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A. Background of Study

Development in the field of education as one part of national development,

needs to be realized in order to improve and advance the education sector. Declining

quality of education received much attention from the public, participants graduate

education, educators and government. Therefore the government do all it can make

repairs and improvements in education. As a precaution, the education of many aimed

at structuring the learning process, use and selection of appropriate learning media.

All are intended to achieve maximum learning outcomes.

1Learning is a complex process that occurs in all people and last a lifetime.

One sign that one has learned a behavior is a change in him. Changes in behavior are

related to either change the nature of knowledge (cognitive) and skill (psychomotor)

and related values and attitudes (afective). These changes should occur as a result of

interaction with their environment through the learning process. Where teachers

provide the only source of learning, although the task, role and function in the

learning process is very important menagajar.

Looking at the complexity of the problem in such a learning process and the

role of the teacher, then in the development of science, especially in the teaching

process should be developed belajr kandusif climate that fosters learning attitudes and

behavior are reasonable. For that learning to use the media, especially media images

can be used as an alternative to it.

1 Sadiman Arif S. 2005. Media Pendidikan. Pustekkom Dikbud dan PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.hal 79

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B. Problem formulation

Based on the background of the issues mentioned above, it can be

formulated problem "Is there any influence of media use images of the

achievement of students learning English Class 2 MTs Riyadhul Jannah

Kuala Tungkal.

C. Research objectives.

On the basis of the above formulation of the problem, this study

aimed to reveal whether there is the influence of media use images of the

achievement of students learning English Class 2 MTs Riyadhul Kuala

Tungkal Jannah.

D. Benefits of Research

In this study, there are some benefits that are expected to be implemented

after the study authors.

1. For information about the influence of media use images of the

achievement of students learning English Class 2 MTs Riyadhul Jannah

Kuala Tungkal

2. As input for the teacher; to be considered in the selection of media before

the implementation of the learning process. Because the results of this study

is the scientific evidence.

3. The results of this study may be the reason as far as recommendations

for use of media images in teaching and learning.

E. hypothesis

For providing clear direction to their conclusion, then formulated the

hypothesis that "There is the influence of media use images of the

achievement of students learning English Class 2 MTs Riyadhul Jannah

Kuala Tungkal.

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Theory frame

A. Meaning of the Media

In community life which are the main features of the relationship between its

members. Relationship took place in such a way, which results in the process affect

each other. In other words there is a relationship between members of the group

referred to communication interaction. Through various forms of communication so

the groups do a lot of community activities or social behavior to achieve common


Form of communication that occurs in all forms of social relationships, in

school or in the wider social community and in other forms of community structures

and their functions. In the last school communication interaction between the

students and teachers.

To achieve the purpose and objectives, the organizational forms of society,

the need to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Increased efficiency and

effectiveness is partly dependent on support factors, ie, facilities and infrastructure.

In other words, the interaction of communication will run smoothly and get

maximum results. When the organization is run and use the tool, the tool is called

by the media.

2 Media derived from the Latin and the plurals medium which literally means

medium or medium. Be able to understand that media is medium or medium from

sender to receiver messages.

2 Sadiman AS, Media Pendidikan Pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatannya, Jakarta, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 1984. Hal 97

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Further be broken down according to the meaning of the term media. The

members of the media restrictions give opinions vary, but the direction and purpose

is the same, which does not escape from said medium.

3According to Santoso S. Hamidjojo in Achsin Amir (1980), are all forms of

media intermediaries used to spread the idea, that idea or ideas that come at the

receiver. While Assosiasi and Communication Technology (Association of

Education & Communication Technology / AECT) in the United States provide

restrictions, namely: Media in all forms and channels used to convey the message /


According to Arsyad (2007:3), word derived from the Latin media medius

which means the middle, perentara or introduction, while in Arabic, the media is

perentara or introductory message from the sender to the receiver of the message.

That is to say that the medium of learning is as a messenger from some source

channels to the receiver of the message (Trianto, 2010:234)

Gerlach & Ely (1971) in Arsyad (2007:3), adding that if the media generally

understood is the human, material , or events that establish the conditions which

enable the pupils to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes. In this sense teachers,

textbooks, and school environment is the media.

