fifty names of marduk in enûma eliš - andrea seri

The Fifty Names of Marduk in Enuma elis ANDREA SERI HARVARD UNIVERSITY Enuma elis is one of the few Akkadian texts that are relatively well known beyond the cryptic domain of the Assyriologist. The "popularity" of Enuma elis seems to relate, at least in part, to one of its most transparent themes, namely, the creation of the universe. An emphasis on the etiological aspect of the composition appears already in George Smith's translation entitled The Chaldean Account of Genesis published in 1876, only some twenty years after the official decipherment of cuneiform writing. In successive decades, other scholars adopted Smith's title, if slightly modified, and variants such as The Babylonian Genesis, The Poem of Creation, or The Epic of Creation are still frequent.' Although early commentators concentrated on highlighting similarities and differences between the Mesopotamian and the Biblical accounts of Genesis, it became apparent rela- tively soon that the text served not only mythological motives but that it also had other reli- gious, ideological, and political purposes (see Michalowski 1990: 383-84). The creation story was thus the means to convey, proclaim, and justify the enthronement of Marduk as Babylonia's main deity. The glorification of Marduk is so forceful that the poet has him take over Enlil's role as head of the pantheon. This was achieved progressively throughout the text, first by suggesting Marduk's righteous genealogy, then by presenting him as the hero who defeated Tiamat and fashioned the universe, and finally by granting Marduk fifty names. In this paper, I wish to address the structure of the section dealing with the fifty names and its function within the poem as a whole. GOD LISTS AND THE FIFTY NAMES The existence of certain affinities between Marduk's fifty names at the end of EnQma elis and those attested in fragments of god lists was pointed out as early as 1902. Thus, when Leonard W. King published The Seven Tablets of Creation, he incorporated fragments of god lists that he considered pertinent for the reconstruction, comparison, and under- standing of Marduk's names.^ And in the description of the contents of CT 25 (1909), King suggested once again that certain god lists included in the volume might help to restore the related broken lines of Enuma elis. Similarly, in his study of the fifty names of Marduk, Franz Bohl (1936) also referred to these connections, in particular to the list I wish to express my gratitude to Gary Beckman, Peter Machinist, Piotr Steinkeller, Irene Winter, and Norman Yoffee for reading this paper and offering valuable comments. Special thanks are due Piotr Michalowski with whom I had stimulating discussions about Enuma elis during a seminar that he offered at the University of Michigan in 1998. 1. See, for example, Bohl 1936: 191; Deimel 1912; Foster 1996: 350; Heidel 1942; Labat 1935 and 1959; Lambert and Parker 1966; Talon 2005. 2. See in particular his Appendix One, "Assyrian Commentaries and Parallel Texts of the Seventh Tablet of the Creation Series" (vol. 1, 158-81). Journal ofthe American Oriental Society 126.4 (2006) 507

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Enumu elis is one of the few Akkadian texts that are relatively well known beyond the cryptic domain of the Assyriologist. The "popularity" of Enuma elis seems to relate, at least in part, to one of its most transparent themes, namely, the creation of the universe. An emphasis on the etiological aspect of the composition appears already in George Smith's translation entitled The Chaldean Account of Genesis published in 1876, only some twenty years after the official decipherment of cuneiform writing. In successive decades, other scholars adopted Smith's title, if slightly modified, and variants such as The Babylonian Genesis, The Poem of Creation, or The Epic of Creation are still frequent.Although early commentators concentrated on highlighting similarities and differences between the Mesopotamian and the Biblical accounts of Genesis, it became apparent relatively soon that the text served not only mythological motives but that it also had other religious, ideological, and political purposes (see Michalowski 1990: 383-84). The creation story was thus the means to convey, proclaim, and justify the enthronement of Marduk as Babylonia's main deity. The glorification of Marduk is so forceful that the poet has him take over Enlil's role as head of the pantheon. This was achieved progressively throughout the text, first by suggesting Marduk's righteous genealogy, then by presenting him as the hero who defeated Tiamat and fashioned the universe, and finally by granting Marduk fifty names. In this paper, I wish to address the structure of the section dealing with the fifty names and its function within the poem as a whole.


Page 1: Fifty Names of Marduk in Enûma Eliš - Andrea Seri

The Fifty Names ofMarduk in Enuma elis



Enuma elis is one of the few Akkadian texts that are relatively well known beyond thecryptic domain of the Assyriologist. The "popularity" of Enuma elis seems to relate, atleast in part, to one of its most transparent themes, namely, the creation of the universe. Anemphasis on the etiological aspect of the composition appears already in George Smith'stranslation entitled The Chaldean Account of Genesis published in 1876, only some twentyyears after the official decipherment of cuneiform writing. In successive decades, otherscholars adopted Smith's title, if slightly modified, and variants such as The BabylonianGenesis, The Poem of Creation, or The Epic of Creation are still frequent.'

Although early commentators concentrated on highlighting similarities and differencesbetween the Mesopotamian and the Biblical accounts of Genesis, it became apparent rela-tively soon that the text served not only mythological motives but that it also had other reli-gious, ideological, and political purposes (see Michalowski 1990: 383-84). The creationstory was thus the means to convey, proclaim, and justify the enthronement of Marduk asBabylonia's main deity. The glorification of Marduk is so forceful that the poet has himtake over Enlil's role as head of the pantheon. This was achieved progressively throughoutthe text, first by suggesting Marduk's righteous genealogy, then by presenting him as thehero who defeated Tiamat and fashioned the universe, and finally by granting Marduk fiftynames. In this paper, I wish to address the structure of the section dealing with the fiftynames and its function within the poem as a whole.



