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f TWO FRENCH NOVELS. CONSCIENCE. P»r IIMCTOB MALOT- Paris: G. ('harpentlor rt t'le; Nen York. W. ll. Jenkins. VOI.ONTF- Par UEOPQE8 (MIN ET. Parts: Tani Ollrndorfl; Ncw-Vcrk. W. Ii. Jenkins Hector Mnlot hns made a very interesting study of a deep problem. His hero is sa BfBOBtid physi- cian, whs holds that there is no such thins as con¬ science or remorse; that Hie min sf B8BSB BBBjP avoid thi- doing of deeds which social laws pro¬ hibit, because lie does not wish to ho punished, but. that if he niak's up Irs mimi, fSrNSSSBBsufli- ciont to himself, to eommtt a crime, he will take precautions against detection, and having secured himself, will suffer bo remorse. This man finds himself in dire need, nnd he murders aa old money¬ lender and robs his safe. He is not sasiweted, but, circumstances inculpate a young man who turns out to be the broiher of the murderer's mistress. This mistress tho doctor marries, and he interests himself actively on behalf of the accused youth. who, nevertheless, it convicted and sentenced to a ting term of impi sonmont Now, according t-o is own principles the doctor should have felt no remorse for his crime, for he had eeoeped detection ; but, in fact, he Millers greatly and inrreasiiiK.y. and though his material affairs prosper, and he reaches an exalted place in his profession, his minel becomes more disturbed ns timo peseta anel he fails to find relief or satisfaction anywhere. The grad¬ ual development of this sceptic's physical tor ments, the constant combats between his intellect and the mysterious power which overcomes his cynical philosophy, mocks at his reason, vi.-ifs his pillow with horrid visions, gradually deprives him ol sleep, shatters his nerves, and breaks down his -.viii. is descrilvod with astonishing skill and vivielmrsa In the daytime he is able to (sags at the .iconics of the night, and to convince himself thal they haee no warrant in fact; but arbes darkness conies all his philosophy proves futile. The tragedy of this wretched life marches steadily, and each Step is chronicled with pitiless precision. At Inst tin- murderer begins to talk in his sleep, nml discover¬ ing this is compelled lo sleep alone. But N cannot be rinded, and an accident reveals to his wife what he has straggled so long and so des* perately to conceal. She has been his mais eup- port. hut brr love cannot survive the knowledge that her husband has deliberately sacrificed her innocent brother to save- himself. She doea not denounce him, but she leaves him, Bad he remains isolated, his life hHghted and blasted hy reliance upon a pseodo-phlleeophy which lins pr: ved io he built upon fallacy. This is a powerful, consistent. nnd a-tis*> illy executed novel. M. Georges Ohnet lias la Volonle"' dealt v. ith the effects of will-power upon human life, but his touch is far weaker than that of Hector Malot, and his theme is much more conventionally treated. The possessor of the strong will in his story is a girl, who loves and is loved by a young man of in¬ ferior but nm in bin character. There is another woman, also resolute, bat whose alms sure sinister. She ls at once foil und. rival to the heroine. She seduces the feeble young husband, and holels him In her toils until he la almost ruined, both mate¬ rially and morally. In oreler to put the heroine's Steadfastness in stronger relief, perhaps, the author has made him so very infim that towards the end of the story it seems scarcely possible that he should be capable of regeneration, and when finally his faithful wife succeeds in rescuing him from the syren, it is questionable whether Ihe man's moral nature has not undergone so disorganizing a process ns to be beyond medication. BslSBO. who knew human nature much better than If. Oh¬ net, once drew a picture resembling this one in many respects, but he did not conclude melo¬ dramatically, with the righting of all wron-rs and the reformation of all the prodicals. II" saw that when a man, naturally weak, forms habits of in¬ fidelity and self-indulgent vice, the prospect that any power can save him is exceedingly poor. In his terrible story the wrong-doer goes nn, from bad to worse, losing with each downward step BOOM fre.h remnant of his e.mseience and his statin*. powers, until intellect is fairly swamped by animal¬ ism, and he ends a hopeless wreck. In real life Louis Horaull, after his experience with Madame Olifaunt, would, n'n° times out of fen, have been untrustworthy. His noble wife might have saved him nenin and again, but arbes temptation asaailed him his resis'aneo would have been feeble and tame, and the presumption would be strongly ri _-;*. inst hs final redemption. No doubt M. Ohnet'8 way of dealing with the problem is calculated to please that class of renders who dislike gloomy endings and care nothing for truth to life. Rut those who respect art in fiction must admit that Balzac's method wis the only on'- deserving approval or im¬ itation, and that ll Ohnel serves no worthy pur pe>se ifl sagar-eoatiBg the bitter cons-que-ne-es of pliant selfishness. Asa story " Voloate" is interest. ing and smoothly written. As a work of art it is far inferior to " Conscience." iX.iD publications. yyiTTlXG-CROCHET. TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. Bf. CHE LATEST NUMBER OP THIS POPULAR SERIES OP ILLUSTRATED MANUALS POR HOME WORKERS PRICE 25 CENTS, ADDRESS THE TRIBUNE, NEW-TORK- instrnction. For Bovs and Youri? Men.City. PREPARATION for Kal! Cell'ne 1'.amlnnHona Sum¬ mer _>.ke)!un WOODBRIDGE ..CHl"'L. begun Aucun: 18. 32 Eau IJNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1.173 Rroadwty, J near .'.Mit. 51m year. Prinur-y. coaueerolsl and tliaM-al departments; 'ltis'rue-tlon th-rauch M. M. HOBBY. W. L. AKIN. N- C. HENDRICKSON. Print. A.- For Young Li.aiea.City. MRS. BU-VAinia BEEP'S SCnOOt, FOR YOUNG LADIES (C-TII TEAR). C ANO 8 EAST 88D-8C. MEW-TOME. A -Jackson SEMINARY, 2.028 Bth-ave., n. e. cor. . l-.'jtli-st ._Claaalrai Jii.a-_.in_- and Dav School fe.r Yo-w? Radio* at.d ( hildien. pupil* lilted lr J si tram ii rr Iiulidini- data' ti*-d large, airy pr. u in, we., MaMcd. Proiraaor ol .-." uti. n. Marj !.- Cheri j. Km: W-. 8300 yearly. _Sd yeal bi C~ i.A.-sn aim HOOL POR GIRLS, 1981 Madlaon-eve., Bear lSftte-at,.Pap-It fitted fer all eelleeaaopea to w om<- n ; those corni ration hen adatliu 1 ri ¦ Waliaalcy" without f-.r- eaamlnaUon. Primary end ai- vanwd depart ri,*-i.r- r.iiardiin-* pupils mo i-rate. Itaope nt Sept. BB Mi«s (farts ai,d m>s Barnea, Priaelpaia. "\liss fAUDON-B SCHOOL BOB r.iBLB 31s Madlaap. -Vlave.-Wiii reaper, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1-t. mve pupil* received jnt<i Hi* lamil*'_ Miss J, p, MOORE, HT Wc«i Mrli-n. Boarllni; ind Day Sclie-ol lur Gilla open* 0|a|fjfeBr L Klnderntilcn._ MISS PEEBLES ANI) MISS THOMPSON'S SCHOOL FOR Gi ELS. 8C and SI Earn 0. thst New-Tort. Aanrrnn until Sept. Itt. eire of J. KENNEDY TOD A pp.. BanBara, 03 wiiiian,--1, N. Y._ .jil ISS CHISHOLM b SCHOOL FOR GIRESk 18 Etti C6t)im.. New-York. Will reopen Sepu.-iatyor _ft. Ba/*' Cll'tea RIV HR. and MKS. <-. || GARDNER'S Hardin* tnd liar School fur (.irK 007 Bth-ave. Mri- Genda, t, author af History of rrsnee, England ned America, in rhyme, THE COMBTOt K SC" 11' >< 11. lK*lal»lr»1ie1 18H2i. NO. K WI ST 40TII-ST. Beardina and Day BSfceoJ for Ye.-ine Ladle*. Reopen* Oct. 3. MIm DAY in charra. For Both Scxea.City. I -CIRCULARS OP GOOD SCHOOLS TREE k, State whether lor boya or airli. and locality preferred. E. AVERY. American Bohc.l Buna*-. Vf. nth tt.N.Y. >ACKAKDb JU --IN LS.--, ail.l.l .1.1. ANH -I HOOL Ol* Hlt.NOUP.APUy *l.\ r«-o|rf*ii TucMay, Septoinber Send for clreci-r. b. b. PACKARD, Proildeut, 101 laat _3d-it. _ H'JE BERI.IT*. SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE*. WEST MADISON SQUARE. N T. Open all bun-mar. Alto tv a.: lc _ui_._-r Coerta. B Brooklyn ROOK LYN DEIUHTfl Bl i I N ARY.-Thl* day and boardinp tchocii of lad lei (a«th year; will reoi^n ,An-,_.. '/.\ . ,..,.r... ... am -. .,1.1!.._, a^-it Meptamber 'M. Circulars y ni on applloauon 188 Mot-iaruo-tu, Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLE!. E. WF/iT, MARY A. UKK.iUM, PrUicipala Jnotrnttion Boys and Young Men.Country. A BOA EDI NO SCHOOL FOB SS BOYS 11NDER 18 taara (ll, _.sth \cir begin* Ror*tcm'*er next. Hi -I vi' INSTIT! [K, Lons Mund. N V \| X AN DER INS' TI UTE.-Military B'arding Behool, WhlU Plaina. N- Y. _ C. R. WILLIS, A. M., Ph- I)-. Principal.__ BV'KWM'.H tND INVALID fiOYB c-ir.-fn11y tired far mid lii«iruci.*,1 by an experienced physician and tem her. Be*i of r. fl r. i..*et DR WILLIAMSON, Nv** Laaflaa, om. ETTB ACADEMY! JMemfarS Ct., -'ii'ih Year. A select *ehoal for boya. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE AND BUSINESS. Individual training. Physical drill. Ground* lard- and very attractive WM J. BETH, M. A. (Tale), rrlnelpil. A^-IIA-LAKB M.L1TARV ACADEMY." Colonel ! .1. WUK.HT, B. a, A. M.,. W c - n.r.NWM.L HFIOIITS SCHOOL, _ *b Twciity-*-'-oni yeer »-*Kin« September 20. Addre** Kev. CARLOS ll. STONE i'orn«ail-on-Hud*on. N- Y- ( 1) £ ll0L15n0^^lTAsRT SCHOOL. Reopen. TServMy egalag.' j^f^J^t P£4*.* *C»i7MWoOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS -Ai Milford. Conn. JL_ parents who aro uiifnrtuntte In the minageincnt ot ¦__eir aoaa will do woll to protil hy tho idvantagc* offered by this ti hool. Addrett FRANK M. HOWE, bupifc I.*-REE HO LD INSTITUTE. Freeh, ld. N. J.-Forty- fourth yctr tor hov* and yonng men. Addre** Itcv. A. G. CHAMBERS. A. M.. Principal._ /.keylock INSTITUTE tl South Williamstown, llcrkshlre County, Mass. A i.r.\:ir.* e, temi for liorv Prepares fur college, st-len- ufle aehaol, or baaineae. Porty-eavanih year begin* Thurnby. September 13: h. For e-attlogue address ' george F. Mil.I-s, principal. _ HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Wo-coster, Mas.*., 83 1 fear, tep.n*. Kept. 13. 1884 Clas-lcal, bcloutlflt, Bunlnoaa, Primary Department*. JOSEi'H ALUIN SHAW, A. M.. Head Master. IRVING INSTITUTE. T»rryt«wn nn-HuIson, offer* un- u-ukl tdvautacen to parent! lot-lang th- Lost ln«tructlon li t'-rboys. Addre*! A. ARMAGNAC, Ph. D. IAKEWOOD, N. -i -OearOaadt Plaea Bessel for Bora i Attractive and comfortable blinding- erected tm ihe pur- Boya bi iih*iiis. Careful phytical. late* lcctual t'n-d moral training. Thus. D. Sup!**-. l'r:in Ml ii HELLS BOYS' SCHOOL Biller.*!. M.-iss., 18 it iii s r:om Bee'loii tnd 0 miles from Rowell, on inn tnd Lowell E. R. a atrlcily teleet Family school .. Boya tram t t" 15 Inelualve; f*u (*-irn commencat 1. srml fur ClltVlai io M. C. MITCHELL, A. M.. Principal. _ MOUNT HOLEY (N. J. Ai ADEMY Hilt BOYS. Healthful, helpful, homelike. HEN RV M. WALRADI nae-). Principal. IV ORWALK. I'l'NN.-N'M' MILITARY IN STL _1 ii TE..Thorough teaching; caroful training; moder,ie . .s.iii>r.oi Eu.lJiieR gymnatlun*; bowling aiioyi; aaa. '.'¦ -- ROBERTS. l'iir.i;;i.i_ 1>ARK AVENUE INSTITUTE, BRIDGEPORT, Conn. i \.-* i-.*.ie- L*n.e ,*., *,*! for boya Advaataaea ttrst- Parenu i waya pleaeed, p. dat .-> pk 19, lri.a 1 a,r iin lalor- ad '.ra sk s. B. .hm B. A. M.. PrineipaL_ Pi nn.-yi.yama miliFaR- academy, e ll ESTJ 1U PA. 27TH VI All OPENS bEPTBMBER 19- A MILITARY i a'H.l.i GE. _. DEGREES IN itVJL ENGlNEI KINO. CHEMISTRY, ARI iii .(il RE AND Alli' A th >i ll repa atorj Departawat Ker *. formal on. 11 Beat Ha-, l. ii., Pra-ld-nt. 1>L)it-iiKi.i i-.-ii. N. Y.i Miiiuiv laatliute. All igea College, Bus:n,-"s, Weal Point. Nim" itu* publication. liluatrated caiak-gua. C. li. WARRING. Ph.D., Prto. KicroiiY SCHOOL, EfamBen, C<**.rin.-F^r Boy*, paoty, S330; Influence); thorough schacl ijucm; ex- lenalve gnmn ls, gymnasium, boa. ha>u*e, Ac Addreat Rev. IE I.. Eal REST, M. A., Ree-or._^ Ri :">-! i. \: ii lill.) ir. HM) INSTITUTE Troy, N. i. itdeat sena,ad c! Engineering in the United Sates. Next te -ia begin* Sept. ii.' Tat Begletar for 1888 *-antain* 11*1 of graduate* tor 62 years, with their [j'Siiiaiis; alae roana al nady, requirement* fur admit ?iran, expanse*, eic- Candidate* :n.aa al a (iiv_nco n.ay bc examined at their borne*, Address DAVID M. i. KEENE, Director._ RIV. JOHN H. Ci"iNVF.r.sF-.*4 school for "in boy* at COLD SPRING ON Till, li CDS' >N. Send for elrcti- IBIS_ RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, psi?, N. Y. .' Tear. I';-paves thoic.iuhl*' for College, tne Govern- incut Academies, and Uirsine**. Mill ..rv Ilrlll. _BISBEF. ,t AMEN, lrinclpals._ ROBBINS SCHOOL, N.-rfeltt. Conn. A Home School.t'**.pat.rr bavs nial rounp men fer Yal* i nivoraity. iiarvaid, Princeton, Col urama, »ii tha best eel* l<*a,es tied-Cieiitiflc *cho a inwruetlon viforout and ihor- oush. The hone beautiful. Ip a r»t,ari:sblv healthful to«A, r.a- >";:. from New-Yorh. Term\ KOO. The hijhtest ref- treneea elvan. Address, fer rlrcnltr and ptr'lcnlirs. REV. JAMES a. TOWT.r. Prlnclntt_ Sf-GEORGE'S .TALE, for Rays and Young M*-n, St (.core's. Md.. Prof. -i KINE MX, a. M., Principal. Select, thorough, s-ife, i>-_50 and ,3nf). _ ^ ST JOHN'S -SCHOOL. Bing Sine, N. Y.-Rov. .1. BRECKENRIDGE GIBSON, n. D., Rector. Tho _0th yeai win begin bopwmber l-. 188s. Si,. LA''..-- FHl-PARAToRt -,e-T_eTrg, N.' Y. Tneniv-siMh rear a .il l"--in Sap- 17th, l.Q68. er elKulara, fte., addre** HENRY W. SlGLAR Erin'-. SniTII JERSEY INSTITETE Rridnr-ton. Ne w.teriey. 19th year t,, cin* Sept. i_. Both teae*. Prepare* far any ilneaa, Prvneh, Gciman. Music, An, killtary Dnll . _. H. K. TEASE. Principal._ emm'er scnooL, norwalk, conn. Moderato chirgea Por cliculv td Irita F. S. ROIIEHTS. Principal. __ 1*1IE PEEK SK ILL MILITARY ACADEMY. Peek*. kill, N. Y.Send for Catatoive, JOHN N. TILDEN, A. M.. M. D., r.lnclpaL _ ^rIBULAND, PaekakllL N. v.-a bearding schoe.i for boy*. I' eparet r r liege an traainaat CARI. \. Il All-l E."M. ll. A., _l^riWA ItD P. PEA I1S(in. B. tj... Principals. ll** l-ST JERSEY ACADEMY, BR1DGETON, N. J. "I A Rome f.r Brevs. Sc'.e-t, ihorougi'.. tuccOfcSful. Ektabllshed 31 rear* Terms, 8800. PRINClPAIs x1'- MEEN, B A. (Eng.). .M.- ' v,. ri]|;NrY lh JJ 117 R* ESTER A< A DEMY. WORCfeSTER MASS. " ..-..ii yeai Buildlngt admirable ground* (*xu>netve; tnparaiui ample; leaibert experienced: thorough prepara¬ tion for college ind tclentlflc 'che.eais Cert.flea'e Ol D. W. ABERCROMBIE, A. M., Princ,;/-I. admit* to Riown. .Ulh, Wunama Maflaon l.'niyersity ani W ll . ai.i io An-.ii'-r-t in Hu- cia-'.-._ I70RRALL hali.. s vf PEEESKILL, n. T. Por Young Roys ciuy. Send for circular* V'Win V VEAR. -H'li;-|KK' *,r .: M V 1* A'lIE '^n./titi EMT Boya Colege or Bu*lne*i soi f.ri, Broad-al Riatlot Philnddphla. 24 Mate* daily. SWITHIN C. BHORTLIDGE. AR, A.M. (ilarvd*. Prop. B For YonnT Ladies.Country. itOUl T I:-1-'; :'n TE. Bhori nilla M. J, Engllth, Preach, ind Ocinia'i boarding and dar eehool iur young ladas Piln.sir, lnternnedllte a.,d collaglata il, pj. ui.e.iii_. Kariv »,,; i:c»tlon ls deslrsbie. _HARRIET ft. BAQUI r. Principal. BiTOWN FEM A i. Chaim ni* on u,e Delaware. Healthful, homo- ..*»(. and ( brimin. su|/;iiar (acUlUea in music and art. Health, i* _n.1 moran rarolinii ;i:ar; u lor cat*- logue, addre** REV WM ( BOWEN, Ere*- COLJ.EGIATE .-* il" 'K POR GlRI_S, ENf-LllWddfli N. -I. Roopeni .-¦a' ,.i, cr -_0. Prcp.iriti.-m t*,r rah specialty. PuplU admittod te v^-n-, W»ile»ley nu 6mltn on our cen fl .-e. adaline W. BTERLINO. i ARO] EM. M. I.KKKISII, A. O. CLAS8K AL AND HOME INSTITUTE, Poughkeeptie, n. Y.. Prepare* Young I>adle» for College; with home comfort! and apeeltl rare. N -. BA RA ll V. ll BUTLER Prlnclp*l.__ COTtAOE bE_ilNARY.-A Heme Behool for Young Ladli-s, Clinton, Oneida Co.. N. iieenn Septcinber 6. REV. C. W nAWLF.Y, A. M.. Prin-ipal. DARLINGTON SEMINARY, for Y-iuii-g Lallos, Wen*. Cbetter, Pl.-Fill ieim beglna Sept 17; healthy and beautiful loci le n ail bran, bil taught I ISO per yetr. For ca-altgua adlr»»s lt. DARLINGTON, Ph. D, Prln:_ DKE'-V EADIE- SF.MINAI.T Carmel. N. Y.--3d year open* .vp»m!>-*r IJ Ilea th eil. ho-el!ka thor- ough. Illuatrated li cultr. GEO. CROBBT BM1TH, A M r*t LMIRA COLLEGJ p6S WOMEN, odert nperloi a tdvantaces lr. College, Scientific and Preparatory Couraea of Study; also In Music, and Art. Heated by Mean, aud furnished with an elevator. Charge*.! are uriu-tialiv moderate, pend for C*t*l"_ue to l'J-*_li_cut. a. W (C'Wi.