family resources...madonna, tina turner, cher. how did these performers influence current music...

Electives Music Physical Education Visual Arts World Languages Family Resources April 2020 Page 1

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Page 1: Family Resources...Madonna, Tina Turner, Cher. How did these performers influence current music videos? Watch a movie about a music teacher, i.e.“Mr. Holland’s Opus.” Stretch


Music Physical Education

Visual Arts World Languages

Family Resources

April 2020

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Page 2: Family Resources...Madonna, Tina Turner, Cher. How did these performers influence current music videos? Watch a movie about a music teacher, i.e.“Mr. Holland’s Opus.” Stretch


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❖ Listen to a favorite song.

❖ Listen to a song that you’ve never heard before.

❖ Listen to a song and talk about the mood. How does it make you


❖ Draw a picture of your favorite song. Use color to reflect the

mood. Or, draw a picture of your favorite musician.

❖ Log the places you hear music (for older students make a graph to

illustrate this).

❖ Make up your own words to a song you already know.

❖ Make up a different tune to the lyrics (words) you already know.

❖ Create a chant about something you love to eat or do.

❖ Build an instrument from things around the house. For older

students discuss if it’s a percussion, wind, or stringed instrument.

What other instruments are played the same way?

❖ Read a picture book based on a song.

❖ Create a picture book based on a song.

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❖ Use a favorite picture book to create a mini opera. Everything is

sung! Raid the costume box/closet at home (with the permission

of your grown-up) and perform it for your family or for an

audience of stuffies.

❖ Sing to your pet.

❖ Have a grown-up clap a pattern of long sounds, short sounds

and/or rests, and then echo the pattern. Older siblings can lead

younger siblings in this.

❖ Listen to two songs and compare. Which one is loud/soft, uses

long/short notes, etc.? What instruments do you hear?

❖ Listen for sounds in the environment (airplanes, car motors, etc.).

Again, older students could create a graph of what they hear.

❖ Have a grown-up sing high and low notes and then see if you can


❖ Watch a musical with your family.

❖ Listen for music in a movie or commercial. How is the music

used? How does it set a mood?

❖ Sing a song that you learned in music class for your family.

❖ Create a kitchen band as a family (pots, pans, egg beaters, yogurt

containers, etc.).

❖ Create a musical note to a family member. Make a card in the

shape of a musical note and write a personal note.

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❖ Keep the beat to a song by clapping, tapping, marching, snapping,


❖ Put on music and dance like no one is watching.

❖ Put on music and walk to the beat pretending you are an animal

(elephant, chicken, giraffe, cat, etc.).

❖ Exercise with music on (jumping jacks, sit-ups, etc.).

❖ Dance with scarves or scraps of material.

❖ Plan a step routine with a sibling, including stomps, steps, claps,


❖ For older students, create an imaginary product and a song to sell

your product. Use a tune you already know.

❖ If you have a keyboard at home – look for patterns of black and

white keys.

❖ Fill glasses with water at different levels and play a tune.

❖ Listen to appliances around the house – do they create a rhythmic

pattern? Can you clap or tap this?

❖ Find a musical performance on YouTube of a child performing.

Ask your grown-up for permission, of course.

❖ Polish a song with a sibling, record it, and send it to an older

relative that is social distancing. It will make his or her day.

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❖ Listen to bird calls. Which ones make high sounds? Which ones

are lower?

❖ Practice your instrument or piano if you are taking band or

orchestra, or piano lessons. Practice your recorder if you took it


❖ For older students, research a composer. When did they live?

What did they write? Can you find an interesting fact about this


❖ Research a musical style. Where did the blues come from? Where

did rock and roll come from?

❖ Blow across the top of a water bottle, research why this makes a


❖ Research how the ear works. How do we hear? How can we listen

to music properly?

❖ Research the properties of sound.

❖ Create a musical game. For example: one person comes up with a

topic, next person then sings a song about that topic. If they are

successful, that person then creates the next topic.

❖ Research musical games from other countries and play the game

with your family.

❖ Create a poster of all the ways music is used (celebrations,

commercials, movies, etc.).

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❖ Listen to concerts provided online.

❖ Make a poster of different jobs related to music.

❖ Practice writing musical notes and rests. Explain these to a grown-

up in your house.

❖ Create lyrics to a song about the U.S.A., your town, country or

school. Or create lyrics about your favorite place.

❖ Sing to a younger sibling at night.

❖ For those that have crafty grown-ups – make a quilt with squares

that reflect the families’ favorite songs. On each fabric square

draw a picture or write the name of a song. Have your grown-up

stitch it together, and you will have a gift for a loved one.

❖ Write a thank you note to your music teacher. You are being


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Written in Collaboration with my Daughter, Lauren Chroninger

Wardlaw who teaches music in Calif.

❖ Spend 15 minutes listening to music from different countries

(Japan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, USA, etc.).

❖ Watch an old musical – what did you appreciate about the

music from this movie? Think about how it is different than

music today?

❖ Teach a younger sibling something you have learned about

recorder, ukulele, guitar, or your band or orchestra instrument.

❖ Give a concert to your family.

❖ Facetime a friend and practice together.

❖ Find a song on YouTube and record yourself singing it.

❖ Karaoke at home with your family or through Facetime.

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❖ Listen to a song and see if you can figure out the form. Listen

for like and unlike sections.

❖ Research different musical periods: Baroque, Romantic,

Classical, Romantic, 20th Century.