The existence of certain affinities between Marduk's fifty names at the end of EnQmaelis and those attested in fragments of god lists was pointed out as early as 1902. Thus,when Leonard W. King published The Seven Tablets of Creation, he incorporated fragmentsof god lists that he considered pertinent for the reconstruction, comparison, and under-standing of Marduk's names.^ And in the description of the contents of CT 25 (1909),King suggested once again that certain god lists included in the volume might help torestore the related broken lines of Enuma elis. Similarly, in his study of the fifty namesof Marduk, Franz Bohl (1936) also referred to these connections, in particular to the list

I wish to express my gratitude to Gary Beckman, Peter Machinist, Piotr Steinkeller, Irene Winter, and NormanYoffee for reading this paper and offering valuable comments. Special thanks are due Piotr Michalowski with whomI had stimulating discussions about Enuma elis during a seminar that he offered at the University of Michigan in1998.

1. See, for example, Bohl 1936: 191; Deimel 1912; Foster 1996: 350; Heidel 1942; Labat 1935 and 1959;Lambert and Parker 1966; Talon 2005.

2. See in particular his Appendix One, "Assyrian Commentaries and Parallel Texts of the Seventh Tablet of theCreation Series" (vol. 1, 158-81).

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An : Anum. Years later, in his Yale doctoral thesis (1958), Richard Litke noticed that apassage of the big god-list An : Anum could be compared with the fifty names of Enumaelis. Litke rightly saw and briefly mentioned that Marduk's names in the second tablet ofAn : Anum resemble those of Enuma elis, although the arrangement is slightly different(Litke 1998: 89).

The connections between Enuma elis and An : Anum were finally brought into thespotlight in the 1980s, when Walther Sommerfeld (1982: 175) resorted to this god list toargue for a Kassite date of composition for Enuma elis.^ His claim, however, promptedthe response of Wilfred Lambert (1984: 3-4) in a review in which he defends the laterdate that he had proposed twenty years earlier, i.e., the reign of Nebuchadnezzar I (seeLambert 1964). Lambert maintains that rather than being borrowed from An : Anum,the list of names in Enuma elis "is incorporated in toto (with a little rearrangement at thebeginning) from a triple-column god list" (Lambert 1984: 4).'* Thus, Lambert writes, thereare two god lists, "neither of which is demonstrably based on the other." It should be notedthat both Sommerfeld and Lambert focused the discussion on dating Enuma elis. Otherimplications pertaining to the inclusion of a god list in a literary text have not been furtherexplored.^

I shall leave the hypothetical date of composition aside and stress the fact that Marduk'smultiple names were not the result of the composer's creative genius, but were taken fromalready existing god Hst(s).^ In other words, the names were not conceived ad hoc to crownMarduk's heroic deeds in Enuma elis. This does not imply, however, that the last part of thesixth and the seventh tablets are a later addition missing from an alleged earlier version. Onthe contrary, the originality of this section resides precisely in the technique of ingeniouslyinterweaving a rather dry string of names into a literary text. This builds on intertextuality,a device consistently used throughout the poem, as will be discussed later. Naturally, thechoice of fifty names was not accidental, because fifty was Enlil's number. In the strictsense, the ancestors, in Enuma elis, actually grant Marduk fifty-two names. The last two,however, were not originally Marduk's: they are bel matati, Enlil's epithet, and Anu. Thesetwo extra names are simply final bonuses, and they do not follow the pattern of the pre-ceding list. It is worth remembering, after all, that at the beginning of the section, the godsmake clear their intention to bestow "fifty" names upon Marduk.^ Since in ancient Meso-potamia divine names were traditionally compiled in lists, an examination of certain godlists closely related to the names in Enuma elis is now necessary.

3. Sommerfeld's suggestion is based on that of his teacher, Wolfram von Soden. The Kassite period is one ofthe three times of composition proposed for Enuma elis. The others are the Old Babylonian period (e.g., Jacobsen1968: 107; Dalley 1997) and the reign of Nebuchadnezzar I (Lambert 1964). Most scholars today tend to favorLambert's interpretation that the text was composed no earlier than the later second millennium (e.g., Bottero 1975-76; Michalowski 1990; Foster 1996; Machinist 2005).

4. The fragments of this list that Lambert mentions are CT 25 46-47 (K.7658 + 8222) and STC 1 165-66(K.8519 and K. 13337).

5. For instance, in his detailed study of the tablets containing the commentary on the fifty names in parallelwith Enuma elis, Jean Bottero (1977) did not refer to god lists; this absence is also to be seen in his analysis of therole of the fifty names in EnUma elis (Bottdro 1975-76: 106-13).

6. Although I am not entirely convinced by the explanation that Enuma eliS was composed to celebrate the returnof Marduk's statue, I acknowledge a later-second-millennium or even an early first-millennium date of composition.

7. i nim-be-e-ma ha-sd-a su-me-e-su "Let us proclaim his fifty names" (VI: 121).

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The edition of An: Anum prepared by Litke ([1958] 1998) is a composite based onseveral manuscripts. It has the Yale text (YBC 2401) as a matrix because, unlike the othermanuscripts, this contains the entire series. Marduk's names are recorded on the secondtablet from lines 185 to 235; the current edition of Tablet II is based on eighteen copies.^ Inspite of the multiple extant sources, some of the names are completely missing; otherspreserve only certain signs and were restored from lists that do not seem to belong to thesame tradition.' Although the exact number of names in An : Anum is, therefore, not imme-diately apparent, it is likely that there were some fifty-three and not fifty as in Enuma elis.For example, the name Zi-"-ukkin appeared twice in An : Anum.'" It is first listed under''Tu-tu in line 196, and again under ''Sa-zu in line 204, but it is attested only once in Enumaells. It is also evident that the preserved entries of An: Anum include names that do notappear in the literary text, for instance, ''Mar-uruj-S'^tukul (1. 193) and ''Mu-"-[ku] (1. 201).