*-,s. ll D Elm ra, N f. /'i.i.rn.N hil.'. SEMINARY, Eoi; YOUNG ladies, UBrl l.-ei, i*. i nu. Addre '** M>- EMILY NELSON, Principal._ HU- INSTITUTE. Tarryl N T.A boarding aad il lur young 'u li .*- and little girin; will re¬ open Se !*¦ i..-.' I*. M Iss M. W. ME.i'AI.1-. l'rlncinal. HUI AND DAT SCHOOL rOR GIRLS. -THE ELMS." Springfield. Mas*. MISS PORTER, PrineipaL Pnpili »dm ¦'* i t*. vataai Wei tie* ind Smith on eur eeniflcile. Qniiacy niethod fa.* children._ HOUGHTON SEMINARY* EOE. YOUNO LADIES, l 1 linton, '.< v., often uniurpaaaed I --n '.i^es in music. Language., tclencrt and art, attractive lo graduate* of bleb k< La-is. Poi iliuslrtted cnr.ii *^n- tddr¦¦*. A G. BENEDICT, A. M._ IVY HALL SEMINARY POR YOUNG LADIES. S Url J go t<m. N. J.- _8th year begin* Sept 19th. Beal advantiiges at Boderate rale* Mukle, Art. Ancle-nt nnd , Lamguatfo* Graduating coui-m.*, Healtliful. l'hy*i(-il Culture. Adln-si l>v III NEY REEVES, Ph. I)., Principal- I YNDON HALL, **-. POUGHEEEP8IM, N. T. A Girl's School of the beal ciass. OaUeSS Prepara'ory u:-. 1 Academic Couraea. l-.n^uwcs Art, Music. Addr't* _SAMUEL WELLS HECK, A. M., Principal.__ MEI AN SEMINARY, SIMSlll RY. CONN.-Home Schor.l. Young I.adlek. Il-auilfu, jud h-_;inf'Jl locji- Three bourt from K»u York, llulf hour frsm Hartford. Addre-f* R-jv. J fl M. KEAN._ *.| 188 BARTLET, s [formerly MISS NOTTS) Homo -»l and Day School for Young Ladle*, 33 Waii-»U, Now¬ ie, -ii. ('nilli., will open September 2ft, Claeatara »'nt e,n tppiii-aiion. II ESS MAE.Y E. STIaVENs' BOARDING AND DAY ivJ SCHOOL, i.'*'1-' and '-'"I Weal Chelten-ave.. German- :-i,lin. begin* us 20th y*r Sept, _o, 188m, "Ap proved'1 ond " uu'h.ri/e-d" bv BrjTB Mawr UoUogl to prtv pare aiudenta for its aatratiea examlnati'ma Pupils pm th*-*.','* aaamlnatlent in tint School. Mles r^ (- WILLIAMS' SELECT FAMILY BCBOOL FOR YOUNG I.ADIF-ti AND LITTLE OIRI_i. Amherst, Maa* From Sepu 12, 'HS. la Juna 17 *8» MB fur (in ular l3io. Cullego Ad\antagoa tnd i'leparatluii far Collet*. ll BS Hl'LICLlY'S BOARDING AND DAY KHOOt l'lfor gil-, i a.-iy'ov, non-iba-Hudton, will r*'i|*n Wednes rpteembei IB Add rea* by eitel until beptembar l. MCHAVlAM bl VINAC.V FoR I',| -.,, i.AIUIh.' Bethlehem, Pa. A cenlury** experience, combined .ann be»t m'idern incthiKl*, aSoid* lacllltlea enuuied by f'*w and excelled by mme _________________________ * OTRF. DAME of MARYLAND. IN ioaietriate InMiteta tnt Toona laidlaa tnd Preparatory Schirfii foi- little G.r.t KM BLA V o. ihu,e milo* from Ballimore, Hd conduet-d by th* Klatere of N'o'-r* Dam". Send for tstaiBgaa () fe j- oir IfelUtlf S..INING INSTITUTE, .sing tSiur un thu Hudson. New Y',rk. (iirlt ani Young Women. *j|-t tait U'gln* B'-pt 19 lUtlful lor fliuiiUri. Holt advar-rtges lu Art and Music Chriitlin Ballera Thor',ugli tnd ad.tnc.-d literary amt. Aeadomlc ce.urws iu* for college. Col- leonie courio dmd*rat r-.r in-g.o,. of a. Ii st Columbia College. B M VAN VKKCK, A. M., t- B. hHERRARD. R"SH i-.i. SEMINARY, Stamford. Conp.-Homo tx>»rd- lng acho-il for ml»*cs tnd children , thoronrh lnmruc lion; mother's .are* rca|»eiis Scpiembor 2-5. Addrett Mist A. Till; HUT OH. l'rluclnti. v " *unrr« Jnetcnctioii. _ For Young* Ladies.Country. RTE SEMINARY. RYE, NEW-YORK. Por particulars addles* Mra S. J.J-IP1L_ BT. MARY'S HALL. liEi.l.ivVree.-v, n. j The old- .S3 est Church Behool In Hie cMmtry far girl*, will begin Its fifty-second ex.-ha.ol gear on WeJnemiay, Sept. 2(1. lor raining!!.*, sining term*, etc., apply to Miss JULIA G. M. AI.I.I.sTER. (h** prlnclpnl, millington, N. J, ir to the DI shop >f New Jeraey, tho pi'-»i lent. TEMPLE GROVE LADIES' BRMIN ARY, S»r*ioga Spring*, N. Y. Th itv fourth year beelu* Sept. 13. Addreaa itt as. e dowd. Ph.D., Pres. T ALLMAN Seminary, Paterson. N. J..Full seana with thorough toatreetloaa In even department Music,il a1- vaniage*. for circulars address Mis- M. M. Hunt. Prln. I*- HE HANNAH MORE ACADEMY, for Young L*di«* snd Girl*, founded In IMC. REV. ARITH il J RICH, A. lt., M. I), Kel'tervoacn. Md. 1'IIF, MISSES ANARLT'S BOARDING AND DAY School for Yatirg L*li«s will reopen bep'.embcr 29, av Od Bayard-lt.. Newllruiiswick. N- J._ Ii BINITY HAKE. Beverly, N. J. ESTABLISHED 1*07. A therough homo s. fo, twenty yo,int ladles. Varied _.1a*niiigcs e.f the highest order. Careful (ra tung In tinn¬ ier, min land heart. Solid culture in English. Music, Ar', ind language*. a prescribed c.'iirse* teer si'ide'iit- pre paring for any eollege. Twenty-first year lie-ins Septem¬ ber 27. For circular addres. ihe principal. RACHELLE GIBBONS nUNT. West wa LS UT sTlWr*T novfiniNG SCHOOL far Young Mlssc* tnd LOU* G'*;" Re-open« Sepf. 10 (9th year). M!»* J. .TRAUTH ANN, Principal. Catalogue cn application. 4,801 Walr.ut-iu. Phill l'a. Pa For Both Sexes.Country. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE-73el year begin* Sent. IS. Three) A. B. course*. Prepuitinty School. Engineer lng, Mufi.-. Baili Sex**, i:»jH*iise* iiew. A-Jdrea* WILBUR G. WILLIAMS i> __, it. vi, Meidville, Penn, A NONG THE hills, thirty-two miles from New-York. ./I order programme for IS** fro, an-l picture of CH APPA- QUA MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE,. Ch.lppV'ua, N. Y-_ CtLAVERACB N T.J COLLEGE aaf Hudioo inver ' Institute.College for girls; buys piepir-d tor colb *gfl or bus'ness; conservatory of rneisli- »i. 1 art, thorough In- .truMlen In all departments; ii.ith year open* Sap tambal 10. --* nd tor Illustrated catalogue*. Ki.V. A. II. CLACK, A. M l-rc-',lcn'. DB OARM0 INSTITUTE BhineBick, N. Y. prepare* bo:h s'xes for eollege or for bu'lnc*. Ad Ires- ibo principal. 1.mes M. DC OARMO, Ph. D. C' LINTON LIIIERAI. IN8T1TUTE-1B *i*e, lints; science*; language*, engineering, (digilah; remarka¬ ble advantage* in n n*tc, elocution, ari. hu*lne«a college; sieam, K.-.s, elevttor: beautiful lo. ti cymm c. V. PARSELL, A- M., Preaident, Fort plain. N. V. I/ORT EDWARD CO LL EG I ATE INSTITUTE 31-t icar begin* Sept, IB Baperb nen t.-. lng* steam hcp.l (". crud.liing Course* fr,i ladies and gentlemen. In- riuling Collage |--'-J*i I-' rv lied Commerlcal; Music. Ar'. Oratory, va Teeebei i: t Llieri K i l.-eiu'c* each l«:in; I-ree TulUOfl la Morotai e'las-es fuel, light, walbing, ani all e-eii:e« cecetaery t.' gradnailea, exeepl Arl ind Mutle, tito i*er year*. Bend fe* eatalogne. .l"s 1. KING, l> [I E.*rr Edward, N. V. 1? RANKLIN. N. Y aware Literary InaUtnte. Tear berin* Sept I illag* preparator* English tntl eden:trie courses. Principal. CHARLES II- VEKI'.iLL. Ph. D.. I SACK ETTSTOWN N. IN-II n ii haa wida rep I atstl n sa c '-¦¦ prepareiorj tor yoan ra n. La*.I i' .-¦ music, ari e *. utlo i*-*- u ling il lt* new laboratory; s.a.m.* i ,i»- nearly £0 boarder*; ladiea '*.'¦ fre.m ,'ee'k Of room fer MUI ..'..Ul I." j .a.* men retuned for -A,- ri them \ ott Septen ber 5. < taiogue tree REV, gi 0R*»E ii. w niTNEY. D. iv, i*ie*i lent Pl NNINOTON (SEMINARY) NEW JERSEY. THOB HANLON, l> D., Pre ideal.- .mended i*y Dr. Mo COSH Excel* in health, dlaelpHnc bum* comfort* and tchoiarthtp: fib" rover* all Mira* bet a.-t ai-J unala. Catalogue very beautiful ai I ,*'¦ 'e._ «-.,, .- i . v Ci .-a ,1 r r-eir n"i i*. LAND COLLEHB. NY Ai Ia ON-1 IIE-HUDSON. N. Preparatory Mn!"*; Celleve fer La-los Special rctee lng far biickwanl pupil*. Year open* Sept 1". i'ainl"i*ue W, il BANNISTER A. M Musical Instruction. EADVILLE CONSERVATORY OE MUSIC. Fmlnent t»* In sll branrho* music snd art. 22i pu ni!*. Pall term befits* S'cpternher 4. Send for er.ta- iapun. v. a. REYNOLDS, Director, Meadvllle, Pa. Miscellaneous bo-h CIRCULARS schoni, with careful advice to paren 31 Best 17rh-st.. bet, .tn-aie *ere«. eur and roentry VIKI \M COYRIERE ind Uioadwty. ZttuktTB. * REST TEACHERS supplied; no c.arc". TEACH- _*\. ERS regiaterad fur 20 lents r«*r btetage- vactnetet llwin on hm I; farm far kiar..|a lt. E. AVERY, An-.ri- tai. Behool Bureau, 3 Wen lith-tt.. N. Y. A il ERIC AN AND FOREIGN TEAClli ks AG1 '. Jx sui pliea rroieat.ra. Teacher*, Tutor*. Governmela fc,.. ta Collegee, Sci.t md . ai. ... '. Apply to mks M. J. YOCNG-PjOLTON, 23 Union St)Daria TUTORS. Governeaee*, Profoiior*, Teacher*; ail niara* Les elrClliart s, lio-.i* supplied len.-nr- Uah. I*'r. :,* h. German. Spihish Ipoken. MIRIAM COT- lui.Ki.. ,:i Eau lTOi-*:., bec tth-avi and Stoadway. W^IAN'S EXCHANGE fE ACHERS* BUREAU (faB ti r--ih text*) iwpplie* pi ra, govcrnea .. nusii-iar.s. hottiek-e'peri, o-rr, pa ni'-nt, Ac. io collegee, tehoolt ind raminea; a «o bookkeepers, ueoographer* aul topylttt to business flnr.s. r.r.. a. I) CULVER 3_o crh-ave.. New-Yerk City. * DVERTISEMENTS IORTHE NEW-YORK TRIB- _-\ INK WILL BE Kl IYI.D AT THE yi*TOWN O.flCi-S, ls-, l.jas Bruanway, comer Thlrty-Brat-tt., until B p. n.. '.. j E. iadway beiwe»n Tweirty-aeoond and 'J v., nt) mir I ai* nniil sp. m.; itu W-- Xwenty-tnlrd- st. corner Elfhth-avo.; iii Slxth-ave.; 1&8 F-.uriii -nv-.. Bonier F*ourteenth-tL; 7'." Thlrd-tve., corner Port] tev¬ en tb-tu; 1,007 THird-ave., neai BlxtleUi-at., !.-."'¦ ti IM Weal rortj - on tl Nlqthavo. and Sixty- ghth-*i .ind e-i i. beity-et, and the HARLEM oPFH iso East One-bunlrad-B-td-twenty-Bflh-at., up to *. p. m. »i regulai ailie.-.; rakia election -V' stati- or Nsw-Yoaa. , Omer e,K HU. Kk-kBTABl "K-TAlg. .Mal \ . a, .1 Hil '.'j. 1-ss, ^ To ibo ShcrlfT of (h" Conney f Ne .. rork wil;-.\oll('i; is iii:i;i:i_v UIVEN THAT, vj :' li rai ¦< .¦>¦¦. va ¦.¦ lieu io in ii aleta on tao lur*d*y succeeding tba Brat Monda.! nexi 'Novembei ijrh., tno following ofBcera aro io b-' eh lo nit A G..-."mar In rho place af DAVID tl. Ti I LL. A Lieutenant-Governor in ti... place r.t edward F JONE,-. An Aeew.ciale Judg- ef th** Courr ef Apicals In (he place ;t n'H.s i lin i".* GRAIL ippointM oj the Governor in ihe piaca ai haiile-s a KAPALLO, Ceceaaad. All ehtse lerinr. of eidiec nm eTplia' on (Iv ia*i day nf Deermbcr next. J'hlriy-sls l-.iectorr of and Vlee-PreaMaal of the Chit/*! "iiril.T tnd District Ofllecrs tlso to b* elected In and Tor *aid County Twenty fonr Members of Assembly. A Sherlfl in piara of HUGH .i '.kant. A ,,unij ,ork. In of JAMI - A. Ef.Al'K. Three ! oraners. In place of I I. HUI N ANO LEVY, lOIIS lt. Ni OENT and Kl.l'.HiN \N1> El UM AN. All (erins of e.:ti, <* »in expire) on tin- las; day or December next. Your -Hrention ls also herelrr r-sprctftillv directed to th" provlili'ii- of soctlun 1 of chapter iii-, I,:.vr» of iBsB, eon- terring certain du'.Je* uj ,i. [napoe -ar* of Election and oth.'r awry-.*, and providing for sunmitting te the elaeh mid State l proies-ed ameitdmenl ts iii** S:.i-e- Constitution, which section ls here»ith inserted and made i pan of Hil*** notice, to wit: CHAPTER Cr-rt. An act to provide for MlbeutUns a proposed amendment te ihe C-onttltutlon te. rhe electors a.f the gtlte. A Miro ted by the (lorernor Mty lo, 1SS8. Ptaaed, Hiref'-llfl-it being present. lim people al the state of New-York, represented in Benet* and Assembly, do euse-i is foi;.,** Sect on 1. The Inoneoutr* ,.r e-.irh indi la Iha aeveral towns and wards In ibis Biala, at thc general olerHon to |e held In -.he- Slate on the f,ih rt.iv nf November, 'inc- tijousanel fight litindred Bed e,.'htv eight, Sliuil grovtBe a bax. to re.*0i\o the ballot* Ot tM c||i/cn* nf Hil* State, Iii leiaiion to the tmindment propoeo-j iee ile ContUiuiion by eoBiarreat reaelaUoni af ih** Ixrlalaturc im.-s.-d In eighteen hundred and elBbty-aeven and eighteen and elghty-i-lght. and eaea aarer mav gre ten I a ballot an Which "hill l-e rrri'.ien or iirinred, or pertly «r!';-*n a il partly printed. In the turin foltowtnc, \,/. Ea.r th'- piopuse-d ftinendnient lo «ec::,,n Ila 'f arilcle six f th* I'ciisiitiiMiiii.' or a on which thal] be- written or pertly printed, er partly written ami pertly print! i In tia- following form, viz.: "Againat the prcpoaed tmoi t" .lion «is of artii-rc- lix of ihe Conttltutton," an thereof -iriil be mule tr. irdlngly by Inapeetora af and eaovaaaera, said ballot *hall ne ir. _*.: ¦-1 "Constim hoi,al Amendment*1 Ail clUreaa af this sr.ite entitled le vi.te for Member* of Aaaembly in their reapeetlva illa tricts, shall be entitled to vate bb Hi* adoption of the Ore.poHod amendment duriiu.- tht dav af rle.-linn. In the - ii .-lection (11 *trlerh in which, eh'-v reside. Reipectfully youis, FREDERICK COOK, Secretary ..f Stab A Ri)Or.-senti»tim in the llflT first t "iegi.;-e< i-f the United Staten, for tlie sixth Conareaalonal Dietriet, e*om|Hiea«d of the First 1'lftn and Ninth Assembly DI*- trie I- ,.f Um ( aunt., aaf N»iv Ye.rk. A Re >e -. t-itfvi lu the Fifty-first Cosgreaa e,f the t-'nind htaiaiK. f.,r the Seventh Congreealene! Disiriat, composed «f the Second, Thud and Seventh Assembly Disiriets of Hie i'i;,:. el Ni York. A Keiireeeu-nuiieM- in the Fifty-first Congress of tho I'niied siaies, fer the Eighth Oongieaalonal Dlttrict, composed af the lonriti. S;x-!i and Bightb Aaaonhly Dls- irais e*f the i .xiiii.v of new-York. A Reereaentatlva in the Pifty.flrat Congress .,r th-* Unii'sl sta!.**, for the. Ninth CoBgiaaalaaal Dlstrie t, oliipoied of ii..* Tenth, Twelfth aiei Foulteenlb Aaaembly Dis:ii. ts of the count-: of New-York. A KepreoanteUve in the Fifty first Ceagaeai nf the United .-rates, for tbe Tenth Congieaalonal Dtatriet, eempoaed f,f tiac Daventh, Siv:.-enth and F..ghieenth Ai^ .enibly Dlstrbt* Of Hie County "f New V,,rk a Repreaentatlv* la Hie l-tfty nr«t Ooagreea "f the Eiii'-.l Matos, for tho FJevcnth CengreaaloBBl Dlatriet, composed of ll," '1 hi: lei nih, fifteenth Mid >¦.'v . n t"<-lit li Aa_ea_My Diatrtet* of (ha Ootr__t .t New York. a Itopreaen latl ve In the Fifiv-firet Ccngre** af Um Unlied Stales, for tte- Twelfth rawfioaafoiial District, cvni|ioe«*d af ih.- Twenibih, Tweai) tirht AaaBBlbly Die tn, is, a portion of me- Twenty-aaceef Aaaembly IH*- tilcf, t.oundod a,n the* ri'i-'i by -lie ..nih s;de rf Right) saiiti street "ii lb'- si.utl, by the* norlb side a.f ptftj ninth Kraut, un Un- w_ei by the -an sile uf lexington avenue, and ae 'ho nut by tho Beat Uiver, nf Ihe County of Nen Yera. A Re i, rete ii ta tl \n in the Flftv flrtt Congi-*** cf th.' Called sute*, fe.r the Thlrt.«-nih CeagMaalenal Dla irict, aeaaeeeB of the Klaateeelh ind Twenty-third \-» ai-mtily Dlitrlct*. and that portion of the Tweet) MCand Awaembly District buuiidod e,n the, north Bf UM louth .Ide of Ninety-Brat atr*---!, on the w.ulh by UN noith side nf Eighty-ala Ui street, on tha we»t by the ea«t *lde al tieiaeie, and etti by tho Kan River, af ih.- ( ounty al New. York. A Repre*entall>-e In the Fifty-first (V.ngreei of the Enlled Stttee, for the Fourteenth Congreei-lonal ni**, trtrl eomponed of the Counlv nf Wtatenaatei and tin- Twenty fourth A»*cmL!i- Dl*tr-ct of the County of New York. hHERipps ornr DOUBT house i El Y AND OOUMTY OP NEW YORK, July -.'7, 1SH8. I certify tbe above io 1# « true eapy af tl.irnion notice rr ce ived by me this day from tba Secretary cf sute Hi oil I GRANT, Sheriff of the (Hy tnd Csunty of New-York. PuMtahert of oewipaper* »r>- hereby noilflul not to In- arri the above advertlnenient uni' ss tiN-cltUli nuthorlied *0 IO do. HI e,ll t e.RANT. St-srlS ol tba City and County of New-York. GRAJS ASD PRODUCE MARKETS. FEATURES Ol' NEW-YORK DEALING* The mn ulitlon Iii eeceala on Saturday wa* active and hero was free buying hy iho »hort, Interest on receipt of rot Weather Ntaria Although Saturday** ls only a hort *e*s|on al Ihe Produce Exchange, Hie dealing* were f such a character as to dey lop a strone feeling e,f con- Ide-tii.