february 2020 newsletter - trinity lutheran church kalispell · pastor kevin and tawn bueltmann,...

1 Changing Light Bulbs There’s an old joke that goes “How many Lutherans does it take to change a light bulb?” The answer: “Change?” Lutherans are not known for being very comfortable with change. No one is. It makes us feel awkward. It makes us feel uncertain. Some&mes we assume that change is wrong just be- cause it just doesn’t feel quite right. A*er all, God NEVER changes. But God is already PERFECT. He doesn’t need to change. We, however, live in an imperfect world with imperfect people and so change is bound to happen. Some changes are good and some are not, but in many cases it o*en makes us feel uncomfortable. And with the loss of the Cutlers, we will be going through a painful grieving process. Pastor and Joann Cutler were with us for over 14 years and they will be greatly missed. They are leaving big holes in our ministry. Those holes will need to be filled in different ways. Volunteers will be needed to step up in some areas and staffing adjustments will be made both in the short-term and the long-term. God is s&ll with us! Some people assume that I will automa&cally move into the lead pastor role, while others assume that I would never want to leave camp. The truth is, that we need to lean on God and His guidance in all things. The leaders of our church are praying and seeking God’s wisdom and leading in all of this. Please keep them in your prayers. Please keep me in your prayers, as well, as it will be a minimum of six months before we get another full-&me pastor. Some have asked if I’m nervous about being the sole pastor during the interim period. God has helped me through a similar situa&on before and so I trust Him to help me again. Thank you for your prayers! In the mean&me, please expect change. Some changes will be accidental, because I am a different person than Pastor Cutler and will naturally do things differently. Some changes will be on purpose, because since I’ve been a member of ten different LCMS Lutheran churches in my life, I have seen many ways of doing things. Some of those churches were with my dad as pastor. He was also a camp director for 12 years and later a district president for 17 years and so I have learned a lot from him. I have especially caught his passion for reaching the lost and sharing the gospel with others! One change we are working on is rolling out Trinity’s phone app. This is not just a fun toy, but a tool for ministry that will be another way to connect our major ministries, our members and help us connect people to the Savior. Another change is that since I will be preaching every Sunday now, I am crea&ng short sermon series based on our reg- ular weekly readings. Those who want to watch the ones they miss can use our phone app or website. Details for Feb- ruary’s sermon series is in this newsleAer. Please con&nue to be in prayer for us here at Trinity as well as for the Cutlers as they make transi&ons to their new home. This will be a challenging &me for them and their new church. It’s OK to change light bulbs from &me-to-&me. The important thing is that we con&nue to let God’s light shine to those around us. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplicaon with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7 God’s peace, Pastor Kevin Bueltmann Trinity Trumpet February 2020

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Changing Light Bulbs

There’s an old joke that goes “How many Lutherans does it take to change a light bulb?”

The answer: “Change?” Lutherans are not known for being very comfortable with change.

No one is. It makes us feel awkward. It makes us feel uncertain. Some&mes we assume that change is wrong just be-

cause it just doesn’t feel quite right. A*er all, God NEVER changes. But God is already PERFECT. He doesn’t need to

change. We, however, live in an imperfect world with imperfect people and so change is bound to happen. Some

changes are good and some are not, but in many cases it o*en makes us feel uncomfortable. And with the loss of the

Cutlers, we will be going through a painful grieving process.

Pastor and Joann Cutler were with us for over 14 years and they will be greatly missed. They are leaving big holes in

our ministry. Those holes will need to be filled in different ways. Volunteers will be needed to step up in some areas

and staffing adjustments will be made both in the short-term and the long-term. God is s&ll with us!

Some people assume that I will automa&cally move into the lead pastor role, while others assume that I would never

want to leave camp. The truth is, that we need to lean on God and His guidance in all things. The leaders of our church

are praying and seeking God’s wisdom and leading in all of this. Please keep them in your prayers. Please keep me in

your prayers, as well, as it will be a minimum of six months before we get another full-&me pastor.

