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Faculty of Continuing Education Diploma in Management Award Handbook 1

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Faculty of Continuing Education

Diploma in Management

Award Handbook


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SUBJECT TEAM:___________________________________________________5


PATTERN OF STUDY:______________________________________________8


Entry Requirements:_________________________________________________8


Credit Exemption:____________________________________________________9Progression:________________________________________________________________9


Marking Scheme:____________________________________________________10

Marking Criteria_____________________________________________________10


Plagiarism -__________________________________________________________11Penalties for Plagiarism__________________________________________________11How to avoid plagiarism:_________________________________________________11The Harvard system:_____________________________________________________11Foot notes.________________________________________________________________11End notes._________________________________________________________________12

SUBMISSION OF COURSEWORK_________________________________13

Late Submission of Coursework:___________________________________13

Coursework Extensions:_____________________________________________13

Failure of Coursework:______________________________________________13

Moderation of classes_______________________________________________13

Examination Arrangements_________________________________________14


STUDENT SUPPORT, FACILITIES AND COURSE ADMINISTRATION:_______________________________________________15


Refunds and Transfer of Course Fees (Policy)_____________________15

Study Skills:__________________________________________________________15

Management WebPages_____________________________________________15

Staying in touch:____________________________________________________15

Change of Address___________________________________________________16

Cancelled Classes:___________________________________________________16

Library Membership_________________________________________________16

Computer Facilities__________________________________________________16

Student Union Membership_________________________________________16

SAMPLE SYLLABI_________________________________________________17


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Self Development and Learning/The Learning Organisation_____18

Human Resource Management/Human Resource Strategies_____23

Change Management/Implementing Change______________________27

Strategic Management/Strategy Implementation_________________39

Marketing Management/Marketing in Action______________________42

Financial Accounting/Management Accounting___________________46

The Public Services: Challenge and Change/Managing Public Services______________________________________________________________50

Management in Practice____________________________________________56

The Leadership Challenge______________________________________________58


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INTRODUCTION:Welcome to the Diploma in Management programme offered by the Faculty of Continuing Education, Birkbeck, University of London. We hope that studying for the Diploma in Management will be a rewarding experience academically, professionally and personally. All of the courses are held in central London locations. Modules are flexible and take place by a combination of evening classes and Saturday workshops. For those who prefer to study at the weekends we also offer the Diploma in Management Weekend Fast-Track.

The Diploma carries Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) points at Level M. 60 CATS points are required to gain the management diploma. At the start of your studies you will be placed on your chosen award route and as you complete each pair of modules the CATS points gained will be accumulated towards your final award.

These awards are only part of the management provision offered at Birkbeck which includes management general studies modules, certificate in management and diplomas in change management and human resource management. We very much hope you will enjoy and benefit from much of this provision as you progress with your studies.

We endeavour to offer a rigorous and challenging Diploma programme annually.


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Executive Officer:Claire Daltrey MSciFaculty of Continuing Education26 Russell [email protected]: 020 7631 6659

Programme Manager:Jean Devaney BScFaculty of Continuing Education26 Russell [email protected]: 020 7631 6685

Award Co-ordinator and Course Director:Reader in Organizational ChangeDr Raymond Caldwell, BA, MBA, PhDFaculty of Continuing Education

Dr Caldwell holds a BA from Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA; a Ph.D., from the London School of Economics, and an MBA, Manchester Business School.

Dr Caldwell joined Birkbeck College in 1993 to set up a new and innovative range of post-experience courses in management.

Dr Caldwell’s Research Interests cover two main areas: 1) the impact of HRM practices on the organizational transformation of the HR function; including HR leadership and business partnering roles; 2) change management strategy and broader issues of leadership and change agency in organizations.

Lecturer in Management

Etlyn Kenny BSc, MSc, PGCEFaculty of Continuing Education

Etlyn Kenny gained her BSc in Human Psychology from the University of Aston in Birmingham and her MSc in Occupational Psychology from Birkbeck, University of London. She also holds a PGCE (Further, Adult and Higher Education) from the University of Wolverhampton.

Etlyn previously worked as a Researcher and a Manager in Further Education, for the European-wide research consultancy, Ecotec Research and Consulting Ltd and as Staff Development Manager for the British Red Cross.   She has over 13 years experience of delivering education, training and staff and management development.

Etlyn joined the Faculty as a full-time Lecturer in Management in February 2006, having previously worked as a Sessional Lecturer for the Management desk at the FCE since 2002.   Etlyn has taught on management and organizational behaviour courses at Birkbeck at Certificate, Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.

Etlyn's current main area of research is ethnic diversity in organizations.   She is currently completing a PhD with the School of Management and Organizational


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Psychology at Birkbeck on the career-related experiences of minority ethnic graduate employees in British organizations.

Academic Advisor: Keith Mattacks, BA, MPhil, CIPD

Keith holds a BA from University College, London; an MPhil from the University of Reading, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel Management from the Polytechnic of Central London. He is an experienced management learning and development specialist with over 18 years experience working as a manager and consultant in rapidly changing international environments. Keith worked in management and organisation development roles with Cable and Wireless, and was previously with British Telecom and Capita Management Consultancy. This followed an earlier career in the public sector both with local government and Peterborough Development Corporation.

Keith has been a sessional lecturer at Birkbeck College since 1994 on the Certificate and Diploma in Management programmes and is academic adviser supporting the Certificate programme. He also tutors on the MBA for the Open University and at Brighton Business School. He is Chief Examiner in Strategic and Operations Management for the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

Keith’s recent work with organisations in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors has included: coaching assignments, management team facilitation, identifying and developing talent, assessment and development programmes, performance management, and change and transition. Research interests include the relationship between interventions that aim to develop senior managers’ capability, and organisational strategy and performance.


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MAIN AIMS: To develop the knowledge, skills and competencies essential for

managerial effectiveness To help students extend their interpersonal skills, improving personal

performance and developing the analytical abilities required in a senior decision making role

To provide the opportunity to explore specialist management issues within the fields of human resource management, managing change, strategic management, marketing, accounting and finance, and management of the public services

To provide a first step towards an MBA or other Masters programme in Management

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the Diploma you will have:

Knowledge and understanding of the issues and skills needed to take control of one’s own learning and self development

An understanding of the characteristics of and steps involved in designing and building Learning Organisations

Ability to communicate effectively The ability to work in groups. The ability to act as a self-directed, reflective learner The ability to manage information An Understanding of the relevance of the award to the student’s current

and future career/life Knowledge of the management process as a whole and an understanding

of how managers can break out of their inward-looking, specialist roles and overcome barriers to co-operation.

Subject specific aims and outcomes exist for each pair of options. To see the aims and outcomes please refer to the sample syllabi at the end of the booklet.


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Study for the Diploma consists of the following four compulsory modules which must be taken in pairs:

Module 1 Self Development and LearningModule 2 The Learning Organisation

Module 17 Management in Practice Module 18 The Leadership Challenge

And choose one of the following pairs of options:

Module 3 Human Resource Mangement Module 4 Human Resource Strategies

Module 5 Change ManagementModule 6 Implementing Change

Module 7 Strategic ManagementModule 8 Strategy Implementation

Module 9 Marketiing ManagementModule 10 Marketing in Action

Module 11 Financial AccountingModule 12 Mangement Accounting

Module 13 The Public Services: Challenge and ChangeModule 14 Managing Public Services

Module 15 Managing Information SystemsModule 16 Knowledge Management

15 CATS points at Level M module 1 and 2 and 17 and 1830 CATS points at Level M for any pair of modules from Module 3-16 taken together

Teaching:The majority of the management Diploma programme is taught by members of our part-time sessional lecturer panel in the central London area. Courses are completed by a combination of evening classes and one-day workshops. Our part-time sessional lecturers are experienced in a variety of academic and practitioner fields.

Each Module consists of not less than 24 hours tuition. Lecturers are encouraged to use a variety of teaching methods, including case studies, class presentations, role plays, group activities, written assignments and multiple choice tests.

Entry Requirements:A first degree or equivalent qualification or three to five years’ relevant management experience. Students who have completed the Certificate in Management with at least four modules at Merit grade (60-69%) can apply for entry to the Diploma.

Attendance:The attendance requirement for the Diploma in Management is normally expected to be 75 percent of the total number of class hours. In order to be eligible for assessment students must adhere to this criteria. Where a student’s attendance


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falls below the 75 percent mark the class lecturer must be informed of the reason immediately and supporting evidence must be supplied e.g. a medical certificate.

Attendance at the one-day Workshops is compulsory for students as the workshops form a core part of the learning experience. You must be present for the whole of the workshop e.g. from 10am to 5pm. If you cannot attend a workshop you must discuss your reasons with the class lecturer. Absence at workshops must be backed up with appropriate supporting documentation.

Credit Exemption:All modules are compulsory and no exemptions are available for the Diploma in Management.

Progression:The Diploma is taught and assessed at postgraduate level. Under the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) the Modules for this award are assessed for CATS General Credit Points as:

15 CATS points at Level M for modules 1 and 2 30 CATS points at Level M for any modules from 3 to 16 taken together15 CATS points at level M for modules 17 and 18

In total the Diploma is worth 60 CATS point at level M.

Credits gained from the Diploma programme may also entitle you to entry and/or exemptions from other degrees of the University of London and other institutions of higher education. If you are interested please contact the admissions officers of the institutions concerned for further information and advice.


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ASSESSMENT:Assessment is an integral part of all Diploma modules and supports your learning and progression towards your final Award.

Diploma modules are assessed through a combination of coursework and unseen written examination. Assessed coursework consists of a range of methods, the balance of which will depend on the objectives and learning outcomes of each module. Assessment may include: student presentations, reviews, reports, presentations, multiple choice tests, case studies and individual learning logs.

For Modules 1 & 2 and 17 & 18 coursework is worth 100% of the total marks. For Module 3 to 17 assessment consists of an examination worth 50 percent of the marks and coursework or continuous assessment worth 50 percent of the marks. Students must satisfy the examiners in both the coursework and examination element of the module.

Examinations are closed book and are held in May each year. Students should note that dictionaries and other reading materials may not be used in written examinations. Details of examination arrangements will be provided by the assessment office ([email protected]). Marking Scheme:For Certificate and Diploma Awards, assignments will be assessed using the following grade categories (the following sets out the percentage marks appropriate to each category):Distinction 70% and aboveMerit 60 to 69%Credit 50 to 59%Good Pass 40 to 49%Pass 35 to 39%No Credit 34% and below.

Assignments will be assessed on presentation and demonstration of skills, knowledge and understanding. Each module usually has its own marking criteria but a generic example is given below. For more detailed marking criteria please refer to the student handbook and general regulations:

Marking Criteria*PASSAcceptable work in a variety of assessed activities which demonstrate a range and a grasp of knowledge and skills relevant to the course material. 35-39% of the possible marks

*GOOD PASSSatisfactory work in a variety of assessed activities which demonstrate a range and a grasp of knowledge and skills relevant to the course material.40% to 49% of the possible marks

*CREDITGood work in a variety of assessed activities which demonstrate a range and a grasp of knowledge and skills. A good understanding of the principal source materials relevant to the course.50%-59% of the possible marks

*MERITVery good work in a variety of assessed activities which demonstrate a range and a grasp of knowledge and skills. A good understanding of the principal source materials relevant to the course.60%-69% of the total possible marks


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*DISTINCTIONOutstanding work in a variety of assessed activities which demonstrates a range and a grasp of knowledge and skills. An imaginative and cogent use of critical approaches and source materials relevant to the course. 70% or more of the possible marks

NO CREDITWork does not demonstrate a sufficient range and grasp of knowledge and skills relevant to the course material, is incomplete or inappropriate, or plagiarised.34% or less of the total possible mark

*In order to successfully achieve a Pass or above you must cite all sources and provide accurate and complete references using an acceptable referencing system. If you are unclear abour referencing systems please speak to your Course Lecturer.

GUIDANCE ON PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION:All work submitted must be expressed in your own words and incorporate your own ideas and judgements.

