finberry primary school newsletter term 5 week 4 · role play richard, red of marathon! blackbirds...

Finberry Primary School Newsletter Term 5 Week 4 Dear Finberry Families, We hope that you are all remaining well and staying safe. We very much look forward to being altogether once again and it has been wonderfully heart-warming to hear of all the creative ways everyone is managing to stay in touch. A big shout out to Woodpeckers Class who we hear have been having a fantastic quiz competition! As this newsletter goes out on VE Day I am reminded of the words of Sir Winston Churchill ‘Do not despair, do not yield to violence and tyranny, march straight forward.’ It is touching to see how our community are coming together and supporting each other during these challenging times. We are very proud to be part of this. This week we have more special messages for you from members of staff and have some great home learning to celebrate! Whilst we regret we cannot include all the home learning in these newsletters, we are all thoroughly enjoying seeing all the work that is sent in. [email protected] Thank you all. To our key worker families, we applaud you and we thank all of our Finberry families for taking on the home learning with such enthusiasm. We appreciate it is not always easy! For all our families who are celebrating we wish you a Happy Ramadan – Ramadan Mubarak. Ms Schâringer Headteacher

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  • Finberry Primary School Newsletter Term 5 Week 4

    Dear Finberry Families,

    We hope that you are all remaining well and staying safe. We very much look forward to

    being altogether once again and it has been wonderfully heart-warming to hear of all the

    creative ways everyone is managing to stay in touch. A big shout out to Woodpeckers Class

    who we hear have been having a fantastic quiz competition! As this newsletter goes out

    on VE Day I am reminded of the words of Sir Winston Churchill ‘Do not despair, do not yield

    to violence and tyranny, march straight forward.’ It is touching to see how our community

    are coming together and supporting each other during these challenging times. We are very

    proud to be part of this.

    This week we have more special messages for you from members of staff and have some

    great home learning to celebrate! Whilst we regret we cannot include all the home learning

    in these newsletters, we are all thoroughly enjoying seeing all the work that is sent in.

    [email protected]

    Thank you all.

    To our key worker families, we applaud you and we thank all of our Finberry families for

    taking on the home learning with such enthusiasm. We appreciate it is not always easy!

    For all our families who are celebrating we wish you a

    Happy Ramadan – Ramadan Mubarak.

    Ms Schâringer Headteacher

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Celebrating Home Learning!

    Well done Leo the

    scientist carrying

    out your germ


    Early Birds


    Fabulous fractions

    Tyler S,

    Woodpeckers Class,

    & we see you have

    been doing great

    work on TTRS!

    Well done and

    thank you to the

    children in school

    who have helped

    to develop our

    school herb garden

    Giada we love your

    Newsround video

    reporting of the Battle

    of Marathon!

    Blackbirds Class

    Cameron, super instruction

    writing and biscuit making –

    looks tasty!

    Sparrows Class

    Superb writing Jess

    S, The Red Kites

    Class, inspired by an

    image. Well done!









    Maggie and

    Richard, Red

    Kites, for your

    head teacher

    awards for your


    A fantastic castle, with

    moving parts, designed and

    built by Huckleberry,

    Woodpeckers Class

    Great position and

    direction work Archie,

    Herons Class

    Laurel your


    role play

    looks like

    lots of fun!

    Robins Class

  • Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2

    Last week you were asked to find the price of a train and a rocket.

    The train cost £15. The rocket was £15 - £4 so cost £11

    A rocket and a train cost £11 + £15 = £26

    Last week you were asked how many 50p Usman had in is money box.

    32 x 10p = 320p 1270p – 320p = 950p

    950p ÷ 50p = 19 There are 19 50p in the box

    Toilet Roll



    Collect 2 toilet

    rolls and decide

    which troll you

    would like to



    Paint your 2 toilet roll

    tubes. One will be for

    the hair and the other

    for the body?


    Once the paint is dry

    cut strips into the

    toilet roll you are

    using for your hair.


    Slide or squash

    the hair into

    the body.


    Add details by drawing

    them onto paper and

    then cutting them and

    sticking them onto

    your troll.

    You will need

    - 2 toilet roll tubes.

    - Paint

    - Scissors

    - Paper

    - Pens

    - Glue



  • This week’s sporting hero is Serena Williams, who is one of the

    greatest tennis players of all time. Serena is an American tennis

    player and former world number 1, who has won 23 Grand Slam

    single titles and 4 Olympic gold medals.