Some have asked if I’m nervous about being the sole pastor during the interim period. God has helped me through a

similar situa&on before and so I trust Him to help me again. Thank you for your prayers!

In the mean&me, please expect change. Some changes will be accidental, because I am a different person than Pastor

Cutler and will naturally do things differently. Some changes will be on purpose, because since I’ve been a member of

ten different LCMS Lutheran churches in my life, I have seen many ways of doing things. Some of those churches were

with my dad as pastor. He was also a camp director for 12 years and later a district president for 17 years and so I have

learned a lot from him. I have especially caught his passion for reaching the lost and sharing the gospel with others!

One change we are working on is rolling out Trinity’s phone app. This is not just a fun toy, but a tool for ministry that

will be another way to connect our major ministries, our members and help us connect people to the Savior.

Another change is that since I will be preaching every Sunday now, I am crea&ng short sermon series based on our reg-

ular weekly readings. Those who want to watch the ones they miss can use our phone app or website. Details for Feb-

ruary’s sermon series is in this newsleAer.

Please con&nue to be in prayer for us here at Trinity as well as for the Cutlers as they make transi&ons to their new

home. This will be a challenging &me for them and their new church.

It’s OK to change light bulbs from &me-to-&me. The important thing is that we con&nue to let God’s light shine to

those around us.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplica�on with thanksgiving let your requests

be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your

minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7

God’s peace,

Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

Trinity Trumpet

February 2020


Pastoral Vacancy

What a blessing it is to know that one part of our lives will never change, never waver and is forever steadfast: our

Heavenly Father! We can count on this and we need to lean on Him; it’s the only way we can make it through this

world where nothing else remains constant.

With Pastor Cutler accep&ng the Call to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Mayville, Wisconsin, we will certainly be experi-

encing some changes here at Trinity. While we will miss Pastor Cutler, we need not dwell on this event. Our God would

not want that and if you ask Pastor Cutler, he would also not want this.

Pastor Kevin will remain as our pastor; however, even his role will be changing during this transi&on. We are chal-

lenged with some unknowns star&ng very soon in February, but this is nothing that Trinity hasn’t experienced before

and can’t get through with God’s helping hand.

The Board of Lay Ministry (BOLM) has agreed that we need two pastors at Trinity and recommended to the Board of

Directors (BOD) on January 14 that we call another Senior Pastor. The BOD voted unanimously in favor of calling a Sen-

ior Pastor and approved a mo&on to form a Senior Pastor Call CommiAee.

We will be geGng together with the congrega&on soon and will be walking through this process with the help of our

District President, Reverend Terry Forke. The BOLM and BOD will try to keep informa&on coming your way in the

Trumpet and weekly News & Announcements, as well as through some verbal announcements.

As we move forward, let us dwell on this verse from MaAhew 6:34 — “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow,

for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”


Jeff Carlson, Congrega&onal President

New Member Spiritual Growth Class Schedule

Mondays at 6:45pm – Timothy Room – January 20-April 5

Spiritual growth classes for those who want to beAer understand Lutheran Chris&an doctrine

and/or become a member of Trinity Lutheran Church

Jan. 20: 1 – Who is God?

Jan. 27: 2 – Commandments 1-5

Feb. 3 – NO CLASS

Feb. 10: 3 – Commandments 6-10

Feb. 17: 4 – It's All about Jesus

Feb. 24: 5 – Holy Spirit

Mar. 2: 6 – Bap&sm

Mar. 9: 7 – Communion

Mar. 16: 8 – Heaven

Mar. 23: 9 – Discipleship

Mar. 30: 10 – Chris&an Living

April 5 – Sunday 9:30am New Member Orienta&on with Elders, etc.