Plagiarism -that is the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as though they were your own – must be avoided, with particular care in coursework and essays written in your own time. Direct quotations from the published or unpublished work or from websites must always be identified as such by being placed in quotation marks, and a full reference to the source must be provided in proper form. If you summarise another person’s ideas or judgements, you must refer to that person in your text and include the work referred to in your bibliography. Copying the work of another student is also a form of plagiarism. If a student allows another student to copy material, knowing that it will be submitted as that student’s work then this is collusion. Always consult your course lecturer if you are in any doubt about what constitutes plagiarism.

Further advice on what constitutes plagiarism can be found on the management webpages www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management.. Please read the guidelines and if in doubt ASK.

Penalties for Plagiarism

For the offence of plagiarism the work may be given a mark of zero. In exceptional circumstances, the student may, however, be offered the chance to resubmit a new piece of coursework. In the case of resubmitted work the mark will be capped at pass level (35 percent).

Students found to have plagiarised coursework will not be provided with academic references.

More severe penalties may be applied, depending on the nature and extent of the offence.Students should be aware that such incidents could lead to expulsion from the University.

Students should note that coursework is randomly checked for plagiarism using electronic and other search tools.

How to avoid plagiarism:


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The easiest way is to ALWAYS reference your work and present your essays in your own words! Refer to the students’ handbook for full guidelines on referencing. Wherever possible use the Harvard system for setting out your references. You may also find it useful to use footnotes and endnotes. If in doubt ASK, plagiarism is a serious academic offence and if you have any doubts about the work you are presenting seek clarification from your course lecturer before you submit the work. The Harvard system: This involves a simple statement in brackets in the text of the author’s surname, the year of publication and the page number. This might appear after a statement based on a published work as, (Rose 1993: 25). In the list of sources at the end of the essay the full reference to the book will appear as in, Mark Rose, Authors and Owners (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993).

Foot notes. There are a number of variations to this system but it is based on a number placed at the appropriate place in the text which then appears at the bottom of the page with the reference to the source of the information.

End notes. This is a numerical system which is the same as for foot notes but the corresponding number with the reference appears at the end of the essay.


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SUBMISSION OF COURSEWORK Students must submit one copy of each essay to be eligible for assessment All essays must have the student’s name, course code and tutor name at

the top of the assignment. A triplicate coursework coversheet must be attached to the front of each essay. Coursework coversheets will be distributed by the Course Lecturer at the start of term.

Essays should be securely stapled together or submitted in a clear, plastic A4 folder.

Essays must either be submitted in person to:o The class lecturer or if instructed by the class lecturer to:o Claire Daltrey, The Executive Officer for Management, Room 206,

FCE, 26 Russell Square, London WC1 Always keep a spare printed copy of your coursework Marks will automatically be deducted for lateness unless an extension has

been formally requested and agreed. Extension requests MUST be made in advance of the submission date.

If you are unsure of your coursework deadlines or submission arrangements then please ASK your lecturer

Late Submission of Coursework: Course work submitted late will be penalised and this could result in a

reduction in the grade you receive for your work e.g. a piece of work considered to be of Merit standard may lose 5 marks and be awarded a Credit grade.

The schedule below explains the penalties that will be imposed for late submission of coursework:

For work up to 1 week late Reduction of 5 of marksFor work up to 2 weeks late Reduction of 10 of marksFor work up to 3 weeks late Reduction of 15 of marks Work more than 3 weeks late Coursework submitted more than 3

weeks late will not be marked.

Coursework Extensions:If you do not think you will meet your deadline contact Claire Daltrey as early as possible. Extensions must be requested before the deadline in order to obtain approval.Students requesting an extension for an essay must complete an extension request form which can be obtained by contacting Claire Daltrey on 020 7631 6659. The form can also be downloaded from the management website www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management

Failure of Coursework: In those cases where a student fails to pass a piece of coursework the student may be allowed at the discretion of the Course Lecturer, to submit one additional piece of coursework per module for assessment. The mark for this new coursework will be capped at Good Pass (40 percent).

If the newly submitted piece of coursework fails to achieve a pass mark the student will not be allowed to submit another piece of coursework for assessment.

If a student who fails a piece of coursework chooses not to submit a new piece of coursework for assessment, the failed coursework should still be submitted at the end of the course for Moderation.

Moderation of classes


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Classes assessed by 100% coursework are moderated on a biannual cycle (every 2 years). If your class is selected for moderation then you will need to submit your coursework to the College for moderation. If you are required to do this you will be informed both in writing and verbally by the Course Lecturer. It is essential we complete this process for quality assurance purposes and to confirm your marks.

Modules 3 to 16 of the Diploma are assessed by a combination of examination and coursework and are therefore assessed annually. You will sit a 3 hour unseen written examination in May and you will need to hand all of the coursework for these modules to the College for moderation. Your Course Lecturer will inform you of submission instructions. Examination dates are released by the Assessment Office during the spring term. The Assessment Office can be contacted on [email protected].

Examination Arrangements

Examination dates are arranged by the Assessment Office and not by the management desk. Questions regarding examination dates should be sent to [email protected]

Exams are held in the month of May (Monday to Friday between 10am and 5.30pm), do not book holidays away from home during this period

If you fail to attend the examination then you will have to seek permission to defer the examination until May of the next academic year

Students who FAIL exams may apply for permission to re-sit the examination in the following academic year. This will be at the discretion of the Board of Assessors.

Candidates sitting exams are not allowed to bring any of the following materials into the examining halls:

Course notes, text books, dictionaries etc

Full examination instructions will be sent to candidates by the Assessment Office in the spring term.

Candidate numbers will be sent to your home address a few days before the examination.


Notification of results will usually be issued by the Assessment Office by the end of August. Results will be sent out via the Royal Mail so it is very important that you inform the office if you change your address. If you require a transcript of provisional marks to assist your application for further study please contact the assessment office at [email protected].

Coursework submitted for moderation will usually be returned during the late autumn.

Students who have completed their award will usually receive their Certificate/Diploma by the end of March. The Certificates and Diplomas are issued by the Assessment Office email [email protected].

Those students that have successfully completed a Certificate or Diploma will be invited to a Certificate/Diploma Holders’ Reception which usually takes place in February/March.


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It is the convention in the United Kingdom that University Diplomas and Certificates are not abbreviated after the qualifications holder’s name. The Faculty does not therefore issue a recognised form of abbreviation.


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Continuing StudentIf you are a continuing student please complete a central enrolment form which is available from www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management. Complete the central enrolment form and return it with your course fee. Use the draft syllabi contained in this handbook to help you to select the appropriate modules.

New StudentsIf you are a new student applying for the Diploma in Management you should complete a special application pack which can be downloaded from www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management. Complete the forms and return them to the Claire Daltrey at 26 Russell Square. You will be informed of the outcome of your application in writing, usually by email. If you would like to talk to someone about the Diploma then please contact Claire Daltrey or Jean Devaney on 020 7631 6659/6685.

Refunds and Transfer of Course Fees (Policy)

Policy statemento The Faculty cannot undertake to make refunds when students are

prevented from attending a course due to changes in personal circumstances other than health. Applications for refunds on medical grounds need to be made on the prescribed form within four weeks of leaving the class, and supported by a medical certificate. All refunds for medical reasons will be subject to £20 administrative fee plus a pro-rata deduction for the meetings attended.

o If the Faculty of Continuing Education closes the class, or the class is full, or the student cannot be accepted for some reason, any fees paid will be refunded in full

o Where a student has to withdraw (within the first 4 weeks of the course) due to exceptional circumstances permission may be given to transfer the course fee to the next academic year. Agreed transfers are subject to an administration fee of £20 and you can transfer only a fraction of the fees, equal to the classes not attended, to the next academic year.

o Before the start of the course you may also be allowed to transfer your course fee from management to another subject area. This requires the approval of the Programme Manager and subject transfers can only be granted in exceptional circumstances

o Fees can only be transferred for one academic year

Study Skills:Some study skills support will be offered as part of you class and details of available study guides are listed in the Faculty Student Handbook. The Faculty also offers an English Language, Academic Writing and Study Skills programme which some students might find useful. You can also download a study skills and examination techniques guide from the management WebPages www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management/forstudents. Contact the Centre for Learning and Professional Development for further information visit www.clpd.bbk.ac.uk.

Management WebPages www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/managment


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If you experience any difficulties or wish to check the latest award information please refer to the management WebPages. The WebPages should be treated as a “one-stop-shop” for all information related to the management modules.

Staying in touch:Please ensure that we have a valid email address for you. Our main method of communication is email and if you do not provide a valid address then you will not receive information on class cancellations and class administrationHotmail accounts – Try to avoid providing hotmail account addresses. These have proved to be unreliable and you are therefore advised to provide either a work or home address.

Change of AddressPlease email the office immediately that you change address, preferably well in advance of your move date. The office cannot be responsible for coursework which goes astray due to a change of address especially when we have not been notified of your new address.

Cancelled Classes:Due to unforeseen circumstances classes may be cancelled or rescheduled with little or no notice. Please always refer to the management information pages www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management for news updates!

Please make sure that we have a valid email address for you. If classes are cancelled, students will be contacted by email.

Please visit the website regularly for information about class cancellations etc. www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management

Library MembershipAs a Continuing Education student you may join the Library which is located is Birkbeck, Malet Street, London WC1. If you do not receive your Library Card and joining instructions prior to the first meeting of your class, please contract Claire Daltrey on [email protected].. Library staff are available to help you to use the resources and make the best use of facilities available. You can find out more by visiting www.bbk.ac.uk/lib

For details of access to Birkbeck library and computer facilities, supporting students with disabilities and financial support please refer to the Faculty of Continuing Education Student Handbook.

Computer FacilitiesOther PCs and additional facilities

Students wishing to use PCs outside of the Library, connect to Birkbeck wireless network, student intranet, access to CCS workshops etc., must apply directly to Central Computing Services (CCS). There is currently a charge of £20. Take your library ticket directly to CCS Reception, Room 151 main building, Malet Street

Student Union Membership

As a Certificate student you are eligible to join the Students’ Union for a small fee which is currently £15 (2005/6). The Union can be contacted on 020 7631 6635 or visit www.bbk.ac.uk/su


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To assist you in selecting the appropriate modules to most meet your needs you will find sample syllabi enclosed in this booklet. Up-to-date syllabi will be distributed by the first meeting of term. Syllabi and class handouts and other learning resources can be downloaded from:



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Self Development and Learning/The Learning OrganisationSUBJECT AREA




TITLE Self-Development and Learning/The Learning Organisation



ASSESSMENT TYPE 100% Coursework


Diploma in Management – COMPULSORY


Applicants must normally hold a degree or have considerable management experience.

Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English.


The focus of ‘Self-Development and Learning’ is on how to manage and develop yourself: your learning, your skills, your role as a manager, in order to enable you to take responsibility for your own personal and career development.

The focus of ‘The Learning Organisation’ is on how to manage and develop organisational learning and skills. The characteristics of ‘The Learning Organisation’ will be examined, together with how they can be applied in practice. Team Work and Learning will be explored in depth, including: what teams are, when they are appropriate and when not, individual contributions to teams, learning in teams, and approaches to building effective teams.

VENUE AND TIMES EveningsLondon School of Economics, Houghton StreetWeds 4, 11, 18 Oct; 8, 15, 22 Nov6.30pm–8.30pm

WorkshopsRoom 251, Birkbeck, Malet StreetSat 28 October; Friday 1 December10.00am–5.00pm

FIRST MEETING Wednesday 4 October 2006 at 6.30pm

On arrival at LSE, please go to the Old Building in Houghton Street and check the display screens in the main reception for up to date room lists.



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AIMS Self Development and Learning

To provide you with a better understanding of the core skills and competencies essential for personal and managerial effectiveness.

To enable you to hold a mirror to yourself and identify your key strengths and weaknesses.To identify those skills you would like to develop in order to become more effective both in your role as a manager and in your personal life.

To assess your Learning Style and identify the type(s) of learning that best suit you.

To develop the skills of continuous learning in order maximise your potential in your job and career.

The Learning Organisation

To examine how organisations learn and develop.

To explore the factors that promote (or inhibit) learning in organisations.

To understand the interrelationship between the organisation, the individual and groups.

