firetalk spring 2013

FireTalk In is Issue Tasmania Adopts AS 1851-2012 FPA Australia Technical Documents Update Visits to Non-Authorised Businesses Update Accreditation & Licensing Department Now Live New Webcast Released FPA Australia AGM Notice FPAS Individual and Business Lists Released Fire Australia Conference LinkedIn Group Launched Aviation Industry Update Attention Fire Technicians and Contractors – Fire Australia 2013 FPA Australia Releases New Training Subject Events New & Updated Members Spring 2013 Edition Newsletter of Fire Protection Association Australia Corporate Platinum Members FireTalk is proudly sponsored by Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers ® 1300 888 111 Tasmania Adopts AS 1851-2012 Tasmania is leading the way, becoming the first Australian state or territory to formally adopt AS 1851-2012 Routine Service of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment. The adoption has occurred by way of an amendment to the Director of Building Control’s Specified List. In Tasmania, The Building Act 2000, and specifically Regulation 46 of the Building Regulations 2004, provide for the Director to prescribe certain matters including time periods and documents to be provided with applications. They are contained in the Director’s Specified List. The newly amended List applies from 1 September 2013 and now references inspection, testing and frequency of fire protection systems and equipment to AS 1851-2012. The new edition of AS 1851 provides improved outcomes for building owners as well as delivering the level of fire protection and safety expected by the community. Both the National Office and the Tasmanian State Divisional Committee of FPA Australia have worked closely with the Tasmanian State Government and all related stakeholders to bring about this important change. FPA Australia congratulates the Tasmanian Government on the strong leadership demonstrated by the adoption of this important standard. For more information on the use and adoption of AS 1851-2012 nationally, FPA Australia members are encouraged to read the Association’s newly released Good Practice Guide on the subject or contact the technical department at [email protected]

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The Spring 2013 edition of FireTalk - The Newsletter of Fire Protection Association Australia - is out now and available for you to read online. This edition features news on Tasmania's formal adoption of AS 1851-2012, detailed information on the state of FPA Australia's current and future technical documents, details of the newly created Accreditation & Licensing Department and much more.


Page 1: FireTalk Spring 2013

FireTalkIn This Issue

Tasmania Adopts AS 1851-2012

FPA Australia Technical Documents Update

Visits to Non-Authorised Businesses Update

Accreditation & Licensing Department Now Live

New Webcast Released

FPA Australia AGM Notice

FPAS Individual and Business Lists Released

Fire Australia Conference LinkedIn Group Launched

Aviation Industry Update

Attention Fire Technicians and Contractors – Fire Australia 2013

FPA Australia Releases New Training Subject


New & Updated Members

Spring 2013 Edition

Newsletter of Fire Protection Association Australia

Corporate Platinum Members

FireTalk is proudly sponsored by Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers®

1300 888 111

Tasmania Adopts AS 1851-2012Tasmania is leading the way, becoming the first Australian state or territory to formally adopt AS 1851-2012 Routine Service of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment.

The adoption has occurred by way of an amendment to the Director of Building Control’s Specified List.

In Tasmania, The Building Act 2000, and specifically Regulation 46 of the Building Regulations 2004, provide for the Director to prescribe certain matters including time periods and documents to be provided with applications. They are contained in the Director’s Specified List. The newly amended List applies

from 1 September 2013 and now references inspection, testing and frequency of fire protection systems and equipment to AS 1851-2012.

The new edition of AS 1851 provides improved outcomes for building owners as well as delivering the level of fire protection and safety expected by the community.

Both the National Office and the Tasmanian State Divisional Committee of FPA Australia have worked closely with the Tasmanian State Government and all related stakeholders to bring about this important change.

FPA Australia congratulates the Tasmanian Government on the strong leadership demonstrated by the adoption of this important standard.

