faith-based outreach toolkit 2020 census · english it’s time for the 2020 census. the census...

2020 Census Faith-Based Outreach Toolkit ABOUT THE TOOLKIT: This resource was created for faith leaders, active faith-community members, and any religiously affiliated person conducting census outreach. It contains census messaging tips for worship leaders, prayer insertions, bulletin blurbs and homily tips, and ideas on alternative forms of outreach. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Sample message for community of faith leaders to share with their congregation during a sermon, presentation, or meeting. Sample prayers/offerings for faith communities to share during their services encouraging their members to complete the census. Tips on the importance of the 2020 Census for faith leaders to include in their homilies. Sample excerpts for faith communities to include in their bulletins. Alternative tactics for faith leaders or community of faith-members to conduct census outreach digitally during this period of time with limited in-person contact. FOR MORE RESOURCES: iCountNM resources and materials are created on a rolling basis. To view all of the materials available, visit (844) 330-2020

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  • 2020 Census Faith-Based Outreach Toolkit

    General Messaging for Faith Leaders

    Prayer Insertions

    Homily Tips

    Bulletin Blurbs

    Census Outreach Alternatives during COVID-19

    ABOUT THE TOOLKIT:This resource was created for faith leaders, active faith-community members, andany religiously affiliated person conducting census outreach. It contains censusmessaging tips for worship leaders, prayer insertions, bulletin blurbs and homily tips,and ideas on alternative forms of outreach.


    Sample message for community of faith leaders to share with their congregationduring a sermon, presentation, or meeting.

    Sample prayers/offerings for faith communities to share during their servicesencouraging their members to complete the census.

    Tips on the importance of the 2020 Census for faith leaders to include in theirhomilies.

    Sample excerpts for faith communities to include in their bulletins.

    Alternative tactics for faith leaders or community of faith-members to conductcensus outreach digitally during this period of time with limited in-person contact.

    FOR MORE RESOURCES:iCountNM resources and materials are created on a rolling basis. To view all of thematerials available, visit 330-2020

  • ENGLISHIt’s time for the 2020 Census. The census counts everyone living in the United States nomatter where they are from, why they are here or whether they are documented.  Every person residing in the United States on April 1st needs to be counted. Includeeveryone living in your household on your census form; children, grandparents and eventhose living in your home but who may not be related to you. Your responses to thecensus are safe and confidential and will not be shared with any other governmentagencies.  The census is used to distribute federal and state funding of schools, hospitals, roads, andmany other programs that support families in our parishes. Data from the census alsohelps faith groups understand the demographics of their parish communities. If thereare gaps in data in particular geographic areas, important services and funding are atrisk of being cut to those who may need it most.  Fill out the census today to make sure you and everyone in your household is counted.  Online:    Over the phone: (844) 330-2020 

    SPANISHEs hora del Censo 2020. El censo cuenta a todos que viven en los Estados Unidos - sinimportar de dónde son, por qué están aquí o si son documentados.  Cada persona que reside en los Estados Unidos el primero de abril tiene que ser contado.En su cuestionario, incluye a todos que viven en su hogar; niños, abuelos y tambiénpersonas que viven en su hogar que no son relacionados con usted. Sus respuestas alcenso son seguras y confidenciales, y no serán compartidas con cualquier otra agenciagubernamental.  El censo se utiliza para determinar la repartición de financiamiento federal y estatal paraescuelas, hospitales, caminos y muchos otros programas que apoyan a familias ennuestras comunidades. Los datos del censo también ayuda a los grupos de fe a entenderla demográfica de sus parroquias. Si hay lagunas en los datos, servicios importantes yfondos están en riesgo de ser cortados para los que más lo necesitan.     Completa el censo hoy y asegúrese de que usted y todos en su hogar se cuentan.  En linea:     Por teléfono: (844) 468-2020

    General Messaging for Worship Leaders 330-2020

  • Pray for a successful 2020 Census that ensures justice, proper representation andfunding for everyone in America, including minorities and children.Pray for city governments, business, faith-based organizations, non profits, etc. tobe effective in creating awareness about the 2020 Census in their communities.Pray that people will self-respond to the census by mail, online, or by phone onApril 1st.Pray for the safety of thousands of enumerators who will knock on doorsbeginning in May.Pray for all people in the United States of America as we are asked to participate inthe 2020 Census, that we may recognize God’s call to love our neighbor asourselves, and to meet the needs of not just ourselves, but the needs of others.Pray for any person affected by the spread of coronavirus, may God heal thosesuffering from the disease and guide any person providing essential medical care.May we take this time in our homes to find peace and work together to create abetter community through filling out the 2020 Census.

