाप

    संव#धत �9याकलाप

    33. %थानीय कृिष 5वसाय, बागवानी और

    वनीय )pयाकलाप ।

    स)p य प से बढावा )दया जाएगा ।

    34. जैिवक कृिष। स)p य प से बढावा )दया जाएगा ।

    35. सभी गितिविधय के िलए ह�रत

    �ौqोिगक� को dहण करना ।

    स)p य प से बढावा )दया जाएगा ।

    36. कुटीर उqोग िजसके अंतग�त dामीण

    कारीगर आ)द भी ह0 ।

    स)p य प से बढावा )दया जाएगा ।

    37. वषा� जल संचयन। स)p य प से बढावा )दया जाएगा।

    38. नवीकरणीय ऊजा� ोत का उपयोग । स)p य प से बढावा )दया जाएगा |




    . .










    (1) क6 �ीय सरकार,

    पा�रि%थितक संवेदी जोन के �भावी मानीटरी के िलए एक मानीटरी सिमित का

    गठन करेगी जो िन�िलिखत से िमलकर बनेगी, अथा�त् :-

    1. �भागीय आयु�, दरभंगा �भाग - अ}य� ;

    2. राज%व िवभाग, िबहार सरकार का एक �ितिनिध - सद%य ;

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9

    3. जल संसाधन िवभाग, िबहार सरकार का एक �ितिनिध -सद%य ;

    4. लोक िनमा�ण िवभाग , िबहार सरकार का एक �ितिनिध - सद%य;

