fiscal administrators meeting

Fiscal Administrators Meeting August 4, 2021

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Fiscal Administrators Meeting

August 4, 2021


Fiscal Administrators| What We Heard & Today’s Agenda

Topic Comments Heard Today’s Agenda Item / ObjectiveTarget Time

Project Overview • N/A• Welcome/Agenda Overview• Project Timeline – Where Are We?

5 min

Continuous Improvement• How does Continuous Improvement factor into

FST?• Key focus area of FST 20 min

RAPID Decisions• What decisions have been made?• When will I get a view into these decisions?

• Updates on:• Customer Portal 645• Expenditure Credit 802

15 min

Workday Testing • What happens when C&P ends? • Testing timing and contact 10 min

PSDS Update • N/A • Inclusive Excellence 15 min

Other Business and Wrap Up • N/A • Questions/Comments 5 min


Project Overview



Project Overview | What Should I Expect When?

Imagine Deliver Run

TestConfig & Prototype ArchitectPlan

Architect: Building the Model

• Expect: The team starts establishing implementation; requirement gathering sessions begin, known as Architect sessions.

• Involvement: The team displays Workday functionality during the Architect sessions and gathers requirements. Architect sessions cover a variety of topics and include 20-30 team members from Functional, Technical and Change Management areas from across Grounds for each sessions. Focus groups that take place after the Architect sessions help refine.

Configure & Prototype: Walking through the Tenant

• Expect: The requirements we gathered are now validated and UVA’s initial tenant is built. The team creates training plans based upon what we know from Architect sessions.

• Involvement: Participate in interactive walkthrough of processes; the team gathers feedback on issues and opportunities from staff to enhance the system.

Test: How Does Workday function at UVA?

• Expect: The team starts end-to-end testing in the Workday Tenant. Initial training materials may also be distributed during this time.

• Involvement: You may be asked to help test UVA’s Workday Financials or to evaluate how ready you think you and your unit are to go live with Workday Financials.

Deploy: Workday Goes Live!

• Expect: Training as we prepare to transition to Workday Finance.

• Involvement: Once Workday goes “live”, we will ask for everyone’s active involvement in training as UVA staff and faculty acclimate to new workflows and processes. We’ll depend on our Advisory Group members to help us know what is working – and what needs to be tweaked.

Support & Stabilization: The New Normal

• Expect: With the system live, we are making the small process changes necessary for Workday to be effective for all users.

• Involvement: Keep us apprised of challenges you encounter, as well as continuous improvement opportunities.

Plan: Preparing for Phase 3

• Expect: Behind-the-scenes work: hiring, planning to implementing.

• Involvement: The team is putting the foundation in place!

We’re Here

2020 2021 2022

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


< 11 months to Workday Go-Live


Continuous Improvement


Continuous Improvement


Continuous Improvement

• VP Finance

• Procurement

• Travel & Expense

• Supplier Diversity

• Financial Planning & Analysis

• Financial Reporting & Operations

• Finance Outreach & Compliance

• Finance Strategic Transformation

• Business Services Group

• Treasury Management

• Risk Management

• Payroll Services

• University Financial Model

• Recon@





A n d u l t i m a t e l y , n o t t h e c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e w e w a n t t o p r o v i d e .


Continuous Improvement


• Sites refer to one another inconsistently; it’s hard to get back to where you were or even know you left a site

• Many locations to change a link or add a resource if you want it to be correct and accessible.

• Stakeholders do not see Finance services in the same “buckets” as we do.

• Consistent image and perception

• Easily maintained on one main site rather than several

• Easier to maintain accessibility

BRANDING• Links out to other sites aren’t necessary

• Navigation is much easier for stakeholders

• Site organized by task, not department

• Fewer places to change data


MESSAGING TRAFFIC/USAGE• The important content we find on VP Finance will be

incorporated (and thus visited)

• Consistent messaging and voice is all but assured

• Site content is organized by concept/task, so connections are

made easily

• Help will be easy to find (Salesforce connections)

• Coms channels imbedded in the site itself

• All departments benefit from the visibility this

organizational style offers

• Stakeholders can see connections

• Info that previously lived on untouched islands will be

more visible

• We’ll be able to mine analytics for connections and

stakeholder behavior


Continuous Improvement


RAPID Decisions


RAPID Decisions | WDFIN 645







Awareness of decision: UVA will adopt Workday’s Customer Portal to enhance customer service experience but will not utilize an integration with a third-party payment processor.

*Note: This recommendation would not allow for Customers to make credit card and/or e-check payments via the portal.


Leadership Council has formally approved (as of 7/26) and adoption is underway.

Customer PortalAfter Customers are created in Workday, they can be given access to a Customer Portal, a restricted view of Workday, for self-service.

By utilizing the Portal, UVA’s customers would be able to:

1. View their invoices, statements, and payment information

2. Print and download their invoices and statements as PDFs

3. View delivered reports (e.g.,. Open Invoices, View Recent Payments)

4. View Customer Portal Invoice Aging worklet

5. Access the “My Invoices and Payments” dashboard

6. Make credit card and/or e-check payments


RAPID Decisions | WDFIN 802





Formal signoff



Awareness of decision:

UVA will leverage Ad Hoc Bank Transactions in order to record Expenditure Credit deposits against their original spend categories.


