findings of alona protzi hartwig 1900 (branchiopoda: … · studia quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77....

Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900 (BRANCHIOPODA: ANOMOPODA, CHYDORIDAE) IN FINLAND Mirva Nykänen 1 , Kaarina Sarmaja-Korjonen 2 1 Department of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Niemenkatu 73, 15140 Lahti, Finland, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Geology, P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Alona protzi is a rare species of Cladocera, occurring in lake littoral throughout Europe. However, little is known about this animal, and so far it has not been included in provisional lists of species found in Finland. In this short report we present our findings of Alona protzi, both recent and subfossil material, as well as one previous, unpublished find- ing site of the species in Finland. We found three subfossil shells of this species in the bottom sediments of two lakes. In a third lake we found intact animals, an ephippial female and a male, while sampling stony bottom of lake littoral. Key words: Cladocera, Alona protzi, biogeography, ecology, Finland INTRODUCTION Alona protzi Hartwig 1900 is a small cladoceran (water flee) (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda), which belongs to the family Chydoridae (chydorids). Flössner (1972) defines its distribution as palaearctic, Dumont & Negrea (1996) as west palaearctic. Although the species occurs throughout Europe, it is very rare, and little is known about its ecology. Accord- ing to Flössner (1972) most findings had been made in lake littoral, both in mud substratum and on algae growing on stones. Also Brancelj & Sket (1990) reported the latter habi- tat for A. protzi in the Ohrid Lake, Macedonia. According to RÝen (1995) the species lives among algae in small, clear-water lakes. However, according to Van Damme (pers. comm.) A. protzi occurs in lake littoral always in vicinity of springs. Dumont (1983) pointed out the findings of this species in underground habitats or habitats immediately connected to the groundwater system, such as an underground water pipe in England (as pers. comm. from Frey) or stonewall with deep, wide cracks along a canal in Turkey. Interesting are also the findings among Cordylophora, a colony-forming hydroid. Gurney (1921; cited in Flössner 1972 and in Du- mont, Negrea 1996) had found the species in England in fast-running water among Cordylophora, which grew on a wooden bridge beam. Also the stone block lining in the canal in Turkey with several A. protzi females, was partly covered by Cordylophora (Dumont, Negrea 1996). In their conspectus of the Cladocera of the subterranean waters Dumont & Negrea (1996) defined A. protzi as pelo- philic and phytophilic, inhabiting stagnant and slow-flowing waters on silt or algal substratum. They also listed the known findings of the species in interstitial waters of rivers and lakes, water-piping systems and other underground waters. Like Dumont (1987, 1995), they define the species as stygo- phile, which means a transitory way of life between surface- water forms and true groundwater forms. The provisional list of Finnish crustacea (Silfverberg 1999) does not include A. protzi. The species has been found in Latvia (Flössner 1972) but Mäemets (1961) who studied living Cladocera from over 500 water bodies (including springs) in Estonia did not find this species. It has also been found in Denmark (Whiteside 1970, RÝen 1995). Since the species has been found in countries near Fennoscandia it is possible that its distribution is wider in northern Europe, but it has remained undiscovered (or even been misidentified) because of its rarity. In this short report we present our find- ings of A. protzi, in both recent and subfossil material. We also describe one previous, but unpublished finding site of the species in Finland. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi IN FINLAND Generally, cladoceran species can be studied with two different methods. Firstly, living specimens are collected with nets from different habitats in water bodies. They are identified as intact animals and identification is based on e.g. general shape, postabdomen and parts that do not preserve (antennas, labrum) in sediments. Secondly, subfossil chiti- nous body parts of dead and moulting animals are identified from lake sediments. These body parts have been detached and must be identified separately; identification is based on e.g. shape, surface sculpture, head pores and denticles. The detached body parts from different habitats are usu- ally distributed relatively uniformly across the lake bottom

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Page 1: FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900 (BRANCHIOPODA: … · Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900(BRANCHIOPODA: ANOMOPODA, CHYDORIDAE) IN FINLAND

Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77.


