fall 2014 response

RESPONSE Holy Union Sist ers Holy Union Sist ers Wake up the world through the holiness and vitality that are present in consecrated life. POPE FRANCIS YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2015 WAKE UP THE WORLD FALL, WINTER 2014 VOLUME 7 ISSUE 6

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Meet the 2014 Jubilarians, see photos of the Holy Union Gala and more....


Page 1: Fall 2014 Response

RESPONSEHoly Union SistersHoly Union Sisters

Wake up the world through the holiness and vitality that are present in consecrated life.





Page 2: Fall 2014 Response

Dear Friends,

It hardly seems possible that a year has passed since the three of us became the Province LeadershipTeam. We have delighted in the presence and ministries of our Sisters and have also experienced theloss of five Sisters. We gathered together in August at our annual Province Assembly to share ourpresence, our faith, our hope and our dreams. This past year has brought us many graces along withchallenges and opportunities.

As a Team, we are serious about fulfilling our mandate from the 2011 Collegial Assembly to reorganizeas an international congregation. Along with the calls from the Collegial Assembly, we are dealingwith pressing needs flowing from the realities of our Province related to aging and health. Our mem-bers promised a year ago to actively participate by offering their wisdom, prayer, energy, time and vision for the common good of the province. We called forth new cluster groups to respond to theCollegial Assembly of 2011. So, as we complete this first year as Holy Union leaders in the UnitedStates, we are filled with gratitude for our Sisters, Associates and for all of you, our benefactors andfriends. We appreciate your support of our life and mission in these challenging times.


Leadership Team: Srs. Patricia Heath,Yvette Ladurantaye,Mary Lou Sullivan

Now we prepare to answer the challenges of Pope Francis, as he calls for the Year of Consecrated Lifefrom November 2014 - November 2015. This will be a special year to focus on the vowed life of Sisters,Brothers and Priests as he asks us, “To Wake Up the World’ through our lives of faith, holiness andhope.” He also stated, “In this year we want to recognize and confess our weaknesses, but we alsowant to show the world with strength and joy the holiness and vitality that are present in consecratedlife.” This year we look forward to celebrating as Holy Union women and Associates as well as collaborating with members of other religious communities and all our partners in mission.

Again, we thank you, our benefactors, for your generous support of our Holy Union mission as wecontinue to “be at the heart of the world revealing God’s love.” (Article 1, Holy Union Constitutions).The positive response to our first annual Holy Union Gala was gratifying to us. We were glad to be withmany of you in October.

Holy UnionConstitutions, Article 1

Know that we hold each of you, yourfamilies and loved ones as well as yourintentions in our prayer.

Be at the heart of the world revealing God’s love.

Page 3: Fall 2014 Response

How important it is for each of us to be life givers in ourworld that is in the midst of much suffering and death. Ibelieve that what keeps us in balance is every action forgood we each perform. A noted scientist once wrote,“Everything is connected to everything else. What affectsone, affects all.” So in our corner of creation, as the HolyUnion Sisters invite you to support their mission and min-istries, you are invited into actions for good that can’t helpbut affect the eradication of suffering in our world. You area part of the international family of Holy Union. As HolyUnion Sisters minister among the people of Cameroon,Benin, Haiti, the United Kingdom, Argentina, France,Belgium and the United States you are present there.

Patricia Butler, SNDdeN, Director of Mission Advancement with Gala Committee Member, Bunny Crowell

From the Office of Mission Advancement

The melding of love, wisdom, strength, mind and souls is thetask of bringing God’s vision to those who seek to see, to bringingGod’s word to those who seek to hear, to bringing God’s love tothose who need to be loved. But by doing so, you also acknowl-edge the need for you to live out your paschal journey as well.