To identify the key factors (core disciplines) that are characteristic of learning organisations.

LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course students should have gained:

Knowledge and understanding of the issues and skills needed to take control of your own learning and self-development.

Fresh insight into organisational dynamics - the interrelationship between organisations, individuals and groups

Understanding of the characteristics of Learning Organisations and the steps involved in designing and building Learning Organisations.


Module 1 – Self Development and Learning

After completing a number of self-development exercises and a learning styles questionnaire you will prepare a self-development plan that identifies specific learning needs and objectives. Considerable emphasis is placed on experiential learning using practical exercises, discussion and group activities.

Session 1: Module Overview - Self-Development and Learning: What, Why, How, Where and When?Learning Models (Kolb, Boisot, Honey and Mumford). Experiential Learning. Personality Types. Learning Styles. Role of the Learning Log/Journal.

Session 2: Managerial Development: Core Competences; Attributes of Effective/Capable Managers.


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Self-Assessment - Career and Skills Development: Managerial Strengths and Weaknesses; Diagnosing Learning/Development Needs.

Session 3: The Learning Cycle and Learning Styles. Self-Assessment - Self-Development and Learning: Identifying your Learning Style. Designing / Selecting an effective learning strategy.

Session 4: Workshop (10-5pm) Personal Organisation and Development: Motivation and barriers to learning. Relationship between training, development and learning. Self-Assessment - Developing a Self-Development Plan. Review of your Learning Log/Journal.

Module 2 – The Learning Organisation

Emphasis will be placed on relating theory to practice through discussion of Peter Senge’s concept of ‘The Learning Organisation’, and Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydells concept of `The Learning Company’, your own experiences of organisations and teams, group activities and case study material.

Session1: Module Overview - The Learning Organisation: What, Why, How, Where and When? Organisational Models. Introduction to Peter Senge’s Five Disciplines: Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning and Systems Thinking.

Session2: The Learning Organisation - Managerial Development: Personal Mastery, Mental Models.

Session3: The Learning Organisation - Organisational Development: Shared Vision, Teams at Work (covered in detail in the workshop), Systems Thinking.

Session 4 Workshop (10-5pm) The Learning Organisation - Teams: Role; Building; Psychology; Barriers to Team Learning. Designing a Learning Organisation.


Core readingLatest editions of:

Journals & other publications

It is suggested that students purchase the following books:

Pedler, M., Boydell, T., & Burgoyne, J., ‘A Manager’s Guide to Self-Development’, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2001. ISBN 0-07-709830-7

Pedler, M., et al, ‘The Learning Company’, McGraw Hill, 1997.

Senge, P., Keller, A., Roberts, C., Ross, R., & Smith, B., ‘The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook’, Nicholas Breally, 1998. ISBN 1-85788-060-9

The latest editions of following books may also be of interest:

Covey, S.R., ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’, Simon & Schuster, 1992.

Garrat, B. (editor), 'The Learning Organisation’, Harper Collins, 1994.

Senge, P., ‘The Fifth Discipline – The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation’, 1994.


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Pedler, M. & Aspinwall, K., ‘A Concise Guide to The Learning Organisation’, Lemos & Crane, 1998.

Business Week; Fast Company; Fortune Harvard Business Review; Management Today;

Personnel Management Business Sections of Newspapers.Use Google (http://www.google.com) or Copernic (http://www.copernic.com) to perform keyword searches.


Learning will be facilitated via a combination of lectures and workshops. The lectures will critically examine models of the nature of Self-Development and Learning and Learning Organisations and will use a variety of approaches to facilitate understanding of yourself and organisations.

The workshops will focus on experiential learning using practical exercises, discussion and group activities. Note all students are expected to be active participants, contributing to discussions and providing feedback about their experiences and findings either individually or in teams.



Students are normally expected to attend at least 75% of classes.

Coursework consists of two written assignments. Each assignment should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words and should be typed in at least 1.5 spacing. They should include references to appropriate reading materials: all books, articles and reports should be properly referenced and a bibliography provided. Written assignments will be marked and returned to you, with comments, within 4 weeks of the submission deadline

Assignment 1: Self-Development and Learning (due by 8 November 2006)

This assignment will focus on the development of a learning contract as part of your own self-development and learning as a manager.

The assignment should include:

A SWOT Analysis of yourself as a manager and identify a core skill (or series of skills) that you want to develop during the course.

A Personal Development Plan that sets out in detail your approach to learning and explains how you decided on this approach. It should describe the action(s) required and the resources you will employ in achieving your desired outcome.

An analysis of your Learning Style and how this


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influenced your choice of action(s).

Guidance Notes1. Your Personal Development Plan

should include clear, challenging, specific goals and an analysis of how and when your progress can be assessed against them.

2. You are advised to take an analytical and critical view of your Personal Development Plan rather than merely list a set of actions you will take. Remember: Who, What, Why, Where, How, and When!

3. The Assignment should be submitted to your tutor by Wednesday 8th November 2005.

4. The marked Assignment will be returned to you by your tutor on 1 December 2006

Assignment 2: The Learning Organisation (due by 13th December 2006)

This assignment will focus on organisational learning in your own organisation (or an organisation known to you).

The assignment should:

Outline the key characteristics of the organisation you have chosen.

Include an analysis of its current learning processes.

Illustrate with examples of learning or the failure to learn.

Evaluate those aspects of the organisation and its environment that aid or hinder organisational learning.

Critically evaluate to what extent your organisation is a learning organisation.

Guidance Notes:1. The assignment should demonstrate an

understanding of relevant theoretical frameworks for the learning organisation.

2. Include and outline and evaluation of the tools and methods that you used to explore your chosen organisation.

3. The assignment should aim to be analytical and critical rather than simply reflect and reiterate available material.

4. The Assignment should be submitted as instructed by your tutor by Wednesday 13th December 2006.

5. You marked essay can be collected from Claire Daltrey, Room 206, FCE, 26 Russell Square, London WC1 between Wednesday 17th January and Friday 19th January. Uncollected essays will be


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returned to students via the post.


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Human Resource Management/Human Resource Strategies






TITLE Human Resource Management/Human Resource Strategies



ASSESSMENT TYPE 50% Coursework; 50% Examination (Students must pass both elements of assessment)


Diploma in Management – OPTIONALDiploma in Human Resource Management – COMPULSORY


Applicants must normally hold a degree or have considerable management experience.

Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English.

VENUE AND TIMESThursday Evening Classes in Room 3A, West London College, Parliament House, 35 North Row, London W1K 6DB (opposite Selfridges) from 6.30-8.30pm5, 12, 19 Oct; 9, 16, 23 Nov 200611, 18, 25 Jan; 15, 22 Feb; 1 Mar 2007

One Day Workshops in Room 253, Birkbeck, Malet Street, WC1E 7HX from 10am-5pmFriday 3rd November 2006Saturday 9th December 2006Saturday 3rd February 2007Friday 16th March 2007

FIRST MEETINGThursday 5th October 2006 at 6.30pm

On arrival at West London College take the lift to the third floor where your room will be located.


AimsThe module aims to enable participants to develop:


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- a practical understanding of theory and practice in Human Resource Management (HRM)- an understanding of the legal framework within which HRM issues must be considered

- the ability to consider HRM issues both analytically and creatively and to then present their conclusions

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module participants will be able to:

- analyse HRM practices within their own organisations (or organisations known to them) and make suggestions for improvement

- identify, describe and apply a range of approaches to deal with key HRM issues

- understand the need to undertake effective human resource planning - understand and explain a systematic approach to recruitment

development and reward- identify approaches to ensuring positive employer/employee relations

Week 1 - What is HRM?An introduction to the module, clarification of terms, the development of HRM

Week 2 - Human Resource PlanningModelling an organisations need for human resources, the labour market and the supply of human resources, human resource planning in context

Week 3 - RecruitmentDeciding to fill a vacancy, devising a job description and person specification, recruitment advertising, short-listing procedures, diversity.

Week 4 - Selection A whole day workshop, selection techniques, techniques of interviewing, selection testing, assessment centres, making the selection decision, induction.

Week 5 - Employee DevelopmentTraining needs analysis and performance appraisal systems. Development of competence.

Week 6 – Performance ManagementApproach to managing and measuring performance in organisations.

Week 7 – Employee RelationsThe basics of the relationships that exist between employee and employer.

Week 8 – Employment LawA whole day workshop including a review of key employment legislation, negotiation skills and employee involvement.

Learning MethodsThe emphasis of this module is on the development of an academically sound theoretical framework to enable participants to relate and analyse their own managerial and organisational experience within the context of HRM. The theoretical framework will be developed through reading, small group and whole class based discussion and tutor input. Analysis and importantly the opportunity to apply learning will be achieved through case analysis, and opportunities will be provided for participants to use their own case material.


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AssessmentThe module will be assessed by one written assignment of not more than 3000 words and an examination.

Suggested Reading The essential core text is:Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (2005) Human Resource Management 6th Edition, Financial Times/Prentice Hall

Journals which are well worth reading are;People ManagementPersonnel Today

Module 4 – Human Resource Strategies

AimTo enable participants to develop a sound theoretical and practical understanding of the strategic impact of human resources in achieving the organisations strategic direction and goals.

Learning outcomesBy the end of the module participants will be able to:

- understand key conceptual developments in the literature and practice of business and HR strategy

the nature and impact of the external environment on business and HR strategy

monitor and evaluate the implications of the overall organisational strategy for strategic Human Resource Management (HRM)

understand how to develop HR strategy consistent with the strategic direction of the organisation

understand and evaluate the contribution of HR interventions to corporate strategy

understand the contingencies, constraints and ambiguities faced in developing HR strategy

understand the nature and differences in the management of human resources in a variety of organisational contexts, including: not-for-profit, charitable, public sector and private sector organisations

Week 1 – Organisational Strategy and Human Resource ManagementIntroduction to the module, the concept of business strategy, strategic models, an overview of strategic HRM

Week 2 – Strategic HR Planning and the External EnvironmentThe changing external environment, global, regional and local issues, multi-national organisations, strategic HR planning in context

Week 3 – The Changing Employment RelationshipFlexible organisations and the flexible workforce, factors influencing the supply of employees, the psychological contract, changing nature of the role of unions.

Week 4 – Strategic Review and HR Planning ResponseA whole day workshop, reprise of the module to date, issues emerging, the changing environment, the process of change, planning and implementing strategic change

Week 5 – Employee Development Strategies


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A competency based approach to employee development, identifying future needs and developing strategic responses such as the concept of lifelong learning.

Week 6 – Strategies for Performance and RewardA review of approaches to performance management, and the development of reward systems to support organisational strategy.

Week 7 – International HRM/ Evaluation of HRM Strategies

The context and issues of International HRM. How is the effectiveness of the HR contribution assessed and evaluated? The value of HR strategy to organisational strategy.

Week 8 – Integrative Case StudyA whole day workshop, case analysis, a discussion of the contribution that HR makes to the business. Review of the module. Examination preparation.

Learning MethodsThe emphasis of the module will be on the development of academically sound theoretical frameworks for participants to analyse their own, and other participants, organisational experience. The theoretical frameworks will be developed through reading, small group and whole class discussion and tutor input. The use of case studies will be used to develop skills of analysis and to allow participants to apply their learning to practical situations.


The module will be assessed by one written assignment, of not more than 3000 words and a 3 hour unseen written examination which covers both the Human Resource Management and Human Resource Strategies modules. Previous examination papers can be viewed on www.bbk.ac.uk/ce/management

The essential core text is:

Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (2005) Human Resource Management 6th Edition, Financial Times/Prentice Hall

Journals which are well worth reading include:

People Management

Personnel Today

Harvard Business Review

Industrial Relations Review and Report

Publications from Incomes Data Services


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Change Management/Implementing Change






TITLE Change Management/ Implementing Change



ASSESSMENT TYPE 50% Coursework; 50% Examination (Students must pass both elements of assessment)


Diploma in Management – OPTIONALDiploma in Change Management – OPTIONAL


Applicants must normally hold a degree or have considerable management experience.

Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English.