    Reza por un Censos 2020 exitoso, que asegurar justicia, representación adecuada yfinanciamiento para todos en los Estados Unidos, incluyendo las minorías y losniños.Reza por todos los gobiernos municipales y estatales, empresas, organizacionessin fines y más para crear conciencia sobre el Censo 2020 en sus comunidades.Reza para que la gente responda al censo por correo, en línea o por teléfono elprimero de abril.Reza por la seguridad de miles de enumeradores que irán de puerta a puerta apartir de mayo.Reza por todos en los Estados Unidos debido a que se nos pregunta a participar enel Censo 2020, que podamos reconocer la llamada de Dios de amar a nuestrovecino, y para satisfacer no solo nuestras necesidades sino también de los demás.Reza por cualquier persona afectada por la propagación de “coronavirus,” que dioscure a los que sufren de la enfermedad y guiar a aquellos que proporcionanatención médica esencial. Que tomamos este tiempo en nuestros hogares paraencontrar paz y crear una comunidad mejor a través de llenar el Censo 2020.



    Prayer Insertions

    *Content modified from “America Prays Faith-Based 2020 Census Toolkit” 330-2020

  • ENGLISH2020 Census: Our Community Benefits. The 2020 Census has profound impacts on our communities and our nation. It shapeseverything from fair political representation in Congress, to funding our roads, hospitals,schools, public safety and healthcare for the next decade. A complete and accurate countlays the foundation for a healthy democracy and ensures that communities can thrive andflourish. Stand up and be counted! Participate in the 2020 Census!

    2020 Census: Children Count!Will your children be counted in the census? Unfortunately, families forget to count all theirchildren in the census. And when someone isn’t counted, it means our community losesfunding we need to support our schools, roads, and health clinics. You can help ensure thatour state receives adequate federal funding by making sure all children in your home arecounted. Stand up and be counted! Participate in the 2020 Census!

    2020 Census: It counts everyone. The 2020 Census counts every person living in the United States  no matter where they arefrom, why they are here, or whether they are documented. The Constitution requires that thecensus counts every resident in the country regardless of immigration status. All peopleshould be counted to ensure that our communities are fully represented. When you fill outtheir census form, count every person residing in your home on April 1. Stand up and becounted! Participate in the 2020 Census!

    2020 Census: Census Bureau Employees are safe. Census Bureau employees are our community members.: If an enumerator comes to yourdoor, they are simply there to help you answer the questions on your census form to makesure your household counts. They will not partner with ICE or any law enforcement agency. Itis safe to open your door to them. Stand up and be counted! Participate in the 2020 Census!

    2020 Census: A Matter of Racial Justice Ensuring everyone is counted in the 2020 Census is a matter of racial justice that is longoverdue. Minorities, such as Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanics havehistorically been undercounted. When we answer the census and encourage our neighborsto do so as well, we ensure that everyone receives the critical resources and politicalrepresentation that every person deserves. Make sure New Mexico is fully counted!Participate in the 2020 Census!

    Bulletin Blurbs 330-2020

    *Adapted from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Bulletin Blurbs — Page 1

  • SPANISHEl Censo del 2020: Nuestra comunidad se beneficiaEl impacto del Censo 2020 en nuestras comunidades de nuestra nación es profundo. Da forma atodo, desde una representación política justa en el Congreso hasta la financiación de carreteras,hospitales, escuelas, seguridad pública y atención médica. Un recuento completo y preciso es labase de una democracia saludable y asegura que las comunidades puedan prosperar y florecer.Levántate y sé contado. ¡Participe en el Censo 2020!