Gagne (1970) states that the media is in the range of various types of

components that can stimulate students to learn. While Bringgs (1970) argue that

the media is all the physical tools that can present the message and stimulate

students to learn the books, films, tapes are examples.

3 Sadiman AS, Media Pendidikan Pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatannya, Jakarta, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 1984hal 65.

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Mc further. Luhan in Arif S. Sadiman (1984) argue that the media is a

medium which is also called a channel, because in truth the media to expand or

extend the human ability to feel, hear, and see within the bounds of distance, space,

and time is almost limitless again.

According to me media is Media is a technical tool that is used to convey the

message mediation or, in other words, the media is a very useful communication

tool in the learning process in students

In relation to communication interaction in the form of Dr. organization.

Oemar Hamalik (1994) argue that the media is a media communication or assistive

devices used by an organization to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of work

with maximum results.Education in modeling know. Some people prefer to use the

term modeling. But some are easier to use the term communication modeling.

Adults have started a new term popularized the "Media education".

Various term, which has its own pressure, it would be better in one of them is the

"Media education". Media education as a tool has the features:

1. Media education means identical with that derived from the word visual

Definition ,a thing that can be touched, seen, heard, and can be observed.

2. The main stress is on the thing or things that can be seen and heard.

3. Media education has been used in order to contact (communication) in

teaching, between teachers and students.

4. Media education as a tool of learning and teaching, both outside the


5. Contain aspects of media education; as a tool and as a technique, a very

close relationship with the teaching method.

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Based on the general characteristics of educational media, Dr. Oemar

Hamlik (1994) to limit educational media are tools, methods and techniques used in

order to enable communication and interaction between teachers and students in

education and teaching in school prose. "

From the meaning of the press and the limitations posed by the members of

the above, there are some similarities between them, that the media is all that can be

used to transmit messages from the sender to up to stimulate the mind, emotions,

attention and draw the attention of students such as to process learning occurs.

B. Media Images

 Here are some descriptions will be presented relating to the understanding

of media images, which is one focus of the study. Today photography is widely

image may be obtained from various sources, the Mass of newspapers, magazines,

brochures and books. Drawings, paintings, cartoons, illustrations and photographs

obtained from various sources, it can be effectively used by teachers in teaching and

learning activities.

4According Heinich and Molenda (2005) in Supriatna (2009:5), visual media

is a media that can provide visual stimuli such as pictures / photos, sketches,

diagrams, charts, graphs, cartoons, posters, bulletin boards and others. with the

intention to describe, and summarize the ideas, data or events (Santyasa (2007:11)

The opinion of some experts that I conclude that the media images / visual

media that utilizes the sense of sight such as drawings, photographs, garfik, charts

and other used as a channel atauinformasi message from the source message to the

recipient of the message is summarized and explained.

4 Zaedah. 2009. Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa Dengan Menggunakan media Multimedia. Mataram : IKIP Mataram

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Picture basically help encourage students and to arouse his interest in the

subject. Help them in their language skills, art activities, and statement of creative

storytelling, dramatization, reading, writing, painting and drawing as well as help

them interpret and remember the material contents of the textbook (Sadiman S. Arif,


Photographic image is one of the most well known teaching media in

teaching activities when this is due to its simplicity, without the need for equipment

and not projected to observe. Kepda media including drawing a picture or a still

picture that remains consists of two groups: the first flat opaque flat picture or image

is not transparent, such as photographic images, drawings and prints paintings. The

second picture is transparent or translucent images, such as the film slides, film

strips and transparancies.

But the media including drawing, the author meant in the discussion of this

thesis is found in the Flat opeque first group picture, because the images are not

transparent flat is easily procured and usually relatively inexpensive. So the media is

a media image that is used to visualize or channeling messages from the source to

the receiver (the student). Messages to be delivered poured into visual

communication, in addition to that media images also serve to attract attention,

serving to clarify the idea, illustrate or decorate a fact which may be quickly

forgotten or ignored if not was graphic.

C. Utilization of Image Data Media Teaching and Learning

`Among the educational media, images / photos are the most common media

used. He is a common language, which can be understood and enjoyed everywhere.