April 5 – New Member Welcome Sunday and Luncheon


Family Life Ministry

Best Practices Ministry Conference February 19-22

Pastor Kevin and Tawn Bueltmann, Kathy Minch, and Shannon RiAer will be aAending this free conference and free

food in Phoenix, Arizona at Christ Church Lutheran with nearly 2,500 other aAendees. This conference is a blessing to

many church workers and lay people.

Many church workers voluntarily share about their passion in ministry. Pastor Kevin will be sharing about camp minis-

try and songwri&ng in music. The main keynote speaker will be Dr. John Townsend, author of Boundaries and People

Fuel, and there are hundreds of other breakout session op&ons included. Check out more at:


MOPS Ministry Meetings – Wednesdays, February 5 & 19 – 9-11 am

February 5: Shannon RiAer will be sharing encouragement for marriage.

February 19: The mamas will watch and discuss a DVD segment from MOPS Interna&onal en&tled,

“Working on Togetherness” (marriage focus).

Contacts: Ka&na Hardgrove 871-4603 or Shannon RiAer 257-5683

Stephen Ministry

Please pray for Mary Hirner and Laurie Peiffer who will be aAending Stephen Ministry Leadership Training

in Anaheim, California February 16-22. We pray for God’s stretching, blessing, and protec&on over them

as they seek to learn and understand more about the leadership side of this amazing ministry. They will be

aAending with nearly 800 other Stephen Ministers from all over the USA and the world. It’s such a joy and

delight to hear and witness the way God is miraculously using this ministry to touch the lives of His chil-


Thank you for suppor&ng this ministry in prayer and financially to assure the expenses will be fully covered for their

training, resources, and travel, es&mated at about $4,000. We are trus&ng God for His provision and we are so

thankful for the blessings and con&nued support of this amazing care ministry.

To God be the Glory alone, Shannon Ri"er, Family Life Ministry

New Birthday Cards Needed

Gertrude Schwalbe sends birthday cards to members who are

80 years old or older. She could use help in purchasing the

cards. Anyone able to do so, may give them directly to her or

leave them in the church office. Call Gertrude at 755-1844 for

more informa&on.


LWML - Connecting Women Notes and News

February 2020 is here and many exci&ng opportuni&es await the women of Trinity. Plan now to aAend the LWML Dis-

trict Conven�on, April 24-26, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Billings. The guest speaker will be Donna Pyle, a soul-s&rring,

engaging speaker, author, Bible teacher and worship leader. She has a passion for studying, teaching and sharing God's

Word. CallL Suzanne Rasmussen (755-2493) for more informa&on.

LWML missions around the world are supported by Mites: pennies, nickels, and dimes are used to further God's King-

dom through the mission grants selected by delegates at the LWML Montana District Conven&on and LWML Na&onal

Conven&on. This month we focus on the following LWML Na&onal Mission grant:

God's Grace for This Genera�on -- LAMP Ministry Inc. -- $100,000

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy na%on, a people for his own possession,

that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people;

once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (1 Peter 2: 9-10)

For nearly 50 years, LAMP Ministry Inc. has ministered in northern Canada, where many villages are reachable only by

aircra* or seasonal roads. Currently, nearly one million indigenous people live in these isolated areas with about half

under the age of 14. The most alarming sta&s&c is that over 15 percent of these children and youth will take their own

lives out of despair and hopelessness. Faced with the worldly influences and challenges of the internet and social me-

dia, and with limited opportuni&es for educa&on and employment, the children and youth o*en feel despondent and


Sunday school, Chris&an youth programs, and regular worship services are rarely available. Parents and grandparents

of this younger genera&on were raised in residen&al schools away from home and the tradi&onal family structure is

non-existent. The younger genera&on lacks a sound model for paren&ng and family life. On the Indian reserves, em-

ployment is limited, housing is limited, violence and drug abuse is higher than in most of the world, and life expectancy

is between 45-55 years.