    5. िबहार संरकार �ारा पया�वरण के �े, म6 काय� करने वाले (िजसके अंतग�त िवरासत संर�ण

    भी ह)ै गैर सरकारी संगठन का एक वष� के िलए नामिन




    उपाबंध I













    के भू

    के भूके भू

    के भू-





    शांक शांक


    आई डी

    आई डीआई डी

    आई डी







    1 86.2618936009362 25.8337720990339

    2 86.2676924046286 25.8395709027263

    3 86.2877651866409 25.8482691082649

    4 86.2835275993272 25.8696800757447

    5 86.2908876193983 25.8848461777095

    6 86.3051615977181 25.8828388995083

    7 86.3105143395881 25.8647733956972

    8 86.3172052669255 25.8565212519811

    9 86.3290259052216 25.8453697064187

    10 86.3272416579316 25.8364484699688

    11 86.3317022761566 25.8322108826551

    12 86.3337095543578 25.8132532551991

    13 86.319435576038 25.8103538533529

    14 86.3051615977181 25.8183829661578

    15 86.296909454002 25.8165987188678

    16 86.2911106503096 25.8139223479328

    17 86.2882112484633 25.8038859569267

    18 86.2790669811022 25.8085696060629

    19 86.2679154355398 25.8090156678854

    20 86.2837506302384 25.8273042026077



    उपाबंध II








































    0 25°53’44.562”उ 86°17’28.750”पू

    1 25°52’55.872”उ 86°18’47.131”पू

    2 25°52’2.724”उ 86°18’56.243”पू

    3 25°51’10.774”उ 86°20’1.649”पू

    4 25°50’40.317”उ 86°20’37.178”पू

    5 25°48’46.838”उ 86°20’22.909”पू

    6 25°48’17.482”उ 86°18’49.147”पू

    7 25°48’34.462”उ 86°18’12.366”पू

    8 25°47’43.551”उ 86°17’19.739”पू

    9 25°47’49.856”उ 86°15’54.447”पू

    10 25°48’43.463”उ 86°15’38.910”पू

    11 25°49’22.060”उ 86°14’40.587”पू

    12 25°50’46.480”उ 86°16’4.467”पू

    13 25°51’59.659”उ 86°16’40.474”पू

    14 25°51’14.816”उ 86°15’45.405”पू

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 11



    उपाबंध III















































    9.स.ं 9.स.ं









    देशांतर देशांतर


    >े (हेE टे

    >े (हेE टे>े (हेE टे

    >े (हेE टेयर






    1 अबेर उफ� रामबरी 25° 50' 52.413" उ 86° 16' 18.832" पू 161.54

    2 अदलपुर 25° 48' 16.473" उ 86° 17' 40.786" पू 116.20

    3 असमन 25° 49' 4.853" उ 86° 17' 53.272" पू 10.30

    4 बहमपुर उफ� मसलखोल 25° 49' 52.535" उ 86° 15' 17.214" पू 283.79

    5 बाइरो 25° 51' 33.670" उ 86° 17' 20.746" पू 2.02

    6 बारैना 25° 49' 41.050" उ 86° 20' 11.481" पू 99.50

    7 बरगॉव 25° 48' 20.361" उ 86° 16' 32.633" पू 86.63

    8 बरसानदा 25° 50' 50.142" उ 86° 16' 57.879" पू 42.87

    9 भादहर 25° 53' 30.061" उ 86° 17' 12.542" पू 71.13

    10 भालकुा 25° 48' 41.458" उ 86° 18' 18.857" पू 39.83

    11 भतवान 25° 47' 57.678" उ 86° 17' 11.830" पू 34.35

    12 भीआ 25° 50' 28.781" उ 86° 20' 9.446" पू 300.81

    13 िबसुिनया 25° 49' 10.497" उ 86° 20' 12.142" पू 105.77

    14 धम�पुर 25° 48' 49.263" उ 86° 17' 49.308" पू 85.81

    15 गीसपुर 25° 50' 37.028" उ 86° 15' 52.627" पू 52.53

    16 हरौली 25° 49' 17.818" उ 86° 16' 5.174" पू 380.97

    17 हीरनी 25° 49' 37.556" उ 86° 16' 40.037" पू 9.54

    18 जखरी(गैरआबादी) 25° 51' 15.981" उ 86° 19' 37.792" पू 11.29

    19 केवतगवन 25° 48' 29.868" उ 86° 19' 33.085" पू 187.59

    20 खेसराहा 25° 51' 16.883" उ 86° 19' 11.504" पू 60.75

    21 लदाईमी 25° 53' 2.926" उ 86° 18' 13.882" पू 219.09

    22 लरनच भादौल 25° 52' 21.955" उ 86° 17' 5.923" पू 15.50

    23 महरी 25° 52' 42.158" उ 86° 16' 55.908" पू 130.40

    24 महरी चकला(गैर- आबादी) 25° 53' 25.827" उ 86° 17' 28.874" पू 26.87

    25 महरी दीह 25° 53' 0.938" उ 86° 17' 18.221" पू 41.56

    26 मनौर 25° 51' 38.137" उ 86° 19' 19.953" पू 135.89

    27 मोहीम खुद� 25° 51' 43.387" उ 86° 17' 12.278" पू 1.58

    28 नारैनपुर 25° 47' 57.540" उ 86° 16' 41.289" पू 106.61

    29 पच हारा बजरंगा 25° 48' 8.893" उ 86° 16' 2.659" पू 78.89

    30 पचहारा खुद� 25° 48' 38.357" उ 86° 16' 3.063" पू 19.51

    31 पनदो 25° 49' 26.521" उ 86° 16' 58.199" पू 1.52

    32 पीपूरा 25° 50' 21.346" उ 86° 19' 47.183" पू 4.15

    33 �रयोटा 25° 48' 47.352" उ 86° 18' 38.075" पू 48.86

    34 सनौली 25° 51' 16.527" उ 86° 17' 14.647" पू 15.24

    35 सीरीपूर उफ� सकुमरपुर 25° 50' 12.850" उ 86° 15' 51.692" पू 26.07

    36 सु@ तानपुर 25° 51' 31.381" उ 86° 16' 46.900" पू 278.45







    उपाबंध IV


















    उपाबंध V




















    क� क�

    क� गई कार�वाई

    गई कार�वाईगई कार�वाई

    गई कार�वाई

    क� �रपोट� का �प िवधान

    क� �रपोट� का �प िवधानक� �रपोट� का �प िवधान

    क� �रपोट� का �प िवधान

    1. बैठक क� संR या और ितिथ ।

    2. बैठक का काय�वृत : कृपया मुR य उ@ लेखनीय _बदxु का वण�न कर6 । बैठक के काय�वृ[ त को एक पृथक अनुबंध म6