❖ Watch old music videos with the permission of your grown-up:

Madonna, Tina Turner, Cher. How did these performers

influence current music videos?

❖ Watch a movie about a music teacher, i.e.“Mr. Holland’s


❖ Stretch in the morning to music.

❖ Perform three acts of kindness. Remember - “We are a

Community of Musicians.”

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NAME: ____________ PER: _______

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Name: __________________

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Rhythm Practice - Level 1












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Rhythm Practice - Level 2












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Rhythm Practice - Level 3












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Physical Education

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Stay strong, keep going!

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 For 1 minute: hold your

arms out to the side, up by your ears, and in front of you.

Arms day: 20 tricep dips, 15 push ups, 15 bicep curls, repeat 3 times

INTERVALS: Jog for 2 minutes, walk for 1, run for 1, walk for 1. Repeat 5 times.

Side plank competition: see which family member can hold side plank the longest.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 30 seconds each: squats, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups, repeat 3 times.

Mindful Minute: For 60 seconds, clear your mind and only focus on your breathing.

Ball Push ups/plank:

Do 10 push ups/hold plank with a ball under your hands

Core Challenge: Plank 10 seconds, 10 crunches, 10 sit ups, repeat 5 times.

Leg day: 20 squats, 20 walking lunges, 20 high knees, repeat 3 times.

Clap & catch Throw a soft object into the air. Clap as many times as you can then catch it.


Drink half your body weight in ounces

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Take a WALK with a family member/friend for 30 minutes.

Jump rope (or just jump) as fast as you can for 1 minute, repeat 6-8 times

Google a Yoga Video and do it!

Core Challenge: Plank 10 seconds, 10 crunches, 10 sit ups, repeat 5 times.

Leg day: 20 squats, 20 walking lunges, 20 high knees, repeat 3 times.

INTERVALS: Jog for 2 minutes, walk for 1, run for 1, walk for 1. Repeat 5 times.

Leave a note: leave a nice note for someone to find today. (online counts!)

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Muscle relaxation: Lay down and hold each muscle then relax, start from head to toe.

Arms day: 20 tricep dips, 15 push ups, 15 bicep curls, repeat 3 times

DANCE PARTY: Learn a new dance on tik tok or


Core Challenge: Plank 10 seconds, 10 crunches, 10 sit ups, repeat 5 times.

PLAY A GAME: Find a friend or family member and pick a game to play

INTERVALS: Jog for 2 minutes, walk for 1, run for 1, walk for 1. Repeat 5 times.

Handstands! How long can you hold them? Having trouble? Start against a wall.

26 27 28 29 30 Take a WALK with a family member/friend for 30 minutes.

30 seconds each: squats, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups, repeat 3 times.

Mindful Mintue: For 60 seconds, clear your mind and only focus on your breathing.

Core Challenge: Plank 10 seconds, 10 crunches, 10 sit ups, repeat 5 times.

Play Catch: Find a ball and a friend and play catch for 20 minutes.

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Reproduced with permission from the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America)

National Health Observances

• National Autism Awareness Month

• National Minority Health Month

• National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

• Stress Awareness Month

• April 7: World Health Day

1 Yoga is a great way to relieve stress. Try Savasana, considered to be the hardest yoga pose! Fully relax & clear your mind.

2 Star Jumps Jump up with your arms and legs spread out like a star. Do 10 then rest and repeat.

3 Crane Pose

Here’s a challenge! Put your hands on the ground, lean forward & balance your knees on your elbows.

4 4 Walls

Face each wall in a room and do a different exercise for 30 seconds -side shuffle -grapevine to left then right -wide stance punches -vertical jumps

5 Mindful Snack When eating a snack today, really pay attention to the taste, feel, sound, smell and look of the snack you’re eating. What do you notice?

6 Balance Stand on your right leg and lift your left knee at a 90 degree angle. Touch your toe without falling repeat 10 times then switch sides.

7 World Health


Did you know regular, moderate-intensity physical activity can help prevent diabetes? Go for a walk with an adult & discuss other ways to prevent diabetes.

8 10 Jump

Lunges Complete a right leg lunge, while in the down position jump up landing in a lunge position on the left leg.

9 Tabata

Jump squats 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest 8 rounds

10 Before Bed

Breathing While lying in bed, place your hands on your stomach and pay attention to the up and down of your belly as you breathe.


Challenge Dribble a ball 100 times with each hand. Can you successfully dribble 100 times with each hand while moving?

12 Fish Pose

Hold fish pose for 60 seconds. Take a break and hold for another 60 seconds

13 Card Fitness

Take a deck of cards, flip the top card. Complete exercises based on the suit & number on the card. Face cards are worth 15. Spades- jumping jacks, Clubs- squats, Hearts- mountain climbers, Diamonds- Your choice

14 Wild Arms As fast as you can complete: 10 Arm Circles front & back 10 Forward punches 10 Raise the Roof’s Repeat 3x

15 Mindful

Senses What do you notice around you? Find: 5 things you see 4 things you feel 3 things you hear 2 things smell 1 thing you taste

16 Jump rope to

music! Can you jump to an entire song without stopping?

17 How Fast Can

You Go? Pick a distance and see how fast you can run the distance.

18 Slide, Slide,

Sprint Slide to your left for 10 steps, slide to right for 10 steps then face forward and sprint for 10 seconds.

19 Garland Pose

Practice your balance with this pose!

20 Tabata Tuck Jumps 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest 8 rounds



Can you hold a plank for an entire TV commercial break?

