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[Ameet] [Harish] [Arash] [Yasser] [Ishtpreet] Software Requirement Specification 300 Lonsdale Street Melbourne - 3000

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Post on 30-Sep-2015




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Diagrams of online recruitment system


  • [Ameet] [Harish] [Arash] [Yasser] [Ishtpreet]

    08 Fall

    Software Requirement Specification

    3 0 0 L o n s d a l e S t r e e t M e l b o u r n e - 3 0 0 0

  • 2

    Approvals and Distribution



    This document will be stored on project website ( and distributed among the people listed above and/or including the project supervisor.


    Harish Kumar Project Manager

    Ameet Kumar Quality Engineer / Tester

    Arash Sadeghieh Database Manager

    Yaseer Alloqman Webmaster

    Ishtpreet Singh Project Leader

  • 3

    Table of Content

    Table of Contents

    Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6 Objectives .................................................................................................................................................. 6

    System Context Diagram .................................................................................................. 7

    Templates .............................................................................................................................. 8 Functional Requirements Template ............................................................................................... 8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 8

    Use Case Diagram for Online Recruitment System ................................................. 9

    Class Diagram for Online Recruitment System ..................................................... 10 Use case Diagram 1: Applicator Login to website ................................................................. 11 Use case Diagram 2: Employer Login to website ................................................................... 12 Use case Diagram 3: Applicator Upload Resume ................................................................... 13 Use case Diagram 4: Search for jobs ............................................................................................ 14 Use case Diagram 5: Applicator Apply for job ......................................................................... 15 Use case Diagram 6: Online Test ................................................................................................... 16 Use case Diagram 7: Applicator Exam results ......................................................................... 17 Use case Diagram 8: EmployerPost job ads ............................................................................. 18 Use case Diagram 9: Employer Check interests for jobs ..................................................... 19 Use case Diagram 10: Employer Search Resume ................................................................... 20 Use case Diagram 11: Employer Generate Questions .......................................................... 21 Use case Diagram 12: Employer Check exam results ........................................................... 22 Use case Diagram 13: Employer Update website content .................................................. 23 Use case Diagram 14: Employer Create Questionnaire ....................................................... 24

    Database Requirements ................................................................................................ 25 Entity-Relationship Diagram .................................................................................................25 Database Schema .......................................................................................................................26

    Table: Administration Staff ............................................................................................................. 26 Table: Jobs .............................................................................................................................................. 27 Table: Log In .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Table: Rosters ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Table: Test .............................................................................................................................................. 30 Table: Test Result ................................................................................................................................ 31

    Detailed Requirements .................................................................................................. 32 Hardware (Server Side)...........................................................................................................32 Hardware (Internal Office Users) ........................................................................................32 Software (Internal Office Users) ..........................................................................................32

    Functional Requirements ............................................................................................. 33 Overview: ......................................................................................................................................33

    The website will allow applicators to: ........................................................................................ 33 The website will allow employers to: ......................................................................................... 33

    Functional Requirements Properties: ...............................................................................34 Website Operating System .....................................................................................................35

    Non-Functional Requirements .................................................................................... 36 Availability ...................................................................................................................................36 Documentation ...........................................................................................................................36

  • 4

    Reliability Requirements ........................................................................................................37 User Interface and Human Factors Requirements ........................................................37 Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................38

    Hardware and Software Considerations ................................................................................... 38 Quality Issues ..............................................................................................................................39 System Modifications ...............................................................................................................39 Physical Environment ..............................................................................................................39 Security Issues and requirements .......................................................................................40 Physical Security ........................................................................................................................40 Resources and Management Issues ....................................................................................40 System Platform and Interface .............................................................................................41 Websites layout and design ...................................................................................................41

    Functional Requirements Template ......................................................................... 41 List of functional requirements ............................................................................................42

    Functional requirement 1: Visitor................................................................................................ 42 Functional requirement 2: User .................................................................................................... 43 Functional requirement 3: Applicator Search jobs / Results............................................ 43 Functional requirement 4: Apply for job ................................................................................... 44 Functional requirement 5: Online test ....................................................................................... 44 Functional requirement 6: Exam Result .................................................................................... 45 Functional requirement 7: Employer ......................................................................................... 46 Functional requirement 8: Post Job Ads .................................................................................... 47 Functional requirement 9: Search resumes ............................................................................. 48 Functional requirement 10: Provide Exam results ............................................................... 48