VENUE AND TIMESThursday Evening Classes in Room 2A, West London College, Parliament House, 35 North Row, London W1K 6DB (opposite Selfridges) from 6.30-8.30pm12, 19 and 27 Oct; 9, 16, 23 Nov 200611, 18, 25 Jan; 8 and 22 Feb; 1 Mar 2007

One Day Workshops in Room 254, Birkbeck, Malet Street, WC1E 7HX from 10am-5pmFriday 3rd November 2006Saturday 9th December 2006Saturday 3rd February 2007Friday 16th March 2007

FIRST MEETING Thursday 12th October 2006 at 6.30pm

On arrival at West London College take the lift to the third floor where your room will be located.



Admission to the Diploma is by special application only. Applicants must possess a first degree or equivalent qualification.



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Students are normally expected to attend 75% of classes.

AIMSThe main aims of the course are to:

develop an understanding of the causes and dynamics of change within organisations;

explore a variety of analytical approaches to managing change;

examine how the change process in organisations can be effectively managed;

introduce some of the consulting tools and techniques used in successfully managing change;

review case studies of change in private and public sector organisations; and

examine the behavioural issues of how people cope with or resist change in



By the end of the course participants should be able to:

apply some of the key concepts and ideas of change management;

understand how change impacts on organisations;

diagnose and help facilitate change through the use of appropriate consulting tools and techniques;

PROGRAMMEThe course is organised in two modules


Thursday 12th October 2006 – 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

The Challenge of ChangeCourse introductionThe pace and extent of changeThe ascendancy of change in the 21st century

Supporting readings: Senior & Fleming, Chapters 1&2; Burnes Chapter 1

Thursday 19th October 2006 – 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

The New Organisation – Myth or Reality? Is 'Structure' the answer to change?

The Scientific management legacyThe New organisation paradigmThe death of bureaucracy?Fast, flat and flexible organisations

Supporting readings: Senior& Fleming, Chapter 2; Burnes Chapters 2&3


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Thursday 27th October 2006 – 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

Strategic ChangeThe Strategic approach to ChangeThe rise and fall of strategic planningPlanned versus emergent strategyBusiness planning

Supporting readings: Senior& Fleming, Chapters 5&6; Burnes Chapters 6&7Johnson , Schole and Whittingtons, Exploring Corporate Strategy

Friday 3rd November 2006 – 10am-5pm – Room 254, Birkbeck, Malet StreetWorkshop –

Business Process re-engineering Discontinuous ChangeRadical approaches to Change

Paradigm shifts and Video Case StudySupporting readings:Senior & Fleming Chapter 3; Burnes Chapter 3 & 7

Thursday 9th November 2006 – 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

Organisational Change – A model for understanding the processDeterminants of changeChange agentsRadical or evolvingImplementation strategies

Supporting readings: Burnes Chapter 9 : Senior & Fleming chapter 5

Thursday 16th November 2006- 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

Change through Human Resource managementThe HR agenda for changeFrom control to commitmentTypes of HR-led change

Supporting readings Burnes Chapter 2; Senior & Fleming Chapter 4 & 8

Thursday 23rd November 2006 – 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

Organisational Development Programmes and changeThe nature of planned changeLewin’s three phase modelForce field analysisProcess consultation

Supporting readings: Senior & Fleming, Chapter 8; Burnes Chapter 3

Saturday 9th December 2006 – 10am-5pm – Room 254, Birkbeck Malet Street.Workshop – Radical Change Oticon Case study


Thursday 11th January 2007 - 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College

Complexity and Chaos theory and its implications for implementing change


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‘Real World’ situationsThe Stacey diagram

Supporting readings Burnes Chapter 4; The Fifth Discipline, Chapter 20, Peter M Senge Random House Business Books 31999

Thursday 18th January 2007 - 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College

Communication and CommitmentThe role of communicationInfluencing stylesCommunication vehicles

Supporting readings: Managing Change to Reduce Resistance(Results driven Manager series) p163ff

Thursday 25th January 2007- 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

LeadershipTransactional vs transformational leadershipManagement and leadership

Defining, understanding and changing cultureSupporting readings: Senior & Fleming, Chapter 6; Burnes Chapter 16; LeadersBennis, W & Nanus, B. Harper & Row, New York. 1985 Changing Culture’, Williams, Doubloon & Walters; Kotter, Leading Change HBS Press, 1996

Saturday, 3rd February 2007 – 10am-5pm – Room 254, Birkbeck Malet Street

WORKSHOP – Case study Kelvingrove Museum

Thursday 8th February 2007 - 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.

Culture and Power/RiskHandy’s culture modelLevers of powerAttitudes to risk

Supporting readings: Senior & Fleming , Chapter 4 & 5; Burnes Chapter 5

Thursday 22nd February 2007 - 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.11. Teams and Self-directed Teams Belbin’s Team role concepts Life history of a team Self-directed teamsSupporting readings: Management Teams – Why they fail and succeed. R Meredith Belbin Heinemann, Oxford, 1981; Groups that work (and those that don’t). Ed. J. Richard Hackman. Jossey Bass, Oxford, 1990; Self-directed Work Teams. Osburn, J.D., Moran, L., Musselwhite, E. & Zenger, J.H. Business One Irwin. Illinois. 1990

Thursday 1st March 2007 - 6.30-8.30pm in Room 2A, West London College.12. Managing change as a project/Why Change fails

Lessons from failureManaging expectations


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Supporting readings; Leading Change John P Kotter Harvard Business School Press 1996: Why do employees resist change? Paul Strebel. In Harvard Business Review on Change Harvard Business School Press 1998

Friday 16th March 2007 – 10am-5pm, Room 254, Birkbeck Malet StreetWorkshop – Case study Morgan Cars


A combination of lectures and workshops. The lectures will critically examine models and approaches to managing change, while the workshops will explore through group discussion and case studies the impact of change on people and their organisations.


Course work will consist of one written assignment per module, each amounting to between 2,000 to 3,000 words. The assignments will be marked with comments and returned to the student. The two assignments will be carried forward to count as 50% of the possible marks for the course. There will also be a three-hour examination at the end of the course covering the content of both modules. The examination carries 50% of the total possible marks for the course.

READINGS:Students should purchase at least two or three of the following books (most core supporting reading comes from Bunes and/or Senior & Fleming):

Burnes, B. Managing Change, 4th edition FT Prentice Hall, 2004 (strongly recommended)

Hughes M. Change Management, CIPD 2006 (strongly recommended)

Senior, B & Fleming, J, Organisation Change, 3rd edition FT Prentice Hall , 2006. (strongly recommended)

Carnall, Colin. The Change Management Toolkit, Thompson Learning 2002

Hussey, DE How to Manage Organisational Change, 2nd Edition Kogan Page, 2000


Students may also wish to read specific subject areas from the following books (or purchase one or more of them if the syllabus area covered is of particular interest):

Organisational Development

Cummings, T.G. and Worsley, C.G. Organisational Development and Change, South Western College Publishing, 1997

Greiner, L.E. and Schein, V.E. Power and Organisational Development: Mobilising Power to Implement Change, Addison Wesley, 1989

Carnall, C.A. Managing Change in Organisations, Prentice Hall, 1990


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French, W. and Bell. C. (1998) Organization Development, Pearson.

De Board, R. The Psychoanalysis of Organisations, Tavistock Publications, 1978

Buchanan, D. and Boddy, D. The Expertise of the Change Agent, Prentice-Hall, 1992

Blake, R. R. et al, Change by Design, Addison-Wesley, 1989

Schein, E.H. Process Consultation, Vol 1, Addison Wesley, 1988

Burke, W. W. Organisational Development: A Normative View, Addison Wesley, 1988

Gurus and Consultants

Naisbitt J. & Aburdene, P. ‘Megatrends 2000’ Avon Books New York. 1990.

Handy, C. The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London 1994

Peters, T. and Waterman, R. In Search of Excellence, Warner, 1982

Peters, T. Thriving on Chaos, Pan Books, 1989

Moss-Kanter, R. et al. The Challenge of Organisational Change, Prentice Hall, 1991

Moss-Kanter, R. The Change Masters, Simon and Schuster, 1983

Covey, S.R, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, Simon & Schuster, 1989

Handy, C. The Gods of Management, Penguin, 1992

Lippitt, M.B. The Leadership Spectrum, Bavies-Black, 2002

Kotter J. and Cohen D.S, The Heart of Change, HBS Press, 2002

Harvard Business Review, on Change, HBS Press 1998

Harvard Business Review on Culture and Change, HBS Press, 2002

Senge, P.M. The Fifth Discipline, Random House Business Books 1999

Senge, P.M. et al. The Dance of Change, Currency Doubleday, 1999

Strebel, P., The Change Pact, FT Prentice Hall, 1998

General Introductions: Academic

Wilson, D. A Strategy of Change: Concepts and Controversies in the Management of Change, Routledge, 1992

Stacey, R.D. Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics, Pitman, 1992

Mabey, C. and Mayon-White, B. (editors) Managing Change, Open University, Paul Chapman, 1993


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McCalman, J. and Paton, R.A. Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation, Paul Chapman, 1992

Dawson, P. Organisational Change: A Processual Approach, Paul Chapman, 1994

Human Resource Management

Storey, J. Developments in the Management of Human Resources, Blackwell, 1992

Cave, A. Managing Change in the Workplace: New Approaches to Employee Relations, Kogan Page, 1994

Clarke, J. (ed) Human Resource Management and Technical Change, Sage, 1993

Donkin, R. (2004) HR and reorganisation: managing the challenge of change. Change agenda. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Greenberg and Baron (2003, 8th ed), Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work, Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall.

Useful Action Guides

Cameron, E & Green , M. Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change Management, Kogan Page, 2004

Johnson, S. Who Moved My Cheese, Vermillion, London 1998.

Hopson, B. et al. Transitions: The Challenge of Change, Mercury Business Paperbacks, 1991

Management Action Guide, Planning and Managing Change, Kogan Page, 1994

The Results-driven Manager. "Managing Change to reduce Resistance", Harvard Business School Press, 2005.

Ward, M. Why Your Corporate Culture Change Isn’t Working – and what to do about it, Gower, 1994

Quirk, B. Communicating Change, McGraw-Hill, 1995

Eales-White, Creating Growth from Change, McGraw-Hill, 1994

Wilson, T. A Manual of Change, Gower, 1994

Spencer, J. and Pruss, A. How to Implement Change in Your Company, Paithus Business Guide, 1993

Molloy, E. and Whittington, R. (2005) HR: Making Change Happen, London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Vision and Mission in Change Management

Leavitt H.J., Building Vision and Values into Organisations. Dow Jones -Irwin 1986


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Campbell, A., Devine, M. & Young, D A Sense of Mission. Economist Books (Ashridge Series) 1990.

Teams and Teamworking

Belbin R. M. Management Teams : why they succeed or fail. Heinemann Professional Publishing 1981

Belbin, R.M. Beyond the Team, Butterworth Heinemann, 2000

Osburn J.D., Moran, L, Musselwhite E. & Zenger, J.H. Self-directed Work Teams Business One - Irwin, 1990

Stott, K. & Walker A., Teams, Teamwork and Team-building. Prentice Hall ,1990.

Groups that work (and those that don’t). Ed. J. Richard Hackman. Jossey Bass, Oxford, 1990

Strategic Change

Johnson, G., Scholes, K. & Whittington, R. Exploring Corporate Strategy, Seventh EditionFT Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempsted, 2006.

Mintzberg, H. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempsted, 1994.Ohmae, K. The Mind of the Strategist, McGraw Hill, New York, 1982.

Taylor, B. Successful Change Strategies, Director Books, 1994

Grundy, T. Implementing Strategic Change, Kogan Page, 1994

Pettigrew, A.M. and Whipps, R. Managing Change for Competitive Success, Blackwell, 1991

Eccles, T. Succeeding with Change: Implementing Action-Driven Strategies, McGrew Hill, 1994

Leadership in Change

Kotter, J. Leading Change, HBS Press, 1996

Lippitt, M.B., The Leadership Spectrum. Davis-Black Publishing 2002

Bennis, W & Nanus, B. Leaders. Harper Business, 1997

Bennis, W. Learning to Lead. Perseus, 2003

Cohen, A.R. & Bradford, D.L. Influence without Authority. J. Wiley 1991

Bolman, L. and Deal, T. (1991) Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Appreciative Inquiry


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Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D., and Starvos, J. M. (eds) (2004) Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: The First in a Series of AI Workbooks for Leaders of Change, Contemporary Books.