Mirva Nykänen1, Kaarina Sarmaja- Korjonen2

1De part ment of Eco logi cal and En vi ron men tal Sci ences, Uni ver sity of Hel sinki, Nie menkatu 73, 15140 Lahti,Fin land, e- mail: mirva.nykanen@hel

2De part ment of Ge ol ogy, P.O. Box 64, 00014 Uni ver sity of Hel sinki, Fin land,e- mail: kaarina.sarmaja- korjonen@hel

Ab stractAlona protzi is a rare spe cies of Cla do cera, oc cur ring in lake lit to ral through out Europe. How ever, lit tle is knownabout this ani mal, and so far it has not been in cluded in pro vi sional lists of spe cies found in Fin land. In this short re port we pres ent our find ings of Alona protzi, both re cent and sub fos sil ma te rial, as well as one pre vi ous, un pub lished find -ing site of the spe cies in Fin land. We found three sub fos sil shells of this spe cies in the bot tom sedi ments of two lakes.In a third lake we found in tact ani mals, an ephip pial fe male and a male, while sam pling stony bot tom of lake lit to ral.

Key words: Cla do cera, Alona protzi, bio ge og ra phy, ecol ogy, Fin land


Alona protzi Hartwig 1900 is a small cladoceran (wa terflee) (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda), which be longs to thefam ily Chydoridae (chydorids). Flössner (1972) de fines itsdis tri bu tion as palaearctic, Dumont & Negrea (1996) as westpalaearctic. Al though the spe cies oc curs through out Eu rope,it is very rare, and lit tle is known about its ecol ogy. Ac cord -ing to Flössner (1972) most find ings had been made in lakelit to ral, both in mud sub stra tum and on al gae grow ing onstones. Also Brancelj & Sket (1990) re ported the lat ter hab i -tat for A. protzi in the Ohrid Lake, Mac e do nia. Ac cord ing toRÝen (1995) the spe cies lives among al gae in small,clear-wa ter lakes. How ever, ac cord ing to Van Damme (pers.comm.) A. protzi oc curs in lake lit to ral al ways in vi cin ity ofsprings.

Du mont (1983) pointed out the find ings of this spe cies in un der ground habi tats or habi tats im me di ately con nected tothe ground wa ter sys tem, such as an un der ground wa ter pipein Eng land (as pers. comm. from Frey) or stone wall withdeep, wide cracks along a ca nal in Tur key. In ter est ing arealso the find ings among Cordy lo phora, a colony- forminghy droid. Gur ney (1921; cited in Flöss ner 1972 and in Du -mont, Ne grea 1996) had found the spe cies in Eng land infast- running wa ter among Cordy lo phora, which grew on awooden bridge beam. Also the stone block lin ing in the ca nalin Tur key with sev eral A. protzi fe males, was partly cov eredby Cordy lo phora (Du mont, Ne grea 1996).

In their con spec tus of the Cla do cera of the sub ter ra neanwa ters Du mont & Ne grea (1996) de fined A. protzi as pe lo -philic and phy to philic, in hab it ing stag nant and slow- flowingwa ters on silt or al gal sub stra tum. They also listed the knownfind ings of the spe cies in in ter sti tial wa ters of riv ers and

lakes, water- piping sys tems and other un der ground wa ters.Like Du mont (1987, 1995), they de fine the spe cies as sty go -phile, which means a tran si tory way of life be tween surface- water forms and true ground wa ter forms.

The pro vi sional list of Finn ish crustacea (Silfverberg1999) does not in clude A. protzi. The spe cies has been foundin Lat via (Flössner 1972) but Mäemets (1961) who stud iedliv ing Cladocera from over 500 wa ter bod ies (in clud ingsprings) in Es to nia did not find this spe cies. It has also beenfound in Den mark (White side 1970, RÝen 1995). Since thespe cies has been found in coun tries near Fennoscandia it ispos si ble that its dis tri bu tion is wider in north ern Eu rope, butit has re mained un dis cov ered (or even been mis iden ti fied)be cause of its rar ity. In this short re port we pres ent our find -ings of A. protzi, in both re cent and subfossil ma te rial. Wealso de scribe one pre vi ous, but un pub lished find ing site ofthe spe cies in Fin land.


Gen er ally, cla do ceran spe cies can be stud ied with twodif fer ent meth ods. Firstly, liv ing speci mens are col lectedwith nets from dif fer ent habi tats in wa ter bod ies. They areiden ti fied as in tact ani mals and iden ti fi ca tion is based on e.g.gen eral shape, postab do men and parts that do not pre serve(an ten nas, labrum) in sedi ments. Sec ondly, sub fos sil chiti -nous body parts of dead and moult ing ani mals are iden ti fiedfrom lake sedi ments. These body parts have been de tachedand must be iden ti fied sepa rately; iden ti fi ca tion is based one.g. shape, sur face sculp ture, head pores and den ti cles.

The de tached body parts from dif fer ent habi tats are usu -ally dis trib uted rela tively uni formly across the lake bot tom

Page 2: FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900 (BRANCHIOPODA: … · Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900(BRANCHIOPODA: ANOMOPODA, CHYDORIDAE) IN FINLAND

be fore the fi nal depo si tion. There fore, the en tire spec trum ofchy do rid fauna, which in habit a lake in dif fer ent habi tats andat dif fer ent times, is re flected in one bot tom sedi ment sam plewith a mini mum of time and ef fort (Frey 1960). Due to thateven new spe cies have been dis cov ered this way (Sarmaja- Korjonen et al. 2000) and in fact, A. protzi was found at thefirst time in Den mark in sedi ment analy sis (White side 1970).

Find ings of in tact ani mals of Alona protzi

In Fin land the spe cies of Alona protzi has been foundboth as in tact ani mals and as sub fos sil re mains. In tact ani -mals were found in a study of lit to ral chy do rid spe cies, which was a part of a EU- funded proj ect ECOFRAME (Moss et al.2003), and evalu ated their use in lake eco logi cal qual ity clas -

si fi ca tion. Sam pling was con ducted with hand nets (meshsize 100 µm), swept over the lake bed at a site where the wa ter depth was ca. 0.5 m. A to tal of 66 shal low lakes acrossEurope were sam pled this way from stony sub stra tum andplant bed sepa rately (de Eyto et al. 2003). A. protzi wasfound in three lakes, two of which were lo cated in Swe den,and one, Lake Sylvöjärvi, in south ern Fin land (Fig. 1).

Two A. protzi in di vidu als were found in Lake Sylvö-järvi, an ephip pial fe male and a male (Fig. 2). The to tal length of the ephip pial fe male (Fig. 2A) was 383 µm and that of themale (Fig. 2C) – 289 µm. The cara pace sur face sculp ture ofin tact ani mals was more de tailed than in sub fos sil shells. Be -sides blurry lines, fine punc tua tion was visi ble. The ephip -pial fe male had three den ti cles on one valve and only two onthe other (Fig. 2A, B). The male had three and four den ti cles,re spec tively (Fig. 2C, D). The ephip pium had a slightlythicker dor sal line, but no strong pig men ta tion (Flöss ner1972).

Ac cord ing to Flöss ner (1972) the dor sal mar gin of the fe -male postab do men has 8–13 small den ti cles, with 6–10 small bun dles of se tae on the lat eral sides of the postab do men. Themale postab do men has bun dles of se tae only, but no den ti -cles. The ba sal tooth of the postab do men is half as long as theclaw.

Iden ti fi ca tion of in tact an i mals can be based also onbody parts, which do not pre serve in sed i ments (cf. Flössner1972, Smirnov 1974, RÝen 1995). The ocellus of A. protzi issmaller than the eye, and is sit u ated slightly closer to the eyethan to the rostral apex. The an ten nules are twice as long astheir basal width and they end at a dis tance of about the widthof the eye be fore the apex of the ros trum. The plate of labrumis tri an gu lar with pointed apex, well vis i ble in Fig. 2.

Lake Sylvöjärvi is a eutrophic, shal low lake (Ta ble 1),the catch ment of which is a mix ture of de pos its, mainly tilland clay, but also out crops of bed rock and fine sands, as wellas gravel and sand in es kers. There are also palu di fied ar eas at the both ends of the lake. Clay soils are al most to tally in ag ri -cul tural use. Dense emer gent vege ta tion, Phrag mites aus -tralis and Scoe no plec trus la cus tis, fringe the lake, be hindwhich there is a zone of floating- leaved plants. The lake bot -


Fig. 1. Lo ca tion of the lakes dis cussed in the text. 1 – Lovonjärvi,2 – Riikoisten Valkjärvi, 3 – Valvatus, 4 – Sylvöjärvi.

Fig. 2. Alona protzi Hartwig in di vid u als found in Lake Sylvöjärvi, south ern Fin land. A – ephippial fe male. The ar row points to the lo ca -tion of the denticles (en large ment in B) at the pos te rior-ven tral cor ner of the shell (car a pace). C – male. The ar row points to the lo ca tion of thedenticles at the pos te rior-ven tral cor ner (en large ment in D). The num ber of denticles can vary be tween the valves of the same in di vid ual.There are 3 denticles on the lower valve of the fe male and 2 on the up per valve. The up per valve of the male has 3 and the lower one 4denticles. Scale bar = 100 µm.

Page 3: FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900 (BRANCHIOPODA: … · Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900(BRANCHIOPODA: ANOMOPODA, CHYDORIDAE) IN FINLAND

tom is soft and sub merged vege ta tion poorly de vel oped dueto the rela tively high tur bid ity of the lake.

The spe cies was found on a sam pling site with rocky bot -tom and only sparse vege ta tion, which is quite ex cep tionalsite for this lake. Be sides small ep il ithic al gae, only some iso -lated stems of Iso etes sp., Po ta mo ge ton per fo lia tus andElodea ca nad en sis were ob served. The rocks at the sam plingsite were quite uni form in size, mostly small cob bles (64–128 mm), and to a lesser ex tent large peb bles (32–64 mm). TwoA. protzi in di vidu als were found among a to tal of 455 chy do -rid in di vidu als iden ti fied from this rocky site. To tal of 605chy do rids were iden ti fied from two sub merged plant beds ofLake Sylvöjärvi, but no A. protzi in di vidu als were re cordedthere. Sam pling date was early autumn, 7th of Sep tem ber.

In ter est ingly, the spe cies has al ready been found in Fin -land in 1980’s, but has re mained un pub lished. Ui monen(1985) re port in her Mas ter’s the sis (in Fin nish) that the spe -cies had in hab ited (among many oth ers) an ar ti fi cial sub stra -tum, a plas tic net sponge, which she used to col lect ani malsamong sub merged lit to ral vege ta tion in Lake Lo vonjärvi,south ern Fin land (Fig. 1). In cu ba tion pe riod was sev eralweeks in July and August.

Lake Lo vonjärvi (Ta ble 1) is also a eutrophic and rela -tively tur bid lake, but smaller and deeper than Lake Sylvö-järvi. Popu lated ar eas, as well as ag ri cul ture on fine sandschar ac ter ize the catch ment area. The lake is situ ated be sidees kers, and proba bly re ceives ground wa ter through them. Itis rela tively deep and mero mic tic (Huitu, Mäkelä 1998).

Find ings of Alona protzi in sedi ments

Be sides in tact ani mals, Ui monen (1985) had found alsosev eral A. protzi shells in the an nu ally lami nated sedi ment ofLake Lo vonjärvi, rep re sent ing the years 1959–1981. Re -cently, we found sub fos sil shells of A. protzi in the sur facesedi ments of two other lakes. Two shells were found from the sam ple taken from the deep est point of Lake Riikois ten Valk -

järvi, south ern Fin land (Fig. 1) (Nykänen, un publ). An othersub fos sil shell of A. protzi was found in the sur face sedi ments of Lake Val va tus, east ern cen tral Fin land (Fig. 1) (Sarmaja- Korjonen, un publ.).

The subfossil shell of A. protzi (Fig. 3) is a rel a tivelysmall Alona-type shell, with a rounded pos te rior-dor sal mar -gin. The ven tral mar gin is al most straight or slightly con cavewith setation still vis i ble, if the shell is well pre served. Thean te rior mar gin has a slight thick en ing of the shell wall. Thesur face sculp ture in cludes blurred par al lel lines, slightlycurv ing down to wards the pos te rior-ven tral cor ner. In oursam ples the lines were not vis i ble in the an te rior part of theshells. The shell can be iden ti fied by the denticles at the pos -te rior-ven tral cor ner, which are sep a rate i.e. there is somefree valve mar gin be tween them. The base of the denticles israther wide when com pared to those of other Alona spp., e.g.Alona affinis dentata (RÝen 1968). The num ber of denticlesvar ies from 2 to 4, and an un equal num ber of denticles onvalves of one in di vid ual is com mon (Flössner 1972). In thesubfossil shells we found, the two from Lake RiikoistenValkjärvi had three denticles on both valves (Fig. 3A, B) andthe third, from Lake Valvatus, had two and three, re spec -tively (Fig. 3C, D). Ac cord ing to Flössner (1972) there are5–7 tiny bris tles be tween the denticles, which were weaklyvis i ble in the shells from Lake Riikoisten Valkjärvi. Suchgroup of bris tles was vis i ble above the dorsalmost denticle inthe Lake Valvatus shell (Fig. 3D). A line of short bris tles runs along the pos te rior-dor sal part, close to the shell mar gin.

