final one

1) Why did you decided to become a vegan? I decided to become a vegan because of cows, as I realized that they don't just produce milk for us but carves as well and I believe that it's not meant for humans. I then started looking into the environmental impact of the dairy industry and that made me really start questioning my eating habits. 2) What are your favorite meals/snacks? I eat a lot of mush, mush is just a mix of lots of vegetables and spice all whizzed together. It may not look great, but it can be made in to burgers, soup or toppings for baked potatoes and it tastes amazing. 3) When becoming a vegan are there any advantages and disadvantages? Being a vegan is stressful as people are constantly telling me that I’m not getting enough protein, and every time I am ill it's apparently because I’m vegan. But apart from that, ultimately I feel a lot more energetic, its easier for me to manage my wait, my skin is a lot better and it forces me to think properly about what I am putting into my body. 4) Are there any foods that you have found that are vegan that you wouldn't expect to be? Oreos! Amazingly, they are pretty much made up of sugar, but unfortunately they are unbelievably unhealthy. Another one is ginger

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Final one

1) Why did you decided to become a vegan? I decided to become a vegan because of cows, as I realized that they don't just produce milk for us but carves as well and I believe that it's not meant for humans. I then started looking into the environmental impact of the dairy industry and that made me really start questioning my eating habits. 

2) What are your favorite meals/snacks?I eat a lot of mush, mush is just a mix of lots of vegetables and spice all whizzed together. It may not look great, but it can be made in to burgers, soup or toppings for baked potatoes and it tastes amazing.  

3) When becoming a vegan are there any advantages and disadvantages? Being a vegan is stressful as people are constantly telling me that I’m not getting enough protein, and every time I am ill it's apparently because I’m vegan. But apart from that, ultimately I feel a lot more energetic, its easier for me to manage my wait, my skin is a lot better and it forces me to think properly about what I am putting into my body.

4) Are there any foods that you have found that are vegan that you wouldn't expect to be?Oreos! Amazingly, they are pretty much made up of sugar, but unfortunately they are unbelievably unhealthy. Another one is ginger biscuit they are accidentally vegan.

5) What did you find hardest to give up?CHEESE! Milk and Chocolate are amazing, but as of yet nobody has made a cheese substitute that doesn’t taste like plastic although you can make your own out of cashew nuts which I am yet to try. 

6) What coping mechanisms did you have?I used to eat bits of cheese when nobody was looking, but eventually I realized it was just a taste I was craving, and the more I didn't give in to it, the easier it got to ignore it. 

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7) Do you feel healthier since becoming vegan?I was already eating quite healthily before so I can't be sure. 

8) Is it more expensive to be a vegan?No, you just have to be sensible with your money.

9) Do you have support from people?I had a few Vegan friends who were really helpful, but my families were also extremely supportive.

10) What would your best piece of advice be for someone who wants to become vegan?Join vegan groups online, they’re so many people out there willing to answer your question. Also don't be too harsh on yourself; if you cave in and eat some chocolate it’s not the end of the world. The best thing to do is find vegan treats that make you happy, and have a stash of them for those moments when you have a craving. A great bit of advice I read was, “Always be the vegan you would have liked to have met before you became vegan”It's all about staying calm and trying to take part in constructive conversations.