    उपाब; कर6 ।

    3. आंचिलक महायोजना क� तैयारी क� �ाि% थित िजसके अंतग�त पय�टन महायोजना।

    4. भ-ूअिभलेख म6 सदSृ य ,ु�टय के सुधार के िलए - यौहार )कए गए मामल का सारांश ।

    5. पया�वरण समाघात िनधा�रण अिधसूचना, 2006 के अधीन आने वाली गितिविधय क� संिव�ा के मामल का

    सारांश । - यौरे एक पृथक् उपाबंध के प म6 उपाब; )कए जा सकते ह0 ।

    6. पया�वरण समाघात िनधा�रण अिधसूचना, 2006 के अधीन न आने वाली गितिविधय क� सिंव�ा के मामल

    का सारांश । - यौरे एक पृथक् उपाबंध के प म6 उपाब; )कए जा सकते ह0 ।

    7. पया�वरण ( संर�ण ) अिधिनयम, 1986 क� धारा 19 के अधीन दज� क� गई िशकायत का सारांश ।

    8. कोई अ य मह[ वपूण� िवषय ।

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 13



    New Delhi, the 19th May, 2016

    S.O. 1823(E).—The following draft of the notification, which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1), read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published, as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the public;

    Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification may forward the same in writing, for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003, or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at [email protected].

    Draft Notification

    WHEREAS, the Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary is situated in Darbhanga district of Bihar and is spread over an area of 29.21 square kilometers. The co-ordinates of Kusheshwar Asthan Wildlife Sanctuary is appended as Annexure-I.

    AND WHEREAS, the Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary which has a fresh water lake, and its adjoining area is of immense ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, religious and natural importance and has myriad aquatic flora and fauna;

    AND WHEREAS, the Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary is home to many species of water plants, abundant species of fish around forty species of local birds with fifteen rare and endangered species of migratory birds from Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, Mongolia Siberia and other countries, which flock to the area in the winter season. The temple of Lord Shiva inside the sanctuary is traced back to the epic period and is of immense religious importance;

    AND WHEREAS, some important bird species marking presence in this area are Dalmatian Pelican (Pelicanus erisups), Indian Darter (Anlinga rufa), Bar-Headed Goose, White Winged Wood Duck (Cairiva scutulata), Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta anqustirostris), Baers Pochard (Aythya baeri), Siberian Crane (Grus leuogranus), Indian Skimmer (Rynchops albicollis), Oriental Qoosander (Merqus goosander), Whistling Teal, Kingfisher, Purple Moor-Hen, etc; and some important aquatic plant species are Jalkumbhi, Narkat, Wild Rice, Blue Water Lili, Hydrela, Muskgrass, etc. whereas other flora include Ficus reigiosa, Ficus bengalensis, Ficus infectona, babool, etc; and important fish species are Rehu, Katla, Singhi, Garai, Bami, Ichna etc. and terrestrial wildlife commonly contain , Rhesus macaque, Wild Boar, Jackal, Nilgai, etc. and reptiles include tortoises such as Harhi and Ahua and water snakes Cherna, Machalidihi, Basmha and Darrar;

    AND WHEREAS, the sanctuary receives water from floodspill of rivers Kamla Balan, Purani Kamla, Kosi, Bhutahi and Jeevachh thereby preventing flooding and water logging of nearby agricultural lands and therefore, it acts as a water reservoir and also recharges the ground water in the process;

    AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to conserve and protect the area, the extent and boundaries of which is specified in paragraph 1 of this notification around the protected area of the Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of view and to prohibit industries or class of industries and their operations and processes in the said Eco-sensitive Zone;

    NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government hereby notifies the area to an extent varying from 0 to 500 meters around the boundary of Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary in the State of Bihar as the Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as under, namely:-

    1. Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone.- (1) The Eco-sensitive Zone is spread over an area of 32.93 square kilometres with an extent varying from 0 to 500 meters from the boundary of Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary and the boundary description of the such zone is appended as Annexure-II.

    (2) The Eco-sensitive Zone is spread over across 36 villages in the Darbhanga District of Bihar.

    (3) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with co-ordinates of prominent points is appended as Annexure-III.


    (4) The map of the Eco-sensitive Zone along with latitudes and longitudes is appended as Annexure-III.