22 Nighttime

Note Empty your mind before you go to bed by writing a note about what you’re thinking and leave it for tomorrow.

23 Chair Pose

Hold for 30 seconds, relax then repeat.

24 Positive Talk Be sure to talk to yourself today like you would talk to someone you love.

25 Jump, Jump Jump side-to-side over an object or line for 1 minute straight. Go again but jump front to back. Repeat each jump twice.

26 Put your favorite song on and make up a dance or fitness routine!

27 Paper Plate


In plank position with paper plates under your feet. Complete 30s each: -mountain climbers -in and out feet -knees to chest

28 Step Jumps Find a step or a bench and jump up and down 50 times. Be careful. Take a break if you need to.

29 A Gratitude

Attitude Write down something you’re thankful for and why.

30 Try Savasana again. Use this to relax and wind down all year!

SHAPE America recommends school-age children accumulate at least 60 minutes and up to several hours of physical activity per day. Each bout of

physical activity should be followed by cool-down stretches that help reduce soreness and avoid

injury. Happy exercising! Yoga photos from

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Reproducido bajo autorización de la Sociedad de Educadores de la Salud y la Educación Física (SHAPE América por sus siglas en inglés)

Celebraciones Nacionales Relativas a la Salud • Mes de Concientización del Autismo

• Mes de Concientización de Abstraído al Manejo

• Mes Nacional de la Sauld de las Minorías

• Mes de Concientización del Estrés

• 7 de abril: Día Mundial de la Salud

1 El Yoga es excelente para aliviar el estrés. Prueba con Savasana, considerada una de las poses más difíciles. Te relaja y aclara tu mente.

2 Saltos de

Estrella Salta hacia arriba con los brazos y piernas separados como una estrella. Haz 10, descansa y repite.

3 Pose de la


!Es un reto! Pon las manos en el suelo. Inclínate hacia adelante y equilibra las rodillas sobre los codos.

4 4 Paredes

Haz un ejercicio diferente de frente a cada pared de la habitación por 30 seg. -Deslizamientos laterales - grapevine a izq. y der. -golpes con piernas separadas -saltos verticales.

5 Una merienda a

la atención plena Cuando comes una merienda hoy, pon atención de cada bocado y de cómo afecta a tus sentidos.

6 Equilibrio

De pie sobre el pie derecho, levanta la rodilla izq. a 90 grados. Toca los dedos del pie sin caerte. Repite 10 veces y cambia de lado.

7 Día Mundial de

la Salud

¿Sabías que la actividad física regular a intensidad moderada puede ayudar a prevenir la diabetes? Sal a caminar con un adulto y hablen de otras maneras de prevenir la diabetes.

8 10 Pasos a

fondo con salto

Haz un paso a fondo con la pierna derecha; aun estando abajo salta y cae en paso a fondo con la pierna izquierda..

9 Tabata

Saltos agrupados 20 seg. de trabajo 10 seg. de descanso 8 series

10 Antes de

acostarse En una postura acostada, pon tus manos en la barriga y pon atención en como se mueve la barriga con tu respiración.

11Reto de Drible Dribla un balón 100 veces con cada mano. ¿Puedes hacerlo bien 100 veces con cada mano mientras caminas?

12 Pose del Pez

Mantén la pose del Pez por 60 segundos. Descansa y mantén por 60 segundos más.

13 Ejercicios con

Cartas Usa un juego de cartas. Toma una carta y haz los ejercicios dependiendo del palo. Los reyes valen 15. Pica – jumping jacks Trébol – Sentadillas. Corazón – escaladores Diamantes – Tú eliges.

14 Brazos locos Haz tan rápido como puedas: 10 Círculos de brazos hacia adelante y atrás 10 golpes hacia el frente 10 Sube el Techo Repite 3 veces.

15 Sentidos


¿Qué observas a tu alrededor? Busque: 5 cosas que ves 4 cosas que sientes 3 cosas que oyes 2 cosas que hueles Una cosa que comes

16 Salta la cuerda

con música

¿Puedes saltar durante toda una canción?

17¿Qué tan

rápido eres? Elige una distancia y mide qué tan rápido puedes correr.

18 Medidores Mantén las piernas extendidas, camina con las manos en el suelo hasta llegar a lagartija, luego camina con los pies hasta las manos.

19 Pose de la


Practica tu equilibrio con esta pose.

20 Tabata

Saltos agrupados 20 seg. de trabajo 10 seg. de descanso 8 series

21 Cortes


¿Puedes sostener una plancha durante todo el comercial?

22 Una Nota por

la noche Escriba una nota de tus pensamientos antes de dormir y revisala el próximo día.

23 Pose de la Silla

Sostén por 30 segundos. Relájate y repite. .

24 Palabras

Positivas Hable a tu mismo como si estás hablando a una querida.

25 Salta, salta Salta de lado a lado sobre un objeto por 1 minuto sin parar. Repite pero de adelante a atrás. Repite ambos dos veces.

26 Prende tu música favorita e inventa un baile o rutina de ejercicios.

27 Plancha con

platos de cartón

Posición de plancha con los pies sobre platos de cartón. Haz 30 de cada uno: -escaladores -abrir y cerrar pies -rodillas al pecho.

28 Saltos de

Escalón En un escalón o banco salta de arriba a abajo 50 veces. Ten cuidado. Descansa si lo necesitas.

29 Actitud de la

gratitud Escriba algo por lo que estás agradecido y explique ¿por qué?

