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02 First United Methodist Church Crown Point Indiana ISSUE 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS The Region Shuffle Well, winter has finally made it’s much anticipated (& dreaded) appearance. After miraculously avoiding the icy bullet of winter’s embrace for much of December and early January, winter has finally come barging into our corner of the world, as resented and unwelcomed as your crazy relative from New Jersey who shows up on your door- step for a week’s visit. The weathermen are talking about a “polar vortex” (code name for “insane killer cold weather”) system taking up residence for the foreseeable future, and we are settling in to wait out the next few months till spring arrives. As if we need more proof of winter, I have noticed a phenomena that I refer to as “The Region Shuffle” has made its reappearance. We residents of Northwest Indiana walk very differently depending on the season. For much of the year, we walk through the streets with our heads held high, a certain purpose to our stride, as we take in all that is going on around us. However once the winter sets in and the winds howl around us, we adopt a very different stride. Most of us do it- trudging stoically through the cold, head bowed, feet shuffling, trying our best of be oblivious to the world around us. Where, when the sun is shining and the temperature is balmy, we may actually take in the world around us and enjoy a casual stroll, when winter sets his icy talons in our soul, we simply try to get through, getting from point A to point B as quickly and painlessly as possible. I have a feeling this is both a learned response to the cold and yet something deeper and more primal- as though trudging through life is something imprinted in our Region Rat DNA. Sadly, this goes deeper than just our style of perambulation. There are times in life that simply make us want to lower our head and get through, keeping as oblivious and insu- lated as possible. Times when we give up actually taking in life, and simply slog through hoping to get from where we are to where we hope we are going as quickly as we can. Times when we give up living and just exist. Times when we trade in things like ad- venture, beauty, and joy, for the slow sullen trudge of just getting through. We even do that in the church. In less than a month, Lent begins. As I have said, Lent suffers from acute holiday envy in terms of church seasons, particularly when com- pared to Advent. In Advent, the world looks pretty, the season is festive, and we talk about new birth, new hope and new life. Lent, as we sometimes play it out, seems like a slow trudge to a cross; where we talk about sacrifice, commitment and sin. Conse- quently, we tend to lower our heads, grit our teeth and adopt an attitude of getting through it until we can be enfolded in the warm embrace of the good news of Easter. Yet in doing so, I think we cheat the season and ourselves. Lent is far more than a dreary season to be gotten through. Instead, it can be an adventure. True, it tells a journey that draws us through some of the hard parts of life; but it also offers hope, growth, and even adventure. It is a time when the drama and passion of life are laid bare and we are invited to delve into the deep end of the pool of life. So, this Lent, I humbly refuse to shuffle. Instead, I am going to try to keep my head up and notice the scenery. I hope to take some risks and dare to believe that God may have something for me to learn. I will dare to hope that just maybe God has something in this season to come that may leave me changed at the other end. I invite you to join me on this adventure. Instead of just getting through to Easter, let’s charge forward into Lent with a sense of awe and wonder as we follow Christ though all that lies ahead. In His love and mine, Pastor Mark Preschool Enrollment Monday 02/01 Over 50’s Luncheon Sunday 02/07 Roatan Meeting Wednesday 02/10 Ash Wednesday Sunday 02/21 Planetarium Family Outing Saturday 02/27 Western Family Fun Night Sunday 02/28 Basketball Tournament SAVE THE DATE Sunday 03/10 Birthday Luncheon Tickets Go On Sale Saturday 04/23 Electronics Recycling

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First United Methodist Church Crown Point Indiana

ISSUE 2016


The Region Shuffle

Well, winter has finally made it’s much anticipated (& dreaded) appearance. After

miraculously avoiding the icy bullet of winter’s embrace for much of December and

early January, winter has finally come barging into our corner of the world, as resented

and unwelcomed as your crazy relative from New Jersey who shows up on your door-

step for a week’s visit. The weathermen are talking about a “polar vortex” (code

name for “insane killer cold weather”) system taking up residence for the foreseeable

future, and we are settling in to wait out the next few months till spring arrives.

