flocking arn greater store it, variety styles buys hat ... · creditors all, or at least half, you...

Farime Union Bureau of IIoriiitlloii. Conducted by the- South caro inn Farmers' hducatiuonal nin Co-Oporativo Union. Communications intended for this depart omt should be addressed to .1. C. Strioling, Pondleton, South Caroliua. Sell a few bales of your cotton at, or about, the Farmers' Union minimum of 11 cents and pay your creditors all, or at least half, you owe them. But don't glut the mar- ket. Better still, where oyer you can store cotton in a good warehouse do it, and turn these cotton certi- ficates over to your creditors and keep all the cotton off the market that it is possible to do. If you are not pushed up hard for money don't put a bale of cotton on the market now and let the price go up to 12 cents, where our South Caro lina ;Union put the price in the outset, But don't for a moment under- take to dodge your creditors or do any dirty tricks in order to save a few dollars. Let no Farmers' Union man sell out his reputation as an honorable man by not standing up square to his just obligation with all men. It does no man any credit to do a shady deed to get even with his unfair creditors. Two wrong don't make one right act, The cotton market is pushing up, trying to get above 11 cents but the cotton farmers keep piling the cottoi on the market every time the price starts upward, and this rushing cotton on the market holds the price down The cotton growers are now the worst cotton bears in our country- they are the men that keep prices from rising by dumping on the cot. ton every time the .market start: on a rise. The men that supply the cottor growers and have that amount, o cotton under their control could now do a grat big thing for the outhern cotton growers if thel would only come together and pul to save this advanceinut in cottol for the South. The hind, selfish greed that pos sesseS some men will never allov them~ t.o consider the wvelfare o their country at any ime Tlhese meCn never OncO rea$ bz - t.he fact tht, t.he~ (coutntry' prot ects theli -prioperty or t hey coul1d io osse this selfish gran n,fter t hey hav' . aken it for thei? owni. A cow thi& t.ucks hersel fi abouit ni~ good~a (iutien and dioe the wedlth anid 4-ileila pr. sp.eilt.. ot the coul'itry', as thedupply iino who makes the condit ins of hi contracts with the farmer in a wI that causes the dumping olf t .cotton crop of the hielpless mlolt gaged farmers oni the market al in a few months time. Some of these men that fu rial these helpless, improavidentan unbusinesshike tfarmers witzh sup plies, say that they don't kioo how they could mnlanage to cointr the affairs of their customers in way to help the cotton farmeors ii getting profitable priced f or h i cotton. But the last one of thier know how to control the affauirs oI these silly farmers in a way t. compel them to turn in their crop to themselves at the chosen time whether prices are profitable o unprofitable to the farmers. ''Evf ry fellow for himself and let ih devil take the m n that falls be hind'' is too often the b>lind, sel fish plans of many mani. Cotton speculators and the mill will soon got all the weak cottoi out of the hands of the unorganiz ed cotton growers. When thesa clonditions prevail the larmer cdt ton bear becomes a bull and works right into the hand of the organiz ed cotton farmer, who has mnage<w to hold.his cotton off' the glutted market. Now the Farmers linjion had much ratheir have the supply men to join in with thoem and take cart of th)is weaker class of cotton grow. Fr< pare other she w " J.l Th< ITS WOR thatyouw Ladies Ta4 f-I \\'hen you liLy a 1 o that your-He ad ere and keep this profit in our own county where it will1 help every- body. But, If 0 r Own people will< not work with us, we will ''f course, take any help that we can get without comimittinig ourse84lves w~ith the specuilative f4l(omenft < Tlhere is not one in t.rest i n the whole South that is not benetit' ed directly or inodirect ly w heni pro, dutce of c ,ttOni receive &.