five principles of fitness:

Fitness Notes

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Five Principles of Fitness:. Cardio Respiratory Endurance – the ability of your ________ to transport oxygen to working __________. heart. muscles. Heart. Oxygen. Muscles. Five Principles of Fitness:. joints. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Five Principles of Fitness:

Fitness Notes

Page 2: Five Principles of Fitness:

Fitness Notes

Five Principles of Fitness:

1. Cardio Respiratory Endurance – the ability of your ________ to transport oxygen to working __________.


• Heart • Oxygen • Muscles

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Fitness Notes

Five Principles of Fitness:

2. Flexibility – the ability of your _______ to move through it’s entire _______ ___ _______ .



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Fitness Notes

Five Principles of Fitness:3. Muscular Strength – the amount of _______

a ________ can exert. (How much a muscle can do).


4. Muscular Endurance – the ability of a _______ to ______ for a long period of time. (How long a muscle can work)muscle work

Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance

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Fitness Notes

Five Principles of Fitness:

5. Body Composition – a ratio of _____ ____ and _____ ________ .

body fatlean muscle

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Fitness Notes

Principles of Training/Exercise:

6. F.I.T. = ___________/_________/_______Frequency Intensity Time7. Frequency is how ______ you engage in

regular _________ or ________ .often

exercise activity8. Intensity is how _________ your exercise is.difficult9. Time is how _______ your exercise session


10.The ability to quickly change the position of the body and to control the body’s movements is _______agility

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Fitness Notes

Principles of Training/Exercise:

11.The number of times your heart beats per minute is called your ______ ______ .heart rate

12.The maximum number of times your heart can beat per minute is called your _________ ______ _______ .maximum heart rate

13.The recommended heart rate to exercise in is called your ______ _______ _____target heart rate

• 220 - _____ = _____ (age) MHR

• MHR X .65 = _____• (lower range)

• MHR X .85 = _____ (high range)

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Fitness Notes

Principles of Training/Exercise:14.Long sustained exercise that elevates your

heart rate and lasts longer that 1 ½ minutes is _________ exercise. Literally – with oxygenaerobic

15.Short bursts of exercise that lasts no longer than 1 ½ minutes is _________ exercise. Literally – without oxygen


Page 9: Five Principles of Fitness:

Fitness Notes

Principles of Weight Training:1. Overload – to improve your physical fitness

you must ________ the amount of F.I.T. activity or exercise you normally do.


2. Progression is __________ ___________ the amount of exercise over time.

gradually increasing

3. Specificity – to build specific parts of physical fitness you must do _________ ___________.


Page 10: Five Principles of Fitness:

Fitness Notes

Principles of Weight Training:4. Repetition - ________________________one movement of exercise

5. Set - _____________________a group of repetitions

6. Power is the ability to exert force ________quickly7. Free weight exercises require the use of

multiple ________ groups to ________ the weights

muscle balance

8. Weight machines assure you use proper __________ and help create good weight training ________ .technique


2 Se


5 Repetitions

Page 11: Five Principles of Fitness:

Fitness Notes

Proper Technique:9. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Soreness due to exercise

10.Range of Motion is the ________ movement a ________ can make.


a. ________________________

b. ________________________24 to 72 hours later

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Fitness Notes

Proper Technique:

12.A ______________ contraction is a contraction of a muscle in which the muscle ___________ as it contracts.


13.An ____________ contraction is a contraction of a muscle in which the muscle ___________ as it contracts.




11.Muscular Contraction - the attempt of a muscle to shorten

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Fitness Notes

Eccentric ContractionConcentric Contraction