    2. Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone.- (1) The State Government shall, for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone prepare, a Zonal Master Plan, within a period of two years from the date of publication of final notification in the Official Gazette, in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification.

    (2) The said Plan shall be approved by the competent authority in the State Government.

    (3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the Central Government, if any.

    (4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with all concerned State Departments, namely:-

    (i) Environment,

    (ii) Forest,

    (iii) Urban Development,

    (iv) Tourism,

    (v) Municipal,

    (vi) Revenue,

    (vii) Agriculture,

    (viii) Bihar State Pollution Control Board,

    (ix) Irrigation, and

    (x) Public Works Department,

    for integrating environmental and ecological considerations into it.

    (5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use, infrastructure and activities, unless so specified in this notification and the said Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly.

    (6) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas, conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, watershed management, groundwater management, soil and moisture conservation, needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention.

    (7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places, village and urban settlements, types and kinds of forests, tribal areas, agricultural areas, fertile lands, green area, such as, parks and like places, horticultural areas, orchards, lakes and other water bodies.

    (8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development for livelihood security of local communities.

    3. Measures to be taken by State Government.-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving effect to the provisions of this notification, namely:-

    (1) Land use.- Forests, horticulture areas, agricultural areas, parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or industrial related development activities:

    Provided that the conversion of agricultural lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring Committee, and with the prior approval of the State Government, to meet the residential needs of local residents, and for the activities listed against serial numbers 11,23,29,36 and 37 in column (2) of the table in paragraph 4, namely:-

    (i) Eco-friendly cottages for temporary occupation of tourists, such as tents, wooden houses, etc. for eco-friendly tourism activities;

    (ii) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads;

    (iii) small scale industries not causing pollution;

    (iv) rainwater harvesting; and

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 15

    (v) cottage industries including village industries, convenience stores and local amenities:

    Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the Constitution or the law for the time being in force, including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (2 of 2007):

    Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee, once in each case and the correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change:

    Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided under this sub-paragraph:

    Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area, such as forest area and agricultural area and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas.

    (2) Natural springs.-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas.

    (3) Tourism.- (a) The activity relating to tourism within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be as per Tourism Master Plan, which shall form part of the Zonal Master Plan.

    (b) The Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism, in consultation with Department of Forests and Environment of the State Government of Bihar.

    (c) The activity of tourism shall be regulated as under, namely:-

    (i) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority, (as concerned from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism, eco-education and eco-development and based on carrying capacity study of the Eco-sensitive Zone;

    (ii) new construction of hotels and resorts shall not be permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of the Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary except for accommodation for temporary occupation of tourists related to eco-friendly tourism activities:

    Provided that, beyond the distance of one kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Areas till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone, the establishment of new hotels and resorts shall be permitted only in pre-defined and designated area for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism Master Plan;

    (iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved, development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee.

    (4) Natural heritage.- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas, rock formations, waterfalls, springs, gorges, groves, caves, points, walks, rides, cliffs, etc., shall be identified and preserved and plan shall be drawn up for their protection and conservation, within six months from the date of publication of this notification and such plan shall form part of the Zonal Master Plan.

    (5) Man-made heritage sites.- Buildings, structures, artefacts, areas and precincts of historical, architectural, aesthetic and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and plans for their conservation shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of this notification and incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan.

    (6) Noise pollution.- The Environment Department of the State Government or Bihar State Pollution Control Board shall draw up guidelines and regulations for the control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981(14 of 1981) and the rules made thereunder.

    (7) Air pollution.- The Environment Department of the State Government or Bihar State Pollution Control Board shall draw up guidelines and regulations for the control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981) and the rules made thereunder.


    (8) Discharge of effluents.- The discharge of treated effluents in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974)and the rules made thereunder.

    (9) Solid wastes. - Disposal of solid wastes shall be as under:-

    (i) the solid waste disposal in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide notification number S.O. 1357 (E), dated the 8

    th April, 2016 as amended from time to


    (ii) the local authorities shall draw up plans for the segregation of solid wastes into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components;

    (iii) the biodegradable material shall be recycled preferably through composting or vermiculture;

    (iv) the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmentally acceptable manner at site(s) identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone and no burning or incineration of solid wastes shall be permitted in the Eco-sensitive Zone.

