fairview post€¦ · i actually got into racing because i was upset with the hollywood industry. i...

FA IRVIEW TODAY' S FEATURE GEOFF REEVES Fairview Graduate truned star, racer, and , and sky diver FAMILY | FRIENDS | FAIRVIEW POST 12

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Page 1: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by




Fairview Graduate truned star,

racer, and , and sky diver




Page 2: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by

FEATURE:GEOFF REEVES~ 3X INTERESTING      Recent ly I cal led the most interest ing man I know, Mr. Geof f Reeves. His fantast ic career, and hobbies are only part of what makes him total ly awesome! His many act ivit ies include running a nonprof it organizat ion (Shadow Works Group), skydives for a l iving, drives roadrace cars, acts, and st i l l f inds t ime to care for his 6 year-old Huskie, Taima. I got the opportunity to interview him on the 14th of March, 2016. This is the interview I conducted, and his word-for-word responses. (P.S.- Sorry about the few cuss words, they are his words not mine? )

When did you start racing?

I started racing professional ly during the 2012 season. My f irst test was at Indianapol is Motor Speedway, and f irst race was at Laguna Seca in Cal ifornia. As ?f irst t imes? go, to begin on those t racks are pret ty epic.

How did you start racing?

I actual ly got into racing because I was upset with the Hol lywood industry. I was going on audit ion af ter audit ion and was told every contradict ing excuse by cast ing directors of why they didn?t bel ieve I was right for the role. The nail in the cof f in was when I was told I didn?t look l ike a Navy SEAL af ter having served as one for 10 years. That PISSED me of f . I lef t asking mysel f , what else do I want to learn how to do? I answered, become a professional race car driver. I talked to several f riends of mine who have had experience in this arena, and they each recommended racing schools to learn how. So I did. I worked to earn money and went to a variety of professional race schools to learn how.

What have you driven?

As far as proper race cars go, I have raced a Nissan Al t ima in the Cont inental Tire Series, and a Chevy Camaro ZL1 and Z28.

As far as t racked, I have t racked a variety of Aston Mart ins, Lamborghini?s, AMG Mercedes (but the G wagon), Audi R8, and CTS-V.

Why do you race?

I race because I love the compet it ion, the speed and physics of i t al l through proper engineering. Pushing man inside machine and t rying to control i t on the edge of being out of control .

What is racing to you?

A way of l i fe. True racers are either al l in or al l out . It becomes a part of you.

Do you think other people can start? Why?

Other people can absolutely start . It al l depends on one's abil i ty to apply what is being taught to you, understanding what the car is doing and how

to obtain themes of the car.

Where is the best place to start racing (rank wise)?

I don?t know if there is a BEST PLACE to start racing when it comes to rank. It is a long journey to the top. It is important to remember the smal l victories as your racing career grows. So much emphasis is put on the business/ sponsorship side of the house that I had to remember to have fun.

Where did start racing (ranking wise)?

When I started racing I started in the middle of the pack. Considering everyone was doing it longer and was more experienced, I was proud of that ! But I also wanted to be come bet ter.

What is your home t rack?

My home t rack? Wel l , I would say my home t rack is Long Beach. I had been going to the race for YEARS before I actual ly got to race it . Racing it had become a dream of mine. To f inal ly get to do it

Page 3: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by

     Recent ly I cal led the most interest ing man I know, Mr. Geof f Reeves. His fantast ic career, and hobbies are only part of what makes him total ly awesome! His many act ivit ies include running a nonprof it organizat ion (Shadow Works Group), skydives for a l iving, drives roadrace cars, acts, and st i l l f inds t ime to care for his 6 year-old Huskie, Taima. I got the opportunity to interview him on the 14th of March, 2016. This is the interview I conducted, and his word-for-word responses. (P.S.- Sorry about the few cuss words, they are his words not mine? )


What is your favorite t rack?

wow. Wel l , my favorite types of t racks are st reet courses, Long Beach Grand Prix, Streets of St . Petersburg and Streets of Toronto are some examples. However, I also don't want to discount COTA. To race on a purpose buil t F1 race t rack is pret ty awesome too. Actual ly, every t rack has their own unique personal ity and characterist ics that make racing each one fun.

What is the best thing about the t rack?

