final mis project


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Prepared by: Enrollment no:

VARUN JASSAL 06211301709

ANSHUL SHOKEEN 04411301709

CHARU SHARMA 07211301709

VINAY 04711301709







(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)

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This is to certify that the Project entitled, “BERI INSTITUTE OF

TECHNOLOGY, TRAINING AND RESEARCH” is a bonafide work done by

Mr. Varun Jassal in partial fulfillment of BBA examination and has been carried

out under my direct supervision and guidance. This report or a similar report on the

topic has not been submitted for any other examination and does not form part of

any other course undergone by the candidate.

Date: Signature of Guide


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As a part of the curriculum of Bachelor of Business Administration we were

asked to prepare a Project Report on any organisation so as to give us an exposure

to practical management to get us familiar with various activities taking place in

the organisation.

I have put my sincere efforts to accomplish my objectives within the stipulated

time. Despite all limitations, obstructs, hurdles and hindrances, I have toiled and

worked to my optimum potential to achieve desired goals. And with the genuine

interest, kind help and the guidance of my supervisors, I am presenting this hand

carved effort.

I tried my level best to conduct a research to gain a thorough knowledge about the

project on topic “Science And Technology”. I put the best of my efforts and have

also tried to be justice with available.

Deals with Introduction to Front end and Back end used

Includes Introduction “Science And Technology.”

Contains Coding and Web shots of our Website created for the same.

Describes the Conclusion to the report i.e. Importance of MIS in an organisation

and of HTML in website building.

If anywhere something is found unacceptable or unnecessary to the theme; you are

welcomed with your valuable suggestions.


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I would like to give my heart-felt sincere-most thanks to our guides, teachers and

all lab faculty members who always stood as a guiding spirit behind me and gave

their invaluable supervision, guidance and support without which this project

wouldn’t have reached its final destination.

It’s a sheer pleasure for me to state with candidly that this entire project is a heartily attempt to reach maximum accuracy, with the help of my Professor Ms. Manisha Garg Last but not least I would like to pleasure a word of appreciation to my family and friends who supported and helped me to make this project a success.



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TOPICS Page no.




Front End And Back End 6

HTML 7-12








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HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. A markup language is a set of markup tags, and HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages.

HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets (like <html>) within the web page content. HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags).

The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and display them as web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page.

HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML webpages.

HTML can also be used to include Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both HTML and CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicit presentational markup


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This section covers some basic HTML commands and explains the steps involved in preparing a document for viewing via the World Wide Web.

Basic steps: using tagsHTML uses tags to communicate to the client (browser) how to display text and images. Tags are contained in < > symbols. In most cases you start with the beginning tag, put in the word or words that will be affected by this tag, and at the end of the string of word(s), you place a closing tag.

For example, to create a title for a document you would do the following:

<title>My First HTML Document</title>

The closing tag normally contains a "/" before the directive to indicate the termination of the action.

HTML tags are not case-sensitive, although URLs generally are. In most cases (with the exception of preformatted text) HTML collapses many spaces to one space and does not read blank lines. However, when you write your text you should leave several blank lines between paragraphs to make editing your HTML source document easier.


Although not currently required by all clients, the <html> tag signals the point where text should start being interpreted as HTML code. It's probably a good idea to include it in all your documents now, so you don't have to go back to your files and add it later.

The <html> tag is usually placed on the first line of your document. At the end of your document you should close with the </html> tag.


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Just like the header of a memo, the head of an HTML document contains special information, like its title. The head of a document is demarcated by <head> and </head> respectively.

For the purposes of this class, only the title tag, below, should be included in the document head. A typical head section might look like

<html><head><title>My First HTML Document</title></head>


A title tag allows you to specify a Document Title in your browser window. When people make hotlists, this title is what they see in their list after they add your document. The format is: <title>My First HTML Document</title>Remember, the title usually doesn't appear in the document itself, but in a title box or bar at the top of the window.


Like you might expect, the body tags <body> and </body> define the beginning and end of the bulk of your document. All your text, images, and links will be in the body of the document.

The body should start after the head. A typical page might begin like

<html><head><title>My First HTML Document</title></head><body>


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There are up to six levels of headers that can be used in your document, h1 through h6. Header 1 is the largest header and they get progressively smaller through header 6. Below are each of the six headers and how they usually appear in relation to one another. <h1>This is a header 1 tag</h1>

This is a header 1 tag

<h2>This is a header 2 tag</h2>

This is a header 2 tag

<h3>This is a header 3 tag</h3>

This is a header 3 tag

<h4>This is a header 4 tag</h4>

This is a header 4 tag

<h5>This is a header 5 tag</h5>

This is a header 5 tag

<h6>This is a header 6 tag</h6>

This is a header 6 tag

Headers, as you notice, not only vary in size, they are also bold and have a blank line inserted before and after them. It's important to use headers only for headings, not just to make text bold (we cover the bold tag later).


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Element examples

Header of the HTML document:<head>...</head>. Usually the title should be included in the head, for example:

<head> <title>The title</title></head>

Headings: HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags:


Boldface and Italics

You can add emphasis to text by using the boldface and italic tags or the emphasis and strong tags.

There is an underline tag as well, but most people don't use it since text that is linked is often underlined. The potential for confusion and the archaic nature of underlining in general make it a poor marker for emphasis.

When using these tags, you usually cannot (and probably should not) have text that is both boldface and italics; the last tag encountered is usually the tag that is displayed. For example, if you had a boldface tag followed immediately by an italic tag, the tagged word would appear in italics.

Physical tags

This is a <b>boldface</b> tag. This is how boldfacing appears. This is an <i>italic</i> tag. This is how italics appear.

Logical tags


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This is a <strong>strongly emphasized</strong> tag. This is a strongly emphasized tag. This is an <em>emphasized</em> tag. This is an emphasized tag.

There is a subtle distinction between the above "physical" tags which merely change the displayed font, and "logical" styles which are used (or eventually will be) to make types of emphasis client specific (for instance, using the <em> tag would make text red). While either style is fine, be aware that differences in these two kinds of tags may be more apparent with advances in HTML. CenterYou can center text, images, and headings with the center tag: <center>This is a centered sentence</center>This is a centered sentence.

The center tag automatically inserts a line break after the closing center tag.

Horizontal Rule

To separate sections in a document, you can insert a horizontal rule tag <hr>.


MS Access

Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft

Access, is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines

the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and

software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of


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applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. In

May 12 2010, the current version of Microsoft Access 2010 was released by

Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version. MS

Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It

can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.

Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop

application software, and "power users" can use it to build simple applications.

Like other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for

Applications, an object-oriented programming language that can reference a

variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects,

and many other ActiveX components. Visual objects used in forms and reports

expose their methods and properties in the VBA programming environment, and

VBA code modules may declare and call Windows operating-system functions.

Microsoft Access has been the default desktop database for MS Windows users

since version 1.0 first shipped in 1992. Updated regularly since that time, Access

2007 is rich and robust, but it took a while to get there. Most people aren’t using a

version of Windows that’s currently capable of supporting versions of Access prior

to Access ’97, so we won’t go beyond that version in our time machine. Most

Windows users have at least Access 2000 installed, and many have moved up to

Access 2002, or Access 2003. And nearly everyone with an up-to-date Window

installation knows about Access 2007 which is due to ship in early January 2007.

Perhaps the most important reason that Access enjoys such popularity among

Windows users, despite a shortage of features found in the more robust database

management systems, is the fact that it transparently works with so many Windows

default productivity programs such as MS Excel, MS Word, MS Outlook and

Visual Basic. Access provides a wealth of data wizards and form generators in


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support of that native connectivity. These features combine to make it easy to

generate data-driven tables, reports and charts, and to perform database mail-merge

operations among others. While it is rare to see MS Access supporting data-

intensive network or Internet-based applications, it is a favorite among shareware

and low-cost desktop software developers due to its portability and lack of

licensing fee requirements.


MS Access 97

The Access 97 release marked Access’ entry into the Internet age with the

introduction of the ability to store hyperlinks as a native data type. This ended the

need to programmatically transform text representing hyperlinks to active,

clickable links that would access web URLs as well as hyperlinks/bookmarks

present in documents such as MS Word files. This version also was the first to

provide a wizard for publishing objects stored in the database to the web in support

of building both static and dynamic data-driven applications. Microsoft also beefed

up their forms and reporting wizards and they improved upon their 32-bit



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MS Access 2000

Access 2000 shipped towards the end of 1999. This version included full connectivity support

for Microsoft Project .adp files as well as OLE DB support which provided connectivity to with

enterprise-class database management systems such as SQL Server and other DBMS that

supported OLD DB integration. Microsoft also enhanced the suite of project design tools by

adding support for creating and managing server objects including tables, stored procedures and

database diagrams. Access 2000 also marked the first year that MS Access directly supported

extending database applications to the Intranet by adding the capability of using wizards to easily

create data-bound HTML pages. Microsoft also lent a helping hand to developers charged with

maintaining legacy systems by enabling developers to create and manage Access databases from

previous versions.

MS Access 2002

Access 2002 kicked off the feature list by providing the ability to bind Data Access

Pages (DAP) using embedded or linked HTML or off-line XML files. Enhanced

ADP and SQL Server 2000 support, via an integrated single statement stored

procedure designer, proved to be very popular; as did the inclusion of the

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) which enabled developer to

create solutions using MS Access and then easily port their data over to Microsoft

SQL Server 2000 when it made sense to do so. Note: Microsoft warns that the

MSDE will not be supported on the Microsoft Vista operating system and

recommends that developers use their SQL Server 2005 Express Edition product

instead of the MSDE if Vista support is required. Access 2002 also included

enhanced support for cascading edits and deletes among linked tables. This release


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also provided native support for the Office Web Components (OWC) and COM

controls that are integrated with MS Internet Explorer.

Enhanced XML support as well as a new and improved Access 2002 data format

(not backwards compatible with previous Access versions) topped off the list of

major improvements to this release.

MS Access 2003

Despite the fact that there were no huge leaps in technology between Access 2002

and Access 2003, many users upgraded to get access to the ability to view

information on dependencies between database objects before performing delete or

other operations that may destroy those dependencies. The ability to automatically

update the properties of linked report and form controls, whenever the properties of

an associated table field changed, eliminated the opportunity to introduce new

software defects and made managing these types of changes much easier. The

ability to enable automatic error checking in reports and forms eliminated some of

the most common design errors including unassociated labels and controls, new

unassociated labels, various keyboard shortcut errors, invalid control properties

and other common forms and reports errors. The ability to create remote database


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backups, multiple “un do” support, new pivot table and chart wizards, and the

ability to easily save forms and reports as data access pages, all contributed to the

success of Access 2003.

MS Access 2007

Access 2007 represents a huge leap in design and technology for Access users.

Starting with its newly redesigned user interface, including both an improved

navigation pane and tabbed window views, users with little or no DBMS

experience can still enjoy all of the features and benefits of using a DBMS, while

power users get virtually unlimited access to a very robuse feature set. Access

2007 includes a large library of pre-built solutions, including contact management,

issue tracking, project tracking, asset tracking and more, that can be run out-of-the-

box as is, or customized to the user’s exact requirements. The built-in WYSIWYG

report generator includes the ability to easily create multiple reports with different

views into the same data thanks to a powerful grouping pane, filtering and sorting

controls. The power to easily create two-way e-mail message with embedded

forms makes it easy to create e-mail designed to collect information from users and

populate tables with the completed form’s data. Access 2007 provides access to

multiple data sources including the ability to link tables to external office Access

databases, Excel spreadsheets and Office SharePoint Server sites, ODBC data

sources, Microsoft SQL Server databases, and many more data sources.

Access 2007 is richer and more robust than any previous version and is well worth

the look if you want the connectivity and features of a “real” DBMS without the

expensive licensing fees.


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Science is the knowledge based on facts and concepts which helps in developing and inventing , that may be new theories , ideas , etc. The science of putting inventions and discoveries into practical use is known as TECHNOLOGY . A scientist discovers scientific principals , properties and processes, while engeniers use that knowledge to build machines and structures. Technology began in pre-historic times but did not have a major impact until 18th and 19th centuries . Than a host of new technology sprang up , spawing a revolution in industry and at home . Today it is INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY that is bringing about another major revolution.

In modern use, "science" is a term which more often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, and not the knowledge itself. It is "often treated as synonymous with ‘natural and physical science’, and thus restricted to those branches of study that relate to the phenomena of the material universe and their laws, sometimes with implied exclusion of pure mathematics. This is now the dominant sense in ordinary use."[5] This narrower sense of "science" developed as a part of science became a


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distinct enterprise of defining "laws of nature", based on early examples such as Kepler's laws, Galileo's laws, and Newton's laws of motion


Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. The word technologycomes from Greek τεχνολογία (technología); from τέχνη (téchnē), meaning "art, skill, craft", and -λογία (-logía), meaning "study of-".[1] The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, and information technology.

Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to controlfire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers tocommunication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons

Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices.



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*Its foundation was laid in 1700's at the biggining of industrial revolution . *Inventions turned traditional craft-based industries into factory based once. *Key inventions like the steam engine , spinning wheel ,etc.

EARLY TECHNOLOGY*Prehistoric people pioneered technology when they made the first tools.They smashed pebbles to produce sharp cutting prices , knife , blade and weapons.

*Tools continued to be made from stones till 5000B.c but was replased by copper in middle East.

*In about 3500B.c metal technology spread with the discovery of bronze , but it was than followed by iron age till 1500B.c.


The history of science and technology is a field of history which examines how humanity's understanding of the natural world (science) and ability to manipulate it (technology) have changed over the centuries. This academic discipline also studies the cultural, economic, and political impacts of scientific innovation.

Histories of science were originally written by practicing and retired scientists, starting primarily with William Whewell, as a way to communicate the virtues of science to the public. In the early 1930s, after a famous paper given by the Soviet historian Boris Hessen,was focused into looking at the ways in which scientific practices were allied with the needs and motivations of their context. After World War II, extensive resources were put into teaching and researching the discipline, with the hopes that it would help the public better understand both science and technology as they came to play an exceedingly prominent role in the world. In the 1960s, especially in the wake of the work done by Thomas Kuhn, the


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discipline began to serve a very different function, and began to be used as a way to critically examine the scientific enterprise.


Make our life simpler. It helps us to organize our daily activities. Our job can be done faster. Easier to communicate with other people. Helps us to know and understand other culture and society better.

(and lots more) 


Can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons. We'll be too dependant on it. When technology fails, we r helpless Sometimes, it affects our health and lifestyles(we'll be complacent and lazy. It destroys our simple and healthy life(I miss the traditional style of living). Invasion of our privacy.


Information technology or IT ecompasses the revolution in communications and the exchange of information brought about by wide spread use of computers . One aspect of IT is the creation of internet which contains a range of information and allows communication between network "surfers".

Some applications of science and technology are:-

*video games

*telephones and mobiles





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*airships and baloons





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<td><div align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Science is the knowledge based on facts and concepts which helps in developing and inventing , that may be new theories , ideas etc. </font></div></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="621" height="150"> <param name="movie" value="baner.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <embed src="baner.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="621" height="150"></embed></object> </div></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="80"><div align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The science of putting inventions and discoveries into practical use is known as technology . A scientist discovers scientific principals , properties and processes, while engeniers use that knowledge to build machines and structures. Technology began in pre-historic times but did not have a major impact until 18th and 19th centuries . Than a host of new technology sprang up , spawing a revolution in industry and at home .</font></div></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6"> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><img src="one.jpg" width="213" height="211"></div></td> <td><div align="center"><img src="two.jpg" width="211" height="211"></div></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> <td width="7%"><div align="right"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="57" height="655">


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<param name="movie" value="cam.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <embed src="cam.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="57" height="655"></embed></object> </div></td> </tr></table><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr></table><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="center"><br> <table width="90%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="index.htm" target="_self">Home</a> | <a href="what%20is-.html" target="_self">Science and Technology </a>| <a href="1-(general%20facts).html">Fact File 1</a> | <a href="%7E%20page%202.html" target="_self">Fact File 2</a> | <a href="%7E%20page%203.html" target="_self">Fact File 3</a> </font></div></td> </tr> </table> <br> </div></td> </tr></table></body></html>



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<head><META http-equiv="Page-Enter" CONTENT="RevealTrans(Duration=4,Transition=23)"></head><H1>science and technology</H1><FONT size=16><FONT color=red> <P aling="center"><FONT color=green><U>Science and Technology</U></font></P> <H2><FONT color=green>What is science?</FONT></H2><PALING="LEFT"><P></P><PALING="RIGHT"><FONT color=purple size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">SCIEN</FONT><FONT color=purple><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">CE</font></FONT><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> is the knowledge based on facts and concepts which helps in developing and inventing , that may be new theories , ideas , etc. </font> <P></P><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The science of putting inventions and discoveries into practical use is known as <FONT color=purple>TECHNOLOGY</FONT> . A scientist discovers scientific principals , properties and processes, while engeniers use that knowledge to build machines and structures. Technology began in pre-historic times but did not have a major impact until 18th and 19th centuries . Than a host of new technology sprang up , spawing a revolution in industry and at home . Today it is <U>INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY</U> that is bringing about another major revolution. </font><font size="12"><FONT color=green><H1><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><U>MODERN TECHNOLOGY</U></font></H1></FONT><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><P1>*Its foundation was laid in 1700's at the biggining of industrial revolution .</P1> *<P1>Inventions turned traditional craft-based industries into factory based once. *Key inventions like the steam engine , spinning wheel ,etc. </font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=green><H1><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><U>EARLY TECHNOLOGY</U></font></H1></FONT><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">*Prehistoric people pioneered technology when they made the first tools.They smashed pebbles to produce sharp cutting prices , knife , blade and weapons. *Tools continued to be made from stones till 5000B.c but was replased by copper in middle East. *In about 3500B.c metal technology spread with the discovery of bronze , but it was than followed by iron age till 1500B.c. </font></font></font><H1><FONT color=green size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">WHAT IS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ?</FONT></H1><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Information technology or IT ecompasses the revolution in communications


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and the exchange of information brought about by wide spread use of computers . One aspect of IT is the creation of internet which contains a range of information and allows communication between network "surfers". </font><P><FONT color=purple size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">*</FONT><FONT color=orange size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Some applications of science and technology are:-</FONT></P><P>!!!(click to view information)!!!</P><p>*<a href="v.html">video games</a></p><P>*<A href="radio.html">radio</A></P><P>*<A href="telephones.html">telephones and mobiles</A></P><P>*<A href="engines.html">engines</A></P><P>*<A href="aircrafts.html">aircrafts</A></P><P>*<A href="guns.html">guns</A></P><P>*<A href="television.html">television</A></P><P>*<A href="cameras.html">camera</A></P><P>*<A href="airships and baloons.html">airships and baloons</A></P><P>*<A href="computers.html">computer</a></p><p>*<a href="helicopters.html">helicopter</A></P><P>*<A href="microscopes.html">microscope</A></P>