    (10) Bio-medical waste.- The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide notification number G.S.R 343 (E), dated the 28

    th March, 2016, as amended from time to time.

    (11) Vehicular traffic. - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master Plan is prepared and approved by the competent authority in the State Government, Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder.

    (12) Industrial units.- (a) No establishment of new wood based industries within the proposed Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted except the existing wood based industries set up as per the law.

    (b) No establishment of any new industry causing water, air, soil, noise pollution within the proposed Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted.

    4. List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone.- All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made thereunder, and be regulated in the manner specified in the table below, namely:-


    S.No. Activity Remarks

    (1) (2) (3)

    Prohibited Activities

    1. Commercial mining, stone quarrying and crushing units.

    (a) All new and existing mining (minor and major minerals), stone quarrying and crushing units shall be prohibited except for the domestic needs of bona fide local residents with reference to digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing for personal use.

    (b) The mining operations shall strictly be in accordance with the interim orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, dated the 4

    th August, 2006 in the

    matter of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil) No.202 of 1995 and order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, dated the 21

    st April,

    2014 in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil) No.435 of 2012.

    2. Setting up of saw mills. No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within the Eco-sensitive Zone.

    3. Use or production of any hazardous substances.

    Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws.

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 17

    4. Setting up of industries causing water or air or soil or noise pollution.

    No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted.

    5. Fishing by mechanical means. Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws.

    6. Establishment of major thermal and hydro-electric projects.

    Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws.

    7. Protection of hill slopes and river banks. No construction activity except for bonafide needs for local residents shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes more than 1 to 10 and also upto 100 meters from the banks of any river, and natural nallah.

    8. Commercial use of firewood. Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws.

    9. Undertaking activities related to tourism like over-flying the national park area by aircraft, hot-air balloons.

    Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws.

    10. Discharge of untreated effluents in natural water bodies or land area.

    Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws.

    Regulated Activities

    11. Establishment of hotels and resorts. No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one kilometer of the boundary of the protected area except for accommodation for temporary occupation of tourists related to eco-friendly tourism activities. However, beyond one kilometer and upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone all new tourism activities or expansion of existing activities would be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and National Tiger Conservation Authority guidelines.

    12. Construction activities.

    (a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of the protected area:

    Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake construction in their land for residential use including the activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3.

    (b) The construction activity related to small scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as per applicable rules and regulations, if any.

    (c) Beyond one kilometer and upto the extent of Eco-sensitive Zone construction for bona fide local needs shall be permitted and other commercial construction activities shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master Plan.

    (d) Construction activity in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be as per Zonal Master Plan.

    13. Use of plastic bags. Regulated under applicable laws.

    14. Discharge of effluents and solid waste in natural water bodies or land area.

    Regulated under applicable laws.

    15. Air and vehicular pollution. Regulated under applicable laws.

    16. Noise pollution. Regulated under applicable laws.

    17. Extraction of ground water. Regulated under applicable laws.

    18. Felling of trees. (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or Government or revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent authority in the State Government.


    5. Monitoring Committee.- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee, for effective monitoring of the Eco-sensitive Zone, which shall comprise of the following, namely:-

    (a) The Divisional Commissioner, Darbhanga Division, – Chairman

    (b) A representative of the Department of Revenue, Government of Bihar –Member

    (c) A representative of the Department of Water Resource, Government of Bihar – Member

    (d) A representative of the Department of Public Works, Government of Bihar - Member

    (b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the rules made thereunder.

    (c) In case of reserve forests and protected forests the Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed.

    19. Construction of ropeways. Regulated under applicable laws.

    20. Insulation of electric lines Promote underground cabling.

    21. Setting up of security camps. Regulated under applicable laws.

    22. Installation of telecommunication(mobile towers).

    Regulated under applicable laws.

    23. Widening and strengthening of existing roads.

    Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and mitigation measures, as applicable.

    24. Fencing of existing premises of hotels and lodges.

    Regulated under applicable laws.

    In order to allow free movement of wildlife, hotels or other commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall be higher than 1 meter. Any existing fence not complying with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan.