The best thing about st reet courses is the energy the environment provides. Thousands of people come out when the t rack is in a downtown set t ing. The air is electric and you can feel a buzz. The roar of the engines bouncing of f the buildings makes you feel l ike a kid and being able to haul ass legal ly on city st reets NEVER gets old!

Do you have any words of advice?

You want to become a good race car driver? Seat t ime, Seat t ime, Seat t ime. Find a great mentor and soak up every l i t t le bit of informat ion they have.

What is your favorite part of act ing?

I enjoy act ing because of the art ist ic abil i ty to make a character come al ive with other


What characters do you l ike to port ray the most?

I enjoy playing roles that are my personal ity and chal lenge me in a good way. It real ly comes down to the writ ing.

How old were you when you began act ing?

I began act ing in 2005.

What is your favorite part of act ing?

Working with other talented individuals, in f ront of and behind the camera, working as a team and creat ing something that becomes so big to others.

Why did you decide to serve in the navy?

I decided to serve in the Navy because I wanted to become a Navy SEAL when I was age 12.

What did you learn f rom your experiences in the navy?

What I learned f rom my t ime in the Navy would take me a week to explain to you. But in short , common sense isn't so common, how to become an ef fect ive leader, I learned al l the skil l sets to ef fect ively carry out the dut ies of a Navy SEAL and to never take the l i t t le things l ike a hot shower, a warm cup of water, a warm bed and much more for granted.

Would you recommend the navy to kids my age?

I absolutely would recommend ANY of the armed forces to kids of your age. To serve our country is an honorable thing. To learn ef fect ive leadership, responsibi l i ty, and ef fect ive communicat ion is important . Plus, job pending, you get to play with some AMAZING things!

What was it l ike to graduate f rom high school at Fairview?

When I graduated high school , I was sad. To leave my l i fe-long f riends and go into the abyss of the rest of the world was a l i t t le int imidat ing. I look back and laugh at those feel ing now. Fairview High School is great for what i t is. An environment to pract ice your social ski l ls, learn a great base educat ion f rom AMAZING teachers and role models, learn dedicat ion, teamwork, winning and losing f rom its sports programs and how to be a bet ter person. I have some GREAT memories f rom my t ime at Fairview with my f riends and teachers. I am proud to say I went to school there and am thankful for those teachers that lef t l i fe last ing impressions on me. But overal l , high school is just that . High school . Who I am today is much dif ferent than the person I was in high school . The building blocks for who I am today, began when I was in col lege.

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Do you have any words of encouragement, or advice for some of the students?

To the students of Fairview High School , don?t let anyone ever tel l you, you can?t become something. Fol low your passion and learn how to make money doing it . My whole l i fe I have been told I would never make it in the careers that I have worked in. I look back at my l i fe and smile wide. I don?t know anyone else who was a Navy SEAL, actor in Hol lywood, has professional ly raced cars and jumps out of planes for a l iving. I am l iving so many dreams yet , I have worked my but t of f for each opportunity. People who are ?lucky? are prepared when opportunity comes along.

Author: Aubrey Col l ins

Page 5: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by

     The beginning of the story begins at Ruby Pier, with the main character Eddie. It is his 83rd birthday. He walked out of the service building, and looked at one of the rides. One of the cords were f rayed, and about to snap. Just as the ride vessel was about to crash to the ground he not iced a l i t t le girl . He jumped to save the girl . He shielded her with his body, and ended up passing away in at tempts to save a l i t t le girl .

     When he got to heaven, he fel t bet ter, had no pains, he could run again, everything. The f irst person he met was the ?Blue Man.? Eddie had no memory of this man, however, the man remembers him. One day the man was driving home, and he had to screech to a hal t to keep f rom hit t ing Eddie, as he ran into the st reet to get his bal l . The Blue Man had a heart at tack af ter that , and he died.

     The second person Eddie met was his war captain. When Eddie served in the war, he was shot in the knee to keep him f rom going into a burning building another t ime. The Captain reveal that he is the one who shot Eddie. Also the Captain reveals that later on, while Eddie was recovering, the Captain also was ki l led. The Captain was walking ahead of an army vehicle, and stepped on a landmine, and was blown to smithereens.

