fabulares iv growing up


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Fabulares iv growing up

A Round Robin




Page 2: Fabulares iv growing up

Welcome back to Fabulares Animalia! Last time, Castoria moved her

family to a new house and struggled with a huge loan she took out to

build the house. She gave birth to another baby girl, Wind and is trying

to get pregnant with one more child so she can complete her LTW.

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The morning sickness was definitely worse this time.

Probably the worst time I’ve had through all my

pregnancies. This one would have to be the last. Even

though my lifetime want was to marry off six children.

I secretly wanted ten. What family sim doesn’t?

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I was being foolish, even in our giant house, there’s

no way we could logically take care of ten children.

Jacob was wonderful help, but one day he would

want a house and children of his own. I am blessed

with the five children I have now, and with the other

on the way.

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I made sure to spend lots of time with Wind. Her

older siblings were always in the playroom, but they

didn’t really play with her very much. She’s quite a bit

younger than they are.

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Lechuza was beginning to become aware of the loan. I

tried to hide the debt from the kids, but Lechuza some

how picked up on it. She loved to paint and began

selling her works. Every little bit helps, but I wasn’t sure

I could come to grips with the guilt I felt. I could only

hope that Lechuza would understand and not make the

same mistake I did.

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“Another baby Cas?” Jacob sighed when he saw me


“Last one.” I replied with a little regret. The ache for ten

kids still bothered me, but I hoped it would go away


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It took a minute for the tone of Jacob’s voice to sink

in. Did he hate me? For having so many children. He

was so good with his younger siblings. But had I

crushed his dreams of having a family of his own. He

was still very young. I wouldn’t hold it against him if

he decide to move out.

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I put Jacob out of my mind for now. Everyone was at

school leaving the house empty except for Wind and

me. I sat down and taught her talk. She was a clever


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After settling her down for a nap I paid off a huge

amount off the loan bringing it down to about

$60,000. The interest was becoming easier to pay off

and I am able to really work on the principal.

Hopefully soon Lechuza can start painting for herself

rather than for the family.

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Jacob came home from work with a promotion and he

cheerfully handed the check to me for the loan.

Nothing about his demeanor hinted toward his mood

this morning. Maybe I’m just feeling guilty and he was

just grumpy this morning.

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Chupacabra’s and Lechuza’s birthday came too soon.

Children grow up too fast. Soon I would have to tell

them about the mission. About the reason my mother

came down to this strange world.

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Chupacabra grew to be a romance sim. With a

lifetime goal of woohooing 20 lovers. I can’t say I

approved. But it’s his decision.

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Lechuza chose to be a family sim like me. She

wanted to have a golden anniversary one day, with the

man of her dreams. My little girl is growing up. She

had my mother’s eyes, she could have any man she


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My youngest child forcibly came into the final

trimester. This pregnancy was certainly more of a

trial to me. Now, I’m finally accepting that this more

would be the last.

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Both my teenagers got after school jobs. I wish they

hadn’t felt like they had too. Lechuza told Chupacabra

about the loan. Both promised me their paychecks. I

swear that I won’t take them longer than absolutely


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My beloved had the day off and spent the day

shirtlessly working on the current junker. I thought it

made him look rather low class although I could help

but appreciate the view.

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He also added some solar panels to the back roof. He

found that we can get a credit towards our bills if we

go green. It wouldn’t pay anything towards the loan,

but it would make things a little easier.

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Lechuza hit it off with a boy from school. I watch and it

didn’t go much past light flirting. Glen, was the boy’s

name and he was painfully shy.

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It was time for Wind’s birthday that night. I had hope

to have my last child a little closer to her in age.

Hopefully Wind doesn’t mind waiting for a little sibling.

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Wind grew up beautiful. She borrowed her sister’s old

robe. Not that Lechuza minded.

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Lechuza flirted with Glen all through Wind’s birthday

celebration. I finally had to ask the young man to

leave. A little flirting is alright, but I don’t like the idea

my daughter is mooning over a young man she just


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I left Andrew to manage the boys and had a little talk

with Lechuza. She surprisingly took it well and

assured me about what her intentions are with Glen.

