
Entrepreneur Magazine Michael Devlin MICHAEL DEVLIN Having It All – From an E-Commerce Millionaire FUEL FOR TOP PERFORMERS JAMES P. FRIEL 3 Hacks to 10x Your Productivity and Explode Your Business DARREN CASEY How To Lose Your Belly & What Gary Vaynerchuk Told Me Start up 100 Award Winning Digital Marketer Brought to you by Coach Darren Casey Issue 05 May 2016

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1Entrepreneur Magazine

Entrepreneur Magazine

Michael Devlin

MICHAEL DEVLINHaving It All – From an E-Commerce Millionaire



JAMES P. FRIEL 3 Hacks to 10x Your Productivity and Explode Your Business

DARREN CASEY How To Lose Your Belly & What Gary Vaynerchuk Told Me

Start up 100 Award Winning Digital Marketer

Brought to you by Coach Darren Casey

Issue 05May 2016

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sIssue 05

May 2016

03 Welcome

04 Michael Devlin - Turning over $16M in 12 months the student way

08 Sons & Daughters of Amazon09 James Friel - 3 Hacks To 10x Your Productivity

& Explode Your Business11 Darren Casey – How To Lose Your Belly13 Fuel For Top Performers14 Darren Casey – Gary Vaynerchuk told me this15 Ready to amplify your results in business,

body & life?

Entrepreneur Magazine

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Welcome to the fifth edition of FIT ENTREPRENEUR MAGIn this months issue…

The conversations I had with Gary Vaynerchuk in London about his personal ‘decision’ to take control over his wellness.

Productivity ‘hacks’ from the contract C.E.O James Friel and Michael Devlin, this months cover star…on how ensuring success and happiness in his personal family life and relationships massively helps him to produce the financial success he has in his businesses.

Something very few of us acknowledge or give much focus to… I’m sure you may agree.

This month is a real interesting perspective change… we often talk about the connections between performance, how you feel, fuel and take care of …YOU.

Here, we are about to share the value and importance that your ‘relationships’ ‘love life’ ‘family life’ has not just on your happiness and all that fun stuff…

but on your PROFITS!

Yes, that’s right. Often, entrepreneurs and business owners struggle finding that ‘happy place’ between

their time with their loved ones, creating space to enjoy ‘time out from work mode’ and their time to produce and get things taken care of in their business.

Sound familiar? Divorce rates and unhappy marriages are far too common in this business space.

Here is a fascinating insight into Michael Devlin’s world - how he not only generates multiple millions of pounds and dollars from his e-commerce businesses… he does so whist having amazing relationships with his wife, who is his best friend and biggest supporter, with 2 children he has had from a young age.

Here in this months feature, Michael shares how he does it and continues to yield huge returns in his finances as well as his family life. It’s a real refreshing perspective.

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Michael Devlin is a Start up 100 award winning digital marketer with almost a decade of experience having built multiple seven figure e-commerce platforms and generated over $25M in sales for clients in the UK & US since 2006.

Michael’s recent venture, Profits Engine, launched 2015, enables start up online businesses to identify best selling physical products on Amazon, using a proprietary sophisticated algorithm. Once identified the student can then build his/her fully functional e-commerce web presence in under 8 minutes with zero coding or graphic design work required.

Since selling his previous seven figure physical product Amazon business in May 2015 Profits Engine has gone on to create 8 six figure start ups and created multiple seven figure brands with students collectively breaking through the $16M turnover bracket inside 12 months.

Darren - Michael, let’s start with relationships and how important it is to you to have support from your loved ones and how this impacts you and your business?

Michael - I’ve been with my wife since I was 17 years old, I had nothing when I met Claire and she’s been there and supported me through all of my businesses. I’ve been self employed since I was 19 with my first real business that I went into and you need a good strong woman behind you who will support you. People underestimate that; when you’re on this journey so many people get so wrapped up in themselves and that’s why I wanted to include her in this article because it’s not about me, it’s a team effort. The minute you start thinking it’s all about you is the day you start losing control and that ultimately is a fact.

Michael DevlinTurning over $16m in 12 months the student way

Darren Casey


Darren - That’s a great message and I love that you’ve really championed this strong partner in your life. Explain how you’ve managed to keep your relationship strong and not got carried away with being a ‘solo-preneur’ and being married to your business.