     The third person Eddie met in heaven was Ruby, the woman the pier was named af ter. Eddie not ices his father, and t ries in vain to get his at tent ion. Ruby explains about his father?s death. Eddie?s father died af ter t rying to save his best f riend who jumped of f the pier into the f reezing water, even when he

couldn?t swim. Eddie?s father became i l l , and died of his i l lness.

Ruby made this place in heaven for anyone who was harmed by the pier in any way, so they could use it as a safehaven.

     The fourth person Eddie met in heaven was his wife, who had died many years before? He found her amongst weddings f rom al l dif ferent cul tures. His wife had talked to him, and taught him a very valuable lesson. The lesson was, love goes on through everything, and wil l never go away.     

The last person Eddie met was Tala. She was by a river along with other children, al l of the children had ash, and soot al l over their bodies. Tala asked Eddie if he could bathe her. He agreed to this as long as she could tel l him if the girl he t ried to save survived. He washed Tala, and asked her about the girl . Tala said she was rest ing, and was pret ty shaked up, but she survived.

Author: Aubrey Col l ins

     The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a short yet sweet book. This wil l be sure to pul l at your heartst rings, and evoke great emot ion. You wil l def initely be rising and fal l ing as the main character Eddie, as he t raverses his new world, Heaven.


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 Al l Time Low released their most recent album, Future Hearts, on Apri l 3rd, 2015. This being their 6th ful l length album, it def initely impressed both crit ics and fans. The album is def initely fol lowing along wel l with the band?s pop-punk roots, and the album proves how much t ime and ef fort must?ve been put into it . The lyrics are as inspirat ional as ever, and you?l l f ind yoursel f having the occasional song stuck in your head. If you?re interested in pop-punk styled music, you should give this album a l isten.

 This album def initely stands out f rom al l the others. It has more of a pop-punk feel than ever, which impressed their fans, as always. Their lyrics stand out f rom that of other bands, in fact , you?l l never hear anything quite the same. Lyrics l ike, ?I won?t fade away, be forgot ten or just cast away, this l i fe is mine to l ive?, ?We?l l never surrender, the kids in the dark?, ?They wil l have to f ind another heart to break?, ?Let?s take the worst and make it bet ter? are meaningful to fans. The album isn?t l ikely to earn much radio t ime, however, the people who gravitate towards pop-punk music wil l surely enjoy Future Hearts.

 To me, the best song on the album would be ?Missing You?. The song is about get t ing over suicidal thoughts, and not losing your f ight in l i fe so quickly. So many people have gone through suicidal feel ings, and I personal ly bel ieve that this song is so meaningful , and it would help someone to know

that they?re not alone in their darkness. It tel ls them that i t doesn?t take too much to keep pushing through, to not let al l the bad things get to them. Honest ly, i t is just a beaut iful , inspirat ional song, and it def initely deserves the t i t le of Best Song.

Author: Anna Haag

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The QB Johnny ?Footbal l? was cut f rom the Cleveland Browns on Friday March 11. Facing t roubl ing decisions and a bad season he has an uncertain future in his NFL career. He isn?t a wanted player and is charged with possible criminal charges for a domest ic incident with his ex-girl f riend. His ex-girl f riend claimed that he had hit her and threatened to ki l l her. The Browns, hoping to gain excel lence f rom their players again draf ted Manziel hoping to make the team bet ter, but did not end up as they wanted. It turned out just as a two year hiccup the Browns did not expect .

The Browns did everything they could to keep support ing Manziel , but because of domest ic incidents, his decision to skip the team?s f inale, and the concussion of his l i fe was too much for Cleveland to handle. Now al l of the part ies and other dist ract ions were taken away f rom Cleveland and the Browns are now t rying to recuperate. In his unfortunate short career with the Browns he went 2-6 as a starter. Manziel has an uncertain future with his NFL career and he hopes to become a bet ter footbal l player soon. However that does not mean he wil l be accepted back into the Browns, but wil l help him later on to be taken into a new team, if any teams wil l accept him.

Johnny Manziel spoke with reporters, then, fol lowing a loss last season in the NFL and now this loss with his career. The coach and team sent out a few states but fol lowed with no comments. This concludes the Browns couldn?t handle any more l ies or part ies or dist ract ions, but they t ried to support him as much as they could. However in the end they could not hold on to this old Johnny Footbal l star they f irst draf ted. This is why they had to cut him f rom the NFL Cleveland Browns.