An: Anum is a two-column list that has the god's name on the left and either a briefcomment or the ditto sign on the right. Under Marduk's names the explanations in thesecond column are written in both Sumerian and Akkadian. In the preserved lines Asal-lii-hi is explained as dumu-sag Eridu-ga-ke4, "the first-bom child of Eridu" (1. 185); Nam-ruis explained as Marduk .sa meti, "Marduk of the dead" (1. 187); Mer-sa-kus-ij has eziz umustal, "angry but deliberative" (1. 192); and finally Mar-uruj-S'^tukul is followed by abub8'̂ tukul""=̂ , "Flood of weapons" (1. 193)." The names in the left column are arranged accord-ing to meaningful groups, either classified by assonance or demarcated by the ditto sign,which is clear from the fully preserved lines. For instance, the first name for Marduk isAsallubi. The ditto signs indicate that Nam-ti-la and Nam-ru are related to the Asallufii group,and Asar-ri, Asar-alim, and Asar-alim-nun-na share the first sign (Asar = Asal). Under thesecond name, i.e., Marduk, the arrangement is by assonance: Marduk, Mer-sa-kus-su, Mar-uruj-S'̂ tukul, Ma-ru-uk-ka, and Ma-ru-tu-uk-ka. The same general principle seems to rule thearrangement of the names in Enuma ells.

This shows that both An: Anum and Enuma ells share most of the deity's names andcertain organizational principles. Nevertheless, the arrangement of names at the beginningof the two lists is different. Thus:

8. These are A = YBC 2402; B = K.4349 (CT 24 20-50); C = K.4340+79-7-8, 294 (CT 24 1-2, 4-5, 9);D = K.4333 (CT 24 2-3, 6-8, 10-11); E = VAT 10812 (KAV 50); F = K.12786 (CT 25 46); G = 2NT 349;a = K.4338B (CT 24 19); aa = K.7662 (CT 25 7); ab = K.4339 (CT 25 9-14); ac = Bu.89-4-26, 77 (CT 25 28),AO.5376 (TCL 15 25-31); and eme = Emesal list (MSL IV).

9. For example, the names from line 210 on are poorly preserved in the various duplicates of An : Anum.They were restored by Litke from other Marduk lists such as Sm 78 + Sm 1078: 13 (CT 25 46), Sm 115 (CT 25 38),and K 7558 (CT 25 46).

10. For the transliteration of Zi-"-ukkin and other names, I use the conventional " to indicate ditto, which waswritten with the sign min.

11. For the name Asallutji, one manuscript has dumu-sag ''En-ki-ga-ke4 instead of Eridu-ga-ke4 (CT 24 12-17 =K.4332, ii 64b). Marduk Sa meti has to be understood as "the one who brings the dead back to life" (e.g., Surpu IV:99, Asatluhi sa ina tesu lii.ugj ibatlutu; Ee VI: 153 [Marduk] ina sit plka mitum iballut; and VII: 26 [Marduk] betSipti elleti mubatlit miti). Mersaku§u eziz u mustal appears verbatim in Ee VI: 137. Although the name ''Mar-uruj-S'̂ tukul is not in Enuma elis, a phrase that resembles part of the explanation appears in Ee VI: 125: S'Hukul-iu abubi,"his Flood weapon."

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col. i"Asal-lu-bi






col. ii''Mardukdumu-sag Eridu-ga-ke4''Marduk" sd me-ti

" e-ziz u mus-tdl" a-bu-ub S'̂ tukul""̂ ^






Enuma elis






In the passage of An : Anum there are thus three groups: the Asalluhi cluster, the Marduksequence arranged by assonance, and finally those names belonging to the Tutu group. In theEnuma elis section, however, there are four groups: the Marduk sequence similarly arrangedby assonance, the name Lugaldimmerankia and its expansion Nari-lugaldimmerankia, theAsalluhi cluster, and finally the Tutu names.

The beginning of the Marduk section in An : Anum seems to be perfectly consistentwith a certain hierarchical view of the Mesopotamian pantheon and with the ordering ofthis list in general. The deity's most common name, Marduk in this case, is written in theright column, and his other names are listed in the opposite left-hand column (see Lambert1957: 475). The reason why Asallu^i appears as Marduk's first name in the left columnhas to do with the fact that Marduk is listed right after Enki and his wife Damkina. As iswell known, in certain traditions Asallulii was the couple's son, and Asallu^i was assimi-lated to Marduk, especially in magical contexts (see Lambert 1975a; Geller 1985). In An :Anum, Asalluhi is then the name chosen to link Marduk with Enki and Damkina. Thisalso explains, I think, why the name Marduk and its phonological variants are listed afterAsalluhi.

Similarly, the arrangement of names in Enuma ells is neither arbitrary nor accidental.It follows the order of names that the gods give to Marduk throughout the poem. Mardukis his birth name that appears for the first time in tablet I: 81, Ina qe-reb Apsu Ib-ba-niMarduk, "Marduk was created in the midst of Apsu." The lead name of the next group isLugaldimmerankia, which the gods grant secondly to Marduk in tablet V: 112, Lugaldim-merankia zik-ra-su su-a-su ti-ik-la-su, "Lugaldimmerankia is his name, trust in him!" AndAsallubi is the name that Marduk receives third in the body of the composition; thus VI:

12. Lines are those of tablets VI and VII. Since I completed this article before Talon's edition of Enuma elisappeared (2005), I follow the text established and copied by Lambert and Parker (1996).