Michael - I think one of the main areas is going out there and understanding why you’re out there and what you’re working for and who the results for. The results in my opinion are always for my family, that’s my ‘why’. The other reason is my customers and I focus on who I serve, so I serve my family and serve my customers and my customers enrich my family. I go out there and stay focussed and that’s why I don’t get caught up in the party scene and the ‘glamour’ side of it. I stay very grounded and very real and it’s another reason why my circle is so thriving with people who want to work with me as they see that regardless of what success I keep knocking out the park.04 Entrepreneur


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Michael DevlinTurning over $16m in 12 months the student way


Darren - So you’re actually building trust and your prospects, clients and business associates feel peace of mind that you’re a real guy, you’re just like them, you’ve come from a similar place and you’re not saying “I’m the guru, look at me, I’m driving round in my Aston” kind of vibe.

Michael - It took a long time for me even to buy the Aston, it was Claire that talked me into it as you’ve got to have your fun time as well. Claire keeps me grounded and I admire her and how she handles the kids and the family as I tell you what for all the pluses that I’ve got in business I couldn’t do it. I lack serious organisation skills, so she keeps me organised and let’s me just focus on who I am and what I am.

Darren - It sounds like you’re talking about me here…

Michael - I think that’s one of the reasons why you and I click as we’ve got a very similar ethos with what we do and how we value our partners. I think that also translates into your fitness, because when you value your partner you don’t just want to look fit for yourself but you want to look fit for her because you respect what she’s looking at and I think that’s massive.

Darren - I spend a lot of time with financially successful people and the big trend that I’ve noticed in the last 5-10 years is that their partner/wife is the one who has maintained a good level of health and taken care of themselves, even after children, whereas the guys have let themselves go. The partner’s have managed to retain a sense of self worth whereas the guys seems to have a lack of value with their body. This disconnection where they’re happy to settle for this standard is not just affecting their business and how they perform, but it also affects how others see and perceive them. Like you say it’s a sense of self worth giving your partner the version of you who they met right?

Michael - Exactly. If you’re a high performing entrepreneur they have to listen to your ideas and everything that you talk about is immersed in the business world. That’s a mental stamina for them as well because they’ve got to have an endurance and love for you and what you do to be able to understand and listen to it all the time. A lot of people look past that so why wouldn’t you include them

and why wouldn’t you want to perform at your highest level for them and include them in everything you do. It’s really important and that’s my ethos on the relationship side and it’s trickling into my two lovely boys (aged 11 & 18) and the way that they are and the way that people speak of them is very much the way that myself and Claire bring them up, it’s great. We’ve got a young family, Claire and I are 39, we’ve got a really good balance and that’s the most important thing.

Darren - That’s great that you’ve made those connections as very few people do. You are the example for your children, so it’s obviously positively impacting them. Let’s move onto business. How does the balance in your personal life and health/fitness positively impact your business?

Michael - One of the things that I find Darren if my diet slips, my performance slips on every level, I don’t go to the gym etc. If I don’t eat right Monday to Friday I’m not focussed on the challenges at hand in my work. I’m so programmed and if I’m working out I’m feeling good and in the office for a certain time and everything is very disciplined. I feel that if I get run down everything goes out of the window because efficiency starts with diet (you are what you eat) and the thought process can be affected. That’s just the way I’ve been designed and programmed mentally and I’ve had this mindset since I was 19 or 20.

Darren - In the last issue of Fit Entrepreneur Mag I wrote about everyone being a Ferrari but a lot of people are walking around as a 1992 Volvo that doesn’t work very well. They don’t realise it and they’re trying to beat the guy on the track who’s taking care of his Ferrari (the high performers who service their ‘vehicle’ often, giving it adequate fuel). They’re expecting to compete in the virtual race track of business and they’ll invest in Marketing, Masterminds etc but the last thing they invest in is themselves which means they’re not going to implement all the good stuff right?

Michael - Absolutely and I think (taking it back to the Formula 1) mentally it’s all about tactics and the more leaner, lighter, faster you can move and the more quality fuel you take in the faster and better you’ll be. It’s all about outperforming everyone else, being number 1 and getting

“I don’t work hard, I work smart and I think a lot of your magazine readers

should be in that mindset as well.”

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over the line first. I think if you programme your mind that way and surround yourself with high performing individuals you fall into that requirement and that need to do what they do.