    GUI Interface ...................................................................................................................... 49 Accessibility .................................................................................................................................49 Template Interface ....................................................................................................................50

    Home Page: ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Job Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 52 New Candidates Sign Up and Login ............................................................................................. 54 Employee Sign Up and Login .......................................................................................................... 56 Employers Page ................................................................................................................................... 57

    Software Interfaces ...................................................................................................................58 Site Map .........................................................................................................................................60

    Client Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................ 61 Client Sign Off ..............................................................................................................................61

    Team acceptance criteria.............................................................................................. 61 Team Sign Off ..............................................................................................................................61

  • 5

  • 6


    The purpose of this document is to include and outline the Solution

    Requirements of the problem as outlined in the Tender Bid, SPMP and this

    document. This document has been broken up into section for ease of use and

    easy for the reader to read through and go through it. This document contains

    information relevant to the solution and software that may be used. This

    document also outlines the functional requirements and non functional

    requirements; also it uses the use case diagrams, Entity relationship diagram

    ERD, detailed system requirements and its proposed solution and also the idea

    of the final GUI interface.


    The objectives of the Victorian Workforce website are to provide information

    about the company to the users. Maintain a great environment and give services

    to their users. Victorian workforce wants people to have an easiest to apply for

    the jobs theyre looking for.

  • System Context Diagram







    Query Request Query Response

    Query Request Query Response


    ery Resp




    ery Req


  • 8


    Functional Requirements Template

    This template is how all the functional requirements should be documented. A

    table will be used for the inputs, outputs, processing and table will be given

    which will show if the task is mandatory or not.

    Inputs: E.g. From what source the input will be derived e.g. domains format.

    Processing: Describes the outcome including any validity checks on the data. Exact overview of the operation and how it will be handled

    Outputs: The form, shape, destination and volume of the output, process by which the output is stored or destroyed; processes of handling errors and what the exact output will be for the user

    Mandatory: Yes/No/Future


    Document Name Location Version

    Presentation 1.0

    SPMP 1.0

    Tender Bid 1.0

  • 9

    Use Case Diagram for Online Recruitment System (Victorian Workforce)

    Login to Website

    Apply for a Job Ad

    Post Job Ads

    Check Interests for Job Ads

    Give Online Test

    Search Resume

    Generate Questions for Exam

    Take Exam Result

    Provide Exam Result

    Update Website Content

    Create New Question Form

    Upload Resume

    Simple Search Job


    Advanced Search Job


    Modify Resume

    Job Applicator



  • 10



    Upload Resume

    Class Diagram for Online Recruitment System (Victorian Workforce)

    1 1 0..1

    0..* 1

    Job Ad


    Question Exam

    Exam Result






    1 1






    Relates to

    Relates to


    Belongs to States


    Consists of

    Interest for Job Job

    Job Applicator


  • 11

    Use case Diagram 1: Applicator Login to website

    Job Applicator

    Use Case ID 1

    Use Case Name Login to Website

    Actor Job Applicator

    Description Job applicator needs to login to the website by providing username and password

    Precondition User or job applicator does not have enough access to website

    Post condition Job applicator is able to search and apply for jobs

    Basic Flow User enters username, password and login

    Exceptional Flow User cannot login to website (wrong username, password)

    Login to Website

  • 12

    Use case Diagram 2: Employer Login to website


    Use Case ID 2

    Use Case Name Login to Website

    Actor Employer

    Description Employer needs to login to the website by providing username and password

    Precondition Employer does not have enough access to the website

    Post condition Employer is able to post job Ads and perform other tasks, also is able to make some changes

    Basic Flow Employer enters username, password and log-in

    Exceptional Flow Employer cannot login to website if (wrong username, password)

    Login to Website

  • 13

    Use case Diagram 3: Applicator Upload Resume

    Job Applicator

    Use Case ID 3

    Use Case Name Upload Resume

    Actor Job Applicator

    Description Job applicators can upload their resume to the system and all the resumes are stored into the database

    Precondition Job applicators need to login into website before uploading their resumes