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101, u-Sd-tir An-sdr ''Asal-lu-lji it-ta-bi su-us-su, "Ansar gave him an additional name,Asallul)i." The rest of the names seem to follow in general the arrangement of other similargod lists.'3 In Enuma ells, therefore, Marduk bears first his birth name. He is then calledking of all the gods (Lugal-dim-mer-an-ki-a), which is followed by its Akkadian translationbel Hani sa same u ersetlm, "king of the gods of heavens and earth." After his monarchicname comes Asalluhi, an indirect reference to his paternal filiation. This allusion was cer-tainly intended because Marduk's parents at the beginning of Enuma ells are Nudimmud(Enki/Ea) and his wife Damkina (Ee I: 78-80). It is by now certain that Marduk's kingshiphad become more important than his kinship.

This indicates that the list of names in Enuma elis was not a careless and later addition;rather, certain names were arranged to suit the plot of the previous tablets. Another set ofanticipations reinforces this point. These are references, in connection with Marduk, tothe number fifty, to various of the fifty names, and to the act of naming itself. They can besummarized as follows:

1. After Marduk was born, "fifty pulhatu ('awesomeness') were heaped upon him":pul-ha-a-tu ha-sat-sl-na e-ll-su kdm-ra (I: 104).

2. The gods assign the name Lugaldimmerankia to Marduk (V: 112).3. Marduk himself names the human being "man": lu-us-zlz-ma lul-la-a lu-ti a-me-lu

mu-su, "I shall make stand a human being; let 'Man' be its name" (VI: 6).4. The number fifty is mentioned again in connection with the great gods celebrating the

creation of Esagila: dingir-dingir gal-gal ha-am-sat-su-nu u-sl-bu-ma, "The great gods,fifty of them, took their seats" (VI: 80).

5. At this banquet, Anu assigns three names to Marduk's bow, im-bi-ma sa S'̂ ban ki-a-amvmx'^^^-sa / i-su a-rik lu is-te-nu-um-ma sd-nu-u lu-u ka-sld / sal-su sum-sd mul ban Inaan-e u-sd-pl, "He named the bow; these are its names: 'Longwood' shall be the first, thesecond shall be 'May it be on target,' the third name 'Bow star,' he made visible in theheavens" (VI: 88-90).

6. Ansar gives Marduk his third name, Asalluhi (VI: 101).7. Finally, the gods announce their decision to grant Marduk fifty names right before these

are enumerated (VI: 121).

As can be seen, both the mention of Marduk's "fifty pulhatu" and the act of namingforeshadow his fate: he will become the king of the gods. Although remarkable, the corre-spondences of names in Enuma ells and An : Anum are not absolute. A significant differ-ence between the two lists is that when an explanation follows the name in An : Anum, it isvery brief—no longer than two or three words. The explanations in Enuma ells are longer.Their length varies from two up to twelve lines, as is the case with Nam-ru. Resemblanceswith fragments of other god lists are even more apparent, as we will now see.

13. For instance, although fragmentary, CT 25 46 (Sm 78 + Sm 1078) preserves the sequence correspondingroughly to names 17 to 27+ of Enuma elis, with differences similar to those of An : Anum. Thus, [''Zi-"]-ulckin fol-lows [''§a]-zu (11. 4'-5'). Another fragment has those names listed in EnHma elis from 42 to 47 in the same order(see CT 25 46 [K.7658]).

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GOD LIST STC\: 165-66 + CT 25 46-47'"

This god list can currently be reconstructed, as far as I know, from four British Museumfragments. The first has parts of the last seven lines of the obverse and parts of the ten initiallines of the reverse {STC 1: 165 [K.8519]). The second is a very small fragment that includessegments of eight lines which duplicate eight lines distributed on the first tablet over theobverse and the reverse {STC 1: 166 [K. 13.337]). These fragments belong to the third col-umn, and they have eight of Marduk's names, corresponding to numbers 37 through 44 ofEnuma elis. The third fragment is also very small and contains portions of six lines, withonly two columns distinguishable. It includes six of Marduk's names, from numbers 42through 47 of Enuma ells (CT 52 46 [K.7658]). There is finally a bigger fragment that pre-serves traces of three columns and 20 lines, of which the first ten contain six of Marduk'snames, corresponding to numbers 45 through 50 of Enuma ells (CT 25 47 [K.8222]). Wethus have the following reconstruction:

Col. i1' [''Lugal-ib-duburj]2'3' [''Pa4-gal-gu-en-na]4'5' [''Lugal-dur-mal)]6'7'8' [''A-rS-nun-na]9'10'l r [''Dumu-duj-ku]12'13'14' [''Lugal-su]-an-na15' [''Ir-ug5]-gu16' [''Ir-kin]-gu17' [''Kin]-me'518' [''E-sisJkurj19' [''Bil]-gi (= Gibil)20'21' [''Ad-du]22'23' [''A-54-ru]24'25'

col. ii[dingir min]

[dingir min]

[dingir min]

[dingir min]

[dingir min]