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<head><META http-equiv="Page-Enter" CONTENT="RevealTrans(Duration=4,Transition=23)"><title>GENERAL FACTS</title></head><font size="6"><font color="green"><p>*Rats survive without water longer than camels.</p></font color><font color="red"><p>*The most widely cultivated fruit in the world is apple. The second is paer.</p></font color><font color="orange"><p>*There is a butterfly in Brazil that has the smell and colour of chocolate.</p></font color><font color="brown"><p>*Elephant is the only animal that has been taught to stand on its head.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*If a rope were made out of strands of long hair ,it would be strong enough to lift an automobile.</p></font color><font color="red"><p>*Mostly girls tend to sleep more soundly than boys.</p></font color> <font color="orange"><p>*In the state of Minnesota it is against the law to hang male and female underwear on the same washing line.</p></font color><font color="brown"><p>*An average person drinks about 16000 gallons of water during his/her lifetime.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.</p></font color><font color="red"><p>*Stuttering is 4 to 6 times more common in boys than in girls.</p></font color><font color="orange"><p>*A snail can travel ovr a razor blade without cutting itself.</p></font color><font color="brown"><p>*The Swedes are the worlds greatest coffee drinkers and consume over 29 lbs of coffee per person a year.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*Russian scientists estimate that lake BASK UNCHAK could supply the whole world with salt for over two thousand years.</p></font color><font color="red"><p>*Magnetic north is 1500miles west of North pole.</p></font color><font color="orange"><p>*The north pole is 2799 meters lower than the South pole.</p></font color><font color="brown"><p>*The shallowest sea is the sea of AZOV .It is 13 meters at its deepest.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*Nearly half the people on the earth live in only one thirtieth of the total land area. </p></font color><font color="red"><p>*The worlds tallest mountain , even higher than Mt.Everest is MAUNA KOA an underwater mountain which rises 33,476 feet and has its peak on the island of Hawaii !!</p></font color><font color="orange">*The Dead sea is so salty that it is impossible to drown in it unless you are held under water .On the other , hand the Baltic is the least salty sea in the world.</p></font color><font color="brown">*For every degree of longitude there is a time gap of four minutes. </p></font color><font color="green">*The total number of countries in the world is 212.</p></font color><font color="red">*No solar eclipse can last longer than 7 minutes 58 seconds because of the speed at which the sun moves.</p></font color><font color="orange">*One square mile of land contains more insects than the total number of human beings on earth.</p></font color><font color="brown">*A humming bird flaps its wings up to 90 times a second ,or over 5000 times a minute.</p></font color><font color="green">*The first olympics were held in Athens in 1896 ,with nine nations competing.</p></font color>


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<font color="red">*The oldest international cricket cricket match was played between the USA and Canada in 1844.</p></font color><font color="orange">*The chances of a mother giving birth to quadruplets are almost 1 in 6000,000. </p></font color><font color="green">*Tomatoes were originally called 'love apples'.</p></font color><font color="red">*An Indian epic called 'Mahabharata ' contains almost three million words. </p></font color><font color="orange">*The highest falls are the ANGEL falls in Venezuela, at over 900 meters high. </p></font color><font color="brown">*The lead in the average pencil will draw a line 35 miles long.</p></font color><font color="green">*DAMASCUS is the oldest inhabited capital city in the world.</p></font color><font color="red">*An ounce of gold can be drawn into 80.5 km (50 miles) of wire.</p></font color><font color="orange">*Rabbits when frightened by enimies , can leap 10 feet or more and run as fast as 18 miles an hour!!!</p></font color><font color="brown">*The floating island of lake ALM in upper Austria moves constantly from shore to shore.</p></font color> <font color="green">*The TRANQUILISER ,VALIUM , is the most widely used drug on earth.</p></font color><font color="red">*An elephant carry 2 gallons of water in its trunk.</p></font color><font color="orange">*You need 120 drops of water to fill a teaspoon.</p></font color><font color="brown ">*Eighty percent of the animals on earth are insects.</p></font color>



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<html><body bgcolor="silver"><head><META http-equiv="Page-Enter" CONTENT="RevealTrans(Duration=4,Transition=23)"><title>~ Page 3</title></head><font size ="6"><font color="green"><p>*The average light bulb can last for about 750 to 1000 hours.</font color></p><font color="red"><p>*One tonne of Uranium produces the same amount of energy as 30,000 tonnes of coal.</p></font color><font color="black"><p>*The temperature of the heat wave that is generated by the re-entry of a space capsule into the earths atmosphere ,is same as the temperature on the surface of the sun, about 6000 degree celcius.</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*The gaint cloud of gas in the universe called the CRAB NEBULA has been spreding at the rate of 1,100 km / second for over 5000 years.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*A single drop of water contains one hundred billion billion atoms.</font color></p><font color="red"><p>*Minus 40 degree celcius is same as minus 40 degree fahrenite.</font color></p><font color="black"><p>*The earth is roughly 4600 million years old.</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*The SPHINX was carved from one piece of stone.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*One butterfly can look at you through 12,000 eyes.</p></font color><font color="red"><p>*The center of earth is almost 4000 miles beneath our feet.</p></font color><font color="black"><p>*The largest ship in the world is a FRENCH OIL TANKER tht is nearly 415 meters long ,almost as long as Sydney harbour bridge.</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*The sun weighs 330,000 times as much as the earth.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*The first atomic submarine NAUTILLUS waslaunched in 1954.</font color></p><font color="red"><p>*Up to 30,000 tonnes of cosmic dust are deposited on the earth each year.</p></font color><font color="black"><p>*Flies take off with a backward jump.</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*Three 25 watt bulbs produce less light than one 75 watt bulb.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*Type writers were first developed to help the blind.</font color></p><font color="red"><p>*The human eye can distinguish about 17,000 different colours.</p></font color><font color="black"><p>*The 26 letters of our alphabet can be trans posed 620,448,401,733,239,439,369,000 times.</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*There are 2500000 rivets in the EFFEL TOWER.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*Every year more than 50,000 earthquakes take place on earth . Of these most are too slight to be noticeable to man.</font color></p><font color="red"><p>*At an altitude of 7620 meters a pilot can see for a distance of 312 kilometers.</p></font color><font color="black"><p>*Rain contains vitamin B .</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*Sodium burns fiercely when kept in water but it can be stored quiet safely in paraffin.</p></font color><font color="green"><p>*Banana oil does not come from bananas ,it is a chemical distilate obtained from coal.</font color></p><font color="red"><p>*There is no soda in soda water.</p></font color><font color="black"><p>*Peanuts are used in the manafacture of dynamite .</p></font color><font color="purple"><p>*Sun burns 240,0,000 tonnes of hydrogen dust every minute.</p></font color></font></body></HTML>