GratitudeMass of

It has been our custom in recent years to celebrate our HolyUnion benefactors from near and far who so faithfully con-tinue to support the Holy Union mission. On a beautifulspring day in May we once again gathered in Groton tobless and give thanks both for those who were able to bewith us and those who sent their greetings from afar. Fr. Ed-mund Derosier celebrated the Liturgy of Gratitude and onceagain left us with a very powerful message. Here is a por-tion of his homily: “You who are gathered around the Lord’sTable today have by your time, treasure and talents joinedwith the Holy Union Sisters in mission. You have accepteda call to support an idea formed long ago in the minds,hearts and faith of the four women of Douai, France and aparish priest who saw in them the grace of God. By doingso, you have acknowledged the life and mission of thesewomen past and present to be of God, graced and upheldby the spirit at work collectively within their congregation.“

These words speak of the intimate connection of our HolyUnion benefactors to the mission and ministries of the HolyUnion Sisters.

Your personal and financial assistance ensures qual-ity health care for Holy Union Sisters. You will readabout the new Wellness Team in the following pages.You will also read about how a donor’s generous bequest is assisting families desiring a Catholic ed-ucation for their children. You will learn more aboutthe people who made the Holy Union GALA 2014 pos-sible.

Your faithful support of the Holy Union Sisters is trulya ministry of good. This ministry makes a differencebecause we believe, that what affects one, affects all.

BELOW: YvonnePoirier Rice and her son John Poirier

Homily, Mass of Gratitude, May18Fr. Edmond Derosier,

ABOVE: Judith Pinard offers a reading at theMass of Gratitude

Mary Lambert enjoys HolyUnion hospitality after Mass

Pauline Amirault,Joe Amirault and Simonne Favaloro

Page 4: Fall 2014 Response


GalaA great time was had by all! Laughter, joy andjust plain fun permeated the Ballroom at theMontvale Plaza in Stoneham, MA. at the HolyUnion GALA. Thanks to the staff for the ele-gant décor and Chefs from Marty’s Cateringwho provided an extremely delicious mealwith many excellent choices. Mark Murphy,himself, oversaw all the details of our evening.

ABOVE: Srs. Mary Lou Sullivan,Patricia Heath, YvetteLadurantaye

Victor and Janice Corbin

Pauline Amirault, Simmone Favaloro,Frank Favaloro, Joe Amirault continue their Holy Union friendship

ABOVE: Srs. Bernadette Sullivan, Mary Lou Sullivanand Patricia Heath admiretheir raffle prizes

RIGHT: Lottery Tree winner,Sally Frissore enjoys her lottery tree prizes

Joan Melansonand Lorraine Accardi welcome guests

Our thanks go to the many sponsors who sup-ported the entire event, all who supported theGrand Raffle and all who attended the fundrais-ing activities. Special thanks go to RosemaryVerri, our Emcee, and the Northshoremen, whoprovided a wonderful medley of songs. In addition, we thank Mary Lorden, of MontvalePlaza, for facilitating all the details of theevening.

LEFT: Isabel Pizzano, Ann Nickerson,Ellie Differ

October 18, 2014

Helen Lulsdorf, Janet Childs and Sr. Jane Newcombsmile for the camera

Sandy and Ray Turcotte

ABOVE: Debra Nunes, Sr. Yvette, andJan LaPierreenjoy time together

RIGHT: Srs. Mary Lou Simcoe, JoanGuertin, andPatricia Butleradvertise one of the auctionitems

Page 5: Fall 2014 Response

BELOW: Sr. Ann Billard, OLM, Assembly Presenter on "Transformative Aging"

As usual, the joyfulliturgy and festive dinnerand celebrating this year’s jubilarians was ahighlight of the assembly.

Once again, Holy Union Sisters and Associatesgathered in August to share life, celebrate our jubilarians, remember the sisters and associateswho have died since the last assembly and hearupdates on the life of the province.

Sr. Ann Billard, OLM, spoke onTransformative Aging. Sr. Ann is inter-nationally known for her workshopson spirituality and aging. Her lively

and thoughtful presentation was enthusiastically received by both sistersand associates.