Wasserman, I. And Radford, A. (eds.) (2006). Lessons Learned from Living from the Heart of Appreciative Inquiry (online edition), AI Practitioner Journal.

Public Sector Change

Isaac-Henry, K., Painter, C. and Barnes, C. Management in the Public Sector: Challenge and Change, Thomson Business Press, 1997

Pettigrew, A.M., Ferrlie, E. and McKee, L. Shaping Strategic Change: The Case of the National Health Service, Sage Publications, 1994

Kirkpatric, I. and Lucio, M.M. The Politics of Quality in the Public Sector: The Management of Change, Routledge, 1995

Useful Journal Articles

Alexander, L.D. (1985) ‘Successfully Implementing Strategic Decisions’, Long Range Planning, 18, No 3, pp 91-97.

Bass, Bernard M. & Valenzi, E.R. (1974) ‘Contingent Aspects of Effective Management Styles’, in J.G. Hunt & L.L. Larson (eds.), Contingency Approaches to Leadership. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Beer, M., Eisenstat, R. and Spector, B. (1990) ‘Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change’, Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec, pp 158-166.

Cove, T. and Kilmann, R. (1988) ‘Critical Issues in Large-Scale Organisational Change’, Journal of Organisational Change Management, 1, pp 59-72.

Drucker, P. F. (1988) ‘The Coming of the New Organisation’, Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb.

Dunphy, D.C. and Stace, D.A. ‘Transformational and Coercive Strategies for Planned Organisational Change’, Organisational Studies 9, 3:317-34.

Fiedler, F. (1978) ‘The Contingency Model and the Dynamics of the Leadership Process’ in L. Berkowitz (ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology; 11. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Greiner, L. ‘Evolution and Revolution as Organisations Grow’, Harvard Business Review, 50: July/August: 37-47.

Guest, D. (1987) ‘Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations’, Journal of Management Studies, 24, 5.

Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K. (1969) ‘Life Cycle Theory of Leadership’, Training & Development Journal, 23, pp 26-34.

Kim, W. C. and Mauborgne, R. (2003) ‘Tipped for the top’, People Management, Vol 9, No 15, 24 July, pp 27-31.

Kipnis, D. & Schmidt, S. M. (1988) ‘Upward-influence Styles: Relationships with Performance Evaluations, Salary, and Stress’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 528-542.


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Lindblom, C.E. ‘The Science of Muddling Through’, Public Administration Review XIX, 2:79-88.

Lucas, B. (2002) ‘How to deal with feelings during change’, People Management, Vol 8, No 18, 12 September, pp 54-55.

Persaud, J. (2003) ‘Strongest links’, People Management, Vol 9, No 11, 29 May, pp 40-41.

Pettigrew, A. and Whittington, R. (2001) ‘How to 'join up' change’, People Management, Vol 7, No 20, 11 October, pp 52-54.

Walton, R.E. (1985) ‘From Control to Commitment in the Workplace’, Harvard Business Review, March/April, 2:77-9.

Specialist Journals

Harvard Business ReviewHuman RelationsHuman Resource Management JournalJournal of Applied Behavioural ScienceJournal of Organisational Change ManagementJournal of Strategic ChangeLong Range PlanningStrategic Management Journal

Useful Web Sites

Birkbeck Librarywww.bbk.ac.uk/lib

Business Writing SkillsBradford University School of ManagementEffective learning workbookswww.brad.ac.uk/acad/management/external/els/informationsheets.php

Financial TimesFT Global Archivehttp://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/FT country and industry surveyshttp://surveys.ft.comFT Mastering Management Onlinehttp://www.ftmastering.com/mmo/index01.htmGeneralHarvard Business School – Working Knowledge www.bswk.hbs.eduUniversity College Northamptonhttp://www.northampton.ac.uk/http://www.northampton.ac.uk/lrs/index.html (library)British Library http://www.bl.uk/BOLA (Business Open Learning Archive)http://sol.brunel.ac.uk/~jarvis/bola/index.htmlBUBL Information Servicehttp://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC9581SOSIG World Catalogue: Organisational Changehttp://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World/orgchan.htmlFree Management Libraryhttp://www.mapnp.org/libraryThe Book Watch Net link page


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http://s1.webtrax.com.au/BB/netlink.bbdBrint.com (Business and Technology Portal and Global Community Network)http://www.brint.com/Change Management Learning Centre www.change-management.comTraining Zone www.trainingzone.co.ukE-Zine www.ezinearticles.comOrganisation Development and Action ResearchUniversity of Bath - CARPP (Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice)http://www.bath.ac.uk/management/carpp/carpp.htmOD Network On-Line (Vancouver, Canada)http://www.odnetwork.org/index.htmlOrganizational Development and Capacity - Building Linkshttp://www.edc.org/INT/CapDev/od/links.htmOrganisational Learning and the Learning Organisationhttp://newciv.org/worldtrans/essay/fifthdisc.htmlThe writings of Peter Senge

http://rtis.com/nat/user/jfullerton/review/learning.htmA summary of the book by Peter Senge 'The Fifth Discipline' about learning organisations.The Society for Organizational Learninghttp://www.solonline.org/Subscription required, but several full-text papers including ones by Edgar Schein are available.http://solonline.org/Resources/working_papers.htmlICLML (International Centre for Learner Managed Learning)http://www.lle.mdx.ac.uk/ICLML/seminars/icunninghamKnowledge ManagementDTI report: 'Britain towards 2010: the changing business environment'http://www.ecdti.co.uk/CGIBIN/PERLCON.PL Foresight 2015 welcome to the future (Scase)http://www.foresight.gov.uk/

Human Resources

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Developmentwww.cipd.ordg


http://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/http://www.personalitypathways.com/http://www.keirsey.com Keirsey


http://www.hammerandco.com Hammerhttp://www.jimchampy.com Champy

Process consultation

www.learninggroup.org/lg_core_files/Prac+Proc+Consult+Script.PDF A role play—10 Principles of Process Consultation

http://web.mit.edu/scheine/www/home.htmlEd Schein’s web page



Page 40: Faculty of Continuing Education

Management Competency Development Resource Guide (published by the Government of the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada)Impact and Influence (Interpersonal Influence Clusterhttp://www.gov.sk.ca/psc/MgmtComp/Impact_Influence.htm

Management Futures website with articles by Jenny Rogershttp://www.managementfutures.co.uk/magazine/index.htm


Clark, Don. Leadership Styles. Big Dog’s Leadership, 1997/2000.http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadstl.html

The role of gender in transformational leadership http://www.onrec.com/content2/news.asp?ID=5667

Primal leadership and the role of listening http://www.businesslistening.com/primal-leadership- 2.php#learning-leadership- skill

The self-fulfilling prophecy or Pygmalion effect http://www.accel-team.com/pygmalion/prophecy_01.html

An introduction to social influence http://www.workingpsychology.com/intro.html

Ethics, character and authentic transformational leadership (*note referencing style) http://cls.binghamton.edu/BassSteid.html

Hewlett-Packard Case Study (Implementing Change Module)

Trailblazing CEO Carly Fiorina is out of a job. Hewlett-Packard, a legendary tech company, is struggling to find its way.http://sfgate.com/cgi- bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/02/10/MNG7QB 8O4V1.DTL

Three Simple Rules Carly Ignored--Why things went wrong at HP…and went right at P&G , UTC, and IBMhttp://www.businessweek.com/magazine/con tent/05_09/b3922059_mz011.htm

Carly’s Challenge--Hewlett-Packard still needs to prove it can execute its broad strategy.http://www.businessweek .com/magazine/con tent/04_50/b3912001_mz001.htm

The Radical: Carly Fiorina's Bold Management Experiment at HPhttp://www.businessweek.com/2001/01_08/b3 720001.htm

Rock star CEOs don’t guarantee hit-makerhttp://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2 001/12/17/story6.html

Managing Quietly by Mintzberghttp://leadertoleader.org/leaderbooks/l2l/spri ng99/mintzberg.html

HP CEO ready to make NYC splashhttp://money.cnn.com/2005/12/12/technology/ hp/index.htm

Vault career information—HP employees remain optimistichttp://www.vault.com/companies/company_ main.jsp? product_id=339&co_page=10&gs =3390&parrefer=776


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A structure and culture model of organizational behavior variability reduction by O’Neill, Beauvais, and Scholl http://www.cba.uri.edu/Scholl/Papers/Culture _Structure.html

Risk Management

Office of Government Commerce OGChttp://www.ogc.gov.uk/sdtoolkit/ Integrated Risk Management Guidehttp://www.tbs- sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/dcgpubs/RiskManagement/ guide_e.asp


http://www.reedsresearch.com/TeamFormati on.htm various articles and websites

Dr. Meredith Belbin’s websitehttp://www.belbin.com/

Appreciative Inquiry

A Positive Revolution in Changehttp://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/uploads/whatisai.pdf


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Strategic Management/Strategy ImplementationAcademic Year: 2006-2007Subject Area: ManagementCourse Title: Strategic Management/Strategy ImplementationCourse Code: FFMN004PASPType of Course: Diploma in ManagementInstitution: Faculty of Continuing EducationClass Venue: Evenings (18:30-20:30): Workshops (10:00-17:00):

Room 2D, West London College, Room 354, BirkbeckParliament House, 35 North Row, Malet StreetLondon W1K 4DB London WC1E 5HX(Opposite Selfridges Oxford St)

Contact: Claire Daltrey26 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5DQTel: 020-7631-6659/6685

Day of Week: 1st Meeting: Thursday 12 October 2006 Time: 6.30-8.30pmMeetings: Meetings: Workshops:First Term (2006) 12, 19 Oct & 9, 16, 23, 30 Nov Fri 3 Nov & Sat 9 DecSecond Term (2007) 11, 18, 25 Jan & 15, 22 Feb & 1 Mar Sat 3 Feb & Fri 16 Mar

Course Facilitator: Ian D. Harrison BSc PhD MBA

Ian Harrison has wide ranging experiences of academia, industry and parliament. He began life as a research chemist, working first in a number of UK Universities before making the transition to industry. After a number of years working for BP, during which time he studied economics at Birkbeck, he moved to work for the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, advising on strategic aspects of UK Science and Technology Policy. His MBA thesis focused on the Role of R&D in Innovation in the UK Chemical Industry. He is currently based in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck, where he is Programme Director for Diploma courses in Multimedia and Web Authoring and Office IT Applications. He is also an Associate Lecturer with the Open University, tutoring on courses concerned with The Strategic Management of Technology. His interest in his people and how they achieve, both individually and in teams, and more recently has studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and humanistic approaches to counselling. His company, Katalytica, specialises in promoting innovation and creative (out-of-the-box) thinking.

“Great strategies, like great works of art or scientific discoveries, call for technical mastering in the working out but originate in insights that are beyond the reach of the conscious mind”

Aims of the Course: to develop an understanding of the issues involved in strategy formulation and

implementation. to explore the diversity of approaches to strategic management and the

complexity of strategic decision making processes in organisations. to introduce tools and techniques used in analysing and evaluating strategic

options. to review case studies of strategy formulation and implementation in private

and public sector organisations. to examine issues of leadership, power, innovation, culture and organisational

resistance in implementing strategic change.Course Content:

Strategic Management - The Concept: Introduction; The Nature of Strategy; Model(s) ofStrategic Management; Levels of Strategy (Corporate, Business, Functional).


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Strategic Management in Practice: Patterns of Strategy Development; Strategic Management in Context; Strategic Decision Makers, Leadership; The role of the Strategic Audit in Strategy Formulation.

Formulating Strategy - The Search for Direction: Mission Statements; Goals and Objectives; Policies; Business Ethics.

Formulating Strategy - Assessing the External Environment: PEST Analysis; Industry andCompetitor Analysis; SWOT Analysis - Opportunities and Threats; Porter’s Five Forces Model.