- In ihe- situation. Wheat, corn and oar* all .ruled ilgher. Tha ira ri-a ct inns In wheat option* aggregated I.C.e.OOO bushel*, and the market, chined film, with i.rice* h,. :| s i*i*nr bo],,u- thc baal figures of tho day at the "liam lng rm"ration*: July 92 1-8. August 1)1 7-R, Septem- >er Ol lek, October 91 7-8. November 92 7-S. December )3 3-4, and May 98 1-4 cents. There wa* only a small NHBataa don" in toot wheat, but price* genorally wero l-2erl cenl higher. Exporter* took only 8.000 buahel*. ihe mark'-t ilea.ed Arm at the highest price* of th* day. .'ash corn waa dull, but cloned tteady, with price* l-._*l-'_ ceni hl_rhor. The speculation In corn wa* fairly ictlye. but prices ruled somewhat Irregular at figure* I-2<»1 cent higher, closing firm at l-l cent 1m*1ow tho bett ,i_ure* on August and Septemiicr, o'her month* clo*lng it the hlghi'st. onntatle.ns of the elay. Following are the .losing prices: August and S-ppmber, 84 October, ii 3-8; November, -.8 1-2; nui December, io 1-4. spot oat* ¦iib-rt firm at friday- quotatloaa on nnly a atodorata ilnutint of trailing, closing et .»dy. Options remalin-d un- ¦hanged on Au_u*t and l-Seil-4 higher mi Beptgfl-ber and ic*,,i,-r, eloalng linn at beat figures ts follows: July, ff _; Augu*', 80 1-2; Sepiember. JO 1-2; and Octolier. :*., :i i. The lard market wai itrong bul toaettva and irli'e-s generally ruled higher, cloMng firm at an advance if patel* for AucuM. 4 iKalat.s for Septemlier, ,. fnr ictober. and 0 poin'* for Ilucemhor and year at tho fol- owing Blurt"*: August pa Bli. .-v-ptembor et) 00, October 18 eO, December and year »7 87. THE, TEA DE IN CHICAGO. Chicago, July 29 iSpeclali..The crowd tpparentiy oohc 1 for * tall In prices yesterday after the first few nltiutc*, but broker* acting for Ream, Cud»hy, Jones and .(ennctt |BSB all that was offered and bid so sharply for nnrc that lt was harl to toll whether August wheat,, pened ir SO 5-8 cent* (tho official Quotation) er 81. A i-iiiu five minute* wheat wa* * full cent over Friday'* .lo-e. with little for sale. Kearn and Cudahy contlnii'-d a lake lr a- f.i-i a- t|,-v could ge*t lt, ami Kalperi uiil'-d ,ii. Th- lao mg WBV* liicr-ssed In velum* until lt sw-pl iver tiie' pu a*iib n rush. Tbe demand «t< not, supplied nitli price* were ovai 2 e.-nt-« above 'h<* closing pn.n friday. rhen the market eaaed off ha. hut fri-h I >uylng bp higher than before, ind cloted it wll bin li eent if ihe te,ii. Bradstreei't repori telegraphed here, rearing o*, bud a 1.1 deal af Influence. This ls mpnaiieail) I .r market, tf tba eold rams runt in ne .!¦:.,ut, the market I in tbape io ca blaber, if, on th* ghi weather ihould appear, lt would iik»iv .au.-i- a iharp break. The Aug uti option opened tl 80 b.a to *-'_ 1-t. and eli -'d ni .¦¦_'. Jnlv claeeB *t i i ,¦, over August. 'Ihe ntovemrnl lu corn ls ton n'leii fm ihe imi'-. Tba prteea went,ur. Augual started IC. ul. I,,-, al l 7 8. Oula ir.*r.* lull, "it'i *i downward tendency. Providion* wera itrong ni higher, i.-,i beean.f anv greet purchase, bal bevauae f the pl .-mull pur. hs-'* rintel v. flu n,ui".:i. H"L'< we«l bain cent* hlgh'T it ii,,* mi. i- and "a' receipt* tor th) weah hp ateafr*. ii tba pit ih* i.n|.r ¦"*! ,ii -ill prevail* rhai ihe Armour a- * i..-, j, uni ihgi ihjg overabadowlng :*. on the bu rddo. -financial. MAHHATtAH TRUST COMPANY, NO. J') WALL ST., NEW-YORK. tl'ITAL.SI OOO OOO Ll Rl.i TORS l F*. O. Freiien, N. r. ll ff. Cannon, NT. r. it .1. Cnaa, N. Y. John ll. 1 ord. N. Y. II. r.., Boolan, T. J. Coolidge, Jr., i'.nston. mi uti lb,h.emt Jr., N. Y. James o ^ti'-leton. N. Y. E. o Randolph, :-.. \ a. 8. li..-.-iihnim. N. Y. r :..v N. y. Wm Dowd. M. v. '. c. Baldwin. N Y. Sar.nd p.. Shipley, mila. Ch**. E 'ir.L*. N. Y. il. T. Wll-on. N. Y. Henry i :. I, hlcago. I. Watorhurr. N. Y. Franc .Trench, Preaident la,ali I. Wiieilatiry, VIce.pre'ldont. Aatherized t" icerpt and axeeata Ti nits of every an- Mriiitlon. Truatrc fer Investment and minagement of real and perenna! estate. !* '..sps ne. lntere«ts tub'ert to ehecoue tliroush the Clearlnr-Ifnuae. Regimai and Transfer Acn*. ARTHUR LINCOLN, INVKSTMENT SKLTRITII.*, f8 EXCHANGE PLACE. NEW-TORK. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. CO. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION. ALL PERSONS Ii*'I.DINO ANY OP THE BONDS of ihe SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY am thu' 'hore is BOD In iha hands Ol rhe under- ilgnrd, Trustee* m gage by which 'he payment ' i I, thi m of ONE HI NTil'.'r.l) I'llOl'SAND HOLLARS, gold, which, und tb.rms of . 1 n oi if*age, I* tppllclble rn ih-- relmnptlon or i.ure-lias- >f -a bond*, ani rh ir the undersigned will receive sealed Land Oil ' -* C'.nm.iiiy. a-oriier of I*'.., ind T, -¦-. ti-T 1 st*., san Pranclaco, far tho sot- a ide of tald ond* until TUESDAY, tl"* TWENTY- ST HST lay cf ai GUST, IhSS, ar which t.m* propoaala win ba ipennd, ant wirh bond' ns ate nr'erod a- il,,. :,,t\-e»: price iriu be redeemed cr purchased t<< the amount aforcsail p-i-a. ¦.,,- pi be :' l*< ci .¦i*'*po:r- ter Sen-end*/ ¦f th* Elrsi Mortgage Bond* Boothera Pacific Railroad Jcmiiany.** D. O. MILLS. G. L LAN.-INO. Ban Francleeo, July 20, IBM. _Trustee* NEW LOANS. aaaotooo CITY OF *T. PAIL I 1-2 PBN ERST. BOSOM MAI BING 1018. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN MEW YORK. «....<:Of> ra ii* ky comm, IMWKSOTA, 4 !.* ci NT. OOMOO, MAH KINO lois. WE. OFFI'I'. TIE tBOVI OR BALK. FELL PAIL TKi LARS ON APPLICATION. BLAKE BROTHERS & COMPANY, I :- ,- -. New-York, SB Btatiat. Boston. rb;or._a\izatio\ CHESAPEAKE & °S RAILWAY CO, 29 WARIEST.. Mew-Yerk, Jnly 17. 1888. Receipt, of DREXEL. MOKOAN A CO. for First Preferr* S Preferred and Common Srock nf the CHESAPEAKE t CHID BAILWAY COMPANY d- 1, In accordance willi tho plan of reorganlratlon dated Feb. 7, 1S6-, and on wliich all saaaaaaaala have b* ri paid, may now lae exchanged for engraved reorgan- i/at,uii aortlBcataa, pairing bp Sallvery, on application at their, 88 Wall-et, New-York. Receipt* pre¬ sented f'ir sueih Stehaafa mu*t be prupeily Indorsed. Receipt* for Series B, 0 pei cent tnd 4 per cent lan ls, and for currency 6 per cent bonds, mar also be exchanged f.- aegravad reorganization certificates In pur- luauco nf ne tic* already glvMi. All of Uicse certificate* havo been luted on the New- York Bleak Exchange. HOLDKR8 OP Ort PER CFNT nf all classes nf stock »nd bonis affected br tho plan of reorganlratlon, having accepte*l Its provlsleiis, outstanding stockholders and bond- te lb rs are* hereby gi\en final noHce to depoalt their nr. cuii-ie* with DEI.x el, MOKOAN A CO. before Auguet l, 1*1*8, and coiifaim to the requlrementa of said plan, if they wl»h io partlclpaia In ibo belief.** thereet C. Il t OsTEH. I. CROSS, I. THORA-'. I R..I. CROSS, ^Committee. A. J. JOHN PATtlN SC CO. 88 Wi.inui. -I., New-Yerk, Will pay rm uni after Aa_mU I. D*t<8, the following coupon* and lnren-i niiturliig ihat dale; I i.upoeie. iii itu- Fir*i 'l-ii'iuim. lionels and Inlrre*! ot lill* (.uar..1.1 Cl 1. -I ll ol ll" 1 o ll. * n n . 1:11,1 Hlaewnil River lt. ic in. Im. re-*l >.n lin-Ela ii a el ".(oek of the l-.ueian* Elly N|. Louis noel < hicui_o lt. lt. I o. _ Slltil-T !{\1I,\VAY BOND*, PATINE, o PER CENT AND OVER, A BPBCIALTY, Ri fl QUICK, kl mbera New-York Stock Exchange, 72 and 74 ltroidway, N. Y. NOTICE OF ANNUAL B-SET-K-JT" lt) EITOGKHOLDEI-S <)F WELLS, FABGO & company. Yon are hereby notified that tho nett annual meetln* of the lloekhirfdera of Mild company, far the- ole-e-iion eil Sheeter* far iha .. ia-¦.11a,; j ur, and for Hie tranaactiol eif sr. h other tm-.. coma iee fare- the meeting win tn- held iii tha teeretary * room, a' t in* i--oiirai oitic af the company, on n,* northeaet oorner of ranterna aw llalleck sr» City ,.! -ju Franciaco, Slate it Caiiiornl*, ai M ea, ia,cu a. ni., 'en Thoraday, the '.Uh day of Auguat ie>Hx. Tha transfer ba,,.ks will u>- eloaad aa !s»iurd»y, itu 88th day of July. 1888, »nd n*opcneel oa Friday, Ibo IOU day of Augii*i. 1888, JAMES HERON, ,-, api'tary. OKITCE. Ol*' THE. MlNsjssii'1'I RIVER BRID1.K COMPANY, 'bl. ago, UL. July 21, IS-tH. OWNERS of IlKirt^ll^i- lieilllls nf titr** Minni*, sippi KJvar Bridge ( ompany mee hareby Bottied Hiat tho I'niici Miles Tiu«t Company of New York, Traitee, h,*, detlgnaled by lol honda numbered lou. ill. irut bm. Hil and 880 lo Ie* red-e-nie.1 a* roouliod bf (he- lnarmage uni e.f Sinking Fund, ocu.her 1. IMS*. Self iH.ud* will »..' redeemed by Me-nr*. john p\Te.N tic. Ne, ,,j william i.t naw-Yorh lateieat ea salt' bondi de*lgnal.«l for re-1etneit|.n will caata octet er 1 1S8K. II A RI.ES II F(1sTKR, Treasurer Low, 'he will Inv-st ae Um cionnd floor In * valuable- iiike 8uperli>! Iran min'* Twe principal owner* wish third party alili ie, liavael bl* tc, na share nt BBd.OOB Mine lit* lirm) bodj of hl*h jfnide' Bettemer ore In *lght n*»dy for ulilpmeut Can tm et.-vela,|)..d in , y-ar Int.. a pneperty wierth t.VV),(V)( ES |>er c.nt dividend on thtt tmoiint No del*t* per*.. 11*1 b tpeeUon. Referanea a*hed. Addre*, .1 [- Col.II) MINIM; INTEREST Offered La tr Correepondenca ioildt«d with tail*faetory party and iioi Dui!.* L. J. PlIlllY. He.ireiarv and Tran-urer. Ironwoo.1. Miali HAN E OP NOR. II AMERICA Ne- York. July .* 1888 r|'HK HANK OF NOBTH AMERICA hm h reinoy,**1 la No. 3^ W*ll *i. Milln |*uli*ti.-gi. pend lng the c. ,.|rf«uiuii .f ih'lr new bul.,Rug mi Naman st. corner of C«adar. to iRvrnroRM N-w.York, July 0. 1388. VyK OFFER fer *a!<\ and nx-omniond to tn rt vettor*. a fow dealrablo Bondi earning double thc! Inwr*it, tl » prtc* which yield* fully tia par cent In aoh upon tho invetiinent. i_ i.. B__-._-iHCl Bi CO.. 28 Bread-ah. Dankcro anb Brokers. P. W. GALLAUOET & CO., I. _>KI-l***. COMUERCTAT, PAPER. STOCK8 AND BONDS UNITED BANK BUILDINO. WALL-ST, CORNER, BROADWAY. H. PITCH. Jr.. MKWYOR-L vf ember N. Y. block Exthaogn VERMILYE & CO., BACKERS, 16 AND 18 NASSAU-ST., I¥ew-York City. Denier* in Bnveatnaent Becarltlen ZIMMERMANN tfc FORSHAY. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Il WALl.-iT., M. Y. MEMBERS OF THE NEW-YORK STOCK EXCHANGE- STOCKS AND BONDS BO POUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION- Dealer* In bullion, anode, foreign bank¬ note*, 4c. Exchange and cab!') transfer* on *11 paru of the world. In tums to mit. Interest on deposit*._ Dioibcnb Notices. ^'niE^-EEW^YORK NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK, New-York, July 27. 1.88. ATA MEETING of the Board of Directors JV held mis day a dividend of THREE VA, PER CENT wu* decltxed on ih* capital stock, parable on and after Anguit l, ii OUTCALT, Caahler. Ol 911 V. OF THE SEATTLE, T.AKF. Hllofll. ANI) RASTEItN RAILWAY COMPANY, 85 William-*!, and 41 Exchange Placo, New-York. July BB, 1888. COUPONS of tho First >Iortj»ajse 6 por cont Cold Hand* of Hil* compai-y. duo August i, imiih, win t><i pail on presentation Bl the? ofBee of the Union Truat Company of New-York, Net. 73 Broad- w*y, ou and aflat August 1, loxa. E. Vf. HO IT. Jr., Assistant Secretary. OFPUE BROADWAY INSUR s NOE ( "M PANY, NI W VORK, July 28, 1S88. T'.Tlf DIVIDEND. THE BOARD of Directors hare dre la rod tho a-iii seml-anniiHl dividend of ll per teat, payable on and after August 1, 1808 _ isaac collo rd. Secretary. THE ST. PAUL. MINNEa Polis AND MANITOBA RAILWAY COMPANY, 40 ANO 12 WA LL ST., New-York, July 2, 1_88. TIIE BOARD r.f Directors have declared the usual quarterly dividend of om* and one-half leer cont on the Capital Stock of ibis Company, payable al thlt tfllc'i August 1. 1039, lo Btockholoera of maud on that date. 'ihe stock tnnsfer toog* will bo cliaed at 3 p. m., July 18. and mil ba i-op.i..d ar lo a. m., August le, Lied. ELWARI) T. NICHOLS, Assistant Secretary. LONO ISLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. ~~ ur- 1DEND NO. 41. THE Bn.\!;n OF DIRECTORS havo de¬ clared a quarterly dividend r one PEB CENT upon the etpltal ttock, payable August I, lean. Tram-fer books Hoot Julv 2 ani ¦..;, n Augutt 2 HENRY ORAVES, Treasurer. New-Torh, Juno 25, 1888. _ outce Continental insurance company, No 100 Brotdway, New-York, Julv 12. 188S. ¦T-IIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS UK TUES I *. apBBJ have this day declared an Interest dividend *f TUREE ANU ONE-IIALE PER CENT upon the capital of the company and upon the amount of li* '. guaranty latnttur aird special " reserve fund" .formed In pursuance 0f tha proviilou* of the act of the LeglelatUa of the Star* nf New-Y'ork, pained April 10, 1874, a* IBanded. entltlejd " au act to pmvtdo security against extraordinary conflagration* and for thu creaHun of safety fund* hy lire iBaaraBce companies";, lovaine on demanX 'lTiny also order that tho oiliest outstanding scrip liana. thu of redeemed in cadi on aud after 20th -September next. CYRUS TECR. _ Secretary. TTNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. \J I HE VSCRE.t -S OFFICE, 82 Broadway, New-Y'ark, July 25, 1888. H.. il DIVIDEND. The transfer hooks of thtt Company will be closed Au¬ gust 1 at 3 p. m. and reopen.-d Augtlft 10. THE.'). P. WOOD. Tre**urer. Professional. \r.UNO MAN desire* poslllon a* *te nog rap her and tele, graph operator, Nnw-York City or Brooklyn; railroad employ prcferrod; excellent references. Address W., fflnsical -Jnstrnmeius. F rsc*TI F.R PIANOS, renowned for tone and sanding in tune. Mannfaetorioa and tteramtrna 421 to 425 We-t 2bth-*t., ind 807 Broadway, I8th-»t. (Ditson't Building). Plano* exchanged, rented, or instalment*. Hnilroaog. WEST SHORE RAILROAD. N. Y. C. A H. It R- CO.. lessee*. Trtln* loav* West 42d-»t. nation at follow*, and 20 minut* » cai Her fr-im foot of Jay-sL, North River Detroit and Chicago, ._ bb I. m., -0 ;0O. "8:15 p. m. St. I_iul». »0 :0(.i, »8.L- P m. Syracuse, Bullala, ia chester, Suspension Bridge, Ni¬ agara Pails, 8:18, "A bb a m., 'fl 00, -8:15 p. m. Utica, 8.15. '0:55, (ai ll :B0 a. m., -0:00, '8:15 p. m. Kinn*rim, sanpcrtle*, C_t»kill, Albauy. 3.15, '7.15. t9 ii. (ii 1 i .30 I. rr., is) 4 :00, "G :00. «8 :15 p. m. Cransrori'*. Weat I'otit Co-nw_!l, Nowburg, '3:15, .7 :1a. *8 bb. 10 15 (ai ll :30 a. m., (s) 4 .00. 4 :10. 6:15, .8:15, 8 45 n. m., and 9 00 *. m., 3:45 and 0:00 p. m.. ( rai «r,n'H. Co rnwtll. Nowburg. lar Montreal ani Canada East. *fl :00 p. ii. Hamilton, jMldon, '..)¦> a. m.. '0 00. *8:15p. m. To¬ ronto. IO -5 *. m., 10:00. '8:15 l>. n_ Elegant ileoplng-cara for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit Chicago and St I/Ouls. Saratoga Specials, (t) ll :30 a. m.. (*) 8:45 p. m. Draw- Inn reeeim ears thtom'h lo Baritoga. Lake- Goorie, ll 30 I. m.. Drawlng-Room Car* to Cald¬ well, Saturdays only, fal 3:45 p. m. Lake-* M,,honk and Mtnnewaska, via New.paltr. 9:00, Drawing-Room Car* to Ina Phoe¬ nicia. 3-15. 'J :0O, (al ll 'IO a. m.. (»; 3:45 p. m. Drawing Boom Ctr* to ('.rani Hotel Station and to I'lmeiiltia (tor Hotel K.ater*kiU and Mountain lluuso; ou 0 .00, ia) 11:30 a m. and (*) 3 45 p. m. Hain*. Ptlenvllle, Cairo and Mountain House Station, 8T5. 7:15, »:O0. (ai ll i.-O a. m., (s)3:45 p. m. Drawlng- Room Car* to CaUklli ea (i) ll :30 a. tt. and is) 3 .45 p. m. train* . Dailv. t DM'.v except Saturday, other train* dally except Si-ndir. (a *; Leave Jersey City. p. R. R. sta¬ tion, (a) ll :-0 a m.. (si 3 40 p. ru. ; Hoboken, West Shore ¦Station, (a) ll ;30 a. m., (*) 3:40 p. m. For ticket*. tlm*-tahiet, parlor or tieeplng-tar tccom- m*-1arloiis or InformtUon, apply at oflice*. Rrooklyn.333 Washlngtonst 730 F.ilfn-st.. Annex OfRce- foo' of Kui- tonst. New-York Clty-303, 785, 042 Broad.'uv. 153 1-2 Bowery. 12 Park p'U'e mid West S'.ioro Station*, foot of West 42J-st.. foot of Jayat.. N. Pw Waatcott't Expre** call.* for and check* b-isrjraie from hotel' and r*-**--denc*a. C. E. LAMBERT. 6 Vanderbilt-ave. General Passenger Agent, Laaoa .sianonK aim .'iiiiii.-wh.ikj, vis .ipi-i-iiii, u :u fl) 11.30 t. m., (l)|:4l B ni. Draiving-Room Cars Kingston on 0 :0O, 'll 11 -30 a. m., (*. 3.45 p. m. train* Kaater«kill. Htint-r. (.rand Hotel S'atlon. ind Pim TOLA-NS FOR BOSTON New-York and New-Er.f.and and New-York, New-Haven and Hartford Road! Leay* NEW-YORK io a. M *3 P. M., ll .30 P. M. Arrlvo BOSTON 4,.30 P M., *0 P. M.. 7 A. M. PARLOR CARS ON DAY TRAINS. PULLMAN BLEEPING CAR8 ON NiOUT TRAINS. .8 :00 p. m. D*lly, Ine-ludt-ig Sunday*. Other traint <<_lly ex.-ept Sundays. Slei-pm* ear i.-comm- l.itieui* can be wctired at ticket ofllces. 337 Broadwiy, and Urand Central Depot. NEW-YORK AND LONG BRANCH RAIL- lt ROAD, FOR RED RANK. LONG BRANCH, OCEAN GROVE, AslHRY PARK. 0< I" AN BEACH, SPRING LAKE, POINT pleasant, Ae. ::... , COMMENCING JULY TL 1888. ,_,___, SKA1N8 LEAVE NEW-YORK, oi>T OF LIBERTY- BT., 4:00. 