As if we need more proof of winter, I have noticed a phenomena that I refer to as “The

Region Shuffle” has made its reappearance. We residents of Northwest Indiana walk

very differently depending on the season. For much of the year, we walk through the

streets with our heads held high, a certain purpose to our stride, as we take in all that is

going on around us. However once the winter sets in and the winds howl around us, we

adopt a very different stride. Most of us do it- trudging stoically through the cold, head

bowed, feet shuffling, trying our best of be oblivious to the world around us. Where,

when the sun is shining and the temperature is balmy, we may actually take in the

world around us and enjoy a casual stroll, when winter sets his icy talons in our soul, we

simply try to get through, getting from point A to point B as quickly and painlessly as

possible. I have a feeling this is both a learned response to the cold and yet something

deeper and more primal- as though trudging through life is something imprinted in our

Region Rat DNA.

Sadly, this goes deeper than just our style of perambulation. There are times in life that

simply make us want to lower our head and get through, keeping as oblivious and insu-

lated as possible. Times when we give up actually taking in life, and simply slog through

hoping to get from where we are to where we hope we are going as quickly as we

can. Times when we give up living and just exist. Times when we trade in things like ad-

venture, beauty, and joy, for the slow sullen trudge of just getting through.

We even do that in the church. In less than a month, Lent begins. As I have said, Lent

suffers from acute holiday envy in terms of church seasons, particularly when com-

pared to Advent. In Advent, the world looks pretty, the season is festive, and we talk

about new birth, new hope and new life. Lent, as we sometimes play it out, seems like

a slow trudge to a cross; where we talk about sacrifice, commitment and sin. Conse-

quently, we tend to lower our heads, grit our teeth and adopt an attitude of getting

through it until we can be enfolded in the warm embrace of the good news of Easter.

Yet in doing so, I think we cheat the season and ourselves. Lent is far more than a

dreary season to be gotten through. Instead, it can be an adventure. True, it tells a

journey that draws us through some of the hard parts of life; but it also offers hope,

growth, and even adventure. It is a time when the drama and passion of life are laid

bare and we are invited to delve into the deep end of the pool of life.

So, this Lent, I humbly refuse to shuffle. Instead, I am going to try to keep my head up

and notice the scenery. I hope to take some risks and dare to believe that God may

have something for me to learn. I will dare to hope that just maybe God has something

in this season to come that may leave me changed at the other end. I invite you to

join me on this adventure. Instead of just getting through to Easter, let’s charge forward

into Lent with a sense of awe and wonder as we follow Christ though all that lies

ahead. In His love and mine, Pastor Mark

Preschool Enrollment

Monday 02/01

Over 50’s Luncheon

Sunday 02/07

Roatan Meeting

Wednesday 02/10

Ash Wednesday

Sunday 02/21 Planetarium Family Outing

Saturday 02/27 Western Family Fun Night

Sunday 02/28

Basketball Tournament


Sunday 03/10 Birthday Luncheon Tickets

Go On Sale

Saturday 04/23 Electronics Recycling

Thank you SO much to everyone who came out to help with the Unhanging of the Greens last week. Your help is so appreciated! Pene Castor

College Care Kits Glory Circle will be preparing college care packages

at our Feb. 16th meeting. If you submitted the name

and address of a student for the care packages we sent in October,

you do not need to contact us again unless the student graduated

or had a change of address. If you would like to add a student to

our list, please contact the church office or e-mail Linda Kasianchuk

at [email protected] by Mon. Feb 14th. As always, donations for

postage are appreciated. If you have any questions, e-mail or call

Linda Kasianchuk at 662-1695.

Thank you to Tom DeVries for all of your help

around my home! It is so appreciated ~ can't

thank you enough!

Gladys Schliemann

This Would Not Have Been Possible Without You!