I swallowed my protectiveness. I’m going to have to

let her date. She was smart and would take care of


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That night I gave birth to my final child. Poor Wind I

woke her up with my screaming. But it hurt so much

this time.

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I felt like I was giving birth to twins, but in reality it

was just one. A tiny little girl, I named her Thunder,

Wind finally had her little sister.

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Andrew insisted on taking Thunder down for her first

bottle. I hadn’t let him send as much time with Wind

as he would have liked. I relented. To be truthful, I

want another baby. I’m still struggling with Thunder

being my last.

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I went to work for the first time in a long time. I wish

we hadn’t need the money so I could be a stay at

home mom.

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Andrew had to go to work that day too. He hired a

nanny before he left. I very much wish it wasn’t


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I got a promotion on my first day back! My

bosses were very pleased to have me back. I

was honestly surprised. I though I would find it

hard to get back in the swing of things.

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So many birthdays this week Rookin and Coyote were


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Rookin chose to be a Fortune sim. He wanted to get

rich by being a city planner one day.

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Coyote wanted nothing more than Pleasure in his life. He

found joy in cooking and wants to be a celebrity chef one


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I left Coyote spend a little money to get a new outfit.

The brown blazer really didn’t suit him. Rookin and

Coyote took an instant liking to the junker parked

outside. They spent most of the night working on it.

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Friday night it was time for one last birthday. Thunder

was going to be a toddler. My baby would soon be

learning to walk and talk. And hopefully be potty

trained very quickly.

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Thunder grew up looking exactly like Wind. Thankfully

she while she wasn’t super sweet she didn’t have

Wind’s mean streak.

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Jacob whisked her away to the potty chair before I got

a chance to. She didn’t learn it all in one go, but she

got very close.

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Lechuza invited Glen over Saturday morning. I resigned

myself to the idea that children inevitably take notice of

the opposite sex. As much as I don’t want them too.

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Lechuza got up the nerve to kiss the boy. Despite

myself it was rather sweet.

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Rookin sat down with Thunder and taught her a

nursery rhyme. It was the cutest thing I never saw.

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Chupacabra was a little upset that Lechuza was the

first one to have her first kiss. He invite Shanna Shaw

over. A friend he’s had since elementary school.

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She didn’t mind being more than friends. I just hope

my boy’s considerate of her feelings. I know he’s a

romance sim, but he still lives under my roof. I don’t

want a string of broken hearted girls stealing the

newspaper and dumping over the trash.

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Sunday morning was peaceful. Wind loves playing

with Jacob. I hope she’ll start playing with Thunder

soon. Thunder’s still a bit too small to be noticed.

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Coyote invited his friend, Trina Hurt, for a date. He

greeted her in his pajamas. He’s always been a

strange boy.

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Obviously she didn’t mind the pajamas as much as I

did. Coyote snuck his first kiss from her. Rookin’s the

only one who hasn’t had his first kiss. Well, I’m not

going to rush him.

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Not to feel left out, Lechuza invited Glen back over for

a date. They started going steady. Which has been

Lechuza’s plan all long.

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While my oldest were busy with their romantic

conquests I taught Thunder how to walk. She’s such a

cute child.

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Just before midnight, I spied Chupacabra outside with

Shanna again. At least it’s Shanna, and not some

other girl.

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I sat down to pay on last loan payment before going to bed. It’s down

under $40,000 now. Thanks to my family. I hope to pay it off by the end

of the next week.

Next week I must figure out how to tell my children of their mission. One

day they’ll leave Riverblossom Hills to explore the world and search for

mythical creatures.

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That’s it for this chapter. I almost didn’t have it

finished in time for this weekend. But thanks to

marathon of playing and writing it is done. I’m really

sad that Thunder is the last baby, Castoria is due to

grow old. She keep throwing wants for more. I might

have her adopt some more after her kids move out.

Thunder should be able to grow up while Chupacabra

and Lechuza are still teens. I’ll post the heir poll up

then. I can’t wait to see who’ll be heir!