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GREEN FIEND GREENFIEND 1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345 FACEBOOK ADS FaceBook Correctly for Business

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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  • 1. GREEN FIENDFaceBook Correctly for Business FACEBOOK ADS1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345GREENFIEND

2. GREEN FIENDTable of Contents Facebook Ad Disaster 3 Facebook Ad Disaster 4 Facebook Advertising for New Marketers - Should You? 5 3 Hidden Secrets and your Facebook Ad Strategy 6 Facebook Ad Headlines - The Formula7 Thank You91234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345 GREENFIEND 3. GREEN FIEND FACEBOOK AD DISASTER You may have been given quite a few Facebook Ad tips by well-meaning friends or forum members. I just read one tip you should definitely avoid - and thats creating a new Facebook account under a pen name for your business. Lets take the case of Walter (not his real name, of course.) Walter wanted to market and create a Facebook ad for a small game he had developed, since he knew that Facebook was an especially fertile ground for ads involving fun and entertainment. However, he found out that all Facebook ads are linked to personal profiles. His main Facebook profile presented him in a light that he felt would not sit well with his potential customer base, so he created another profile under the pen name he used for his blog (one he actually had registered at his bank so checks could be made out to the pen name and cashed). In other words, it was perfectly legal with his bank to do business under that name.1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345 GREENFIEND 4. GREEN FIEND FACEBOOK AD DISASTER pains Walter had taken greaton that particular blog, without telling any outright lies, to allow readers to think of him as much younger than he was. He used a younger "tone", and learned the right idioms to help him fit in with his niches 17-21-year-old age group. So to fit in with the blog, he gave his Facebook alter- ego a much more recent birthdate, and randomly typed in the name of a college hed never attended.9 months later, his game was just beginning to enjoy success. He had added some apps, Walter Got Stuck created a Facebook group and had about 23,000 subscribers. With Lighting The ad had been a definite success. Then - disaster! Facebook somehow found out his profile was "fake". It was promptly pulled. So was his ad. His 23,000 subscribers - and all his apps and data - disappeared... Into thin air. There was nothing Walter could do about it... except start all over from scratch. Note that Walter had no intention of being dishonest - merely clever (and perhaps a little playful). "Fraud" never entered his head; and he had indeed Checked to make sure that he was allowed to have more than one profile on Facebook.1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345GREENFIEND 5. GREEN FIEND FACEBOOK ADVERTISING FOR NEW MARKETERS - SHOULD YOU? But theres one other strategy you might want to consider - one that at first may seem premature for a new blog or website. And that is advertising on Facebook. Its not for everyone, of course - but if you fit a certain profile, it can be the fastest way to turn your site or blog into an authority site and increase its page rank. If you do have a clear niche, however, and a strong demographic that is narrow and precise, your fastest road to creating a profitable presence could be to invest in a Facebook ad. You can purchase one inexpensively, run it for a set amount of time - and have your site spread via the best route of all: The buzz created among your social network friends (all of whom are sitting there, right in your specific niche demographic). Remember, this is an experiment. Set your daily allotment low, and track it. (Facebook does allow you to do that.) And Facebooks ability to target by city, state and country is one of its best ad features. If your website or blog is dependent on location (i.e. "Niagara Falls Orchard Photography") and youve also created a Fan Page on Facebook, you may find youve got it made. One caution, however: Do make sure that you actually do use strong, specific keywords for your niche in your ad headline and body text. Keep the focus narrow to that one single, specific group. Remember - keep your daily costs low, your target specific - and good luck with your Facebook advertising!1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345GREENFIEND 6. GREEN FIEND 3 HIDDEN SECRETS AND YOUR FACEBOOK AD STRATEGY 1. You may know that Facebook allows users to search the web from Facebook: What you may not realize is that Facebook separated itself from Google. Now when you search the web via Facebook, results are returned from Bing. 2. You can link your Facebook Ad to your Facebook group... but if you change your mind and decide a Facebook Page would work better than a group Instead, you cannot transfer your group members over. And 1 Hidden Benefit But Facebook has one big hidden benefit not mentioned ahead of time in its Ad Creation process - one which you wont find anywhere else on a social site....it tells you to "wait" if a large company is about to initiate a competing campaign that day - one which would severely hurt your results.1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345 GREENFIEND 7. GREEN FIEND FACEBOOK AD HEADLINES - THE FORMULA Drop everything you ever learned about writing long sales copy or blog headlines - Facebook ad headlines are different, yet again. For one thing, you only have a rigid 25-characters for your Facebook ad headlines (no exceptions), so they must be short, punchy and eye-catching. The best format is either something so off-the-wall your reader just has to click, to see what on earth youre talking about... or that old standby, the question format. Some examples..."Ready to Make Six Figures? "Which Type are You? "Want a Virtual Horse?" The advantage of a question format is that the "you" is implicit. Youre already speaking directly to the reader, just by adding that question mark. (Every time you eliminate the "you" thats 3 whole characters you dont have to include.)1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345GREENFIEND 8. GREEN FIEND THANK YOU Thanks again for Viewing my Slide Show on FaceBook Ads created by Clifford Petry Please Visit Our Page At https://www.facebook.com/cliffatgoodland1234 Sample Street, Anytown, St. 12345GREENFIEND