30 Haz Savasana de nuevo. Úsalo para relajarte y descansar todo el año.

SHAPE América recomienda que los niños en edad escolar acumulen al menos 60 minutos y hasta varias horas de actividad física al día. Cada sesión de actividad física debe terminar con estiramientos de enfriamiento que ayudan a reducir los dolores y a evitar lesiones. ¡Disfruta de los ejercicios! Imágenes prestadas de

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Take care of your body and your mind while school is out! NAME:

STAY ACTIVE!! 60+ minutes everyday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Set three goals for your

time out of school.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mindful Mintue: For 60 seconds, clear your mind and only focus on your breathing.

Squats: Do as many squats as you can without stopping

Leave a note: leave a nice note for someone to find today. (online counts!)

Core Challenge: Plank 10 seconds, 10 crunches, 10 sit ups, repeat 5 times.

DANCE PARTY: Learn a new dance on tik tok or


On the 20:

20 star jumps, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 sec supermans


Drink half your body weight in ounces

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 High knees for 30 seconds, then stretch a body part. Repeat 4 times

ONLINE workout:

Google a workout video online and do it!

Step ups: Find a step or a bench and jump/step up and down 50 times.

Core Challenge: Plank 10 seconds, 10 crunches, 10 sit ups, repeat 5 times.

10 star jumps

30 second plank

Repeat 3 times

Jump rope (or just jump) as fast as you can for 1 minute, repeat 6-8 times

Put on your favorite song, lay down, close your eyes. How do you feel after the song is done?

29 30 31

Get outside! Go for a 20 minute bike ride or walk with a friend or

family member

Dribble any ball 100 times with your dominant hand. Switch and do 100 times w/ your non-dominant hand.

Mindful Mintue: For 60 seconds, clear your mind and only focus on your breathing.

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Engages in Physical Activity Level 1

■ Grade-Level OutcomeParticipates several times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance or fitness activity outside of the school day. (S3.H6.L1)

■ Assessment Task

Element 5: Implement the PlanThe assessment for this outcome is a participation log that students maintain for a predetermined length of time. The log contains at least some of the following criteria: Date of activity, location of activity, length of participation, perceived exertion level, warm-up/cool-down activity, and a space for a weekly reflection on how they are feeling about their participation. Students participate in self-selected activities at least 5 times in a 7-day period. Their participation in class counts toward the achievement of the 5 times a week goal. The assessment of the log can be a simple checklist (yes or no) stating that the log was submitted and all parts were completed. If the activities they have selected are inappropriate or data provided in the log seem suspect, you should provide feedback specific to the log. An example of a general rubric is provided below:

Quality of Log Items1 = Log is incomplete with missing data and few or no details provided. Selected activities do not align with fitness goals.

2 = Log is complete, but limited detail is provided. No supporting documentation to support per-ceived exertion score (step count, heart rate monitor, Fitbit, weight and number of repetitions, etc.).

3 = Log is complete with specific detail and supporting documentation on perceived exertion (step count, heart rate monitor, Fitbit, weight and number of repetitions, etc.).

If you require a weekly or biweekly reflection, you should provide feedback and encouragement based on students’ reflection. For specific details on assessing reflections, see Standard 4. You could also use a rating scale from 1-3 that makes some determination on the quality of the log and reflection. An example is provided below:

Quality of Reflection1 = Reflection only describes the activity without a personal response to the experience. Does not make connection to participation and personal health and wellness.

2 = Reflection describes the activity and includes some general comments on personal response to the experience. Indirect connections made to personal health and wellness.

3 = Reflection describes the activity, includes detailed and insightful statements on personal re-sponse to the experience. Direct connections made to personal health and wellness.

A sample of a participation log is provided here including a category specific to metrics used to document time and/or intensity. This could be such things as step counts, heart rate, Fitbit data, number of laps with times, and number of repetitions with weight. Students identify the metric they are going to use during the planning stage.

In addition, students reflect on their week of activity at the bottom of the form. Each week you provide a writing prompt they reference in their reflection or students simply follow guidelines you have established for reflections as part of the unit. A sample rubric for a participation log with a reflection is provided after the sample log.

The following example is for three days, but the form would continue through a seven-day cycle.

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Standard 3 High School

✍ Physical Activity Participation Log


Fill out the activity log based on your level of activity for the 7-day cycle. Remember to include any of the planned activities from your fitness plan. The form is available online, and you should complete the form within 24 hours after the activity. At the end of the form, reflect on your week of activity by answering the provided prompts.






May 1








May 2








May 3







Reflection Prompt 1: My biggest challenges this week were …

Reflection Prompt 2: My biggest successes this week were …

You provide this document in an electronic format with all 7 days of the week.

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Scoring Rubric for a Participation Log With Reflection, Level 1

INDICATOR DEVELOPING COMPETENT PROFICIENTDocuments participa-tion in a timely manner using activity, time, intensity, metric used, and target heart rate.

• Components missing in log or not reported

• Workouts logged at one time or in bunches outside of 48 hours

• Some days skipped or not reported

• No metrics reported supporting log

• Online log completed for all components for the week

• Workout posted within 48 hours on site

• Metrics support participation data

• All days included

• Online log completed for all components for the week

• Workout posted within 24 hours on site

• Multiple metrics support participation data

• All days included

Reflections demon-strate a growing insight on the role of physical activity in wellness.