Darren - Moving onto this world of ‘hustle culture’ right now where guys wear a ‘badge of honour’ working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week and their motto is ‘sleep when you’re dead’. How do you see that culture changing or do you see it getting worse?

Michael - I don’t work hard, I work smart and I think a lot of your magazine readers should be in that mindset as well, as ultimately if you work smart your time can be managed very well. You’re 100% right with this ‘hustle culture’ and it’s only getting worse. There’s a lot of ‘timeline gurus’ as we call them, that come onto Facebook and have a bit of success from one course and want to go and sell a course themselves. They don’t teach you particularly that scene in e-commerce where people are starting Amazon businesses or going into e-commerce because someones shown a screenshot of £300k per month. That’s fine but did anybody ever discuss with them the volatilities of scale where you can start with $2k, but if they are the best at Marketing like they proclaim then they’re going to blow the doors off your sales right away, which means that you go up to $10k and that $2k means that you need $15k of stock at any given time to survive over the next 2 months. So a $2k investment becomes $15k so you’re not going to see profit in that first year, that’s hustle, that’s what the real hustle is telling people how it is on a metric level on how your investment stacks up and what you really need to survive and make a physical product a success and not

just be around for a couple of weeks and kill yourself or kill the business basically in terms of investment.

Darren - I had a call with a client recently and he said it’s very lazy of him or business owners to hustle and work 12-16 hours per day because that is then trying to compensate for their lack of structure, and performance in their day, which was a great message.

Michael - Also the other thing it all boils down to output. It’s about understanding your strengths, outsourcing your weaknesses, getting yourself surrounded with high performing individuals and entrepreneurs and basically working smart. This whole you ‘have to be on the chair’ to be successful (I’ve done my time on the chair) and it’s nonsense. Equally so this whole lifestyle where if you have an internet business you can go and work from a beach, it’s absolutely true, but at the same time you better make sure you got an internet connection because you are wired in 24/7. You’re monitoring stock, monitoring manufacturers, monitoring quality control etc, that all adds stress into your life and yes you can lie on a beach. What online business does is it gives you freedom to do what you want in different locations and the flexibility but you still have to treat it with the respect it deserves or it will just rip you apart, simple. I’ve been in e-commerce since 2006 and I’ve been watching the whole e-commerce and funnel type structure since 2001. The art of accurate thinking goes back to the mail drop sequence, the invisible funnel as far back as 1996, so do they really understand the physiological game of e-commerce, retention, scale. These are the things you really need to absorb your time in, not sharing pictures of standing in front of the Lamborghini


Michael and his wife Claire at their home in Scotland

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FEATUREbecause Facebook’s all about projecting the best you that you can be. It all boils down to like I said at the beginning ‘how much output are you getting for your time’ and if it doesn’t stack up then it’s only you that can change that by looking inwards.

Darren - That’s right and top performers look at how they can be more efficient, not how they can do more, it’s about getting the same results but more efficiently.

Michael - 100% and it’s one of the reasons why we developed Profit’s Engine as a virtual platform. It enables you to identify your product that’s going to go to market and identify and build your e-commerce store without having any html coding or the requirements of a developer or graphic designer. It’s putting systems in place to automate the necessary so you can get to market as fast and efficiently as possible. Since October we now have $80 million in terms of registered e-commerce businesses inside Profit’s Engine so it’s been pretty rapid in terms of its registration.

Darren - I’ll give you a quick testimonial there, my girlfriend and I had somebody taking care of our Amazon business and let’s just say that it didn’t work out and we’ve had more success in the last 4 weeks with your Profit’s Engine platform than we had in 6 months working with coaches who are not up to date with how things are done right now.

Michael - I think you’ve got to be eating, sleeping and breathing it. I think what each Coach is trying to do is execute a ‘one size fits all’ strategy and this doesn’t work in Amazon. You have to have independent uniquely structured plans and strategies for driving traffic for every single niche that you have whether it be on Amazon or off and that’s just the way e-commerce is. Amazon is a buzz but it’s the bad coaches who will ultimately build the businesses of the good coaches time and time again.

Darren - Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years in terms of your business and lifestyle?

