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Financial and Residential Activity Collection Manual (FRAC) Statistical Services Branch 2018 - 2019 Version 1.0

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Financial and Residential Activity Collection Manual (FRAC) Statistical Services Branch 2018 - 2019 Version 1.0

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Financial and Residential Activity Collection Manual (FRAC) – Statistical Services Branch 2

Financial and Residential Activity Collection Manual Publication name Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), October 2019

This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit © State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2019 You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the State of Queensland (Queensland Health). For more information contact: Statistical Services and Integration Unit, Statistical Services Branch, Department of Health, GPO Box 48, Brisbane QLD 4001, email [email protected], phone 07 3708 5679. An electronic version of this document is available at Disclaimer: The content presented in this publication is distributed by the Queensland Government as an information source only. The State of Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained in this publication. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information.

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Financial and Residential Activity Collection Manual (FRAC) – Statistical Services Branch 3

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Overview................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Data Collection Approach ...................................................................................... 5

1.3.1 Expenditure, product stream and staffing data – HPSP role ....................................... 5 Data Validation .............................................................................................................................. 8 Due Date ........................................................................................................................................ 9

1.3.2 Revenue, Specialised Services, Teaching and Accreditation Status data – SSB role 9 Completing FRAC forms ................................................................................................................ 9

Revenue Reporting (FR3) ................................................................................................................ 9 Specialised Services (FR7) ........................................................................................................... 10 Teaching Status (FR10) ................................................................................................................. 10 Accreditation Status (FR11) ........................................................................................................... 10

Data validation ............................................................................................................................. 11 NIL activity report ......................................................................................................................... 11 Resubmission of FRAC data ....................................................................................................... 11 Due Date ...................................................................................................................................... 11

2. Further information ..............................................................................................11 2.1 New/ amended GL codes .................................................................................... 11 2.2 Account Hierarchy ............................................................................................... 11 2.3 FRAC Contacts .................................................................................................... 12

Abbreviations ...............................................................................................................13

Appendix 1 – Data Item Definitions ..............................................................................14

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Financial and Residential Activity Collection Manual (FRAC) – Statistical Services Branch 4

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview The Financial and Residential Activity Collection (FRAC) is an annual collection of recurrent expenditure, revenue, staffing and other hospital related data reported by the three hierarchical levels of the public health system being declared public hospitals (acute and psychiatric), Hospital and Health Services1 (HHSs) and the jurisdiction (the State).

FRAC reporting is mandatory and is prescribed in Schedule 4 of the HHS Service Agreements.

FRAC data is used as a source of information for:

• Local Hospital Networks/Public hospital establishments NMDS 2018–19 (PHE-NMDS) • Queensland Health Block Funded Hospitals Funding Model • Australian Hospital Statistics publication • Report on Government Services • Australian Government’s My Hospitals and • Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) Expenditure reported to FRAC should align to the annual expenditure data reported as part of the annual National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC).

The NHCDC is the collection of public hospital cost data from a range of public hospital facilities nationally. The objective of the NHCDC is to provide all governments with a robust dataset, developed using nationally consistent methods of costing hospital activity. The dataset is used for benchmarking, funding and planning hospital services and is the primary dataset used to develop the National Efficient Price and produce weights for the funding of public hospital services on an activity basis.

Queensland Health, in keeping with the Addendum to the National Health Reform Agreement, is required to attest as to the completeness and quality of NHCDC data submitted by providing a Statement of Assurance.

Specifically, this statement includes:

• steps taken to promote completeness and accuracy of activity data

• efforts applied to ensure the classification of activity was in accordance with the current year’s standards, data plans and determinations

• variations in activity volumes and movements between activity-based funding and block funding, and

• as determined by the signing officer, other information deemed useful and relevant. In preparation for these submissions it is critical that clinical costing data is finalised, complete and available to Healthcare Purchasing and System Performance (HPSP) by the requested date.

1 Referred to as Local Hospital Network (LHN) nationally.

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1.2 Scope The scope of reporting to FRAC includes components relative to the three hierarchical levels of the public hospital system:

• public acute and psychiatric hospitals (PHE component)

• HHS2 (excluding public acute and psychiatric hospitals) (HHS component)

- HHS reporting is the ‘gap amounts’ ie total HHS minus all of the declared public hospitals in the HHS and includes the non-hospital facilities of the HHS.

• jurisdiction (public hospital services managed by the State eg Surgery Connect, Community Services Funding Branch)

1.3 Data Collection Approach FRAC is managed overall by the Statistical Services Branch (SSB) with the data collection approach being that HPSP prepare, distribute and validate the expenditure, product stream and HR data and SSB receive and validate revenue, specialised services, teaching and accreditation status data.

SSB provides Queensland Health’s data submission to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

1.3.1 Expenditure, product stream and staffing data – HPSP role

Refer to Appendix 1 for definitions of data items.

On behalf of hospitals and HHSs, HPSP will:

1. prepare expenditure and product stream data using a standard methodology to allocate costs at the hospital level where completed clinical costing data is available to HPSP

2. export staffing information (total ‘QH FTE’) from the available Decision Support System (DSS) report, and then

3. distribute expenditure, product stream and staffing data to HHSs in a MS Excel template by 15 November 2019.

4. HHSs must review, amend (as required) and send their final ‘approved’ expenditure, product stream and staffing data to HPSP by 14 December 2019.

Completion Notes

2 Includes non-hospital facilities eg community health centres, primary health care centres, nursing homes, aged care and other residential care type facilities and Multi Purpose Health Services (MPHSs)


These timeframes are contingent on the availability of 2018-19 clinical costing data. HHSs were to have submitted their preliminary 2018-19 costing data to HPSP by 27 September 2019 as advised in memorandum (C-ECTF-19/8052 12/8/2019), 2018-19 FRAC and NHCDC Processes, Due Dates and Statement of Assurance from HPSP.