Formulating Strategy - Assessing the Internal Environment: Organisational Profiles; SWOTAnalysis - Strengths and Weaknesses; Porter’s Value Chain Analysis.

Formulating Strategy - Organisational Capability: Resource Audit; Balanced Scorecard; Control of Resources; Cost Structure; Experience Curves; Financial Analysis: Financial Ratios; Source and Application of Funds; Breakeven and Sensitivity Analysis.

Formulating Strategy - Portfolio Analysis: Product Life Cycle; BCG Matrix; GE Business Screen.

Formulating Strategy - Strategic Options: Grand Strategies (Growth, Stability, Retrenchment); Ansoff’s Growth Strategies; Porter’s Generic Strategies (Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus); Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning; Market Strategies (Leader, Challenger, Follower, Nicher); PIMS.

Implementing Strategy - An Overview: Organising for Action; Making Strategic Choices: Reviewing Strategic Options; Analysing the Return (Profitability, Costs & Benefits, Risk); Scenario Planning.

Implementing Strategy - Initiating Action: Action Plans v. Opportunism; Preparing the Ground; Allocating Resources; Encouraging Winners/ Coping with Casualties; Why Strategies Fail; Learning From Success and Failure.

Implementing Strategy - Managing Strategic Change: Role of Management; Leadership and Power; Types of Power; Top-down v. Bottom-up Strategies for Change.

Implementing Strategy - Matching Strategy and Structure: Chandler’s Thesis; Organisational Structure/Types (Mintzberg); Reengineering the Organisation; Total Quality Management; Business Process Re-engineering; Six Sigma; The New Organisation (Flat, Fast, Flexible).

Implementing Strategy - Matching Strategy and Culture: Reshaping Culture; Focus on Customers; Changing Attitudes and Behaviour; Overcoming Resistance to change.

Implementing Strategy - Evaluation and Control: Measuring Performance; Keeping On Track; Targets and Milestones; Avoiding Unintended Outcomes.

Issues in Strategic Management (may vary): Not-for-Profit Organisations; Research, Design and Development; Innovation - the Exploitation of Technology for Competitive Advantage; Strategic use of Information Systems; Sustaining Strategic Advantage - The Learning Organisation and Knowledge Management; Time as a Strategic Weapon.

Learning Approaches:A combination of lectures and workshops, involving hands-on case studies, and guest speaker. The lectures will critically examine models and theoretical approaches to strategic management. The workshops, with their emphasis on team work, will focus on the practical problems of strategy formulation and implementation and attempt to break down traditional 'barriers' that stifle creative/strategic thinking. Guest speakers (former students on the course) will explore the practicalities of strategy formulation and implementation and the insights the course provided.

Assessment: 50% coursework and 50% exam.Coursework consists of three written assignments and a team presentation:2. Students will carry out a review of their own company (or a company with

which they are familiar) analyzing its vision, mission, values, culture, markets and strategic position. (2,000 words maximum, to be submitted by Thursday


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23rd November 2006). Assignment 1 carries 20% of the overall coursework marks.

3. At the start of the course students will be allocated a company in a specific industrial sector. They will gather information about this company and use it together with models/theories/techniques covered in class to carry out a strategic audit of that company; identifying its mission, values, competitive position and forces driving change in its industry. Students will work in teams to analyse the industrial sector, but will be required to submit individual reports based on their own organisation’s strategic position (3,000 words maximum, to be submitted by Thursday 25th January 2007). Assignment 2 carries 30% of the overall coursework marks.

4. Working in teams, students will be required to identifying a business opportunity in the leisure market (brief to be provided at first class in January). They will then develop a business plan that sets out the strategic posture of the proposed business and an action plan for implementing their idea. Teams will present their business concept at the final workshop on the Friday 16th March 2007) and submit a final report (4,000 words maximum by Friday 13th

April 2007). The business presentation carries 10% and the business report 40% of the overall coursework marks.

Each assignment will be marked with comments and returned to the student. At the end of the course the coursework will be submitted and count towards 50% of the total course marks. There will also be a three hour examination (usually held on a weekday in early/mid-May) that carries 50% of the total marks.

Course Website:Course hand-outs, including presentations/OHPs from each of the classes and workshops, will be made available for download from the course website (details to be provided at the first class), which will also include links to other useful business, management and self-development websites.

Course Reading and Resources:It is suggested that students purchase the following books, which will be used throughout the course: Wheelen, T.L. & Hunger, J.D., ‘Strategic Management and Business

Policy’, Addison Wesley, 10/E, ISBN 0131421794, 2006. Garratt, B., ‘Developing Strategic Thought’, Profile Books, 2nd Edition,

2003. Garrat, B., 'The Fish Rots From The Head (The Crisis in our

Boardrooms: Developing the Crucial Skills of the Competent Director), Harper Collins, 1997 (check for latest edition).

The latest editions of following books may also be of interest: Judson, A.S., 'Making Strategy Happen - Transforming Plans into

Reality', Blackwell. Johnson, G. & Scholes, K., ‘Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and

Cases’, Prentice Hall. Thompson, J.L., 'Strategic Management- Awareness & Change',

Thompson. Eccles, T., ‘Succeeding With Change: Implementing Action Driven

Strategies’, McGraw Hill. Grundy, T., ‘Implementing Strategic Change’, Kogan Page, 1994. Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 'Competing for the Future', Harvard

Business School Press, 1996 Luffman, G., et al, ‘Strategic Management – An Analytical Approach’,

Blackwell, 1996. Moore, J.I., ‘Writers on Strategy and Strategic Management’, Penguin,

1992. Kotter, J.P., 'Leading Change', Harvard Business School Press, 1996. Ohmae, K., ‘The Mind of the Strategist’, Penguin Thurbin, P., ‘Playing the Strategy Game’, Financial Times, 2001.


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Marketing Management/Marketing in Action






TITLE Marketing Management/Marketing in Action



ASSESSMENT TYPE 50% Coursework; 50% Examination (Students must pass both elements of assessment)


Diploma in Management – OPTION


Applicants must normally hold a degree or have considerable management experience.

Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English.

VENUE AND TIMES Thursday Evening Classes in room 2B at West London College, Parliament House, 35 North Row, London W1K 6DB (opposite Selfridges) from 6.30-8.30pm5, 12, 19 Oct; 9, 16, 23 Nov 200611, 18, 25 Jan; 15, 22 Feb; 1 March 2007

Saturday One Day Workshops in Room 152, Birkbeck, Malet Street WC1E 7HX from 10am-5pmSaturday 4th November 2006 Saturday 9th December 2006 Saturday 3rd February 2007 Saturday 17th March 2007

FIRST MEETING Thursday 5 October 2006 at 6.30pm

On arrival at West London College, please check the board in the entrance for the correct room number.


ATTENDANCE You are normally expected to attend 75% of classes.

MODULE 9 - Marketing ManagementAims To develop an understanding of the planning and control aspects of marketing

and their contribution to the implementation of successful business strategies.


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To develop and apply the diagnostic tools and techniques of market analysis to strategic decision making.

Learning OutcomesBy the end of the module students should be able to:

understand and apply a wide variety of marketing tools undertake the analysis of markets, customers and competitors assess critically marketing data of both qualitative and quantitative nature in

deciding marketing objectives, strategies and tactics determine marketing objectives and strategies understand the barriers to the effective implementation of marketing plans.

Learning ApproachesThe course will consist of lectures, case studies, individual and group work, discussions and tutorials.

AssessmentAssessment will consist of an examination (50% of the marks) and coursework (50% of the marks).

Coursework will consist of a research assignment, amounting to about 3000 words and must be presented in type written format.

PROGRAMMEThe programme covers the following two major components of marketing management:

Strategic Planning and Control

Marketing Planning and Corporate Strategy(Reading: Text 1 - Chapters 2 & 3; Text 3 - Chapter 1)

Market Audits and SWOT Analysis(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 2)

Competitor and Customer Analysis(Reading: Text 2 - Chapters 4 & 5)

1. Environmental Analysis(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 7)

Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning(Reading: Text 1 - Chapter 6; Text 2 - Chapter 8)

Market Planning, Techniques and Strategies - Portfolio Analysis: BCG, Ansoff and Porter Models

(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 9)

Types of Market Research and Marketing Information Systems(Reading: Text 1 - Chapter 8)

Strategic Analysis and Decision Making

Product Life Cycle Strategies(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 11)

New Product Development and Test Marketing(Reading: Text 1 - Chapter 10; Text 2 - Chapter 11)


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Pricing Strategies for New and Existing Products(Reading: Text 1 - Chapter 14; Text 2 - Chapter 12)

1. Branding, Packaging and Product Line Issues(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 11)

Distribution Channels(Reading: Text 1 - Chapter 15: Text 2 - Chapter 14)

Tools and Modelling Techniques for Evaluating Markets and Forecasting Demand

(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 16)

Measurement, Financial Appraisal and Auditing of Marketing Effectiveness and Performance

(Reading: Text 2 - Chapter 16)

Implementation and Control of Marketing Plans(Reading: Text 1 - Chapter 16; Text 2 - Chapters 17 & 18)

Marketing in the Service Sector, Non-profit Organisation and the Public Sector


Text 1:O’Shaughnessy, J. (1995) Competitive Marketing: A Strategic Approach, Routledge.

Text 2:Johnson, G. and Scholes, L. (1997) Exploring Corporate Strategy Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall.


MODULE 10 - Marketing in Action

Aims To develop an understanding of the tools and techniques used in

international marketing and business. To develop the abilities needed to contribute to a marketing

communications strategy. To understand the importance of marketing strategy in the success of an

international business.Learning Outcomes To understand how to design an effective marketing plan.

To understand how to implement a marketing plan. To use the skills and knowledge required to develop a comprehensive

marketing strategy.

Learning ApproachesThe course will use class projects, case studies and exercises in the development of practical marketing skills.

AssessmentThe course will be assessed by a group project and presentation and one individual assignment.


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Marketing CommunicationsThis section will focus on marketing communications planning and the role of promotion and advertising in the success of an enterprise. In addition, it will examine the importance of setting marketing communication objectives, budgeting and campaign evaluation.

International MarketingThis section will examine the nature of the international business environment, segmentation of prospective customer groups and the importance of market and competitive research. The significance of market entry strategies will be examined and the importance of developing effective marketing and organisational plans to support an international business.


Text 1:Coade, N. (1997) Managing International Business, International Thomson Business Publishing.

Text 2:Phillips, Lowe and Doole (1994) International Marketing Strategy, Routledge.

Text 3:Smith (1994) Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach, Kogan Page.


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BIRKBECK, University of London, FACULTY OF CONTINUING EDUCATIONAcademic Year 2006-2007

Financial Accounting/Management Accounting

Subject Area Management

Course Code FFMN006PASP

Course Title Financial Accounting/ Management Accounting

Type of Course Diploma in Management - OPTIONAL

Level M

Credit Value 30 CATS points

Assessment Type 50% Coursework; 50% examination (students must pass both elements of assessment)

Entry requirements Applicants must normally hold a degree or have considerable management experience. This is an introduction to financial accounting and previous experience at work in an academic setting in this discipline is not required.

Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English.

Times Thursday Evening Classes, 6.30-8.30pm

Venue Room 2C, West London College, Parliament House, 35 North Row, London W1K 6DB

Term Dates Term 1 – Financial AccountingThurs 5th October – Thurs 21st December 2006

Term 2 – Management AccountingThurs 11th January – Thurs 29th March 2007

First Meeting Thursday 5th October 2006, 6.30-8.30pmOn arrival at West London College take the lift to the second floor where your room will be located.

Course taught by

Tariq Bashir BSc MSc MBA

Teaching Method

Each topic is commenced by an introductory lecture. This is reinforced by the presentation of a demonstration example. Participants are encouraged to question the lecturer throughout the session and immediate answers will be endeavoured to be given to the issues raised. Working in groups on problems and exercises, students will be encouraged to feedback their conclusions to other members of the class. The final part of the session will be focused on an in-class problem, and one-to-one assistance will be given to any student who has difficulties with the problem and lecture content.