Michael - We want to have one of the largest e-commerce teaching platforms in the world, that’s our goal and we’re rocketing towards that very very fast working with some of the best marketing wizards on all platforms. Collaboration is so important to me working with experts in the field like yourself Darren in fitness, Lori Taylor in terms of Facebook, Kevin Featherstone alongside Kevin Harrington (one of the ex ‘Shark Tank’ Sharks). The Profits Engine platform is uniquely positioned to be exclusive partners with them as a physical product movement. So where we see ourselves is being that primary go to platform. I think as this whole Amazon bubble moves on, I think there’s going to be a massive market for ‘done with you’ service on partnering with the best in the Amazon business world. That’s the ones that are tried and tested and proven so I think there’s a lot of partnerships to be had coming out of this and also a lot of portfolios to be made on buying products with ideas that have been great but not had the right funding. I think

it’s such an exciting time for e-commerce and that’s where my passion lies and where it’s going to take us in the next 2 years is super exciting if the last 5 months is anything to go by. Plus, we will be launching ‘Sons & Daughters of Amazon’ in May (more on that at the end of the interview).

Darren - It’s great to be around guys like yourself who are breaking records and getting things done in a way which isn’t going to sabotage other areas of their life. Going back to your two sons, let’s say your 18 year old is about to start his journey in business. What are the values that you’re going to help him with over the next year or two that our readers can maybe pass onto their kids?

Michael - It’s having an understanding that what you’re doing starts with your passion, you have to be passionately connected to what it is you want to do. There’s so many kids coming out of school getting pushed into college courses and they really don’t have a clue what to do with their life. Let’s rewind back to when we were all 18, did anybody really care what they wanted to do when we they were 18? I don’t really push my kids into anything at all. Rhys is playing semi-professional Rugby right now, he’s got loads of part time jobs, he’s still trying to find himself, so the advise I give is to follow his heart with what he wants to do and we’ll support him as much as we can.

Darren - That’s a great takeaway. Where can people learn more about you and Profit’s Engine?

Michael - They can connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook (below). I love to connect with everybody who is involved in business and just share the journey with them. If you want to check out Profits Engine it’s via invite only so you will be getting an interview before you get on there, it’s not like other platforms. You can request an invite via and register your details and we will contact you.

Darren - Thanks for all your passion that you’ve shared today, it’s been great to get your unique insights and I’m looking forward to seeing where you take Profits Engine.

Michael with his two sons Rhys & Ben

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The sons and daughters of Amazon concept was born from the feedback I received from my students with them requesting for me to become more involved daily in their businesses. It’s easy for a coach to preach from a seven figure position, but what worked six months ago in e-commerce isn’t working now, and if I am honest this worried me. Even my own software teams are struggling to keep up with the changes and this is why I feel having a pro-e-commerce marketer who is physically walking the talk is absolutely essential in today’s virtual arena.

I also started to identify that students were seeking more education than using tools which resulted in me having a complete re-think on where I want to be long term. For me, focussing on who I serve is

steadfast to my mindset and my students success is everything to me. I want each and everyone of them to know that everything I do has their success in mind, ultimately, it’s about long term success. With so many changes happening in the world of e-commerce rapidly everyday I felt the safest way I could help them grow as marketers was to get back on the saddle which is why as of May 2016 I will be launching five NEW physical products on Amazon, and sharing all of the results with my students over the next 12 months complete with weekly coaching calls and daily closed group interaction.

Critics might say - Someone with so much experience in e-commerce is likely going to succeed, but to answer those critics, I won’t just be walking my walk from a start-up position.

I will also be doing a very similar process with ZoiQ, a new online movement founded by Shark Tanks Kevin Harrington and Forbes Top 20 Social media expert Lori Taylor who is also an eight figure brand marketer.

As one of Kevin and Loris team coaches myself and my team partner Kevin Featherstone (Paid Search Strategist for will attempt to scale an e-commerce business from $3.5M annual turnover to $10M.

Sure, I could’ve earned a very health living selling courses and coaching around previous success, but where’s the fun in that? and besides I like to challenge myself and take risks. Calculated risk taking is what I do, it’s who I am, and I’m not likely to change anytime soon regardless of success.

Sons & Daughters of Amazon


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There are A LOT of big ideas out there. And, that’s a good thing.

But, the problem is that there’s A LOT LESS execution. AND, it’s not because people don’t have the right intentions – they usually do, but intentions alone will not produce anything unless there is ACTION.

It can’t just be any action – it must be clear, deliberate and organized action.