There is therefore a Chinese proverb says that a picture speaks more than a thousand

words. Photographic illustrations are pictures that can not be projected, can be used,

either in the environment of children and adults in the neighborhood. Color images

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are generally attract attention. All images have a meaning, description and

interpretation of its own. Therefore, images can be used as a medium of education

and have educational value for students that allows students to learn efficiently

associated with the utilization.

Media images that need to be considered are:

1.The principles of the use of media images. Some principles that need to be

considered include:

a. Use images for teaching purposes are specific, that is by selecting a specific

image that will support the core explanation of the lesson or lesson subjects.

Specific objectives that direct the students' interest to the lesson subjects. When

the instructional goal is to compare student achievement is the ability of

vertebrate groups with no, then the images should notice a striking difference.

b. Combine the pictures to the lesson, because the effectiveness of the use of the

images in the learning process requires the integration. When the images will be

used all of them, to think about possibilities in terms of points of the lesson.

Exhibition of drawings on the bulletin boards generally have the same impression

as in the classroom. The pictures are real is very useful for a subject, because its

content will help the understanding of the students and how it will be replicated

to the same things in the future.

c. Use the pictures are just a little, rather than using lots of images but is not

effective. Save hours of use of the images that support meaning. The number of

images are a little but selective, better than twice showing odd images

indiscriminately. Many illustrations, picture gambr excessively, will lead the

students to feel undermined by a group of images that bind them, but does not

produce or inpresi visual impression of a clear, so the important thing is focusing

attention on the main idea. Once the idea of well-established, the illustrations can

be useful additional increase beginning concepts. The presentation of the image

should be done gradually, starting with basic concepts demonstrate the meaning

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of what is important from that lesson. Then watch the accompanying drawings,

environmental, and other row is complete.

d. Reduce the addition of the words on the pictures because the pictures are very

important in developing the words or stories, or in presenting new ideas. For

example, in the subjects of English language students to observe the image

names of the vehicle.

e. Encourage a creative statement through the images the students will be

encouraged to develop oral and written language skills, graphic arts and other

forms of activity. Visual legibility of the type of skills in this area is required for

students in reading the images.

f. Evaluate the progress of the class, you can also use images in general and

specifically. So teachers can use flat images, slides or transparent to evaluate

learning for students. Use of test instruments are varied will be very good

teachers do, in an effort to obtain a comprehensive test results and thorough.

2. Choosing a good image in the teaching

In a good selection of images for teaching activities, there are several criteria

that need to be considered include:

a. Authenticity of the picture. Picture shows the actual situation, like seeing the real

situation or object. The mistake in this case would not be expected to influence

the false image that the original said.

b. Simplicity. The drawing is simple in color, a certain impression, have a purely

aesthetic value and contains practical value. Do not let the students become

confused and are not interested in the picture.

c. Form item. Sipengamat should be able to obtain responses that remain about

objects in the picture.

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d. Deed. Images should be doing this deed. Students will be more interested and

more likely to understand the images are moving.

e. Photography. Students can be more interested in the photographic image is low,

which worked as a professional not too bright or dark. Good picture may not be

attractive and effective for teaching.

f. Artistic. Artistic terms in general may affect the value of the image. The use of

pictures, of course adapted to the objectives to be achieved

The criteria for selecting the image as mentioned above also serves to assess

whether or not an effective image for use in teaching. Images that do not meet the

criteria can not be used as media in teaching.

3. Using pictures in class

The use of images is effectively adapted to the level of the child, both in

terms of magnitude of the image, go into details, colors and background for

interpretation. Used as a tool for creative experience, enriching the facts, and fix the

lack of clarity. But the picture also becomes effective, if used too often in the not

too distant. Images should be arranged according to specific sequences and linked to

a widespread problem.

Images can be used for a specific purpose such as teaching that can provide

the basis of experience. Studying the picture itself in the way of teaching activities

can be done, write a question about drawing, writing stories, looking for the same

images, and uses images to demonstrate an object.

Teaching in a classroom with a picture as possible an effective presentation.

The images used are selected images, a large, visible to all learners, can be taped,

hung or projected. Display pictures can be posted on the bulletin board, make the

room attractive, motivate students, increase the interest, attention, and increase

students' knowledge.