    Post condition Job applicators are able to search for job Ads and apply with uploaded resume

    Basic Flow Job applicators select the resume file from their system and upload it to website, they also can modify resume later

    Exceptional Flow Limitation of resume file size does not let job applicator to upload resume

    Upload Resume

  • 14

    Use case Diagram 4: Search for jobs

    Job Applicator

    Use Case ID 4

    Use Case Name Search Job Ads

    Actor Job Applicator

    Description Job applicators can search the websites data base for job Ads, search can be simple or advance

    Precondition Job applicators need to login to website before advanced search, but simple search is available for any user

    Post condition Job applicators check result of their search to find the right one for applying

    Basic Flow Job applicators either can do simple search or advanced search by giving search criteria

    Exceptional Flow Advanced search does not available for those who did not login to website, so they require to go back and login to website

    Search Job Ads

  • 15

    Use case Diagram 5: Applicator Apply for job

    Job Applicator

    Use Case ID 5

    Use Case Name Apply for a Job Ad

    Actor Job Applicator

    Description Job applicators can apply for particular job if they like any job Ads, they should provide some information plus uploaded resume

    Precondition Job applicators require to login to website and upload resume before applying for a particular job

    Post condition Job applicators wait for result of their application and online exam

    Basic Flow Job applicators select apply button for particular job, then provide information and attach it to their uploaded resume

    Exceptional Flow Job applicators cannot apply for job, they might missed to upload resume, or provide inappropriate information to apply for that job

    Apply for a Job Ad

  • 16

    Use case Diagram 6: Online Test

    Job Applicator

    Use Case ID 6

    Use Case Name Give Online Test

    Actor Job Applicator

    Description Job applicators must give online exam to pass the online interview or exam for a specific job

    Precondition After applying for a specific job by job applicators or search by employer online test are provided for them

    Post condition Job applicators wait for exam result to find whether they succeed or not

    Basic Flow Employer provide online exam for those who applied for a specific job, then job applicators give online test

    Exceptional Flow

    Give Online Test

  • 17

    Job Applicator

    Use case Diagram 7: Applicator Exam results

    Use Case ID 7

    Use Case Name Take Exam Result

    Actor Job Applicator

    Description Job applicators who are participated in can take exam result which provided by employer

    Precondition Job applicators must gave online test beforehand

    Post condition Job applicators can check their online exam again, and furthermore some of them have been chosen to continue in order to get that particular job

    Basic Flow Employer upload the result of job applicators online exam, then job applicators can check the result and also the previous stage, which they passed.

    Exceptional Flow

    Take Exam Result

  • 18

    Use case Diagram 8: EmployerPost job ads


    Use Case ID 8

    Use Case Name Post Job Ads

    Actor Employer

    Description Employer can upload new job Ads with job details for particular position

    Precondition Employer must login to system in order to post new job Ads

    Post condition New job Ads provided by employer are stored in database and job applicators can find it by appropriate search

    Basic Flow Employer provide sufficient information for specific job and post it in related job category, so it saved in websites database

    Exceptional Flow

    Post Job Ads

  • 19

    Use case Diagram 9: Employer Check interests for jobs


    Use Case ID 9

    Use Case Name Check Interests for Job Ads

    Actor Employer

    Description Employer can check interests for job Ads to figure out the number of job applicator that have stated or applied for that particular job

    Precondition Employer must post the job Ads

    Post condition By the check of every each job status, employer provide appropriate online exam for right applicator

    Basic Flow Employer login to the website, open job category and check the specific status, the number of job applicator who applied are mentioned in front of them

    Exceptional Flow

    Check Interests for Job Ads

  • 20

    Use case Diagram 10: Employer Search Resume


    Use Case ID 10

    Use Case Name Search Resume

    Actor Employer

    Description Employer can search for employee type or job sorting in database to find proper resumes

    Precondition Employer must login to website

    Post condition Employer can contact job applicators and also provide them online test

    Basic Flow Employer login to the website, by advanced search appropriate resumes are reachable

    Exceptional Flow There is no resume belong to that specific position, thus employer require to post job ads for that job