-iod pro- fitable prices for thi co,tton. When ther8 is plety tmotney alloat every one Can~ receivye som n e tijt from a livolier trHe Oil M I ~i ar Not Patnig ICa 41nghl fo r Cot tonl Need. ProfesUOr J. MI. Johns8on, of the t - i versity of GeQorgial, satys t,hat $I6 per ton1 is low wa ter imark for. f.is year 's cottonitt~( seed)fro.- P'rof . .Johntson figu ros that each dlotljl ut. 0on to theO 8(1,igg pric of seed mneans4 an increats4 of $, 500,000 t.he far mors of t.ho.Si>uth. A presetnt prices of cottoi1 oil anid mleal the farmer(1 (1 houlId getI at i leas3t $18$ for thleir seedl, which I amoun ts, to $5 p)erI ton loss( to tlh' < (n rmers on each t on tlint. hio eIllsn IN )m every section of for their Fall and V store. When a wt ants to feel and kn< ~HOM? Largest Read, TH A TRIP OF ill go to Arnold's to or Suits and Wraps Handsome Suits $12.50 each to $, Every suit just the cut and the best fi money. They coi all the new cloths. Handsome coats 5.00 each to 40.o Coats for every u every color. Imr line to select from Si/ tn1dersk Beautiful Silk Pett in Black and color Made of Guara Taffeta from 4.98 each. A beautifu . Underskirt to j your suit is the th eC Milliniery Styles. ait here you are buying the n Il absolutely satisfied anywher pear is correct. JL THOIL or *18 or e :.. los o ver tw ent.y ive lill i OI I olRTM til f.he wlilah rop)l 'f t he Souithi. Tis los o0 n Osieedl in 4ne st easo)I v'ouilI puit tip &llotagh wedroi~ Oset. Stake cutre' 'f hlfIt heu cotto rop. of1 the w~h ole Sut.h. Otir l'i limers I iioll eXpt'riiiitu ast year prove(I t ha lt groundi( cot onI M sI J<l p id( noiy~1 $425 pet tot ill(Ier ('i 011 *fld $1 pel' t till ix o'r teight d. hlarsi per toio loss! ha teed s worl.'th o r n i torti- ol' t hie ltIt.ile s It.O 'I I tleir filrm. ig Ifor tiei I Owli ilit''ltHl 1( qii ak ing ths' other iinI's tiiguers IIn veryt thin ~g. ho% ts a l'arg et'vlelonset hring var.house abut't fi nishled and rea. NP i to x w olV I .u t.n f I o m - ...... WOPPORT T H-E the Piedmlont people Vinter needs. No suc man buys her new.St )W that its the right ti -to-Wear Depar MANY MILES in buy your goods-it is largains Not 11 rpm.o. right )r the ne in from se, in lu riense irts. "4 [coats S. I1tCC(l .i(O. Silk natchI. GET I'i FIXED awest T1hat you wil go) to Ar a you where *ou .hoe a tremne merchandise from which tc [lAS ARN GR EENVI COttoni miill townis in the South Jo.. cated li ke And(erson rignlt in1 some1 ot the hoHt cottoni growinzg territory, -hav e not been; payinig the markot price tor cotton. Ini other words, the local mills18 have( this rich cot. loln produ'iag territory rather bot.. t.lP(d up for thei r own profit, while h0 producers of 001.001 hlave ben folTeed to cO~jLiri htto a tarIifft to these i ocal u Il, w ere they shoul d have reevda bounty. This hottling u p of' t he cotton market. at these townls of (couio inljures~the trade of the towns. It operates after the fashiion( of ihn cow that suicks her- so If. TI'he bulsineIss I men oft these~ bo(tt led up; COt.lA.l, mill towns are~ no0w atfter joining hand I~with the I'l rmer. lin ill their move t0 tore nll ~ thetir cottoni inl hulk and1( bin11 it, (lt. 1( export 01 ')ther2 buy- WVhen t he organ ized fa rmersl an d orgaizo'~d butsiness men ji h ands in IL gi'eat big moVe like thi we ar din(0Ig the th ings t.hat we have, beeni so lon'g talking FO1EY'SKIDlEYCURE Makna Kidnava and Bladder Right LETST UNITIEi STA are flocking to ARN h quantities, variety it, Hat, or any othe iing. You can be s OLD ( tment for Worn order to do y(guir tr a matchless chance ratched in the South. 