    25. Drastic change of agriculture systems. Regulated under applicable laws

    26. Introduction of exotic species. Regulated under applicable laws.

    27. Movement of vehicular traffic at night. Regulated under applicable laws.

    28. Sign boards and hoardings. Regulated under applicable laws.

    29. Small scale industries not causing pollution.

    Non polluting, non-hazardous, small-scale and service industry, agriculture, floriculture, horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-sensitive Zone, and which do not cause any adverse impact on environment shall be permitted.

    30. Collection of small fodder and other non timber forest produce.

    Regulated under applicable laws.

    31. Migratory Grazing. Regulated under applicable laws.

    32. Fisheries. Regulated under applicable laws.

    Promoted Activities

    33. Ongoing agriculture practices, plantation and other forestry activity.

    Shall be actively promoted.

    34. Organic farming. Shall be actively promoted.

    35. Adoption of green technology for all activities.

    Shall be actively promoted.

    36. Cottage industries including village artisans.

    Shall be actively promoted.

    37. Rain water harvesting. Shall be actively promoted.

    38. Use of renewable energy sources. Shall be actively promoted.

  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 19

    (e) One representative of Non-Governmental Organisation working in the field of environment (including heritage conservation) to be nominated by the Government of Bihar for a period of one year -Member

    (f) An expert in the area of ecology and environment to be nominated by the Government of Bihar for a period of one year -Member

    (g) The Regional Officer, Bihar State Pollution Control Board, Patna -Member

    (h) The Divisional Forest Officer, Mithila Forest Division - Member-Secretary.

    6. Terms of Reference.- (1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification.

    (2) The activities that are covered in the schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forest number S.O. 1533(E), dated the 14

    th September, 2006, and are

    falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone, except the prohibited activities as specified in column(3) of the table under paragraph 4 thereof, shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification.

    (3) The activities that are not covered in the schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forest number S.O. 1533(E), dated the 14

    th September, 2006 but

    are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone, except the prohibited activities as specified in column (3) of the table under paragraph 4 thereof, shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities.

    (4) The Member-Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Collector or the concerned Park in-charge shall be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 against any person who contravenes the provisions of this notification.

    (5) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments, representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to issue basis.

    (6) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st

    March of every year by 30th

    June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State Government as per proforma appended at Annexure V.

    (7) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change may give such directions, as it deems fit, to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions.

    7. The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures, if any, for giving effect to provisions of this notification.

    8. The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders, if any, passed or to be passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India or the High Court or the National Green Tribunal.

    [F. No. 25/202/2015-ESZ-RE]

    Dr. T. CHANDINI, Scientist ‘G’


    Co-ordinates of Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary

    Id Longitude Latitude

    1 86.2618936009362 25.8337720990339

    2 86.2676924046286 25.8395709027263

    3 86.2877651866409 25.8482691082649

    4 86.2835275993272 25.8696800757447

    5 86.2908876193983 25.8848461777095

    6 86.3051615977181 25.8828388995083

    7 86.3105143395881 25.8647733956972


    8 86.3172052669255 25.8565212519811

    9 86.3290259052216 25.8453697064187

    10 86.3272416579316 25.8364484699688

    11 86.3317022761566 25.8322108826551

    12 86.3337095543578 25.8132532551991

    13 86.319435576038 25.8103538533529

    14 86.3051615977181 25.8183829661578

    15 86.296909454002 25.8165987188678

    16 86.2911106503096 25.8139223479328

    17 86.2882112484633 25.8038859569267

    18 86.2790669811022 25.8085696060629

    19 86.2679154355398 25.8090156678854

    20 86.2837506302384 25.8273042026077


    Boundary description of the proposed Eco-sensitive Zone

    Id GPS

    0 25°53’44.562”N 86


    1 25°52’55.872”N 86


    2 25°52’2.724”N 86


    3 25°51’10.774”N 86


    4 25°50’40.317”N 86


    5 25°48’46.838”N 86


    6 25°48’17.482”N 86


    7 25°48’34.462”N 86


    8 25°47’43.551”N 86


    9 25°47’49.856”N 86


    10 25°48’43.463”N 86


    11 25°49’22.060”N 86


    12 25°50’46.480”N 86


    13 25°51’59.659”N 86


    14 25°51’14.816”N 86


  • ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 21


    List of the villages falling within the proposed Eco-sensitive Zone of Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary

    Village Latitude Longitude Area in Ha.