Basically, on one side of things, you have people who take chaotic action without having clear goals, a plan or a way of measuring progress – these people waste enormous amounts of time and money. On the other side, there are others who are stuck and remain in a constant state of idea generation, paralysis or overwhelm – these people waste an incredible amount of time and money too.

In the end, either of these extremes will get you to the same destination; stress, frustration and lack of cash.

Somewhere in the middle of these extremes are a small group of people walking on a very fine line of planning, calculating, executing and measuring.

These are the people that make nearly ALL of the money.

I remember reading ‘Art of the Deal’ years ago. In there, one of the things that Trump said that really stuck with me was that he goes to work and sees the Janitor who cleans his office – he works around the same amount of hours and expends similar amounts of energy. Trump makes in one hour what this guy makes in one year.

Say what you want about his politics, but Trump is more productive. He turns his time into more money.

I’ve been obsessed with this topic for a LONG time.

I’d like to share with you three of the hacks that have massively helped me turn my time into more money. I hope they’re useful for you too.

1. Setup The Conditions For Success With A Consistent, But FLEXIBLE Morning Routine

Each day is a new opportunity, and most people don’t take the time each morning to realize that. It might seem odd to say that having a morning routine is a productivity hack, but bear with me. It is.

If you’ve ever watched a NBA basketball player shoot a free throw, then you know they have a specific approach that they take to get them ready to make the shot. The same is true for professional golfers. They have a pre shot routine. This gets them into their peak mental state and allows them to set the tone for what happens next.

While you may not be a professional athlete, you can get yourself ready for your day by practicing your “pre-game” routine.

Ideally, this routine should allow you to focus not just on work related things, but focus on you as a whole person. We

“Those who succeed are those who implement in a calculated, organized and consistent manner.”

James P. Friel

3 Hacks to 10X Your Productivity and Explode Your Business

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are, after all, human beings not human doings.

A good routine should cover the key areas of your life - Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical.

You can have an ideal routine, but don’t let idealism get in the way of consistency. For example, in my ideal routine, I spend 20 minutes meditating. That said, as hard as I try, sometimes life gets in the way. Maybe I’m traveling or maybe something urgent happens early in the day. In these cases, when I have less time, I will still meditate, but maybe for just 2 minutes. The goal is to keep the consistency of the habit even if it needs to flex to accommodate changing circumstances.

All of the elements of my routine are flexible enough to accommodate change so that I can do it consistently. <== READ THIS AGAIN. It’s REALLY Important.

I can do my entire morning routine whether I have 3 hours or 10 minutes. I can go and lift weights at the gym for an hour or, if I’m short on time, I can do 50 burpees (gotta love those burpees!)…you get the idea.

I shoot for the most ideal version as often as I can, but allow myself to still get the consistency of doing my morning routine no matter what.

Perfection is the enemy of done.

2. Just Get Started

Each of us have things we procrastinate on, and in many cases, these are our most critical tasks. We want it to be perfect and exactly how we see it in our minds. It’s great that we have an awesome vision, but if that gets in the way of us starting or executing, then our big vision is actually holding us back.

If you have anything on your to-do list that is a big hairy monster, and has just been sitting there, then you can try this hack to see if it helps.

Pick one of the things you’ve been procrastinating on and set a timer for 10 minutes. You can work on ANYTHING for 10 minutes. And, if you can’t stomach working on it for 10 minutes, set the timer to 5. Shut off all email, silence your phone and turn off any type of notification - remember, it’s only for 10 minutes!! You’ll be ok!

Work on whatever you need to do for those 10 minutes with 100% focus. At the end of the 10 minutes, write down all of the other sub tasks that will need to be done to complete this bigger task.

From there, you can decide if you want to keep working on it, or if not, make an appointment with yourself for when you are actually going to work on it again.

Using this hack allows you to do a few things:

• Get moving, which is huge.

• Create a list of all the smaller things that may need to be done to support completing this project. In many cases, we don’t do things because they’re not broken down into small enough pieces. Also, what you wrote during your 10 minutes can be the beginning of a more well thought through plan.

• Use deliberate and complete focus to make progress. This is one of my favourite hacks. Any time I feel stuck, I use this.

3. Create A Get Shit Done System

We all have a lot of incoming information and things that we would like to get done. It’s really important that we have a way of processing the incoming information so that we make deliberate decisions about what to do with it.