• Only one of the prompts ad-dressed

• Simple description of the activity• No connection to wellness or

fitness made

• Prompts answered with specific examples

• Analysis of impact on fitness level

• Connects participation to fitness level

• Prompts answered with spe-cific examples

• Analysis of impact referenced specific metrics

• Connects participation to own wellness

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© 2020, SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators ●

PO Box 225, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 ● 800.213.9527 ● [email protected]

Name ______________________________________________________________________

Log each time you participate in physical activity throughout the day. You should:

• Participate in a variety of activities that work on cardiovascular fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility.

o Example activities: dancing, Pilates, walking, jogging, light weight training, body weight training.

• Be sure to start with a warm-up and end with a cool down that includes stretching.

• Aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day.



Day 1 _______


Strength Endurance




Day 2 _______


Strength Endurance




Day 3 _______


Strength Endurance




Day 4 _______


Strength Endurance




Day 5 _______


Strength Endurance




Day 6 _______


Strength Endurance




Day 7 _______


Strength Endurance




Reflection – On the back of this sheet or on another piece of paper explain the following prompts. 1. My biggest challenges this week were… 2. How can improve on these challenges next week by… 3. My biggest successes this week were…

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Visual Arts

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World Languages

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World Language

Resource Packet

The following activities are applicable

to any world language classroom.


Table of Contents


- Vocabulary Practice Choice Board Page 2

- Free Write Journal Topics Page 4-6

TECHNOLOGY REQUIRED (i.e. cellphone, tablet or laptop)

- Language Practice Technology Choice Board Page 7

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Vocabulary Practice Choice Board

Work through the Choice Board picking different vocabulary practices ideas!

Draw a picture and hide 6 of the words in the picture. The chosen words must be

placed in a picture associated to the definition.

Example: The word mysterious written around the brim of a magician’s


Write a free verse poem or song using 7 of your vocabulary words, showing you know the meanings of the words. Be

creative! Think with emotion! Use humor!

Make 6 “Mr. Stick” drawings with dialogue bubbles or captions. The bubble or

caption must correctly use the word. Put details in your

drawing so it is clear how your pictures relate to your words.

Create an illustrated dictionary for all 10 of your vocabulary

words. Each entry should have the definition and an

accompanying picture

Write 5 Haikus (3 lines that follow 5, 7, 5 syllables in each line) for 5 different vocabulary words that

show you know the words’ meanings. Example:

“Dreary” Dark, sad, a tad blue A little puppy sat still

Rain pattered its fur

Write dialogue between two people using the 10 vocabulary words. Make sure you include a dialogue tag (try to use words other than said) and punctuate

the sentence correctly. Remember that each time a

new person speaks, it is a new paragraph and must be

indented. Example: “Put your coat on,” reminded Mom. “I

don’t think it is too frigid out,” Joe replied.

Create specific descriptions of 7 different characters whose

last names are your vocabulary words. List each person’s personality, job, and

appearance that have something to do with the

word’s meaning. Example: Mr. Stingy Personality – He does

not like to spend money. Job – Accountant Appearance – All of his pants have zippers to

keep his money safe.

Write 2 declarative (.), 2 interrogative (?), 2 imperative (a command), and 2 exclamatory

(!) sentences with different vocabulary words. Your

sentences should give enough clues about the word so that

someone could guess the word’s meaning using your context


Create 6 math word problems using 8 of your

vocabulary words. Example: Brett drove

nonstop for two hours. The roadways were

congested. He traveled 40 miles. How many miles did

Brett drive in one hour?

You are on vacation! Write a letter to your friend. Use at least 8 of your vocabulary

words as you describe your trip. Remember to say where you

are and include the date, greeting (i.e. Dear…), and

closing (i.e. Your friend, …).

Relate 7 of your vocabulary words to real issues in society

today or from the past. Example: One reason why

recycling is critical is because our landfills are teeming with


Write an ad for your favorite food, car, toy, or restaurant using 6 of your vocabulary

words. The ad should have headline or slogan, picture, and 5 – 8 sentences explaining the benefits of the product. Make it neat and colorful. Be creative -

have fun!

Write a short story (3 – 5 paragraphs) with 8 of your vocabulary words. Have

fun and be creative! Include an opening,

problem/solution, closing, and illustration.

Write definitions in your own words for each of the 10

vocabulary words. Make sure that your definitions are clear

and easy to understand.

You came up with a great idea for a movie! Write a summary

of it using all 10 of the vocabulary words. Be sure to

mention the characters, setting, problem, and solution.

Make a crossword puzzle out of your 10 vocabulary words. Make sure you number the

boxes and make across and down clues for each one.

Compare and Contrast the word

Example: Apple is red like a rose but bigger and you

can eat it.

Categorize your vocab into list of 6-10 words. Examples: Color

List, Food List, Activities list, things you like, things in your


Build 6 Frayer Cards (see example on the next page)

Teach someone in your family 5 new vocab words a day.

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Frayer Cards

Build a great resource of Frayer Cards by doing 6 a day!

1. Pick a vocabulary word

2. On a notecard, digitally, sheets of paper, in your notebook (so many ways!) create the Frayer Card and fill it

out using the vocabulary word you picked.

3. Consider this similar to when you circumlocute a word, which is, describing a word without saying the actual

name of the word. Similar to Pictionary.

Vocab Word:

In a sentence: Draw it:

Describe it (How use it, when, why,

what does it look like, where is it…)

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Journal Writing Prompts Pick a topic and write about it in the means most accessible to you (i.e. a notebook, Class Teams OneNote, in

Google Word online…). Write as much as you can staying around these barometers (First Year: several sentences, Second Year: 2 Paragraphs, Third Year: 3 Paragraphs and 4 Year +: Write as much as you can for 20 minutes).