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<HTML><h1><font color="green">AIRCRAFTS</h1></font color><body><img src="672052741.jpg"><paling ="center">Any vehicle that travel through the air is called an aircraft.The ability to soar over obstacles such as oceans and mountains make aircraft the fastest form of travel. An airliner can fly a passenger thousands of kilometers in hours. The same journeywould take several days by boat or car. Airliners and militaryaircraft are complex machines. Their frames are built withlightweight metals,such as aluminium,and hi-tech materials,such as plastic. Inside,their sophisticated electronic controlshelp pilots fly efficiently and safely. Smaller aircrafts,such as gliders and hot-air balloons,are often used for sport andleisure.</p>

<h2>Types Of Aircrafts</h2><paling= "center">The word aircraft covers all flying machines -from balloons to helicopters. Most aircraft are aeroplanes , which have wings and jet engines to give them speed . Other types of aircraftare Gliders ,which have no engines , helicopters , ballons ,and airships . An aircraft's function determines its size and shape.</p>

<p><img src="3475011786.jpg"></p><p><img src="2968702216.jpg"></p><p><img src="2970437601.jpg"></p></body><h2>Forces Of Flight</h2> <h3>An aircraft needs two forces to fly:</h3><paling ="center">lift to keep it up and thrust to propel it forward .Lift overcomesthe plane's weight , and thrust overcomes the drag caused bythe air flowing past the plane . When aircraft is crusing ,lift is equal to weight and thrust is equal to drag.</p>

<h3>Flying Controls</h3><paling ="center">An aircraft is steered through the air by way of three main control surfaces - the elevators on the tailplane , the aileronson the wings , and a rudder on the fin.</p>

<paling="center"><font color="purple"><h3>ELEVATORS</h3></font color> make the aircraft's nose tilt up and down.</p>

<paling="center"><font color="purple"><h3>AILERONS</h3></font color> make the aircraft roll from side to side.</p>

<paling="center"><font color="purple"><h3>THE RUDDER</h3></font color> makes the aircraft "yaw" to left or right.</p>

<h1><u>Aeroengines</h1></u><body><img src="570523311.jpg"></body><paling="center">An aircraft's engines drive it through the air by producing thrust . Different types of engines produce thust in differentways. Pston and turbo-prop engines drive propellers that screw into the air , just as a ship propeller bites into water.Turbo-jet and Turbo-fan engines produce a fast - moving stream of gas which pushes the aircraft forwards .</p></HTML>


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<h1><font color="green">AIRSHIPS AND BALOONS</h1></font color><img src="80725714.jpg"><paling="center">They are known as lighter than aircraft because ,instead of wings , they use a large envelope ,or ,bag,full of gas or hot air that is lighter than the air in the atmosphere around it . Theair pushes the envelope upwards,just as water pushes a submerged air-filled ball upwards . in 1783 , the Montgolfierbrothers achieved the first manned flight ever by sending ahot-air balloon over Paris . Balloons fly where the wind blows them; airships have engines and can be stressed . Today, airships are used for aerial filming and coast-guard patrols , and ballooning is popular sport.</p>

<h1><font color="purple">FERDINAND VON ZEPPELIN</h1></font color><paling="center">He was a German count who began experimenting with air travellin 1891. In 1900 devised the first airship, a 128-m rigid craft named the LZI. During the World War I , some 100 Zeppelinswere built for military use.</p>

<h2>Types of Airships</h2><paling="center">*<u>NONRIGID</u> Airships have aflexible fabric envelope , fromwhich the load hangs , suspended by by ropes.</p>

<paling="center">*<u>RIGID</u> Airships envelope is built around a rigid framework.The skleton contains bags of the lifting gas - helium.</p>

<h1><font color="green">Baloons</h1></font color> <img src="2696244066.jpg"><paling="center">Baloons were first used for ariel reconnaissance during the French Revolution , and used again in the American Civil War.During World Wars I and II , baloons were used used to spot targets for artillery attacks and barrage balons defended cities against aircraft. They are even used for Weather forecastingand also for Recarch purposes.</P></body></HTML>


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<HTML><h1><font color="green">CAMEARAS</h1></font color><p><body><img src="2183920930.jpg"></p><p><img src="216731301.jpg"></p> <paling="center">A light proof box with a hole or lens at one end , and a strip light sensitive-film at the other , is basic component of a traditional camera . To take a photograph , the photographer points the camera at an object and presses a button . This button very briefly opens a shutter behind the lens. Light reflected by the object passes through the lens and on the on the traditional film or a digital chip to produce an image.</p>

<h2>Parts Of A Camera</h2><paling="center">The quality of a photograph is controlled by adjusting the filmand shutter speed dials , flash and aperture scales. This is because the final image will depend on the type of film in the camera , the amount of light that enters the lens , and the length of time that the film is exposed to light.</p>

<h3>*Flashes</h3><paling="center">A flash provides extra light needed after dark, or in dim conditions.</p>

<h3>*Lenses</h3> <paling="center">Diffrent lenses achieve diffrent visual effects . a wide anglelens allows more of the scene to appear in a photograph thana normal lens.</p>

<h3>*Single Lens Reflex Camera</h3> <paling="center">Unlike other cameras , the view through a single lens reflex (SLR)camera is that of the actual image that is recorded onthe film . </p>

<h1>DIGITAL CAMERAS</h1><p><img src="3320653536.jpg"></p><p><img src="2605021667.jpg"></p></body><paling="center">Digital cmeras contain no film . Instead the image is captured on a photosesitive chip . Photos are displyed instantly on a screenon the camera and can be deleted if not liked . Images can be loaded on a computer and printed out.</p>

<h3><font color="purple">GEORGE EASTMAN</h3></font color><paling="center"He was an American inventor who formed the Kodak company.In 1884 he produced the first roll film and in 1888 the first box camera , making photography an accessible hobby . In 1889 , he used clear celluloid film on which the first movie pictures were taken.</p>


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<h2>Time Line:</h2><paling="left">4th century BC-</p> <paling="right">The 'camera obscura' is developed; it consists of a darkened room into which into which an image is projected.</p>

<paling="left">1822 -</p> <paling="right">Frenchman Joseph Niepce takes first photograph on a sheet of pewter , coated with bitumen.</p>

<paling="left">1839 -</p> <paling="right">william Fox Talbot an englishman , invents a process that allows photographs to be copied.</p>