Where finalised clinical costing data is not available, it will be the responsibility of the HHS to compile the required information.

FRAC forms FR1 and FR2 are not required to be completed. The process below undertaken by HPSP replaces the requirement for the submission of these forms through MAC Online to SSB.

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• Recurrent expenditure is to be reported and must be in whole $. No decimals permitted.

• The total recurrent expenditure (eg Superannuation, Repairs and maintenance, Supplies – drug etc) should equal the total recurrent expenditure by product stream.

• Total expenditure for the PHE component and the HHS component must equal the total recurrent expenditure for the entire HHS for the financial year in the general ledger.

• Recurrent expenditure reported to the FRAC is as per the general ledger ie 5 series account codes apply

Product streams3

• The total recurrent expenditure by product stream should equal the total recurrent expenditure (eg Superannuation, Repairs and maintenance, Supplies – drug etc).

• Recurrent expenditure for private hospital contract care should be reported under relevant product stream categories.

Mapping Guide

NHRA product stream Identified by facility type4 Other identification

Direct Teaching, Training and Research

NHCDC_ITEM of Research and Teaching

Commonwealth Funded Aged Care

Public Residential Aged Care Service Facility, Flexible Residential Care Service (Multi Purpose Health Service) and Public Young Disabled Residential Care Service Facility

Other Aged Care Private Residential Aged Care Service Facility

3 Red text indicates change from previous year 4 Facility type source: Queensland Health’s Corporate Reference Data Set (CRDS)

Administrative expenses - insurance

Estimated data indicator

Administrative expenses - other

Estimated data indicator

Depreciation - building

Estimated data indicator

Depreciation - other

Estimated data indicator

Domestic services

Estimated data indicator

Interest payments

Estimated data indicator

Lease costs

Estimated data indicator

Patient transport costs

Estimated data indicator

Repairs and maintenance

Estimated data indicator

Superannuation employer contribution

Estimated data indicator

Other on-costs

Estimated data indicator

Supplies - drug

Estimated data indicator

Supplies - food

Estimated data indicator

Supplies - medical and surgical

Estimated data indicator

Visiting medical off icer payments

Estimated data indicator

Not elsew here recorded

Estimated data indicator

Non-salary recurrent expenditure

Admitted acute care(excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted subacute and non-acute care(excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted mental health care (in-scope for the NHRA)

Emergency care services (in-scope for the NHRA)

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Direct teaching, training and research

Commonw ealth funded aged care

Other aged care

Admitted acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted mental health care (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Emergency care services (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA) Depreciation

Other (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Total recurrent expenditure by NHRA product stream

Admitted acute care(excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted subacute and non-acute care(excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted mental health care (in-scope for the NHRA)

Emergency care services (in-scope for the NHRA)

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

Direct teaching, training and research

Commonw ealth funded aged care

Other aged care

Admitted acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Admitted mental health care (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Emergency care services (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA) Depreciation

Other (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

Recurrent expenditure on contracted care by NHRA product stream

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NHRA product stream Identified by facility type4 Other identification

Non-Admitted care (in scope for NHRA) - MH Facility-Adult

Public Community Mental Health Facility and Public Psychiatric Hospital Facility

Non-Admitted Care (out of scope for NHRA) - MH Facility-Child

Public Community Child & Youth Mental Health Facility

Admitted Mental Health Care Care Type of 12 Mental Health

Non-Admitted Care (out of scope for NHRA)

General Practice and Primary Care (20.06), Commonwealth funded Aged Care Assessment (40.02), Family Planning (40.27), General Counselling (40.33) and Primary Health Care (40.08)

Admitted Acute Care INOUT CODE of "I" and Care Type of 01 Acute and 05 Newborn

Admitted Subacute Care INOUT CODE of "I" and Care Type of 09 Geriatric Evaluation and Maintenance, 10 Psychogeriatric, 11 Maintenance, 20 Rehabilitation and 30 Palliative Care

Other Admitted Care INOUT CODE of "I" and Care Type of 06 Other Care, 07 Organ Procurement and 08 Boarder

Emergency Care Services INOUT CODE of "O" and Encounter Type of ED and Emergency

Non-Admitted care (in scope for NHRA)

INOUT CODE of "O" and Encounter Type of OP, MH, VP and Outpatients

Other (out of scope for NHRA) that cannot be classified as above including Inpatient without Care Type and Virtual Patient without

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NHRA product stream Identified by facility type4 Other identification

Encounter Type or Care Type

Staffing FTE

Completion Notes • Total FTE for the PHE component and the HHS component must equal the total FTE for the

entire HHS for the financial year.

• Total FTE can be reported up to 4 decimal places.

Staffing Salary and Wages

Completion Notes • Recurrent expenditure for salary and wages is to be reported and must be in whole $. No

decimals permitted.

• Please refer to the ‘FR1 FR2 Work Board’ in DSS if required.

Data Validation Following receipt of the final ‘approved’ expenditure, product stream and staffing data, HPSP will validate this submitted data and liaise with HHSs to address any data anomalies.

