film magazines

Film magazines conventions Lauren Fitzsimons

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Post on 25-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Film magazines

Film magazinesconventions

Lauren Fitzsimons

Page 2: Film magazines

Main image is placed in the middle this makes the actor the most important thing on the page – it is also placed over masthead.

Cover lines advertise the features of different films and it also shows releases date of new films

Shapes make cover lines more interesting and they advertise the main parts which are exclusive to the magazine like ‘first look’

Cover lines usually name the celebs so people are interested in Hollywood's finest actors / actresses.

In film magazines exaggerated language is also used like biggest year and is highlighted by the change in colour.

Costume tells us that this film being featured is going to be a pirate one this also highlights the audience it is targeted for – children maybe boys.

Rhyming is used to create a memorable eye catching cover line. Eg ‘crew’ and ‘new’

Colour scheme is yellow and white this contrasts with the blue background of the image.

Page 3: Film magazines

Clothing suggests that the target audience is younger as his clothes are young and modern for a teenage boy

The background image and effects suggest that the genre is of a magical one this relates a lot to do with the target audience which with myths and legends suits a younger audience.

Mise en scene like the wand highlights that the genre of this film being advertised is a magically fantasy element.

The title is very bold and in white this suggests that it will stand out against the chosen background. The title is also placed behind the chacters head shows us that it wants a almost 3D element to the poster.

This poster is interesting because there are no cover lines this makes the image the main focus.

Page 4: Film magazines

Date of issue

Clothing is in reference to another film which is batman

Title is named after film language meaning the first – which films have the first viewing.

Bullet points are allowing them to list the features for special fans which are exclusives that are included in the magazine.

Main image is placed in the middle and is placed behind the masthead

The name they are featuring on the front cover – this is In bold and stands out effectively.

It isn't often that a film magazine lets the text blend into the image they normally have it in a contrasting colour to stand out.

Page 5: Film magazines

Cover lines highlight the added features they normally include words like ‘plus’ ‘exclusive’ and ‘extra’.

Shapes are used to make cover line writing more interesting and more visible.

Title is bold and in a chunky font this is placed behind the image this is another commonly saw convention in magazines in general.

Plugs like the top banner can be seen when the magazine is on the newsstand also commonly uses words like ‘exclusive’. It also includes quotes from the film like ‘precious’

Colour scheme which is gold – the colour of the film this matching is effective.

Banners make you want to keep looking inside .

Page 6: Film magazines

The image is the most powerful thing on the magazine and it doesn’t do this by standing out but by blending in which links to the genre of secret superhero's.

The costume of the image highlights the fact it is a superhero – this can also be represented to show the target audience which is either young boys or comic lovers.

Although the overall magazine is simple the colour scheme of black and blue makes it interesting and different to the other film magazines that I have looked at.

Instead of adverting the features in cover lines they have added them to the bottom of the magazine and have formatted them into a list this makes it quick and snappy.

Language used in the features is alliteration ‘smiths sozzled superman’ this is effective if you are skim reading as you slow down to pay attention.

Title doesn’t stand out but instead is incorrupted with the image.

These are the only cover lines and because it is simple it forces us to read on.

Page 7: Film magazines

The plug is placed at the top of the page and it wants to advertise the interview with Zach Snyder.

Competitions aren't really saw on film magazines but this one is offering a Blu ray player which is still linked to the magazines purpose.

The yellow text of watchmen is the main thing the magazine wants to feature.

Cover lines are placed on the side and they match the title so they stand out from the image . Again they also use words like ‘exclusive’ – this convention is overused in most film magazines,

The border of the magazine is silver this shows that this maybe a special edition one.

The image on the magazine is interesting because it shoes that the women who is placed on it has power – she is a superhero and the audience would be engaged.