ferry 1: edmonds crossing (point edwards concept)

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval Ferry 1: Edmonds Crossing (Point Edwards Concept) Edmonds Waterfront Analysis DESCRIPTION This concept builds the Edmonds Crossing concept as developed by Washington State Ferries. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was completed and a Record of Decision (ROD) obtained. The concept includes a new ferry terminal on the former Unocal site with multimodal connections to Sounder and bus transit. The ferry loading and unloading is grade separated from the railroad tracks. The Edmonds Crossing project design does not provide for emergency access to the west side of the railroad tracks. This project is not in WSF’s 2009 Long Range Plan, and it has been dropped from consideration by WSF in its current configuration due to cost. Criterion Rating Reasoning Does the concept improve reliable emergency response to the west side of the railroad tracks? The concept would not provide continuous access to the west side of the railroad tracks for emergency vehicles as currently designed; however, this alternative could be modified to add a ramp from the overpass trestle to land at the south end of the marina to provide emergency vehicle access. If this is provided, the emergency access requires a circuitous route of approximately 1.5 miles depending on destination. Does the concept reduce delays to ferry loading/ unloading? The concept reduces delays for all WSF loading and unloading at Edmonds because of the grade separation from the railroad. However, current holding lanes design is not efficient for ferry operations per WSF. Does the concept reduce delays and conflicts for pedestrians, bicycles, and motorists at roadway/railroad crossings? The concept does not address pedestrian, bicycles and motorists at the Dayton Street and Main Street railroad crossings. The concept could reduce delay for vehicles loading/ unloading from ferries, but because the overpass is 2/3 mile south of Main Street, there would be no reduction of delay for most pedestrians who pass between the ferry and downtown (train station assumed to be relocated with this concept.) Bicycles could potentially have less delay if their destination is toward the south of Edmonds, but no benefit if heading downtown. CONCEPT LOCATION LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS

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Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 1: Edmonds Crossing (Point Edwards Concept)

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept builds the Edmonds Crossing concept asdeveloped by Washington State Ferries. AnEnvironmental Impact Statement (EIS) was completedand a Record of Decision (ROD) obtained.

The concept includes a new ferry terminal on the formerUnocal site with multimodal connections to Sounder andbus transit. The ferry loading and unloading is gradeseparated from the railroad tracks. The EdmondsCrossing project design does not provide for emergencyaccess to the west side of the railroad tracks.

This project is not in WSF’s 2009 Long Range Plan, andit has been dropped from consideration by WSF in itscurrent configuration due to cost.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improve reliableemergency response to the westside of the railroad tracks?

The concept would not provide continuous access to the west sideof the railroad tracks for emergency vehicles as currently designed;however, this alternative could be modified to add a ramp from theoverpass trestle to land at the south end of the marina to provideemergency vehicle access. If this is provided, the emergencyaccess requires a circuitous route of approximately 1.5 milesdepending on destination.

Does the concept reduce delays toferry loading/ unloading?

The concept reduces delays for all WSF loading and unloading atEdmonds because of the grade separation from the railroad.However, current holding lanes design is not efficient for ferryoperations per WSF.

Does the concept reduce delays andconflicts for pedestrians, bicycles,and motorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept does not address pedestrian, bicycles and motorists atthe Dayton Street and Main Street railroad crossings. The conceptcould reduce delay for vehicles loading/ unloading from ferries, butbecause the overpass is 2/3 mile south of Main Street, there wouldbe no reduction of delay for most pedestrians who pass betweenthe ferry and downtown (train station assumed to be relocated withthis concept.) Bicycles could potentially have less delay if theirdestination is toward the south of Edmonds, but no benefit ifheading downtown.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 1: Edmonds Crossing (Point Edwards Concept)

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept provide safe andefficient intermodal passengerconnectivity between ferry,commuter rail, bus transit,pedestrian, bicycle and motorvehicle modes of travel?

The concept provides a safe intermodal connection for connectionsother than accessing downtown Edmonds. Additionally, multimodalconnections within the Edmonds Crossing alternatives include ¼mile walking distance between ferry to Sounder or bus. Due to the2/3-mile distance from Main Street, efficiency of connectivity wouldvary from good for motorized transport, to poor for non-motorizedtransport. Connection is less efficient between ferry terminal anddowntown compared to more northerly options.

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

Cost for this concept is high. WSF has concluded this concept, asdesigned, is too expensive and may not provide sufficientoperational benefits.