Specialist salaried medical off icers

Other salaried medical off icers

Registered nurses

Enrolled nurses

Student nurses

Trainee nurses/ pupil nurses

Total nurses

Other personal care staff

Diagnostic & health professionals

Administrative & clerical

Domestic & other Total staff

Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff

Specialist salaried medical off icers

Estimated data indicator

Other salaried medical off icers

Estimated data indicator

Registered nurses

Estimated data indicator

Enrolled nurses

Estimated data indicator

Student nurses

Estimated data indicator

Trainee/pupil nurses

Estimated data indicator

Total nurses

Estimated data indicator

Other personal care staff

Estimated data indicator

Diagnostic & health professionals

Estimated data indicator

Administrative & clerical

Estimated data indicator

Domestic & other

Estimated data indicator

Total staff

Estimated data indicator

Salary and wage recurrent expenditure

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Due Date Final ‘approved’ expenditure, product stream and staffing data must be submitted to HPSP by 14 December 2019.

1.3.2 Revenue, Specialised Services, Teaching and Accreditation Status data – SSB role

Revenue, Specialised Services, Teaching Status and Accreditation Status data are to be supplied by populating FRAC form templates, then uploading through the MAC Online application to the SSB.

Refer to Appendix 1 for definitions of data items.

The FRAC form types required to be completed by reporting entity are:

Type of Data Reporting Entity FRAC Form Name

Revenue Hospital MTHACFR3


State HHSFR3

Specialised Services Hospital MTHACFR7

Teaching Status Hospital MTHACFR10

Accreditation Status Hospital MTHACFR11

The MAC Online User Manual provides information on using this application.

Note: FRAC templates must not be altered in any way. Modified templates will not upload to MAC Online, preventing data submission.

Completing FRAC forms

Revenue Reporting (FR3)

FRAC Template

Facility Level MTHACFR3

HHS and State Level HHSFR3

Completion Notes • Revenue is to be reported and must be in whole $. No decimals permitted.

• Revenue figures should be reported as per the general ledger.

• Data is to be sourced from the FR3 Revenue Report in DSS.

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• Total revenue for the PHE component and the HHS component must equal the total revenue for the entire HHS for the financial year in the general ledger.

• Revenue reported to the FRAC is as per the general ledger ie 4 series account codes apply.

Specialised Services (FR7)

FRAC Template

Facility Level MTHACFR7

Completion Notes • The Specialised Services provided by the public hospital are to be reported on this form.

• An indicator of either 1=yes or 2=no is to be reported against each specialised service category.

• The national definitions for Specialised Services from the AIHW are provided in Appendix 1 and used in conjunction with the HHS’s latest Clinical Services Capability Framework (CSCF) self-assessment data.

Teaching Status (FR10)

FRAC Template

Facility Level MTHACFR10

Completion Notes • The Teaching Status of the public hospital is to be reported on this form.

• An indicator of either 1=yes or 2=no is required to confirm the status.

• The AIHW’s definition of Teaching Status is provided in Appendix 1.

Accreditation Status (FR11)

FRAC Template

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Facility Level MTHACFR11

Completion Notes • The Accreditation/ Certification Status of the public hospital is to be reported on this form.

• An indicator of either 1=yes or 2=no is required to confirm the status.

• The AIHW’s definition of Accreditation is provided in Appendix 1.

Data validation Data entered into a FRAC form is validated at source before the form can be submitted for HHS CE approval. Validation exceptions are raised when the reported activity for the reference year is compared to the previous year and fails predetermined acceptance criteria (e.g. variance percentage is high, same value both periods, null values etc).

Reporting entities must respond to validation exceptions with relevant and meaningful comments that detail the reason/s for the validation exception. Comments provided are retained within SSB’s databases and are utilised to respond to queries raised from within the Department of Health as well as the Commonwealth Government. Therefore, it is important that the comments provided clearly state the reasons for the variations. Reporting entities will be contacted by SSB seeking comments on data anomalies that appear where adequate comments are not provided.

In addition to validations applied by the MAC Online application, the SSB will also undertake further manual data quality checks to ensure the quality of the data and where necessary contact HHSs for explanation or amendment to data.

NIL activity report If there is no information to report on a FRAC form, a nil return is required to be submitted in MAC Online. When uploading a nil statement, please ensure the financial year, facility name and facility id fields are completed. Alternatively, you can click the Nil Data button on the ‘Data Entry’ screen to submit a nil statement.

Resubmission of FRAC data Resubmission of data requires that the previously submitted form be ‘unlocked’ and uploaded again. Do not amend figures directly into the form in Mac Online using the edit function.

Due Date HHSs are requested to have FRAC forms in the ‘approved’ status by 30 November 2019.

2. Further information

2.1 New/ amended GL codes General ledger account codes created during 2018-19 have been mapped to new and existing categories in the ‘QH_FRAS’ cost element group to support the DSS FRAC reports. Should a copy of QH_FRAS be required please send a request to FRASMAIL.

2.2 Account Hierarchy ‘QH_NEWFRAS’ is a cost element group hierarchy specifically used to support AIHW reporting requirements. If required, each year the Financial Accounting Team provide advice as to the correct

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mapping for any expenditure and revenue account codes (as per the Queensland Health Chart of Accounts).

This account hierarchy in FAMMIS is incorporated in DSS within the ‘Finance Dollars’ folder for expenditure and revenue reporting.

The Department of Health job codes have been mapped to AIHW staffing categories in the ‘HR Payroll’ folder to assist with FTE and salaries & wages reporting. There are no new job codes for this reporting year.