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Mode of Assessment

Course work will consist of an in-course written assignment for each module. The assignments will amount to 50 percent of the possible marks for the course. The first piece of course work will be on Interpretation of Financial Statements to be submitted on a date set by the course lecturer and the second piece of course work will be on Budget Plan for a business of your choice to be submitted on a date set by your course lecturer. There will also be a three hour written examination at the end of the course (usually on a weekday in May or early June). The examination carries 50 per cent of the total possible marks. Students must pass both the written assignments and the examination in order to qualify for the award of Diploma.

Class exercises and homework problems will be set, and participants will be given written feedback about their performance.

AttendanceStudents are normally expected to attend at least 75% of classes.


Course Aim

The course aims to present the student with an overview of the financial accounting function. It assumes that participants have had no previous exposure to the subject. The course will be conducted over twelve sessions for a total of 24 hours.

Course Objectives

On completion of this course, students should be able to:

comprehend the principles, role and scope of financial accounting appreciate the role of the accountant as a manager/director in the business

environment prepare profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and cash flow statements interpret and use financial statements, with a particular focus on ratio analysis appreciate the importance of cash planning and control to corporate survival calculate financial gearing and discuss the importance of choice of capital

structure to an organisation

Course Outline

Week No. Content Reading(Atrill & McLaney)

1 Introduction to Accounting and Finance Ch. 1

2 Accounting definitions and characteristics.Purpose and application of accounting conventions within the three main financial statements

Ch. 2

3 and 4 Introduction to nature and purpose of a profit and loss account. Stock valuation. Depreciation.

Ch. 3

5 and 6 Nature and features of a limited company. Ch. 4


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7 Manufacturing Accounts Handout

8 and 9 Measuring and reporting cash flows Ch. 5

10 Analysing and Interpreting financial statements Ch. 6

11 and 12 The use of financial statements for decision making -

analysis of the three statements ratios and their interpretation limitations of ratios adequacy of financial reporting disclosure of information

Ch. 6

Core TextAtrill, P. & McLaney, E. Accounting and Finance for non-specialists, 3/E, Prentice Hall, 2003 ISBN 0273679627


Learning and Teaching MethodStarting with an introduction of the scheduled topic each week, the use of worked examples is used to establish the principles and methods in question. Discussion and questioning is central to the learning process. Students, from time to time, will be required to make short presentations to the group of their solutions to set problems as a basis for further discussion. Regular reading and exercises are set, and set course work is part of the assessment process. The practical experiences of the class members are regularly drawn upon to illustrate the value of the topic.

Course AimThe course aims to provide the student with an overview of the tasks of management accounting in the management of the company. The course is conducted over 12 weeks for a total of 24 hours.

Course ObjectivesUpon completing the course the student will

be able to use the central insights of management accounting to better understandManagement decisions in their workplaces

understand the process of costing for planning, decision making and control

appreciate the treatment of materials, labour and overheads in pricing procedures

Distinguish between absorption costing and marginal costing methods and their roles in management decision making.

- appreciate and be able to prepare a breakeven analysis

- understand the purpose of budgeting and the preparation of budgets

1. recognise the significance of working capital management and cash budgets


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1. grasp the basic methods of investment appraisal and the implications of discounted cash flow models

Course Outline

Week 13 Introduction to Management Accounting.

Reading: Atrill & McLaney Chapter7 ,Dyson JR Ch 13&16

Week 14 Accepting or Rejecting Special Contracts.

Reading: Atrill & McLaney, Chapter 7 , Dyson JR Ch 14

Week 15/16 Capital Investment Decisions.

Reading: Atrill & McLaney , Chapter 10 Dyson JR Ch 19

Week 17/18 Full Cost Accounting v ABC Accounting.

Reading: Atrill & McLaney, Chapter 8,Dyson JR Ch 15,20

Week 19/20 Budgeting.

Reading: Atrill& McLaney Chapter 9, Dyson JR Ch 17.

Week 21 Standard Costing and Variances.

Reading: Atrill& McLaney Chapter 9 Dyson JR Ch 18

Week 22 Management of Working Capital.

Reading: Atrill & McLaney, Chapter 11, Dyson JR Ch 2

Week 23 Financing a business.

Reading: Atrill & McLaney Chapter12.

Week 24 Review.

Core TextAtrill P.& McLaney E Accounting and Finance for the non- Specialists.Prentice-Hall(2004)ISBN 0273679627

Dyson JR Accounting for Non-Accounting Students. Prentice-Hall (2000) ISBN 0273646834


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The Public Services: Challenge and Change/Managing Public Services

Academic Year 2006/2007

Course Code FFMN007PASP

Subject Area Management

Course Title Public Services: Challenge And Change/Managing Public Services

Type of course Diploma in Management – OPTIONALDiploma in Change Management – OPTIONAL

Institution Faculty of Continuing Education

Level M

Credit value 30 CATS points

Assessment 50% coursework; 50% examination (students must pass both elements of assessment)

Class Venue and timesTuesday Evening Classes, 6.30pm – 8.30pmRoom 2C, West London College, Parliament House, 35 North Row, London W1K 6DB3, 10, 17 October; 7, 14, 21 November 2006 9, 16, 23 January; 13, 20, 27 February 2007

Workshops, 10.00am – 5.00pmRoom 152, Birkbeck, Malet Street, WC1E 7HXFriday 20th October 2006 Saturday 25th November 2006 Saturday 27th January 2007 Friday 2nd March 2007

First Meeting Tuesday 3 October 2006, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Course Taught byDr. Steve Collins BSc(Econ) MSc MA D.Prof FCIPD FInstLM DipIHM MCIMgt MITFHE


ENTRY REQUIREMENTSAdmission to the Diploma is by special application only. Applicants must possess a first degree or equivalent qualification, or must have considerable management experience.

ATTENDANCEStudents are normally expected to attend at least 75% of all classes.

AIMSThe main aims of the course are to:-


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- Develop an understanding of the current causes and dynamics of change in the public sector

- Review the historic development of public sector management policy and practice in the UK

- Compare varying change contexts in public sector management in the UK and overseas

- Explore a variety of analytical, conceptual and current approaches to managing change

- Consider the skills required by current managers in the public sector to manage change

LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of the course, participants will have developed understanding and practice in: -

- The application of key concepts and ideas to public sector change management

- The analysis of change issues and how they affect their own organisation- The approaches needed to manage the processes of change

PROGRAMMEThe course has been organised into two modules of six evening sessions and two workshops each. Evening sessions start at 18.30 and finish at 20.30. Workshops start at 10.00 and finish at 17.00.

MODULE 13 - The Public Services: The Challenge of Change

Session 1 – 3 0ctober 2006- The Problem of ChangeThe Pace and Extent of ChangeOrganisational SystemsSTEP Analysis

Session 2 – 13 October 2006 - Bureaucracy as a Concept and RealityWeber’s ConceptionContingency TheoriesHistory of Management Thinking

Session 3 – 17 October 2006 - The History of UK Public SectorLaissez FaireBeveridge and The Welfare StateThe New Right

Workshop One – Friday, 20 October 2006 - Public Sector Case Study - NHS; Using Models

SWOT and STEPLewin and Forcefield AnalysisSIS, OD and BPR

Session 4 – 7 November 2006 - New Public Sector Management and The Third Way

‘New Managerialism’Internal MarketsBest Value

Session 5 – 14 November 2006 – Organisational DevelopmentOrganisational CultureCommunications‘Visioning’

Session 6 – 21 November 2006 – Marketing the Public Sector


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Basic Marketing ConceptsPublic Sector ApplicationPublic Relations

Workshop Two – Saturday 25 November 2006 - Comparative Management: Japan

The Importance of CultureJapanese Management Practice‘Administrative Guidance’

MODULE 14 – Managing Public Sector Change

Session 1 – 9 January 2007– Change Management ModelsValue of ModelsHandling ResistanceImplementing Change

Session 2 – 16 January 2007 - The Strategic/Business Planning ApproachThe Nature of StrategyBusiness Plan DevelopmentLeadership

Session 3 – 23 January 2007 – The Quality ApproachCustomer CareTQM and EmpowermentTeambuilding

Workshop One – Friday 27 January 2007 - The Virtual Organisation and Knowledge Management

Alternative StructuresAlternative Learning ProcessesPublic Sector Effects

Session 4 – 13 February 2007 – The Human Resources ApproachPersonnel vs. HRMWorkforce PlanningPerformance Management

Session 5 – 20 February 2007 – Civil Service: A Case StudyImplementing the Third WayChanging Government PolicyChange in the Civil Service

Session 6 – 27 February 2007 – GlobalisationInformation RevolutionRestructuring and SovereigntyEuropean Economic Community

Workshop Two – Friday 2 March 2007 - Project Mgt. and Sociological Theories of Change

Case Study: Almaty Hospitals’ Management Development Programme

Fordism and Post-FordismModels of Post-Industrial Society

LEARNING APPROACHESA combination of lectures and workshops will be used together with individual and team contributions. The evening sessions will be normally based on lectures with workshops looking more to case studies and comparative work. Students will be


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expected to have undertaken reading for all sessions and workshops and be ready to contribute to these by discussion and presentations as appropriate.


Course work will consist of one written assignment per module, each of between 2,000 to 3,000 words. Each assignment will be assessed individually and feedback given with a mark. Each assignment will carry 50% of possible course marks. In addition there will be a three-hour examination at the end of the course covering both modules. This examination carries a total of 50% of total possible marks for the course.

Assignment One – Review the directions for the major change taking place in your organisation and evaluate the policies and processes and of its implementation. Students need to add the slides of a ten-minute presentation of the main findings of their report (but no actual presentation given).

Assignment Two – Review, using course concepts and models, one operational change that you need to implement in your own organisation. Explain the reasons for this change and how you intend to plan, implement and evaluate this change to ensure effectiveness.

Alternatively, using course concepts and models, review one operational change that you have made recently with its reasoning and analyse the effectiveness or otherwise of the planning, implementation and evaluation of this change.


The following is a full list of textbooks that students can consult. Using the list will be discussed with students at the beginning of the course. (* Indicates recommended.) Some useful journals are also indicated.

General Change Management Theory

*Senior, Barbara ‘Organisational Change’ (Pitman Publishing 1997 – 0-273-62491-1)

*Burnes, Bernard ‘Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics’ (Pitman Publishing 1996 – 0-273-61118-6)

*Kotter, John P. ‘Leading Change’ (Harvard Business School 1996 – 0-87584-747-1)

Carnall, Colin ‘Managing Change in Organisations’ (Prentice Hall 1995 – 0-13-150954-3)

Mabey, Christopher and Maynon-White, Bill eds. ‘Managing Change’ (Open University 1993 – 1-85396-226-0)

Donkin, Richard ‘Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work’ (Texere 2001 – 1-59899-076-8)

Goyder, Mark ‘Living Tomorrow’s Company’ (Gower Publishing 1998 – 0-566-08020-6)

Hamel, Gary ‘Leading the Revolution’ (Harvard Business School 2000 – 1-57851-189-5)


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Rosabeth Moss Kanter ‘Evolve: Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow’ (Harvard Business School 2001 – 1-5785-1439-8)

Public Services Change General

*Rose, Aidan and Lawson, Alan ‘Public Services Management’ (Pearson Education 1999 – 0-273-62524-1)

*Giddens, A. ‘The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy’ (Polity Press 1998 – 0-7456-2267-4)

*Johnson, J and Scholes, K ‘Exploring Public Sector Strategy’ (FT-Prentice Hall 2001 – 0-273-646-877)

*Clarke, J. et al ‘New Managerialism, New Welfare?’ (Sage 2000)

Ferlie, E., Ashburner, L., Fitzgerald, L and Pettigrew, A. ‘The New Public Management in Action’ (Oxford

University Press 1996 – 0-19-828903-0)

Elcock, H. ‘Change or Decay? Public Administration in the 1990s’ (Longman 1991- ISBN0-582-03301-2)

Pollitt, C. ‘Managerialism and the Public Services; The Anglo-American Experience’ (Basil Blackwell 1990 –

ISBN 0-631-116334-4)

Farnham, D and Horton, S eds. ‘Managing the New Public Services’ (Macmillan 1993 – 0-333-56292-5)