Does the concept avoid negativeenvironmental effects?

Additional overwater coverage, work in the water and along theshoreline will require permits from the Corps of Engineers and aShoreline permit among others. A Record of Decision was obtained.Tribal U and A agreements would be required. Impacts to MarinaBeach Park have been identified. Views from houses on the hillsidewould be impacted. Potential noise impacts to residents on the hillfrom the new roadway connection and terminal operations.

Does the concept avoid creatingsocial and/ or economic impacts?

The concept has very little economic impact due to businessimpacts. However, moving the ferry terminal outside of theEdmonds downtown core may have economic repercussions.

Disposition: Edmonds Crossing is not presently in WSF’s long-term planning,and would not be constructed for 30+ years; hence, consideration ofEdmonds Crossing and solution concepts that rely on it arediscontinued.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 2: Expanded Terminal Concept (enlarged trestle for greatervehicle storage)

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept enlarges the trestle at the ferry terminal toprovide additional vehicle queuing capacity to stagemore vehicles on the west side of the railroad tracks.This concept was developed by WSF in 2009 but wasnot considered for implementation at that time. Theconcept would increase queuing capacity and mitigatethe delays to vehicle loading caused by closures of the atgrade railroad crossing.

This concept would not provide for emergency access tothe west side of the railroad tracks.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improve reliableemergency response to the westside of the railroad tracks?

The concept would not provide continuous access to the west side ofthe railroad tracks for emergency vehicles

Does the concept reduce delays toferry loading/ unloading?

The concept reduces delays for WSF loading by providing additionalqueuing west of the tracks. It does not reduce delays for unloadingvehicles.

Does the concept reduce delays andconflicts for pedestrians, bicycles,and motorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept would somewhat help reduce delays at the railroadcrossing by relocating the holding lanes on the west side of therailroad.

Does the concept provide safe andefficient intermodal passengerconnectivity between ferry,commuter rail, bus transit,pedestrian, bicycle and motorvehicle modes of travel?

The concept does improve intermodal connections.Restrictions on expanded overwater coverage and the encroachmenton parks properties are impediments to permitting.

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

Restrictions on expanded overwater coverage and the encroachmenton parks properties are impediments to permitting.

Does the concept avoid negativeenvironmental effects?


Does the concept avoid creatingsocial and/ or economic impacts?




Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 2: Expanded Terminal Concept (enlarged trestle for greatervehicle storage)

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Disposition: Discontinue. While concept improves ferry loading, ferry offloadingreliability is not. This concept does not address emergency responseaccess. Widened dock and additional overwater coverage hassignificant environmental impact.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 3: Mid-Waterfront Terminal Concept

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept was developed by WSF in 2009, but wasnot considered for implementation at that time. Theconcept builds a 3-story parking/vehicle queuing garagewithin the Harbor Square property, accessed fromSR104. From the top level of the garage, vehicles loadthe ferries via a new overpass and trestle to a relocatedferry dock to be constructed immediately north of themarina and fishing pier. Vehicle loading and unloadingwould be grade separated over Railroad Avenue, DaytonStreet and the railroad tracks. Emergency vehicleaccess would be provided through a ramp that wouldextend from the overpass trestle down to Admiral Way.


Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept would provide continuous access to the west side of the railroadtracks for emergency vehicles via a ramp from the flyover landing on RailroadAvenue or near Admiral Way.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept reduces delays for all WSF loading and unloading at Edmondsbecause of the grade separation from the railroad.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept reduces delays for motorists accessing the ferry as explainedabove. Other traffic would continue to cross the railroad tracks at grade.Concept would reduce conflicts with vehicles on Dayton Street and Main Streetby relocating ferry traffic to the elevated roadway. Concept should incorporatea grade separated crossing for bicycles and pedestrians.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept provides a safe intermodal connection for connections other thanaccessing downtown Edmonds.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 3: Mid-Waterfront Terminal Concept

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

Restrictions on expanded overwater coverage and the encroachment on parkproperties are impediments to permitting.

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?

Additional overwater coverage, work in the water and along the shoreline willrequire permits from the Corps of Engineers and a Shoreline permit amongothers. Tribal U and A agreements would be required. Impacts to parks.

Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

The concept is situated in the middle of the waterfront and adjacent tocommercial and residential properties. The concept would occupy multipleproperties currently in commercial use.