2.3 FRAC Contacts

FRAC Contacts

Healthcare Purchasing and Funding Branch

Colin McCrow Manager Activity Costing (HFCU) phone: 07 3708 5894 email: [email protected]

Statistical Services Branch Joanne Georgiou


Statistical Collections and Integration

phone: 07 3708 5661 email: [email protected]

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Abbreviations Abbreviation Description

ABF Activity Based Funding

AIHW Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

CSCF Clinical Services Capability Framework

DSS Decision Support System

FRAC Financial and Residential Activity Collection

FTE Full-time Equivalent

HHS Hospital & Health Service

IHPA Independent Hospital Pricing Authority

MAC Monthly Activity Collection

MPHS Multi Purpose Health Service

NEC National Efficient Cost

NEP National Efficient Price


Local Hospital Networks / Public Health Establishments National Minimum Data Set

SSB Statistical Services Branch

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Appendix 1 – Data Item Definitions Data item Valid values / Notes

Full time equivalent (FTE) staff and Salaries and Wages Expenditure

Specialist salaried medical officers

Specialist medical officers employed by the establishment on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical officers engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis.

This metadata item includes specialist salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent).

Other salaried medical officers Non-specialist medical officers employed by the establishment on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical offices engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis. This category includes non-specialist salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent).

Registered nurses Registered nurses include persons with at least a three year training certificate and nurses holding post graduate qualifications. Registered nurses must be registered with the national registration board. This is a comprehensive category and includes community mental health, general nurse, intellectual disability nurse, midwife (including pupil midwife), psychiatric nurse, senior nurse, charge nurse (now unit manager), supervisory nurse and nurse educator. This category also includes nurses engaged in administrative duties no matter what the extent of their engagement, for example, directors of nursing and assistant directors of nursing.

Enrolled nurses Enrolled nurses are registered with the national registration board to practise in this capacity. Includes general enrolled nurse and specialist enrolled nurse (e.g. mothercraft nurses).

Student nurses Student nurses are persons employed by the establishment currently studying in years one to three of a three year certificate course. This includes any person commencing or undertaking a three year course of training leading to registration as a nurse by the national registration board. This includes full-time general student nurse and specialist student nurse, such as mental deficiency nurse, but excludes practising nurses enrolled in post basic training courses.

Trainee nurses/ pupil nurses Trainee/pupil nurse includes any person commencing or undertaking a 1-year course of training leading to registration as an enrolled nurse on the national registration board (includes all trainee nurses).

Other personal care staff This category includes attendants, assistants or home assistance, home companions, family aides, ward helpers, warders, orderlies, ward assistants and nursing assistants engaged primarily in the provision of personal care to patients or residents, who are not formally qualified or undergoing training in nursing or allied health professions.

Diagnostic & allied health professionals

Diagnostic and allied health professionals are qualified staff (other than qualified medical and nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature (but also including diagnostic and allied health professionals whose duties are primarily or partly of an administrative nature). This category includes all allied allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff).

Administrative & clerical Administrative and clerical staff are staff engaged in administrative and clerical duties. Medical staff and nursing staff, diagnostic and allied health professionals and any domestic staff primarily or partly engaged in administrative and clerical duties are excluded. Civil engineers and computing staff are included in this category.

Domestic & other Domestic staff are staff engaged in the provision of food and cleaning services including domestic staff primarily engaged in administrative duties such as food services manager. Dieticians are excluded. This category also includes all staff not elsewhere included (primarily maintenance staff, trades people and gardening staff).

Estimated data indicator An indicator of whether data reported has been estimated rather than directly sourced, as represented by a code. 1=yes 2=no

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Non-salary recurrent expenditure

Administrative expenses - insurance

The expenditure incurred by establishments for the purposes of insurance (excluding workers' compensation premiums and medical indemnity).

Administrative expenses - other The expenditure incurred by establishments of a management expenses/administrative support nature such as any rates and taxes, printing, telephone, stationery but excluding insurance, workers' compensation premiums and medical indemnity.

Depreciation - building A building is a rigid, fixed and permanent structure which has a roof (ABS 2011). Building depreciation includes depreciation charges for buildings and fixed fit-out such as items fitted to the building (e.g. lights, partitions etc.). This item includes charges from public private partnerships (PPP) involving the supply and use of buildings. For this purpose, 'supply' is considered to be the interest payments on the building and 'use' is considered to be the expenditure through the special purpose vehicle. Maintenance and repairs are excluded and should be reported against Code 9. A PPP contract may also include expense for other expenditure such as cleaning or security services. Expenditure relating to these services will be reported under the appropriate code such as Code 5 Domestic Services. Only PPP Interest and Special Purposes Vehicle (SPV) expense should be reported in Code 3 Depreciation - building. Building depreciation should be identified separately from other depreciation and other recurrent expenditure categories.

Depreciation - other Other depreciation should be identified separately from building depreciation and other recurrent expenditure categories.

Domestic services The expenditure incurred by establishments on domestic services include electricity, other fuel and power, domestic services for staff, accommodation and kitchen expenses but not including salaries and wages, food costs or equipment replacement and repair costs.

Interest payments Payments made by or on behalf of the establishment in respect of borrowings (e.g. interest on bank overdraft) provided the establishment is permitted to borrow. This does not include the cost of equity capital (i.e. dividends on shares) in respect of profit-making private establishments.

Lease costs A lease is an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for a payment or series of payments the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.

Patient transport costs The expenditure incurred by establishments on transporting patients excluding salaries and wages of transport staff where payment is made by an establishment.

Repairs and maintenance The expenditure incurred by establishments on maintaining, repairing, replacing and providing additional equipment, maintaining and renovating building and minor additional works.