1.  Write about going back to school after summer vacation. 2.  Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum. 3.  Draw an imaginary constellation.  Write a story such as ancient people might have told about it. 4.  Describe a real made-up dream or nightmare. journal writing prompts 5.  Write about your favorite childhood toy. journal writing prompts 6.  Write out the best or the worst day of your life.   7.  Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)   8.  If and when I raise children, I'll never...   9.  I have never been more frightened than when...   10.  Persuade a friend to give up drugs.  11.  Five years from now, I will be... journal writing prompts 12.  Write about a day you'd like to forget.   13.  Invent and describe a new food. journal writing prompts 14.  Describe an event that changed your life forever or make up and describe an event that would change your life forever.  15.  Describe someone who is a hero to you and explain why. 16.  Write about a time in your life when you struggled with a choice and made the right one. 17.  Imagine yourself in a different century and describe an average day in your life. 18.  Which character from a book would you most like to meet and why? journal writing prompts 19.  Three goals I have set for myself are... journal writing prompts 20.  What would you do if 300 mice had just gotten out of their cages in a pet shop where you worked? 21.  What would you do if you were locked inside your favorite department store overnight? 22.  What would you do if you woke up one morning to find yourself invisible?  23.  What would you do if you were able to communicate with animals?  24.  What would you do if you could travel into the future?  25.  What would you do if you could travel into the past?  26.  What would you do if someone just gave you $1 million?  27.  What would you do it all the electricity in the world just stopped?  28.  What would you do if you could travel free anyplace in the world?  29.  What would you do if the dinner served to you in a fancy restaurant came with a fly in the mashed potatoes?  30.  Write a list of at least 50 things that make you feel good. 

31.  Describe the perfect day.  Put in as many details as you can.  Make it a possible day, not a "dream day."  32.  Who is the person from history that you would most like to meet and talk to?  Why?  What would you like to ask?  33.  Who is the person from literature that you would most like to meet and talk to?  Why?  What would you like to ask?  34.  Compile a list of words that describe you as a child.  Compile a second list that describes you as you are now.  How are these lists the same?  How are they different?  35.  Compile a list of inanimate or animate objects to which you might compare yourself metaphorically.  (I am a windmill.  I change direction or my thoughts whenever someone talks to me...)  36.  Tell about what triggers anger in you or someone else.  37.  Invent a monster and describe it.  Tell where it lives, what it eats, and what it does.  38.  What is your favorite kind of weather?  Why?  39.  What is the best book you have ever read?  Why did you like it?  Did reading the book change you in any way?  What way?  40.  Write about what you didn't do this weekend. 41.  Think about an incident that happened to you and exaggerate in the telling.  Make it into a tall tale.  42.  If you were ruler of the world, what things would you banish absolutely for all time (rain on weekends, eggplant, and so forth)?  Make a list.  Use your imagination.  43.  If you could go back in time anywhere and "anywhen," where/when would you go and why?  44.  What law would you like to see enacted which would help people?  How would it help?  45.  What commercial on TV do you dislike beyond all others?  What about it is particularly annoying to you? 46.  Design some gadget, machine, building, or other creation that might enrich the future.  What does it look like? What does it do?  How does it function?  In what ways might it benefit people? 47.  What current fashion in clothing do you particularly like or dislike?  Explain. journal writing prompts 48.  Convince someone why music or art or computers are important in your life.  Make them appreciate your viewpoint. 49.  If you had $100,000, how would you spend it? 50.  Be a building you know well.  Talk about your life and memories. 51.  You are to tell a person from a distant planet or from another era what pollution is.  Make that person understand what causes it and why it is bad. 52.  If you could do something that you never have done before, what would it be?  Why would you want to do it? 53.  Begin a list of questions that you'd like to have answered.  They may be about the future or the past.

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54.  What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date and why? 55.  Write one characteristic or habit about yourself that you like and describe it.  Or write about one thing you don't like about yourself. 56.  What is your hobby?  Why do you enjoy it? 57.  If you could go somewhere where you've never gone before, where would you go and why? 58.  What's, if anything, would you be willing to fight or even die for?  Explain your answer. 59.  If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?  Why would you make this change? 60.  Is there a machine you feel you could not live without?  Explain. 61.  Write about what you think you will be like and what you will be doing 10 years or 20 years from now.

62.  Did you ever stick up for someone?  63.  Describe your neighborhood bully.  64.  Write about a baby-sitting experience.  65.  Describe a great fort you built for a great game you played as a child.  66.  Write about an enemy who eventually became your friend.  67.  Write about a time you cheated and got caught.  68.  Write about a privilege you earned.  69.  Write about the stray animal you brought home.  70.  Did you ever send away for something that turned out to be a disappointment?  (Or order something over the Internet)  71.  What is it like to go shopping with your mother? journal writing prompts 72.  Write about a time you performed in front of an audience.  73.  Write about a difficult decision you had to make.  74.  Write about learning to skate, to ride a bike, to climb a tree, or to turn a cart wheel. journal writing prompts 75.  Did you ever get lost in a strange town?  76.  Were you ever locked in or out?  What did you do?  77.  What was it like to spend your first night away from home?  78.  What was it like to come back home after a long vacation?  79.  Write about a disappointment. journal writing prompts 80.  Write about something minor that turned into a big deal. 81.  Did you ever win or lose a contest?  Tell the story about what happened.  82.  Write about something you desperately wanted when you were younger.  83.  Did you ever know someone who had "everything"?  84.  Write about the time as a child you played in one of the following: treehouse, a cornfield, a construction site, a junkyard, an abandoned house or barn, a stream, a cemetery, a swamp, a pasture, railroad tracks.  85.  Did your mom or dad ever make you wear something you hated? 