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4. Teaching students to read the image

There are several things to consider in teaching students to read the image:

a. Color. Students are very interested in the colorful pictures. Generally at first they

looked at the color before they know the name of the color, then he interpreted. In

general they have own criteria about the combination of colors. Trained to respond,

differentiate, and interpret the colors need to be a teacher to the students.

b. Size. Which can be greater than between a chicken with a cow, whichever is

higher among men with a church, and so forth.

c. Distance. It means that children can figure out the distance between an object

with other objects in an image, for example, the distance between the top of the

mountain backdrop.

d. Something to show a motion picture. The car that was parked in a visible image,

the image there is a movement symbols.

e. Temperature. Whether the child intends to acquire an impression on the drawing

temperature is cold or hot. Compare the pictures that show winter and pictures of

people who are in a state of undress. Then it can be distinguished low temperatures

and hot conditions. Some other advantages of the media image is:

- Its concrete. Picture / photo showing the subject matter is more realistic than

the purely verbal media.

- Images can mengatasai problems of space and time constraints. Not all objects,

objects or events can be brought to class, and not always, the children brought to

the object. For that picture or photo can be overcome. Niagara Falls or Lake Toba

can be presented to the class through drawings or photographs. The events that

occurred in the past, yesterday or even last minute sometimes can not be viewed as

such. Drawings or photographs are very useful in this regard.

- Media images can overcome the limitations of our observations. Cross section of

a leaf cell or impossible for us to see with the naked eye can be clearly presented

in the form of images.

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- To clarify things, in any field and for several age levels only, so as to prevent or

correct the misunderstanding.

- Cheap price, easy to get, easy to use, without requiring special equipment.

In addition to these advantages, drawing or photograph has some disadvantages,


- Picture or photo eye senses stress perception.

- Draw or photograph objects that are too complex to less effective learning


- The size is very limited for large groups.

D. Learning Achievement

1. Definition of Learning Achievement

The word comes from the Dutch language achievement "pretitie" which

means that what has been created or the result of the work. In the economic

calculations that are intended to achievement is the product of someone who has

achieved or the work of someone in a certain period.

While learning is an activity that results in a change in a person who learns,

both actual and potential, which changes substantially is the gradual acquisition of

new skills in a relatively long, which perubagahn occurs because of individual effort

in the study. (Slameto, 1988).

So, student achievement is the success of students who gain from the study.

In the English language dictionary is termed learning achievement: Achievement,

learning achievement and academic achievement. By Norman L. Munn is the

present mean achievement level of past performance and JB Carroll defines

achievement of learn the tesk defined. Therefore, learning achievement is a measure

of success or failure of a person after taking lessons at a school, and to determine

the level of success it will be an assessment or measurement of testing.

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5R.S. Wood and DG Worth Muguis in Ambo Enre Abdullah (1979)

suggested that "learning achievement is a real skill that can be measured directly

with a device in this test". "Achievement of learning outcomes of students are in a

particular subject by using standardized tests as a means of measuring the success of

a student".

Winkel (1997:168) learning achievement is meghasilkan activity changes in

the field of knowledge and understanding, in the field of values, attitudes and skills.

Sia Tjundjing (2000:71) argues that learning achievement is the result of

learning, namely the extent to which students master the material taught, followed

by the emergence of a sense of satisfaction that he has done something well.

According Poerwodarminto (Mila Ratnawati, 1996: 206) is an achievement is a

result that has been achieved, performed or done by someone. While the

achievements of learning itself is defined as the achievement attained by a student at

a particular time period and recorded in the school report card.

2. Factors affecting the learning achievement

The factors that influence learning achievement can be seen from the

students themselves and from outside the student in the form of reciprocal

interaction between the two.

a. Of factors in the student

Students who carry out the learning process, the results can be examined

through the changes that happen to students. (Rahman, 1993). It can be seen among

others by comparing the level of mastery of students between the before and after

the learning process.

The main factor is contained in the student body and the physical factors or

psychological factors. Physical factors include the state of mind and senses,

including the psychic being, interest, intelligence, talents, motives and so on.

