family prayer service for parents day july 2013

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC Archdiocesan Value Education Centre AVEC Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 Email: [email protected] AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE ARCHDIOCESAN VALUE EDUCATION CENTRE (AVEC– Mumbai) Family Prayer Service for Parents Day 4 th Sunday of July Theme: Patience is a key component to conscious parenting. Quote: Help a parent and you’ve helped the child - Johana Scot Logo: Your children need your presence more than your presents - Jesse Jackson. Ritual: Family Vision/Mission Statement OR Family Tree Scripture: ‘You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb’ Ps.139. Prayer Song 1: God is so good …… OR I have a Maker - Prayer Song 2: God blessed my life when He gave me U - Time required: Around 15 minutes. Introduction: Leader: ‘Parent’s Day’ is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July each year to honour parents in every family for their self sacrificing love and care in forming the integrity of the next generation. We acknowledge the role of parents in their commitment and unrestricted love rather than the trivial negative experiences. In appreciation for being our wonderful parents, we make them proud for having us as their dear children. Let us join in the prayer song Prayer Song 1: God is so good …… OR I have a Maker - Reader 1: The family based on marriage between a man and a woman, is the basic cell of human society, a church in miniature and a sanctuary for the creation and nurture of children. The fact that God in Jesus willed to be born into a human family and grow up in it has made the family a sacred place where God is present to sanctify the daily routine. Parents are the first teachers in the nursery of family in a home. With their caring love children learn the first lessons on how to crawl, to stand, to walk, to speak, to think and to choose - the essential lessons in the journey of life. ‘Family is the nucleus of civilization’ for ‘if the family is in order, the nation will be in order; if the nation is in order the whole humankind will live in peace’ (Lu Buwei 300 b.c.). The best service one can render to create a better world for all, is to raise a family as solidarity. ‘In the family, children learn to love inasmuch as they are unconditionally loved, they learn respect for others inasmuch as they are respected, they learn to know the face of God inasmuch as they receive a first revelation of it from a father and a mother full of attention in their regard’ (youcat)

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Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC - Mumbai) PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCES


Page 1: Family Prayer Service for Parents Day July 2013


*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*                                       PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC 

  Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ‐ AVEC 

Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E‐mail: [email protected] 

                                        AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE 


Family Prayer Service for Parents Day

4th Sunday of July

Theme: Patience is a key component to conscious parenting. Quote: Help a parent and you’ve helped the child - Johana Scot Logo: Your children need your presence more than your presents - Jesse Jackson. Ritual: Family Vision/Mission Statement OR Family Tree Scripture: ‘You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb’ Ps.139. Prayer Song 1: God is so good …… OR I have a Maker - Prayer Song 2: God blessed my life when He gave me U - Time required: Around 15 minutes. Introduction: Leader: ‘Parent’s Day’ is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July each year to honour parents in every family for their self sacrificing love and care in forming the integrity of the next generation. We acknowledge the role of parents in their commitment and unrestricted love rather than the trivial negative experiences. In appreciation for being our wonderful parents, we make them proud for having us as their dear children. Let us join in the prayer song Prayer Song 1: God is so good …… OR I have a Maker - Reader 1: The family based on marriage between a man and a woman, is the basic cell of human society, a church in miniature and a sanctuary for the creation and nurture of children. The fact that God in Jesus willed to be born into a human family and grow up in it has made the family a sacred place where God is present to sanctify the daily routine. Parents are the first teachers in the nursery of family in a home. With their caring love children learn the first lessons on how to crawl, to stand, to walk, to speak, to think and to choose - the essential lessons in the journey of life. ‘Family is the nucleus of civilization’ for ‘if the family is in order, the nation will be in order; if the nation is in order the whole humankind will live in peace’ (Lu Buwei 300 b.c.). The best service one can render to create a better world for all, is to raise a family as solidarity. ‘In the family, children learn to love inasmuch as they are unconditionally loved, they learn respect for others inasmuch as they are respected, they learn to know the face of God inasmuch as they receive a first revelation of it from a father and a mother full of attention in their regard’ (youcat)

Page 2: Family Prayer Service for Parents Day July 2013


*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*                                       PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC 

  Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ‐ AVEC 

Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E‐mail: [email protected] 

                                        AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE 

Family is the unique school of living in relationships. In a conscious parenting, children imbibe values and principles through the interactions that parents and others model in their lives. Un-conditional parenting enhances personal growth and provides emotional healing. Ritual: Family Tree OR Family Vision/Mission Statement Family Tree: ‘Children ought to receive two thins from parents: roots and wings’(J.V.Goethe). Family is a circle of strength and love; with every birth the circle grows and with every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger. (Observe the Family Tree is prepared earlier) OR Family Vision: ‘If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal’ (A. Einstein). We are here to live with a finer spirit to enrich the world. Family vision statement help define the priorities for the family. A Vision with action can change the world for ‘where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Prov. 29:18).  {Family Vision/Mission Statement written earlier (could be reviewed and revised every year)} Vision: We the family (name…) pledge to be a living church of Christ in gospel values. Mission: Our (name) - family commits to be Christ Centered in a nurturing faith atmosphere - where we make space for God in our family and our lives; where we appreciate creation, respect the earth and its resources; where we accept the uniqueness of every family member giving our time and attention; we cultivate dialogue in a trusting environment; we overlook shortcomings and forgive hurts; and we promote universal brotherhood in a spirit of compassion and service. {Family joins in to read, affirm (hug) and sign it - display in the prominent place at home.} Child's Prayer For Parents: 1. Child 1: (for parents) Thank you, O God, for my home, for my parents, for the tender love, security and prospects of learning I have been given. Forgive us for the times we have hurt and disregarded their advice. Set them free Lord from sorrow, regrets and sense of guilt. May we love, respect and obey them at all times. Bless our parents Lord with Your protection and wisdom and may we be the joy of our parents at all times. 2. Child 2: (for grandparents) We thank You God for the generosity of our grandparents, for their time, kindness, guidance and advice they have shared with us. We pray, bless them with peace, joy and strength in their years of maturity. Help us to appreciate and respect them always. Sustain them with good health of body, mind, soul and spirit; and to our departed grandparents grant eternal reward. Amen. Reader 2: Let us now listen to the scripture reading. Scripture Reading: Ps. 139/13-14. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.” … (pause).That everything about us, bodily and otherwise is created by God’s unconditional love. Each and every one of us is precious, unique and beloved of God from the moment of origin / conception. We were just as much alive and human at the very moment of conception as we are right now. We are made in the image and likeness of God who knows everything about us

Page 3: Family Prayer Service for Parents Day July 2013


*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*                                       PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC 

  Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ‐ AVEC 

Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E‐mail: [email protected] 

                                        AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE 

including the hair on our heads and what we are going through every moment of everyday. Every baby is created in the image and likeness of God and has every right to be born to live in dignity. Reader 3: Behavioral change happens through relationships. The brain is a relational organ and its development and function is dependent on interactions with one’s supportive caregivers. Trusting relationships support cognitive, emotional and social development, teaching self regulation without emotional meltdowns. Mindful parenting connects to form positive behavioral patterns and unfold complex brain skills unique for each child. The child with emotional wellbeing and self-worth can face any hurdle to realize one’s goals. Reader 4: Conscious parenting is a set of beliefs about what children need to develop and thrive. Ethics of non-judgmental approach to discipline promotes nonviolent communication and peaceful conflict resolution. Repeated exposure to fear based discipline can block or damage the developing brain. The way we connect, communicate and collaborate with children empowers them. We accompany our kids in a way where they won’t have to ‘recover from their childhoods’ in later years. Leader: ‘Patience is a key component to conscious parenting’. There was a father who decided to try the ‘Hug it out’ method. His small son was having a temper tantrum. The father got down on one knee and shouted, ‘I need a hug.’ His son asked in disbelief, ‘now?!?’ the father said, ‘yes, now’. The son said, ‘okay,’ and awkwardly gave his father a hug. Soon the rigidity disappeared and they melted into each other’s arms. After a few moments the father said, ‘Thanks, I needed that.’ His son said, with a little tremor on his lips, ‘So did I’. Children are incredible, always in the now, caught up in the wonder and joy of life. Let us be there to them as a ‘presence more than our presents’ (Jesse Jackson) as we make deposits in their memory banks. Let us pray for them. Parent’s Prayer for children/ family: 3. (Couple holding an infant): /Reader The Chinese proverb says ‘There is only one pretty child in the world, and every parent has it’. ‘The child is God’s greatest gift for the family, for a nation and for the world’. Dear God, we thank You for the gift of this child(ren) to raise, the life to share, the body to nurture, the spirit to enrich. From eternity you knew them and loved them. Give us the patience to teach and wisdom to guide them. Grant that they may experience our home as a sanctuary in their time of need. 4. (Parents) / Reader Most loving Father, we thank Thee for the joy of being as one in a family and for the loving comfort of our home. Parenting is a most challenging task with no prior experience or training. Teach us what to give and what to withhold; when to rebuke and when to praise, how to listen and how to respond. Blind us to small shortcomings and courage to be firm and if required to withhold a privilege which might do them harm. Grace us as parents to be what we should be, for there is nothing more important than a healthy family tree. Leader:

Page 4: Family Prayer Service for Parents Day July 2013


*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*                                       PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC 

  Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ‐ AVEC 

Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E‐mail: [email protected] 

                                        AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE 

‘God never ceases to be the father of His children’. Let us entrust ourselves to God our Father: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Prayer Song 2: God blessed my life when He gave me you -

………………….. Happy Parents Day ………………………… Requirements for the Prayer Service: (Around 15 minutes)

1. Prepare a Family Tree OR Family Vision/Mission Statement with family participation. 2. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements. 3. Prepare & display the theme, quote, logo, family tree/family vision/mission statement. 4. Learn and teach the songs prior to the prayer service. 5. Assign readers to responsibly render their role with reflective pauses; 6. Practice to let the prayer service flow with reverence and devotion. 7. Give sufficient time for the prayer process to course on - minimum 15 minutes

……………. Prayer Song 1: I have a Maker - I have a Maker / He formed my heart before even time began / my life was in his hands Chorus: He knows my name / He knows my every thought

He sees each tear that falls / and He hears me when I call I have a Father / He calls me His own He'll never leave me / No matter where I go Prayer Song 2: God blessed my life when He gave me you - 1. My heart began to melt when I laid my eyes on you With your hand in mine, you swept me away with your eyes of blue this tiny little package so small and so frail is a gift He gave to me, and I just have to tell Chorus: God blessed my life when He gave me you

And I promise to teach you about Him, and show you His love in all that I do This treasure on loan from Heaven is God's and His alone But He gave me you so I could give you back to Him

2. So innocent and sweet, a reflection of God's love for me When I look at your face, I sense His embrace and feel so much peace How could something so perfect be entrusted to my hands And why He chose me, I'll never understand Other Songs: You raise me up – Refer - God is so good (3), He is so good to me - Refer: He’s got the whole world …Refer: Father, I place into Your hands my friends and family: Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset :


Page 5: Family Prayer Service for Parents Day July 2013


*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*                                       PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC 

  Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ‐ AVEC 

Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E‐mail: [email protected] 

                                        AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE 

Tips to frame Family Vision/Mission Statement (1 to 5 year plan – to review annually) We (Name family)……….To…. (Do something) In such a way that…………. (How and in which manner) So that………….. (We gain these results or benefits) Sample: Family Vision Statement (in one sentence, affix the family picture) Vision: We the family (name…) pledge to be a living church of Christ in gospel values. Mission: Our (name) … family commits to be Christ Centered in a nurturing atmosphere – where we make space for God’s presence in our family and our lives; where we appreciate creation, respect the earth and its resources; where we accept the uniqueness of every family member giving our time and attention; we cultivate dialogue in a trusting atmosphere; we overlook shortcomings and forgive hurts; & we promote universal brotherhood in a spirit of compassion n service. (You can add on similar lines – have two or three being specific to what, when) We will put God and our family before any other activities. We will have a quiet time daily to worship/pray /read bible together and individually. We will accept one another, be available to affirm one another and have fun time together. We will treat children as God’s blessing; respect their ideas and encourage their creativity. We will give roots of responsibility and wings of independence to family members /children. We will follow family tradition – asking elder’s blessing, prayer before/after meals/work/study.