8:1.*,, t) -/An, *u 15 a. m., M :80. -*_ «'> 8:80 (fast expn-s" ¦) (Xi, -i -5 .30. 0:15 u. m. SuIlday^ _v :oo a. ii. an | 4 :00 ]* m. FROM KOOP CORTI.ANliT AND DESRROSSES STS., 3:30, 7:10. .'.) IO a i: 12.00 nasin -J iii) '3.10. 8:40 (limited express, .'xeept Reel Rivnk). 4 20, 5:00. 7 :00 p. m. -Sui.diiv*. 7 ile'i, B :15 a. in. 5 00 p. m. . Denote-, e\pra«s trains RUFUS BLODGETT, J, R. WOOT), H. P. BALDWIN. bup» Gen. Pa*. Agt. P R.R. OP. AC RR-NJ. PENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. \J ."(JOT OF LIBERTY STREET, N'oKTH RIVER. Tm* Table of July 1, 1888. Fer PHILADELPHIA and TRENTON, " Bound Brook Route," ttl, 7:45. 9. ll i. m.; 1:80, 8 15, 4. 5 :ilO, 7:30. 12 P. m. SEN DAYS ll 8 *l I. m. 5:30. 12 p. m. Trtlm leaving at 4. 7:45. ll a m., 1 iBO, 4, 5 30, 7:30. 12 p r... have connection fur Rcj Iiiu, Harrisburg, Pott*, viii-, etc. 4 a. m. for Eaetan, Bethlehem, Allentown, Miii'h Chunk, Rcud'eg, Ilarr'.lbtrrg. ot". 5 45 h. m. for Liku Il,e;-ir,.n _. I'stoni. Bethlehem and Alle-utown. 7 OO a. m. for Flemlnglon. Easton, Bothlelicm, Allen¬ town, Mauch Chunk. B ii*) a. tn. for Flnmtne'on, Ltko Ilopatcong. Easton, Bethlehem, Allintn»ii. Mauch Chunk. Wilkosbarro, Scran¬ ton. Reading. Harrisburg. |- atUTillo, Tjm_nua. .Sbauioktii. Sunburv. I^wtstiut*. WTllliuiaport. 1 p. m. tar l.emlngton, Eaaton, Bethlehem. Allentown. Mt'i'in Chunk, Reading, Harrisburg, etc. 3 45 p. m feT Easton, Bethlehoat, Allentown, Mtuch Chunk. Wllkeebarre. BonBton, Tamaqua, shame,kin. 4 30 p. iii. for Flemington, Lake Ilopatcong. Haston. Bethlehem, Allentown, e-, 5 ;00 tnd 6 ;3o p ni- far Somerville and Flemington. 6 40 p. m. for Eaaten, Bethleh'-m. Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Re«dliig. Harntburg. etc. Ou Sundivi ti 6.80 p. m. 4. 8:15. 0:30. ll 15 a. m.. 1:30. 2 l8& 3:30. 4. t 30, 5 30, 0:15 I), m.; SmidsM, 0 ;C0 a- Ok, 4:00 p. m fur Rc^l llut.k. Laug lirani-h (Ashuir P.rk. ('wan dre,vs. ercept Sunday). Pe.lnt I'b-ssiint Parlor C-r* at 8:15. :c 11 15 a. n. 1 30. 8:30. 4 :80. 6:30 p. m. 4, 8 15 i. m., t .30, 4 :.**) p. ni. fe>r t-nrminiM-in, LAKE¬ WOOD, Mun In'-'er, Teems Kiwi, ltirii.-t.-ii. el'- 4 I. in 1 JB l> ni. for Roach II a ti. ATLANTIC CITY. Vineland, llrlelgeton. 4:00, 0:00, 8 15, D .30, 10:80, 11:1*. a, m.. 1 30 2:80. 4. 4 80, 6:00. 5.30. 0:15 p. m. Suudayi. 0 t. m.! t p. m. for l'erth Amlior. for MONMOUTH PARK RACKS on Tuesdays, Thurtdart and Saturdays, R15, 0:80, 11:15 a. m 12:16, 12:45, I :I0 p. nt Pirlor Cir Triln. 1 (H.) p nt RANDY Hook ROI TE For LONO BRANCH. OCEAN (.ROVE, elo.. FROM PIER I, N. R. For Htghltnd B'toli, Baabrlght, Monmouth B.-tch and I»ng P.r.meh, 4.30 8:00, .00. 11.00 a m.. t 00 3:45, 4 Ao. 5:30 p. m. ..nula*.*. 0.30. 11:00 a in 8 -St p ni Por Eeborori. Atkmry P»rit, Oa*etn fiteivn, etc., 8:00 0 00 II HO t. ip, 1 (Nd, 1.43. 4 30, »:30 p. bi. For MoNMOE'ni PARK RAC-Fh on Tu.nlays, Thuradays and Hkllird***. ri OO. U 00, ld no a. m. itllK 1 TOO p m. Tar Allintlc Highland*, 4 SO. 9 00 a rn (1:00 6sturda/i orly., 8.15, 4 30, 6 )30 o. Ok For Ukawood Tom* Rlveir niel Barnegnt. 4 So. 8 00 a. m.. 1 otb, 3:4 5 p m. Tickers ind I'.iilor Ctr seat* can he procured lt 71, 415 881. 044. 1.140, J,|t23, 7-17 .th tv.*.. 2(U Went li'.th «t.. 13_ Fast J25th-tt, New-York; t Court-tu. 800 Fulton-*!-, 08 It'.itdwjT, Brooklyn. Now-Yorli Tnintfar Company will call tor ind check bignie Ultu holli ot i«aiBaaee_ Ratho ate. NORTHERN RAILROAD OF N EW-JER8EY. A*-Train* |.*avei from Chamber*-*! ~'->ro-ri raab dirt fur Engb-worid, TenaBjr, Clonter, bperkhul, anni Brack 5 30, 7 :(-o. h SO, i" cn and 11:80 a m.: iy .( o, 4:00, 4:10, 5.30, j li), tl I", suki, 10 30 o. m. t_ midnight Bundaya, 7 00 '.' BO a. ni 1 .'-'> 4. , 80, * ij p. m. For Nunn. :, Spring Vall'-y, Monn-y and 1 wec|< days. 7 00. lu d') a. m., 4 :.>'», 6:40 p. m. Sa odaytl li Ho a rn ai, l 7 .ii j, eu. Saturday special, 12 to, r.ix.ri Aellitloiial nain* to CP-naklll and way, 0:40 a n_, _\ p. m. I? UIK RAILWAY.-Tick©* 00088, 401. 317. KA 7H aul un Rroadway, 188 1 Lo* cy, 1m7 West tt 1 Hattcry pia e*, -junbera and 23d Street terrie**, Bea. York; 8_l and 833 Fulton-et, Brooklyn; 107 j(-u»dwi» Wllilinwburg earner Newark and llud-on it*., Hobefeae* 52 Montgomcry-et, and Now BU City, where Ticket* and Parlor oi Bleeping Car reaervatioe* and ..rdert for ch'-e-king and tranefer oa- baggage ean b" ebtnlaef r,. bress trains leave i.3d-st 5 BUBBWM Baili r t .an Batt . ,o*» rreetti Chembara,at. local trams -'. re, in atlBHtta ..» 9 a m., edaiiy, Day Bspreaa bullet drawing-room av he* Ui Bulla:',, |-ii,iir,au sbepiug coach*;* lIoriie:il*viiie ia Cincinnati and ( loveland. 10:81. a m., we.-* .lays, Delaware V»lley Expre**, parlor car to Binghamton, Owego, iamira ami Corning. 6 p. m., dally, "Chicago ani .St. Loni* Llir.lie l,'r a lolia Pu..-mau train of day and buft'-t Mt epmg i ,,-*. w * u, __\ falo, Niagara !.«,«, Cleveland, hica .ti t*»if Ht. Louih; nu extra charge for rant time. 0 p. m., daily, Chicago Bauraaa, Pu.iman buffet lieepi... coachei to BliiKhamton, Ow.-go, tiaiira, Rocheiter. Bur. falo, cincinnati and Cairne* Rutheiford and Faaehle-4. 4 45, 8, 7, 7:50 9 30, 10 M a m.: ll noon, 1, 1.4b. J, 3.10, 4.10. 4:40, 5 in 6:30, 5:50, »:10, (1:80. 7:30, 8, lu 30 p m. 12 nlghtl Also to Rutheiford 8:3*., a. m.; 4:30, 5 .10 p ra Passaic, 6, 0:10, 0:40 p. m. bundaya, * tb. n *,> 10:80 a. m. 12 noon; 1:45, 3, 4, 5, 8:80. 7 3e) i* lo .1*' p. m. VA night. Paterson -I, 4 :45, 8, t, 7 :50, 0 30, 10 80 a m. 12 noon; 0:30, p. Bk Ridgewood and .Suffern.4. 4 45, 7:50, 9.30. 10 30 a. m.; 1, 3, 4, 4.30, 5, 6:30, (El'). 'I 40. - Au. ._, lo 80 p. m. ; IJ niche Also Ui Ridgewood, .30 a. m. 5 :_0 p. m. ; te, hilt-rn, 3:80 p. in. .-.linday*, * :45, 8.3o. 10 ._4 a. m. 1 45, 4. 0 .30 p. m. 12 nlj¦' Han bur* and Cornwall-t Ta), 9 a. m. 3 AQ, i. | ;30, 6 00, 6 i_<) p. m. bundey*, .> ii ia- l tb, .', p. m. Warwick-Week days, 4 :I5, '.), 10 SO a. m. 1, 4 30 p. m. 4:45, 7...". 0, 10:80 u Bi 1. A BB, 4.30, 6.30, :e pi m. Bundey*, 4 Ats a :JJ, 9 a. m. (j SO, I p. m. Il clown ami Pom 7 ','-. 8, IO 88 a m.; 3 3'), 4.80, a 7:80, 9 P H.- -.mila)-., 4:4'., a. m. ; 5, 0 '.BO, 9 p. aa. Expraaa train* in tba West arrive in New-York af 7:06, ll "'') a. m., sud 10:20 p. Bt Vf. J. MURPHY, L. P. FARMER, Gcn^Sup't._^_ General Pasaenger Agent MEW-YORK CENTRAL .\SD Hil) un¬ iv RIV lil HAILI. >AI>. OKI.AT POUR lE\e ,v ill! Mi LINE. On and aflar July 14, nain*- i* -ave GRAND EN itAL hi A I'D iii. Largest ami Fl neel Paaaenvor bte on in America. .to a. m., C.." he-', i Expre *a elia-a ,iiK-ri*oiu car* to Albany, Tray ind is.) rn* Ut m., .-aa.-atc.-a. Laka George, and Monir»aI. -Special Brewing Lake, George, Plattsburg, arid .Munt:.... a.-. to si. Albans. -.) a. aa. for Adirondack Mountain*, Lurern*. North Creak, -S* lireu/U Lake, lie)M MouiiUiu Lake, Ac. Drawing, room car to saratoga. .U :.V! a. bl, FAMol'S VESTIBULED CHICAGO ANO ST. loi lb LIMITED, composed eaclaaively "f buffet imoklng-car, 'tining'ar, drawing-room and sn;.-ping ar* for Albany, Eil,a, Syracuse, RocheMer. Buffalo, Ni_. -i-t Falls, Eri'i, Cleveland, ludiaaap Ila aad Toiedo, a,-rt ar 8:60 a. ul, Bt, Lottie if<0 p. Bt BBSI day. is at Albany for Cooperatown, tlo.30 a. n., chi'ago fc-tpreaa for Niagara lal;*, To. ronlo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit sad Chb «go also for barat* ._.-, Coope r»tiiwB an 1 N irth Adamo | drawing-room cars io Lanandaigue, iiochesier, and Rica- ii'-ii bu ti l -io a. m., Western New-York and Northern Express, for, Lake George, Ru' Bad. Bonnington, North Adams, Aa:. Dra-a lug-roam can :¦. iry and nara'oga 2 p. m. Saratoga Lin.. I. Runs on Saturday* Shift arilving saratoga >J .30 p. m., Caldwell 3 10 p. rn. Draw. logroom cart a,.d buffel amoblng-cara only. 8 30 p. m., saratoga ana Utica .special, with drawing- room cars to Albany, Troy and Saiaioga. Runs through W Laker Georg* on Saturday- oniy. ¦1 p. m.. Accommodation ro Albany and Troy. Con. neets for Williani.*.iowu, North Adams, and Intermediate point* on Fitchburg it H. .t 6 p. m., Fail Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis Ex¬ press for Niagara Fain,, Buffalo, Su^p-msion Bridge, To- ronlo ivia Leniston Hi.amer*- and Cl-V-.and, Cliiaiiunt'U Indianapolis, St. Louis, Detroit, aud Chicago, wah, sleep* lng and dining cars. .IO p. in. for Clayton dally, including Sunday, for Paul Smith's daily except .saturday. Through sleeping cars lo Clayton and Paul Smith's via Utica and It, w. und 0. R- It *i 6.30 p. m., Montreal and Oanandelfoa Expre**, dally. Sleeplng-caaT* to Plattsburg and Montreal via Route'a Point and via st Albans, als,, ottawa, m* si. Alhena and ana- da Atlantic Rail *.*ay, mui to syracuse ani i.anandalgua daily except Sunday. Sunday train duo- hoi run areal ol Albany. 'I ii i!0 p. m. for Adiroiidae k Main a haiy. Lyon Mountain, Loon Lain-, Sarana l'a.. Sinlth^ Ac, via Plattnburg and Chateaugay Rattroed a.-o to Lu- xerne. North Creak, Bchroon Lake. Blue Mountain Lake, Ac, via Saratoga and Adirondack Railroad. cari New-York io plattsburg and North i reek. .j p. m.. Special Bleeper, arilve* Re.chester 7:40 a m., Bu:ralei -i:35 a. m.. and Cleveland 1 :_.. p. nt .t ll :30 p. m., Fast Night Express for Richfield Springs Rochester, liuifaio, Niai.-ara luis, Toronto, Ctevalanit Cincinnati. Indianapolis, .st. Loula, Detroit and Chicago, with slc-ping tars. si-oping cars to tanandalgua on Sundays only. I ij d dlnght, Adlronadack Mountain Special for Saratoga, Lak.- (i.e.rge, Plattsburg, Loon la:.. sarans*- Paul SmHh's, Ac, also for Sharon Sj*r.ri2e-. e *eip.;rstov»ii» and Richfield Spring* hleeplng-eara r., Albany. Tickets and spac.i In draivine room and sleeping c*r* on salo at Grand Central station. 4 13. 7*5 and '_4_ Broadway, 12 Park place, 1 Battery place- (i'i Wett 12oth-sr.. and 138th-st Station. New-York; 333 Waeliington and 730 Pilton st*., Brooklyn, and 79 4ih-st., Williamsburg. Westcott'* Express call* for and checka baggage from hotel a ot r*Bldene**, .Run dally orhers dally except Sunday. I Stop Bl 138th. st Statb n take up passenx'.-r. tor North and Weat. ,1. M. TOUOKY, HENRY MONETT, Oeneral superintendent General Pa.-senger Agent [ EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. PAbSENCF.R TRAINS leave foot of Cortiandt ani Deabrosaea eta. *s Mlowa: 0 bo a. rn. for Cata*aui(ua and Intermediate point*. 8 a. m. for Geneva, Lyons, Elmira, Rochester. Buffalo and the West and principal local points. Chair car to Elmira. 1 p. m. for Tunkhannock and intermi'dlate point* Chair car lo Tunkhaiinock. Connection io Reading and Harris- burg. 3 40 p. m. for Pittston and principal lutcrmediale points. Chair car to L. and B. Junction. 5:40 p. m. for Mauch Chunk and intermediate point*. Connection to Reading and Harrisburg. Chair car to Mii'i'-.i chunk. 7 p. in. for Geneva, Lyons, Elmira, Rochester, Buf. falo and the West. Eu.hmm sleeper to Lyona 6:18 p m f,,r Lamays ani lateraedlate p.tnta. Trains leaving at 8 a. m., lp. m. and 3:10 p. ra. con- neel for all points in Mahanoy and Ila.leton coal region*. BUNDAY TRAINS. 8 a. m. for Matuli Chunk, Ha.ict-ii and Intermedia:* points. 6:45 p. m. for Ce.piny and Interim diat'.' point*. 7 p. m. for Getii'ax Lyona, Ri.chester, Buf« falo and the Weet Pullman Beeper to I.-on*. General Eastern Oflice, 235 Rroadway. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. J. On an! after J li LY 1, UMBI (RI AT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave New-York, via Do»b:oi--v* and Cortlacdl Stieets Ferries, as follows: Harrisburg, Pitt-burg and the West, with Pullman Palace Cars ulta., 0 :o0 a. m., 8 30 r Dining Can and 8 p. ra. dal..v. New-York amt Cb: a. 1 af Parlor. Dining, Smoking and Sleeping Vestibuled Cars tl a. m. every day. Willianisport Loik Haven, 9:00 a. m.. 8:00 p m. Corry and Erle at 8:00 p. m., connccilng at Corry lor Tl:u»- ville mid (h.* (in Regions. For Lebanon, I) OO a m., 3:20 p. m. and 12:15 night For Norristown. Phenixvllle, Pottituwn aud il 11 :00 a m., 1:00. 2:00 and 4 00 p. m. Satur_»y* only. 8 p. m. Sund»ys. 0:15 and lo a. m. Baltimore, Washington and the Semth, ¦ Lin.ired W_-h- laglan Exureos'' of Pullnun P»rIor Cars, dally o\*e|if Sunday, lo a. Bk arrive Waahlngton 4 :00 p. m. sui dally with Dining Car. ut 1:40 p. bl, arrive v* . ton 9:1. p. BL r.-gular at 6:20, 8 :i'0 and 8:80 I 1:00. 2:00. 4:30 and <i :0O li. BL. ail ll 13 S'-i'd-jy, 0:15 and 9 a. n... 4:30 and 'J p. BL and 12:11 night. For A-iantlC City, ll :10 a BL, 1 :00 and 2:00 p. m. week du k For Cai"' May, 1 p. ut. «eP|< dayt Long Btanrli, Ray Head June- n ,nd Intermedia*** v Hon- via Rah*uv and tmbov. I 30, 7 1" »-d 9 TO a m.. IJ Baot), 2 30. 3:10. S 40 Limited 4 -2') 5 » d ** p m. cu Sunday, 7:16 and *j:15 a. ni. ani -'> p. bl \.A. u"t *top *' A-l.11; J I i- For Old Eiiin- and Norfolk, via New-York, Phllad » and Norfolk ad, 8 p. m., daily; via Balinii"-* and Ray I.un', 4 :80 p. m. weet Boat* ot fc Brooklyn Annex" conn el «irh all th- u.-h trains at JerneJ City, affording a speedy and direct transfer for Brooklyn t: i\ fob ri 11 la di: [.ph iv. Expret* trains lease Maw-Yottt \ia Daabieaaaa and Cortiandt Street* Ferrie* a.. follows: 6:20. 7 io. a. *.i .1 Chicago Um ed with I1 nmg Cir, »nd io, waahlngton Limited and 11 . ni 12 SO, 1, 2. ii -I', 4. 4 .no. b. ai. e-, so, S "it .. i> bl and 19 19 night Accommodation, 8 30 iu.a! ll IO 1 ¦ 1 i" an I 7 p m- bundioN Expra** 6:16, '.' 0 I.::-.... i a*,1 D' a m.. 4, 4 30. 5, (,. 0:30. .-* and 8 p. ))¦-. al 12:15 nlgbt A'-'aiiiMiinda'lon, 7 p. m. Trains leaving Mew-York dally, except Sundav. at 8. 9 ;.' 1 ll ld a. bl, 1. 1 4. 58 i* rn -ml IO I BL ani 7 p. bl un sun lui-, cannae! at Trenton for camden. Ticket ofnee-s. Nos. 1. 4Ab. BtB ani DI4 Bread-eay, I Astaar Realise- ami tittil of Deabroaaea and Cortiandt st*. t Cou rt-at and Iire,<>kl vu Annex Station fae- e.f I- niton-t, Lr. -<>r. ly ri : Statle.ii, laney City; Emlaiaiu Ticket OfllcO, ( gal i-ar-len. Tho N'e» York Transfer Company will call for aud cheek baggage from hotels and residence* CH tS li- PE(.II. .1 ll WOOD. General Manager. General Pass'r Aiit'iit pAPE CHARLES ROUTE V_; ior OLD POIN 1' COMFORT. NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH, AND Till. HOI 111. NEW-TORK. PHILADELPHIA ft NORFOLK R. R. Train leave* tool of Cortlaiidi *nd De»br«**** st«. dallv. 8:00 p. m. Ticket* uni --aping berths - ai any Tlekol onie- ..f the rania lUi.roaa to- H. W. DENNE, supt. R. ll. COOKB, P *- W. h. ) AND WESTERN om lei rici al Wei ttl VKW-YOHK. ONTARIO ll RAILWAY (Talus lciao fl-.- sud Jay au. aa follows: ,,,. Wes', r. 1 bo a. m. : Jay-st, 7 io a- BL, for Ml*- dletcwn, PBllsburg, .Mun...*.;.'. Liberty, Walton, Dmbi. Norwich, Utica, K.uic, Oneida, Pulton, Oswoa*. Budaio. Ik-iroli. Chi, ano. __. Hast 4.M-t . 0 IO t. m.; Jay st »* m.. tot Wtllklll Yali.v staiioiiN Uaea M _. Mliiiu«a»ka. Middletown. ...nile', lill-buig White Laae. 421 st, 4 10 P- in Jay-»t-, 3:55 P- m.. toe WaiiRHi Vaiie-y ita Bona l-skr* Ma.houk, Mlnnowaaajk Middletown, Bloomiugbarg, Glenville Ml D Maaa> cell". Eau-».ntg. Liberty, White Lake- Rockland, ,.__.. West IM-sCi 8*88 p- m. Jay st fl 10 p. rn dcir mr Miilli'-town. FalUburg, liberty. Wallon V rwi h ouel-a. om-g... suspeueiia.n Biid.e, Detroit Chi"aa... st. Loui*. Buflat hieepera w Nt»g_r* I ail*. R.cliulug th*.r tar free la. Oeaii'Ku , baturetsy half holldsv. West 4.1st.. 1 !5 p. m. ;; JlT* »*... 1.00 J>. m.. foi Campbell Itali. M ddb-r.'wn ilbw a- lngburg. Ellen\lll.\ Fsll»burg. MooUcollo, Libi-nr. While lair, l.lvlngsioii Manor, Wiltoo, lsdhL pullman brawina Room teat* ind otrOu faaavveBJp 807 Broadway. Timo tabla*, fekala. Ac., ai -07-.3^' 1H4, LM li"al'!,iy. 73; nth ssc. 134 iast 1.5th tt. B Wei, 124th nu. J- V; >:,,. IU,)S, ,, ,, , _ IB Bxchsuga PUC. Now-.ortt CHORE LINE-ALL-RAIL ROUTE-fOR )' H.'ston. Newt- 11 and tho Last K-Ui._* !. ¦»>"*'*.'¦*.? Contra! BtaUon a* IO 00 a bl and l ia> p ¦ roi « '';*} Hill. Narragansett Pier. Newport, tnd Providence ana Booton, 6:00 p. Ci. Limited Expi-s* for New|H>rt tm_ ldence tnd Boston. lt -(> p ul Night Expre*. fur ¦sew* port. Providence Rottou-daily. PaUco Parlor t*rt ea aloculug Cai* W dciUBtUttB-.