    Fun Facts:

    Serena has been playing tennis since she was 3 years old.

    Serena speaks French fluently.

    Serena is also an actress as well as a tennis player.

    Week 4 Sports Challenge:

    I hope you are all keeping safe and well at home and have had a good week. Make sure you make

    time for movement breaks and stay as active as you can.

    To warm up for this week’s sporting challenge put on your favourite song to dance to and ask a family

    member to shout “freeze” whilst you dance. When “freeze” is shouted you have you try and hold a

    balance for 5 seconds. How many different balances can you hold? There are some pictures of

    balances to help you below.

    Once your body is warmed up – have a go at playing follow the leader!

    Line up in single file and let each family member take turns being the "leader." The leader decides how

    the group will move around the house or garden. You could crawl, walk backwards (carefully), hop on

    one foot, jump or even go down a slide if you have one. Be as creative as you can.

    Stay safe and keep active. Miss Jones, Kingfishers class teacher.

  • We hope you have been enjoying our story time sessions – uploaded

    regularly on weduc and our school facebook page.

    Very well done to our Bug Club superstars!

    Sejal, Oliver C and Henrietta in the Early Birds Nursery

    Phillip, Ruben and Ella in Robins Class

    Samuel, Thea and Tabitha in Sparrows Class

    Ritvika, Mia C, Belle, Senuki and Eunice in Herons Class

    Luke C, Isabelle B and Jess D in Woodpeckers Class

    Jesse, Lilly and Lucas in Kingfishers Class

    Harry, Ellis and Anaaya in Blackbirds Class

    Alan, Jessica S and Chiamaka in The Red Kites Class

  • In our absence Baxall Construction continue to make good progress with our

    Phase 2 build. Regular photo updates are being posted on Weduc each week.

    Hello everyone. I hope you are all keeping well. My

    recommended read is Where The Forest Meets The Sea

    by Jeannie Baker. This beautifully illustrated book takes

    you on an Australian adventure. There are lots of hidden

    animals to spot, including some pre-historic ones! The

    story also shares an important message with us about

    taking care of our natural environment.

    Hello, my name is Mrs Dhillon and my recommended read is

    Rosie Revere Engineer by Andrea Beaty.

    It is a book about a little girl who wants to become an engineer. She loves

    making things in her room at night, but she is afraid of failure and so she

    doesn’t share her inventions with anyone.

    Until one day, her great-great-aunt Rose pays a visit and discovers Rosie’s

    passion. She teaches Rosie her little secret to success – that failure isn’t

    something to be scared of, but something we learn from to achieve great

    things. The moral of this story is that we should never give up on our

    dreams. Instead, we should be resilient and keep working at things we find

    hard. Nothing is impossible. Just keep trying until you succeed!

  • Hi Everyone

    Janitor John here letting you all know that Finberry School is

    being looked after even though most of you , during this

    difficult lockdown time, can’t come in for lessons.

    I open up the school early morning trying to make sure that

    most things are working and the school stays safe. I must

    admit it’s lonely and I for one cannot wait for the classrooms

    to be full again and to see children enjoying the playground.

    It’s exciting to see the new building extension gradually taking

    shape and we all will benefit when it’s completed.

    In the meantime, I am missing you all SO MUCH but soon we

    will all be together again.

    In the meantime, don’t forget, wash your hands and STAY


    Hi Everyone - I hope you are all keeping safe at

    home with your families. I have seen some fantastic

    work that has been completed by you guys and sent

    in....that's great!!! I miss seeing you all on the school

    gate and chatting with all families. It is a funny time

    for us all but stay safe and well and I hope to see

    you all soon. Mrs Evans

    Dear Finberry Families, I really hope you are all safe and happy at home!

    The best part of my job and working from home is still seeing so many of you – all your Home-Learning work you’re sending in, your Rainbow Pictures and

    even some of your Baking Creations to enter the Bake-Off competition – keep up the amazing work

    and I look forward to seeing more soon! I’m missing you all and look forward to when we can

    see our Finberry Family again! Warmest wishes,

    Mrs Blake

  • Bucket Spinning:

    All you need is a reliable bucket

    with a strong handle, water and

    an open area outside where spilling

    some water is ok.

    Visit the website to see how you can have a bucket of

    water over your head and not be drenched!


