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Financial Accounting Advisory Services The Indian Companies Act May 2013

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Financial Accounting Advisory Services The Indian Companies Act May 2013

Page 2 The Indian Companies Act


About EY 3

The Indian Companies Act 5

Indian Companies Bill 2012 8

Appendix 14

Contacts 15

This document is only for circulation to the EY network outside India.

Page 3 The Indian Companies Act

About EY

Page 4 The Indian Companies Act

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Page 5 The Indian Companies Act

The Indian Companies Act Key changes

Page 6 The Indian Companies Act

Introduction and key changes

The Companies Bill 2012 (The Bill) will replace the Companies Act 1956 that is currently in force in India. The Bill will have a significant impact on listed entities and unlisted Companies with subsidiaries.

Indian Companies Bill 2012 ► Proposed changes will affect financial accounting, corporate governance and audit. ► They will have far-reaching consequences that should be evaluated by affected

companies now. Fixed assets accounting ► The Bill has proposed useful lives (prescribed in Schedule II) as the basis for

calculating depreciation, instead of the straight-line method and written-down value rates currently followed.

► Component accounting will be made mandatory – useful life of significant part to be determined separately.

► Fixed assets register to be maintained, but to comply with all the new requirements.

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Key changes

Consolidated financial statements (CFS) ► Preparation of CFS mandatory for all companies with subsidiaries, including unlisted

companies ► CFS to be prepared in the same form and manner as stand-alone financial statements,

and include all applicable notes and disclosures ► Intermediate unlisted parent not exempt from preparing CFS Internal control over financial reporting ► The Bill requires a company’s CEO or CFO to certify internal control over financial

reporting Mergers, amalgamation and reconstruction ► The Bill prohibits investment through more than two layers of investment company ► Treasury shares: the Bill prohibits companies from holding shares in the trust or

otherwise ► Accounting treatment of schemes, in respect of all companies (including unlisted), to be

in compliance with the notified accounting standards

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Indian Companies Bill 2012 How we can help

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Indian Companies Bill diagnostic


► Identify impact of the bill on various workstreams

How we help

► Understand current status in each critical workstream

► Compare the current status with the Bill’s requirements

► Identify gaps and suggest remedial actions

How it will benefit you

► Structured process to identify changes needed in the workstream to comply with the Bill

► Provide sufficient time for management to plan and implement remedial action

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Fixed asset assistance


► Significant changes in depreciation requirements under the Bill – component accounting, depreciation as per useful life and Revised Schedule II depreciation rates

► Companies need to reconfigure fixed asset records

How we can help

► Understand current fixed asset records and accounting policy

► Benchmark the policies and identify changes needed in fixed asset accounting

► Suggest remedial actions required in fixed asset records

► Help management to carry out update of fixed asset records

► Provide Microsoft (MS) Access and MS Excel tools for better compilation of fixed asset records

How it will benefit you

► Free up finance team by dealing with updating of voluminous data

► MS Access and MS Excel tools are cost-effective solutions to manage fixed asset register better (for non-ERP environment)

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Consolidation assistance


► The bill mandates preparation of consolidated financial statements for all companies, including unlisted companies

► Consolidation is mandatory, even for intermediate holding companies

How we can help

► Assist management to prepare consolidated financial statements in accordance with Indian GAAP

► Assist management to deploy consolidation tools such as Hyperion, SAP Business Planning and Consolidation module

► Provide timely advice on various consolidation issues

► Assist to develop the consolidation system, using MS Access and MS Excel solutions

► Customized training for finance staff

How it will benefit you

► Specialist assistance to the finance team, so they spend less time on consolidation

► Specialist advice on various consolidation-related issues.

► Development and update of systems and processes

► Knowledge transfer – updating skill set of finance team in preparation for ongoing consolidation

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Internal control over financial reporting assistance


► The bill requires CEO or CFO to certify that internal financial controls are adequate and functioning appropriately

How we can help

Help management to strengthen internal financial controls: ► SOX-type framework ► Accounting manual ► Consolidation manual ► Financial statement close

process ► Update or development of chart

of accounts ► Training of finance team ► Help to document technical

accounting position papers, estimates and judgments

► Desk-top review of financial statement to identify disclosure gaps

How it will benefit you

► Strengthen your internal controls over financial reporting

► Expert assistance in dealing with complex accounting matters

► Focused training to help ensure update on all key accounting and reporting related requirements

► Management assistance to help ensure appropriate disclosures in financial statements, in accordance with Indian accounting standards and industry peers

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Mergers, amalgamation and reconstruction


► Appropriate accounting in cases of mergers, amalgamations and reconstructions, that is in compliance with relevant GAAP

How we can help

► Transaction support: ► Assess accounting

implications before the deal and identify accounting policy differences involving multiple GAAP

► Assistance for purchase price allocation, reverse GAAP conversions, preparation of opening balance sheet, evaluation of impact on EBITDA and equity

► Harmonization of target accounting policies and systems

► On-call assistance for complex accounting issues

How it will benefit you

► Structured process to identify accounting implications based on relevant GAAP

► Specialist assistance to help the finance team to harmonize accounting policies and procedures

► Specialist advice on complex accounting issues

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Financial Accounting Advisory Services contact

R. Balachander Markets Leader – India + 91 124 464 4080 [email protected]

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EMEIA Marketing Agency 1000307 ED None This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.