    Search Resume

  • 21

    Use case Diagram 11: Employer Generate Questions


    Use Case ID 11

    Use Case Name Generate Questions for Exam

    Actor Employer

    Description By checking the status of job ads, employer decide to generate questions for exam if the number of job applicator is sufficient

    Precondition Job applicator must applied for that job

    Post condition Employer can select appropriate applicators by generate question and take exam from them

    Basic Flow Employer login to the website, check the job status, generate questions, upload them and let job applicators to give test

    Exceptional Flow

    Generate Questions for Exam

  • 22

    Use case Diagram 12: Employer Check exam results


    Use Case ID 12

    Use Case Name Provide Exam Result

    Actor Employer

    Description Employer provide exam result for specific job position to let them know about their result and also explain the reasons whether they accepted or rejected

    Precondition Job applicator must participated in online test and correction needs before provide test result

    Post condition Job applicator aware of result of online exam and some of them might continue the next steps, and the rest start searching and applying for other job

    Basic Flow Employer login to the website, check the job status, generate questions, upload them and let job applicators to give test

    Exceptional Flow

    Provide Exam Result

  • 23

    Use case Diagram 13: Employer Update website content


    Use Case ID 13

    Use Case Name Update Website Content

    Actor Administrator

    Description Administrator must update website content by regular periods, in order to keep the website up to date and meet the needs of both employer and job applicator

    Precondition Administrator require to collect information from employers to see how the content should change

    Post condition The new content available for employers and job applicators, makes easier to work with website

    Basic Flow Modify or change content of the website such as texts or pictures

    Exceptional Flow

    Update Website Content

  • 24

    Use case Diagram 14: Employer Create Questionnaire


    Use Case ID 14

    Use Case Name Create New Question Form

    Actor Administrator

    Description Different job positions need different question forms and by time to time some details are changed in question forms, so this is the approach for create new question form to help employer to generate questions easier

    Precondition Gather information about question and its layout to find how to create new form

    Post condition Employers can generate questions in new question form provided by administrator

    Basic Flow Modify or change content of the website such as texts or pictures

    Exceptional Flow

    Create New Question Form

  • 25

    Database Requirements

    Entity-Relationship Diagram

    An Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram for the database component of the solution

    is shown below. Please note that this diagram should be interpreted with

    regards to the explanatory notes listed after E-R Diagram.

  • 26

    Database Schema

    The intended schema for the database component of the solution can be seen

    below. The field type listed here are a generic field type only, and are not

    intended to be an exact representation of the types used by any particular

    backend DBMS. A database schema with DBMS-specific types can be found in

    System Architecture and Design Document. Here you can see the relationship

    type for one table to another table.

    Table: Administration Staff


    Name Type Size

    Admin ID Number 40 Admin Password Text 255

    Admin First Name Text 255

    Admin Last Name Text 255 Admin Email Text 255

    Admin Contact No Number 40 Admin Address Text 255


    Administration Staff -Log in

    Administration Staff Log In

    Admin ID Admin ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-One

    Administration Staff-Test Result

    Administration Staff Test Result

    Admin ID Answers

    Attributes: Not Enforced

    Relationship Type: One-To-Many

  • 27

    Jobs-Administration Staff

    Jobs Administration Staff

    Job ID Admin ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join

    Relationship Type: One-To-One

    Rosters-Administration Staff

    Rosters Administration Staff

    Employee ID Admin ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-One

    Table: Jobs


    Name Type Size

    Job ID Text 255 Admin Email Text 255

    Candidate Email Text 255

    Candidate Password Text 255


    Jobs-Administration Staff

    Jobs Administration Staff

    Job ID Admin ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-One


    Jobs Candidate

    Job ID Candidate Email

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join

    Relationship Type: One-To-Many

  • 28

    Table: Log In


    Name Type Size

    Admin ID Number 40

    Admin Password Text 255

    Employee ID Number 40

    Employee Password Text 255 Candidate Email Text 255

    Candidate Password Text 255


    Administration Staff-Log In

    Administration Staff Log In

    Admin ID Admin ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-One

    Candidate-Log In

    Candidate Log In

    Candidate Email Candidate Email

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Left Join

    Relationship Type: Indeterminate

    Employees-Log In

    Employees Log In

    Employee ID Employee ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Left Join Relationship Type: Indeterminate