A great big Thank You to all of our New Year's

Eve helpers, JD Horne, Nate Fles, Luke Lambert,

Meghan Chaussey, Daniel Gustas, Jerry Lambert,

Lisa Hargreaves, Maura Kuhlman, Bob and Letitia

Gustas, Bob and Dona Golding, Sue Dykstra, Tom

and Jan Shanahan, Karen Wyss, Carrie Liskey,

Jayne Gibbs and Carla Smolek for giving up their

time to make our New Year's Youth Lock-In such a

success! Your stamina and bravery is admired and

appreciated! What a blessing you were to all of us!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Danno and Ms. Kelly

Singing... Think about some of the benefits that come from singing

in a group—there’s deep breathing involved (respiratory

strength,) vocalization (speech production,) the need to

focus on a given task (sustained attention,) the chal-

lenge of learning new material (learning and memory,) the pleasure

derived from performing (emotional benefits, like pride,) all within the

context of a social group (socialization.) Furthermore, from a neuro-

logical perspective, it has been well established that some of

the brain processes involved in speech overlap with those involved in

singing, while others are distinct. This helps explain why a person with

expressive aphasia—an inability to produce speech—tends to have

less difficulty singing than speaking.

With all these benefits, plus others that come to mind (the annual

Christmas party, fun, the guarantee of a good seat on Sunday morn-

ing, new friends, sharing laughs, etc.) why wouldn’t you want to be

part of the choir?? Practice is 7pm Thursday. We’ll see you there!

Help Your Home, Your Community, and Your Planet We are partnering with TradeWinds, which serves children and adults with disabilities, for an Earth Day

Electronics recycling day. TradeWinds will be in our parking lot on Saturday April 23 rd to pick up these

items from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We are NOT collecting prior to this time. They are able to accept

the following items:

Computer monitors

Computers (desktops, laptops, tablets)

Cell phones/smart phones


Fax machines

DVD players

Digital photo frames

Digital media players

iPods/MP3 players


DVR/TiVo devices (cable/satellite boxes, NO


Portable GPS navigation systems



Computer Peripherals (keyboards, mice,

external hard drives, printers, all-in-one printer/

scanner/copiers, projectors, etc.)

(As a registered Collector and Recycler for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s Indiana E-Cycle program since October 2013, TradeWinds Com-

puter Recycling program has collected and recycled over 6,800 computers and associated items totaling 142,000 pounds of e-waste while employing more than a

dozen workers with disabilities to get the job done.)

Thanking Current Service Members Glory Circle is making "Thank you" cards to mail to our

church members that are currently in active military ser-

vice. If your son, daughter, or spouse is serving in the mili-

tary, please contact the church office or e-mail Linda Kasianchuk at

[email protected] with their address, as soon as possible, so we

can make sure to thank them for their service to our country.

Preschool Enrollment Enrollment for the 2016-2017 preschool year at Play

& Learn Preschool is now opening. Registration for

our Pre 3 classes is available from Jan 1, while spac-

es for our Pre K classes will open on Feb 1. Please call

(219) 661-9044 to schedule a tour and meet our staff.

What’s Going On…

Recuperating at Home

Sandy Wilcox-Hager, Alan Lukow (Barb Gillan’s brother), Claire

Shaughnessy (Arlis Hove’s daughter-in-law), Mike Smith, Nancy Kelly,

Barbara Middlestead (Gordon Lorentz’s sister), Nancy Silva

Sympathy to the Loved Ones of

George Monix, Phyllis Fricke, Bill Nangle, James Pischke (Jane Weils’

brother,) Wally Engels, Rowan (Bean Miller’s great grandson,) Gladys

Wayman’s sister, Donald Bailey (Andi Bailey’s grandfather)

Monthly Church Statistics

Through January 10, 2016 Monthly Year to Date

Budget Needs $22,823.06 $22,823.06

Receipts $18,825.50 $18,825.50

Ahead/Behind Budget -3,997.56

Average Sunday School



Average Worship



About Our Church ● Phone 219.663.1515 ● the Beacon is a monthly publication of FUMC ● Office Hours 8:30 am—4:30 pm, Mon—Fri