….. Fun time activities for the family (at least once a week): Research the Family Tree - through a Poster/Power Point; Create a family Time line/Calendar /Journal; Singing / Riddles / Skit / Radio show; Bumper Sticker with a Catchy family slogan Frame ‘Family Collage’ on family rituals /church -sacraments / events. Prepare ‘Time Capsule’ - weekly/monthly/yearly. .. listing at least 5 events Participate in family rituals - daily, weekly, monthly, holiday, yearly traditions.

………….. A Note on Family Rituals: A family ritual is a set of behavior(s) significant to the welfare of family to enhance bonding. Family rituals stir up strong emotions, foster communication and connection with a sense of identity and belonging. Rituals incorporated into family life are a way of transmitting family values, history, traditions and culture linking generations and enriching lives. Daily Traditions - schedule events to set the rhythm of life - bed time, meal time, study time, fun time, prayer time …eat a meal together / take a walk / share events of the day/ read the bible at bed time / pray together holding hands. Weekly Traditions - Attending Sunday Mass as a family, faith formation sessions - strengthens the faith experience/education. Have a “cleaning time/evening” (common activity - cleaning, gardening, painting a wall /door) while music is played and end chores with a family treat. Monthly / holiday / Yearly Traditions - Celebrations of birthdays /wedding anniversaries / school results / family picnic /family photograph / Christmas decorations / preparation of sweets

Page 6: Family Prayer Service for Parents Day July 2013


*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*                                       PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC 

  Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ‐ AVEC 

Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E‐mail: [email protected] 

                                        AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCE 

/ visits to shrines, orphanage, special homes ../ celebration of feast days - Mother Mary, guardian angel, St. Joseph /Anthony, patron saint, Christmas, Christ the King, Easter…special days.. Consciously creating traditions can work miracles in our lives as rituals celebrate aspects of life.  

…….. Home a safe / nurturing environment: The best bliss in life is the conviction that we are accepted and loved as we are by God, family, friends... Our Home is an abode of safety where building blocks are laid daily to meet our physical, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual needs. Dr. Phil’s 5 tips to create a nurturing family system: 1. Create a Nurturing and Accepting Family System - putting the family first, setting aside 30 minutes a day for the family daily and work on improving your family situation every day. Identify, respect, encourage and bring out the unique skills, abilities, interests and talents of every family member. Create a sense of security and peace in your home by eliminating verbal abuse and public arguments/fights. Avoid making home a terror or combat zone. 2. Promote Rhythm in Your Family Life for the wellbeing of your family.   Schedule the events (key activities) of the day/week - as meals time, bedtime, wake up time, prayer time, study time, fun time. List the specific chores to be done and by whom. Implement a discipline style that is firm yet flexible and consistent. 3. Be accountable for your choices for the choices you make are your responsibility. Self introspection helps in asking oneself questions like the following and gaining insightful learning: Are there certain behaviors or bad habits I need to take care? if so, what are they with regard to - my priorities, reckless behavior, spending habits, selfish attitudes, work ethics, time management, health care and safety of family members … Let your truthful answers identify for you what must become priority for repair. 4. Encourage active Communication through meaningful dialogue in safe environments. Make the time and effort to listen carefully to the little hurts, complaints, joys and achievements by giving undivided attention. Encourage trusting atmosphere that allows one to admit failure / mistakes; express fear /anxiety and willingness to adopt corrective measures. Watch TV together and share your thoughts, opinions, views. Discuss sensitive subjects as accident, addiction, sickness, death, violence, crime, human trafficking, child abuse - providing a forum for self - expression and self confidence. 5. Learn How to Manage Crisis. When it comes to family life there will be some crisis that will impact family life. Crisis could be power failure, a chronic illness of a family member, loss of income earning job, accident, addiction. Have a consciously designed crisis management plan in place. Be alert about warning signs to be away from danger (habit, thing, place, person …) physically or emotionally. Aim your energies at solving the problem instead of attacking the person and find meaning in suffering. A Family is where life begins and love never ends signifying heaven on earth. ‘Having a place to go is a home. Having someone to love is a family. Having both is a blessing’ (Donna Hedges)