Superannuation employer contribution

Contributions paid in Australian dollars or (for an emerging cost scheme) that should be paid (as determined by an actuary) on behalf of establishment employees by the establishment to a superannuation fund providing retirement and related benefits to establishment employees, for a financial year. The definition specifically excludes employee superannuation contributions (not a cost to the establishment) and superannuation final benefit payments. The following different funding bases are identified: • paid by hospital to fully funded scheme; • paid by Commonwealth Government or State government to fully funded scheme; • unfunded or emerging costs schemes where employer component is not presently funded. Fully funded schemes are those in which employer and employee contributions are paid into an invested fund. Benefits are paid from the fund. Most private sector schemes are fully funded. Emerging cost schemes are those in which the cost of benefits is met at the time a benefit becomes payable; that is, there is no ongoing invested fund from which benefits are paid.

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The Commonwealth superannuation fund is an example of this type of scheme as employee benefits are paid out of general revenue.

Other on-costs The expenditure incurred by establishments on employee-related expenses, excluding salaries, wages and superannuation employer contributions, paid on behalf of establishment either by the establishment, or another organisation such as a state health authority. The definition specifically excludes: • salaries, wages and supplements for all employees of the organisation (including contract staff employed by an agency, provided staffing data are also available) • superannuation employer contributions paid or for an emerging cost scheme, that should be paid (as determined by an actuary) on behalf of establishment employees either by the establishment or another organisation such as a state health authority, to a superannuation fund providing retirement and related benefits to establishment employees. • workers' compensation premiums • all paid leave (recreation, sick and long-service). The definition includes: • salary and wage payments relating to workers' compensation leave • payroll tax, fringe benefits tax and redundancy payments.

Supplies - drug The expenditure incurred by establishments on all drugs including the cost of containers.

Supplies - food The expenditure incurred by establishments on all food and beverages but not including kitchen expenses such as utensils, cleaning materials, cutlery and crockery.

Supplies - medical and surgical The expenditure incurred by establishments on all consumables of a medical or surgical nature (excluding drug supplies) but not including expenditure on equipment repairs.

Visiting medical officer payments The expenditure incurred by establishments to visiting medical officers for medical services provided to hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis. All payments made by an institutional health care establishment to visiting medical officers for medical services provided to hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis. A visiting medical officer is a medical practitioner appointed by the hospital board to provide medical services for hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis. This category includes the same Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations codes as the salaried medical officers category.

Not elsewhere recorded The expenditure incurred by establishments on all other recurrent expenditure not elsewhere recorded. Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets (except for inter-hospital transfers). Includes expenditure by the establishment on contracted care arrangements.

Admitted acute care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving acute care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA, including expenditure associated with the care of unqualified newborns (which would be reported under the mother's episode of care) but excluding mental health care.

Admitted subacute and non-acute care

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving subacute and non-acute care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA, but excluding mental health care.

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(excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA) Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving other care deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA, including expenditure associated with maintenance (non-acute) care but excluding mental health care.

Admitted mental health care (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving mental health care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA. Mental health care is care in which the primary clinical purpose or treatment goal is improvement in the symptoms and/or psychosocial, environmental and physical functioning related to a patient's mental disorder. Mental health care:

• is delivered under the management of, or regularly informed by, a clinician with specialised expertise in mental health;

• is evidenced by an individualised formal mental health assessment and the implementation of a documented mental health plan; and may include significant psychosocial components, including family and carer support.

Emergency care services (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving care through emergency care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA. Excludes admitted patients receiving care through the emergency department. The definition of emergency care services for activity based funding purposes is available at the IHPA website (IHPA 2017).

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Direct teaching, training and research

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for direct teaching, training and research.

Commonwealth funded aged care

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for Australian Government funded aged care patients (these services could be provided to older people in residential or home based settings by establishments operating under either Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) models or non-MPS service models.

Other aged care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for other aged care patients, excluding Australian Government funded aged care patients that are reported under Commonwealth funded aged care

Admitted acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving acute care (excluding mental health care) from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Admitted subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving other care (excluding mental health care) from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Admitted mental health care (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving mental health care from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA. Refer to Admitted mental health care (in-scope for the NHRA) above for a definition of Mental health care.

Emergency care services (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for non-admitted patients receiving care from emergency care services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Depreciation The expenditure incurred by an establishment on depreciation.

Other (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA not reported elsewhere for a financial year.

Admitted acute care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving acute care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA, including expenditure associated with the care of unqualified newborns (which would be reported under the mother's episode of care) but excluding mental health care.

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Admitted subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving subacute and non-acute care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA, but excluding mental health care.

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving other care deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA, including expenditure associated with maintenance (non-acute) care but excluding mental health care.

Admitted mental health care (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving mental health care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA. Mental health care is care in which the primary clinical purpose or treatment goal is improvement in the symptoms and/or psychosocial, environmental and physical functioning related to a patient's mental disorder. Mental health care: • is delivered under the management of, or regularly informed by, a clinician with

specialised expertise in mental health; • is evidenced by an individualised formal mental health assessment and the

implementation of a documented mental health plan; and may include significant psychosocial components, including family and carer support.

Emergency care services (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving care through emergency care services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA. Excludes admitted patients receiving care through the emergency department. The definition of emergency care services for activity based funding purposes is available at the IHPA website (IHPA 2017).

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (in-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Direct teaching, training and research

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for direct teaching, training and research.

Commonwealth funded aged care

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for Australian Government funded aged care patients (these services could be provided to older people in residential or home based settings by establishments operating under either Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) models or non-MPS service models.

Other aged care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for other aged care patients, excluding Australian Government funded aged care patients that are reported under Commonwealth funded aged care.

Admitted acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving acute care (excluding mental health care) from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Admitted subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving subacute and non-acute care (excluding mental health care) from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Other admitted care (excluding mental health care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving other care (excluding mental health care) from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Admitted mental health care (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving mental health care from services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA. Refer to Admitted mental health care (in-scope for the NHRA) above for a definition of Mental health care.