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Page 1:… · f TWOFRENCH NOVELS. CONSCIENCE. P»r IIMCTOB MALOT- Paris: G. ('harpentlor rt t'le;



('harpentlor rt t'le; Nen York. W. ll. Jenkins.VOI.ONTF- Par UEOPQE8 (MIN ET. Parts: Tani

Ollrndorfl; Ncw-Vcrk. W. Ii. JenkinsHector Mnlot hns made a very interesting study

of a deep problem. His hero is sa BfBOBtid physi-cian, whs holds that there is no such thins as con¬

science or remorse; that Hie min sf B8BSB BBBjPavoid thi- doing of deeds which social laws pro¬

hibit, because lie does not wish to ho punished,but. that if he niak's up Irs mimi, fSrNSSSBBsufli-ciont to himself, to eommtt a crime, he will takeprecautions against detection, and having securedhimself, will suffer bo remorse. This man findshimself in dire need, nnd he murders aa old money¬lender and robs his safe. He is not sasiweted, but,circumstances inculpate a young man who turnsout to be the broiher of the murderer's mistress.This mistress tho doctor marries, and he interestshimself actively on behalf of the accused youth.who, nevertheless, it convicted and sentenced to a

ting term of impi sonmont Now, according t-ois own principles the doctor should have felt no

remorse for his crime, for he had eeoeped detection ;

but, in fact, he Millers greatly and inrreasiiiK.y.and though his material affairs prosper, and hereaches an exalted place in his profession, his minelbecomes more disturbed ns timo peseta anel he failsto find relief or satisfaction anywhere. The grad¬ual development of this sceptic's physical tor

ments, the constant combats between his intellectand the mysterious power which overcomes hiscynical philosophy, mocks at his reason, vi.-ifs hispillow with horrid visions, gradually deprives him olsleep, shatters his nerves, and breaks down his descrilvod with astonishing skill and vivielmrsaIn the daytime he is able to (sags at the .iconicsof the night, and to convince himself thal they haeeno warrant in fact; but arbes darkness conies allhis philosophy proves futile. The tragedy of thiswretched life marches steadily, and each Step ischronicled with pitiless precision. At Inst tin-murderer begins to talk in his sleep, nml discover¬ing this is compelled lo sleep alone. But Ncannot be rinded, and an accident reveals to hiswife what he has straggled so long and so des*perately to conceal. She has been his mais eup-

port. hut brr love cannot survive the knowledgethat her husband has deliberately sacrificed herinnocent brother to save- himself. She doea notdenounce him, but she leaves him, Bad he remainsisolated, his life hHghted and blasted hy relianceupon a pseodo-phlleeophy which lins pr: ved io he

built upon fallacy. This is a powerful, consistent.nnd a-tis*> illy executed novel.

M. Georges Ohnet lias la Volonle"' dealt v. iththe effects of will-power upon human life, but histouch is far weaker than that of Hector Malot,and his theme is much more conventionally treated.The possessor of the strong will in his story is a

girl, who loves and is loved by a young man of in¬ferior but nm in bin character. There is anotherwoman, also resolute, bat whose alms sure sinister.She ls at once foil und. rival to the heroine. Sheseduces the feeble young husband, and holels himIn her toils until he la almost ruined, both mate¬

rially and morally. In oreler to put the heroine'sSteadfastness in stronger relief, perhaps, the authorhas made him so very infim that towards the endof the story it seems scarcely possible that heshould be capable of regeneration, and when finallyhis faithful wife succeeds in rescuing him fromthe syren, it is questionable whether Ihe man'smoral nature has not undergone so disorganizinga process ns to be beyond medication. BslSBO.who knew human nature much better than If. Oh¬net, once drew a picture resembling this one inmany respects, but he did not conclude melo¬dramatically, with the righting of all wron-rs andthe reformation of all the prodicals. II" saw thatwhen a man, naturally weak, forms habits of in¬fidelity and self-indulgent vice, the prospect thatany power can save him is exceedingly poor. Inhis terrible story the wrong-doer goes nn, from badto worse, losing with each downward step BOOMfre.h remnant of his e.mseience and his statin*.powers, until intellect is fairly swamped by animal¬ism, and he ends a hopeless wreck. In real lifeLouis Horaull, after his experience with MadameOlifaunt, would, n'n° times out of fen, have beenuntrustworthy. His noble wife might have savedhim nenin and again, but arbes temptation asaailedhim his resis'aneo would have been feeble and tame,and the presumption would be strongly ri _-;*. inst hsfinal redemption. No doubt M. Ohnet'8 way ofdealing with the problem is calculated to pleasethat class of renders who dislike gloomy endingsand care nothing for truth to life. Rut those whorespect art in fiction must admit that Balzac'smethod wis the only on'- deserving approval or im¬itation, and that ll Ohnel serves no worthy purpe>se ifl sagar-eoatiBg the bitter cons-que-ne-es ofpliant selfishness. Asa story " Voloate" is and smoothly written. As a work of art it isfar inferior to " Conscience."

iX.iD publications.









instrnction.For Bovs and Youri? Men.City.

PREPARATION for Kal! Cell'ne 1'.amlnnHona Sum¬mer _>.ke)!un WOODBRIDGE ..CHl"'L. begun Aucun:

18. 32 Eau

IJNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1.173 Rroadwty,J near .'.Mit. 51m year. Prinur-y. coaueerolsl and

tliaM-al departments; 'ltis'rue-tlon th-rauch M. M.HOBBY. W. L. AKIN. N- C. HENDRICKSON. Print.

A.-For Young Li.aiea.City.




A -Jackson SEMINARY, 2.028 Bth-ave., n. e. cor.. l-.'jtli-st ._Claaalrai Jii.a-_.in_- and Dav School fe.r

Yo-w? Radio* at.d ( hildien. pupil* lilted lrJ si tram ii rr Iiulidini- data' ti*-d large, airy pr. u, we., MaMcd. Proiraaor ol .-." uti. n. Marj !.-Cheri j. Km: W-. 8300 yearly. _Sd yeal bi

C~ i.A.-sn aim HOOL POR GIRLS, 1981 Madlaon-eve.,Bear lSftte-at,.Pap-It fitted fer all eelleeaaopea to

w om<- n ; those corni ration hen adatliu 1 ri¦ Waliaalcy" without f-.r- eaamlnaUon. Primary end ai-vanwd depart ri,*-i.r- r.iiardiin-* pupils mo i-rate.

Itaopent Sept. BB Mi«s (farts ai,d m>s Barnea, Priaelpaia."\liss fAUDON-B SCHOOL BOB r.iBLB 31s Madlaap.-Vlave.-Wiii reaper, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1-t. mvepupil* received jnt<i Hi* lamil*'_Miss J, p, MOORE, HT Wc«i Mrli-n.

Boarllni; ind Day Sclie-ol lur Gilla open* 0|a|fjfeBr LKlnderntilcn._MISS PEEBLES ANI) MISS THOMPSON'S

SCHOOL FOR Gi ELS.8C and SI Earn 0. thst New-Tort.

Aanrrnn until Sept. Itt. eire of J. KENNEDY TOD A

pp.. BanBara, 03 wiiiian,--1, N. Y._.jil ISS CHISHOLM b SCHOOL FOR GIRESk

18 Etti C6t)im.. New-York.Will reopen Sepu.-iatyor _ft. Ba/*' Cll'tea

RIV HR. and MKS. <-. || GARDNER'S Hardin* tndliar School fur (.irK 007 Bth-ave. Mri- Genda, t, author

af History of rrsnee, England ned America, in rhyme,

THE COMBTOt K SC" 11' >< 11.lK*lal»lr»1ie1 18H2i.

NO. K WI ST 40TII-ST.Beardina and Day BSfceoJ for Ye.-ine Ladle*.

Reopen* Oct. 3. MIm DAY in charra.

For Both Scxea.City.I -CIRCULARS OP GOOD SCHOOLS TREEk, State whether lor boya or airli. and locality preferred.E. AVERY. American Bohc.l Buna*-. Vf. nth tt.N.Y.>ACKAKDb JU --IN LS.--, ail.l.l .1.1. ANH -I HOOL

Ol* Hlt.NOUP.APUy *l.\ r«-o|rf*ii TucMay, SeptoinberSend for clreci-r. b. b. PACKARD, Proildeut, 101

laat _3d-it. _


Open all bun-mar. Alto tv a.: lc _ui_._-r Coerta.


ROOK LYN DEIUHTfl Bl i I N ARY.-Thl* day andboardinp tchocii of lad lei (a«th year; will reoi^n,An-,_.. '/.\ . ,..,.r... ... am -. .,1.1!.._, a^-itMeptamber 'M. Circulars y ni on applloauon188 Mot-iaruo-tu, Brooklyn, N. Y.



JnotrnttionBoys and Young Men.Country.

A BOA EDI NO SCHOOL FOB SS BOYS 11NDER 18taara (ll, _.sth \cir begin* Ror*tcm'*er next.Hi -I vi' INSTIT! [K, Lons Mund. N V

\| XANDER INS'TI UTE.-Military B'arding Behool,WhlU Plaina. N- Y. _

C. R. WILLIS, A. M., Ph- I)-. Principal.__BV'KWM'.H tND INVALID fiOYB

c-ir.-fn11y tired far mid lii«iruci.*,1 by an experiencedphysician and tem her. Be*i of r. fl r. i..*et

DR WILLIAMSON, Nv** Laaflaa, om.

ETTB ACADEMY! JMemfarS Ct., -'ii'ih Year.


Individual training. Physical drill.

Ground* lard- and very attractive

WM J. BETH, M. A. (Tale), rrlnelpil.A^-IIA-LAKB M.L1TARV ACADEMY."

Colonel ! .1. WUK.HT, B. a, A. M.,.



_*b Twciity-*-'-oni yeer »-*Kin« September 20. Addre**Kev. CARLOS ll. STONE i'orn«ail-on-Hud*on. N- Y-(

1) £ ll0L15n0^^lTAsRT SCHOOL.

Reopen. TServMy egalag.'j^f^J^t P£4*.**C»i7MWoOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS -Ai Milford. Conn.JL_ parents who aro uiifnrtuntte In the minageincnt ot¦__eir aoaa will do woll to protil hy tho idvantagc* offeredby this ti hool. Addrett FRANK M. HOWE, bupifc

I.*-REEHO LD INSTITUTE. Freeh, ld. N. J.-Forty-fourth yctr tor hov* and yonng men. Addre**

Itcv. A. G. CHAMBERS. A. M.. Principal._/.keylock INSTITUTEtl South Williamstown, llcrkshlre County, Mass.A i.r.\:ir.* e, temi for liorv Prepares fur college, st-len-

ufle aehaol, or baaineae. Porty-eavanih year begin*Thurnby. September 13: h. For e-attlogue address

' george F. Mil.I-s, principal. _

HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Wo-coster,Mas.*., 83 1 fear, tep.n*. Kept. 13. 1884 Clas-lcal,

bcloutlflt, Bunlnoaa, Primary Department*.JOSEi'H ALUIN SHAW, A. M.. Head Master.

IRVING INSTITUTE. T»rryt«wn nn-HuIson, offer* un-

u-ukl tdvautacen to parent! lot-lang th- Lost ln«tructlonli t'-rboys. Addre*! A. ARMAGNAC, Ph. D.

IAKEWOOD, N. -i -OearOaadt Plaea Bessel for Borai Attractive and comfortable blinding- erected tm ihe pur-

I¦ -¦ Boya bi iih*iiis. Careful phytical. late*lcctual t'n-d moral training. Thus. D. Sup!**-. l'r:in

Ml ii HELLS BOYS' SCHOOL Biller.*!. M.-iss., 18it iii s r:om Bee'loii tnd 0 miles from Rowell, on inn

tnd Lowell E. R. a atrlcily teleet Family school.. Boya tram t t" 15 Inelualve; f*u (*-irn commencat

1. srml fur ClltVlai io M. C. MITCHELL,A. M.. Principal. _

MOUNT HOLEY (N. J. Ai ADEMY Hilt BOYS.Healthful, helpful, homelike.

HENRV M. WALRADI nae-). Principal.IV ORWALK. I'l'NN.-N'M' MILITARY IN STL_1 ii TE..Thorough teaching; caroful training; moder,ie

. .s.iii>r.oi Eu.lJiieR gymnatlun*; bowling aiioyi;aaa. '.'¦ -- ROBERTS. l'iir.i;;i.i_

1>ARK AVENUE INSTITUTE, BRIDGEPORT, Conn.i \.-* i-.*.ie- L*n.e ,*., *,*! for boya Advaataaea ttrst-

Parenu i waya pleaeed, p. dat .-> pk 19, lri.a1 a,r iin lalor- ad '.ra sk

s. B. .hm B. A. M.. PrineipaL_Pi nn.-yi.yama miliFaR- academy,


A MILITARY i a'H.l.i GE. _.


A th>i ll repa atorj DepartawatKer *. formal on. 11 Beat

Ha-, l. ii., Pra-ld-nt.

1>L)it-iiKi.i i-.-ii. N. Y.i Miiiuiv laatliute. All igeaCollege, Bus:n,-"s, Weal Point. Nim" itu* publication.

liluatrated caiak-gua. C. li. WARRING. Ph.D., Prto.

KicroiiY SCHOOL, EfamBen, C<**.rin.-F^r Boy*, paoty,S330; Influence); thorough schacl ijucm; ex-

lenalve gnmn ls, gymnasium, boa. ha>u*e, Ac AddreatRev. IE I.. Eal REST, M. A., Ree-or._^Ri :">-! i. \: ii lill.) ir. HM) INSTITUTE Troy,

N. i. itdeat sena,ad c! Engineering in the UnitedSates. Next te -ia begin* Sept. ii.' Tat Begletar for1888 *-antain* 11*1 of graduate* tor 62 years, with their[j'Siiiaiis; alae roana al nady, requirement* fur admit?iran, expanse*, eic- Candidate* :n.aa al a (iiv_nco n.aybc examined at their borne*, Address

DAVID M. i. KEENE, Director._RIV. JOHN H. Ci"iNVF.r.sF-.*4 school for "in boy* at

COLD SPRING ON Till, li CDS' >N. Send for elrcti-IBIS_RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, psi?, N. Y..' Tear. I';-paves thoic.iuhl*' for College, tne Govern-incut Academies, and Uirsine**. Mill ..rv Ilrlll.

_BISBEF. ,t AMEN, lrinclpals._ROBBINS SCHOOL, N.-rfeltt. Conn.

A Home School.t'**.pat.rr bavs nial rounp men fer Yal*i nivoraity. iiarvaid, Princeton, Colurama, »ii tha best eel*l<*a,es tied-Cieiitiflc *cho a inwruetlon viforout and ihor-oush. The hone beautiful. Ip a r»t,ari:sblv healthful to«A,r.a- >";:. from New-Yorh. Term\ KOO. The hijhtest ref-treneea elvan.

Address, fer rlrcnltr and ptr'lcnlirs.REV. JAMES a. TOWT.r. Prlnclntt_

Sf-GEORGE'S .TALE, for Rays and Young M*-n, St(.core's. Md.. Prof. -i KINE MX, a. M., Principal.

Select, thorough, s-ife, i>-_50 and ,3nf)._ ^

ST JOHN'S -SCHOOL. Bing Sine, N. Y.-Rov. .1.BRECKENRIDGE GIBSON, n. D., Rector. Tho _0th

yeai win begin bopwmber l-. 188s.

Si,. LA''..-- FHl-PARAToRt -,e-T_eTrg, N.'Y. Tneniv-siMh rear a .il l"--in Sap- 17th, l.Q68.

er elKulara, fte., addre** HENRY W. SlGLAR Erin'-.

SniTII JERSEY INSTITETE Rridnr-ton. Ne w.teriey.19th year t,, cin* Sept. i_. Both teae*. Prepare* far any

!¦ ilneaa, Prvneh, Gciman. Music,An, killtary Dnll ._. H. K. TEASE. Principal._emm'er scnooL, norwalk, conn.Moderato chirgea Por cliculv td Irita

F. S. ROIIEHTS. Principal.__

1*1IE PEEKSKILL MILITARY ACADEMY. Peek*.kill, N. Y.Send for Catatoive,

JOHN N. TILDEN, A. M.. M. D., r.lnclpaL_

^rIBULAND, PaekakllL N. v.-a bearding schoe.i forboy*. I' eparet r r liege an traainaat

CARI. \. Il All-l E."M. ll. A.,_l^riWA ItD P. PEA I1S(in. B. tj... Principals.

ll** l-ST JERSEY ACADEMY, BR1DGETON, N. J."I A Rome f.r Brevs. Sc'.e-t, ihorougi'.. tuccOfcSful.Ektabllshed 31 rear* Terms, 8800.

PRINClPAIs x1'- MEEN, B A. (Eng.) .M.- '

v,. ri]|;NrY lh JJ

117 R* ESTER A< ADEMY. WORCfeSTER MASS." ..-..ii yeai Buildlngt admirable ground* (*xu>netve;tnparaiui ample; leaibert experienced: thorough prepara¬tion for college ind tclentlflc 'che.eais Cert.flea'e Ol D. W.ABERCROMBIE, A. M., Princ,;/-I. admit* to Riown.

.Ulh, Wunama Maflaon l.'niyersity ani W ll .

ai.i io An-.ii'-r-t in Hu- cia-'.-._I70RRALL hali..


vf PEEESKILL, n. T.Por Young Roys ciuy. Send for circular*

V'Win V VEAR. -H'li;-|KK' *,r .: M V 1* A'lIE'^n./titi EMT Boya Colege or Bu*lne*i soif.ri, Broad-al Riatlot Philnddphla. 24 Mate* daily.SWITHIN C. BHORTLIDGE. AR, A.M. (ilarvd*. Prop.

BFor YonnT Ladies.Country.

itOUl T I:-1-'; :'n TE. Bhori nilla M. J,Engllth, Preach, ind Ocinia'i boarding and dar eehool

iur young ladas Piln.sir, lnternnedllte a.,d collaglatail, pj. ui.e.iii_. Kariv »,,; i:c»tlon ls deslrsbie.

_HARRIET ft. BAQUI r. Principal.

BiTOWN FEM A i.Chaim ni* on u,e Delaware. Healthful, homo-

..*»(. and ( brimin. su|/;iiar (acUlUea in music and art.Health, i* _n.1 moran rarolinii ;i:ar; u lor cat*-logue, addre** REV WM ( BOWEN, Ere*-

COLJ.EGIATE .-* il" 'K POR GlRI_S, ENf-LllWddfliN. -I. Roopeni .-¦a' ,.i, cr -_0. Prcp.iriti.-m t*,r rah

specialty. PuplU admittod te v^-n-, W»ile»leynu 6mltn on our cen fl .-e. adaline W. BTERLINO.i ARO] EM. M. I.KKKISII, A. O.