  • 29

    Table: Rosters


    Name Type Size

    Employee ID Number 40

    Employee First Name Text 255

    Employee Last Name Text 255

    Employee Email Text 255


    Rosters-Administration Staff

    Rosters Administration Staff

    Employee ID Admin ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-One


    Rosters Employees

    Employee ID Employee ID

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join

    Relationship Type: One-To-Many

  • 30

    Table: Test


    Name Type Size

    Candidate Email Text 255

    Candidate Password Text 255

    Question number Number 400



    Test Candidate

    Candidate Email Candidate Email

    Attributes: Not Enforced, Right Join

    Relationship Type: One-To-Many

    Test-Test Result

    Test Test Result

    Candidate Email Candidate Email

    Attributes: Unique, Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-Many

  • 31

    Table: Test Result


    Name Type Size

    Candidate Email Text 255

    Answers Text 255

    Question Number Number 400

    Admin ID Number 40 Admin Password Text 255


    Administration Staff-Test Result

    Administration Staff Test Result

    Admin ID Answers

    Attributes: Not Enforced

    Relationship Type: One-To-Many

    Test-Test Result

    Test Test Result

    Candidate Email Candidate Email

    Attributes: Unique, Not Enforced, Right Join Relationship Type: One-To-Many

  • 32

    Detailed Requirements

    Hardware (Server Side)

    In order to handle all the application and traffic of the users the system would

    need hardware on the server side. This can handle the traffic and provide the

    service, connected through the website.

    - 8 Core Processor - Memory 16GB - Storage 4TB - Network

    o Routers o Wireless Routers

    Hardware (Internal Office Users)

    - Processor Dual Core - Memory 2GB - Storage 500GB - Network

    o Wireless LAN o LAN Cards

    Software (Internal Office Users)

    - Operating Systems o Windows XP / 7 o MAC OS 10.5 or Above

    - Microsoft SQL Sever - Virtual PC - Microsoft Exchange - Internet Browser (Any Latest)

  • 33

    Functional Requirements


    The website will enable users to search through the massive database of jobs

    listed. There will be different users connected into the different areas of the

    website e.g. staff, users outside the organization etc

    The website will allow applicators to:

    - Login to website - Upload / Modify Resume - Search Job Ads - Apply for jobs - Give Online test - Get the test results

    The website will allow employers to:

    - Login to website - Download, uploaded resumes - Post Job Ads - Generate Question Exams - Get exam results

  • 34

    Functional Requirements Properties:

    Recognizing the broad range of interests of potential users of websites including

    Victorian Workforce information about job, the following objectives should be

    considered in the design of website that include information about the jobs.

    - The website should allow users to easy access to information about

    the jobs listed.

    - The website should integrate data that already have been collected.

    - The website should provide direct links to other sources of

    information, including independent databases.

    - The website should be designed to minimize the amount of time

    require for the management for updating and operating the system.

  • 35

    Website Operating System

    The primary function of a website should be allowed to users to easily search for

    jobs that are available on the website of Victorian Workforce.

    The Secondary function of a website should be allowing users to add or update

    the records in the database. This function is important for Victorian Workforce

    because the jobs continue to grow as the time passes and become the latests.

    Some jobs can become removed from the website because they taken or for

    other reasons.

    Other functions that could increase the utility of a website:

    - Automatic Email notification of registered users when new jobs are

    added to the website

    - Monitoring the use of the system for administrative purposes

    - Automatic warning to data providers by email when jobs listing

    expires or when status updates are needed

    - Automatic expiration of out-of-date jobs listings

  • 36

    Non-Functional Requirements


    Availability indicates when a system is operational as well as how reliable it is

    during operational periods. All users will have 24 hours access to the website

    including documents, applications, and information.


    Documents required by Australian Work Force (Resume, Experience, knowledge

    adapted in previous job/jobs) could be posted on the website.

    Documents for jobs available will be posted for users to fill out required


    Documents available for all users to view are the Software Project Management

    Plan, Tender Bid for online recruitment Systems, and the Project presentation.

    Users must fill in the required personal details set by the Victorian work Force

    1- Address details

    2- Contact details

    3-Previouse Employee details

  • 37

    Reliability Requirements

    Database System (Server)

    Online Test System (Server and website)

    Upload Roasters online (Server and website)

    Available Jobs (Server and website)

    Server is delivered to their clients throughout three specialized divisions to

    ensure end-to-end service delivery.