Expenditure CreditIn current state, these Expenditure Credit process transactions are deposited via remote deposit scanner and units must provide a form to the Cashier’s Office for entering the transaction in Oracle.

The recommendation for this process in Workday will allow for units to continue to leverage their remote deposit scanners and rather than filling out an expenditure credit form to send to the Cashier’s Office, an Ad Hoc Bank Transaction will route to the Cost Center’s Deposit Specialist for them to enter the applicable FDM worktags and spend categories for the credit. Appropriate groups (e.g., Fixed Assets, OSP, etc.) will be included in the process for up-front approval.


Workday Testing


Key Responsibilities

• Partner with workstream leads and team members to define the

scope of testing within each business and technical area of the

project (workflows, business rules, validations, data capture,

accounting flows, integrations, reports and other key configurations).

• Develop and communicate standards for the development of test

scenarios, and provide templates and sample scenarios for different

type of tests

• Develop and communicate a detailed test calendar and timeline for

each of the test phases. Communicate timelines for the development

of test scenarios; proactively monitor development to ensure the high

quality of scenarios and appropriate level of detail.

• Develop and communicate detailed test execution procedures,

including standards for identifying defects, and train project team in

execution and recording process

• Identify tool set(s) and logistical requirements needed to support the testing process; train team on the effective use of the tool set(s).

• Facilitate testing cycles and sessions and oversee the execution of testing.

• Monitor testing activities and ensure that tests are completed and that test results are recorded, including defect remediation and re-testing.

• Develop, distribute and communicate test measurement and metrics,

by functional area, on a regular basis to functional leads and project leadership

Sunil SahTest Lead

The FST Workday Test Lead is responsible for

developing managing, facilitating and overseeing

thorough and systematic testing procedures for

the implementation of Workday Financials, and

ensuring that the integrated solution meets the

defined business objectives of the project.

Development of test scenarios and test execution is

performed by the functional & technical teams for E2E

testing, Payroll Regression, and Performance testing,

and by end user stakeholders for UAT testing.

Workday Testing | Test Lead


2021 2022

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

E2E Testing

Develop Testing


Testing Prep



UER TestingUER Build

E2E Build










Payroll (Line


Workday Testing | Test Phases Timeline


Testing Phase Purpose Notes

Payroll Parallel Testing (Gross-to-net)

Utilizing Deloitte CompareEdge tool to complete Gross-to-Net comparison between current production data and new FIN configuration-driven data

• Split from the original task, "Payroll Regression/Parallel Testing”

End-to-End Testing

• Testing of component scenarios for each workstream such as Set up and configuration. Examples- Create Hierarchy, Create a financial institution, create a Ledger etc.

• Testing of end-to-end transactional scenarios with integration points. Testing accounting (posting rules), custom validations, and negative test scenarios

• Standalone BP, integration, and reports testing for HCM/Payroll remediation activity

• Testing of overlapping securities for HCM/Payroll

• Hands-on Test execution starts from 09/27/2021

Payroll Parallel Testing (Line Detail)

• Manual comparison of journal line detail between production payroll and Workday FIN to ensure consistency

• Split from the original task, "Payroll Regression/Parallel Testing”

Regression Testing (HCM/Payroll)

• Regression testing over HCM/Payroll activity, post E2E testing completion

Users Experience Testing (UER)

• Validate testing strategy, templates and tools

• Define Deloitte-owned integration unit test scenarios

• Coordinate Deloitte-owned integration unit testing

• Training material will be ready by this time!

System Remediation Network Testing Timeline

• Downstream systems testing. • Student Information System will be made part of the Finance E2E testing. Rest of the

system will be tested in separate timeline for System Remediation

Workday Testing | Test Phase Descriptions


PSDS Update


Inclusive Excellence


Other Business and Wrap Up




RAPID Decisions | Framework

While RAPID roles should be defined for all decisions, documentation only required for Tier 1 & 2.

Does the decision impact one or more of the following:

SCOPE Impacts the scope outlined in SOW and is a candidate for a change order

BUDGETChanges the budget of the project, e.g., needs additional resourcing

IMPACT TO STAKEHOLDERSImpacts a large group of stakeholders or has high impact on current functionality

SCHEDULEChanges the schedule of the project go-live date or milestone

Does the decision maker, e.g., Functional Owner, want to get formal input from advisory entities in order to make a decision?




Requires RAPID documentation

Decide: Executive Committee/Leadership Council (decision dependent)

Agree: Co-Chairs or Functional Owner(s)

Input: Advisory Entities

Recommend: Workstream Leads


Requires RAPID documentation

Decide: Functional Owner

Agree: Workstream Leads (decision dependent)

Input: Advisory Entities

Recommend: Workstream Leads

TIER 3 DECISIONSDoes not require RAPID documentation

Decide: Functional Owner or Workstream Lead(s)

Input: Business Process Owner

Recommend: Team Leads

POLICYCreates a new UVA Finance policy or involves change to existing policy