CLAS8K AL AND HOME INSTITUTE,Poughkeeptie, n. Y..Prepare* Young I>adle» for

College; with home comfort! and apeeltl rare.N -. BARA ll V. ll BUTLER Prlnclp*l.__

COTtAOE bE_ilNARY.-A Heme Behool for YoungLadli-s, Clinton, Oneida Co.. N. iieenn Septcinber

6. REV. C. W nAWLF.Y, A. M.. Prin-ipal.

DARLINGTON SEMINARY, for Y-iuii-g Lallos, Wen*.Cbetter, Pl.-Fill ieim beglna Sept 17; healthy and

beautiful loci le n ail bran, bil taught I ISO per yetr. Forca-altgua adlr»»s lt. DARLINGTON, Ph. D, Prln:_DKE'-V EADIE- SF.MINAI.T Carmel. N. Y.--3d

year open* .vp»m!>-*r IJ Ilea th eil. ho-el!ka thor-ough. Illuatrated li cultr. GEO. CROBBT BM1TH, A M

r*t LMIRA COLLEGJ p6S WOMEN, odert nperloia tdvantaces lr. College, Scientific and Preparatory

Couraea of Study; also In Music, and Art. Heated byMean, aud furnished with an elevator. Charge*.! areuriu-tialiv moderate, pend for C*t*l"_ue to l'J-*_li_cut.a. W (C'Wi.*-,s. ll D Elm ra, N f./'i.i.rn.N hil.'. SEMINARY, Eoi; YOUNG ladies,UBrl l.-ei, i*. i nu. Addre '**

M>- EMILY NELSON, Principal._HU- INSTITUTE. Tarryl N T.A boarding aad

il lur young 'u li .*- and little girin; will re¬open Se !*¦ i..-.' I*. M Iss M. W. ME.i'AI.1-. l'rlncinal.


MISS PORTER, PrineipaLPnpili »dm ¦'* i t*. vataai Wei tie* ind Smith

on eur eeniflcile. Qniiacy niethod fa.* children._HOUGHTON SEMINARY* EOE. YOUNO LADIES,l 1 linton, '.< v., often uniurpaaaed I --n '.i^es in music.Language., tclencrt and art, attractive lo graduate* of blebk< La-is.

Poi iliuslrtted cnr.ii *^n- tddr¦¦*.A G. BENEDICT, A. M._

IVY HALL SEMINARY POR YOUNG LADIES.S Url J go t<m. N. J.- _8th year begin* Sept 19th. Bealadvantiiges at Boderate rale* Mukle, Art. Ancle-nt nnd

, Lamguatfo* Graduating coui-m.*, Healtliful.l'hy*i(-il Culture. Adln-si

l>v III NEY REEVES, Ph. I)., Principal-I YNDON HALL,**-. POUGHEEEP8IM, N. T.

A Girl's School of the beal ciass. OaUeSS Prepara'oryu:-. 1 Academic Couraea. l-.n^uwcs Art, Music. Addr't*_SAMUEL WELLS HECK, A. M., Principal.__MEI AN SEMINARY, SIMSlll RY. CONN.-Home

Schor.l. Young I.adlek. Il-auilfu, jud h-_;inf'Jl locji-Three bourt from K»u York, llulf hour frsm

Hartford. Addre-f* R-jv. J fl M. KEAN._*.| 188 BARTLET, s [formerly MISS NOTTS) Homo-»l and Day School for Young Ladle*, 33 Waii-»U, Now¬ie, -ii. ('nilli., will open September 2ft,

Claeatara »'nt e,n tppiii-aiion.II ESS MAE.Y E. STIaVENs' BOARDING AND DAYivJ SCHOOL, i.'*'1-' and '-'"I Weal Chelten-ave.. German-

:-i,lin. begin* us 20th y*r Sept, _o, 188m, "Approved'1 ond " uu'h.ri/e-d" bv BrjTB Mawr UoUogl to prtvpare aiudenta for its aatratiea examlnati'ma Pupils pmth*-*.','* aaamlnatlent in tint School.


Amherst, Maa* From Sepu 12, 'HS. la Juna 17 *8»MB fur (in ular l3io. Cullego Ad\antagoa tndi'leparatluii far Collet*.ll BS Hl'LICLlY'S BOARDING AND DAY KHOOtl'lfor gil-, i a.-iy'ov, non-iba-Hudton, will r*'i|*n Wednes

rpteembei IB Addrea* by eitel until beptembar l.

MCHAVlAM bl VINAC.V FoR I',| -.,, i.AIUIh.'Bethlehem, Pa. A cenlury** experience, combined

.ann be»t m'idern incthiKl*, aSoid* lacllltlea enuuied byf'*w and excelled by mme _________________________

* OTRF. DAME of MARYLAND.IN ioaietriate InMiteta tnt Toona laidlaa tnd PreparatorySchirfii foi- little G.r.t KMBLA V o. ihu,e milo* fromBallimore, Hd conduet-d by th* Klatere of N'o'-r* Dam".Send for tstaiBgaa()fe j- oirIfelUtlf

S..INING INSTITUTE,.sing tSiur un thu Hudson. New Y',rk.

(iirlt ani Young Women. *j|-t tait U'gln* B'-pt 19lUtlful lor fliuiiUri. Holt advar-rtges lu Art and

Music Chriitlin Ballera Thor',ugli tnd ad.tnc.-dliterary amt. Aeadomlc ce.urws iu* for college. Col-leonie courio dmd*rat r-.r in-g.o,. of a. Ii st ColumbiaCollege. B M VAN VKKCK, A. M., t- B. hHERRARD.

R"SH i-.i. SEMINARY, Stamford. Conp.-Homo tx>»rd-lng acho-il for ml»*cs tnd children , thoronrh lnmruc

lion; mother's .are* rca|»eiis Scpiembor 2-5. AddrettMist A. Till;HUTOH. l'rluclnti. v " *unrr«


For Young* Ladies.Country.RTE SEMINARY. RYE, NEW-YORK.

Por particulars addles*Mra S. J.J-IP1L_

BT. MARY'S HALL. liEi.l.ivVree.-v, n. j The old-.S3 est Church Behool In Hie cMmtry far girl*, will beginIts fifty-second ex.-ha.ol gear on WeJnemiay, Sept. 2(1. lorraining!!.*, sining term*, etc., apply to Miss JULIA G.M. AI.I.I.sTER. (h** prlnclpnl, millington, N. J, ir tothe DIshop >f New Jeraey, tho pi'-»i lent.

TEMPLE GROVE LADIES' BRMINARY, S»r*iogaSpring*, N. Y. Th itv fourth year beelu* Sept. 13.

Addreaa itt as. e dowd. Ph.D., Pres.

T ALLMAN Seminary, Paterson. N. J..Full seana withthorough toatreetloaa In even department Music,il a1-

vaniage*. for circulars address Mis- M. M. Hunt. Prln.

I*- HE HANNAH MORE ACADEMY, for Young L*di«*snd Girl*, founded In IMC. REV. ARITH il J

RICH, A. lt., M. I), Kel'tervoacn. Md.

1'IIF, MISSES ANARLT'S BOARDING AND DAYSchool for Yatirg L*li«s will reopen bep'.embcr 29,

av Od Bayard-lt.. Newllruiiswick. N- J._IiBINITY HAKE. Beverly, N. J.

ESTABLISHED 1*07.A therough homo s. fo, twenty yo,int ladles. Varied

_.1a*niiigcs e.f the highest order. Careful (ra tung In tinn¬

ier, min land heart. Solid culture in English. Music, Ar',ind language*. a prescribed c.'iirse* teer si'ide'iit- preparing for any eollege. Twenty-first year lie-ins Septem¬ber 27. For circular addres. ihe principal.


West waLS UT sTlWr*T novfiniNG SCHOOL farYoung Mlssc* tnd LOU* G'*;" Re-open« Sepf. 10

(9th year). M!»* J. .TRAUTH ANN, Principal.Catalogue cn application. 4,801 Walr.ut-iu. Phill l'a. Pa

For Both Sexes.Country.ALLEGHENY COLLEGE-73el year begin* Sent. IS.

Three) A. B. course*. Prepuitinty School. Engineerlng, Mufi.-. Baili Sex**, i:»jH*iise* iiew. A-Jdrea*WILBUR G. WILLIAMS i> __, it. vi, Meidville, Penn,

A NONG THE hills, thirty-two miles from New-York../I order programme for IS** fro, an-l picture of CH APPA-


' Institute.College for girls; buys piepir-d tor colb *gflor bus'ness; conservatory of rneisli- »i. 1 art, thorough In-.truMlen In all departments; ii.ith year open* Saptambal10. --* nd tor Illustrated catalogue*.

Ki.V. A. II. CLACK, A. M l-rc-',lcn'.

DB OARM0 INSTITUTE BhineBick, N. Y. prepare*bo:h s'xes for eollege or for bu'lnc*. Ad Ires- ibo

principal. 1.mes M. DC OARMO, Ph. D.

C' LINTON LIIIERAI. IN8T1TUTE-1B *i*e, lints;science*; language*, engineering, (digilah; remarka¬

ble advantage* in n n*tc, elocution, ari. hu*lne«a college;sieam, K.-.s, elevttor: beautiful lo. ti cymmc. V. PARSELL, A- M., Preaident, Fort plain. N. V.

I/ORT EDWARD COLLEG IATE INSTITUTE 31-ticar begin* Sept, IB Baperb nen t.-. lng* steam

hcp.l (". crud.liing Course* fr,i ladies and gentlemen. In-riuling Collage |--'-J*i I-' rv lied Commerlcal; Music. Ar'.Oratory, va Teeebei i: t Llieri K i *¦

l.-eiu'c* each l«:in; I-ree TulUOfl la Morotai e'las-esfuel, light, walbing, ani all

e-eii:e« cecetaery t.' gradnailea, exeepl Arl ind Mutle,tito i*er year*. Bend fe* eatalogne.

.l"s 1. KING, l> [I E.*rr Edward, N. V.

1? RANKLIN. N. Y aware Literary InaUtnte. Tearberin* Sept I illag* preparator* English tntl

eden:trie courses.Principal.


I SACKETTSTOWN N. IN-IIn ii haa wida repI atstl n sa c '-¦¦ prepareiorj tor yoan ra n. La*.I i'

.-¦ music, ari e *. utlo i*-*- u ling il lt*new laboratory; s.a.m.* i ,i»- nearly £0 boarder*; ladiea

'*.'¦ fre.m ,'ee'k Of room fer MUI ..'..Ul I."

j .a.* men retuned for -A,- ri them \ ottSepten ber 5. < taiogue tree

REV, gi 0R*»E ii. w niTNEY. D. iv, i*ie*i lent

Pl NNINOTON (SEMINARY) NEW JERSEY. THOBHANLON, l> D., Pre ideal.- .mended i*y Dr. Mo

COSH Excel* in health, dlaelpHnc bum* comfort* andtchoiarthtp: fib" rover* all Mira* bet a.-t ai-J unala.Catalogue very beautiful ai I ,*'¦ 'e._«-.,, .- i . v Ci .-a ,1 r r-eirn"i i*. LAND COLLEHB.

NY Ai Ia ON-1 IIE-HUDSON. N.Preparatory Mn!"*; Celleve fer La-los Special rctee

lng far biickwanl pupil*. Year open* Sept 1". i'ainl"i*ueW, il BANNISTER A.

MMusical Instruction.


Fmlnent t»* In sll branrho* music snd art. 22ipu ni!*. Pall term befits* S'cpternher 4. Send for er.ta-

iapun. v. a. REYNOLDS, Director, Meadvllle, Pa.

Miscellaneousbo-hCIRCULARS schoni,

with careful advice to paren31 Best 17rh-st.. bet, .tn-aie

*ere«. eur and roentryVIKI \M COYRIERE

ind Uioadwty.

ZttuktTB.* REST TEACHERS supplied; no c.arc". TEACH-

_*\. ERS regiaterad fur 20 lents r«*r btetage- vactnetetllwin on hm I; farm far kiar..|a lt. E. AVERY, An-.ri-tai. Behool Bureau, 3 Wen lith-tt.. N. Y.


Jx sui pliea rroieat.ra. Teacher*, Tutor*. Governmelafc,.. ta Collegee, Sci.t md . ai. ... '. Apply tomks M. J. YOCNG-PjOLTON, 23 Union St)Daria

TUTORS. Governeaee*, Profoiior*, Teacher*; ailniara* Les elrClliart s, lio-.i* supplied len.-nr-

Uah. I*'r. :,* h. German. Spihish Ipoken. MIRIAM COT-lui.Ki.. ,:i Eau lTOi-*:., bec tth-avi and Stoadway.W^IAN'S EXCHANGE fEACHERS* BUREAU (faBti r--ih text*) iwpplie* pi ra, govcrnea ..

nusii-iar.s. hottiek-e'peri, o-rr, pa ni'-nt, Ac. io collegee,tehoolt ind raminea; a «o bookkeepers, ueoographer* aultopylttt to business flnr.s.

r.r.. a. I) CULVER 3_o crh-ave.. New-Yerk City.

* DVERTISEMENTS IORTHE NEW-YORK TRIB-_-\ INK WILL BE Kl IYI.D AT THE yi*TOWNO.flCi-S, ls-, l.jas Bruanway, comer Thlrty-Brat-tt.,until B p. n.. '.. j E. iadway beiwe»n Tweirty-aeoond and'J v., nt) mir I ai* nniil sp. m.; itu W-- Xwenty-tnlrd-st. corner Elfhth-avo.; iii Slxth-ave.; 1&8 F-.uriii -nv-..Bonier F*ourteenth-tL; 7'." Thlrd-tve., corner Port] tev¬entb-tu; 1,007 THird-ave., neai BlxtleUi-at., !.-."'¦ti IM Weal rortj - on tl Nlqthavo. and Sixty-ghth-*i .ind e-i i. beity-et, and the HARLEM oPFH

iso East One-bunlrad-B-td-twenty-Bflh-at., up to *. p. m.

»i regulai ailie.-.; rakia

election -V'

stati- or Nsw-Yoaa. ,

Omer e,K HU. Kk-kBTABl "K-TAlg..Mal \ . a, .1 Hil '.'j. 1-ss, ^

To ibo ShcrlfT of (h" Conney f Ne .. rorkwil;-.\oll('i; is iii:i;i:i_v UIVEN THAT,vj :' li rai ¦< .¦>¦¦. va ¦.¦ lieu io in ii aleta on taolur*d*y succeeding tba Brat Monda.! nexi'Novembei ijrh., tno following ofBcera aro io b-' ehlo nit

A G..-."mar In rho place af DAVID tl. Ti I LL.A Lieutenant-Governor in ti... place r.t edward F

JONE,-.An Aeew.ciale Judg- ef th** Courr ef Apicals In (he place

;t n'H.s i lin i".* GRAIL ippointM oj the Governorin ihe piaca ai haiile-s a KAPALLO, Ceceaaad.

All ehtse lerinr. of eidiec nm eTplia' on (Iv ia*i day nfDeermbcr next.

J'hlriy-sls l-.iectorr of and Vlee-PreaMaal ofthe Chit/*!

"iiril.T tnd District Ofllecrs tlso to b* elected In andTor *aid County

Twenty fonr Members of Assembly.A Sherlfl in piara of HUGH .i '.kant.A ,,unij ,ork. In of JAMI - A. Ef.Al'K.Three ! oraners. In place of I I. HUI N ANO LEVY,

lOIIS lt. Ni OENT and Kl.l'.HiN \N1> El UMAN.All (erins of e.:ti, <* »in expire) on tin- las; day or

December next.Your -Hrention ls also herelrr r-sprctftillv directed to th"

provlili'ii- of soctlun 1 of chapter iii-, I,:.vr» of iBsB, eon-terring certain du'.Je* uj ,i. [napoe -ar* of Election and oth.'rawry-.*, and providing for sunmitting te the elaehmid State l proies-ed ameitdmenl ts iii** S:.i-e- Constitution,which section ls here»ith inserted and made i pan of Hil***notice, to wit:

CHAPTER Cr-rt.An act to provide for MlbeutUns a proposed amendment

te ihe C-onttltutlon te. rhe electors a.f the gtlte.A Miroted by the (lorernor Mty lo, 1SS8. Ptaaed,

Hiref'-llfl-it being present.lim people al the state of New-York, represented in

Benet* and Assembly, do euse-i is foi;.,**Sect on 1. The Inoneoutr* ,.r e-.irh indi la Iha aeveral

towns and wards In ibis Biala, at thc general olerHon to|e held In -.he- Slate on the f,ih rt.iv nf November, 'inc-

tijousanel fight litindred Bed e,.'htv eight, Sliuil grovtBe a

bax. to re.*0i\o the ballot* Ot tM c||i/cn* nf Hil* State,Iii leiaiion to the tmindment propoeo-j iee ile ContUiuiionby eoBiarreat reaelaUoni af ih** Ixrlalaturc im.-s.-d Ineighteen hundred and elBbty-aeven and eighteenand elghty-i-lght. and eaea aarer mav greten I a ballot anWhich "hill l-e rrri'.ien or iirinred, or pertly «r!';-*n a il

partly printed. In the turin foltowtnc, \,/. Ea.r th'-piopuse-d ftinendnient lo «ec::,,n Ila 'f arilcle six f th*I'ciisiitiiMiiii.' or a on which thal] be- written or

pertly printed, er partly written ami pertly print! i In tia-following form, viz.: "Againat the prcpoaed tmoit" .lion «is of artii-rc- lix of ihe Conttltutton," an

thereof -iriil be mule tr. irdlngly by Inapeetora afand eaovaaaera, said ballot *hall ne ir. _*.: ¦-1 "Constimhoi,al Amendment*1 Ail clUreaa af this sr.ite entitledle vi.te for Member* of Aaaembly in their reapeetlva illatricts, shall be entitled to vate bb Hi* adoption of theOre.poHod amendment duriiu.- tht dav af rle.-linn. In the

- ii .-lection (11 *trlerh in which, eh'-v reside. Reipectfullyyouis, FREDERICK COOK, Secretary ..f Stab

A Ri)Or.-senti»tim in the llflT first t "iegi.;-e< i-f theUnited Staten, for tlie sixth Conareaalonal Dietriet,e*om|Hiea«d of the First 1'lftn and Ninth Assembly DI*-trie I- ,.f Um ( aunt., aaf N»iv Ye.rk.

A Re >e -. t-itfvi lu the Fifty-first Cosgreaa e,f thet-'nind htaiaiK. f.,r the Seventh Congreealene! Disiriat,composed «f the Second, Thud and Seventh AssemblyDisiriets of Hie i'i;,:. el Ni '¦ York.

A Keiireeeu-nuiieM- in the Fifty-first Congress of thoI'niied siaies, fer the Eighth Oongieaalonal Dlttrict,composed af the lonriti. S;x-!i and Bightb Aaaonhly Dls-irais e*f the i .xiiii.v of new-York.

A Reereaentatlva in the Pifty.flrat Congress .,r th-*Unii'sl sta!.**, for the. Ninth CoBgiaaalaaal Dlstrie t,oliipoied of ii..* Tenth, Twelfth aiei Foulteenlb AaaemblyDis:ii. ts of the count-: of New-York.

A KepreoanteUve in the Fifty first Ceagaeai nf theUnited .-rates, for tbe Tenth Congieaalonal Dtatriet,eempoaed f,f tiac Daventh, Siv:.-enth and F..ghieenth Ai^.enibly Dlstrbt* Of Hie County "f New V,,rk

a Repreaentatlv* la Hie l-tfty nr«t Ooagreea "f theEiii'-.l Matos, for tho FJevcnth CengreaaloBBl Dlatriet,composed of ll," '1 hi: leinih, fifteenth Mid >¦.'v . n t"<-lit liAa_ea_My Diatrtet* of (ha Ootr__t .t New York.

a Itopreaenlatlve In the Fifiv-firet Ccngre** af UmUnlied Stales, for tte- Twelfth rawfioaafoiial District,cvni|ioe«*d af ih.- Twenibih, Tweai) tirht AaaBBlbly Dietn, is, a portion of me- Twenty-aaceef Aaaembly IH*-tilcf, t.oundod a,n the* ri'i-'i by -lie ..nih s;de rf Right)saiiti street "ii lb'- si.utl, by the* norlb side a.f ptftj ninthKraut, un Un- w_ei by the -an sile uf lexington avenue,and ae 'ho nut by tho Beat Uiver, nf Ihe County ofNen Yera.

A Re i,rete ii ta tl \n in the Flftv flrtt Congi-*** cf th.'Called sute*, fe.r the Thlrt.«-nih CeagMaalenal Dlairict, aeaaeeeB of the Klaateeelh ind Twenty-third \-»

ai-mtily Dlitrlct*. and that portion of the Tweet) MCandAwaembly District buuiidod e,n the, north Bf UM louth.Ide of Ninety-Brat atr*---!, on the w.ulh by UN noith side nfEighty-ala Ui street, on tha we»t by the ea«t *lde altieiaeie, and etti by tho Kan River, af ih.- ( ounty al New.York.

A Repre*entall>-e In the Fifty-first (V.ngreei of theEnlled Stttee, for the Fourteenth Congreei-lonal ni**,trtrl eomponed of the Counlv nf Wtatenaatei and tin-Twenty fourth A»*cmL!i- Dl*tr-ct of the County of NewYork.


July -.'7, 1SH8.I certify tbe above io 1# « true eapy af tl.irnion

notice rr ce ived by me this day from tba Secretary cf suteHi oil I GRANT,

Sheriff of the (Hy tnd Csunty of New-York.PuMtahert of oewipaper* »r>- hereby noilflul not to In-

arri the above advertlnenient uni' ss tiN-cltUli nuthorlied*0IO do. HI e,ll t e.RANT.

St-srlS ol tba City and County of New-York.