[dingir min]dingir [min]dingir mindingir mindingir mindingir min

dingir min

dingir min

dingir min

col. iii[ ta\m-tim[ x]-'^8'5tukur-me-ra[ ]'nap^-har be-lim[ ]-a e-mu-qa-su[ ] 'mar-kas^ dingir-mes be-el dur-ma-ffisd ina su-bat lugal-u-fi sur-bu-u'x^ dingir-mes ma-'-dls si-ruma-lik "^E-a ba-an dingir-me ad-me-.SH[ ]-na[ a\-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-su[ ]-mas-sd-lu dingir a-a-um-ma[ ] dug-kii u-ta-da-sii[ ]-bat-su el-let[ ] '̂ x̂ la kuA-su ''lugal-duj-ku-ga[ ] sd-qa-a e-mu-qa-su[ ] 'su^-nu qir-bis tam-tim[ ] a-bi-iS, me

sd sd-qis ina 6 lk-[mu-kin a-sa-at[tam-tim i-ban-[sd kis-sat an-e[ta-a-bu rig-ma[sd ki-ma slui-su-ru dingir-mes[ sd ina an-e [

14. These references encompass four British Museum fragments: K.8519 and its duplicate K.13337 (STC 1:165-66), plus K.7658 and K.8222 (CT 25 46-47). See Lambert (1984: 4). Note that Bohl (1936: 198) had alreadypointed out K.8222 as an explanatory god list, "erklarende Gotterliste," important for the study of Marduk's fiftynames. Another well-known god list. An : Anu Sa ameli, is similarly laid out in three subcolumns. For the organi-zational principles of this god list with commentary see Lambert (1975: 196).

15. The passage starting with Kin-me through Neberu is from CT 25 47 (K.8222). The tablet preserves the lastpart of the first column, but the names are mostly unreadable. The names have therefore been reconstructed. Afterthe name Neberu, this fragment presumably continues to list more Marduk names. This seems to be the case becausewe have dingir min after [Neberu] (from lines 11' to 20', numbered according to the extant lines on this fragment).

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If we compare the explanations of the names of Marduk in this three-column god listwith those of Enuma elis, we can see that they are practically identical. Here I provide atransliteration of those lines of Enuma eliS that correspond to the god list. To make thecomparison easier, the lines of the god list are intercalated. '̂







line91l'-2'92 0

933'-4'94 0

name #37 ''Lugal-ab-duburj lugal sa-pi-ih ep-set Ti-amat na-si-hu

[''Lugal-ab-dubur2 ta]m-tim [ ]sd ina re-e-si u ar-ka-ti du-ru-us-sii ku-un-nu

38 ''Pa4-gal-gu-en-na a-sd-red nap-har be-li sd sd-qa-a e-mu-qa-sii[''Pa4-gal-gu-en-na ] 'nap^-har be-lim [ ]-a e-mu-qa-susd ina dingir-dingir 5e5-5H sur-bu-u e-til nap-har-su-un

Ee VII 95 39God list 5'

Ee VII 96God list 6'-7'

-mat) sar-ru mar-kas dingir-mes en diir-mah-hi[""Lugal-dur-mab ] 'mar^-kas dingir-mes be-el dur-malj-hi.Sd ina su-bat lugal-fi sur-bu-u an dingir-dingir ma-'-dis si-ruSd ina Su-bat lugal-ii-r/ Sur-bu-u '\^ dingir-mes ma-'-diS si-ru

Ee VII 97 40God list 8'

Ee VII 98God list 9'-10'

''A-ra-nun-na ma-lik ''E-a ba-an dingir-mes ad-mes-™[••A-rS-nun-na] ma-lik ''E-a ba-an dingir-me ad-me-™Sd a-na a-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-Sii la li-maS-Sd-lu dingir a-a-um-ma[ ]-na\ a\-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-Sii [ ]-maS-.Sd-lu dingir a-a-um-ma

EeVII 99 41God list ir-12'

Ee VII 100God list 13'


••Dumu-duj-ku sa ina dug-kti u-ta-ad-da-Su Su-bat-su el-let[''Dumu-duj-ku ] duj-ku u-ta-da-Sii [ ybat-su el-let"•Dumu-duj-ku Sd ba-li-Su es-bar la i-par-ra-su ''Lugal-duj-ku1 ] la kud-.rM ''Lugal-duj-ku-ga

EeVII 101 42 •'Lugal-su-an-na iar-ru ra ma dingir-dingir Sd-qa-a e-mu-qd-a-SuGod list 14' [''Lugal-su]-an-na [ ] Sd-qa-a e-mu-qa-Sii

EeVII 102 0 be-lum e-muq ^A-nim Sd Su-tu-ru ni-bu-ut an-Sdr

EeVII 103 43 •'Ir-ugs-ga Sd-til gim-ri-Sii-nu qir-biS Ti-amatGod list 15' [""Ir-ugjl-gu [ ]-Su-nu qir-biS tam-tim

EeVII 104 0 Sd nap-har uz-ni ih-mu-mu ha-si-sa pal-ki

EeVII 105 44 "Ir-kin-gu sa'-///""kin-gu a-bi-iS ta-ha-ziGod list 16' [''Ir-kin]-gu [ ]a-bi-iS^mh

106 0 mut-tab-bil te-ret nap-ha-ri mu-kin en-ii-ti

"Kin-ma mu-ma-'-ir nap-har dingir-dingir na-din mil-kiEeVIIGod list


EeVIIGod list


077'08 0

098'10011 0120130140


Sd a-na Su-me-Su dingir-mes gin, me-lje-e i-Sub-bu pal-hiS

46 ''E-siskur2 Sd-qiS ina e ik-ri-bi li-Sib-ma["•El-siskurj sa' Sd-qiS ina e /*-[ ]dingir-dingir mah-ri-Su li-Se-ri-bu kat-ra-sti-una-di i-rib-Sii-nu i-malj-lia-ru-nima-am-man ina ba-li-Sii la i-ban-na-a nik-la-a-teer-ba sal-mat sag-du bi-na-tuS-Su

la i-ad-da dingir ma-am-man

16. For the sake of clarity, I have separated each of Marduk's names with dotted lines.

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11519'11620'117 01180

11921'12022'121 0

47 ""Gibil (= bil-gi) mu-kin a-sa-at[""Bin-gi mu-kin a-sa-at [ ]Sd ina mfe Ti-amat i-ban-na-a nik-la-a-ti[ ] tam-tim i-ban-[ ]pal-ka uz-ni et-pe-Sd Ija-si-salib-bu ru-ii-qu Sd i-lam-ma-du dingir-dingir gim-ras-su-un