LAMP goes into these communi&es offering the love of Jesus through paren&ng workshops, bereavement care training,

VBS, Bible studies, and their tes&monies of the hope found through faith in Jesus. The goal is to provide these commu-

ni&es with Chris&an educa&on and witness to the Gospel. To fulfill their mission of sharing the Gospel in the next few

years, LAMP will need to expand their staff of full-&me missionaries to four or five and recruit and train 100 to 200

more volunteer missionaries commiAed to serve at least five years.

This $100,000 grant will provide funds to help LAMP reach the goal of hiring more missionary pilots and training more

volunteers, so that more communi&es can be reached with the love of Jesus and can be visited more than once a year.

As the Gospel, our true source of comfort and hope, is proclaimed, local leaders are encouraged and built up to serve

their own people. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the youth, knowing they are loved and cared for by the missionaries,

will choose hope in Christ over suicide.

We praise and thank You, O Lord, for sending Your Son Jesus to be our Savior. We ask You to bless LAMP Ministry as

they work to share the Gospel. Bless their efforts to expand their staff of full-%me missionaries, so that they can provide

Chris%an educa%on and Gospel witness through VBS and Bible studies. Please use our Mite offerings to help spread Your

Word to the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen


Child Care Center News

Our Child Care Center provides quality, Chris&an care for 120 children on a daily basis. We are spread out over four

loca&ons -- the liAle daycare, big daycare, youth center, and next to the school gym. It is a dream of the Board of Child

Care Ministry to one day house our en&re program in one facility for safety as well as logis&cal reasons. Therefore, we

are beginning the process of looking into op&ons. A Child Care Building Fund line item has been added to the monthly

offering envelopes and we are discussing ideas. We are a small board and this is a huge undertaking. If anyone has any

desire to be a part of this project or has any exper&se in design, grant-wri&ng, child care, or fund-raising, we would

welcome the addi&onal input and help.

One other immediate need is the replacement of our portable sink in our infant room. Portable sinks run around

$1,600. We have been blessed with a Thrivent grant for $250, but if anyone is interested in helping us fund this need

or contribu&ng toward it, please contact JeAnne Faris.

More than anything else, though, we ask for your prayers for the children and staff, for guidance as we look at building

op&ons, and for clarity in following God’s will.

Quilting for Lutheran World Relief

The quilters will meet on Fridays, February 14 and 28 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Lots of

help is needed to pin, &e and sew the layers together. Come for a few hours or all

day. Bring a sack lunch. We have a fun &me while doing the Lord’s work. Most tasks do

not require experience as we provide training. We do need sewers on quil&ng days and

also help to make tops and backs at home. Bring your sewing machine if you want to

sew. We can always use dona&ons of fabric for the tops and sheets for the backs. We

cannot use anything very thin or stretchy. PLEASE donate only clean items without holes or stains. For more

informa&on, call Linda Jackson, 756-8344.

Trinity Bible Adventure

The first planning mee&ng for Trinity Bible Adventure will be Thursday, February 20 at

6:30 pm in the Timothy Room. The theme for this year’s TBA will be Rain-Forest Explor-

ers: Jesus Leads the Way! We will look at the kit during this mee&ng and start throwing

out ideas! We always need volunteers. Trinity Bible Adventure will be July 21- 23. Please

join us to help make this a HUGE success! Thank you — Board of Parish Educa&on



Mikenzie Rae & Drake Wesley Bauer

Children of Danie & Michele Bauer


Tonya, Alivia, Hannah & Shayna Atlee

The Board of Missions would like to thank the members who so generously gave to the cause of adopting a family through A Ray of Hope. With the cash received and a Thrivent Action team card the total collected was over $1,200 which allowed us to adopt two families. One family had four children and the second family had two children. We were also able to help support Trinity Lutheran School by purchasing $450 worth of gift cards from them.

Thanks again for being a part of blessing these families! Board of Missions

Dear Friends in Christ at Trinity,

Merry Christmas from Leipzig! This Advent, as I reflect on God’s goodness & mercy, I am reminded that you are one of the ways God has shown His goodness & mercy to me.