In the ory, also headshields and postabdomens can be re -cov ered from sed i ments. A. protzi-headshield has 3 head-pores, well de scribed in RÝen (1995) and a short, trun catedros trum (Flössner 1972, RÝen 1995). Iden ti fi ca tion of suchheadshields in sed i ment may be dif fi cult, how ever, be causeof their sim i lar ity to other Alona-type headshields. Al thoughUimonen (1985) found sev eral shells in the Lake Lovonjärvised i ments, she was not able to iden tify the headshield or thepostabdomen. In subfossil re mains the postabdominal clawis of ten de tached from the postabdomen.

Alona protzi IN FINLAND 75

Ta ble 1Gen eral char ac ter is tics of the lakes with A. protzi in Fin land. Val ues are sum mer time means of sur face wa ter sam ples

Sylvöjärvi Lovonjärvi R. Valkjärvi Valvatus

Sur face area, ha 235 5 8 303

Max i mum depth, m 5.5 17.5 9.0 7.5

Con duc tiv ity, mS m–1 9.3 12.9 2.5 15.0

Al ka lin ity, mmol l-1 0.446 0.514 0.045 0.655

pH 7.0 7.2 6.2 7.4

Wa ter col our, mg Pt l–1 40 160 73 100

To tal P, µg l–1 38 49 15 42

To tal N, µg l–1 700 872 340 830

Chlo ro phyll-a, µg l–1 7 28 6 31

Secchi depth, m 1.1 1.0 2.3 1.1

Page 4: FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900 (BRANCHIOPODA: … · Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900(BRANCHIOPODA: ANOMOPODA, CHYDORIDAE) IN FINLAND

In con trast to Lake Sylvöjärvi and Lo vonjärvi, LakeRiikois ten Valk järvi is oligo trophic. This small lake has asmall catch ment area, which is char ac ter ized by gran ite bed -rock, till soils and nearly un dis turbed co nif er ous for est. Thesedi ment in the lit to ral zone is highly min ero genic, withrocks and sparse vege ta tion, al though there is a wide area ofPo ta mo ge ton na tans on the other side of the lake. The lakehas no clear in- or out lets, sug gest ing long re ten tion time(Huitu, Mäkelä 1998). Lake Val va tus, in stead, is a brown- water lake rich in nu tri ents that suf fers from non- point pol lu -tion and oc ca sion ally from tur bid ity. Ag ri cul ture is prac ticedon the catch ment area, and there are many fields in the closevi cin ity of the lake.


The find ings we pres ent here con firm the oc cur rence ofAlona protzi in Fin land. The low number of find ings fur thercon firms its status as a rare spe cies, al though Ui monen(1985) found it in rela tively high num bers in Lake Lo -vonjärvi. Cot ten (1985) stud ied thor oughly sur face sedi -ments of 46 lakes in east ern Fin land, but did not find any A.protzi re mains. The authors have stud ied bot tom sedi mentsof nu mer ous lakes in south ern Fin land, but so far, have foundsub fos sil re mains of A. protzi from two lakes only, and liv ingspeci mens from only one lake.

The value of this spe cies in pa leo lim no logi cal re con -struc tions is low be cause of its rare oc cur rence. Also, thevery lim ited data of this spe cies con founds the eco logi calinferences. The re ported oc cur rences of this spe cies show di -verse habi tats (Du mont, Ne grea 1996), but more observa-tions are needed to spec ify its eco logi cal re quire ments. Three of the lakes we pres ent here are quite eutrophic and tur bidlakes, and only one is a clear- water oligo trophic for est lake.Springs were not ob vi ous in our sam pling sites, but un der wa -ter springs are quite com mon in Fin nish lakes. There fore wecan not ex clude the pos si bil ity of springs and drift of ani mals

or their re mains from ground wa ter habi tats to our sam plingsites.