For more information on the use and adoption of AS 1851-2012 nationally, FPA Australia members are encouraged to read the Association’s newly released Good Practice Guide on the subject or contact the technical department at [email protected]

Page 2: FireTalk Spring 2013

FireTalk is proudly sponsored by Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers® 1300 888 111

FPA Australia Technical Documents Update

This article provides an update on the documents that have been recently released as well as those currently in development to provide the industry with information, guidance and advice regarding technical requirements for fire protection systems and equipment.

Recently released FPA Australia Technical DocumentsThree new technical documents have been released in the past three months:

• GoodPracticeGuide(GPG-03)Adoption and use of AS 1851-2012

Currently a members-only document, this provides a comprehensive guide to the reasons for adopting and using AS 1851-2012 as well as detailed information on its application in each state and territory.

• InformationBulletin(IB-05)Sprinkler system component fault monitoring

Highlights the importance of such monitoring to enhance effectiveness of sprinkler systems. Outlines requirements under the BCA and Australian Standards as well as providing recommendations for relevant stakeholders.

• PositionStatement(PS-04)National Licensing – Fire protection work under the plumbing and gasfitting occupations

Highlights FPA Australia’s support for national licensing, outlines its benefits and emphasises the importance of not only requiring the relevant qualification but also the relevant competencies.

Summary of FPA Australia Technical Documents Under DevelopmentFigure 1 provides an overview of the number of documents at each stage of development from discussion through to publication while Figure 2 provides a quick overview of the total number of documents split into those published documents and those in development.

FPA Australia Technical Documents Nearing CompletionThe following table highlights some of the Technical Documents currently ready for NTAC approval or at an advanced stage of development (i.e. expected to be completed and released in the next 6 months).

Figure1–StatusofFPAAustraliaTechnical Documents

Ready for NTAC to Approve (2)

Advanced Stage of Development (9)

Development Commenced (22)

Discussed but Not Active / Yet to Begin (12)

Published (15)

Figure 2 – Total Number of Documents

Published (15)

In Development (30)

To access FPA Australia’s Technical Documents visit or (for FPA Australia members). If you would like any further information or wish to propose a new technical document—please contact the Technical department at [email protected]

PositionStatements• Product compliance and

evidence of suitability

• Performance based design

Technical Advisory Notes• Requirements for draught

excluders in building constructed in bushfire prone areas

GoodPracticeGuides• Annual Fire Safety

Statements (NSW)

InformationBulletins• Requirements and

installation of evacuation diagrams

Reference Documents• Evidence of suitability

– Options for fire safety product compliance

FPAAustraliaanditsTechnicalAdvisoryCommitteescontinuetodevelopTechnical Documents to assist the fire protection industry.

Page 3: FireTalk Spring 2013

Fire Protection Industry (ODS & SGG Board)

Accreditation & Licensing Department Now Live

Visits to Non-Authorised Businesses UpdateAs part of the Board’s ongoing compliance related activities, site visits with a focus on compliance and education in New South Wales (NSW) were recently undertaken.

A total of 45 companies were visited in April, May and June 2013. The Executive Officer of the Fire Protection Industry (ODS & SGG) Board, Carlos Santin, said that the site visits were to raise awareness of businesses and the technicians on the legislative requirements that they have to comply with under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995.

“The general approach was to educate and help businesses comply with the regulations. Businesses should be aware that not complying with legislative requirements may result in financial penalties being imposed.”

In early October the newly created Department within the Association’s National Office “Accreditation and Licensing” went live on the FPA Australia website. The department’s page is now accessible at

The Accreditation & Licensing Department of FPA Australia administers all of the accreditation & licensing schemes and programs that are the responsibility of the Association.

The Association has invested in new staff for this department as well as other additional resources to ensure it is well equipped to handle the increasing level of demand by the accreditation and licensing programs currently being administered, as well as to set it up appropriately for potential new programs in future.

The Cabling Registration SchemeFPA Australia has been accredited by the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) to run a registration scheme for cabling technicians on its behalf, to support the Cabling Provider Rules (CPRs). FPA Australia is one of only five organisations given this responsibility by ACMA. More than 3,000 cabling technicians are currently registered through FPA Australia.

The Workplace Emergency Response Scheme (WER)FPA Australia’s WER Certification Program offers individuals and businesses that provide workplace emergency response (WER) services an opportunity to be recognised by industry, end-users and the community as providers of professional WER services.

The Workplace Emergency Response Certification Scheme is currently on hold and no applications are being accepted at this time. The current review will ensure the scheme is relaunched in the near future with a robust framework designed to recognise those who meet the rigour required for such an important scheme.

The site visits in NSW identified a number of companies purchasing and selling scheduled extinguishing agents that did not possess Extinguishing Agent Trading Authorisations. In some instances, the technicians employed by these companies also did not hold the relevant Extinguishing Agent Handling Licences.

“At this stage, our efforts are focussed on helping companies comply and the feedback we have received from the companies is very encouraging. Generally the Board’s Field Officer was welcomed and companies were keen to get things right,” Mr Santin said.

Mr Santin also pointed out that the site visits are ongoing and checks of non-authorised businesses will continue to be conducted in 2013.

If you believe that an individual or business is operating illegally you can report this to the Board by forwarding the information to the Executive Officer – Ozone Protection at [email protected] or (03) 8892 3131.

The Accreditation & Licensing Department currently administers four programs for the industry, these are:

The Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme (FPAS)FPAS is the only voluntary national scheme for recognising the skills and competencies of individual fire protection technicians in Australia and the businesses that support them.

The Bushfire Planning & Design Scheme (BPAD)The BPAD Scheme accredits consultants who offer bushfire assessment, planning, design and advice services. It accredits practitioners who meet criteria based on specific accreditation and competency requirements, including a detailed knowledge of the relevant planning, development and building legislation for each State and Territory.

New Webcast Released – New Videos PageFPA Australia has recently released the second in its series of webcast videos. These webcasts are designed to provide members and other stakeholders with valuable information about the current objectives and activities of the Association.

In the latest video, the Association’s Chief Technical Officer and Deputy CEO Matthew Wright discusses FPA Australia’s technical activities & strategy, including: objectives & capacity, structure & stakeholders, Technical Advisory Groups (TACs) & Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Australian legislative & regulatory frameworks and more.

All videos and webcasts created by FPA Australia can now be easily accessed from the videos page of the website

Page 4: FireTalk Spring 2013

FPAS Individual and Business Lists Released

Fire Australia Conference LinkedIn Group Launched

Aviation Industry UpdateFPA Australia has released lists of FPAS individual accredited technicians and recognised businesses so that customers can access this information now, ahead of the launch of integrated FPAS search functionality in coming weeks.

Once implemented, this new system will allow users to search for FPAS recognised businesses that provide inspect & test services in their area, as well as validating the accreditation status of individual technicians.

The lists will be updated weekly until the new search tools come online, as new applications from fire technicians and businesses are being received every day. Both lists can now be accessed from the FPAS homepage at

FPA Australia AGM NoticeFPA Australia members are being advised that the Association’s Annual General Meeting for 2013 will occur on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 in Sydney, the day prior to the opening of the Fire Australia 2013 Conference & Exhibition.

The meeting will be held in Room G01, Ground Floor, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Drive, Darling Harbour from 10.00am to 11.00am.

The Association encourages all available members to attend this important event and be part of the ongoing direction of your Association. Members at all levels are eligible to attend, however pre-registration is required.

All members will also receive the formal AGM notification by post. Members can register attendance today via the CONNECT platform –


A dedicated group for the Fire Australia 2013 Conference and Exhibition has been created on LinkedIn and can be accessed at

On this page you will find all regular information distributed about the conference in one place, as well as links to relevant Conference and Exhibition content, including programs, brochures and registration forms.

Remember - everything you need to know about Fire Australia 2013 is also available from

In addition, don’t forget to join the general FPA Australia LinkedIn Group which can be accessed at This group is growing fast and regularly features highly relevant discussions and industry job advertisements, so become a member and be part of the conversation.

Currently in Australia all Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAMEs) and Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) who handle extinguishing agents are required to achieve competence in CPPFES2043A Prevent ozone depleting substance and synthetic greenhouse gas emissions or an equivalent assessment.

The Fire Protection Industry (ODS & SGG) Board has been working with the aviation industry to find ways in which the requirement for CPPFES2043A may be satisfied by either undertaking the unit of competency or an equivalent.

If you are a LAME or AME and handle extinguishing agents but have not

yet completed CPPFES2043A or an equivalent assessment, you should enrol as soon as possible.

A list containing information on the Registered Training Organisations that offer CPPFES2043A is available from

Please note that the RTOs may offer the training and assessment of the competency either by classroom assessment or electronically via distance learning, so it is important to check with each organisation as to their approach.

For further information please contact Carlos Santin, Executive Officer - Ozone Protection at [email protected] or call (03) 8892 3131.

Page 5: FireTalk Spring 2013

FPA Australia Releases New Training Subject

Attention Fire Technicians and Contractors – Don’t miss the Fire Australia 2013 Technical Stream

FPA Australia is proud to announce the release of a new training subject: Install and commission pre-engineered fire-suppression systems (CPPFES3042A). Enrolments are now being taken for this subject, with assessments to occur from early 2014.

Fire technicians who enrol in this subject will receive learning materials that cover how to interpret and comply with legal and industry requirements relating to fire system operations; conducting pre-installation inspections and checks; installing a pre-engineered fire-suppression system and commissioning an installed fire-suppression system.

The Fire Australia 2013 Conference sees the introduction of an additional presentation stream, complementing the popular strategic stream. The technical stream focuses on practical content, providing relevant information to those in the field.

Technical presentations will run for three quarters of each conference day (Wednesday November 20 and Thursday November 21), offering a wide range of topics and materials.

Some of the important practical topics under discussion as part of the Technical Stream include:

• TheImpactofImpulseFansin CarParks

• PassiveFireProtectionin Design Strategy

• PerformanceofIntumescentPaint on Different Materials

• TheNeedforanAustralianStandardforFireBarrierAssemblies

FireTalk is proudly sponsored by Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers® 1300 888 111

• ACCCStandardforPortableFireExtinguishers

• ReplacingFireHoseReelswithPortableFireExtinguishers

• NationalAdoptionofAS1851-2012

• ElectronicRecordingofInspection & Testing Data

• Andsomuchmore...

With speakers from around Australia and overseas, the Conference organisers aim to ensure all presentations are topical and current, affording attendees across all roles in fire protection and related industries additional knowledge and information.

Don’t miss out on this vital industry event - register to attend Fire Australia 2013 today! Download the Program and Registration brochure for more detailed program information at

For fire technicians who inspect and test these systems we also recommend undertaking CPPFES2027A Inspect, test and maintain non-gaseous pre-engineered fire-suppression systems. We offer enrolment and assessment for these subjects combined for those who undertake the installation, commissioning, testing and maintenance of pre-engineered fire-suppression systems.

Assessment can occur in a private workshop at your premises or at a selection of public workshops where the appropriate equipment is available. You can find much more information about FPA Australia Training and Education at

To enrol or to learn more about this or other subjects offered by FPA Australia visit or call 1300 731 922.

See the events pages for full details

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FireTalk is proudly sponsored by Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers® 1300 888 111

Fire Australia 2013 – The Journey to ProfessionalismWednesday 20 & Thursday 21 November 2013 Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre Darling Drive, Sydney NSW

Fire Australia 2013 is the premier fire protection industry conference and exhibition, attracting key personnel, peers and significant representation from businesses, government and associations. With speakers from across Australia and overseas the organisers aim to ensure all presentations are topical and current, affording everyone in attendance additional knowledge and information.

Who Should Attend?

• Fire Protection Consultants, Engineers and Technicians• Fire Service Personnel• Fire Equipment Manufacturers, Distributors and Installers• Regulatory Authorities and Legislators• Insurance Professionals• Facility Managers, Property Developers and Building Owners• Architects, Building Designers and Specifiers• Building Surveyors

• Environmental Engineers & Sustainability Managers

For more information and to register your attendance at Fire Australia 2013, visit the conference website at . Alternatively, contact an FPA Australia Events team member by calling 1300 731 922 or email [email protected]

Upcoming Training WorkshopsEnrol now in the ideal qualification for fire protection professionals: FPA Australia’s Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing.

Choose from a range of subjects to study individually, or enrol in the full qualification. Start your training at any time when and where it suits you with our self-study option then undertake an assessment workshop with one of our qualified workplace assessors in your state or territory.

Workshops may run for one day or for a whole week, depending on your needs. Once your assessment has been completed you will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment or Certificate as evidence of your competence.

Do you have skills and knowledge and simply require assessment?FPA Australia offers you several different options for assessment. Private workshops for group training and/or assessment can be arranged to suit the needs of your business, or you can enrol at any time and join other fire protection technicians at a public assessment workshop.

Call 1300 731 922 to arrange private assessment sessions or check out the dates below for upcoming public workshops. If you are unable to attend any of the sessions listed below, call us on 1300 731 922 to find out when FPA Australia will be conducting a session near you.

November 4 to 8 Melbourne 12 to 15 Adelaide 26 to 29 Perth

January 14 to 17 Sydney 21 to 24 Brisbane 28 to 31 Melbourne

Page 7: FireTalk Spring 2013

For more information about FPA Australia events please visit

To register and pay for FPA Australia events online please visit

HazMat 2014Achieving a Productive and Resilient Industry: How Workplace Best Practice Can Promote Professional GrowthWednesday14&Thursday15May2014 Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre Preston, Victoria Australia

The HazMat 2014 theme explores the means to ensure your business or organisation continues to expand and prosper in an uncertain economy. It will address the needs of workplace safety and incident prevention for long term planning and stability. The aim is to achieve this through the presentation of case studies and incident analysis as well as focus on new and best practice methodologies.

CallForPapers The Call for Papers is now available for industry members and representatives to submit presentations abstracts for consideration for the HazMat conference program. Visit the hazmat web page at to find out more.

Sponsorship & Exhibition To align your organisation or business with this key industry event you can undertake one of several high exposure sponsorship options or purchase an exhibition booth for direct delegate contact. The Exhibition & Sponsorship Brochure is now available from the Exhibition page:

For more information regarding HazMat 2014 visit or contact an Events team member by calling 1300 731 922 or email [email protected]

ACHIEVING A PRODUCTIVE AND RESILIENT INDUSTRYHow workplace best practice can promote professional growth

Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre, Preston VIC 14 + 15 May, 2014

Page 8: FireTalk Spring 2013

FPAAustraliaContactDetails PO Box 1049 Box Hill VIC 3128 T: (03) 8892 3131 E: [email protected] W:

FireTalk is brought to you by Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers® Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers provide FPA Australia Members with your own insurance facility designed specifically for your industry with affordable premiums and wider benefits. Approved by FPA Australia and ACCC. For more information please phone 1300 888 111 or email [email protected]

New MembersFPA Australia would like to welcome our latest members

Associate NSW

Mr Matthew Bramall Mr Kevin Proud Mr Stephen Hill Mr Stephen Dooley Mr Jiffry Ahamed Mr Anthony Nemec

VICMr Leigh Skinner

QLDMr Ben Barrett Mr Paul Willman


Mr Kieran O’Hare

NSWMr Eugene Attard Mr Michael Langford

QLDMr Steve Bell Mr Jacob Hardy Mr David Simmonds

VICMr Brendan P. Malane

WAMr Martin Roddis Mr Neil Hawkins Mrs Kathryn Kinnear Mr Philip Dyet

Corporate Bronze (1-4 staff)

ACTN & NJ Leighton Pty Ltd P & T Fire Services

NSWFirefront Services Pty Ltd Fire Flow Pty Ltd Centennial Trade Services Pty Ltd Striker Fire-Electrical Solutions SPS Engineers Pty Ltd Absolute Fire Protection Coastal Fire Prevention Pty Ltd ESEC Electrical and Security

QLDFyrepower Fire Protection Pty Ltd

SABushfire Defence Radsing Concepts P/L Code Red Emergency Management Pty Ltd

Corporate Silver (Fewer than 15 staff)

NSWOncall Energy Solutions Pty Ltd Fire Integrity Services Pty Ltd J & M Toweel Electrical Service Pty Ltd Superior Fire Solutions Pty Ltd Precise Fire Pty Ltd

NT Defend Fire Pty Ltd

QLD Weepa Products Pty Ltd

VIC Hamilton Fire Protection Fire and Wire Pty Ltd

Corporate Gold (More than 15 staff)

NSWPrecision Fire Protection Services Pty Ltd Extinguished Fire (NSW) Pty Ltd JSG Industrial Systems Pty Ltd

INTERNATIONAL Silvani S.p.A. – Como, Italy

Organisation Silver QLD

Virgin Australia

WA Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA

Organisation Bronze NSW

Emcorp Group Arrow Communications

Upgraded MembersCorporate Silver

NSWBR Plumbing & Excavations Pty Ltd Eagle Fire Protection Building Certificates Australia Pty Ltd Alliance Alarms Fire Systems Hawkins On Fire - Fire Protection Services Avanti Fire Wagga Fire Security Ozfire Pty Ltd Clarke Dowdle & Assoc

QLDFlaming North Fire Protect Fire Technology Pty Ltd TT Building Surveyors Pty Ltd Fire EMT

SAHyflow Services Pty Ltd

VICPSA Products Pty Ltd Thames Fire Protection Pty Ltd Firesafe Sprinkler Systems Terramatrix Pty Ltd Elliots Fire & Safety Services Pty Ltd Network Fire Systems Pty Ltd Compliance Maintenance Solutions Firewatch Services Pty Ltd Focus Alliance Pty Ltd 24 Seven Maintenance Solutions Pty Ltd Fire Rating Solutions

Corporate GoldACT

Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd

NSWACOR Consultants Pty Ltd Aqua Fire Protection Extinguisher Services Pty Ltd Hirotec Maintenance Pty Ltd Life & Rescue International Fire Safe Australia & New Zealand Pty Ltd RFD Australia Pty Ltd

QLDPremier Fire NQ EndFire Engineering Pty Ltd Fire Boar Pty Ltd Trinity Fire Services Pty Ltd Fire & Safety Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd

SAShield Fire Systems Pty Ltd

VICUnion Hydraulics Pty Ltd Link Fire Pty Ltd KSB Australia Ptd Ltd Norman Disney & Young Australian Essential Services Group Australian Essential Services Maint

WAWestside Fire Services Bell Fire Equipment Co Pty Ltd E-Fire & Safety Fire Technologies Australia Pty Ltd


Elecfire Pty Ltd Nullfire Group Raneye Systems Certified Fire Safety Compliance Sonnenschutz Pty Ltd Firewatch Services Melbourne Pty Ltd Titan Fire Solutions Pty Ltd

WAAustralian Fire Industries Pty Ltd Great Southern Fire Services Guardian First Aid and Fire Vision Fire Systems MDF Services Pty Ltd Fire Protection and Safety Training South West Electrical and Alarms Testing Fire and Emergency Systems Australia Pty Ltd Mechanical Fire Solutions Close Solutions Pty Ltd

Organisation Silver NSW

Qenos Pty Ltd Vero Insurance Ltd


WA Robe Valley Argyle Diamond Mines Pty Ltd City of Armadale