48 ""Ad-du lu-u Sum-Su kiS-Sat an-e li-rim-ma[••Ad-du] Sa kiS-Sat an-e [ ]ta-a-bu rig-ma-Su ugu ki-fi'm li-ir-ta-si-inta-a-bu rig-ma [ ]mu-um-mu er-pe-e-ti liS-tak-si-ba-am-masap-US a-na un-meS te-'-ii-ta lid-din


God listEeVII

124 0125 012625'127 0

EeVII 122 49 •'A-s^-ru Sd ki-ma Su-mi-Su-ma i-Su-ru dingir-me§ nam-me§God list 23'-24' ["iA-S -̂ru] Sd ki-ma S[u- ] i-Su-ru dingir-meS [ ]

EeVII 123 0 kul-lat kal un-mes Sii-u tu-ii pa-qid

50 ^N€-be-ru ne-be-re-et an-e u ki-tim lu-ii ta-me-eh-mae-lis it sap-liS la ib-bi-ru li-qi-'u-Su Sd-a-Su^Ne-be-ru maX-sii Sd ina an-e li-Sd-pu-u[''N6-b6-ru] mul-s'rf Sd ina an-e [ ]lu-a sa-bit kun-sag-gi Su-nu Sa-a-Su lu-ii pal-su-Su

As this score shows, there are only minimal variations in certain lines, mostly pertainingto the use of different signs. '̂ For instance, in EnUma eliS, tahdzu is written syllabicallyand in the god list with the logogram me (Ee 105 ~ god list 16'); the god list usually hasme for the Sumerian plural while Enuma eliS has mes (Ee 97 ~ gl 8')- There is also a dif-ference in the use of mimation, thus beli vs belim (Ee 93 ~ gl 3'-4'). And most interestingly,the god list consistently has tamtim {tam-tim) where Enuma eliS has Tiamat (Ee 91, 103,116 ~ gl r , 15', 20'). In view of the very few variations, the last example seems to be a pur-poseful substitution intended to tum the noun tdmtum into the name of Marduk's enemy,Tiamat, which is but the absolute form of that noun with uncontracted vowel sequence.

Another significant difference is the length of the explanations following the names ofMarduk. As mentioned earlier, those of Enuma eliS tend to be longer than the comments ofthe god list. On the score I have marked the lines of Enuma eliS that are absent from thegod list with 0. Thus we find that there are names in Enuma eliS followed by two lines ofexplanation where only the first line copies the full text of the god list (names 37, 38, 42,43, 44, 45, and 49). But two lines of explanation can also be followed by copies of thecorresponding lines from the god list (names 39, 40, and 41). In one case, Enuma eliS hasthree lines of explanation, while only the first two are found in the god list (name 48). Yetin another, the literary text has four lines and the god list only the first two (name 47). Andthe section with the name E-siskur2 consists of six lines, but only the first is attested in thegod list. The case of the last name, Neberu, is interesting because, contrary to the previousinstances, the line from the god list is not copied right after the name of the god in EnumaeliS, but after the third line. '̂

17. Philippe Talon's new edition of Enuma eliS (2005) has STC 1 165 (K.8519) as one of the manuscripts forthe seventh tablet; therefore, he includes the readings of this fragment as variants. It is my view that STC 1 165 isa god list, and as a result those diiferent readings are not variants of Enuma eliS in the strict sense.

18. It is not clear to me whether we should read this name as Neberu in Sumerian, intended to be a continuationof the previous list, or as Neberu in Akkadian, meant to suggest a rupture with the Sumerian names.

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This three-column list, at least in the fragments known to me, preserves those nameslisted in Enuma eliS from number 37 through 50 in exactly the same order. This fact, togetherwith the verbatim repetition of the explanations that follow the names, makes this—or a verysimilar—list a strong candidate for being the text from which the fifty names of Enuma eliswere drawn. Nevertheless, .identifying the original source is, for the purpose of my argu-ment, of little relevance. Marduk's name in Enuma eliS—as well as others not included—were available in the form of lists with or without explanations, either in a similar or in adifferent arrangement. For instance, STC 2 (plates Ixi and Ixii) contains two fragments of atablet (K.2107 + K.6068). The reverse has a list of temples while the obverse includessome of Marduk's names in the left column and their explanations on the right (see STC 1:171). In this list, certain names that also appear in EnUma eliS have a different arrangement,and there are others in the list that were left out of Enuma eliS. Even the three-column list{STC 1: 165-66 + CT 25 46-47) that closely parallels Enuma eliS seems to contain otherMarduk names following Neberu. '^ After all, of the many names of Marduk in circulation,only fifty were needed to grant Enlil-ship to the new hero of the gods.^"



When we look at it in perspective, the inclusion of a god list at the end of Enuma eliSshould not come as a surprise. All of the previous tablets abound in examples of intertex-tuality borrowed from Akkadian and Sumerian traditions (Foster 1996; 26). In Enuma elisallusions to other texts are both general and specific. A variety of traditional literary motivescan be traced, for instance, the presence of a mother goddess, the battle of the gods, fightingwith spells, the whereabouts of the tablet of "destinies," the master plans and tricks of Enki/Ea, the creation of the world, and the creation of the primeval human being {lullu) from theblood of a god slaughtered for the purpose. The creation of lullii undoubtedly brings Atra-hasls to the reader's mind, but of course the reader knows that there is a new twist in theplot. In Enuma eliS, it is Ea who creates lullu, although the original idea is Marduk's; theevent has thus been slightly altered to exalt Marduk's role. Other passages are consciouslybased on Anzii and incorporate other items of the Ninurta tradition as well (Lambert 1985).Similarly, the opening section of the fifth tablet of Enuma eliS closely parallels certain linesof the astrological omen series Enuma Anu Enlil (Landsberger and Kinnier-Wilson 1961:172). What is more important, Peter Machinist (2005) has recently argued that intertextualityis deliberate, because it is meant to be recognized as a fundamental part of the poetics ofEnuma elis.