● Sunday Worship 8 am and 11 am Traditional Service, 9:30 am Contemporary Service, 9:30 am Sunday School ● Staff Senior Pastor

Mark Wilkins [email protected] ● Associate Pastor Tom Shanahan [email protected] ● Administrative Assistant Cheryl Lucas

[email protected] ● Financial Secretary Jayne Gibbs ● Christian Education Coordinator Kimi Smith [email protected] ● Director of Youth

Ministries Danno Lambert ● Newcomer Ministry Coordinator Bonnie Meyer [email protected] ● Associate Director of Visitation Minis-

tries Marilyn Cantrall ● Music Director Cheryl Lucas [email protected] ● Organist Sandra Hobbs ● Praise Team Director Karen

Piercy [email protected] ● Treasurer Bob Wilson ● Custodian James L. Johnson ● Custodian Julie A. Schulz ● Nursery Supervisor Beth Mag-

er ● Nursery Attendant Sue Dykstra ● Preschool Administrator Kim Starcevich ● Preschool Teacher Michelle Lentini ● Preschool Teacher Stacey

Schoettle ● Preschool Aide Karen Artim ● Preschool Aide Debra Komasinski ● Preschool Aide Brooke Figurski ● Boy Scouts Don Cantrell ● Beacon

Articles If you have comments or articles for the Beacon, please email them to [email protected] or you may turn them in to the office.

Website ● Facebook

The Regular Beacon Deadline Is The Third Monday of the Month at Noon.

Through December 31, 2015 Year to Date

Budget Needs $583,069.76

Receipts $584,286.27

Ahead/Behind Budget +1,216.51

Average Sunday School Attendance 76

Average Worship Attendance 447

2015 Church Statistics

Bulletin Board Help

Our bulletin board in the Ed-

ucation Wing (by the nurse-

ry) could use some TLC.

We’d love for a couple of

people to volunteer to cover, decorate, manage

posts on it, etc. every few months. This would be

an excellent project to take on with a friend or two.

If you’re interested, please contact the church of-

fice at 219-663-1515.

An Early Start to Spring Cleaning

Although Lent starts early this year, before spring ap-

pears in many areas, it’s an appropriate time for

spring cleaning. Indeed, Lent comes from old Ger-

man and English words for “spring.” So, while it might

be too soon to open windows or hang clothes on

the line, now is ideal for some spiritual spring clean-


Lent calls us to examine our beliefs, confess and dis-

pose of old grudges and selfish habits, dust off our

Bibles for a new routine of study and prayer, air out

our hearts and brighten up our attitudes. “Lent

cleaning” lets the Holy Spirit freshen our faith — and

it’s never too early for that.


Altar Guild Pene Castor

Marilyn Saylor

Greeters Becky Furman, Arliss Hove,

02/07 John Essex/ /Sulewski Family

02/14 John Essex/ /

02/21 John Essex/ /

02/28 / /

Ushers Rich Tasher, Rick Lloyd, John Frisinger

8:00 am Bob & Phyllis Robinson, Gene Schroeder,

Bob Votaw

9:30 am Rick Lloyd, John Cotton, Elwood Canady, Jeff

Polacek, and Paul Sandilla

11:00 am Roger Fehring, Carmen & Jim Langston,

Mary Steele

Liturgists Pastor Mark Wilkins

02/07 Tom DeVries / COMMUNION / Kay Hosmer, Nick Cantley

02/14 Sherry Benson/ / Barb Gillan

02/21 Allan Hedges / /

02/28 Bob Wilson / / Barb Markle

Visual Team Kathie LeRoy





Moments for Missions Bonnie Meyer

NICK, Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids

Sound System Cheryl Lucas

02/07 Dale W / Dave B / Jim L

02/10 Dave B

02/14 John C / Dave B / Brian W

02/21 Maura K / Brian W / Tim F

02/28 John C / Brian W / Jim L

Hospitality Hour Bonnie Meyer

02/07 Elaine & Craig Achtzehn

02/14 Vicki Scearce, Cathi Lloyd

02/21 Ed & Dianne Warren

02/28 Saylor, Haack, Morris, & Southworth

We’d love for you to join us in any of our ministries. The con-

tacts for each team are listed below the team name in italics.