    User Interface and Human Factors Requirements

    - User login - Client login - Candidate login

    All users will have access to the website (Clients, Users, and Candidates)

    Each individual will have their own username and password to login into the


    Full training will be available from Victorian Work Force accepted clients.

    The website is user friendly; making sure its very easy to access as the system is

    regularly maintained by the webmaster to make sure clients are satisfied. Fonts,

    Color Schemes, Logos, Menu display, Contact us Display following simple website


  • 38

    Performance Requirements

    The system should be error free as reliability is necessary for more than 500

    employees and clients throughout Australia. The system will be functional at all

    times. Maintaining the website is done regularly and changes made if needed

    accordingly to the server needs.

    The system has the latest softwares and hardwares to function well through

    heavy workload that should causes no errors from the servers side.

    Hardware and Software Considerations

    Server side

    - Processors (8 core CPU) - Memory (16 GB) - Storage (4TB) - Network Routers and Wireless routers.

    Client side

    - Microsoft operating systems (Windows XP/Vista/7) - Microsoft SQL server - Virtual Pc - Processors (Dual core) - Memory (2 GB) - Storage (500gb) - Network (W-LAN, LAN cards)

  • 39

    Quality Issues

    Requirements for reliability are to keep the softwares and hardwares

    maintained and upgraded regularly.

    Maximum acceptable time for restarting the system after a failure is 30 minutes.

    Acceptable system downtime per 24-hour period is 15minutes.

    System Modifications

    Parts of the system are likely candidates for later modifications are servers,

    database systems, Storage capacity, and operating systems.

    Physical Environment

    The website will operate for 65 offices across Australia and 850 employees

    The main location will be in Melbourne Victoria and there will be no issues for

    system to be relocated.

    No Environmental conditions in any way would be a threat such as out of the

    ordinary situation for example, unusual temperatures, vibration, magnetic fields.

  • 40

    Security Issues and requirements

    Security requirements are configured as the conduct and user accessibility.

    Security access is limited to certain users. The software is authorized and

    accessed only by the project developers in local area network. To ensure there is

    a security in active at all time in regard to network communication and data

    storage, the system require the control of the database server access through the

    use of a username and password.

    Physical Security

    Lock card reader access

    Safety guards

    Virtual line up based Firewall

    Resources and Management Issues

    The website will managed by the website developer and web master Yasser

    Alloqman and will be responsible for system installation and information

    backup. The system maintenance will be monitored by the group leader Ishpreet

    Singh and maintained by Yasser Alloqman.

    The System will be backed up every 72 hours to ensure data and information


  • 41

    System Platform and Interface

    The website should be accessible to anyone who can log onto the World Wide

    Web using a standard browser that is latest or old version which can support

    Flash and JavaScript. The inventory of the website would be maintained in the

    database such as SQL.

    Websites layout and design

    Layout and designs are explained below in GUI part.

    Functional Requirements Template

    This template is how all the functional requirements should be documented. A

    table will be used for the inputs, outputs, processing and table will be given

    which will show if the task is mandatory or not.

    Inputs: Which inputs from what source the input will be derived e.g. domains, format.

    Processing: Describes the outcome including any validity checks on the data. Exact overview of the operation and how it will be handled

    Outputs: The form, shape, destination and volume of the output, process by which the output is stored or destroyed; processes of handling errors and what the exact output will be for the user

    Mandatory: Yes/No/Future

  • 42

    List of functional requirements

    Functional requirement 1: Visitor

    Every user has a different user name and password also depending on what user

    is it. Whether its employee, employer or a visitor.

    A visitor will have access to the main front page but wont be able to apply for

    the jobs, until unless they sign up. For signing up in the database they would

    need to provide some information and their user name and password will be

    sent to their provided email.

    Visitor Signup

    Inputs: Visitor: Full name, DOB, Address, Phone Number, Other information. Resume

    Processing: 1. Connect to the server 2. Stores data into the server 3. Contact back to the applicator 4. Send email notification for username and password

    Outputs: 1. Give a loading screen 2. Welcome screen 3. Personalized page

    Mandatory: Yes

  • 43

    Functional requirement 2: User

    Users can access their personalized page with a username and password, which

    was provided while signing up in the database. Users can perform tasks like look

    for jobs; apply for jobs give an online test.