<paling="left">1980s -</p> <paling="right">First digital cameras prototyped.</p>

<paling="left">1986 -</p> <paling="right">Disporsable cameras launched.</P>

<paling="left">1992 -</p> <paling="right">The jpeg , a comprassed file format for storing digital images , is introduced.</p>



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<HTML><BODY><font color="green"><h1><u>COMPUTERS</u></h1><p><img src="mac.jpg"></p></font color><paling="center">With lightening speed a computer carries out millions of calculations.Sets of instructions called <u>PROGRAMS</u> tell the computer what to do .The hard- disk unit is the heart of the computer it contains the CPU controls the operations of the computer.Hard disk, monitor ,keyboard are other connected hardwares.The programs that enables them to function and carry out specific tasks are known as <u>SOFTWARES</u>.</p> <font color="green"><h1> Mother board</h1></font color> <paling="center">It is a large circuit in the computers hard-disk unit to which computers key electronic components are attached .These components are linked together by strips of metal called <u>"buses"</u> on the underside of the mother board. Also attached to the mother board are the interfaces that link the hard- disk unit to the peripherals ,as well as expansion slots ,to which other circuit boards can added to improve the computers perforamance.</p>

<h1><font color="green">THE CPU [CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT]</h1></font color><paling="center">Itis a single microprocessor that holds a large number of circuits. The cpu recieves data from the RAM , ROM and keyboard. It sends data to the RAM for storage , and to output devices, such as monitor.</p>

<h2>HOW A DISK DRIVE WORKS ?</h2><paling="center">Disks arrange data into divisions called tracks and sectors.A disk drive have a magnetic read-write head that "reads" data from,or "writes"data to a specific sector or track on the disk . In cd or optical devices, the read-write head is a laser beam.</p>

<font color="purple"><h1>CHARLES BABBAGE</h1></font color><paling ="center">An english mathematician who built a machenical computer called <u>DEFENCE ENGINE</u> that consisted of hundreds of gear wheels. It could do complicated sums more quickly thandoing by the hand.</p>

<h2>TYPES OF COMPUTER</h2><paling ="center">Most schools and homes have persnol computers but there many other types of computer both larger and smaller than a PC. Some computer enable people to work while they aretravelling; others are designed purely entertainment. Large ,powerful, high-speed computers are often used to processinformation for many people at once, or perform many taskssimontaneously. A computer may be:-</p><paling="left">1.) Adedicated computer</p><paling="left">2.) Loptop</p> <paling="left">3.) Super computer</p>


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<paling="left">4.) Desktop</p>

<h1><font color="blue">STEVE JOBS & STEVE WOZNIAK</h1></font color><p><img src="steve.jpg"></p><paling="center">The apple computer - one of the worlds largest - was foundedin 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who wanted to make computers affordable for everyone. Their 1977 AppleII computer was the first PC made for the mass market. It was hugely sucessful, because users of apple II needed no prior knowledege of electronics or computering.</p>

<h1>TIME LINE:-</h1>

<paling="left">1642:-</p> <paling="right">Blaise Pascal invents the first mechanical adding machine.</p>

<paling="left">1834:-</p> <paling="right">Charles Babbage designs a mechanical computer which he calls the difference machine .</p>

<paling="left">1939:-</p> <paling="right">Jhon Atanasoff, an American, campletes the first electronics computer.</p>

<paling="left">1945:-</p> <paling="right">ENIAC, the worlds first autometic computer, is built in USA.</p>

<paling="left">1975:-</p> <paling="right">The first portable computer is introduced.</p>

<paling="left">1990:-</p> <paling="right">IBM Pentium PC performs 112 millions instructions per second.</p>

<paling="left">2000:-</p> <paling="right">Mobilephones &other hand devices are designed to include computing facilities, software and internet.</p>



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<h1><font color="green">ENGINES</h1></font color>

<body><img src="2712412608.jpg"></body><paling ="center">Every machine that moves or has moving parts needs an engineor a motor to make it work. A motor is a machine that converts some form of energy ,such as fuel or electricity , into motion An engine is a form of motor .Engines and motors , both hugeand tiny ,are everywhere - in vehicals from motor cycles to airliners and railway locomotives, and in appliances around the house ,in industrial machines , and in power stations.</p>

<h1><font color="purple">JAMES WATT</h1></font color><paling ="center">He was a british engineer who improved the design of steamengines and produced the first effective one in 1765. In 1774he and <u>METTHEW BOULTON</u> began building steam enginesfor pumping water from mines . The unit power ,the watt,is named after him.</p>

<h2>How Do Engines Work ?</h2><paling ="center">During the sequence , the piston goes doen , up , down andup again. This is called fore-stroke cycle. The cycle is repeated over and over again up to 50 times a second when the engine is turning at a high speed . In an engine with more than one cylinder , the cylinders fire one after the other to provide continious power .</p>



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<h1><font color="green">GUNS</h1></font color><p><body><img src="4159335395.jpg"></p><paling="center">From a booming cannon to a pocket pistol , all fire arms work on the same principal : a controlled explosion in one part of the gun propels a shell or bullet out of a tube or barrel . Firearmsappeared in Europe in early 14th century ;although they were feeble at first ,in time they changed welfare forever . Armour could not stop bullets , nor castle walls withstand cannon balls.Without guns , no nation could resist invasion for long ; armed with them , European colonised most of the world.</p>

<h2><u>Origins of guns</u></h2><paling="center">The first guns were cannons , known to have been in use before 1326, when drawings of them appeared in a book . At first Smiths built the barrels from strips of iron. Safer, cast csnnons came into use a century later , when bell -foundes began to make them by filling a mould with liquid metal.</p>

<h1><font color="green">HIRMAN MAXIM</h1></font color><paling="center">He was an american born inventor developed the first practicalautomatic machine gun in 1884 . Maxim guns fired so quickly that by World War I soldiers no longer fought on horseback, tried to hide from the bullets in trenches.</p>

<h2><u>Types of Guns</u></h2><p><img src="2626753521.jpg"></p><p><img src="544683034.jpg"></p></body><paling="center">A gun may be small like a PISTOL, RIFLE S like SNIPERER'S RIFLE or it may be a SUBMACHINE GUN , etc.</p><paling="center">Some of these guns are very powerful: a rifle can fire a bullet more than 1800-m (2000 yards).</p>

<h2><paling="left"><u>AUTOMATIC WEAPONS :</h2></p></u> <paling="right">when set to automatic , many small arms will continue to fire as long as the soldier holds back the trigger.</p>