Here are some other groups (with contacts) that you might be

interested in joining:

Bakers — Bonnie Meyer Bells & Choir — Cheryl Lucas

Praise Team — Karen Piercy Sunday School— Kimi Smith

You may also sign up for Greeting or Hospitality Hour at the

Welcome Center.


PEACE & JOY CIRCLE / February 3 / Wednesday / 9:30

am in the Parlor

LOVE CIRCLE / February 3 / Wednesday / 1:00 pm in

the Parlor / Phyllis Robinson, Kathy Dybowski, Carla

Smolek & Erma Setlak, Hostesses

SUSANNA WESLEY CIRCLE / February 4 / Thursday /

1:00 pm in the Parlor

GLORY CIRCLE / February 16 / Tuesday / 7:00 pm in

the Parlor

FAITH & HOPE CIRCLE / February 17 / Wednesday /

6:30 pm in the Parlor

UMW Board / February 23 / Tuesday / 3:30 pm in the


BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON / April 30 / Saturday / 12:00pm

Tickets go on sale Sunday, March 6, at 8:30 am in the

Fellowship Hall! Tickets are $17 each.


Our Kids Mission Work Day in December was a great success! These kids work

so hard and SO fast. The homeless care kits that were assembled that day

have been distributed to local homeless shelters. Thank you for your support!

The Sunday School Department is in the process of updating its library and

educational materials. After great success with our adopt-a-book program

in the preschool and elementary children's department we wish to pur-

chase interactive materials to engage our children on their faith jour-

ney. You may donate toward this wish list and we will put your name on

those materials after we purchase them. We wish to thank our church fam-

i ly for your support of our children.

Education Commission and the children and youth of our church

Adopt-A-Book Form

I would like to donate to the Adopt-A-Book Program.

My gift of $ is enclosed.

Please order materials for Sunday School Department. It is given in honor or memory of:

The above information should be what you would like printed on the item or bookplate(s).

Leaps of Faith

My coming to faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers from what seemed

like one safe place to another. Like lily pads, round and green, these places summoned and

then held me up while I grew. Each prepared me for the next leaf on which I would land, and in

this way I moved across the swamp of doubt and fear … to the verdant pad of faith on which I

somehow stay afloat today. —Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies

Sunday School

All Ages

We have a new registration system for Sunday School to ensure that we are better able

to serve the children. Please make sure you fill out a registration sheet for each of your


PreK - 5th grade:

This year we are studying the life of Jesus. Our new topic, “Lost and Found” will be covered from February 14th

through February 28th. This is a study of several of the parables that Jesus taught.

Our February Mission project will be making valentine’s day card for patient in the hospital. This will take place on

February 7th.

Junior High Sunday School

Junior High Sunday School meets during the 9:30 am service.

Senior High Sunday School

Senior High Sunday School meets from 10:45 am—12:00 pm.

Children’s Mission Project

We are collecting some items for our upcoming mission projects with our Sunday School Children. We are collecting:

New fleece fabric for our March Project. Pieces should be 40x60” or 40x80”. We will be making tie blankets with this


Family Outings Sunday, February 21st Planetarium - 2 PM

Sunday, March 20th Bunny Hop—5 PM

Sunday, April 17th Bowling—2 PM

Please visit our page and ‘like’ it!

Thursday, February 4 * 3 pm—5 pm * Pulse

Sunday, February 7 * 6 pm—8 pm * Youth Group

Thursday, February 11 * 3 pm—5 pm * Pulse

Sunday, February 14 * 6 pm—8 pm * Youth Group

Thursday, February 18 * 3 pm—5 pm * Pulse

Sunday, February 21 * 6 pm—8 pm * Youth Group

Thursday, February 25 * 3 pm—5 pm * Pulse

Sunday, February 28 * 6 pm—8 pm * Youth Group

What is A.M.P.E.D.? It’s A Ministry Preparing Extreme Disciples.

