first experience in life

Upload: rohayu-abd-ghani

Post on 06-Mar-2016




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foundation english


The first class of foundation English mostly about introduction to English languages. Varieties in English is the first chapter for the subject. The explanation is about varieties of languages affect by pidgins, creoles, regional dialect, minority dialect and indigenized variety. Every person has their own ways to pronounce the word. There are two types of English which is formal and informal. Weve to use formal English when we are attend a meeting, assembly or speech. While we usually use informal English in the conversation with our friends, family and social web. In the class, Ive learned on how to use formal and informal English in the proper ways. For the exercises, Ive tried to find out the non-suitable word and matching with another word to complete the sentences. Besides that, mister K. Bhaskran has shown the example of the word that shall be more confusing to us such as accept and except, affect and effect, all ready and already and so on.

I felt more comfortable while study about the chapter because it is simple and easy to understand. But for the next chapter, is about part of speech. Ive tried to put my foot on your shoes, finally Ive gotten better to describe noun, verb, adverb and adjective. Actually, it doesnt matter if you not understand, firstly you have to relax your mind, take you enough time to read slowly and try to find out the meaning. You have to understand the explanation before you start practices because if you practice with no idea behind it, that wont really help you and the last tip please become a good friends with your dictionary. Look at the topic again, Ive to adding a part of the word like un, de, mis and re at the front of the word to make it negative word. For the word frost, informed and centralise, i was doing a mistaken by adding the word un to every word and become unfrost, uninformed, and uncentralise. By right, the word must be defrost, misinformed and decentralise. This topics is about prefixes and suffixes, there is so much prefixes and suffixes in term of non, ir, il, dis, im, in and so on. Same goes to the suffixes, there is a few suffixes for example ness, ment, ion, ful, able, al, less, proof, ous, ly, y,ed, ish, ence, ity, ise, ify and en. Ive done a few exercises and finally Ive got it. I am really believe that practice will make us perfect.

For the next week, the topics become harder. Unfortunately, there was a medical check-up and blood samples taking at the residence colleges of Perwira about 8 pm. Of course weve get to the class before 8 pm, weve decided to doing the medical check-up before 8 pm and i am the first person done the check-up. Though we are the last group that get into the class. The situation was affect the anger of the lecturer. With our strength and guilty, we need to apologize before she start the lecture. Ive took my bag and try to take out my stationary but i realize that Ive lost my pensel boxes. So, i borrowed from my classmate but i dont knew her. Then, i introduce myself to her and accidentally she is my neighbour at the college. Weve decide to get in to the class all together with my friends. During the classes, i cant give my full attention to the lecture because i am always reminded my pensel boxes. I am trying to recall the last place Ive put it but i cant remember anything. Maybe Ive left it in my room, or maybe Ive lost it.

The cases really distract my focusing in the lecture, i dont want to take for granted to my friend and just copied their answer. Then, i shall make a deal with other friend to do a discussion about the topics. Im very thankful to her and their help during the classes. The week after that, Ive found my pensel boxes so nothing can be distract my focus for today. We are going to learn about articles. Articles divide by three which is a, an and the. Based on my observation, a is used before words beginning with a consonant sound and an is used before words beginning with a vowel sound something like a man or a uniform and an egg or an insect. There was a man in the class which is a talkative person. He is not communicate with other students or lecturer but he make a noisy with his meaningless joke. Sometimes we need to be more profesional in the class but sometimes weve to enjoy our self and try to reduce the stress with the joke. Everything is gone to be alright for todays, I,ve got something new in this class and it would be more use full to me in my future. Any exercises done at the targeted time, everybody enjoy with the exercises and the class finish by the right time. lets go home.