Author: Brooke Didion

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     The dict ionary def init ion of graf f i t i is, markings, as init ials, slogans, or drawings that are writ ten, spray-painted, or sketched on some sort of publ ic (or private) property. Graf f i t i is a controversial issue, because, no one can exact ly agree on what graf f i t i should be. To some, graf f i t i is considered a destruct ive thing, and it wastes someone else?s property. To others, i t is a beaut iful art form that works wel l to express opinions. For now, graf f i t i is i l legal , however, people cont inue to do it anyways.

     For some people, graf f i t i is an art form. Al though tags, or the art ist?s st reet name, are the most popular form, it comes in many other ways. It could be a colorful mural that projects a message of diversity, or a black and white paint ing that is protest ing against pol ice violence. It is a work of art that takes t ime to plan, and it makes a statement. Some graf f i t i has even been shown in gal leries along with other art . Occasional ly, a graf f i t i art ist wil l legal ly be al lowed to make graf f i t i for an art show. Graf f i t i is def initely recognized in the art world, and, that is a way it should be made a legit imate form of ?real? art . Just l ike any other art form, graf f i t i has many dif ferent styles. You wil l general ly never see the same thing twice, unless it is a tag. Graf f i t i can hold a powerful message, just l ike other art forms. If someone made a large mural on a wal l in a

museum, for an art show, that would be considered art , correct? In the same way, then, graf f i t i should be considered art . It is a t ime-consuming, detailed thing that is actual ly extremely dif f icul t . It is a message being shouted out , a chance for people to express their opinions through art , and a chance for people to hear, and to understand these opinions, and to become inspired by them.      On the other hand? Graf f i t i is a reckless, point less waste of publ ic property. By law technical ly graf f i t i is i l legal , on both private and publ ic property. Most of the t ime graf f i t i is just gang init ialed, and inappropriate drawings. Do we real ly want our youth growing up seeing that? Also graf f i t i on bridges or wal ls, can take away people?s jobs. When a person is hired to paint a mural on a wal l . What is that art ist supposed to do if the wal l is

al ready covered in gang init ials/ symbols? They can?t paint over i t , because there is no way to, accept many coats of white, which wil l make the mural making process even longer. When a real art ist is commissioned to make a mural , they are on a t ime crunch usual ly, or are a decent person, and don?t want to charge the person they are commissioned by, to watch white paint dry. If you t ried to cover up with any other color, then the mural colors could be distorted, and look wrong.

Authors: Aubrey Col l ins, Brooke Didion, and Anna Haag

Page 9: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by

     In New York City, restaurants that have outdoor seat ing areas wil l soon be al lowed to welcome dogs, under new rules by the city?s Heal th Department. They recent ly announced that so long as the dogs are l icensed, and vaccinated against diseases l ike rabies, they can join their humans at certain restaurants that choose to part icipate. The restaurants wil l be al lowed to make their own rules based on whether or not dogs should be al lowed to eat with their humans. Unt i l this bi l l was passed, the restaurants were required to restrict dogs to the area outside the pat io. The law wil l go into ef fect within thirty days, in t ime for the outdoor season for restaurants.


     Some people support this. I can understand this. Dog are, and have always been man?s best f riend. A dog not only should be t reated wel l , they should be t reated equal ly. If a person has al lergies, then they just shouldn?t sit by a dog, or just leave. The dogs are loyal to the humans, they do so much for them. They are absolutely amazing creatures, and it shouldn?t matter i f they would rather stay with the human who raised and loved them as if they were a human child. The dogs are easily equal with humans, so they should get the same t reatment. If dogs can eat with humans in their own homes, they can eat with humans at restaurants as wel l .

     On the other hand, some people bel ieve that dogs shouldn?t eat with humans. Some people have al lergies to pets, and they could have al lergy at tacks because someone else wants to be with their pet . A person can leave their pet home for however long it takes them to eat , and it shouldn?t be that big of a deal . It?s an animal , and it doesn?t need to be t reated the same way as a human should. Humans are so much more advanced than pets, so they deserve bet ter t reatment. The pets can eat in the human?s home, because, they are privi leged enough in the f irst place to even get to l ive in the same home as a human. Humans aren?t obl iged to take care of these animals, they choose to. So, the animal should stay in i t?s home, where it belongs.