86.  Write about a time you were talked into something and you regretted it.  87.  Were you ever in a helicopter, limousine, racecar, hot-air balloon, submarine, or horse-drawn  carriage?  88.  Did you ever forget something really important?  What happened as a result?  89.  Write about an experience in a hospital.  90.  Were you ever accused of something that you didn't do? 91.  Write about a disastrous trip or vacation. 92.  Were you ever given a responsibility that you couldn't handle? journal writing prompts 93.  Were you ever in a fire, flood, tornado, or hurricane? 94.  Describe the best concert you ever attended. 95.  Write about a window you broke or something valuable you lost. 96.  Did you ever catch fireflies?  Crickets?  Frogs?  Snakes? 97.  Write about a time you tried to help and ended up making things worse. 98.  Did you ever break an important promise? 99.  Write about moving to another city or neighborhood. 100.  Describe an outdoor game you used to play in the summer time. 101.  Write about building sand castles or mud pies. 102.  Did you ever meet a famous person? 103.  Write about mowing the lawn, burning leaves, or weeding the garden. 104.  Describe the club you organized as a kid. 105.  Describe a car or bicycle accident you were in. 106.  Write about being a misfit. 107.  Write about a day spent in another country. 108.  Write about a time you out-smarted someone. 109.  Write about going shopping for new clothes. 110.  Did you ever turn someone in or tell on someone and feel bad about it later? 111.  Imagine that you are an animal in the zoo.  What type of animal are you?  How do you feel about being caged?  How do you feel about people that visit and watch you? 112.  Write about a time your parents embarrassed you. 113.  Describe learning something from a friend. 114.  Write about a time you gave someone good advice.

115.  Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you.  116.  If you had to escort a visitor from outer space for a 30-minute tour of your community, where would you begin and end?  117.  Be a grape that becomes a raisin: describe how it feels to shrink, to shrivel, to become dry and wrinkled.  118.  Be an icicle that becomes water.  Describe how it feels to be cold and firm and full of beautiful crystals but only to melt and lose your shape.  119.  You go to the store with your parents and baby brother.  Your parents go into a store and tell you to watch your brother.  You

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take your eyes off your brother for just a minute and you can't find him.  You...  120.  I really hate it when my mother/father/sibling...  121.  What if the use of robots in school becomes a workable reality?  122.  What would you pack in your suitcase if you could not go home again?  123.  You have just met an alien from another planet.  He wishes to take a student back to his planet.  Convince him you would be the perfect specimen for him to take.  124.  If you could change one law, what law would it be and how would you change it?  125.  How forgiving are you when a friend lets you down?  Explain.  Give an example.  126.  What if you were named principal for the week?  What would you do?  127.  If you could only speak twenty words for the rest of your life, what words would head your list and why?  128.  It started out as an unusual Monday morning, when I...  129.  As I approached the deserted house at the end of the road, I saw...  130.  Do you think girls are raised differently from boys?  If so, in what ways?  131.  Do you think you are treated differently because you are a boy or girl?  132.  Do you think men and women are equal in today's society?  Why or why not?  133.  Do you think a woman will be President of the United States in the near future?  134.  Two men or women have it easier in our culture?  If so, why do you think so?  135.  Have you ever wished you were either older or younger?  What would you consider to be the benefits?  The problems? 136.  Describe what you think of as the typical mother. 137.  Describe what you think of as the typical father. 138.  Do you think women should take men's last names when they marry?  Why or why not? journal writing prompts 139.  Would you rather have a brother or sister?  Why? 140.  Describe a fight you had with your mother.  Now tell it from her point of view.  141.  Write a short biography of your mother.  142.  Write a short biography of your father. 143.  Visualize a time when your mother was laughing.  Recall a time when you two shared a good laugh over something.  144.  Write a physical description of your mother.  Write as if you were looking at a movie rather than a photograph.  145.  Concentrate on a particular habit that your mother has and write about it.  146.  If you had three wishes, what would they be?  (Do not ask for three more wishes) journal writing prompts

147.  What is something special and/or different about you?  Why do you think it is special or different?  148.  Write about two things that your family has taught you.  149.  Write about some of the things that you worry about.  150.  Describe a happy memory of your family.  journal writing prompts 151.  How do you know someone loves you, even if he or she doesn't say it?  152.  Name one thing you like about yourself and why you like it.  153.  Imagine yourself as a teacher.  What type of student would you like to teach and why? 154.  Name and describe a teacher who made a difference in your life.  What did that teacher do that was so special?  155.  What makes you proud to be an American?  156.  Describe the one thing that gives you the most comfort.  157.  If you could be a character in any book, TV show, or movie, who would you be and why?  158.  If you had to work in any store at your favorite mall,  which store would it be and why?  159.  Describe the most difficult thing about being your age. 160.  Describe one possession that means the most to you. 161.  Who is the most important role model in your life? 162.  Describe your best personality trait. 163.  If you could study one subject in school that wasn't offered, what would it be and why? 164.  If you had a chance to live anywhere you could, where would it be and why? 165.  Write about the pros/cons of year-round school or a four-day school week. 166.  Write about your favorite sport. 167.  Is the school year too long?  Too short?  Why? 168.  What does your summer usually consist of? 169.  Who should be paid more, professional athletes or teachers?  Why or why not? 170.  What class do you enjoy the most and why? 171.  Write about the worst fight you ever had with a friend. 172.  If you had only one month to live, what would you do? 173.  Describe your dream house. 174.  Who is your favorite person to be with?  Why? 175.  What would be your ideal job when you grow up?  Explain. 176.  If you could guest star on any TV show, what would it be and why? 177.  What do you think your life will be like in 10 years?  20 years? 178.  Describe how you would manage your own radio or TV station. 179.  What is your definition of success? 180.  The saying goes, "Money cannot buy happiness."  Do you agree or disagree?  Why? journal writing prompts