    El Censo 2020: ¡Los niños cuentan! ¿Sus hijos serán contados en el Censo? Desafortunadamente, las familias se olvidan de contar atodos sus hijos en el censo. Cuando alguien no es contado significa de nuestra comunidad pierdelos fondos que necesitamos para todo, desde maestros hasta carreteras locales y clínicas desalud. Usted puede ayudar participando en el Censos 2020 y asegurándose de que todos losniños en su hogar sean contados. ¡Levántense y sea contado! ¡Participe en el Censo 2020!

    El Censo 2020: cuenta a todos. El censo de 2020 cuenta a cada persona que viva en los Estados Unidos, sin importar de dondeson, por qué están aquí o si están documentados. La Constitución requiere que el censo cuente atodos los residentes en el país, independientemente de su estado migratorio. Se debe contar atodas las personas para garantizar que nuestra comunidad se cuente por completo. Cuando laspersonas completen su formulario del censo, deben, deben contar a todos los que viven en suhogar en esta fecha. ¡Levántense y sea contado! ¡Participe en el Censo 2020!

    El Censo 2020: Los empleados de la Oficina del Censo son segurosLos empleados de la Oficina del Censo son nuestros miembros de la comunidad. Si losencuestadores llegan a su puerta, simplemente están allí para ayudarlo a responder laspreguntas en su formulario del censo y asegurarse de que su hogar cuente en el censo. No seasociarán con ICE ni con ninguna agencia de la ley. Es seguro abrirles la puerta. ¡Levántense y seacontado! ¡Participe en el Censo 2020!

    El Censo 2020: Una pregunta de justicia racial Asegurarse de que todos sean contados en el censo de 2020 es una pregunta de justicia racialque debería haberse hecho hace ya mucho tiempo. Los minorías, como los nativos americanos,los afroamericanos y los hispanos no han sido contados completamente en el pasado, peropodemos asegurarnos de que se cuentan el Censo 2020.  Cuando respondemos al censo yanimar a nuestros vecinos a hacerlo también, aseguramos que todos reciben los recursos críticosy la representación política que cada persona merece.  Asegurémonos de que Nuevo México nosea subestimado. ¡Participe en el Censo 2020!

    Bulletin Blurbs 330-2020

    Bulletin Blurbs — Page 2

  • When we answer the census and help our neighbors do so as well, we declare that weare part of “we the people” and refuse to be excluded from the critical resources andpolitical representation that we deserve.

    Our communities benefit from everyone being counted and we have once chance in adecade to get it right.

    It shapes everything from fair political representation in Congress to whether our roads,hospitals,  schools and fire departments have the funding they need to support ourhealth and well-being for the next decade. A full, accurate count lays the foundation for a healthy democracy and communitieswhere families thrive and flourish.

    When you fill out the census, your personal, identifiable information will not be sharedwith any other government agency.

    Every person, regardless of immigration status has the right to be counted in the 2020Census.

    Minorities such as Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanics have beenundercounted in the past, but we can make sure they count in the 2020 Census.

    You can complete the form online and over the phone in one of 13 languages. 

    If enumerators come to your door, they are simply there to help you answer thequestions on your form in order to ensure that every household is counted. They will notpartner with ICE or any law enforcement agency. It is safe to open your door to them.

    Talking points for faith leaders to address your congregation or community in a presentation,speech or sermon.

    ENGLISHAs people of faith, we believe in the divinely given dignity of every person.

    Everyone counts in the eyes of God, so we must ensure that everyone is counted by our


    The 2020 Census has profound impacts on our communities and our nation.

    Your census information is confidential 

    The 2020 Census will not have a citizenship question, and even if you can’t vote, you can be


    Ensuring everyone is counted in the 2020 Census is a matter of racial justice that is long


    Completing the Census is easy, and there is support available for you and your community.

    Cooperating with the Census Bureau employees is safe. 

    Homily Tips 330-2020

    Homily Tips — Page 1

  • Cuando respondemos al censo y animar a nuestros vecinos a hacerlo también,declaramos que somos parte de este país y nos negamos a ser excluidos de los recursoscriticos y representación política que merecemos.

    Nuestras comunidades se benefician cuando todos son contados y tenemos unaoportunidad cada década de hacerlo bien.