Your prayers & support are a tremendous blessing, & I am so thankful for you!

Your gifts, prayers, & encouragement make it possible for me to continue sharing the good news of the Child in the man-ger with refugees & others here in Germany.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, may you be filled with the peace, hope, & joy Christ brings!

In Him, Deaconess Kim Bueltmann

We would like to thank Will Warburg, Mark Sandry and Paul Erler for their help in taking down our Christmas deco-rations. Also, an extra thank you to Will for his help in putting up the decora-tions, too. We really appreciate all of your help! Thank you!

Sincerely, Altar Guild

Thank you to everyone for all of the prayers for Ralph Naumann while he was sick. He is feeling much better now, even attending ice cream socials and playing Bunco at the assisted living facility into which he recently moved. He would love to hear from you. His new address is:

3140 Sweetwater Drive

Billings, MT 59102

Thank you to the elders and the people at Trinity for your kind words and gifts upon my retire-ment from playing the organ there.

Thank you and God’s blessings!

Jeanean Haugestuen


Bye & Kathryn Bitney 2/2

Philip & Barbara MacGregor 2/7

Bill & Linda Zizz 2/9

Paula & Jeremiah Sullivan 2/10

Ryan & Keelia Holste 2/11

Chuck & Dawn Cassidy 2/12

Valerie & Art Anderson 2/14

Todd & Stacey Fedor 2/14

Jerry & Gail Lyford 2/15

Tiffany & Logan O’Neil 2/19

John & Nancy Turner 2/19

Frank & Connie Tetrault 2/25

Walter & Chris&ne Kroemer 2/27

Bruce & Mary Hirner 2/29

Lockwood, Autum 2/1

Lockwood, Espen 2/1

Lockwood, Sarah 2/1

Moore, Cooper 2/1

Thatcher, Sandra 2/1

Tindale, Kaitlynn 2/1

Carter, Cammie 2/2

Clarke, Arlene 2/2

Gross, Nicole 2/2

Clem, Alicia 2/3

Egger, Richia 2/3

James, Cady 2/3

Long, Sara 2/3

Oppel, Lee 2/3

Owens, Michael 2/3

Boles, Jenna 2/4

Long, Wesley 2/4

TriAen, Shanae 2/4

Arlint, Adam 2/5

Eacker, Rebecca 2/5

EllioA, Wayne 2/5

Hindman, Grace 2/5

Ray, Joan 2/5

Erler, Paul 2/6

Faris, JeAnne 2/6

Hirner, Bruce 2/6

Snedigar, Michael 2/6

Hamann, Beverly 2/7

Mischke, Calvin 2/7

Anderson, BriAany 2/8

Bryer, Anna 2/8

Glimm, Amy 2/8

Hoy, Claire 2/8

O’Neal, Timothy 2/8

Just, Kael 2/9

RiAer, Emma 2/9

Frederickson, James 2/10

Jensen, Gale 2/10

Schmidt, Mary 2/10

West, Chris 2/10

Hadley, Lenora 2/11

Sutherland, Molly 2/11

Sutherland, Raney 2/11

Fredenberg, Nina 2/12

Robinson, Carolyn 2/13

Romine, Robert 2/13

Turner, Jabin 2/13

Boley, Barbara 2/14

Goers, Gary 2/14

Hindman, Katlyn 2/14

Metcalf, James 2/14

BenneA, Marilyn 2/15

Carter, Isaac 2/15

Burger, Jenny 2/16

English, Kaylin 2/16

Evans, Kallie 2/16

McAtee, Heidi 2/16

Tripp, Lynae 2/16

Lunde, Amy 2/17

Peiffer, Eric 2/17