FEATURES Ol' NEW-YORK DEALING*The mn ulitlon Iii eeceala on Saturday wa* active and

hero was free buying hy iho »hort, Interest on receipt ofrot Weather Ntaria Although Saturday** ls only a

hort *e*s|on al Ihe Produce Exchange, Hie dealing* were

f such a character as to dey lop a strone feeling e,f con-

Ide-tii.- In ihe- situation. Wheat, corn and oar* all .ruledilgher. Tha ira ri-a ct inns In wheat option* aggregatedI.C.e.OOO bushel*, and the market, chined film, with i.rice*h,. :| s i*i*nr bo],,u- thc baal figures of tho day at the

"liam lng rm"ration*: July 92 1-8. August 1)1 7-R, Septem->er Ol lek, October 91 7-8. November 92 7-S. December)3 3-4, and May 98 1-4 cents. There wa* only a smallNHBataa don" in toot wheat, but price* genorally wero

l-2erl cenl higher. Exporter* took only 8.000 buahel*.ihe mark'-t ilea.ed Arm at the highest price* of th* day..'ash corn waa dull, but cloned tteady, with price*l-._*l-'_ ceni hl_rhor. The speculation In corn wa* fairlyictlye. but prices ruled somewhat Irregular at figure*I-2<»1 cent higher, closing firm at l-l cent 1m*1ow tho bett

,i_ure* on August and Septemiicr, o'her month* clo*lngit the hlghi'st. onntatle.ns of the elay. Following are the.losing prices: August and S-ppmber, 84 October, ii 3-8;November, -.8 1-2; nui December, io 1-4. spot oat*¦iib-rt firm at friday- quotatloaa on nnly a atodoratailnutint of trailing, closing et .»dy. Options remalin-d un-

¦hanged on Au_u*t and l-Seil-4 higher mi Beptgfl-ber andic*,,i,-r, eloalng linn at beat figures ts follows: July,ff _; Augu*', 80 1-2; Sepiember. JO 1-2; and Octolier.:*., :i i. The lard market wai itrong bul toaettva andirli'e-s generally ruled higher, cloMng firm at an advanceif patel* for AucuM. 4 iKalat.s for Septemlier, ,. fnrictober. and 0 poin'* for Ilucemhor and year at tho fol-owing Blurt"*: August pa Bli. .-v-ptembor et) 00, October18 eO, December and year »7 87.

THE, TEA DE IN CHICAGO.Chicago, July 29 iSpeclali..The crowd tpparentiy

oohc 1 for * tall In prices yesterday after the first few

nltiutc*, but broker* acting for Ream, Cud»hy, Jones and

.(ennctt |BSB all that was offered and bid so sharply for

nnrc that lt was harl to toll whether August wheat,,

pened ir SO 5-8 cent* (tho official Quotation) er 81.A i-iiiu five minute* wheat wa* * full cent over Friday'*.lo-e. with little for sale. Kearn and Cudahy contlnii'-da lake lr a- f.i-i a- t|,-v could ge*t lt, ami Kalperi uiil'-d,ii. Th- lao mg WBV* liicr-ssed In velum* until lt sw-pliver tiie' pu a*iib n rush. Tbe demand «t< not, suppliednitli price* were ovai 2 e.-nt-« above 'h<* closing pn.nfriday. rhen the market eaaed off ha. hut fri-h I >uylng

bp higher than before, ind cloted it wllbin li eentif ihe te,ii. Bradstreei't repori telegraphed here, rearing

o*, bud a 1.1 deal af Influence. This lsmpnaiieail) I .r market, tf tba eold rams runt in ne

.!¦:.,ut, the market I in tbape io ca blaber, if, on th*ghi weather ihould appear, lt would iik»iv

.au.-i- a iharp break. The Auguti option opened tl 80 b.ato *-'_ 1-t. and eli -'d ni .¦¦_'. Jnlv claeeB *t

i i ,¦, over August. 'Ihe ntovemrnl lu corn ls ton

n'leii fm ihe imi'-. Tba prteea went,ur. Augual startedIC. ul. I,,-, al l 7 8. Oula ir.*r.*

lull, "it'i *i downward tendency. Providion* wera itrongni higher, i.-,i beean.f anv greet purchase, bal bevauae

f the pl .-mull pur. hs-'*rintel v. flu n,ui".:i. H"L'< we«l bain cent* hlgh'T

it ii,,* mi. i- and "a' receipt* tor th) weah hp ateafr*.ii tba pit ih* i.n|.r ¦"*! ,ii -ill prevail* rhai ihe Armour

a- * i..-, j, uni ihgi ihjg overabadowlng:*. on the bu rddo.




F*. O. Freiien, N. r. ll ff. Cannon, NT. .1. Cnaa, N. Y. John ll. 1 ord. N. Y.II. r.., Boolan, T. J. Coolidge, Jr., i'.nston.mi uti lb,h.emt Jr., N. Y. James o ^ti'-leton. N. Y.E. o Randolph, :-.. \ a. 8. li..-.-iihnim. N. Y.

r :..v N. y. Wm Dowd. M. v.'. c. Baldwin. N Y. Sar.nd p.. Shipley, mila.Ch**. E 'ir.L*. N. Y. il. T. Wll-on. N. Y.Henry i :. I, hlcago. I. Watorhurr. N. Y.

Franc .Trench, Preaidentla,ali I. Wiieilatiry, VIce.pre'ldont.

Aatherized t" icerpt and axeeata Ti nits of every an-

Mriiitlon.Truatrc fer Investment and minagement of real and

perenna! estate.!* '..sps ne. lntere«ts tub'ert to ehecoue tliroush the

Clearlnr-Ifnuae.Regimai and Transfer Acn*.




ihe SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY amthu' 'hore is BOD In iha hands Ol rhe under-

ilgnrd, Trustee* m gage by which 'he payment' i I, thi m of ONE HI NTil'.'r.l)I'llOl'SAND HOLLARS, gold, which, und tb.rms of. 1 n oi if*age, I* tppllclble rn ih-- relmnptlon or i.ure-lias->f -a bond*, ani rh ir the undersigned will receive sealed

Land Oil ' -* C'.nm.iiiy. a-oriier ofI*'.., ind T, -¦-. ti-T 1 st*., san Pranclaco, far tho sot-a ide of tald ond* until TUESDAY, tl"* TWENTY- ST HSTlay cf ai GUST, IhSS, ar which t.m* propoaala win baipennd, ant wirh bond' ns ate nr'erod a- il,,. :,,t\-e»: priceiriu be redeemed cr purchased t<< the amount aforcsail

p-i-a. ¦.,,- pi be :' l*< ci .¦i*'*po:r- ter Sen-end*/¦f th* Elrsi Mortgage Bond* Boothera Pacific RailroadJcmiiany.** D. O. MILLS.

G. L LAN.-INO.Ban Francleeo, July 20, IBM. _Trustee*NEW LOANS.

aaaotoooCITY OF *T. PAIL



ra ii* ky comm,IMWKSOTA,

4 !.* ci NT. OOMOO,MAH KINO lois.




Mew-Yerk, Jnly 17. 1888.Receipt, of DREXEL. MOKOAN A CO. for First

Preferr* S Preferred and Common Srock nf theCHESAPEAKE t CHID BAILWAY COMPANY d-

1, In accordance willi tho plan of reorganlratlondated Feb. 7, 1S6-, and on wliich all saaaaaaaala have

b* ri paid, may now lae exchanged for engraved reorgan-i/at,uii aortlBcataa, pairing bp Sallvery, on applicationat their, 88 Wall-et, New-York. Receipt* pre¬sented f'ir sueih Stehaafa mu*t be prupeily Indorsed.

Receipt* for Series B, 0 pei cent tnd 4 per cent

lan ls, and for currency 6 per cent bonds, mar also beexchanged f.- aegravad reorganization certificates In pur-luauco nf ne tic* already glvMi.

All of Uicse certificate* havo been luted on the New-York Bleak Exchange.HOLDKR8 OP Ort PER CFNT nf all classes nf stock

»nd bonis affected br tho plan of reorganlratlon, havingaccepte*l Its provlsleiis, outstanding stockholders and bond-te lb rs are* hereby gi\en final noHce to depoalt their nr.

cuii-ie* with DEI.x el, MOKOAN A CO. before Auguetl, 1*1*8, and coiifaim to the requlrementa of said plan, if

they wl»h io partlclpaia In ibo belief.** thereetC. Il t OsTEH.

I. CROSS, w«


R..I. CROSS, ^Committee.A. J.

JOHN PATtlN SC CO.88 Wi.inui. -I., New-Yerk,

Will pay rm uni after Aa_mU I. D*t<8, the followingcoupon* and lnren-i niiturliig ihat dale;

I i.upoeie. iii itu- Fir*i 'l-ii'iuim. lionels and Inlrre*! otlill* (.uar..1.1 Cl 1. -I ll ol ll" 1 o ll. * n n . 1:11,1Hlaewnil River lt. ic in.Im. re-*l >.n lin-Ela ii a el ".(oek of the l-.ueian* Elly

N|. Louis noel < hicui_o lt. lt. I o._


Ri fl QUICK,kl mbera New-York Stock Exchange,

72 and 74 ltroidway, N. Y.


WELLS, FABGO & company.

Yon are hereby notified that tho nett annual meetln*of the lloekhirfdera of Mild company, far the- ole-e-iion eilSheeter* far iha .. ia-¦.11a,; j ur, and for Hie tranaactioleif sr. h other tm-.. coma iee fare- the meetingwin tn- held iii tha teeretary * room, a' t in* i--oiirai oiticaf the company, on n,* northeaet oorner of ranterna awllalleck sr» City ,.! -ju Franciaco, Slate it Caiiiornl*, aiM ea, ia,cu a. ni., 'en Thoraday, the '.Uh day of Auguatie>Hx. Tha transfer ba,,.ks will u>- eloaad aa !s»iurd»y, itu88th day of July. 1888, »nd n*opcneel oa Friday, Ibo IOUday of Augii*i. 1888, JAMES HERON,

,-, api'tary.


'bl. ago, UL. July 21, IS-tH.

OWNERS of IlKirt^ll^i- lieilllls nf titr** Minni*,sippi KJvar Bridge ( ompany mee hareby Bottied Hiat

tho I'niici Miles Tiu«t Company of New York, Traitee,h,*, detlgnaled by lol honda numbered lou. ill. irut bm.Hil and 880 lo Ie* red-e-nie.1 a* roouliod bf (he- lnarmage

uni e.f Sinking Fund, ocu.her 1. IMS*.Self iH.ud* will »..' redeemed by Me-nr*. john p\Te.N

tic. Ne, ,,j william i.t naw-Yorh lateieat ea salt'bondi de*lgnal.«l for re-1etneit|.n will caata octet er 11S8K. II A RI.ES II F(1sTKR, Treasurer


will Inv-st ae Um cionnd floor In * valuable- iiike 8uperli>!Iran min'* Twe principal owner* wish third party aliliie, liavael bl* tc, na share nt BBd.OOB Mine lit* lirm) bodjof hl*h jfnide' Bettemer ore In *lght n*»dy for ulilpmeutCan tm et.-vela,|)..d in , y-ar Int.. a pneperty wierth t.VV),(V)(

ES |>er c.nt dividend on thtt tmoiint No del*t*per*.. 11*1 b tpeeUon. Referanea a*hed. Addre*,

.1 [-

Col.II) MINIM; INTEREST Offered Latr Correepondenca ioildt«d with tail*faetory party

and iioiDui!.*L. J. PlIlllY. He.ireiarv and Tran-urer. Ironwoo.1. Miali

HAN E OP NOR. II AMERICANe- York. July .* 1888

r|'HK HANK OF NOBTH AMERICA hmh reinoy,**1 la No. 3^ W*ll *i. Milln |*uli*ti.-gi. pendlng the c. ,.|rf«uiuii .f ih'lr new bul.,Rug mi Naman st.corner of C«adar.

to iRvrnroRMN-w.York, July 0. 1388.

VyK OFFER fer *a!<\ and nx-omniond to tnrt vettor*. a fow dealrablo Bondi earning double thc!Inwr*it, tl » prtc* which yield* fully tia par cent In aohupon tho invetiinent.

i_ i.. B__-._-iHCl Bi CO.. 28 Bread-ah.

Dankcro anb Brokers.

P. W. GALLAUOET & CO.,I. _>KI-l***.



vf ember N. Y. block Exthaogn


16 AND 18 NASSAU-ST.,I¥ew-York City.

Denier* in Bnveatnaent Becarltlen



COMMISSION- Dealer* In bullion, anode, foreign bank¬note*, 4c. Exchange and cab!') transfer* on *11 paru of

the world. In tums to mit. Interest on deposit*._


New-York, July 27. 1.88.ATA MEETING of the Board of DirectorsJV held mis day a dividend of THREE VA, PER CENTwu* decltxed on ih* capital stock, parable on and afterAnguit l, ii OUTCALT, Caahler.


COMPANY,85 William-*!, and 41 Exchange Placo,

New-York. July BB, 1888.

COUPONS of tho First >Iortj»ajse 6 porcont Cold Hand* of Hil* compai-y. duo August

i, imiih, win t><i pail on presentation Bl the? ofBee ofthe Union Truat Company of New-York, Net. 73 Broad-w*y, ou and aflat August 1, loxa.

E. Vf. HO IT. Jr.,Assistant Secretary.



THE BOARD of Directors hare drelarod thoa-iii seml-anniiHl dividend of ll per teat, payable

on and after August 1, 1808_isaac collord. Secretary.


40 ANO 12 WALL ST.,New-York, July 2, 1_88.

TIIE BOARD r.f Directors have declared theusual quarterly dividend of om* and one-half leer cont

on the Capital Stock of ibis Company, payable al thlttfllc'i August 1. 1039, lo Btockholoera of maud on thatdate.

'ihe stock tnnsfer toog* will bo cliaed at 3 p. m., July18. and mil ba i-op.i..d ar lo a. m., August le, Lied.

ELWARI) T. NICHOLS,Assistant Secretary.


ur- 1DEND NO. 41.

THE Bn.\!;n OF DIRECTORS havo de¬clared a quarterly dividend r one PEB CENT upon

the etpltal ttock, payable August I, lean. Tram-ferbooks Hoot Julv 2 ani ¦..;, n Augutt 2

HENRY ORAVES, Treasurer.New-Torh, Juno 25, 1888.


outce Continental insurance company,No 100 Brotdway,

New-York, Julv 12. 188S.¦T-IIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS UK TUESI *. apBBJ have this day declared an Interest dividend

*f TUREE ANU ONE-IIALE PER CENT upon thecapital of the company and upon the amount of li*'. guaranty latnttur aird special " reserve fund" .formedIn pursuance 0f tha proviilou* of the act of the LeglelatUaof the Star* nf New-Y'ork, pained April 10, 1874, a*IBanded. entltlejd " au act to pmvtdo security againstextraordinary conflagration* and for thu creaHun of safetyfund* hy lire iBaaraBce companies";, lovaine on demanX'lTiny also order that tho oiliest outstanding scrip liana.thu of redeemed in cadi on aud after 20th-September next. CYRUS TECR.




82 Broadway, New-Y'ark, July 25, 1888.H.. il DIVIDEND.

The transfer hooks of thtt Company will be closed Au¬gust 1 at 3 p. m. and reopen.-d Augtlft 10.

THE.'). P. WOOD. Tre**urer.

Professional.\r.UNO MAN desire* poslllon a* *tenog rap her and tele,

graph operator, Nnw-York City or Brooklyn; railroademploy prcferrod; excellent references. Address W.,

fflnsical -Jnstrnmeius.

F rsc*TI F.R PIANOS, renowned for tone and sandingin tune. Mannfaetorioa and tteramtrna 421 to 425

We-t 2bth-*t., ind 807 Broadway, I8th-»t. (Ditson'tBuilding). Plano* exchanged, rented, or instalment*.


WEST SHORE RAILROAD.N. Y. C. A H. It R- CO.. lessee*.

Trtln* loav* West 42d-»t. nation at follow*, and 20minut* » cai Her fr-im foot of Jay-sL, North River

Detroit and Chicago, ._ bb I. m., -0 ;0O. "8:15 p. m.St. I_iul». »0 :0(.i, »8.L- P m.Syracuse, Bullala, ia chester, Suspension Bridge, Ni¬

agara Pails, 8:18, "A bb a m., 'fl 00, -8:15 p. m.

Utica, 8.15. '0:55, (ai ll :B0 a. m., -0:00, '8:15 p. m.

Kinn*rim, sanpcrtle*, C_t»kill, Albauy. 3.15, '7.15.t9 ii. (ii 1 i .30 I. rr., is) 4 :00, "G :00. «8 :15 p. m.

Cransrori'*. Weat I'otit Co-nw_!l, Nowburg, '3:15,.7 :1a. *8 bb. 10 15 (ai ll :30 a. m., (s) 4 .00. 4 :10. 6:15,.8:15, 8 45 n. m., and 9 00 *. m., 3:45 and 0:00 p. m..( rai «r,n'H. Co rnwtll. Nowburg.

lar Montreal ani Canada East. *fl :00 p. ii.Hamilton, jMldon, '..)¦> a. m.. '0 00. *8:15p. m. To¬

ronto. IO -5 *. m., 10:00. '8:15 l>. n_

Elegant ileoplng-cara for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, DetroitChicago and St I/Ouls.

Saratoga Specials, (t) ll :30 a. m.. (*) 8:45 p. m. Draw-Inn reeeim ears thtom'h lo Baritoga.

Lake- Goorie, ll 30 I. m.. Drawlng-Room Car* to Cald¬well, Saturdays only, fal 3:45 p. m.

Lake-* M,,honk and Mtnnewaska, via New.paltr. 9:00,Drawing-Room Car* to


nicia. 3-15. 'J :0O, (al ll 'IO a. m.. (»; 3:45 p. m. DrawingBoom Ctr* to ('.rani Hotel Station and to I'lmeiiltia (torHotel K.ater*kiU and Mountain lluuso; ou 0 .00, ia) 11:30a m. and (*) 3 45 p. m. Hain*.

Ptlenvllle, Cairo and Mountain House Station, 8T5.7:15, »:O0. (ai ll i.-O a. m., (s)3:45 p. m. Drawlng-Room Car* to CaUklli ea (i) ll :30 a. tt. and is) 3 .45 p. m.train*

. Dailv. t DM'.v except Saturday, other train* dallyexcept Si-ndir. (a *; Leave Jersey City. p. R. R. sta¬tion, (a) ll :-0 a m.. (si 3 40 p. ru. ; Hoboken, West Shore¦Station, (a) ll ;30 a. m., (*) 3:40 p. m.

For ticket*. tlm*-tahiet, parlor or tieeplng-tar tccom-m*-1arloiis or InformtUon, apply at oflice*. Rrooklyn.333Washlngtonst 730 F.ilfn-st.. Annex OfRce- foo' of Kui-tonst. New-York Clty-303, 785, 042 Broad.'uv. 153 1-2Bowery. 12 Park p'U'e mid West S'.ioro Station*, foot ofWest 42J-st.. foot of Jayat.. N. Pw

Waatcott't Expre** call.* for and check* b-isrjraie fromhotel' and r*-**--denc*a. C. E. LAMBERT.

6 Vanderbilt-ave. General Passenger Agent,

Laaoa .sianonK aim .'iiiiii.-wh.ikj, vis .ipi-i-iiii, u :ufl) 11.30 t. m., (l)|:4l B ni. Draiving-Room CarsKingston on 0 :0O, 'll 11 -30 a. m., (*. 3.45 p. m. train*

Kaater«kill. Htint-r. (.rand Hotel S'atlon. ind Pim

TOLA-NS FOR BOSTONNew-York and New-Er.f.and

andNew-York, New-Haven and Hartford Road!

Leay* NEW-YORK io a. M *3 P. M., ll .30 P. M.Arrlvo BOSTON 4,.30 P M., *0 P. M.. 7 A. M.


.8 :00 p. m. D*lly, Ine-ludt-ig Sunday*.Other traint <<_lly ex.-ept Sundays.Slei-pm* ear i.-comm- l.itieui* can be wctired at ticket

ofllces. 337 Broadwiy, and Urand Central Depot.



COMMENCING JULY TL 1888. ,_,___,SKA1N8 LEAVE NEW-YORK, oi>T OF LIBERTY-BT., 4:00. 8:1.*,, t) -/An, *u 15 a. m., M :80. -*_ «'> 8:80(fast expn-s" ¦) (Xi, -i -5 .30. 0:15 u. m. SuIlday^

_v :oo a. ii. an | 4 :00 ]* m.FROM KOOP CORTI.ANliT AND DESRROSSES STS.,

3:30, 7:10. .'.) IO a i: 12.00 nasin -J iii) '3.10.8:40 (limited express, .'xeept Reel Rivnk). 4 20, 5:00.7 :00 p. m. -Sui.diiv*. 7 ile'i, B :15 a. in. 5 00 p. m.. Denote-, e\pra«s trains



Tm* Table of July 1, 1888.Fer PHILADELPHIA and TRENTON, " Bound Brook

Route," ttl, 7:45. 9. ll i. m.; 1:80, 8 15, 4. 5 :ilO, 7:30.12 P. m. SEN DAYS ll 8 *l I. m. 5:30. 12 p. m.

Trtlm leaving at 4. 7:45. ll a m., 1 iBO, 4, 5 30, 7:30.12 p r... have connection fur Rcj Iiiu, Harrisburg, Pott*,viii-, etc. 4 a. m. for Eaetan, Bethlehem, Allentown,Miii'h Chunk, Rcud'eg, Ilarr'.lbtrrg. ot".

5 45 h. m. for Liku Il,e;-ir,.n _. I'stoni. Bethlehem andAlle-utown.

7 OO a. m. for Flemlnglon. Easton, Bothlelicm, Allen¬town, Mauch Chunk.

B ii*) a. tn. for Flnmtne'on, Ltko Ilopatcong. Easton,Bethlehem, Allintn»ii. Mauch Chunk. Wilkosbarro, Scran¬ton. Reading. Harrisburg. |- atUTillo, Tjm_nua. .Sbauioktii.Sunburv. I^wtstiut*. WTllliuiaport.