Disposition: Advance to Level 2. This concept provides an alternative to EdmondsCrossing and improvements proposed at the current ferry terminallocation.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 4: Multimodal Transit Center Garage and Ferry VehicleStorage Accessed From Dayton Street with Flyover to Ferry Trestle

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept relocates the ferry holding lanes to anelevated structure between the transit center and SunsetAvenue. Vehicles would access the relocated toll boothsand holding lanes from a new ramp that starts fromDayton Street and rises in elevation to the holding lanesstructure which minimize impacts to Sounder parkingand platform and bus transit facilities. Ferry loading andunloading would be grade separated over Main Streetand the railroad tracks. An enclosed pedestrianovercrossing is provided across the tracks, andpedestrians would be able to cross Main Street under theferry load/offload lanes. Main Street will be completelygrade separated from ferry vehicle traffic overhead.

Emergency access for emergency vehicles would beprovided through the ferry holding lanes with a rampconnection down to Brackett’s Landing North Park.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept would provide continuous emergency access through the ferryholding lanes or exit lanes, over the tracks and down a ramp to Brackett’sLanding North.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept provides grade-separated access for loading and unloadingvehicles. The concept increases vehicle storage capacity to meet WSFStandards.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept reduces delays for motorists accessing the ferry as explainedabove. Other traffic would continue to cross the railroad tracks at grade.Concept would reduce conflicts with vehicles on Main Street by relocatingferry traffic to the elevated roadway. Provides a grade separated crossing forbicycles and pedestrians.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept provides a safe intermodal connection including accessingdowntown Edmonds with a grade separated crossing over the railroadtracks.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 4: Multimodal Transit Center Garage and Ferry VehicleStorage Accessed From Dayton Street with Flyover to Ferry Trestle

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

Cost for this concept is high. Extensive reconstruction of facilities on BHSFright-of-way. Additional design will be required to address feasibilityregarding impact to ferry berthing structures and ability to construct underoperation.

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?

Potential additional overwater coverage, in water fill under the dock, andother work in the water and along the shoreline will require permits from theCorps of Engineers and a Shoreline permit among others. EnvironmentalImpact Statement and Record of Decision likely required. Tribal U and Aagreements would be required. Impacts to Brackett’s Landing North andSouth are 4f issues. Concept has visual impacts but is contained within thesurrounding transit and commercial area. Size of overhead structures maybe considered out of scale for downtown core. Substantial impacts to Port ofEdmonds property.

Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

The concept has business impacts and economic impacts.

Disposition: Advance to Level 2. Integrate features with Ferry 8 concept for animproved solution that allows for redevelopment of the project area.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 5: Underground Ferry Holding with Pedestrian BridgeExtended

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept includes a new vehicle undergroundholding along with ferry loading and unloading lanesbetween the transit center and Sunset Avenue. Theunderground ferry loading and unloading is gradeseparated from the railroad tracks, Main Street, and aportion of Sunset Avenue. A pedestrian bridge isprovided across the tracks, and pedestrians would alsobe able to cross Main Street via a walkway alongside theunderground ferry load and offload lanes.

Emergency vehicle access would be provided throughthe underground ferry loading/unloading lanes with aramped connection up into Brackett’s Landing NorthPark.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept would provide continuous emergency access through the ferryholding or unloading lanes, under the tracks to Brackett’s Landing North.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept provides grade-separated access for loading and unloading ferryvehicles. The concept increases vehicle storage capacity to meet WSFstandards.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept reduces delay for motorists accessing the ferry as explainedabove. Other traffic would continue to cross the railroad tracks at-grade.Concept would reduce conflicts with vehicles on Main Street by relocating ferrytraffic underground.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept does provide a safe intermodal connection including accessingdowntown Edmonds with a grade separated crossing over the railroad tracks.Cars coming off of the ferry will not have direct access to Main Street.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 5: Underground Ferry Holding with Pedestrian BridgeExtended

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

Cost for this concept is very high. Additional design will be required to addressfeasibility regarding impact to ferry berthing structures and ability to constructunder WSF operation. Conceptual construction staging of all the undergroundfacilities is required to fully understand these impacts to existing ferry androadway operations.

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?

Potential additional overwater coverage, filling under existing ferry dock andwork in the water and along the shoreline will require permits from the Corps ofEngineers and a Shoreline permit among others. Environmental ImpactStatement and Record of Decision likely required. Tribal U and A agreementsmay be required. Impacts to Brackett’s Landing North and South are 4f issues.Concept has minor visual effects with the pedestrian bridge. Streetscapeimprovements are provided with undergrounding the WSF facility andreclaiming the above ground area. Sea level rise may impact undergroundfacilities, extent needs to be understood to ensure this concept is not fatallyflawed.

Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

The concept has some business impacts, but area economies could improvewith reclamation of above ground surface. Exiting ferry traffic has less accessto downtown businesses.

Disposition: Advance to Level 2. Combine features with Underpass 1 for improvedsolution.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 6: Vehicle Holding Garage off Dayton Street with Overpass toRailroad Avenue

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept includes relocated, elevated ferry vehicleholding in a garage located south of Dayton Street. Theferry loading and unloading is grade separated from therailroad tracks with a roadway structure from the garageto touch down at a new intersection with RailroadAvenue. Railroad Avenue would be used for the ferryloading and offloading. Emergency vehicle access wouldbe provided through the ferry loading and unloadinglanes and garage.

A pedestrian bridge is also provided across the tracks atDayton Street.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept would provide continuous emergency access through the WSFfacility, including going through the vehicle holding garage.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept reduces delays for all WSF loading and unloading.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept reduces delays for bicycles and pedestrians, but does notaddress motorists not associated with the ferry loading and unloading.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept provides a safe intermodal connection for connections includingaccessing downtown Edmonds.

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

X Cost for this concept is very high. Ability for WSF to maintain revenue controland Homeland Security requirements is difficult due to the potential mixing offerry traffic with general traffic on Railroad Avenue. Would require easementfrom BNSF for expanded use of Railroad Avenue.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 6: Vehicle Holding Garage off Dayton Street with Overpass toRailroad Avenue

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?

Some construction required within shoreline area will require a Shorelinepermit. Impact to Brackett’s Landing South is a 4f issue. Concept has visualeffects with the pedestrian bridge at Main Street and new elevated roadwaystructures at Dayton Street, but considering the surrounding transit andcommercial character, visual impacts would be minor.

Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

X The concept has several business impacts. Exiting ferry traffic has reducedaccess to downtown businesses. Railroad Avenue will be required by WSFduring loading and offloading, temporarily cutting off access to waterfrontbusinesses, residences and parks. However; existing holding lanes on Sunsetcould be reclaimed by the City.

Disposition: Discontinue consideration of concept. WSF would not accept relying uponaccess via on Railroad Avenue without ownership – half of RailroadAvenue is BNSF property. Additionally, WSF operations would requireshutdown of access along Railroad Avenue during loading and unloading ofthe ferry.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 7: Trumpet Flyover at Dayton Street with Surface VehicleStorage West of Railroad Avenue

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept would relocate toll booths and ferry holdingarea to the west side of Railroad Avenue. An elevatedroadway at Dayton Avenue would provide gradeseparation for ferry traffic and emergency vehicles overthe railroad tracks and touch down on the west side ofRailroad Avenue to the relocated toll booths and holdingarea, and Admiral Way.

Railroad Avenue would be used for ferry loading, andcould also be used for offloading during train blockages.

A pedestrian bridge is provided across the railroad tracksand Main Street.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept would provide continuous emergency vehicle access usingoverpass at Dayton Street.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept reduces delays for all WSF loading and unloading.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept reduces delays for bicycles and pedestrians, and could reducedelay for motorists who are willing to drive to the overcrossing access atAdmiral Way.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept provides a safe intermodal connection for connections includingaccessing downtown Edmonds.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 7: Trumpet Flyover at Dayton Street with Surface VehicleStorage West of Railroad Avenue

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

X Cost for this concept is very high. Concept impacts multiple waterfrontbusinesses, residences and the Senior Center.

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?

Construction within shoreline area will require a Shoreline permit. Impact toBrackett’s Landing South is a 4(f) issue. Concept has visual effects with thepedestrian bridge and bridge at Dayton; visual impacts would likely beconsidered low considering the existing commercial and transit visualcharacter of the area, although residences near Main Street will see the newpedestrian bridge.

Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

X The concept dislocates and otherwise impacts several business along thewaterfront.Existing holding lanes on Sunset could be reclaimed for redevelopment.

