financial management project2016

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  • 8/18/2019 Financial Management Project2016


    Financial Management ProjectPGP I, Sec C and F 2016

    Project Type: Group Project

    Student Group: !ac" ection group are predetermined# T"e claC$ "a t"e in%ormation o% t"e ame#

    Group Ta&: T"e tudent group pic& o% a lited company andanaly'e t"e de(t capacity o% t"e company# T"e tudy period "ould(e 2011)201*, a +e year period# T"e tudent can ue ariouconcept dicued in t"e cla to per%orm t"e analyi# Forintance, -e(t ta. "ield and target de(t, de(t and ratingimplication, de(t and cape., t"e impact o% de(t on $/!, !PS, TI! etccan (e ued to per%orm t"e analyi

     T"e $eource: T"e tudent can ue t"e reource li&e proe,capitaline, inig"t data(ae %or collection o% data#

    Su(miion: T"e tudent group "ae to u(mit a soft copy o% t"eproject in (ot" doc and e.cel %ormat# T"e document can containanalyi "ile t"e uant can (e in t"e e.cel# ll u(miion can (eent to inay3iiml#ac#in 

    -ate o% u(miion: 41t Marc" 2016 (y *#40 PM

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