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Page 71: Family Resources...Madonna, Tina Turner, Cher. How did these performers influence current music videos? Watch a movie about a music teacher, i.e.“Mr. Holland’s Opus.” Stretch

Language Practice Technology Choice Board Technology Required (many just from a cell phone or tablet)

Work through the Choice Board picking different vocabulary practices ideas!

Select a visual from this Pinterest board (Pinterest) and write a description or story about it.

Do some research online relating to the Benefits of Being Bilingual. Create

your own infographic in English that summarizes what you learned.

Select an infographic about young people in a target language

country. Create a Venn Diagram and compare the information from

the infographic with young people in the U.S..

Choose one debate topic from this list: Debate Topics , create a script of

your ideas, and record your presentation using your phone. Post

your recording.

Watch a cartoon in the target language from this Pinterest board: Pinterest and create a storyboard about the episode.

Select an article from one of the magazines on this Pinterest

board: Pinterest and create a graphic organizer about the article. You can pick: VenDiagram or Summarize the

main idea.

Go to this magazine website and select the target language from the pulldown menu. Read an article of

your choice and take notes. Record yourself summarizing the article and

post it.

Go to: Audio Lingua and select a recording in the target

language. Create a list of key words from the recording and write a short

summary of it.

Investigate the life and art of a famous artist from the target

language culture. Create a visual presentation in the target language

about the artist.

Have fun practicing your language skills on Digital Dialects

Investigate ecotourism in a target language country and create an itinerary for a future trip. Here are some resources for you.

Create a game board using your unit vocabulary. Here is a website where

you can download a game board template:

Use Scrabble or Bananagram letters or make your own letter cards to

create a crossword puzzle containing as many target language words as

you can think of.

Use Google Maps or Google Earth to design an itinerary for your family in a

target language capital city.

Learn a song from the target language culture and record yourself

singing it: Mama Lisa's World of Children and International Culture

Imagine that you have the equivalent to $100 to spend on an outfit for a party this weekend. Select your

clothing items from an online store. Create a shopping list with


Choose a dance video: Dance Video and get moving!

Investigate recipes online in the target language for an upcoming

event. Create a shopping list and make the dish if you can.

Investigate wildlife in a target language country (their habitats, what they eat, etc.) and create a

children’s book about an imaginary adventure you took there. Here are

some resourcesresources

Go online for your local public library and check out ebooks in the target


Explore resources on the topic of pets in the target language and make a

poster including things you should do and should not do to take the best care of your pet. Here are some

resources for you resources for you

Create a Jeopardy Game in the target language using Jeopardy Labs:

Create a comic strip in the target language using Comic

Creator or Make Beliefs Comix

Take a virtual tour of an art museum in a target language country.

Research school lunches in a target language country and compare and

contrast them to school lunches in the U.S. Write an email in the target

language to your prijcipal about your ideas for making school lunches

better in your school.

Investigate the topic of recycling in the target language and create a “top ten

tips” list of ways to help the planet through recycling.

Research veganism and vegetarianism in the target

language and design a menu for your family to try.

Watch the movie trailer for a movie currently in theatres or coming out

soon in the target language. Write a critique of the movie based on the


Create a survey in the target language using online tools like

Google Forms about what people do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ask your family/friends to complete the survey online. Create a visual that

represents the survey results.

Create a Mad Lib in the target language on the Mad Lib Generator

site. Share it with classmates for them to try out.

Research the art of an artist from a target language country. Select one piece of art and draw or make your

own version of it.

Create a diamante poem about yourself using this generator. Save or

print your poem.

Think about your favorite character

from a movie or book. Create a profile for that character in the target language using this generator. Save

or print your product.

Research a monument or tourist site

in a target language country and create a postcard about an imaginary

visit you had. You can create your own postcard or use this

generator. Save or post your product.

Find tongue twisters in the target language to practice your

pronunciation. Here are two sites with tongue

twisters in multiple languages : site 1, site 2

Download DuoLingo, Create an account and find family/friends to

complete with you.

Follow famous people on Twitter who are from your target language. Reply

or retweet with a comment in the target language.

Listen to music from your target language (i.e Pandora, YouTube,

Spotify). Keep track of what you’ve listened to by writing a little summary about what you believe the song is

about and your opinion of it

Find TV shows and Movies to watch (i.e. Netflix, YouTube, Amazon) in the target language. Keep track of what you’ve listened to by writing a

little summary about what you believe the TV Show/Movie is about

and your opinion of it

Text message with a classmate in the target language at least once.

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Page 72: Family Resources...Madonna, Tina Turner, Cher. How did these performers influence current music videos? Watch a movie about a music teacher, i.e.“Mr. Holland’s Opus.” Stretch

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