Emergency care services (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for non-admitted patients receiving care from emergency care services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Non-admitted care (excluding emergency care) (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA.

Depreciation The expenditure incurred by an establishment on depreciation.

Other (out-of-scope for the NHRA)

The expenditure incurred by an establishment for services deemed not to be in-scope for the NHRA not reported elsewhere for a financial year.

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Department of Veterans' Affairs All Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) patient revenue received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges. Includes revenues received for health services provided to veterans, war widows and widowers with gold or white DVA cards. Types of services include public and private hospitals, local medical officers and specialists, residential aged care subsidy, allied health, rehabilitation appliances, dental services, community nursing, Veterans' Home Care and travel for treatment. Excludes revenues received for pharmaceuticals provided to veterans, war widows and widowers with gold, white or orange DVA cards. Also excludes revenue received from the Department of Defence.

Compensable schemes All revenue from compensation schemes received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges. Compensation schemes for this data element include workers compensation insurance, motor vehicle third party insurance and other compensation (e.g. public liability, common law, medical negligence). Workers compensation insurance includes benefits paid under workers compensation insurance to the establishment provided to workers, including trainees and apprentices, who have experienced a work-related injury. Type of benefits includes fees for medical or related treatment. Motor vehicle third party insurance includes personal injury claims arising from motor accidents and compensation for accident victims and their families for injuries or death. Other compensation includes revenues received from benefits paid under public liability, common law and medical negligence. Also includes revenue from: • accident and sickness insurance • life insurance • general insurance • other insurance business excluded by the Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules • overseas visitors for whom travel insurance is the major funding source.

Other patient revenue All revenue received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges, but excluding Department of Veterans' Affairs and compensation scheme patient revenue. Other patient revenue includes revenue from private health insurance. Private health insurance includes revenue from businesses mainly engaged in providing insurance cover for hospital, medical, dental or pharmaceutical expenses or costs. Includes revenue received from the Department of Defence. Excludes: • Accident and sickness insurance • Liability insurance • Life insurance • General insurance • Other insurance business excluded by the Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules • Overseas visitors for whom travel insurance is the major funding source.

Commonwealth funding/subsidies

All revenue paid directly by the Commonwealth Government to an establishment for services within the scope of the collection. Includes funding for transition care, residential aged care subsidies (including MPS payments), aged care assessment, Home and Community Care and Section 100 drugs. Excludes payments related to the National Health Funding Pool.

State or territory health authority funding

All revenue provided by the state or territory health authority, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Excludes payments related to the National Health Funding Pool.

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Other state or territory funding All revenue provided by state or territory funding sources from government departments external to the state/territory health authority used to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection.

National Health Funding Pool - state or territory government component

Revenue provided by the National Health Funding Pool, including Activity Based Funding payments, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Includes only those funds in the pool that were provided by the state or territory government.

National Health Funding Pool - Commonwealth government component

Revenue provided by the National Health Funding Pool, including Activity Based Funding payments, used by establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Includes only those funds in the pool that were provided by the Commonwealth government.

Infrastructure/facility fees All infrastructure or facility fees revenue received by an establishment. Infrastructure or facility fees are income received from the use of hospital facilities by salaried medical officers exercising their rights of private practice and by private practitioners treating private patients in hospital.

Other recoveries Revenue that is in the nature of a recovery or expenditure incurred, including income from provision of meals and accommodation, but excluding infrastructure and facility fees.

Revenue not elsewhere reported Revenue that was received by the establishment that has not been reported elsewhere. Includes revenue received by the establishment for the provision of services under contracted care arrangements.

Average available beds for admitted contracted care--average available beds

The number of beds available to care for admitted patients that an establishment provides via contractual arrangements with private hospitals. Where available, actual data should be reported. Where actual data are not available, this measure can be calculated by dividing the total contracted patient days by the number of days in the period, e.g. in a normal year, a hospital records 4000 contracted care patient days – the average available contracted care beds would be 4000/365 = 11.0. Beds exclusively or predominantly for overnight-stay admitted care and same-day admitted care are collected and reported.

Student nurses Student nurses are persons employed by the establishment currently studying in years one to three of a three year certificate course. This includes any person commencing or undertaking a three year course of training leading to registration as a nurse by the national registration board. This includes full-time general student nurse and specialist student nurse, such as mental deficiency nurse, but excludes practising nurses enrolled in post basic training courses.

Trainee nurses/ pupil nurses Trainee/pupil nurse includes any person commencing or undertaking a 1-year course of training leading to registration as an enrolled nurse on the national registration board (includes all trainee nurses).

Diagnostic & allied health professionals

Diagnostic and allied health professionals are qualified staff (other than qualified medical and nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature (but also including diagnostic and allied health professionals whose duties are primarily or partly of an administrative nature). This category includes all allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff).

Domestic & other Domestic staff are staff engaged in the provision of food and cleaning services including domestic staff primarily engaged in administrative duties such as food services manager. Dieticians are excluded. This category also includes all staff not elsewhere included (primarily maintenance staff, trades people and gardening staff).

Trainee/pupil nurses Trainee/pupil nurse includes any person commencing or undertaking a 1-year course of training leading to registration as an enrolled nurse on the national registration board (includes all trainee nurses).

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Other personal care staff This category includes attendants, assistants or home assistance, home companions, family aides, ward helpers, warders, orderlies, ward assistants and nursing assistants engaged primarily in the provision of personal care to patients or residents, who are not formally qualified or undergoing training in nursing or allied health professions.