<paling="center">*The missile that a gun fires , the propellant (explosive chatrge) and the means of firing it , are known together as <u>AMMUNITION</u>.</p>



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<font color="green"><h1>HELICOPTERS</h1></font color><body><p><img src="4262666361.jpg">,/p><paling="center">Unlike Most aircraft , which have fixed wings , a helicopter has a spinning rotor with two or more long ,thin blades attachedWhen the blades spin round ,they lift the helicopter straightup into the air . A helicopter can take off from almost anywere and does not need to use airport runways. It can hover in one place and fly backwards ,forwards and sidewards. This makes it the most versatile of all aircraft ; it is very useful for transport , surveillance , and rescue missions.</p>

<h2>Flying Controls</h2><paling="center">A helicopter pilot has three flying controls .The collective pitch lever changes the amount of lift produced by the mainrotor . The cyclic pitch control makes the helicopter moveforwards , backwards , and sidewards . Rudder pedals makemake the helicopter turn left and right.</p>

<h1><font color="purple">IGOR IVAN SIKORSKY</h1></font color><paling="center"><u>SIKORSKY</u> was born in Ukraine , where he became an aeronauticalengineer . In 1919 he moved to the United States where he setup an aircraft factory .Hedesigned the first practical helicopter , the <u>VS-300</u> ,which first flew n 1939.The design had to be modified many times : at one point the helicopter flew in every direction except forwards.</p><p><img src="3885436721.jpg"></p><p><img src="2333771959.jpg"></p>



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<h1><font color="green">MICROSCOPES</h1></font color>

<paling="center">Millions of tiny particles which play vital roles in the processof life would go undected without the help of microscopes. Amicroscope magnifies small objects to rereveal simple microscope uses one one lens , capable of magnifications ofbetween 70 &250 times. Compound microscopes use a combination of two lenses and can produce magnifications upto2000 times the size of the object being viewed . Electron microscopes use beams of electrons instead of light ; theycan magnify by hundreds of thousands of times.</p>

<h2>Simple Microscopes</h2><body><p><img src="a simple microscope.jpg"></p><paling="center">Dutch scientist <u>Antoni Van Leeuwenhoke's</u> simple microscope consisted of a single convex lens held between two metal plates . The eye has to be placed close to the lens to see theobject placed on a pin . Using different lenses produced different magnifications.</p>

<h2>Compound Microscope</h2><p><img src="4143229023.jpg"></p><paling="center">The compound microscope uses two lenses (an objective and eyelens).This gives it a much greater power of magnification than the simple microscope . It was the use of the compound lensthat led to the discovery of the cells.</p>

<h2>Electron Scanning Microscopes</h2><p><img src="an electron microscope.jpg"></p><p><img src="image by an electron microscope.jpg"></p></body><paling="center">Such microscopes can magnify extensively without losing the clearity of the image. The electrons are reflected off the surface of the specimen , producing a fluorescent image on a screen .</p>



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<HTML><BODY><h1><font color="green">TELEPHONES</h1></font color></p><p><img src="2868522832.jpg"></body></p><paling="center">"I will give you a call" we often say to our friends , but we rarely wonder how it is that , only a few seconds after entering a number on the keypad , we can be speaking toa friend many kilometers away - even on the other sidee of the world . A telephone is a device that transforms a personsvoice into electrical currents. This signal travells along copper cables to reach its destination . Some times it ischanged into pulses of light and sent along thin glass strandscalled <u>OPTICAL FIBRE.</u></p><paling="center">The signal can also be transmitted as radio waves or microwaves.</p>

<h2>How Telephone works ?</h2><paling="center">Once two telephones are linked via the telephone network,the sound of the speakers voices are picked up by microscopesin the handsets . Loudspeakers reproduce and amplify these sounds , so that each caller can hear what the other is saying.</p> <h1>MOBILE PHONES</h1><body><p><img src="iphone.jpg"></p><p><img src="simg_t_t19943262531159394431jpg110.jpg"></body></p>

<paling="center">Mobile phones allow the freedome to make calls anywhere because they are not physically connected to telephone network. they send and recieve calls as rsdio signals . Mobile technology is fast evolving so that the hand held devices can now also send text messages , email video images as well as connect to internet.</p><body><img src="simg_t_t19944662211174438807jpg110.jpg"></body><body><img src="simg_t_ts434427919e62d62f06546c19ee6d80775954ee3jpg110.jpg"><h1><font color="purple">ALEXANDER GRHAM BELL</h1></font color><paling="center">In 1875 a Scottish born inventor Alexander Grham Bell madethe first successful transmission of the human voice along theelectrical wire . The first words he spoke were to his colleague.</p>



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<p><img src="ps 3.jpg"></p><p><img src="wii.jpg"></p><p><a href="phong.html">Paly a game here</a></p><h1><font color="green">VIDEO GAMES</h1></font color>

<p>A video game is a game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device. However, with the popular use of the term "video game", it now implies any type of display device The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms are broad in range, from large computers to small . Specialized video games such as arcade games, while previously common, have gradually declined in use.The input device normally used to manipulate video games is called a game controller, which varies across platforms. For instance, a dedicated console controller might consist of only a button and a joystick, or feature a dozen buttons and one or more joysticks. Early personal computer based games historically relied on the availability of a keyboard for gameplay, or more commonly, required the user to purchase a separate joystick with at least one button to play. Many modern computer games allow the player to use a keyboard and mouse simultaneously.Beyond the common element of visual feedback, video games have utilized other systems to provide interaction and information to the player. Chief examples of these are sound reproduction devices, such as speakers and headphones, and an array of haptic peripherals, such as vibration or force feedback.</p>

<p><img src="game cube.jpg"><h2><font color="purple">Benefits</h2></font color><p><img src="xbox 360.jpg"></p>

<p>It has been shown that action video game players have better visuomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction, their sensitivity to information in peripheral vision, and their ability to count briefly presented objects than nonplayers. They found that such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with an action game, involving challenges to switch attention to different locations, but not with a game requiring concentration on single objects.As a form of multimedia entertainment, modern video games contain a unique synthesis of 3D art, CG effects, architecture, artificial intelligence, sound effects, dramatic performances, music, storytelling, and, most importantly, interactivity. This interactivity enables the player to explore environments that range from simulated reality to stylized, artistic expressions (something no other form of entertainment can allow) where the actions of the player operating as a single, irreducible variable. In this respect, every game scenario will play out a slightly different way every time. Even if the game is highly scripted, this can still feel like a large amount of freedom to the person who is playing the game.A related property is that of emergent behavior. While many games including card games and sports rely on emergent principles, video games commonly present simulated story worlds where emergent behavior occurs within the context of the game. This is something that some gamers find appealing as it introduces a certain level of randomness to a game. The term "emergent


