facebook 101 - job seeker edition

Social Networking 1 Facebook 101 Job Seeker Edition Presented by: Jo Guerra [email protected] 303.632.2928

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Post on 17-May-2015




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What’s your online reputation? Employers may be searching for potential candidates on social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook - to learn more about you than your resume may reveal. Employers may also want to know how “social media savvy” you are so that you can help them use these tools to represent their brand. Why should you be on Facebook? For one thing, Facebook is one of the hottest social networking platforms going today. While LinkedIn can be stodgy, Facebook is considered interactive and fun, and is also a great place to connect with influencers.


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Facebook 101Job Seeker Edition

Presented by:

Jo Guerra [email protected]

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Social networking Facebook statistic Why Facebook? Sign up Home page Find friends Profile The right way to


Find expert content Facebook etiquette Security settings Fan page Ads References &


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What is a Social Network?

A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services.

Social networking has encouraged new ways to communicate and share information.

The main types of social networking services are those which contain category divisions (such as former school-year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages) and recommendation system linked to trust.

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Social Networks are for…

Networking Business Dating Friends Music Classmates Sharing Finding jobs & much more

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Age & Gender

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Why? Build your personal brand

Use a professional headshot Include your elevator pitch Include LinkedIn profile, resume website, blog other networks

Advertising is cheap, cheap, cheap* Access to the social world & it’s inherent value – potential

employer does research on you and sees positive posts about you (your brand), this could be a deciding factor as to why you are selected for a job over other candidates

Connections – you never know who you are going to run into that might help you or works for target companies

Companies know you can expand their brand if you are familiar with social networks

Search value

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www.Facebook.com – takes you to site After you have registered, next time you will

login with your user name and password Let Facebook know if you are in college, at a

company or none of the above Add your email Add your birthday Security check (letters you have to type in to

make sure you are a human)

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Facebook Sign Up Page

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Facebook Home Page


Your Wall: Toggle between Live Feed & News Feed

Requests: friend requests, group invitations, event invitations, other requests

Scroll down to see events.

Profile Friends Inbox


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Find Your Friends

Invite friends Friend finder Classmates

search Co-worker

search: http://www.facebook.com/srch.php?coworker&ref=search

Name search

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From Home>Profile >Info ORHome >Profile>Edit my profile

This is where you will add all your profile information that you want to share. Just click on each of the small “pencils”. When you scroll along each part, like “Basic Information” or “Personal Information” a pencil will appear to the right of each category. Click on it to add your information. Personalize yourself, but think job seeker!


When you scroll here, a pencil will appear

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The Right Way To Network – It’s Never About You!

Similar to a cocktail party If you say, I’m a super star

marketing person with a great service…

Who cares? Nobody cares about you or your product, except you

Give people a reason to connect with/follow/friend you

Don’t be the jerk at the party: http://denver.jobing.com/blog_post.asp?post=22215

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Look Like an Expert in Your Field

Look up www.Google.com/alerts to find content you can share: expert information, articles, videos, etc., and expand your brand

Use tinyurl.com or bit.ly to shorten Look at Alltop.com for trending topics or Mashable Subscribe to newsletters & blogs via email or RSS

feed – Google reader or others Post in: “What’s on your mind?” Post tips – show your expertise, use original content as

well Share links to articles in your field

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Facebook Etiquette

Engage others by commenting on their links or posts in groups

Share their information and thank them for posting things (you’re supposed to thank them)

Share your info on your job search, what you are interviewing for, how your interviews are going, etc.

Post your resume or LinkedIn profile link occasionally Share job listings Share what you are up to, attending, etc. Meetups:

attending CCC, etc. You can share personal info, keep it professional always Thank people that accept your friend invitation; thank

people that friend you after you accept their invitation Share inspirational quotes

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Security Settings

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Create a Fan Page

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Facebook Ads

Cheap, cheap, cheap Can target to geographical area Use pay per click not impression It will walk you through to add picture, copy, link, etc. At bottom of any Facebook page click on advertising

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Social networking Facebook statistics Why Facebook? Sign up Home page Find friends Profile The right way to


Find expert content Facebook etiquette Security settings Fan page Ads References &


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Reference:Help on Facebook - Do Not Have to be Logged In


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Reference: Help>Click on Getting Started

Find Your Friends, Set Up Profile, Explore Facebook

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Reference:Invite Friends – Use A Personal Message

Add emails one by one (comma between) and add a personal message

Upload your contact list from Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

Hi (Name),

Would love to connect with you on Facebook. I’ve met you at…. Please add me as a friend if you’d like.

Thank you,


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Reference:Mass Invite Friends Cannot personalize or add a message Can also add Outlook contacts if not “Administrator

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Reference:Find Your Friends - Still on Help Friend finder Classmates search Co-worker search: http://www.facebook.com/srch.php?coworker&ref=search Name search

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Reference:Set Up Profile Help – Express YourselfNow that you’ve created your account, it’s time to set up your profile. Your profile allows you to share your interests, activities, and anything else you want to include with people you connect to on Facebook.

To edit your profile at any time, click on the “Edit Information” link at the upper right corner of your Basic Info or click on the “Edit” icons on the upper right corner of each

of your profile fields. Filling out your Education and Work Info is especially helpful since it enables your former (and current) classmates and coworkers to find you via search.

Lastly, upload your profile pic.

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Reference:Explore Facebook - FYI Connect with your

friends Get the news Start sharing Upload photos Find groups

(share common interests)

Find new friends

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Facebook in five minutes: http://www.youtube.com/user/KyleGriffithLive#p/u/9/ZB188pEmTyk

Social Media Revolution: http://www.yourmarketinggal.com/2009/08/is-social-media-a-fad--or-a-revolution-you-decide.html

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Inspirational Quotes

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. - Albert Einstein

"Imagination is more important than Intelligence" - Albert Einstein

"Life`s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you. They are supposed to help you discover who you are." -Bernice Johnson-Reagon

Every day is a gift~ Open it!

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Thank you!At your service,

Jo GuerraSpeaker • Trainer • Social Media StrategistYour Marketing Gal

PO Box 440952Aurora, CO 80044303.632.2928

[email protected]

Website & Blog:www.YourMarketingGal.com LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joguerra Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/JoGuerra Twitter:http://twitter.com/joguerraMeetup: www.meetup.com/Denver-Entrepreneurs