I used to be one of those people who had hundreds (if not thousands) of unread emails in my inbox, to-do lists in notebooks, notes on my whiteboard and then of course all the exciting ideas still floating around in my head.

When we operate like this, we waste time and let things fall through the cracks because we don’t know where something is supposed to go. The difference between being organized and disorganized is sometimes just having a place to put something.

Think of the utensil drawer in your kitchen...if you have a divider that separates your spoons, forks and knives, it’s way more organized than if everything is just dumped in there.

The key here is setting up the dividers that work for the information coming at you. I really only have a few high level “dividers”, and they are - “personal”, “business” (yes, this includes everything

for my company including our clients), “things I want to read or watch in the future” and “shiny pennies” (this is my term for ideas I have that I think are cool but aren’t related to any key projects I’m currently working on).

I use Trello as the base of my system for capturing these things. You can create automation to make this really slick, but at a high level, these basic dividers are what you need to setup.

EVERYTHING that needs to be acted on now, or in the future, goes into one of these dividers.

Just like putting the forks away from the dishwasher – these things always go in the same place even if you’re not going to use it again for a while. After things are in these lists, I create a consistent time each day (or week) to “process” these lists and turn them into actions with due dates.

As an aside, if you want to see how I’ve set this up to be automated and put “Getting Shit Done” on autopilot, just email or message me – I’m beyond excited with how effective it is. In fact, when I showed this to Russell Brunson and some other high performing entrepreneurs, they’ve all told me that they’ve never seen anything like it.

When these 3 hacks have been applied in my business and in client’s businesses, the results have been PROFOUND because we’re able to implement consistently in an organized way.

I hope you’ve gotten a nugget or two out of this that will help you! If you have any questions or want some help applying these ideas in your business, just let me know!



James before & after working with Darren Casey

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Here’s What’s Very Likely Giving You That Belly Fat.

1. You do not eat enough protein and fats, when you need to.

2. You do not drink enough water, so you feel hungry and eat stuff that’s convenient to fix the sensation of hunger, when you’re thirsty.

3. Your hormones are out of WHACK! That belly fat and moobs are present due to elevated female hormone, oestrogen. Yes you’re becoming a woman. Kinda. This hormone also wrecks havoc with your MALE hormone TESTOSTERONE. That’s what builds muscle and keeps our fat melting hormones and capacity in check, as well as a bunch of other health benefits.

That’s why you don’t feel like sex in the evenings… you’re not in the mood, testosterone is low. Simple.

4. You’re stressed - stress releases the BELLY FAT hormone cortisol. That (in English) makes you store more fat in the middle of your body. Reduce stress, have frequent rest, remove stress and then exercises releases the hormone to combat stress. Those endorphins and dopamine

(other hormones) are released and you feel great. You will also sleep better and testosterone starts to come back and reduce the oestrogen, that female hormone, feminising you.

5. All that Sugar you’re consuming, often hidden in many foods and of course, drinks are screwing up your insulin sensitivity (ability to sense sugar consumption in simple). Check on the packet for ‘carbs of which sugar’ and ensure its less than 5g/100g.

6. You do not have a plan. You try to ‘wing it’ hence why you STILL have that belly. Investing in a ‘plan’ is what you need to understand how to manage these hormones, fit in effective, quick exercise and balance blood sugar levels. Don’t be cheap. Unless your happy to keep that belly.

7. Carbs, you eat them at the wrong times. You eat them too much and don’t earn them by working out.

Interesting stuff right? Want to know WHAT to do to shrink that belly?

Step 1 - PREP - You are going to schedule in your diary right now (or add to your phone calendar)

Sunday 7pm - food prep Wednesday 7pm - food prep

BAM! This is your golden time that no-one is going to take. No matter what.

Now you’re going to chop up your veggies, greens, throw in the oven, your meat / chicken / fish. Done.

Now you have food ready for the next few days, made up, for dinners and snacks. Get cooking to Michael Jackson, or whatever. Make it fun and do it.

Step 2 - Water intake. YOU’RE GOING TO START WITH 8 GLASSES per day.

Track this, in a note pad, tick off each glass as you go over your day. SUPER SIMPLE.

This is the BIG THING no-one does. Hydrate, and kill hunger pangs.

How To Lose

Your Belly


Belly fat. Yes you don’t know how the hell it got like that! You cover it up and want it gone.