Diagnostic & allied health professionals

Diagnostic and allied health professionals are qualified staff (other than qualified medical and nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature (but also including diagnostic and allied health professionals whose duties are primarily or partly of an administrative nature). This category includes all allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff).

Domestic & other Domestic staff are staff engaged in the provision of food and cleaning services including domestic staff primarily engaged in administrative duties such as food services manager. Dieticians are excluded. This category also includes all staff not elsewhere included (primarily maintenance staff, trades people and gardening staff).

Department of Veterans' Affairs All Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) patient revenue received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges.

Includes revenues received for health services provided to veterans, war widows and widowers with gold or white DVA cards. Types of services include public and private hospitals, local medical officers and specialists, residential aged care subsidy, allied health, rehabilitation appliances, dental services, community nursing, Veterans' Home Care and travel for treatment.

Excludes revenues received for pharmaceuticals provided to veterans, war widows and widowers with gold, white or orange DVA cards. Also excludes revenue received from the Department of Defence.

Compensable schemes All revenue from compensation schemes received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges.

Compensation schemes for this data element include workers compensation insurance, motor vehicle third party insurance and other compensation (e.g. public liability, common law, medical negligence).

Workers compensation insurance includes benefits paid under workers compensation insurance to the establishment provided to workers, including trainees and apprentices, who have experienced a work-related injury. Type of benefits includes fees for medical or related treatment.

Motor vehicle third party insurance includes personal injury claims arising from motor accidents and compensation for accident victims and their families for injuries or death.

Other compensation includes revenues received from benefits paid under public liability, common law and medical negligence. Also includes revenue from:

• accident and sickness insurance • life insurance • general insurance • other insurance business excluded by the Private Health Insurance (Health

Insurance Business) Rules • overseas visitors for whom travel insurance is the major funding source.

Other patient revenue All revenue received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges, but excluding Department of Veterans' Affairs and compensation scheme patient revenue.

Other patient revenue includes revenue from private health insurance. Private health insurance includes revenue from businesses mainly engaged in providing insurance cover for hospital, medical, dental or pharmaceutical expenses or costs. Includes revenue received from the Department of Defence.


• Accident and sickness insurance • Liability insurance • Life insurance • General insurance • Other insurance business excluded by the Private Health Insurance (Health

Insurance Business) Rules

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• Overseas visitors for whom travel insurance is the major funding source.

Commonwealth funding/subsidies

All revenue paid directly by the Commonwealth Government to an establishment for services within the scope of the collection.

Includes funding for transition care, residential aged care subsidies (including MPS payments), aged care assessment, Home and Community Care and Section 100 drugs. Excludes payments related to the National Health Funding Pool.

State or territory health authority funding

All revenue provided by the state or territory health authority, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Excludes payments related to the National Health Funding Pool.

Other state or territory funding All revenue provided by state or territory funding sources from government departments external to the state/territory health authority used to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection.

National Health Funding Pool - state or territory government component

Revenue provided by the National Health Funding Pool, including Activity Based Funding payments, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Includes only those funds in the pool that were provided by the state or territory government.

National Health Funding Pool - Commonwealth government component

Revenue provided by the National Health Funding Pool, including Activity Based Funding payments, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection.

Includes only those funds in the pool that were provided by the Commonwealth government. Amounts recorded in the general ledger may differ from the health funding paid by the Commonwealth government to the state/territory government within the same financial period.

Infrastructure/facility fees Infrastructure or facility fees are income received from the use of hospital facilities by salaried medical officers exercising their rights of private practice and by private practitioners treating private patients in hospital.

Other recoveries Revenue that is in the nature of a recovery or expenditure incurred, including income from provision of meals and accommodation, but excluding infrastructure and facility fees.

Revenue not elsewhere reported Revenue that was received by the establishment that has not been reported elsewhere.

Includes revenue received by the establishment for the provision of services under contracted care arrangements.

Obstetric/maternity unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the care of obstetric/maternity patients, as represented by a code.

Specialist paediatric unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether a facility dedicated to the care of children aged 14 or less is provided within an establishment, as represented by a code.

Psychiatric unit/ward 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a unit/ward dedicated to the treatment and care of admitted patients with psychiatric, mental, or behavioural disorders, as represented by a code.

Intensive care unit (level III) 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the care of paediatric and adult patients requiring intensive care and sophisticated technological support services, as represented by a code. Level III definition -

Adult intensive care unit, level 3: The unit must be capable of providing complex, multisystem life support for an indefinite period; be a tertiary referral centre for patients in need of intensive care services and have extensive backup laboratory and clinical service facilities to support the tertiary referral role. It must be capable of providing mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal renal support services and invasive cardiovascular monitoring for an indefinite period; or care of a similar nature.

Paediatric intensive care unit: The unit must be capable of providing complex, multisystem life support for an indefinite period; be a tertiary referral centre for children needing intensive care; and have extensive backup laboratory and clinical service facilities to support this tertiary role. It must be capable of providing mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal renal support services and invasive cardiovascular monitoring for an indefinite period to infants and children less than 16 years of age; or care of a similar nature.

Hospice care unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the provision of palliative care to terminally ill patients, as represented by a code.

Nursing home care unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the provision of nursing home care, as represented by a code.

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Geriatric assessment unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the Commonwealth-approved assessment of the level of dependency of (usually) aged individuals either for purposes of initial admission to a long-stay institution or for purposes of reassessment of dependency levels of existing long-stay institution residents, as represented by a code.

Domiciliary care service 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment provides nursing or other professional paramedical care or treatment and non-qualified domestic assistance to patients in their own homes or in residential institutions not part of the establishment, as represented by a code.