Bitney, Carl 2/18

Harris, Sarah 2/18

Hartmann, JeanneAe 2/18

Mower, Gaige 2/18

Hicks, Vickie 2/19

Mumm, George 2/19

Carter, Andrew 2/20

Hutcheson, Lilyana 2/20

Christensen, MaAhew 2/21

Cook, Valerie 2/21

Peiffer, MaAhias 2/22

Clare, Jordyn 2/23

Copeland, Karen 2/23

Smith, Casey 2/23

Desjarlais, Maxx 2/24

Griffiths, Bonnie 2/24

McCaskill, Thai 2/25

Waugh, Levi 2/25

Waugh, Linsey 2/25

Christopherson, Kathy 2/26

Dahlke, Carrie 2/26

Hanson, Barbara 2/26

Storle, Lynda 2/26

Cook, ScoA 2/27

Iverson, Amy 2/27

Peiffer, Judy 2/27

Rehbein, Hadley 2/27

Anderson, Corie 2/28

Florman, Ryan 2/28

Kaspersen, Pamala 2/28

Kastner, Beau 2/28

Kerley, Isabella 2/28

Krantz, ColleAe 2/28


Trinity Lutheran Church Calendar — February 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




9:30 am Educa. Hr.

10:45 am WRSHIP

2 pm GriefShare


1:30 pm Ruth Circle

6 pm WORSHIP 6:45 pm Lutheran.101


7 pm Board Mtgs.

5 6 am Biblical Manhd.

8:20 am TLS Chapel

9 am MOPS

2:30 pm FIT

3:45 pm NO Confir.


12 noon WOW

Bible Study


9:30 am Thimb. Club




9:30 am Educa. Hr.

10:45 am WRSHIP

2 pm GriefShare


10 am CCC Chapel

10:30 am Altar Gld.

12:30 pm Sr.Dinner

4 pm Martha Circle 4:30 pm CCC Chapel

6 pm WORSHIP 6:45 pm Lutheran.101



6:30 pm BOD Mtg.


TLS LEST 6 am Biblical Manhd.

8:20 am TLS Chapel

2:30 pm FIT

3:45 pm NO Confir. 5:30 pm Stephen Min.



12 noon WOW

Bible Study

14 Valen�ne’s Day


9:30 am Quilters 9:30 am Thimb. Club



6:30 pm MOPS

Valen&ne Dinner



9:30 am Educa. Hr.

10:45 am WRSHIP

2 pm GriefShare

17 Presidents’ Day

TLS No School

1 pm Library Club

6 pm WORSHIP 6:45 pm Lutheran.101


19 6 am Biblical Manhd.

8:20 am TLS Chapel

9 am MOPS

2:30 pm FIT

3:45 pm NO Confir.


12 noon WOW

Bible Study

6:30 pm TBA Mtg.

21 9:30 am Thimb. Club




9:30 am Educa. Hr.

10:45 am WRSHIP

2 pm GriefShare


5:30 pm LWML Brd.

6 pm WORSHIP 6:45 pm Lutheran.101

25 5:45 pm Community


26 Ash Wednesday

6 am Biblical Manhd.

8:20 am TLS Chapel

12 noon Ash Wed.


1 pm Soup Lunch

2:30 pm FIT

3:45 pm NO Confir. 5:30 pm Stephen Min.

6 pm Soup Supper

7 pm Ash Wed. Svc.


12 noon WOW

Bible Study


9:30 am Quilters 9:30 am Thimb. Club

11:30 am TLS Early





“Truth with Love” Sermon Series Star&ng in February, Pastor Kevin will have short sermon se-

ries based on our weekly readings. These sermons will also be

on our new phone app and church website so that if you miss

one, you can watch it later and share it with others. Here are

the sermons for February:

Feb. 2 – “Loving the Truth” – I Corinthians 1:18-31

Feb. 9 – “Speaking the Truth” – I Corinthians 2:1-12

Feb. 16 – “Speaking in Love” – I Corinthians 3:1-9

Feb. 23 – “Speaking the Truth in Love” – II Peter 1:16-21