Authors: Aubrey Collins, Brooke Didion, and Anna Haag

Page 10: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by

A School Without Principals?A new t rend is spreading throughout the country. A no principal school . The teachers are being put in the spot l ight having both teacher and principal responsibi l i t ies. The reasons for school dist ricts start ing to do this is that they think that teachers are more equipped to help the needs of the students than the principals would be. They think that teacher can work bet ter with students by put t ing themselves in a posit ion where they can adjust their teaching plans and adding programs to help more students. Most of the schools that are now start ing this ?t rend? are in most ly low-income cit ies and neighborhoods. There are many advantages such as the teachers changing their lesson plans. They can easily re-arrange their school lessons so that they can be more help to students and reach more needs they need to meet for the students. Regular schools have to have permission f rom the administ rat ives to be able to make those changes. Also, this establ ishes a leadership role and this is where students see success. And when the students see success it inspires them to work harder. Making them bet ter students in general .

Many people disagree with not having a principal , there are many mixed opinions on this topic. Aside f rom the good reviews f rom some schools, other school dist ricts aren?t too impressed. Though some schools show signif icant improvements, some school st i l l lag behind and aren?t gaining anything f rom not having a principal . However, the schools that are improving has the parents on their side too! If the students are becoming more academical ly successful , then the parents wil l ?chip in? to support ing the ?No Principal? t rend.

I asked our own Principal Mr. Mohr about this situat ion and asked him, despite him being a principal does he think that a school can survive without a principal . Here is his response: ?I taught in the classroom for approximately 20 years and most of those years I fel t that a school system, with an excel lent and hard working staf f , could run ef f icient ly without a principal .  I thought i f every single staf f member gave 110% toward the same goal , the success of every student no matter the abil i ty or learning style.Being in the posit ion for 6 years I real ize that just wouldn't be possible. With so many dif ferent personal it ies with the staf f I feel st rong

personal it ies would clash and more subordinate type staf f would choose sides and eventual ly lose site of why they are t ruly there. Also, a smal l group of staf f wouldn't care and not do anything.  So much t ime would be wasted that students would suf fer.Behind the scenes there is an overwhelming amount of things that need to be done that most staf f never see and I didn't know existed before taking the posit ion. For example,  I have been working on the master schedule the last two hours tonight .  I have staf f evaluat ions, curriculum writ ing, school f inances, student discipl ine, roster verif icat ion, parent concerns, community concerns, PTA reports, BOE reports, t ruancy, residency, next year I wil l be in charge of t ransportat ion and most important ly hiring the best possible teachers to give you the best possible educat ion.   I do most of the paperwork to the county and to the state of Ohio on Weekends. I think every person plays a vital role in the success of a school building and a principal 's biggest job is to create a posit ive and safe learning environment for al l students.?

Author: Brooke Didion

Page 11: FAIRVIEW POST€¦ · I actually got into racing because I was upset with the Hollywood industry. I was going on audition after audition and was told every contradicting excuse by

 In Santa Ana, CA, Of f icials are rewarding $100,000 to a homeless man. He had helped guide the pol ice to capture two escaped inmates in January. The man, a sel f -described, ?news junkie? saw the suspects parked in a stolen van on January 28. He ran to f ind a pol ice of f icer, and led them to the van. The two escapees had been caught .


 The men had actual ly been evading being caught for almost an ent ire week, when they escaped on January 22. This man, along with a few others, helped f ind them. The people who saw suspicious act ivity f rom the suspects gave as much informat ion to the pol ice as they had access to, which is an admirable example of helping your own community. These people saw something going on that shouldn?t have, and they did what they could to stop it . They are proof that helping your community can have good resul ts. They were al l rewarded for what they had helped the pol icemen to accompl ish.

 I bel ieve that these people did something extremely admirable. They saw suspicious act ivity, and they reported it to the autorit ies. This is an important lesson for young people to learn. They need to learn to keep their community safe, and to not let crime occur where it shouldn?t . These people did exact ly that , which is a perfect example to set for the younger generat ion. They def initely deserved the reward they received.

Author: Anna Haag