In preparation for work on congregational restructuring and decision-making, the film “Of Gods and Men” was shown. This moving film is basedon the true story of a group of Trappist monks in Algeria who must decidewhether to stay or leave their Muslim sisters and brothers when funda-mentalist terrorists threaten their lives.

Province AssemblyFALL, WINTER 2014 � PAGE 5

Holy Union Sisters and Associates Gather in Assembly

Sr. Connie Gagnon (with corsage)celebrates with Srs. MarilynBearne, Cecile Mousseau, Kathee Corrigan and Nancy Stiles

Sr. Alice Desrosiers celebratedher 75th Anniversary at Marian Manor

Sr. Adrienne De Champlain, seated, with Srs. MaryellenRyan, Mary Catherine Burns and Paula Coelho

Srs. AliceMichael and

Elizabeth Kunsah at the Jubilee dinner

Sr. Kathleen Gibney renews her vows surrounded by theLeadership Team

Page 6: Fall 2014 Response

• Recognize a name? • Would you like to reconnect or send a congratulatory note?

• Send an email to: [email protected]

75 YearsSr. Adrienne DeChamplain (Sr. Adrienne Elise)Sr. Alice Desrosiers (Sr. Doris Mari)

70 YearsSr. Pauline Fournier RIP

(Sr. Pauline Dolores) Sr. Kathleen Gibney

(Sr. John Alicia)

65 YearsSr. Lorraine MacPherson

(Sr. Therese Joseph)

60 YearsSr. Mary Catherine Duerr

(Sr. Paule Anthony)Sr. Gertrude Pare

(Sr. Gertrude Marie)

50 YearsSr. Beverly Furtado

(Sr. Paul Mary)

25 YearsSr. Constance Gagnon

Sr. Mary Catherine Sr. GertrudeSr.Constance


Sr. Lorraine


Sr. Alice

During the height of the Depression, Dorothy Vaill’sparents were unable topay her tuition at SacredHearts Academy in FallRiver. The sisters toldBridget and Matthew Vaillthat their daughter couldcontinue in school, regard-

less of finances. Dorothy neverforgot this kindness. After time in

the military, she became Director of Speechand Hearing Services for the Washington D.C.public schools. She also taught English as a

Second Language to immigrants. Upon her death in 2011, she lefta generous bequest to the Holy Union Sisters.

In 2013 the Holy Union Sisters created the Dorothy Vaill MemorialFund to provide assistance to women and children whose financialcircumstances make their pursuit of an education difficult.

In this first year of operation, all information wasposted on our website. After all applications were received, the review committee met. Although therewere many deserving applicants, the committeeawarded financial aid to thirty-eight elementary andhigh school students as well as to a single mother returning to college.

At the Province Assembly, Sr. Bernadette Sullivan, Review Committee Chair, shared these comments fromgrateful recipients. “Thank you from deep in our hearts forthis grant which will help us so much. We are deeply honoredand appreciative of the Holy Union Sisters.” The father oftwin daughters wrote, “ This grant will enable my daughtersto finish their last year of high school. God help you to continueassisting families like us.”

Thanks to the generosity of Dorothy Vaill, the HolyUnion Sisters are proud to continue their educationalministry well into the future.

DorothyVaill MemorialFund

Sr. Bernadette Sullivan,committee chair, atprovince assembly

Sr. Kathleen

Sr. Adrienne

Sr. Beverly

Page 7: Fall 2014 Response

celebration became a reality.I asked his help in forming aplanning committee. He read-ily offered names of HolyUnion alums, especially fromhis beloved French Connec-tion. This greatly aided theplanning process for the sixcelebrations that took placeacross the United States.

Brian became a mentor andguide for me along with thevery capable women and menwho joined both the steeringcommittee and the area com-

mittees. Within Brian’s serious manner, there was a huge andloving heart that wanted our efforts to be the best that theycould be. He loved his Holy Union Sisters and nothing wastoo much to do for them. Many times I tried to acknowledgehis hard work, but he wanted no part of personal recognition.It is only now that I am able to acknowledge his great gen-erosity and love for Holy Union. Brian is a great loss to allwho knew and loved him. We keep his family, especially hiswife Betty and children Kenneth and April, in our thoughtsand prayers. May Brian rest in peace.