Bovaird, Tony and Loffler, Elke ‘Public Management and Governance’(Routledge 2003) – 0-415-25246-6

Other Course Books

Beck, Ulrich. The Brave New World of Work, Polity Press (2000)

Ranson, S. and Stewart, J. ‘Management for the Public Domain’ (Macmillan 1994)

Mead, Ricahrd ‘International Management’, (Blackwell Publishing, 2005 edition) – 0-631-3177-3c

Baldwin, S., and Falkingham, J. ‘Social Security and Social Change’ (Harvester Wheatsheaf 1994 –ISBN 0-7450-

1524-7)Harzing, Anne-Wil and Ruyssevelgt ‘International Human Resource Management’ (Sage 1995 – 0-8039-7951-7)

Burrows, R. and Loader, B. ‘Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State?’ (Routledge 1994 – ISBN 0-415-09967-6)Taylor-Gooby, P. and Lawson, R. ‘Markets and Managers: New Issues in the Delivery of Welfare’ (Open

University Press 1993 – ISBN 0-335-15789)Flynn, N. and Strehl, F. ‘Public Sector Management in Europe’ (Harvester Wheatsheaf 1994 –ISBN

0-13-241159-8)Room, Graham ‘Towards a European Welfare State’ (SAUS 1991 – 1-8735-7510-6)Johnson, Chalmers ‘MITI and the Japanese Miracle’ (Stanford 1982 – 0-8047-1206-9)Neary, Ian ‘The State and Politics in Japan’ (Polity/Balckwall 2002 – 0-7456-2134-1)Iman, Masaaki ‘Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Corporate Success’ (Kaizen Institute 1986 – 0-07-5554332-X)


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Skelcher, C. ‘The Appointed State; Quasi-Governmental Organisations and Democracy’ (Open University Press

1998 –ISBN 0-335-19881-3)Titman, Lionel ‘Marketing in the New Public Sector’ (Pitman Publishing 1995 – 0-273-61615-3)Dowding, Keith ‘The Civil Service’ (Routledge 1995 – 0-415-075688)Yeates, Nicola ‘Globalisation and Social Policy’ (Sage 2001 – 0-7619-68092-4)Jones, Kathleen ‘The Making of Social Policy in Britain’ (Athlone 2000 – 0-485-12162-X)Rashid, Noorzaman ‘Managing Performance in Local Government’ (Kogan Page 1999)Korczynski, Marek ‘Human Resource Management in Service Work’ (Palgrave 2002 – 0-333-77441-8)Quirke, Bill ‘Communicating Corporate Change’ (McGraw-Hill 1996 – 0-07-709311-9)Kanter, Rosabeth Moss ‘E-Volve: Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow) (Harvard Business School 2001 – 1-57851-439-8)Little, Stephen, Quintas, Paul and Ray, Tim ‘Managing Knowledge; An Essential Reader’ (Sage 2002 – 0-76129-7213-7)Sparrow, John ‘Knowledge in Organisations’ (Sage 1998 – 0-8039-7829-4)Oates, David ‘Outsourcing and the Virtual Organisation: The Incredible Shrinking Company’ (Century 1998 – 0-7126-7905-7)Ford, David et al ‘Making Business Relationships’ (John Wiley and Sons 1998 – 0-471-97075-1)Briner, Wendy, Hastings, Colin and Geddes, Michael ‘Project Leadership’ (Gower 1996 – 0-566-07785-X)Bottery, Mike ‘The Challenges of Educational Leadership’ (Paul Chapman Publishing 2004) – 1-4129-0081-6Tomlinson, Harry ‘Educational Leadership’ (Paul Chapman Publishing 2004) – 0-7619-6777-XClarke, John ‘Changing Welfare, Changing States’ (Sage 2004) – 0-7619-4203-3Haynes, Philip ‘Managing Complexity in the Public Services’ (Open University Press 2003) – 0-335-21220-4Boyne, George A. et al ‘Evaluating Public Management Reforms’ (Open University Press 2003) - 0-335-20246-2

JournalsHarvard Business Review (Harvard University)International Journal of Public Sector Management (Emerald)Journal of Management Development (Emerald) People Management (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)MIT-Sloan Management Review (MIT Sloan School of Management)Journal of Change Management (MCB)Public AdministrationPublic PolicyPublic Money and ManagementTraining Journal


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Management in Practice

Module 17 Management in Practice – Course SyllabusModule Code: FFMN001P

This Module explores management processes holistically and encourages a cross-functional approach. It encourages students to discern interrelationships and work across internal boundaries to achieve strategic organisational goals. A case study approach is used to help managers appreciate the need to forge new partnerships and strategic alliances with other organisations and stakeholders, be they suppliers, customers, collaborators or even former competitors. 

Learning and assessment for this module will be based on team presentations and a single collaborative project report per team on an organisational case study. You will be required to work collaboratively outside the class sessions. Students must obtain a copy of an annual report for Marks and Spencer, free phone 0800 591 697, www.marksandspencer.com

 FFMN011PASP to FFMN011PHSP - Module 17 Meetings3 evening classes 6.30pm-8.30pmWed 10, 17, 24 January 2007London School of EconomicsPlus 1 workshop Friday 9 February 200710.00am-5.00pmBirkbeck (for room details please refer to the location timetable enclosed with the Management in Practice course pack)

Aims1. To ensure students have a working knowledge of the key business

functions;2. To practise the application of theoretical concepts of one management

function to a case study; 3. To practise skills in case study methodology;4. To gain an understanding of cross-functional and collaborative working in

functional and management teams;5. To encourage students to reflect on team working processes.

Learning OutcomesStudents will be expected to develop competences in team working, case study analysis, making presentations, self-awareness and reflection, use of diagrams, search skills, independent learning and report writing, self and peer assessment – giving and receiving feedback. The module focuses on the application of theory to a Stanford University case study, The De-globalization of Marks and Spencer in 2001.

ReadingAshkenas, R. et al (2002) The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure, Jossey Bass Wiley.Bevan , J. (2002) The Rise and Fall of Marks & Spencer, Profile Books. Brett, M. (1995) How to read the financial pages: a simple guide to the way money works and the jargon, 4th edition, Century Press, LondonCohen, A. (2002) The Portable MBA in Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc.Doyle, P, (2001) Marketing Management and Strategy, FT Prentice Hall. Mintzberg, H et al (1998) Strategy Safari: the Complete Guide Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, Financial Times, Prentice Hall.Surridge, M. Bushell, T. and Gunn, P. (1993) Business Explained: Finance, Information and Business, London, Collins Educational.Torrington, D. et al (2001) Human Resource Management, FT Prentice Hall.


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Articles Renwick, Douglas, 'Neither rhetoric nor reality' a comment on Turnball and Wass, Industrial Relations Journal 29:3, 1997.Turnball, Peter and Wass, Victoria, Marksist management: sophisticated human relations in a high street retail store, Industrial Relations Journal 29:2, 1997.

Outline ProgrammeSession 1: Module overview and case study method Introduction case brief; Case study analysis; Functional briefings - finance, HR, marketing, suppliers, strategy; Formation of teams; Assessment process; Issues of collaborating in teams.

Session 2: Presentations and use of diagrams How to plan, prepare and deliver presentations, giving feedback; Review of group issues/questions; Team work on briefs.

Session 3: Report writing Report writing: design, content, presentation; Review of team issues/ questions; Team work on briefs.

Session 4 – Presentations Team presentations; Cross-functional teams; Reflections.

AssessmentAssessment relates to a case study on which the students must collaborate in teams to demonstrate their ability to integrate management theory and application. They are required to make judgements and decisions when presented with incomplete information, unfamiliar circumstances or conflicting interests. The assessment comprises: (i) a team presentation (50%) and (ii) a written team report of 2-3,000 words (50%) to be submitted on 9 February 2007.


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The Leadership ChallengeSUBJECT AREA




TITLE The Leadership Challenge


CREDIT VALUE 15 (for modules 17 and 18)

ASSESSMENT TYPE 100% Coursework


Diploma in Management – COMPULSORY


Applicants must normally hold a degree or have considerable management experience.

Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English.


What are the key capabilities that underpin effective leadership? What does it require to become a successful leader? The focus of this module will be on critically exploring the mix of attributes, skills and capabilities required of successful leaders.

VENUE AND TIMES EveningsLondon School of Economics, Houghton StreetWednesday 14, 21 and 28 February6.30pm–8.30pm

WorkshopRoom 251, Birkbeck, Malet StreetSaturday 10th March10.00am–5.00pm

FIRST MEETING Wednesday 14 February 2006

On arrival at LSE, please go to the Old Building in Houghton Street and check the display screens in the main reception for up to date room lists.


AIMS See module outline

LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course students should have:

gained a historical understanding of leadership theory and leadership development over time.

identified ways of assessing leadership


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effectiveness, and its links with organisational success and performance.

completed of an individual profile of a successful leader.


Session 1 – The Leadership Challenge. Wednesday 14 February 2007, 6.30-8.30pm

Introduction Discussion of leadership experience “Creative swiping” from the attributes of

successful leaders How to conduct a successful interview.

Session 2 – Leading into the Future

What is leadership? How does it relate to management?

Theories of leadership Leadership styles The attributes of successful leaders The changing roles of leaders Distributive leadership Team leadership Learning set work on profile of a successful

leader: illustrations of their impact on organisational success.

Session 3 – Leadership and Diversity

Diversity – cross-cultural influences on leadership

Gender and leadership Ethical leadership Learning set work on profile of a successful

leader: illustration of their impact on organisational success (continuation).


Presentations on the criteria for organisational success

Comparison and integration Personal versus organisational success? Application of leadership models and concepts

to the evaluation of successful leaders – group work to identify the key issues for students’ assignments.


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Core reading

Latest editions of:

Journals & other publications


Recommended TextGary Yukl (2002) Leadership in Organizations, Prentice Hall.

Optional Reading

Antonakis, J. et al, (2004) The Nature of Leadership, Sage Publications.

Furnham, A. (2004) Management and Myths, Palgrave Macmillan.Harvard Business Review on Leadership (1998) Harvard Business School Press.

Harvard Business Review (January 2004) "Inside the Mind of the Leader".

Kets De Vries, M.F.R. (2003) Leaders, Fools and Impostors: Essays on the Psychology of Leadership, Jossey Bass Wiley.

Loehr, J and Schwartz, T. (2005) “The Power of Full Engagement”, Free Press.

Richer, J. (1999) Richer on Leadership, Julian Richer Publishing.

Storey, J. (2004) Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends, Routledge.

Articles available for students:“What Leaders Really Do”, John Kotter“The Transformational Leader”, Noel Tichy“Leadership Theory “, Melissa Horner“Leadership and Management”, David Guest



Learning will be facilitated via a combination of lectures and workshops. The lectures will critically examine models of the nature of Self-Development and Learning and Learning Organisations and will use a variety of approaches to facilitate understanding of yourself and organisations.

The workshops will focus on experiential learning using practical exercises, discussion and group activities. Note all students are expected to be active participants, contributing to discussions and providing feedback about their experiences and findings either individually or in teams.


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ASSESSMENT Deadline: Wednesday 4 April 2007.

Write a profile of a successful leader in your organisation or in another organisation with which you are familiar. Ideally, this should be based on an interview and should include factual career details (in the appendices), as well as an analysis of what has been involved in their success as a leader. You may also wish to use published sources or other background material, if available. The identity of the individual can remain confidential.

The assignment should be analytical and critical and evidence based rather than simply reiterate descriptive interview material and endorsements of colleagues. It should aim to examine and illustrate your subject’s approach to, and style of, management and how this provides a basis for their success and their failings. This may include reflections on the values, ethics and ambitions that they bring to their leadership style; their attitude to diversity; their interpersonal and technical skills; and whether their success is particular to the context in which they operate or whether they would be equally effective as leaders in different roles and different organisations.

The assignment should be presented in typed form, at least 1.5 line spacing, and should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in length. It should include references to appropriate reading materials. All books, articles and reports referred to should be properly referenced, and a bibliography provided.

Students are normally expected to attend a minimum of 75 percent of taught hours.