Ok here’s a super simple explanation as to WHY you got that thing hanging over your jeans (and yes your wife doesn’t like it either, gulp!)

So if you have belly fat, stored around the middle of your body, love handles and likely also, in the upper chest (moobs) you’re much more likely to have a heart attack, stroke and more importantly, much less sex with that belly.

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Step 3 - Take Time For YOU. Schedule in just 20 minutes per day to decompress.

Get outside in nature, clear your mind and de-stress.

Changing your environment creates space to decompress that means allowing your brain activity to wind down so you’re not in a constant state of overload.

Being in work mode 24/7 raises the stress hormone cortisol due to constant pressure and noise, our body perceives as a threat. Creating space to relax reduces the stress hormone cortisol; a contributor of belly fat.

Scheduling that time out into your week will make everything else you do, way more effective.

Step 4 - Movement. Plan this in, just like your coaching call or meeting with a client.

This will make the REST of your day super productive. So much so that missing this 12 mins workout, will likely add 2 hours onto your busy 10 hour day. How do I know that? It’s proven that exercise improves cognitive function (how well your brain is working) by a minimum of 20%. So if you have a 1 hr day, the same amount of work will get done in 8. So don’t tell me ‘I don’t have time to workout’ do the workout now, for 12 mins, reap back 2 hours in productivity and you will be happy you did.

I will give you the exact ’12 Minute Belly Fat Busting Routine’ in next month’s issue.

Ok do the above, for the next 7 days… you will RAMP UP YOUR METABOLISM and set things up to get FAST momentum.

Step 1PREP






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Pre-heat oven gas mark 200 degrees F.

Prepare a baking tray by covering with greaseproof paper, then place your spelt flour base on the tray.

Spread the blended tomatoes evenly over the base followed by spinach, onions, chilli, mushroom & pepper.

Cook in oven for 13 – 15 minutes.

Distribute the pesto, few pinches of parmesan and a pinch of sea salt & ground pepper to serve.

Ingredients (all organic)Spelt flour base

1 x portobello mushroom (chopped)

1 x tbsp pesto

1 x red or yellow pepper (chopped)

1 x small red onion (sliced)

1/2 x red chilli

2 x tomatoes (blended) or 1/4 tin tomatoes

Handful spinach

Parmesan cheese

Pinch of sea salt & ground pepper





Carbs 36g

Fat 11g Energy


Per serving


The ‘Get Lean’ Pizza

Protein 14.4g

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One of the MANY lessons I learned from Gary Vaynerchuk at an event in London last month was his attention to be so focused and present with who he was engaging with - like REALLY engaged.

We spoke about what made him finally decide at age 38, to realise he needed to

take care of himself, shred the excess weight and access his even higher performance.

He said to me, “I told myself I wanted to feel fit and full of energy at 40. The next day I told myself why not do it this week when i’m 38, so I did, I just decided. I

wanted to feel those benefits from age 30-38 but I was just not ready to admit that I didn’t really want it then... I thought I did… then something in me switched.”

Now at 40 he not only looks great, but you can see how he DELIVERS so much value by constantly delivering, every day, not just today, then take a few days off to rest…

every day... the highest levels.

Like I always say ‘success leaves clues’. Those who are PERFORMING consistently at the top of their game made the valuable connections between how they FEEL thus, how they PERFORM in body, business... life.

Quite possibly THE BEST speaker I’ve seen in terms of delivering value you can APPLY to your life right away.

GARY VAYNERCHUK TOLD ME THIS…Look at this picture... a conversation... that was only a few minutes... with full 100% intent and present.

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What’s it worth to you to ‘clone’ yourself 5 X over in your business?


Optimising YOU could very well yield the same level of returns that today’s modern high performer is experiencing.

Busy business owners, entrepreneurs and executives are using the RAPID SIDE EFFECT METHOD to amplify results in their body, business and life, with an optimised approach to unleashing the optimum you.

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With 16 Years success coaching busy business owners, the RAPID SIDE EFFECT METHOD simply encompasses the very latest scientific body and wellness optimisation, including visualisation, outcome oriented workouts, sustainable nutrition, stress & sleep management, behaviour change methods and the support to ensure all these areas complement each other smoothly. With of course, the environment for success with the support, direction, accountability and focus that comes with having a Coach helping you to master this area of your life.




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