factual layout analysis

Factual Layout Analysis

Upload: rachel1305

Post on 25-May-2015




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Factual Layout Analysis

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LeafletThis leaflet is very concise and uses only minimal wording to ensure the point is got across to the reader clearly and quickly. Using as few words as possible works well as the leaflet gets straight to the point and only features the necessary parts to inform the reader with a small bit of background along with key information such as opening times and ticket prices. The register of this leaflet is fairly formal and uses words such as “children” and “adults” as opposed to saying ‘kids’ or ‘grown-ups’. This is because the advertisement is for older eyes and parents to look at rather than younger aged audiences. Keeping the copy formal is also effective as it helps to keep professionalism and maintains a high standard. The leaflet uses minimalistic language and vocabulary as they are trying to get simple points and facts across to the public rather than promoting or advertising which allows them to keep it simple as they don’t have to try and entice people in or capture people’s attention in order to have them read masses of information about something. The leaflet is accurate and avoids ambiguity due to it being straight to the point and the information is provides has no room for error or questioning. It tells you straight forward what the opening times and prices are, any contact information you may require and then also provides small snippets of information such as what their shop sells and the fact that they are “Brighton’s official tourist information post”.

For this leaflet, the main colour scheme appears to be red and yellow. These colours are both bright and vibrant which quickly capture the eye of anyone at first glance and are sometimes considered statement colours. Yellow can be interpreted as being a happy and exciting colour, full of energy. This works well along side the leaflet as it is for a toy museum and the colour choice of yellow is implying the museum is going to be exciting and somewhere the children will enjoy and be happy within. Although red is most commonly used to show danger, it can also represent passion, love and desire. This can be enforcing that the staff are passionate about the museum and the guests will be passionate about the exhibits, enjoying their visit and time there. It can also push and enforce the desire of you wanting to go and may subconsciously make you want to go more as the colours are exciting and make you think you would be missing out if you don’t attend and visit.

Making the main title and headlines of the pages bold is effective because it draws attention to the different sections and helps to split the leaflet up into smaller sections rather than a massive gush of text. Making the titles and headlines all capita letters helps to create clarity and makes it easier for the reader to read through the leaflet and understand it clearly. The use of images and diagrams on the leaflet helps split up the chinks of text and creates something for the viewer to look at and makes it slightly more visually interesting. Featuring the diagram of a map on the leaflet works well because it shows anyone wanting to visit the museum, where it is and helps to find it and get there. This will make people more keen on attending as they will be able to find the museum and there is no fear of getting lost in a strange place where you have never been before.

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Instruction Manual

Bolding the main headings and sub-headings helps to draw the reader in and also clearly splits up the different sections of the leaflet and defines the various categories and sub sections. This instruction manual is kept concise and uses as as little text as possible to ensure the instructions/directions get straight to the point and anyone who is attempting to use their iPhone can understand what they are being told and it is user friendly. This instruction manual avoids ambiguity because it’s instructions and copy gets straight to the point and leaves no room for misunderstanding or confusion. It would be extremely difficult to misinterpret what the manual and sections are saying due to the fact it uses direct words such as ‘drag’ and ‘press’ which gives you instruction and tells you exactly what you need to do. It also clearly labels the different buttons and says exactly what it is they do, meaning there is no chance of confusion and not knowing what to do.

This instruction manual for the IPhone 4s is very simplistic and sticks to a black and white colour scheme with no other colour present. The layout has been split into different steps and guides you through set-up of the phone and all of the different features within the phone such as siri and icloud. The images in the manual are effective because they give a physical representation and helps to understand what is being said easier. The labeling on the images is written all in capitals which helps to create clarity and make it simple and easy to read and understand the different features and what the buttons are for. Using a sans serif styled font also helps maintain the clarity because it keeps the copy simple and easy on the eye, helping the readers eye to guide straight through the wording and read it quick and easily.

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The iPhone 4s instruction manual has some forms of legal constraints within it due to apple having a one-year warranty policy on the product. The warranty policy follows regulations such as: ‘sale of goods act 1997’ and ‘sale and supply of goods to consumers regulation 2002’. This warranty entails that the customers may return their products if not fully happy with it under certain areas and will cover the phone for a year from the date of purchase. The restrains mean that Apple has to follow the regulations directly to the dot and they cannot vary from what the law says, meaning the customer is protected and will be gaining a 100% trustworthy and honest deal with no hidden faults or secrets. Within this warranty there are signs of a formal register to maintain a high level of professionalism and formality as Apple are not trying to maintain a connection with the public, they are simply trying to deliver the facts and details. Using phrases such as “do not” rather than “don’t” helps to keep the high social setting within the manual and also maintains high levels of formality and business rather than what you would find from two people who know each other communicating on a friendlier level.

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Newspaper article

Referencing the sources in the newspaper article helps to add clarity to the story and make it easy for people to understand. It also helps to clarify and smooth out any confusion that may have been brought up from the original article whereas this one has been written to smooth out the confusion and correct any misleading information and facts. Referencing the sources and quoting professional information also backs up the story in general and helps to make it more solid and correct. Although the original article was ambiguous and did not present clear information, this one avoids ambiguity and uses facts and quotes sources to ensure their information is correct and that the data cannot be open for interpretation. This article could in some ways be providing evidence of argument as it is quoting sections of the original story and then quoting professionals and sourcing different people to argue with what was previously stated, explaining why the original article is untrue and wrong in some ways whilst also being correct in others. When creating reports, stories, and articles, newspapers have to follow strict legal restraints and codes of practice to ensure they are following all the rules and within the restrictions of the law. One of the issues newspapers could face when publishing stories would be issues of libel – publishing a false statement. This issue was found within the original articles about the cod fish; the journalist got their facts wrong and made it seem as though there were very little fish around at all. This article and writer had to pick up the pieces and fix the issue, releasing the true numbers and facts. This error also affected the editors code of practice and concerned this regulation. One of the main parts of this code of practice involves accuracy, something there was very little of when creating the original story and none of the information they wrote was correct or accurate. This lack of accuracy affected the ambiguity of the story as the article was misinterpreted and incorrect. This resulted in many more newspapers releasing similar stories, all containing false information and the clarity and conciseness of these reports was no longer existing or was minimalistic. Using a few pictures within the article helps to split up the masses of text into smaller sections and also provides visual examples of what the article is about. This benefits the pubic because it gives a representation of what the article is saying but also helps the reader decide if they want to read the article or not without reading any words as it shows instantly what the article entails. The typography of the story is a simple sans serif styled font, making it easy on the eye and ensures the article can be read quickly and easily without struggle of interpreting the words and ensures anyone can understand what the wording says. Bolding the headlines and subheadings helps to split up and define the different sections, separating the different pieces of information and parts of the story into their suitable parts. The use of the colour blue in different sections of the article is effective because, again, it helps to split it up and define different sections but the blue also works well as it is the colour of water and also seen as a calming colour. The blue of the water works for the article because it is about fish and the sea, both involving water. Using the colour blue to represent calmness may also be effective because it could be calming down the mess and uproar the original article caused, creating peace and putting things right to dissolve people’s rage and resolve any underlying issues which may have been caused.

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