Youth group is for Junior & Senior High (Grades 6-12) students and meets every Thursday at church from 6-8 pm. We also have a ton of other fun activities going on throughout the week; including PULSE outreach and Sports Night at our church each week. We’d LOVE for you to be a part of our group. Check out our Facebook page for more information: or contact Danno Lambert.

Well, Happy New Year to all of you and I hope all of you had a great Christ-

mas. Sorry there wasn’t an article last month, but I was a week off on the

dead line seeing that I was on vacation when it was due. But now we are off

and running in the new year of 2016.

To start things off I want to say I am sorry to the 5 peo-

ple that showed up for the Over 50’s this month. There

was a mistake in the bulletin on January 3rd that

showed we were having it, we have corrected the

problem so that it won’t occur again. There is Over 50’s on February 1st and the program will

be “Ideas for 2016.” I will be leading this and I need your ideas of programs that you would like to have this year. I

think we have run through just about every nursing home and health program around here and think we can come

up with some great ideas that we’ll all like. If you have program ideas that you think the group would enjoy, please

share them at our next gathering. I hope to see all of you on February 1st for a great time.

I would like to say a special thanks to my wife, Jan, for shopping for the family that the older adults adopted for

Christmas. Our family had 11 people in it and she wrapped over 60 gifts for them. It was much appreciated.

We are into a new year with visitations and what a great team we have. Joan Goletz and Paul Sandilla have been

doing a great job helping out with visitations this past year and will be doing it again this year. They not only cover

one day a week but also cover the weeks I am on vacation. They are both fantastic people that carry the love of

God in their hearts and share it with those that they meet. So a BIG thank you to Joan and Paul.

Our Roatan project is picking up a little stream and we are planning another Mission Trip there in June. If you are in-

terested in going please contact Bonnie Meyer for more information. Our goal was to raise $100,000 and we are now

at $68,498.91. I know that, together, we can do this.

In closing, I would like to thank all of the wonderful people that donated to the staff Christmas gift and to those that

stopped by with cookies and gifts. What a great church we have. God’s Blessings to all of you, Pastor Tom

Benefits of Volunteering:

Volunteering is good for your mind and body

Volunteering provides many benefits to both mental and physical health.

Volunteering increases self-confidence. Volunteering can provide a healthy

boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are do-

ing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of

accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride

and identity. And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are

to have a positive view of your life and future goals.

Volunteering combats depression. Reducing the risk of depression is another

important benefit of volunteering. A key risk factor for depression is social iso-

lation. Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and helps you develop a solid support system, which in

turn protects you against stress and depression when you’re going through challenging times.

Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy. Volunteering is good for your health at any age, but it’s especially

beneficial in older adults. Studies have found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who

do not, even when considering factors like the health of the participants. Volunteering has also been shown to less-

en symptoms of chronic pain or heart disease.

© All rights reserved. is an ad-free non-profit resource for supporting better mental health and lifestyle choices for adults and


We’d LOVE to have you come volunteer at church! Join an already established group or mission OR come form

your own. This is YOUR church — we’d love to assist you in creating a new mission or group. To see what is availa-

ble now, please see our website or give us a call at 663-1515!

2016 Mission Trip Meeting and Deadline

The next meeting for team members and potential team members for the 2016 Roat-

an Mission Trip to take place June 25th thru July 2nd, will be Sunday, February 7, at

1:00 p.m. At this time a $250 deposit is required for all trip participants and a color

copy of your passport.

2016 Mission Trip Update

This year our Roatan mission team will be heading for the island June 25th thru July 2nd. We have had our first planning

meeting and have our next meeting scheduled for February 7th at 1:00 p.m. Anyone interested in joining us is wel-

come to come to this meeting. There is a $250 deposit due for the trip at this time.

We are collecting over the counter medications for the Health Fair(s) that we will be conducting on the island, lists

are posted throughout the church. We are also looking for blood sugar testing supplies. We need glucometers and

the test strips that go with them, and test strips for the “One Touch Ultra Mini” glucometer, along with lancets.