The god list that served as the basis for Marduk's fifty names has been skillfully woveninto the text. The columnar arrangement of god lists was omitted in Enuma elis, and thusthis section looks exactly like the rest of the composition, concealing its origins. Never-theless, certain clues reveal the source, such as the use of the ditto sign after the name ofthe god. There is, moreover, the use of ordinal numbers to establish the connections in asequence of names. That is the case, for instance, in the Asallujji group. Here each name is

19. As mentioned in note 15, it is possible that the names after [Neberu] refer to Marduk. However, the eolumnbearing the names is broken, and only the explanations are preserved.

20. If we were to collect the names and epithets scattered in different lists, it is clear that there were many morethan fifty names for Marduk. Note, for instance, that tablet VII (II. 1-66) of An : Anum contains over 60 names forthis god that are different from those listed in tablet II.

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separated by several lines of text and—without the visual aid of the column arrangement—Enuma eliS explains the relation among names as follows:

VI: 147 ''Asal-lu-hi mu-.SH Sd im-bu-u a-bu-Sii M-numVI: 151 ''Asal-lu-hi ''Nam-ti-la Sd-nis im-bu-u dingir muS-neS-SuVI: 155 dingir min ''Nam-ru Sd in-na-bu-u Sal-sis ma-Su

Asalluhi is the first name of the group, then the text explains that Asalluhi is "secondly"{SaniS) Namtila, and Namru is connected by means of the ditto sign (min) and the ordinal"thirdly" {SalSiS).

Furthermore, the choice of a god list with explanations to close the composition carriesfurther complexities because this kind of list displays certain features of lexical texts beyondthe mere arrangement of names, and these features are accordingly to be found in the list ofMarduk's names in Enuma eliS.^^ Thus, besides the frequent use of associated pairs, thereis the translation of Sumerian words into Akkadian, a device characteristic of bilingual lists,for example, e-siskurj followed by the translation bit ikribi, "house of prayer" (VII: 109).This is also the case with the use of thematic associations such as hyponyms, associatedpairs, synonyms, and antonyms in lines of Enuma eliS not preserved in the fragments of thethree-column god list known to me. Thus, under the name '*Zi-ku we find mu-Sab-si si-im-riu ku-bu-ut-te-e mu-kin he-gal (VII: 21), where the term simru ("wealth"), kubuttu ("abun-dant wealth"), and hegallu ("abundance") are hyponyms, i.e., words that belong to thelarger class of a generic category.

Most interesting is the fact that from the preserved lines of the three-column god listone gets the impression that certain episodes of Enuma eliS have been drawn from theexplanations of the god list. This is not an innovation, for lexical lists had already inspiredthe composition of literary texts, as Miguel Civil (1987) has shown (see also Veldhuis1998: 82-84). Aside from the praise of Marduk, specific events taken from the god listinclude: the defeat of Tiamat and disarming her of her weapon (iii: \'-2'); the slaughter ofKingu (iii: 16'); the creation of skillful things as a consequence of Marduk's victory overTiamat (iii: 20'); and the positioning of Neberu mentioned in tablet V: 6 (iii: 25').^^ In afew instances one may even suspect a closer connection, for some lines of the god list seemto have made their way into previous tablets of Enuma elis. Thus the use of related wordsfrom the god list seems to be present in tablet V: 59, when Marduk ties Tiamat's tail to thedurmahhu, the link that unites heaven and earth. In this instance the god list has markasand durmahhi, while tablet V: 59 has durmahhiS and urakkis, that is, both feature the noundurmahhu and another term derived from the root r k s. A. similar case occurs with theexplanation of the name Gibil (Ee VII: 116 ~ gl 20'), where the clause ibannd nikldti, "he(Marduk) can create ingenious things," also appears to be related to the defeat of Tiamat intablet IV: 136. This is most likely a play of borrowing within borrowings.^-'

21. For the organizational principles of lexical lists, see Martha Roth's (1985: 135-42) clear and systematicclassification.

22. The references in parentheses correspond to the column and line numbers of the three-column god listSTC 1: 165-66 + CT 25 46-47.

23. Although not in the available fragments of the three-column list, I suspect that Marduk's thirty-fourth nameMummu is also derived from the god list. Interestingly enough, another three-column list (STC 2, plates Ixi-lxii[K.2107 + 6068]) has the name ''Tuj-tUj, which could be read mu7-mu7, the Sumerian word for "noise." This fitsnicely into Michalowski's (1990) analysis of mummu and, as posited above, it might further strengthen the argu-ment that the composition of Enuma eliS was inspired by the god list.

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These selected examples indicate, I believe, that intertextuality in Enuma eliS is far-reaching. Naturally, a thorough enumeration of intertextual examples would be far beyondthe scope of this section. For the sake of brevity, suffice it to say that Enuma eliS includesallusions to a variety of traditional genres and motives as well as literary conventions.These encompass etiological myths, epic stories, phraseology from omen literature, royalinscriptions, hymns, prayers, cosmological topics, literary devices of lexical lists, godlist(s), and putative genealogies.