5 Dr. Dimyati, Drs. Mudjiono. 2006. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Aneka

Cipta.hal 169

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b. Factors external to the student

Factors that affect student learning of the learning environment is the third,

family environment, school environment, and society. Where the family

environment include: ways to educate parents, relationships among families, family

atmosphere, family and economic circumstances. While the school environment

include: methods of teaching, curriculum, teacher relationships with students and so

on. The communities include: the activities of students in society, mass media,

where to get along, shape people's lives and so forth.



In solving a problem or issue required to have a way of settlement, as well as

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with issues of this thesis. The author will use the means or method of approach as


A. This type of research

This research includes the study category "experimental". Due to determine the

effect of independent variables on other variables (bound) do manipulation in the

sense that the data are drawn is the result of the treatment performed in the study


B. Research Variables

This study has two variables, namely: the media image as indefenden variables

(independent variables), hereinafter called the X factor, performance learning

English as a defendant variable (dependent variable) is called the factor Y.

C. Operational Definitions

To understand the title of this thesis, the following described several operational

limitations as may be necessary.

1. Influence is the power of existing or arising from (people, objects and

etc.) in power or strength (WJS Purwadarminto, 1990).

2. Media images are an invaluable tool that is used as a messenger or

information on teaching materials.

3. English learning achievement is an achievement that earned teaching

learners as teaching purposes.

D. Population and Sample

To obtain the necessary data in this study, the research will be needed as a

whole object is called a population. 6Suharsimi Arikunto (1992: 102) defines

population as follows: The population is the whole object of research. If one

6 Iskandar, metodologi penelitian pendidikan ( kuantitatif dan kualitatif ) jakarta: gaung persada pers,2008,hlm 69

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examines all the elements that exist in the research, the research is called or the

study population. Studies or research or study population census called.

Population also means is a bunch of people who are meant to be researched /

investigated called Universum population or population or restricted the number of

individuals who are at least similar properties (Hadi: 220).

Departing from the definition above, then the population in this study were students

in grade 2 MTs Riyadhul Kuala Tungkal Jannah which amounted to approximately

60 students made up two classes. The sample in this study is a class 2 are drawn in

random cluster sampling technique.

E. The research instrument

In this study the instrument used as a data collector is a test. However, sometimes

the interview guidelines used to determine the response of teachers to use methods

of drawing media. In the implementation of this research was conducted after the

learning process takes place, both to the treatment group and the control group.

F. Data Collection Procedure

In this research, data collection is done through the stages of work:

1. Preparation of test

Preparation of test performed after the learning process by using media

images has been done. He set out the questions to find out the results obtained. In

addition, also made a prepared interview guide to obtain information directly and

spontaneously from the teachers and students.

2. Implementation of the test

Wherever possible in the implementation of test conditions are created

whereby tests can be run well. Close supervision conducted, it is intended that the

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results obtained by each student very well because the perpetrators of the learning

process with the media image rather than with an open book or cheat

3. Interview

In this study, besides using a written test is also used interview guidelines

that aim to examine the effectiveness of the use of media images by the teacher, the

students also know the answer spontaneously, so the data is more valid and reliable

when compared with a written test which can be speculated by the students.

4. Data Collection

Data collection is the result of examination of student work that are tailored to the

answer key, where the scores obtained by students is a picture of their learning

achievements in the field of English studies.

G. Data Analysis Techniques

To achieve the objectives of the study, the data has been collected was processed by

means of data analysis, using several methods, as follows:

1. Inductive, which is a way of thinking by solving problems with the footing

of the things that are special, and then draw general conclusions.

2. Deductive, is a method that is used with reference to matters of a general

nature, then the conclusion of a special nature.

3. Comparative, is make comparisons with the subject matter and then draw


Besides using the above data processing, data has been collected in this

study are also processed and analyzed quantitatively by a single factor analysis of

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variance techniques. In the testing of this analysis, the chi-square statistic used one

hand to the formula:

( n – 1 ) S2

X2 =

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Pemanfaatannya, Jakarta, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 1984.

Hamalik Oemar, Media Pendidikan, Cet.VII, Bandung, PT. Citra Adiyata, 1994.

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Suprijono, Agus. 2009. Cooperative Learning: Teori dan Aplikasi PAIKEM. Jakarta: Bima Bayu Arijah.

Zaedah. 2009. Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa Dengan Menggunakan media Multimedia. Mataram : IKIP Mataram