
The most cost efficient and straightforward form of exercise is jogging or in this case, running. You can do this in any time of the day and even at night or depending the availability of your time. Running now a days is more than just a personal health achievement, it became an entire family and community fun activity and social gathering. It is widely becoming more popular due to being organized and sponsored by local government and businesses. 1. Strengthens the Heart Good Heart, Great Life! Running helps you enable to pump more blood effectively by transporting more oxygen around your body. This will also keeps your arteries in good conditions thus enabling to flush out fatty deposits that sticks around the artery walls. It's the season of giving. As the holidays approach, many people look for ways to help the needy. There are food drives, school fundraisers and end-of-year donation solicitations galore, and it can be hard to decide where to direct your generosity. A fun and easy way to help low-income children in your area is to buy Christmas gifts for them. Many kids would not get any gifts on Christmas morning if it weren't for the support of their community. If students do not believe that their efforts are likely to improve their performance, they will not be motivated to work hard. Motivation can be affected, for instance, if a course that has a reputation for being inordinately difficult. Students may also have had discouraging experiences in similar courses or on early assignments in a course that convince them they cannot do the work. Additionally, students have beliefs about intelligence and learning that can affect their motivation. If they believe learning is generally fast and easy (and should not be slow or arduous), they may lose motivation when they encounter challenges. Similarly, if they believe intelligence is a fixed

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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The most cost efficient and straightforward form of exercise is jogging or in this case, running. You can do this in any time of the day and even at night or depending the availability of your time. Running now a days is more than just a personal health achievement, it became an entire family and community fun activity and social gathering. It is widely becoming more popular due to being organized and sponsored by local government and businesses. 

1. Strengthens the Heart

Good Heart, Great Life! Running helps you enable to pump more blood effectively by transporting more oxygen around your body. This will also keeps your arteries in good conditions thus enabling to flush out fatty deposits that sticks around the artery walls.

It's the season of giving. As the holidays approach, many people look for ways to help the needy. There are food drives, school fundraisers and end-of-year donation solicitations galore, and it can be hard to decide where to direct your generosity. A fun and easy way to help low-income children in your area is to buy Christmas gifts for them. Many kids would not get any gifts on Christmas morning if it weren't for the support of their community.

If students do not believe that their efforts are likely to improve their performance, they will not be motivated to work hard. Motivation can be affected, for instance, if a course that has a reputation for being inordinately difficult. Students may also have had discouraging experiences in similar courses or on early assignments in a course that convince them they cannot do the work. Additionally, students have beliefs about intelligence and learning that can affect their motivation. If they believe learning is generally fast and easy (and should not be slow or arduous), they may lose motivation when they encounter challenges. Similarly, if they believe intelligence is a fixed quantity (something you do or do not have, but not something you acquire over time), they may not see the point of extra effort. Finally, if students attribute their success to their innate talents rather than effort, they may not be motivated to work. This can happen whether they believe they possess the necessary abilities (“I’m a good writer; I don’t need to start my paper early”) or lack them (“I’m just no good at math. What’s the point of trying?”)

On the first month of this year, one tragic news shook the country. A news that brought pain and hatred to the people towards the government. Forty-four Philippine National Police - Special Action Force was all slayed to death brutally by people who have no soul and heart. Forty-four fathers, sons, brothers and best friends died for the sake of the country but until now their death have not yet receive justice.

To help students appreciate that their knowledge and skills can be effectively applied in multiple contexts, point this out to students when it occurs. For example, when you or your students are tackling a new problem that draws on knowledge and skills they

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learned previously, identify the general knowledge or skill and explicitly discuss why it applies to the current situation. In addition, you can create multiple situations or problems that are very different on the surface but that all draw on the same knowledge; then you can ask your students to work through these situations, analyzing their similarities. If students have practiced applying their knowledge and skills in different contexts, then they will be more likely to do so on an exam.

Entering a beauty pageant teaches young women very important life skills and

confidence is a bonus. The ability to get up in front of an audience will help a shy and quiet

person to develop confidence and carry themselves with pride. Many people have a fear of

speaking in front of an audience and entering a beauty pageant provides them with an

opportunity to speak in front of crowds on a regular basis so they can reach outside their

comfort zone until they develop confidence and a stage presence. All beauty pageant

contestants radiant confidence. So if you are a shy person and are looking to get out of your

comfort zone, why not join a pageant?

Communication skills is something that is very important in todays modern society.

The ability to convey your thoughts is a very useful skill. When someone enters a beauty

pageant their communication skills are given the opportunity to flourish. Contestants have

to have face to face auditions and lets not forget they have to show the ability to

articulate educative and cohesive response to a modern issue during the Q and A portion of

the pageant. Strengthening communication skills is beneficial in so many ways.

Both communication skills and confidence are necessities in today’s world. With the

competitive job market and education systems it is necessary to show that you have what it

takes to blow the competitors out of the water. So if you are looking to gain an advantage in

todays world, why not join a pageant?