    Inputs: Job applicator: enters username and password

    Processing: 1. Connect to the server 2. Request information 3. Contact back to the applicator

    Outputs: 1. Give a loading screen 2. Welcome screen 3. Personalized page

    Search Jobs Apply Jobs Online test Exam Results

    Mandatory: Yes

    Functional requirement 3: Applicator Search jobs / Results

    Applicators can also look for the jobs, which are currently being offered by the

    employers. And this function will provide the applicator about the current

    available jobs

    Inputs: Applicator: Keyword Job title, job type

    Processing: Look in the database for available jobs

    Outputs: Advice user for available jobs

    Mandatory: Yes

  • 44

    Functional requirement 4: Apply for job

    Applicators can apply for the jobs after logging in the system. To apply the job

    users need to log in.

    Inputs: Applicator: Apply button

    Processing: Find out the questionnaire for the jobs has been entered

    Outputs: Advice user to go to the test page before applying for the job

    Mandatory: Yes

    Functional requirement 5: Online test

    Online test is the requirement for the employer and easy for them to refine the


    Inputs: Applicator: Give online test. Click answers and enters in the text field

    Processing: Send answers to the specific employer and calculate answers to the applicator

    Outputs: Exam results page will be redirected

    Mandatory: Yes

  • 45

    Functional requirement 6: Exam Result

    Exam result is calculated on the answers given by the users. After the applicator

    finish the test the result will be provided to them with Rights and Wrong number

    of questions.

    Inputs: Applicator: will click on exam result button

    Processing: Get calculated result page

    Outputs: Calculated result page will be shown to the applicator to see the answers for the exam

    Mandatory: No

  • 46

    Functional requirement 7: Employer

    The employer would have different format of username and password and

    different personalized page and those different usernames will be connected to

    the separate databases, the employer will have access to the Jobs page, which

    they can post for the applicators. Resume search page for finding the resumes

    which are uploaded by the applicator and get the exam result or test result to

    make a better decision.

    Inputs: Employer: Enters username and password

    Processing: 1. Connect to the server 2. Request information 3. Contact back to the employer

    Outputs: 1. Give a loading screen

    2. Welcome screen 3. Personalized page

    Post Job ads Search resume Exam

    Mandatory: Yes

  • 47

    Functional requirement 8: Post Job Ads

    Employer can post jobs, post questionnaires and ask for resume from the users,

    to upload. This function will also post jobs to the websites front page so the

    applicators and visitors can have an idea about whats available currently.

    Inputs: Employer: Post new jobs currently available, Post questionnaire, and ask for resume if necessary

    Processing: Upload new jobs on the database and show on the website

    Outputs: Make jobs available to the applicators and users. Also will be shown on the websites latest job ads tag

    Mandatory: Yes

  • 48

    Functional requirement 9: Search resumes

    Search resume is only available to the employers and can be refined with the

    jobs. Employers can search and download the latest and older resumes on their


    Inputs: Employer: Clicks on latest resume button to get the resumes uploaded by the users

    Processing: Get latest uploaded resume and the details of the users

    Outputs: Download latest resume on the employers computer and sort them by information and date

    Mandatory: Future

    Functional requirement 10: Provide Exam results

    Exam result is provided with number of right and wrong questions. Exam result

    is helpful for the employer to make a decision.

    Inputs: Employer: Clicks on latest test given button

    Processing: Get latest tests which are given by the users

    Outputs: Show results by high-to-low or low-to-high counted answers given by the users to refine the search and make easy for the employer to take the decision.

    Mandatory: Yes

  • 49

    GUI Interface

    GUI interface designers are allowed to make things as simple as possible while

    remaining intuitive


    As people of all types will be surfing this website for their jobs at with operating

    systems. This user interface will be compatible with number of operating

    systems, so that everyone can access this website easily.

