fiestas de españa in english


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Page 1: Fiestas de España in English
Page 2: Fiestas de España in English

Las fiestas en España

What does the word “fiesta” mean?

Which Spanish “fiestas” do you know?

Where do they celebrate those “fiestas”?


Page 3: Fiestas de España in English

Los Reyes magos 1

The Wise Men parade We celebrate the visit of the Wise Men to baby Jesus and the presents that they brought for him

The night of the 5th of January there are parades in all Spain. The Wise Men throw sweets and small presents to the crowd.

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Los Reyes magos 2

The Wise Men bring presents to the children in all Spain the 6th of January

Families gather to eat “roscón” and hot chocolate.


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Las águedas


It is celebrated in Castilla y León.

5th of February.

During those days the women are the boss, so they are in charge.

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Carnaval 1

It is celebrated 40 days before Easter, before starting the lent.

People use masks

and costumes.

It is celebrate in many Spanish cities.

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One of the most famous carnavals is celebrated in TENERIFE and CÁDIZ

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Las fallas 1

Origen: ritual of the fire.

Fallas: Constructions in cardboard, wood, plaster, wax, etc, and represent events or characters of the actuality with a great sense of humour.

19th of March “Nit del foc”. Beginning of the Spring.

It is celebrated in Valencia.

Only the most popular “falla” is saved from the fired each year.

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Las fallas 2

Fallas en Valencia

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Semana santa Origin: religious.

The processions remember the death of Christ.

It is celebrated in many places of Spain, mostly in the South.

The nazarenos accompany the procession all the way carrying long candles.

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Fiestas de primavera 1

Bando de la Huerta en Murcia

Start of Spring

People wear the typical dresses and eat food and dance dances from the region

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Fiestas de primavera 2

Feria de abril en Sevilla

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Romerías This is a pilgrimage trip to a

sacrated place they devote.

There is also a popular fiesta with food, dances and a lot of fun the day of the celebration.

They are celebrated in many places along the whole year.

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Almonte (Huelva)

La Romería del Rocío is the most popular in Spain

People travel in carruages or ride horses from all over Spain to visit the Virgin of Rocío, Blanca Paloma (the White Dove).

Romerías 2

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Las hogueras de san juan


Ritual of the fire .

Night of San Juan, 24th of June. The longest night of the year.

People party by big fires on the beaches in Spain.

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Leij d

Castellers: human towers, sometimes up to 9 layers.

In Fiestas Mayores of Catalonya.


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Tomates fight.

Buñol (Valencia).

Last Wednesday in August.

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San fermín



7th of July.

Encierro: the bulls run along the streets to arrive at the Ring: Plaza de Toros.

Bulls run 900 metres.

There is also bull fighting at the festival.

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