feature tour of clipx

ClipX - Application Tours Feature Tour: Just after installation, tooltip on the application displays the copied text. I exited the application, cleared the clipboard and launched the application again. The text ‘<unsupported clipboard>’ is displayed. What are the visible features of ClipX? Ajay Balamurugadas http://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 1

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This is an attempt to do a feature tour of ClipX. Please read the blog post on Sympathetic Testing at www.enjoytesting.blogspot.com


Page 1: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

Feature Tour:

Just after installation, tooltip on the application displays the copied text.

I exited the application, cleared the clipboard and launched the application again.

The text ‘<unsupported clipboard>’ is displayed.

What are the visible features of ClipX?

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 1

Page 2: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

Let me see what is stored in Clipboard History.

The Clipboard History seems to store history of what was copied including images.

Clipboard History has the options ‘Save History…’, ‘Load History…’, Clear Entire History, Clear Bitmap Entries and the text and images copied till now.

There is a number against each of the copied text. Maybe, it’s a shortcut to be used in combination with some other key. There is ‘… Horizontal Ellipsis’ against Save & Load History. I expect those two options to open separate windows.

Save History opened a window and the default file format was *clx

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 2

Page 3: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

I browsed to http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/clx to know about *.clx . The two file types described were the ‘Standard Dictionary Type’ and ‘Ceelox SecureMail Secure Message’ types.

Load History also opens a window with file type *.clx . The file type dropdown had only *.clx entry.

The title of the two windows are ‘Save Clipboard History’ and ‘Load Clipboard History’.

The order of the copied entries is Latest to Oldest: Latest being displayed at the top. Till now, there are 8 entries displayed.

I saved the clipboard history as a *.clx file. I made a copy of the same file and opened it in notepad to check the contents. Following is the content.

This suggests that the entry count starts from 0, and text seems to be of type 1 and any image if copied is of type 0. Wondering if there are more types.

Checking if I copy a bitmap & text, what type it would be.

The text and the image were saved as two separate entries. There was no special type other than type 0 for text and type 1 for image.

I copied the *.clx file to create a copy so that I check the contents in notepad. The type was type 2.

Based on the learning till now,

Image: type 0, Text: type 1 and File: type 2

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 3

Page 4: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

I did a Ctrl + V to check what gets pasted.

Before I clear the Entire History or the Bitmap history, let me try other features.

I clicked on ‘Search’ option which is below the ‘Clipboard History’. A window with title ‘ClipX - Search Clipboard History’ popped up. On pressing Alt+PrntScr, one more entry was displayed inside the Search Window.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 4

Page 5: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

The Alt+PrntScr captured the screenshot of just the window. A discovery for me! I always used to capture using Jing, then copy from Jing to MSPaint. I was aware of Alt+PrntScr functionality but was not aware of what it did in combination with Jing tool.

There is also the Manage button with M highlighted.

And the search results display is of ‘Instant Search’ type. http://woorkup.com/2010/09/13/how-to-create-your-own-instant-search/ As I type the search terms, the matching results are highlighted and the rest disappear.

Also, as the number of entries increases, there are two arrows - one at top and one at bottom to view the additional entries.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 5

Page 6: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

Also, if the latest image copied is a bitmap. It does not display the bitmap. It displays the size of the bitmap on mouseover the app icon in system tray.

Manage on the Search Clipboard History opens the ‘ClipX - Clipboard History Manager’ window.

There are two options to Edit & Delete. By default, none of the entries is selected. Also, the entries are not numbered unlike ‘ClipX - Search Clipboard History‘ window.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 6

Page 7: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

The best part of ClipX is that the entries in both the windows ‘Search Clipboard History’ and ‘Clipboard History Manager’ are updated even though they are open and any entry is copied.

ClipX - Clipboard History Manager

The Edit button gets highlighted when a text is selected. If an image entry or file entry is selected, the Edit button is not highlighted. The Delete button is highlighted irrespective of the entry selected.

Clicking on Edit button opens up another dialog with the entire text highlighted.

One feature to note is the number of modal dialogs overlapping each other:

Delete has no confirmation. It just deletes the selected entry.

Clear Current deletes the current entry from memory but it stores in the list.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 7

Page 8: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

The tooltip displays

If you don’t want new entries to be saved but want to use already saved entries, uncheck the Enabled option.

Once there is no check mark against the option, the subsequent entries which will be copied will not be saved in Clipboard History.

The next option is Configure. Clicking on Configure displays the following window.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 8

Page 9: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

Each of the options displayed is self-explanatory.

How many clipboards to remember. I was using the term ‘entries’.

What is a session here? Is it related to user session or a launch and exit session of ClipX.

Why purge only bitmap entries? And why is it called an entry while the first option reads ‘clipboards’ and the next option reads ‘…clipboard entries’.

Each of the option has a shortcut key associated with it.

There is an option to change the System Tray Icon.

If one unchecks the system tray icon option, a notice pops up

and the next option to choose the sstem tray icon is disabled.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 9

Page 10: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

There seems to be 29 different icons to choose from. Let me check in Program Files folder if I can find the list of icons. I couldn’t find them in Program Files folder.

The next is about the Hotkeys

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 10

Page 11: Feature Tour of ClipX

ClipX - Application Tours

It looks like I can set a Primary Paste and Secondary Paste. Two options. I will have to try the different options to learn more about Navigate, Google Search, Auto quotes and Auto navigate.

I will exit the tour here.

Ajay Balamurugadashttp://EnjoyTesting.blogspot.com Page 11