  • 50

    Template Interface

    Home Page:

    Areas / Fields

    IT Mining Jobs Advertisements

    Pictures related to the jobs

    Navigation Bar




    Contact Us, Copyright, ETC

    Logo TITLE

  • 51


    At the bottom of the page, there will be copyright declaration of the company,

    showing rights to reserve information of the agency. It will be presented on each

    page of the website.

    Agency Logo

    Agency logo will be displayed on the top left corner of every pages of the

    website. As copyright it will be also present on each page of the website, with the

    agency name next to it

    Search Box

    There will be four types of search boxes on the left hand side navigation of the page. It will contain the following options

    - Sector search - Keyword search - Type of job - Job location - Advanced job search

    Contact Information

    Contact information will be available onevery pages footer with copyrights. This

    will be part of the page graphics and contain the phone number and address etc.


    Navigation will be provided for main pages, and when a certain category is selected, it will be expanded.

  • 52

    Job Page 1

    IT Jobs list

    Navigation Bar





    Logo TITLE

    Select Other Areas for More Jobs

    Contact Us, Copyright, ETC

  • 53

    (Note: Illustration is only a rough outline)

    Job page

    This will show the main selected field of the job, with detailed information.

    Underneath that also same detail information will show the other area option,

    which will take back to the many other job fields and the search page again.

    Rest all of the page contents will be same like title, logo, contact us, copyright.

  • 54

    New Candidates Sign Up and Login

    Fill Form


    Full Name:

    Last Name:


    Phone Number:

    Navigation Bar




    Logo TITLE


    Contact Us, Copyright, ETC

  • 55

    (Note: Illustration is only a rough outline)

    The sign up and login Window for candidate.

    1. Information and Instructions

    2. Login/Password

    3. Online computer test for candidates

  • 56

    Employee Sign Up and Login

    Employee Personal Information

    Employee ID:

    First Name:

    Last Name:


    Contact Number:



    Logo TITLE

    Search Jobs

    Contact Us, Copyright, ETC



    Apply Jobs

    Give Online Test

    Exam Results Upload Resume

  • 57

    Contact Us, Copyright, ETC

    Employers Page

    Employers Personal Information

    Employers ID:

    First Name:

    Last Name:


    Contact Number:





    Logo TITLE

    Post Jobs Search Resume

    Questionnaire Exam Results Job Ads

  • 58

    Software Interfaces

    The following Software Interfaces are required by the system:

    Web Browser

    Interprets the HTML and enables the web pages to be displayed on the end-

    users computer system.


    Hyper text markup language, it is used to surf on web, so to find the website



    It is database management systems that will be used to the principal

    communications protocols required for the correct operation of this system

    include the following:


    This is to facilitate communication between client web-browser and the server,

    and also for communication with other servers. IP protocol is part of the Internet

    layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It is one of the most important.

  • 59


    For updating data contents on the website.


    For sending emails SMTP will be used, as handling the sending of emails from an

    email client to an email server (Mail Transfer Agents) for delivery to the

    intended recipient.


    For transfer of generated HTML data and HTML get/post requests across the

    TCP/IP connection. HTTP is also used as a generic protocol for communication

    between user agents and proxies/gateways to other Internet systems

  • 60

    Site Map

    Site Map

    Home Page Current Employees

    Employers Sign-Up About Us Contact US

    Advance Search

    Search Jobs

    Apply Jobs

    Online Test

    Exam Results


    Post Jobs




    Job Ads

    Contact Details

    About the


    Sign Up


  • Client Acceptance Criteria I accept that all documentation presented to me has been explained in a

    satisfactory way. I acknowledge that the solution as as described to be by this

    document (and with my additional explanation as required by the team)

    achieves the goals I had explained in my original project request. I further

    acknowledge the team has conducted themselves in a professional manner at all

    times. I hereby accept that the solution as presented by them.

    Client Sign Off

    Client Name: _________________________________

    Date: __________________________________

    Signature: _________________________________

    Team acceptance criteria We as a team accept that the solution has been completed to our best ability. We

    accept that the final solution contains all relevant documentation and meets the

    clients requirements outlined in this document.

    Team Sign Off

    Ameet Kumar: _________________________________

    Harishkumar Patel: _________________________________

    Arash Sadeghieh: _________________________________

    Yaseer Alloqman: _________________________________

    Ishtpreet singh: _________________________________