The very first eighty-five lines of Enuma e/w contain the clues for understanding the roleof the fifty names as well as the way in which the exaltation of Marduk will be accom-plished. First, there is the mention of the lack of names in the opening line: Enuma eliS Idnabu Samdmu, "When above heaven had not been named." And the absence of names appearsagain in the following line. This betrays from the outset the intention to create a circularaccount, because the beginning lacks what abounds at the end. Immediately following, fromthe third through the seventeenth line, there is a genealogy. This includes pairs and theirdescendants, namely, Apsu and Tiamat, Lahmu and Lafeamu, Ansar and Kisar, the unpairedAnu, and finally Nudimmud (Enki/Ea). Next, Nudimmud is praised above his forebears: Heis wise, strong, and unrivaled among his ancestors. Genealogy is then interrupted by a pas-sage that introduces the confiict. This encompasses the gods disturbing Tiamat with theirnoise, Ea's killing of Apsu, and his subsequent creation of his dwelling upon Apsu. At thispoint, the genealogy is resumed and completed, because Marduk is born to Ea and his wifeDamkina in the midst of Apsu. Marduk is then praised even more than his father. In thisgenealogy, the great absent figure is, of course, Enlil, who is played down by being com-pletely ignored. He will appear later to give Marduk his own epithet, bel mdtdti, personally.

Thus a relatively short passage not only introduces the important characters and theplot's confiict, but it also lays out the positive qualities of the future hero. It shows thatMarduk was the son of the most outstanding god, Ea, and that his grandfather was noneother than Anu. Marduk's identity is thus established by means of ancestry. After this,however, Marduk—as would any successful Mesopotamian king—seeks out fame by un-dertaking heroic deeds. He volunteers as the champion of the gods, requesting the specialpowers that enable him to defeat Tiamat. As if this were not enough, he creates the heavensand earth out of his rival's corpse. At this point, the last portion of tablet four mirrors Ea'sdeeds in the first tablet. Marduk establishes dwelling places in the enemy's body, as Ea haddone before him, but Marduk does this in a grandiose way, superseding his father. He thenproceeds to fashion the stars, the planets, and the rest of the universe.

The exaltation of Marduk has several stages. He has the right ancestry and successfullyundertakes heroic deeds. Both facts convey the ideal background of a Mesopotamian ruler.But additionally he becomes a demiurge, and this obviously places him far above his humancounterparts. This progression moves from kinship to kingship. The transition is expressedin such a manner that the ultimate caesura is unambiguous. This is presented in the shapeof an address to the Igigi-gods: "Previously Marduk was our beloved son / Now he is yourking" (V: 109-10). The gods further bestow upon him his second name, Lugaldimmerankia,"king of the gods of heaven and earth."

The stages taken to develop the exaltation of Marduk and his preeminent role in the pan-theon convey, I believe, yet another intertextual allusion. The circular structure of the story.

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the putative genealogy at the beginning, the undertaking of heroic deeds to establish nameand reputation, and the transmission of those deeds are all present in one of Mesopotamia'sbest known stories: the Standard Babylonian "epic" of Gilgame§. From the beginning, Gil-games is presented as the son of Lugalbanda and the goddess Ninsun, two-thirds god andone-third human. He decides to undertake heroic deeds and seeks advice from the eldersarid the young men of Uruk. Gilgames aims at immortality like Uta-napistim, while Mardukaspires to become Enlil. In his search for fame, Gilgames kills the innocent Qumbaba,whose role had been to protect the Forest of Cedar, and Marduk kills Tiamat, who waslegitimately avenging the murder of Apsu. Whereas Gilgames fails, Marduk succeeds.Finally, both Gilgames's and Marduk's deeds are meant to be transmitted to future genera-tions. Gilgames's travails were recorded and enshrined in a foundation deposit in the wallof Uruk, and the narrator invites his audience to read out from a lapis-Iazuli tablet the storyof the king of Uruk. Similarly, Marduk's story and names were written on seven tablets,and the narrator urges future generations to remember, study, transmit, and repeat thosenames. ̂ "̂

The enumeration of the fifty names occupies a considerable portion of the sixth andalmost the entirety of the seventh tablet. The names are strategically listed at the end of thecomposition in order to celebrate Marduk's greatness and to install him unequivocally asthe head of the Babylonian pantheon. But having the names at the very end is also intended,I think, to highlight the contrast with the first tablet. It further implies that towards the endof Enuma eliS Marduk's genealogical filiation becomes less relevant because by defeatingTiamat and creating the universe he is able to establish a reputation for himself. It is in thissense that names replace genealogy. But here the composer plays yet another of his tricks,because, as Lambert (1975b) has convincingly shown, the list of ancestors in the first tabletwas fashioned after the genealogical tradition of god lists.


Bohl, E M. Th. 1936. Die funfzig Namen des Marduk. AfO 11: 191-218.Bott^ro, J. 1975/76. Antiquit6s Assyro-Babyloniens. Annuaire 1975-6de I'Ecole Pratique des Hautes

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24. This passage reads: "With the name 'Fifty' the great gods / Proclaimed him whose names are fifty and madehis way supreme, / Let them be kept in mind and let the elder (scholar) explain them. / Let the wise and the intelligentdiscuss them together, / Let the father repeat them and thus instruct his son, / Let them he known by the shepherdand the herdsman" (VII: 143-48). The translation is by Michalowski (1990: 394-95).

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