Disposition: Discontinue. The park land required and the elimination of the Senior Center isa fatal flaw. There is a new 40-year lease on the Senior Center. WSF would notaccept relying upon access via Railroad Avenue without ownership.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 8: Surface Parking at Salish Center with Flyover at MainStreet

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept was originally developed by WSF in 2009,but was not considered for implementation at that time.This concept relocates the ferry holding lanes to anelevated structure between the transit center and SunsetAvenue. Vehicles would access the relocated toll boothsand holding lanes from a new ramp that starts fromDayton Street and rises in elevation to the holding lanesstructure which is to the south of the existing transitcenter. Ferry loading and unloading would be gradeseparated over Main Street and the railroad tracks. Anenclosed pedestrian overcrossing would be providedacross the tracks, and pedestrians would be able tocross Main Street under the ferry load/offload lanes.Main Street will be completely grade separated fromferry vehicle traffic overhead.

Emergency access would be provided through the ferryholding lanes with a ramp connection down to Brackett’sLanding North Park.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept would provide continuous emergency access through the ferryholding lanes or exit lanes, across the tracks to Brackett’s Landing North.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept provides grade-separated access for loading and unloadingvehicles. The concept increases vehicle storage capacity to meet WSFStandards.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept reduces delays for motorists accessing the ferry as explainedabove. Other traffic would continue to cross the railroad tracks at grade.Concept would reduce conflicts with vehicles on Main Street by relocating ferrytraffic to the elevated roadway. Provides a grade separated crossing forbicycles and pedestrians.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept provides a safe intermodal connection including accessingdowntown Edmonds with a grade separated crossing over the railroad tracks.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 8: Surface Parking at Salish Center with Flyover at MainStreet

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

Cost for this concept is high. Additional design will be required to addressfeasibility regarding impact to ferry berthing structures and ability to constructunder operation. The concept is expected to require extensive permitting andfunding efforts to construct, and will need to address the construction-phasedisruptions of Main Street businesses and ferry operations, and the visualimpacts to the area. There would be right-of-way negotiations and potentialacquisition or easements with the businesses, City, BNSF, and WSDOT.

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?

Potential additional overwater coverage, in water fill under the dock, and otherwork in the water and along the shoreline will require permits from the Corps ofEngineers and a Shoreline permit among others. Environmental ImpactStatement and Record of Decision likely required. Tribal U and A agreementswould be required. Impacts to Brackett’s Landing North and South forpedestrian access and emergency access are 4f issues. Concept has visualimpacts but is somewhat contained within the surrounding transit andcommercial area. Size of overhead structures may be considered out of scalefor downtown core. Substantial impacts to commercial property.

Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

The concept would impact businesses and parks, create a shadow over MainStreet, and present safety hazards along the elevated structure. Existing ferrytraffic has less access to downtown businesses. Major impacts to existingbusinesses.

Disposition: Advance to Level 2. Combine features with Ferry 4 concept for animproved solution that allows for redevelopment of the project area.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 9: Railroad Avenue Holding Lanes

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept was originally developed by WSF in 2009,but not considered for implementation at that time.Concept relocates the ferry holding area and toll boothsto the former Unocal property, utilizing a portion of BNSFproperty along Railroad Avenue as holding lanes to theexisting ferry terminal.

Concept would create a new at-grade crossing of therailroad tracks at the Unocal site. No grade separationwould be constructed under this concept, and it could notprovide continuous emergency access to the waterfront.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improve reliableemergency response to the westside of the railroad tracks?

The concept does not provide grade separation with the railroadtracks.

Does the concept reduce delays toferry loading/ unloading?

The concept does somewhat reduce risk of delays to ferry loading byrelocating the holding lanes to the west side of the railroad tracks.

Does the concept reduce delaysand conflicts for pedestrians,bicycles, and motorists atroadway/railroad crossings?

The concept does not improve railroad crossings, except for themultimodal connections associated with the ferry on the same side ofthe railroad tracks. Issues would remain between downtown and thewaterfront area including the ferry offloading traffic.

Does the concept provide safe andefficient intermodal passengerconnectivity between ferry,commuter rail, bus transit,pedestrian, bicycle and motorvehicle modes of travel?

The concept does not provide a safe intermodal connection forconnections including accessing downtown Edmonds.

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

X This concept is not feasible to implement due to ROW ownership.

Does the concept avoid negativeenvironmental effects?


Does the concept avoid creatingsocial and/ or economic impacts?




Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 9: Railroad Avenue Holding Lanes

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Disposition: Discontinue. Concept does not provide continuous emergencyaccess. Concept creates a new at-grade railroad crossing. WSF wouldnot accept relying upon access via Railroad Avenue withoutownership. WSF operations would require shutdown of access alongRailroad Avenue during loading of the ferry.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 10: Railroad Avenue Exiting Lanes

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept was originally developed by WSF in 2009,but not considered for implementation at that time.Concept relocates the ferry exit lanes on the west side ofRailroad Avenue (owned by BNSF). It constructs a newat grade crossing with railroad tracks for exit lanes ontoformer Unocal property. The exit lanes would connectwith Sunset Avenue (SR 104) at Pine Street.

Concept would create a new at-grade crossing of therailroad tracks at the Unocal site. No grade separationwould be constructed under this concept, and it could notprovide continuous emergency access to the waterfront.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improve reliableemergency response to the westside of the railroad tracks?

The concept does not provide any grade separation with the railroadtracks.

Does the concept reduce delays toferry loading/ unloading?

The concept does somewhat reduce risk of delays to ferry unloadingof vehicles by relocating the exiting lanes to the west side of therailroad tracks, to only a limited extent since the new railroadcrossing is at grade. The concept would delay walk off passengerunloading because of new conflict with offloading vehicles.

Does the concept reduce delays andconflicts for pedestrians, bicycles,and motorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept does not improve railroad crossings.

Does the concept provide safe andefficient intermodal passengerconnectivity between ferry,commuter rail, bus transit,pedestrian, bicycle and motorvehicle modes of travel?

The concept does not provide a safe intermodal connection forconnections including accessing downtown Edmonds.

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

X This concept is not feasible to implement due to ROW ownership.



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Ferry 10: Railroad Avenue Exiting Lanes

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept avoid negativeenvironmental effects?


Does the concept avoid creatingsocial and/ or economic impacts?


Disposition: Discontinue. Concept does not provide continuous emergencyaccess. Concept creates a new at-grade railroad crossing. WSF wouldnot accept relying upon access via Railroad Avenue withoutownership. WSF operations would require shutdown of access alongRailroad Avenue during loading of the ferry.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw

Page 1 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 11: Relocate Railroad Tracks to Current Holding Lanes andMove Holding Lanes to West Side of Relocated Tracks

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis


This concept relocates the BNSF tracks away from theshoreline (approximately aligned with SR104/SunsetAvenue) and constructs a new vehicle holding area onthe west side of the relocated tracks. The conceptcontinues use of the existing ferry slip, trestle, overheadloading and terminal building.

Concept relocates BNSF, Amtrak and Sounderinfrastructure and displaces multiple businesses.Concept would require construction within the EdmondsMarsh.

Concept would relocate, but not eliminate, the at-gradecrossings.

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept improvereliable emergency responseto the west side of the railroadtracks?

The concept does not include any grade separation with the railroad tracks.

Does the concept reducedelays to ferry loading/unloading?

The concept somewhat improves ferry loading by relocating the holding areato the west side of the railroad tracks.

Does the concept reducedelays and conflicts forpedestrians, bicycles, andmotorists at roadway/railroadcrossings?

The concept does not improve railroad crossings, except for all multimodalconnections associated with the ferry are on the same side of the railroadtracks. Issues still exist between downtown and the waterfront area includingthe ferry.

Does the concept provide safeand efficient intermodalpassenger connectivitybetween ferry, commuter rail,bus transit, pedestrian, bicycleand motor vehicle modes oftravel?

The concept provides safe intermodal connections associated with the ferry.Issues still exist between transit and downtown and the ferry and downtown.

Is the concept feasible toimplement?

X Cost for this concept is high. BNSF has stated that horizontal or verticalrealignment of the railroad tracks is not acceptable.



Page 2 Version 2 – for approval

Ferry 11: Relocate Railroad Tracks to Current Holding Lanes andMove Holding Lanes to West Side of Relocated Tracks

Edmonds Waterfront Analysis

Criterion Rating Reasoning

Does the concept avoidnegative environmentaleffects?


Does the concept avoidcreating social and/ oreconomic impacts?

Extensive impacts to public and private properties with business and residentdislocations.

Disposition: Discontinue. Realignment of railroad tracks with supporting infrastructure,and WSF vehicle queuing with associated roadway improvements woulddislocate several businesses. Social and economic impacts are high, as wellas the cost. BNSF cannot accept changes in the horizontal or verticalalignment of the railroad tracks.

- Yes - Somewhat - Not Very Well - With Challenges X - No, Fatal Flaw