farming or hunting

Why would you chose “Farming over hunting, given the disadvantages diet wise?

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Why would you chose “Farming over hunting, given the disadvantages diet


The Hunter, Gatherer society was one of the first societies to exist. It consisted of the men going out to kill animals, while the woman gathered berries, fruits, etc. It was a nomadic type of society where we moved in groups to hunt down animals, going from place to place, wherever the animals decided to go. S ure you kept healthy, had a balanced diet, with your protein and vitamins, but never having a place to settle down is strenuous, never setting up anything permanent, or to have any type of organized society. A lso, when there was no animals around, people died, since animals were the main resource they supplied on, which isn't very reliable.


When people started adopting agriculture as their way of life, a couple things happened; It brought on an explosion of population growth, since food was so abundant, but on the down side, it came with protein and vitamin deficiency, new diseases and deforestation. S o was farming the “ worst mistake” made by mankind, or a good idea?

. Agricultural people were unhealthy compared to hunter gatherers, so why did we switch over to farming? Most people agree that farming was born more out of desperation then inspiration. In need of food, farming was born, interestingly enough, around the globe at just about the same time.

Hunting and Gathering definitely has its bonuses in health, but it doesn’t give much toward civilization. Once we settled down, things like technology became possible. Settling down is what eventually led to all sorts of advancements in all areas.

Dec 19th, 2007, The Economist, Aug 28th, 2008