field seminars on understanding volcanoes · toba caldera, medan, indonesia 9 – 15 june 2013 (7...

A Supervolcano in Southeast Asia! Toba Caldera, Medan, Indonesia 9 – 15 June 2013 (7 days, 6 nights) $1000 estimated Toba Caldera is renowned for its climate-changing, supervolcanic eruption (VEI 8) that occurred about 73,000 years ago. The event lasted for about 2 weeks and generated about 2,800 km 3 of erupted material. This is the largest known explosive eruption in the last 25 million years! How do supervolcanoes form? What triggers these large explosive events? How does this supervolcano compare to Merapi and other Indonesian volcanoes in time and space? What would happen today if a supervolcano erupted? How does the tourism of Medan area relate to this super-sized volcano? For this particular field trip, preference will be given to teachers who have previously gone on the field seminar to Merapi. Living on an active volcano in the midst of an international tourist destination. Batur Volcano, Bali, Indonesia 3 – 7 June 2013 (5 days, 4 nights) $850 estimated Mount Batur has three summit craters and a parasitic cone, rises about 700m above its surrounding fertile terrain, and sits within an impressive double caldera structure. It stretches 13.8 km by 10 km in dimension, with a deep crater lake, fumaroles and bubbling hot springs. How many different types of eruptions did this complex volcano produce, and how do we recognise these events? How do the different types of eruptions create today’s landscape? How do local people use the volcano for livelihood? How does long-term local knowledge of the landscape support sustainable living? This trip involves a strenuous hike to the summit. Understanding Volcanoes Please select only one of the options listed below: Registration and Further Details. Please email your completed application form to [email protected] by 18 January 2013 to be considered for your selected field seminar. Organised by: Toba Caldera Batur Volcano These field seminars are professional development learning journeys for Singapore teachers to study the history, evolution, eruptive characteristics and behaviour, and societal impact of volcanoes in the extremely active Southeast Asia region. Field Seminars on

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Page 1: Field Seminars on Understanding Volcanoes · Toba Caldera, Medan, Indonesia 9 – 15 June 2013 (7 days, 6 nights) $1000 estimated Toba Caldera is renowned for its climate-changing,

A Supervolcano in Southeast Asia!

Toba Caldera, Medan, Indonesia9 – 15 June 2013 (7 days, 6 nights)$1000 estimated

Toba Caldera is renowned for its climate-changing, supervolcanic eruption (VEI 8) that occurred about 73,000 years ago. The event lasted for about 2 weeks and generated about 2,800 km3 of erupted material.This is the largest known explosive eruption in the last 25 million years!

How do supervolcanoes form? What triggers these large explosive events? How does this supervolcano compare to Merapi and other Indonesian volcanoes in time and space? What would happen today if a supervolcano erupted? How does the tourism of Medan area relate to this super-sized volcano?

For this particular field trip, preference will be given to teachers who have previously gone on the field seminar to Merapi.

Living on an active volcano in the midst of an international tourist destination.

Batur Volcano, Bali, Indonesia3 – 7 June 2013 (5 days, 4 nights)$850 estimated

Mount Batur has three summit craters and a parasitic cone, rises about 700m above its surrounding fertile terrain, and sits within an impressive double caldera structure. It stretches 13.8 km by 10 km in dimension, with a deep crater lake, fumaroles and bubbling hot springs.

How many different types of eruptions did this complex volcano produce, and how do we recognise these events? How do the different types of eruptions create today’s landscape? How do local people use the volcano for livelihood? How does long-term local knowledge of the landscape support sustainable living?

This trip involves a strenuous hike to the summit.

Understanding Volcanoes

Please select only one of the options listed below:

Registration and Further Details. Please email your completed application form [email protected] by 18 January 2013 to be considered for your selected field seminar.

Organised by:

Toba Caldera

Batur Volcano

These field seminars are professional development learning journeys for Singapore teachers to study the history, evolution, eruptive characteristics and behaviour, and societal impact of volcanoes in the extremely active Southeast Asia region.

Field Seminars on

Page 2: Field Seminars on Understanding Volcanoes · Toba Caldera, Medan, Indonesia 9 – 15 June 2013 (7 days, 6 nights) $1000 estimated Toba Caldera is renowned for its climate-changing,

• Todeepenteachers’contentknowledgeinphysicalgeography,specificallyplatetectonicsandvolcanoesinSoutheastAsiaandtheirimpactonpeopleandtheenvironment

• Toenhanceteachers’pedagogicalskillsindeliveringandfacilitatinginquiry-basedlearninginthefield

• Todevelopinquiry-basedresourcesfromthefieldseminar,whichwouldbesharedwithgeographyteachersinSingapore

Field Seminar Programme 2013Theseprofessionaldevelopmentlearningjourneysincludetheoverseasfieldseminarandbothpre-andpost-fieldseminarworkshops.




Topics of InterestVolcanoandPlateTectonics;associatedhumanaspectslikeVolcanoHazardPreparednessMeasures,LivingwithVolcanicRisk;referencetoTourism,RiversandLakes

Target ParticipantsGeographyteachersataJuniorCollegeorIPSchoolwillbegivenpreference,butweanticipatethattherewillbeopeningsforteachersinsecondaryschools.

Training Hours48hours(TobaCaldera)/42hours(BaturVolcano)

Programme CostsS$850perpersontoBaturVolcano(estimatedcost)S$1000perpersontoTobaCaldera(estimatedcost)Thisincludes:

• 2pre-and3post-fieldseminarworkshops(includesrefreshmentsduringworkshops,accesstodedicatedwebsiteforcommunicationandmaterialsdevelopment)

• FieldSeminar (includestourpackagewithguide,airfare,


Pleasenotethatthisprogrammecostsexclude:• Personalexpensesincurredduringthefield

seminar• 1mealonyourown• Tipsfortourguide,busdriverandporters• Extensionofyourtripafterthefieldseminarhas

ended• Additionalinsurancecoverageforextendedstay


• Behighlymotivatedinplayinganactiveroleincurricular/pedagogicalinitiativesatschoolleveland/orbeyond

• Willingnesstoworkcollaborativelyinateamwithfellowgeographyteachers,EOSandNIEstaff

• Beinterestedinobtainingdeepercontentknowledgeinphysicalgeographyandvolcanology

• Bephysicallyfittoenjoyfulldaysofstrenuoustrekkingoveruneventerrain




TheEOSEducationandOutreachOffice(EOSE&O)isthepubliceducationandcommunicationarmofEOS.WecommunicateEOSscientificresearchtotheoutsideworld,inadditiontoliaisingwithstakeholdersonbehalfoftheEOS.E&OisworkingcloselywithMOEtocontributetoSingapore’sgeographycurriculumandtoconductteacherprofessionaldevelopmentworkshopsandoverseasfieldseminars.In2012,EOSandtheSingaporeScienceCentrecollaboratedtocreatethepermanentexhibitionEarth: Our Untamed Planet.

Moreaboutthe Earth Observatory of Singapore

The overall objectives of these seminars are: