
Earn Handsome Returns by Buying Flats in Aberdeen The property market in Aberdeen has bucked the downturn experienced elsewhere. According to data published by the Aberdeen City Council, the average house price is £198,875. This is higher than the average UK house price of £162,722. Investors have been riding this upward trend since 2005. Statistics from the City Council show that downswings have been few compared to upswings. You can earn a tidy sum by buying flats for lease in Aberdeen. The following tips will help you maximize income from your property investment. Spruce Up Your Property After buying your property, it is important to prepare before leasing to tenants. Make sure your property looks as good as possible. Tenants will be ready to pay more for flats that are spruced up and clean. Stick to neutral colors as these appeal to a wide range of people. If you are offering furnished flats, make sure vacuum cleaners, carpets, light fittings, and essential furnishings are provided. Get your flat management team together. Choose honest and reliable people to keep the flats clean and collect rent. You can also hire professional management firms to handle all tenant issues. The firm will ease the burden of running up and down to look after your flats. Screening Tenants Leasing your flats to tenants is the next step. This step is very crucial to ensure steady income every month. Start by listing your flats on local property websites. Follow up by advertising on local publications. If you can afford to, use electronic media to reach out to a wider audience. Property agents can help you focus your advertisements in the right direction. Screen prospective tenants to avoid ugly scenes at the end of the month. Tenant referencing can help you weed out tenants who may cause trouble in the future. You can get this information from independent agencies. A credit check should assure you that a tenant is able to pay rent on time. The tenancy application should be accompanied by a deposit. Take Care of Your Flats Filling your flats with tenants is not a guarantee of future profits. You must keep the surrounding environment clean at all times. Tenant complaints should be addressed immediately. This will keep tenant turnover rates within acceptable levels. It will be hard to attract new tenants if word gets out that people move out after a few months. Make sure your flats satisfy building safety regulations. Your flats for lease in Aberdeen will be returning a tidy sum before long. Additional Information: http :// www . rightmove . co . uk / property - to - rent / Aberdeen /1- bed - flats . html http :// www . citylets . co . uk / flats - rent - aberdeen / http :// www . zoopla . co . uk / to - rent / property /4- bedrooms / aberdeen / http :// www . s 1 rental . com / Flats - for - rent / Aberdeen / City - Centre -( Aberdeen )/

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Flats-For-Lease-In-Aberdeen

Earn Handsome Returns by Buying Flats in Aberdeen The property market in Aberdeen has bucked the downturn experienced elsewhere. According to data published by the Aberdeen City Council, the average house price is £198,875. This is higher than the average UK house price of £162,722. Investors have been riding this upward trend since 2005. Statistics from the City Council show that downswings have been few compared to upswings. You can earn a tidy sum by buying flats for lease in Aberdeen. The following tips will help you maximize income from your property investment. Spruce Up Your Property After buying your property, it is important to prepare before leasing to tenants. Make sure your property looks as good as possible. Tenants will be ready to pay more for flats that are spruced up and clean. Stick to neutral colors as these appeal to a wide range of people. If you are offering furnished flats, make sure vacuum cleaners, carpets, light fittings, and essential furnishings are provided. Get your flat management team together. Choose honest and reliable people to keep the flats clean and collect rent. You can also hire professional management firms to handle all tenant issues. The firm will ease the burden of running up and down to look after your flats. Screening Tenants Leasing your flats to tenants is the next step. This step is very crucial to ensure steady income every month. Start by listing your flats on local property websites. Follow up by advertising on local publications. If you can afford to, use electronic media to reach out to a wider audience. Property agents can help you focus your advertisements in the right direction. Screen prospective tenants to avoid ugly scenes at the end of the month. Tenant referencing can help you weed out tenants who may cause trouble in the future. You can get this information from independent agencies. A credit check should assure you that a tenant is able to pay rent on time. The tenancy application should be accompanied by a deposit. Take Care of Your Flats Filling your flats with tenants is not a guarantee of future profits. You must keep the surrounding environment clean at all times. Tenant complaints should be addressed immediately. This will keep tenant turnover rates within acceptable levels. It will be hard to attract new tenants if word gets out that people move out after a few months. Make sure your flats satisfy building safety regulations. Your flats for lease in Aberdeen will be returning a tidy sum before long. Additional Information:http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/Aberdeen/1-bed-flats.htmlhttp://www.citylets.co.uk/flats-rent-aberdeen/http://www.zoopla.co.uk/to-rent/property/4-bedrooms/aberdeen/http://www.s1rental.com/Flats-for-rent/Aberdeen/City-Centre-(Aberdeen)/