    1 Aber urf Rambari 25° 50' 52.413" N 86° 16' 18.832" E 161.54

    2 Adalpur 25° 48' 16.473" N 86° 17' 40.786" E 116.20

    3 Asman 25° 49' 4.853" N 86° 17' 53.272" E 10.30

    4 Bahrampur urf Masankhon 25° 49' 52.535" N 86° 15' 17.214" E 283.79

    5 Bairo 25° 51' 33.670" N 86° 17' 20.746" E 2.02

    6 Barania 25° 49' 41.050" N 86° 20' 11.481" E 99.50

    7 Bargaon 25° 48' 20.361" N 86° 16' 32.633" E 86.63

    8 Barsanda 25° 50' 50.142" N 86° 16' 57.879" E 42.87

    9 Bhadahar 25° 53' 30.061" N 86° 17' 12.542" E 71.13

    10 Bhaluka 25° 48' 41.458" N 86° 18' 18.857" E 39.83

    11 Bhatwan 25° 47' 57.678" N 86° 17' 11.830" E 34.35

    12 Bhirua 25° 50' 28.781" N 86° 20' 9.446" E 300.81

    13 Bishunia 25° 49' 10.497" N 86° 20' 12.142" E 105.77

    14 Dharampur 25° 48' 49.263" N 86° 17' 49.308" E 85.81

    15 Geaspur 25° 50' 37.028" N 86° 15' 52.627" E 52.53

    16 Harauli 25° 49' 17.818" N 86° 16' 5.174" E 380.97

    17 Hirni 25° 49' 37.556" N 86° 16' 40.037" E 9.54

    18 Jakhri (Uninhabited) 25° 51' 15.981" N 86° 19' 37.792" E 11.29

    19 Kewatgawan 25° 48' 29.868" N 86° 19' 33.085" E 187.59

    20 Khesraha 25° 51' 16.883" N 86° 19' 11.504" E 60.75

    21 Ladiami 25° 53' 2.926" N 86° 18' 13.882" E 219.09

    22 Laranch Bhadaul 25° 52' 21.955" N 86° 17' 5.923" E 15.50

    23 Mahri 25° 52' 42.158" N 86° 16' 55.908" E 130.40

    24 Mahri Chakla (Uninhabite* 25° 53' 25.827" N 86° 17' 28.874" E 26.87

    25 Mahri Dih 25° 53' 0.938" N 86° 17' 18.221" E 41.56

    26 Manaur 25° 51' 38.137" N 86° 19' 19.953" E 135.89

    27 Mohim Khurd 25° 51' 43.387" N 86° 17' 12.278" E 1.58

    28 Naraenpur 25° 47' 57.540" N 86° 16' 41.289" E 106.61

    29 Pach Hara Buzrug 25° 48' 8.893" N 86° 16' 2.659" E 78.89

    30 Pachhara Khurd 25° 48' 38.357" N 86° 16' 3.063" E 19.51

    31 Pando 25° 49' 26.521" N 86° 16' 58.199" E 1.52

    32 Pipra 25° 50' 21.346" N 86° 19' 47.183" E 4.15

    33 Reota 25° 48' 47.352" N 86° 18' 38.075" E 48.86

    34 Sanauli 25° 51' 16.527" N 86° 17' 14.647" E 15.24

    35 Siripur urf Sukmarpur 25° 50' 12.850" N 86° 15' 51.692" E 26.07

    36 Sultanpur 25° 51' 31.381" N 86° 16' 46.900" E 278.45






    Performa of Action Taken Report : Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee.-

    1. Number and date of meetings.

    2. Minutes of the meetings : Mention main noteworthy points. Attach minutes of the meeting as separate annexure.

    3. Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan.

    4. Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise): Details may be attached as annexure.

    5. Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment notification, 2006: Details may be attached as separate annexure.

    6. Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment notification, 2006: Details may be attached as separate annexure.

    7. Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

    8. Any other matter of importance.

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