Alcohol and drug unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the treatment of alcohol and drug dependence, as represented by a code.

Acute spinal cord injury unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the initial treatment and subsequent ongoing management and rehabilitation of patients with acute spinal cord injury, as represented by a code.

Coronary care unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to acute care services for patients with cardiac diseases, as represented by a code.

Cardiac surgery unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to operative and peri-operative care of patients with cardiac disease, as represented by a code.

Acute renal dialysis unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to dialysis of renal failure patients requiring acute care, as represented by a code.

Maintenance renal dialysis unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to maintenance dialysis of renal failure patients, as represented by a code. It may be a separate facility (possibly located on hospital grounds) or known as a satellite centre or a hospital-based facility but is not a facility solely providing training services.

Burns Unit (level III) 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the initial treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of the severely injured burns patient (usually >10 per cent of the patient's body surface affected), as represented by a code.

Major plastic/ reconstructive surgery unit

1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to general purpose plastic and specialised reconstructive surgery, including maxillofacial, microsurgery and hand surgery, as represented by a code.

Oncology unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to multidisciplinary investigation, management, rehabilitation, support services and treatment services (including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) for cancer patients, as represented by a code.

Neonatal intensive care unit (level III)

1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the care of neonates requiring care and sophisticated technological support, as represented by a code.

In-vitro fertilisation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the investigation of infertility and provision of in-vitro fertilisation services, as represented by a code.

Comprehensive epilepsy centre 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to seizure characterisation, evaluation of therapeutic regimes, pre-surgical evaluation and epilepsy surgery for patients with refractory epilepsy, as represented by a code.

Bone marrow transplantation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility for bone marrow transplantation, as represented by a code.

Renal transplantation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a renal transplantation unit, as represented by a code.

Heart lung transplantation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility for heart and heart lung transplantation, as represented by a code.

Liver transplantation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a dedicated liver transplantation facility, as represented by a code.

Pancreas transplantation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility for pancreas transplantation, as represented by a code.

Clinical genetics unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to diagnostic and counselling services for clients who are affected by, at risk of, or anxious about genetic disorders, as represented by a code.

Sleep centre 1=Yes, 2=No

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An indicator of whether an establishment is linked to a sleep laboratory that is dedicated to the investigation and management of sleep disorders is provided within an establishment, as represented by a code.

Neurosurgical unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the surgical treatment of neurological conditions, as represented by a code.

Infectious diseases unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the treatment of infectious diseases, as represented by a code.

AIDS unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients, as represented by a code.

Diabetes unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility dedicated to the treatment of patients with diabetes, as represented by a code.

Rehabilitation unit 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator of whether an establishment includes a facility, designed by the State health authority and dedicated to providing post-acute rehabilitation, as represented by a code.

Teaching status An indicator that teaching, associated with a university, is a major program activity of the establishment, as represented by a code. 1=Yes, 2=No An indicator that teaching, associated with a university, is a major program activity of the establishment, as represented by a code. In this context, teaching relates to teaching hospitals affiliated with universities providing undergraduate medical education as advised by the relevant state health authority.

International Organisation for Standardisation ISO 9000 quality family

Accreditation standard held by the establishment. 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Unknown. Whether the International Organisation for Standardisation 9000 quality family standard has been met by the hospital establishment as a whole, as represented by a code.

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards EQuIP

Accreditation standard held by the establishment. 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Unknown. Whether the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards EQuIP standard has been met by the hospital establishment as a whole, as represented by a code.

Quality Improvement Council (QIC)

Accreditation standard held by the establishment. 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Unknown. Whether the Quality Improvement Council standard has been met by the hospital establishment as a whole, as represented by a code.

Australian Quality Council (AQC) Accreditation standard held by the establishment. 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Unknown. Whether the Australian Quality Council standard has been met by the hospital establishment as a whole, as represented by a code.

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS)

Accreditation standard held by the establishment. 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Unknown.

Accredited elsewhere An indicator of whether the establishment holds any other accreditation not listed above. 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Unknown.

Other quality accreditation/certification standard

Specify other accreditation held by the establishment if reported yes to item 136. Leave blank if not applicable.

Average available beds for admitted contracted care--average available beds

The number of beds available to care for admitted patients that an establishment provides via contractual arrangements with private hospitals. Where available, actual data should be reported. Where actual data are not available, this measure can be calculated by dividing the total contracted patient days by the number of days in the period, e.g. in a normal year, a hospital records 4000 contracted care patient days – the average available contracted care beds would be 4000/365 = 11.0. Beds exclusively or predominantly for overnight-stay admitted care and same-day admitted care are collected and reported.

Average available beds for overnight-stay patients--average available beds

The number of beds available to provide overnight accommodation for patients (other than neonatal cots (non-special-care) and beds occupied by hospital-in-the-home patients), averaged over the counting period. Average available beds for overnight-stay patients is to be calculated from monthly figures. The number of beds at the end of the financial year should be provided if average available beds are not available.

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Average available beds for same-day patients--average available beds

The number of beds, chairs or trolleys available to provide accommodation for same-day patients, averaged over the counting period. Average available beds for same-day patients is to be calculated from monthly figures. The number of beds at the end of the financial year should be provided if average available beds are not available.

Total psychiatric beds The number of available beds in designated psychiatric units and wards. An available bed is a bed which is immediately available to be used by an admitted patient or resident if required (includes both occupied and unoccupied beds). Average available beds is to be calculated from monthly figures. The number of beds at the end of the financial year should be provided if average available beds are not available. Optionally reported .