The find ings of fresh ani mals gave ad di tional pieces ofin for ma tion. The tim ing of the ap pear ance of males and sex -ual fe males in Lake Sylvöjärvi was early autumn (7th of Sep -tem ber), but lit tle is known about the life cy cle of this spe cies.As sum ing the ani mals were not drifted from un der groundhabi tats, they lived in eutrophic Lake Sylvöjärvi amongsmall ep il ithic al gae and sparse mac ro phyte vege ta tion onrocky lake lit to ral, in agree ment with the in for ma tion inFlöss ner (1972) and Bran celj & Sket (1990). On the otherhand, Ui monen (1985) found the ani mal from ar ti fi cial sub -stra tum among sub merged vege ta tion. Re gard less the ob vi -ously flexi ble choice of habi tats, this pelo-, phyto- andsty go philic spe cies is rare. Has this flexi bil ity di min ished itsabil ity to com pete with the other, more spe cial ized spe cies?Or is the life in lake lit to ral just a sec ond choice af ter ac ci den -tal drift ing from the ac tual, pre ferred un der ground habi tat,which is evi dently less well stud ied? More stud ies, es pe cially in un der ground habi tats, are needed to an swer these ques -tions.

Ac know ledge ments

We thank anony mous refe ree for the help ful com ments on ourmanu script. We would like to ex press our warm thanks to Jo hannaRäsänen for pro vid ing in for ma tion about Lake Val va tus. SuviMäkelä and Eeva Huitu kindly pro vided in for ma tion about LakeRiikois ten Valk järvi and Lake Lo vonjärvi. The first author was fi -nanced by Maj and Tor Nessling Foun da tion and Fin nish Gradu ateSchool in En vi ron men tal Sci ence and Tech nol ogy.


Bran celj A., Sket B. 1990. Oc cur rence of Cla do cera (Crus ta cea) insub ter ra nean wa ters in Yugo sla via. Hy dro bio lo gia 199, 17–20.

Cot ten C.A. 1985. Cla do ceran as sem blages re lated to lake con di -


Fig. 3. Subfossil shells (car a paces) of Alona protzi Hartwig from Fin land. A – shell in a sur face sed i ment sam ple from Lake RiikoistenValkjärvi. The ar row points to the lo ca tion of the denticles at the pos te rior-ven tral cor ner (en large ment in B). C – shell in a sur face sed i mentsam ple from Lake Valvatus. The ar row points to the lo ca tion of the denticles at the pos te rior-ven tral cor ner (en large ment in D). D also showsa group of bris tles above the dorsalmost denticle (ar row). The num ber of denticles can vary be tween the valves of the same in di vid ual. Theshell in A has three denticles on both valves whereas the shell in C has 2 denticles on the up per valve and 3 on the lower valve. Scale bar = 100µm.

Page 5: FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900 (BRANCHIOPODA: … · Studia Quaternaria, vol. 24: 73–77. FINDINGS OF Alona protzi HARTWIG 1900(BRANCHIOPODA: ANOMOPODA, CHYDORIDAE) IN FINLAND

tions in east ern Fin land. PhD the sis. De part ment of Bi ol ogy.In di ana Uni ver sity, 70 pp.

De Eyto E., Irvine K., García-Criado F., Gyllström M., Jeppesen E.,Kornijow R., Mir a cle M.R, Nykänen M., Bareiss C., Cerbin S., Salujáe J., Franken R., Stephens D., Moss B. 2003. The dis tri -bu tion of chydorids (Branchiopoda, Anomopoda) in Eu ro peanshal low lakes and its ap pli ca tion to eco log i cal qual ity mon i tor -ing. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 156, 181–202.

Du mont H.J. 1983. Dis cov ery of groundwater- inhabiting Chy do ri -dae (Crus ta cea: Cla do cera), with the de scrip tion of two newspe cies. Hy dro bio lo gia 106, 97–106.

Du mont H.J. 1987. Ground wa ter Cla do cera: A syn op sis. Hy dro bio -lo gia 145, 169–173.

Du mont H.J. 1995. The evo lu tion of ground wa ter Cla do cera. Hy -dro bio lo gia 307, 69–74.

Du mont H.J., Ne grea S. 1996. A con spec tus of the Cla do cera of thesub ter ra nean wa ters of the world. Hy dro bio lo gia 325, 1–30.

Flöss ner D. 1972. Krebstiere, Crus ta cea. Kie men- und Blatt füsser,Bran chio poda, Fis chläuse, Bran chi ura. Tier welt Deutschlands60, 1–501.

Frey D.G. 1960. The eco logi cal sig nifi cance of cla do ceran re mainsin lake sedi ments. Ecol ogy 41, 684–699.

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