1 p. m. tar l.emlngton, Eaaton, Bethlehem. Allentown.Mt'i'in Chunk, Reading, Harrisburg, etc.

3 45 p. m feT Easton, Bethlehoat, Allentown, MtuchChunk. Wllkeebarre. BonBton, Tamaqua, shame,kin.

4 30 p. iii. for Flemington, Lake Ilopatcong. Haston.Bethlehem, Allentown, e-,

5 ;00 tnd 6 ;3o p ni- far Somerville and Flemington.6 40 p. m. for Eaaten, Bethleh'-m. Allentown. Mauch

Chunk, Re«dliig. Harntburg. etc. Ou Sundivi ti 6.80p. m.

4. 8:15. 0:30. ll 15 a. m.. 1:30. 2 l8& 3:30. 4. t 30,5 30, 0:15 I), m.; SmidsM, 0 ;C0 a- Ok, 4:00 p. mfur Rc^l llut.k. Laug lirani-h (Ashuir P.rk. ('wan dre,vs.ercept Sunday). Pe.lnt I'b-ssiint Parlor C-r* at 8:15.

:c 11 15 a. n. 1 30. 8:30. 4 :80. 6:30 p. m.4, 8 15 i. m., t .30, 4 :.**) p. ni. fe>r t-nrminiM-in, LAKE¬

WOOD, Mun In'-'er, Teems Kiwi, ltirii.-t.-ii. el'-4 I. in 1 JB l> ni. for Roach II a ti. ATLANTIC

CITY. Vineland, llrlelgeton.4:00, 0:00, 8 15, D .30, 10:80, 11:1*. a, m.. 1 30

2:80. 4. 4 80, 6:00. 5.30. 0:15 p. m. Suudayi. 0 t. m.!t p. m. for l'erth Amlior.for MONMOUTH PARK RACKS on Tuesdays, Thurtdart

and Saturdays, R15, 0:80, 11:15 a. m 12:16, 12:45,I :I0 p. nt Pirlor Cir Triln. 1 (H.) p nt


FROM PIER I, N. R.For Htghltnd B'toli, Baabrlght, Monmouth B.-tch and

I»ng P.r.meh, 4.30 8:00, .00. 11.00 a m.. t 003:45, 4 Ao. 5:30 p. m. ..nula*.*. 0.30. 11:00 a in8 -St p ni

Por Eeborori. Atkmry P»rit, Oa*etn fiteivn, etc., 8:00 0 00II HO t. ip, 1 (Nd, 1.43. 4 30, »:30 p. bi.

For MoNMOE'ni PARK RAC-Fh on Tu.nlays, Thuradaysand Hkllird***. ri OO. U 00, ld no a. m. itllK 1 TOOp m.

Tar Allintlc Highland*, 4 SO. 9 00 a rn (1:00 6sturda/iorly., 8.15, 4 30, 6 )30 o. Ok

For Ukawood Tom* Rlveir niel Barnegnt. 4 So. 8 00 a. m..1 otb, 3:4 5 p m.Tickers ind I'.iilor Ctr seat* can he procured lt 71, 415

881. 044. 1.140, J,|t23, 7-17 .th tv.*.. 2(U Wentli'.th «t.. 13_ Fast J25th-tt, New-York; t Court-tu. 800Fulton-*!-, 08 It'.itdwjT, Brooklyn.Now-Yorli Tnintfar Company will call tor ind checkbignie Ultu holli ot i«aiBaaee_


NORTHERN RAILROAD OF N EW-JER8EY.A*-Train* |.*avei from Chamber*-*! ~'->ro-ri raab dirtfur Engb-worid, TenaBjr, Clonter, bperkhul, anni Brack5 30, 7 :(-o. h SO, i" cn and 11:80 a m.: iy .( o,4:00, 4:10, 5.30, j li), tl I", suki, 10 30 o. m. t_midnight Bundaya, 7 00 '.' BO a. ni 1 .'-'> 4. , 80, * ijp. m. For Nunn. :, Spring Vall'-y, Monn-y and 1wec|< days. 7 00. lu d') a. m., 4 :.>'», 6:40 p. m. Saodaytlli Ho a rn ai, l 7 .ii j, eu. Saturday special, 12 to, r.ix.riAellitloiial nain* to CP-naklll and way, 0:40 a n_, _\p. m.

I? UIK RAILWAY.-Tick©* 00088, 401. 317.KA 7H aul un Rroadway, 188 1 Lo* cy, 1m7 West tt1 Hattcry pia e*, -junbera and 23d Street terrie**, Bea.York; 8_l and 833 Fulton-et, Brooklyn; 107 j(-u»dwi»Wllilinwburg earner Newark and llud-on it*., Hobefeae*52 Montgomcry-et, and Now BU City, whereTicket* and Parlor oi Bleeping Car reaervatioe* and ..rdertfor ch'-e-king and tranefer oa- baggage ean b" ebtnlaef r,.bress trains leave i.3d-st 5 BUBBWM Baili r t .an Batt . ,o*»rreetti Chembara,at. local trams -'. re, in atlBHtta ..»

9 a m., edaiiy, Day Bspreaa bullet drawing-room av he*Ui Bulla:',, |-ii,iir,au sbepiug coach*;* lIoriie:il*viiie iaCincinnati and ( loveland.

10:81. a m., we.-* .lays, Delaware V»lley Expre**, parlorcar to Binghamton, Owego, iamira ami Corning.

6 p. m., dally, "Chicago ani .St. Loni* Llir.lie l,'r a loliaPu..-mau train of day and buft'-t Mt epmg i ,,-*. w * u, __\falo, Niagara !.«,«, Cleveland, hica .ti t*»ifHt. Louih; nu extra charge for rant time.

0 p. m., daily, Chicago Bauraaa, Pu.iman buffet lieepi...coachei to BliiKhamton, Ow.-go, tiaiira, Rocheiter. Bur.falo, cincinnati and Cairne*

Rutheiford and Faaehle-4. 4 45, 8, 7, 7:50 9 30, 10 Ma m.: ll noon, 1, 1.4b. J, 3.10, 4.10. 4:40, 5 in6:30, 5:50, »:10, (1:80. 7:30, 8, lu 30 p m. 12 nlghtlAlso to Rutheiford 8:3*., a. m.; 4:30, 5 .10 p ra .«Passaic, 6, 0:10, 0:40 p. m. bundaya, * tb. n *,>10:80 a. m. 12 noon; 1:45, 3, 4, 5, 8:80. 7 3e) i*lo .1*' p. m. VA night.

Paterson -I, 4 :45, 8, t, 7 :50, 0 30, 10 80 a m. 12 noon;

0:30, p. BkRidgewood and .Suffern.4. 4 45, 7:50, 9.30. 10 30 a. m.;

1, 3, 4, 4.30, 5, 6:30, (El'). 'I 40. - Au. ._, lo 80 p. m. ;IJ niche Also Ui Ridgewood, .30 a. m. 5 :_0 p. m. ;te, hilt-rn, 3:80 p. in. .-.linday*, * :45, 8.3o. 10 ._4a. m. 1 45, 4. 0 .30 p. m. 12 nlj¦'

Han bur* and Cornwall-t Ta), 9 a. m. 3 AQ, i. | ;30, 6 00,6 i_<) p. m. bundey*, .> ii ia- l tb, .', p. m.

Warwick-Week days, 4 :I5, '.), 10 SO a. m. 1, 4 30 p. m.4:45, 7...". 0, 10:80 u Bi 1. A BB, 4.30, 6.30,

:e pi m. Bundey*, 4 Ats a :JJ, 9 a. m. (j SO, I p. m.Il clown ami Pom 7 ','-. 8, IO 88 a m.;

3 3'), 4.80, a 7:80, 9 P H.- -.mila)-., 4:4'.,a. m. ; 5, 0 '.BO, 9 p. aa.Expraaa train* in tba West arrive in New-York af

7:06, ll "'') a. m., sud 10:20 p. BtVf. J. MURPHY, L. P. FARMER,Gcn^Sup't._^_ General Pasaenger Agent


OKI.AT POUR lE\e ,v ill! Mi LINE.On and aflar July 14, nain*- i* -ave

GRAND EN itAL hi A I'D iii.Largest ami Flneel Paaaenvor bte on in a. m., C.." he-', i Expre *a elia-a ,iiK-ri*oiu car* to

Albany, Tray ind is.) rn*Ut m., .-aa.-atc.-a. Laka George, and Monir»aI. -Special

Brewing Lake, George,Plattsburg, arid .Munt:.... a.-. to si. Albans.

-.) a. aa. for Adirondack Mountain*, Lurern*. NorthCreak, -S* lireu/U Lake, lie)M MouiiUiu Lake, Ac. Drawing,room car to saratoga.

.U :.V! a. bl, FAMol'S VESTIBULED CHICAGO ANOST. loi lb LIMITED, composed eaclaaively "f buffetimoklng-car, 'tining'ar, drawing-room and sn;.-ping ar*for Albany, Eil,a, Syracuse, RocheMer. Buffalo, Ni_. -i-t

Falls, Eri'i, Cleveland, ludiaaap Ila aad Toiedo, a,-rtar 8:60 a. ul, Bt, Lottie if<0 p. Bt BBSI day.

is at Albany for Cooperatown,tlo.30 a. n., chi'ago fc-tpreaa for Niagara lal;*, To.

ronlo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit sadChb «go also for barat* ._.-, Coope r»tiiwB an 1 N irth Adamo |drawing-room cars io Lanandaigue, iiochesier, and Rica-ii'-ii bu

ti l -io a. m., Western New-York and Northern Express,for, Lake George, Ru' Bad. Bonnington, NorthAdams, Aa:. Dra-a lug-roam can :¦. iry and nara'oga

2 p. m. Saratoga Lin.. I. Runs on Saturday* Shiftarilving saratoga >J .30 p. m., Caldwell 3 10 p. rn. Draw.logroom cart a,.d buffel amoblng-cara only.

8 30 p. m., saratoga ana Utica .special, with drawing-room cars to Albany, Troy and Saiaioga. Runs throughW Laker Georg* on Saturday- oniy.

¦1 p. m.. Accommodation ro Albany and Troy. Con.neets for Williani.*.iowu, North Adams, and Intermediatepoint* on Fitchburg it H.

.t 6 p. m., Fail Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis Ex¬press for Niagara Fain,, Buffalo, Su^p-msion Bridge, To-ronlo ivia Leniston Hi.amer*- and Cl-V-.and, Cliiaiiunt'UIndianapolis, St. Louis, Detroit, aud Chicago, wah, sleep*lng and dining cars.

.IO p. in. for Clayton dally, including Sunday, forPaul Smith's daily except .saturday. Through sleepingcars lo Clayton and Paul Smith's via Utica and It, w.und 0. R- It

*i 6.30 p. m., Montreal and Oanandelfoa Expre**, dally.Sleeplng-caaT* to Plattsburg and Montreal via Route'a Pointand via st Albans, als,, ottawa, m* si. Alhena and ana-da Atlantic Rail *.*ay, mui to syracuse ani i.anandalgua dailyexcept Sunday. Sunday train duo- hoi run areal ol Albany.

'I ii i!0 p. m. for Adiroiidae k Main a haiy.Lyon Mountain, Loon Lain-, Sarana l'a.. Sinlth^ Ac,via Plattnburg and Chateaugay Rattroed a.-o to Lu-xerne. North Creak, Bchroon Lake. Blue Mountain Lake,Ac, via Saratoga and Adirondack Railroad. cariNew-York io plattsburg and North i reek.

.j p. m.. Special Bleeper, arilve* Re.chester 7:40 a m.,Bu:ralei -i:35 a. m.. and Cleveland 1 :_.. p. nt

.t ll :30 p. m., Fast Night Express for Richfield SpringsRochester, liuifaio, Niai.-ara luis, Toronto, CtevalanitCincinnati. Indianapolis, .st. Loula, Detroit and Chicago,with slc-ping tars. si-oping cars to tanandalgua onSundays only. I

ij d dlnght, Adlronadack Mountain Special for Saratoga,Lak.- (i.e.rge, Plattsburg, Loon la:.. sarans*-Paul SmHh's, Ac, also for Sharon Sj*r.ri2e-. e *eip.;rstov»ii»and Richfield Spring* hleeplng-eara r., Albany.

Tickets and spac.i In draivine room and sleeping c*r* onsalo at Grand Central station. 4 13. 7*5 and '_4_ Broadway,12 Park place, 1 Battery place- (i'i Wett 12oth-sr.. and138th-st Station. New-York; 333 Waeliington and 730Pilton st*., Brooklyn, and 79 4ih-st., Williamsburg.

Westcott'* Express call* for and checka baggage fromhotel a ot r*Bldene**,.Run dally orhers dally except Sunday. I Stop Bl 138th.

st Statb n take up passenx'.-r. tor North and Weat.,1. M. TOUOKY, HENRY MONETT,Oeneral superintendent General Pa.-senger Agent

[ EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.PAbSENCF.R TRAINS leave foot of Cortiandt ani

Deabrosaea eta. *s Mlowa:0 bo a. rn. for Cata*aui(ua and Intermediate point*.8 a. m. for Geneva, Lyons, Elmira, Rochester. Buffalo

and the West and principal local points. Chair car toElmira.

1 p. m. for Tunkhannock and intermi'dlate point* Chaircar lo Tunkhaiinock. Connection io Reading and Harris-burg.

3 40 p. m. for Pittston and principal lutcrmedialepoints. Chair car to L. and B. Junction.

5:40 p. m. for Mauch Chunk and intermediate point*.Connection to Reading and Harrisburg. Chair car toMii'i'-.i chunk.

7 p. in. for Geneva, Lyons, Elmira, Rochester, Buf.falo and the West. Eu.hmm sleeper to Lyona

6:18 p m f,,r Lamays ani lateraedlate p.tnta.Trains leaving at 8 a. m., lp. m. and 3:10 p. ra. con-

neel for all points in Mahanoy and Ila.leton coal region*.BUNDAY TRAINS.

8 a. m. for Matuli Chunk, Ha.ict-ii and Intermedia:*points.

6:45 p. m. for Ce.piny and Interim diat'.' point*.7 p. m. for Getii'ax Lyona, Ri.chester, Buf«

falo and the Weet Pullman Beeper to I.-on*.General Eastern Oflice, 235 Rroadway.



Trains leave New-York, via Do»b:oi--v* and CortlacdlStieets Ferries, as follows:

Harrisburg, Pitt-burg and the West, with Pullman PalaceCars ulta., 0 :o0 a. m., 8 30 r Dining Can and 8 p. ra.

dal..v. New-York amt Cb: a. 1 af Parlor.Dining, Smoking and Sleeping Vestibuled Cars tla. m. every day.

Willianisport Loik Haven, 9:00 a. m.. 8:00 p m. Corryand Erle at 8:00 p. m., connccilng at Corry lor Tl:u»-ville mid (h.* (in Regions.

For Lebanon, I) OO a m., 3:20 p. m. and 12:15 nightFor Norristown. Phenixvllle, Pottituwn aud il

11 :00 a m., 1:00. 2:00 and 4 00 p. m. Satur_»y*only. 8 p. m. Sund»ys. 0:15 and lo a. m.

Baltimore, Washington and the Semth, ¦ Lin.ired W_-h-laglan Exureos'' of Pullnun P»rIor Cars, dally o\*e|ifSunday, lo a. Bk arrive Waahlngton 4 :00 p. m. suidally with Dining Car. ut 1:40 p. bl, arrive v* .

ton 9:1. p. BL r.-gular at 6:20, 8 :i'0 and 8:80 I1:00. 2:00. 4:30 and <i :0O li. BL. ail ll 13S'-i'd-jy, 0:15 and 9 a. n... 4:30 and 'J p. BL and 12:11night.

For A-iantlC City, ll :10 a BL, 1 :00 and 2:00 p. m. weekdu k

For Cai"' May, 1 p. ut. «eP|< daytLong Btanrli, Ray Head June- n ,nd Intermedia*** v

Hon- via Rah*uv and tmbov. I 30, 7 1" »-d 9 TO a m..IJ Baot), 2 30. 3:10. S 40 Limited 4 -2') 5 » d ** p Sunday, 7:16 and *j:15 a. ni. ani -'> p. bl \.A. u"t*top *' A-l.11; J I i-

For Old Eiiin- and Norfolk, via New-York, Phllad »

and Norfolk ad, 8 p. m., daily; via Balinii"-*and Ray I.un', 4 :80 p. m. weet

Boat* ot fc Brooklyn Annex" conn el «irh all th- u.-htrains at JerneJ City, affording a speedy and directtransfer for Brooklyn t: i\

fob ri 11 la di: [.ph iv.Expret* trains lease Maw-Yottt \ia Daabieaaaa and

Cortiandt Street* Ferrie* a.. follows:6:20. 7 io. a. *.i .1 Chicago Um ed with I1 nmg Cir,

»nd io, waahlngton Limited and 11 . ni 12 SO, 1, 2.ii -I', 4. 4 .no. b. ai. e-, so, S "it .. i> bl and 19 19 nightAccommodation, 8 30 iu.a! ll IO 1 ¦ 1 i" an I 7 p m-

bundioN Expra** 6:16, '.' 0 I.::-.... i a*,1 D' a m..4, 4 30. 5, (,. 0:30. .-* and 8 p. ))¦-. al 12:15 nlgbtA'-'aiiiMiinda'lon, 7 p. m.

Trains leaving Mew-York dally, except Sundav. at 8. 9;.' 1 ll ld a. bl, 1. 1 4. 5 8 i* rn -ml IO I BL ani7 p. bl un sun lui-, cannae! at Trenton for camden.Ticket ofnee-s. Nos. 1. 4Ab. BtB ani DI4 Bread-eay, I

Astaar Realise- ami tittil of Deabroaaea and Cortiandt st*. tCourt-at and Iire,<>kl vu Annex Station fae- e.f I- niton-t,Lr. -<>r. ly ri : Statle.ii, laney City; Emlaiaiu Ticket OfllcO,( gal .¦ i-ar-len.

Tho N'e» York Transfer Company will call for audcheek baggage from hotels and residence*

CH tS li- PE(.II. .1 ll WOOD.General Manager. General Pass'r Aiit'iit



AND Till. HOI 111.

NEW-TORK. PHILADELPHIA ft NORFOLK R. R.Train leave* tool of Cortlaiidi *nd De»br«**** st«.

dallv. 8:00 p. m. Ticket* uni --aping berths -

ai any Tlekol onie- ..f the rania lUi.roaa to-

H. W. DENNE, supt. R. ll. COOKB, '¦ P *- W. h.

) AND WESTERNom lei rici al Wei ttlVKW-YOHK. ONTARIOll RAILWAY (Talus lciao fl-.-

sud Jay au. aa follows: ,,,.

Wes', r. 1 bo a. m. : Jay-st, 7 io a- BL, for Ml*-dletcwn, PBllsburg, .Mun...*.;.'. Liberty, Walton, Dmbi.Norwich, Utica, K.uic, Oneida, Pulton, Oswoa*. Budaio.Ik-iroli. Chi, ano. __.

Hast 4.M-t . 0 IO t. m.; Jay st 8« »* m.. totWtllklll Yali.v staiioiiN Uaea M _. Mliiiu«a»ka.Middletown. ...nile', lill-buig White Laae. 421 st, 4 10 P- in Jay-»t-, 3:55 P- m.. toe

WaiiRHi Vaiie-y itaBona l-skr* Ma.houk, MlnnowaaajkMiddletown, Bloomiugbarg, Glenville Ml D Maaa>cell". Eau-».ntg. Liberty, White Lake- Rockland, ,.__..

West IM-sCi 8*88 p- m. Jay st fl 10 p. rn dcir mr

Miilli'-town. FalUburg, liberty. Wallon V rwi h ouel-a.

om-g... suspeueiia.n Biid.e, Detroit Chi"aa... st. Loui*.Buflat hieepera w Nt»g_r* I ail*. R.cliulug th*.r tar

free la. Oeaii'Ku ,

baturetsy half holldsv. West 4.1st.. 1 !5 p. m. ;; JlT*

»*... 1.00 J>. m.. foi Campbell Itali. M ddb-r.'wn ilbw a-

lngburg. Ellen\lll.\ Fsll»burg. MooUcollo, Libi-nr. Whilelair, l.lvlngsioii Manor, Wiltoo, lsdhL

pullman brawina Room teat* ind otrOu faaavveBJp807 Broadway. Timo tabla*, fekala. Ac., ai -07-.3^'1H4, LM li"al'!,iy. 73; nth ssc. 134 iast 1.5th tt.

B Wei, 124th nu. J- V; >:,,. IU,)S, ,, ,, ,

_IB Bxchsuga PUC. Now-.ortt

CHORE LINE-ALL-RAIL ROUTE-fOR)' H.'ston. Newt- 11 and tho Last K-Ui._* !. ¦»>"*'*.'¦*.?Contra! BtaUon a* IO 00 a bl and l ia> p ¦ roi « '';*}Hill. Narragansett Pier. Newport, tnd Providence ana

Booton, 6:00 p. Ci. Limited Expi-s* for New|H>rt tm_ldence tnd Boston. lt -(> p ul Night Expre*. fur ¦sew*

port. Providence Rottou-daily. PaUco Parlor t*rt ea

aloculug Cai* W dciUBtUttB-.