    Forma todo desde representación política justa en Congreso hasta si  nuestrascarreteras, hospitales, escuelas, y departamentos de bomberos tienen la financiaciónpara apoyar nuestra salud y bienestar para la próxima década.Un recuento completo y preciso crea la fundación para una democracia saludable ycomunidades donde familias pueden prosperar.

    Cuando completa el censo, su información personal no será compartida con ningunaotra agencia gubernamental.El Censo 2020 no tiene una pregunta de ciudadanía, aunque no puedas votar, puede sercontado.  Cada persona, independientemente del estatus de ciudadanía tiene elderecho de ser contado en el Censo 2020.

    Minorías como la población indígena, afroamericanos e hispanos han sido subcontadosen el pasado, pero podemos asegurar que se cuentan en el censo 2020.

    Puede completar la forma en línea o por teléfono en una de 13 lenguas

    Si enumerados ven a tu puerta, están allí para ayudarle responder a las preguntas ygarantizar que cada hogar se cuenta. No se asociarán con ICE ni con ninguna agencia dela ley. Es seguro abrirles la puerta a ellos.

    Puntos de conversación para los líderes de fe para dirigirse a su congregación o comunidad en

    una presentación, discurso o sermón.

    SPANISHComo personas de fe, creen en la dignidad divino de cada persona. 

    Todos cuentan en los ojos de dios, entonces debemos asegurar que todos son contados en el


    El Censo 2020 tiene impactos profundos en nuestras comunidades y nuestra nación.

    Su información del censo es confidencial.

    Asegurando que todos son contados es una cuestión de justicia racial.

    Completar el censo es fácil y son recursos para apoyar su comunidad.

    Cooperar con los empleados de la Oficina del censo es seguro.

    Homily Tips 330-2020

    Homily Tips — Page 2

  • Census Outreach Alternatives during COVID-19

    The health and safety of everyone living in New Mexico is of the utmost importance in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham'smandate to cancel large events, many organizations and individuals are electing to self-quarantine to prevent exposure to the virus. As proactive decisions are made to reduce the spread of the virus, we need to make sure 2020Census outreach tactics shift as well. So, how are we going to effectively reach every person inNew Mexico when so many of our strategies rely on connecting with people one-on-one andsharing information at events like worship services? The most important census message you can convey during this time is that the census can stillbe completed online, over the phone, or by mail—all from the safety of home. Below, we outline a few alternatives you can do to still reach your audience without puttingyourself and your community members at risk.


    Create phone lists to distribute to your members so that they can phone bank remotely. Nowis a great time to check on members of your congregation while also encouraging them totake the census. If people don’t answer, leave a short, personal voicemail about theimportance of the census and remind everyone that they can fill it out now at2020census,gov or call 844-330-2020.

    2. SEND DIGITAL NEWSLETTERS/BULLETINSEven though you may not be gathering in-person through regular services, you can stillconnect with your congregation digitally through email and through video.

    Send your regular weekly bulletin out through email and include a blurb from aboveencouraging your community members to complete the census.

    Faith leaders can also film short informational videos about the census and include them inthe digital newsletter. You can find some video examples at 330-2020

    Faith-Based Census Outreach Alternatives during COVID-19 — Page 1

  • Census Outreach Alternatives during COVID-19 330-2020

    3. INCREASE SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITY Community members will likely be spending more time on social media over the next fewweeks to obtain the most current information on COVID-19 and stay connected with friendsand family during social distancing.  This is a great opportunity to post about the census onyour social channels and show that the census is a positive thing for our communities. Sharea brief reminder that, amid COVID-19, the 2020 Census is something they can do right now—and from the comfort of their own home—to benefit their community. Use Facebook Live as a convening channel to encourage your community members tocomplete the census. Create Facebook events inviting individuals to self-respond.

    Encourage your members to post about the census on their own social media pages. Theyhave the ability to reach all their friends, which is a great way to spread your message to awider audience. As always, you are welcome and encouraged to share posts from the iCountNM Facebook(@ICountNM2020) and Instagram (@icountnm) pages.

    Faith-Based Census Outreach Alternatives during COVID-19 — Page 2