As it looks now, the team will be doing some painting and minor repairs at the Methodist Bilingual School along with

the Health Fair(s).

An update on the building of the new church in the town of West End shows that we have raised almost $70,000.

Over $10,000 has come in from other churches and outside the congregation donations. Recently we sent money for

the completion of Phase One. We have entered into our 4th year of our four year goal to raise $100,000. By the Grace

of God and with your help, we will reach our goal.

Thank you and God bless, Bonnie Meyer

Items Needed for Roatan

Even if you can’t go on the Mission Trip, there are ways you can support the people we’re serving. We’re asking for

donations of the following items so that we can bring them to Roatan:

Adult Ibuprofen

Children’s Ibuprofen

Adult Acetaminophen

Children’s Acetaminophen

Anti-Itch Cream

Topical Antibiotic

Toothpaste (travel size)

Toothbrushes (adult and children’s)

Eye Drops

Benadryl (oral and topical)

Piperazine (ointment for thread-


Children’s Cold Medicine

Adult Vitamins

Children’s Vitamins


Diaper Rash Cream



Cough Drops

Little Things that Bring Big Blessings Mission Moment

We provide ‘care kits’ for many local organizations that serve our neighbors in need. In

these care kits, we include personal care and hygiene items. We always appreciate

your donations of hotel/personal sized toiletries, laundry pods, feminine hygiene items,

toothbrushes and paste, soap, etc. If you would like to get more involved in this part (or

any other part!) of Missions, please contact Bonnie Meyer at 219.663.1515.

We Met Our Goal!

The goal to raise almost $3,600 to help the Hispanic ministry in East Chicago, Torre

Fuerte, men's bathroom rehab has been met. Thank you SO much to all helped

make this possible. Your generosity is making a difference in the lives of your neigh-


Volunteer at the Project Site

There is an opportunity to go work at the project site. If you’d like to volunteer,

please contact Bonnie Meyer at 219.663.1515.

New Way to Order Altar Flowers

The fresh flowers placed on our altars each Sunday beautify the

sacred spaces of our church to honor God and are a gift to those

who attend our services. Afterward, arrangements can be picked

up after 12 pm on Sunday or can be donated to be given to

members & friends who are hospitalized, sick, or homebound. As

of January, 2016, we are changing the way that Altar Flowers are

ordered. Please note that if you have had a perpetual order in

the past, you will need to submit a form and payment. There will

no longer be posters up in Memorial Hall for Altar Flowers. If this

causes you any inconvenience, or you need help with the new

process, please contact the church office at 219-663-1515.

The altar flowers can be dedicated to commemorate a special event, such as birthday or anniversary, or to remem-

ber a loved one. The cost of each arrangement is $20.00 per dedication. Please note that an additional $0.50 is

added to pay online. You may also place this order in person by bringing in the form below or by filling out the form

at the church office and paying via cash or check at that time. Online orders may be placed at

contact/order-flowers/ payment may be made online or in the office. Thank you so much for your dedication to the

church and your church family.

Order altar flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one to be seen by all on the altar on the Sunday of your choice. Flowers cost $20 per Sunday

for a standard arrangement. You can pay via check or cash at the office or online via PayPal (an additional $0.50 charge applies.) If you have

any questions, please contact the church office at 219-663-1515.



Email Address

Telephone □Mobile □Landline

Requested Sunday:

Bulletin Information

□ In loving memory of □In honor of □In celebration of □Other

Name or Event

Given by

What to do with flowers

□I will pick my flowers up after the last service on Sunday

□Please give my flowers to someone who is sick or homebound

For Office Use Only

□Cash □Check □Online Date Initials

□Flowers Ordered Date Initials

Altar Flowers Request Form

First United Methodist

Church of Crown Point 352 S Main St Crown Point IN 46307

Phone 219-663-1515

Fax 219-662-2714

Email: [email protected]


Non-Profit Org.



Crown Point IN

Permit No. 139

February 22