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narrative" has been used to describe how, in a simulated environment, storyline can be created simply by "what happens to the player." Emergent behavior is not limited to sophisticated games, however- generally any place where event driven instructions occur forAI in a game, emergent behavior will inevitably exist. For instance, take a racing game in which cars are programmed to avoid crashing, and they encounter an obstacle in the track: the cars might then maneuver to avoid the obstacle causing the cars behind them to slow and/or maneuver to accommodate the cars in front of them and the obstacle. The programmer never wrote code to specifically create a traffic jam, yet one now exists in the game.</p></p><p><img src="psp's.jpg"></p><p>In Steven Johnson's book, Everything Bad Is Good For You, he argues that video games in fact demand far more from a player than traditional games like Monopoly. To experience the game, the player must first determine the objectives, as well as how to complete them. They must then learn the game controls and how the human-machine interface works, including menus and HUDs. Beyond such skills, which after some time become quite fundamental and are taken for granted by many gamers, video games are based upon the player navigating (and eventually mastering) a highly complex system with many variables. This requires a strong analytical ability, as well as flexibility and adaptability. He argues that the process of learning the boundaries, goals, and controls of a given game is often a highly demanding one that calls on many different areas of cognitive function. Indeed, most games require a great deal of patience and focus from the player, and, contrary to the popular perception that games provide instant gratification, games actually delay gratification far longer than other forms of entertainment such as film or even many books. Some research suggests video games may even increase players' attention capacities.</P>

<p><img src="playsp.jpg"></p><p>Learning principles found in video games have been identified as possible techniques with which to reform the U.S. education system. It has been noticed that gamers adopt an attitude while playing that is of such high concentration, they don't realise they're learning- and that if the same attitude could be adopted at school, education would enjoy significant benefits.</p>

</p><p><img src="gamecube2.jpg"></p><p>Online multiplayer games provide players with the opportunity to compete in real time with other players from across the globe over the internet. MMORPGs build on this concept with the establishment of vast, online communities existing in persistent virtual worlds. Millions of players around the globe are attracted to video gaming simply because it offers such unprecedented ability to interact with large numbers of people engaged simultaneously in a structured environment where they are all involved in the same activity.</p>

<p><img src="ds.jpg"></p><p>Even simple games offer potential benefits to the player. Games like Tetris and Pac-Man or Galaga are well-designed games that are easy to pick up but difficult to master, much like chess or poker. Despite their simplicity, simple games may also feature online capabilities or powerful AI. Depending on the game, players can develop and test their techniques against an advanced computer player or online against other human players.</p>



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<HTML><BODY><h1><font color="green">TELEVISION</h1></font color><p><img src="1938522921.jpg"></p><paling="center">Television was one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century ; it completely transformed the society . TV works by sounds and pictures into signals and sending them out by transmitters , satellites or underground cables .Television was first developed in 1920's ; it spreads rapidly and by the 1980's almost every American home had a TV set . By bringing information and entertainment to home, telivision altered daily life . Today new advances in telivisiontechnology , including broadband acess, mean that TV can also provide interactive choices such as email , shopping and information scervices.</p>

<h2>Uses Of Television</h2><paling="center">Television broadcasts cover every area , from drama to documentary .TV informs, educates and entertains us,depending on what we choose to watch . And audiancesin the millions , information is spread further than ever before.</p><p><img src="168138978.jpg"></p></body><h2>Inside A Television</h2><paling="center">A television reciever picks up the signals broadcast by the TV stations and turns them into images using a picture tube (known as cathode ray tube) . The tube produces a series of black and white or colour images in rapid succession, creatingthe illusion that the picture is moving.</p><paling="center">The set also contains electronic circuits which enable viewers to tune into the channel of their choice.</p>

<h2>Electron Guns</h2><paling="center">The television screen is just one part of the picture tube .Behind the screen an electron gun fires three beams of electron (parts of atom) at the screen . These beams corrosponds to three colours used in the telivision red,blue and green.mixed together they produce fulcolour images.</p>

<h1><font color="purple">*VALDIMIR ZWORKIN</h1></font color> <paling="center">A Russian scientist who did most of his work in USA . In 1923 he patented the iconoscope television camera tube thatmade electronic TV possible.</p>

<h2>Time line:</h2>


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<paling="left">1923 -</p> <paling="right">Valdimir zworkin begins to develope electronic camera tube.</p>

<paling="left">1926 -</p><paling="right">Scottish inventor <u>John Logi Baird</u> demonstrates his mechanical system.</p>

<paling="left">1936 -</p> <paling="right">Worlds first regular TV broadcast begin in England using electronic system.</p>

<paling="left">1951 -</p> <paling="right">First colour broadcast in US .</p>

<paling="left">1960 -</p> <paling="right">Japnese firm <u>SONY</u> all-transistor TV recievers.</p>

<paling="left">1979 -</p> <paling="right">Flat-screen pocket televisions.</p>

<paling="left">1990's -</p> <paling="right">digital and broad band TV .</p>



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I can just conclude that MIS is always management oriented and keeps in view every level of management and gets the desired information. It refers to how diff components(sub systems) are actually tied up together. eg: diff departments of organization linked together.

Effective MIS helps the management to know deviations of actual performance from pre-set targets and control things. Its important for increasing efficiency. MIS provides updated results of various departments to management and is highly computerized so it provides accurate results. It also adds to the intelligence, alertness, awareness of managers by providing them information in the form of progress and review reports of an ongoing activity.


HTML has been used for websites ever since the internet came into existence. Every developer who wants to build highly interactive applications does not jump on complicated programming languages for websites. They instead start on simpler programming languages and HTML is one among them.

It can be even said that without HTML, the internet that everyone knows today will not be possible. The simplicity and lightweight design that could be learned from HTML has created simple websites but still considered interactive in its day.HTML, could be used when the applications needed is simplified. But this does not means that HTML is not geared towards highly interactive applications. The advantages of HTML is that it could be effectively adapt to every online programming language which means developers could easily expand their applications with the use of HTML.


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Management Information System – A book by Jawadekar.


i. http://

ii. http://

iii. http://


i. Chip

ii. Discover

iii. Science daily