    Gravity free water:

    Try defying Gravity

    with a glass of water

    that stays inside the

    glass when held

    upside down.

    You'll need the help of some

    cardboard and a little bit of air


    1. Put the cardboard over the

    mouth of the glass, making sure

    that no air bubbles enter the

    glass as you hold onto the


    2. Turn the glass upside down

    (over a sink or outside until you

    get good) and hold it still for a


    3. Take away your hand holding the


    Visit the link to find out the

    science behind it!


    Taste test without smell:

    This simple experiment shows that there's a lot more to

    taste than you might have first thought.

    You will need:

    A small piece of peeled potato

    A small piece of peeled apple (same shape as the

    potato so you can't tell the difference)


    Close your eyes and mix up the piece of potato and

    the piece of apple so you don't know which is which.

    Hold your nose and eat each piece, can you tell the


    Challenge: How can you create a bigger or heavier



    Jane Goodall is a British primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist.

    She is famous for her detailed studies of chimpanzees in Tanzania.

    Jane noticed that chimpanzees were smarter and more interesting than

    people thought. She discovered that they had the mental capacity to

    not only use simple tools but to make them as well, something that was

    previously thought only humans could do!

    Jane also discovered that chimpanzees were omnivores- previously

    scientists thought chimps only ate plants (herbivores)! (Visit to find out more!)

    Fun Science this week was brought to you by Mrs Limbu, Herons Class Teacher 😊

    Did you know that I became a member of a chimpanzee troop and

    lived with them for nearly two years? I was eventually kicked out

    when Frodo, the chimpanzee who didn’t like me, became the leader.

  • Dear Parents/Carers, FSM E-Vouchers Just a reminder that for those who are eligible for FSM Vouchers, please continue to check your ‘junk’ and ‘spam’ folders in your emails if you haven’t received your weekly vouchers. We are aware that some vouchers haven’t been redeemed. If you have any issues please don’t hesitate to contact the direct web address -

    Thank You NHS At this unfamiliar time we are more thankful for our NHS than ever. You have the chance to thank them with the national ‘Step into the NHS Competition’ You can create a painting, drawing, video, dance, story, song, poem or a thank you card to show your appreciation and submit your entry. You can take part by downloading the free KS2 competition pack from the following link - -schools/KS2competition?dm_i=5EPN,6ZOD,1WDN0E,QSM P,1 Design your entry however you like, giving a little information about who you are most inspired by and then submit your entry to the School via weduc or by emailing them to [email protected] Entries will be judged on creativity and evidence learning about NHS careers. Sleep and Routine As parents we know, that no matter their age children benefit from structure. It helps them feel secure and provides boundaries in their daily lives. At this time of worry and uncertainty it is hard to stick to our normal routines which in turn may be causing problems for you as parents and families. There will soon be an article on Weduc to offer support and advice on sleeping and routines during Covid 19. It has been created by the NHS to offer tips of how we can help create some ‘normality’ for our children and help their sleep pattern and anxiety. Food Banks If you feel you may require support from the local food banks in these times of financial hardship, please contact me directly. Contact me As always if you have a query or would like any support please email me [email protected] Stay well and stay safe Mrs L Evans

    PSA Newsletter

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Ingredients

    75g digestive biscuits

    25g apricots (or any other dried fruit )

    150g pink and white mars hmallows

    100g butter

    2 tbsp golden syrup

    300g dark chocolate (chopped into small


    50g milk chocolate (chopped into small


    What you need to do…

    Line a 20cm x 20cm brownie tin with foil.

    Crumble the biscuits and the walnuts into a large

    bowl (you want a good mixture of pieces and fine

    crumbs). Snip the marshmallow into halves or

    quarters with scissors and add those to the bowl

    too. Set aside.

    Put the butter and golden syrup in a saucepan

    and heat gently until the butter has melted. Put

    the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl then

    pour the melted butter and syrup mixture over it

    and leave to sit for a couple of minutes without

    stirring. Now stir until the chocolate is smooth

    and has melted then pour the whole lot over the

    biscuits and marshmallows. Stir to coat all the

    pieces in the chocolate then pour into your

    prepared tin in an even layer. Don’t press it down

    too much, you want quite a bumpy 'rocky road'

    surface. Leave to set in the fridge for 1-2 hours or

    overnight then dust with icing sugar and chop

    into bars or squares to serve. Keeps in the fridge

    for up to a week.

    Rocky Road