It was with great sadness that we learned of Brian’sillness and subsequent death on May 10th. I metBrian Brooks nine year ago when I began my min-istry as Director of Mission Advancement for theHoly Union Sisters. Brian was a very generousdonor, and I wanted to learn where his generosityfound its roots He shared his gratitude for the HolyUnion Sisters at Notre Dame High School in Cambridge. He told me that if it were not for Sr.Genevieve Alice (Sr. Alice Menard) and Sr. CelineHelena (Sr. Eva Ouellette), he would not be who hewas. Brian had a speech difficulty but his teacherswould not allow this to stop the very capable stu-dent from continuing his education. After college hejoined Price Waterhouse where he worked for fortyyears culminating his career as a Senior Partner.

Brian’s generosity overflowed into our MissionAdvancement efforts, particularly during the 125thAnniversary year. Brian put his time and talent at theservice of Holy Union as the plans for a year long

Brian A. Brooks

Wellness Team Taking Shape

In Loving Memory

The Leadership Team is working with the province nurses todevelop a Health and Wellness Nursing Team. For several years,Heidi Caron-Guay, R.N. and Ruth Messer R.N. have been providingmedical assistance and support to sisters living in Massachusettsand Rhode Island. Two new members have recently joined theteam: Pamela Alexander, R.N. will work with the sisters in south-eastern MA and RI and Mary Ellen Smith, R.N. will assist the sistersin the New York area.

The goal of the team is not only to provide nursing coverage andcontinuity of care, but also to offer health care information and education through short seminars. Health regulations are

constantly changing, and Holy Union is fortunate tohave these nurses who are able to keep sisters informed about these changes. At the province assembly Heidi Caron-Guay, team coordinator, offered information about the updated Health CareProxy Form for Massachusetts.

Heidi is also inputting the sisters’ health records to apassword-protected cloud program, which can be accessed by the leadership team and the other nurseson the team. This will make it easier to share infor-mation and provide accurate information to doctorsand other medical personnel.



ABOVE:Sr. Mary Catherine Burns confers with Ruth Messer, R.N.

RIGHT: Heidi Caron Guay, R.N. and Pam Alexander, R. N. check the data base

DorothyVaill MemorialFundRIGHT: Mary Ellen Smith, R.N.

Page 8: Fall 2014 Response

As you provide for loved ones in your will, youcan leave an additional amount for your charita-ble interests. You can name a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or any remainingassets for the Holy Union Sisters. If you wouldlike more specific information, please contact:

Mission Advancement Office at (617) 696-8765 ext 19 or

[email protected]

Remembering Holy Union in Your Will

Online Donations

Please visit the Mission Advancement page atwww.holyunionsisters.org in order to:

• Learn about an Invitation to Partnership that outlines some specific Holy Union ministry needs

• Make an on-line donation

• Begin estate planning to benefit the Holy Union Sisters

• Learn about the Memorial Program


Patricia Butler, SNDdeNHoly Union SistersU.S. Province Mission Advancement DirectorPO Box 410, Milton, MA 02186-0006(617) 696-8765 ext 19Fax: (617) [email protected]

Mary Lou Simcoe, SUSC Communications Director550 Rock Street Fall River, MA 02720-3436(508) [email protected]

Designer: Anne Martens Plymouth, MA 02360(508) [email protected]

Response is published twice a year by the Mission Advancement and Communications Offices

for friends and families of the Holy Union Sisters.

Proof Reader: Lorraine Chipman, MFIC

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Printer: Image ResolutionsNorwell, MA


They follow the Christwho spoke of universallove, who saw in theweak, the outcast andthe sinner not the scumof creation but the handiwork of God waiting to be freed by someone who lovesthem as God loves them.

Homily, Mass of GratitudeMay18 - Fr. Edmond Derosier

Wake up the world...