36 inch eavy fleeced Flannelettes. dal colors,-Special per yard Heavy mottled fleece Domets, per yd 8 28 inch ('otton Broadcloth, beautifl color range, worth 25 . per yard Heavy Round Thread Sheeting. the he made, per yard Best Drills, per yArd 10 in Sheeting, 2 3-4 yards weigh pound, per yard !ll wool Red Twill Flannel per yard 12 ftound Thrt-ad Cheviotc, worth 10c pi yard, for shirts, per yard 7 'ine 8 1-2c Dress Ginghams: per yard 6 3eautiful Plaid Dress Goods, the late: styles, per yard 16 inch Winter Percales, worth 10c pc yard 8 ic Bleach Table )amask, special yard Pablo Oil Cloth per yard 12 IOc Black Sacks, special, four pairs lE5e White Foot Socks per pair 3lack top W hite feet Ladies hose, specia 3eniniie Linen Torchion Laces. perI yar, Anrd hundired of other grandi barg hat no other Store in thle Srtate will ma IN YOUR MINDI nold's the first opp)ottunity, ndous variety of beautiful choose your winter nead1s. L LE, S. C. Unle iaSm's New F'arni. Director Charles I).u aleott of th United States Geological Surve; states that the governmnent own about 600,000.00 acres of vacani 1land(. Of tisj land the greate part is aridl. About 6,500,00 acres is irrigated . T[here is w.ate Evailabje for mantily more. MIost ( thi s land1( al ready i.Arigatedl isi (Dolorado anid California, M~luchi c the land w~ill cost $25 or $30 whoa provirded wrth water. I t is esti mated that if 800,000,000 was ex peisded dIuring the next forty yeai ina large and( consIist.ent schemti Df irriga',i, the laud s iproveo would be worth by the end of t.ha P''riod, ~O 1s 1h la n $2,00)00,(M)t I' nclhWnril en n s! 11I prov ide usx a] t faim, but it will he a mourr ex Fiensiv '0one thar thiose of thIie free4 IQomeslrnd.of 1.00 ~4 ya ago. Hui ~he newI farmsg are insured againis 1'IroghIte -and1 that is a prIetty goc siany meni give lavisly i of gold, l'o build bhiuges anid caislles arnd tower.3 of old f yOul watI Pe'irlating fame, a honofae for be, iIlive J)fpor and3( needy Roc4ky MI >:i fain Ten('i. Pmb.nIs)u Jo . TE. OLD'S GREATER STORE to or styles to be found in r article of wearing apj tire of this if you come mOMPAI en in upper Carolit ading here. so make up THIS IS IMP01 k 1-3c pri tl4 .J1 Oil 150 firs ;t dis c1c Wve 7e uta 7 oil 1-2c for 1-se No 1-4cn tt I~ C'. Ie l.c V ot A4W9d to yOeli ".Ve x.l ior buaSu it utal h t il1c1tgte.''u.povsta . i.pt hoesan A ilne W ordfi th o thel. VJPANY, Clerk's Sale. STATE OF' SUTJJH CAROLINA, s)Count.y of Pickens. t (in Common P.leas Court. . Il r Inii nrliMuance of the~decretal order. )made mn the following anmed eiae anid " ! .on hile~in t he Clerk 's office. 1 will Hell to r1 I he highest hidder duiring the legal b~ f hours for sale at Pickentn Court Hioue, 8. (., on Salesdaiy in November, 1906, j the following deecribedl real estate upon h fthe terms hereinafter meintionied, to-wit: ,J. P. Carey and C. E. Robinson, I Plaintiffs, aigainist C. C Kenemnore, ot al. D)efendants. All that piece, parcel or lot of land j0 Sitiate~in the town of Pickens, South ig .Carolina, fronting on Bowven streot and C Pendleton avenne and know~n ats Lots a tNos. 75 and 91 on the towni plat, con. ht tinnig in the aggregate two and one- ni half (2;1 acres more or less. Termas cash on dlay of' sile Pu r- a Ieba.ser must comly .with thle terms p within one hour or the premises will be0 p1 resold on saime day. Is I The growing crops on t.beooe lola are re- oh iservedt und(er this sale ando does not pass tI to the purchaser of naid lots.I Pur- o. I (:hal5dr to puay for pars)I' and recording I for the saine. A. J. .log, (Seal.) ~i" ...............-Cl-rk of Court. of PAR ,ER'S ti HAIR BALSAM I ~ ~1ie an a niiAttfL h hair. Yrhnil teii*Igol' ito cetW orry prle- to ia. yOurl minds ['hat Arnold does : handle trash. The ces quoted are up- absolutely reliable t- class merchan- e. It's the kind have built our rep- tion on. It's the y kind you can af- d to buy. You do run any risk, here. old stock, job lots, 1-dewed, "outlaw- in style merchan. ,old enough to e, to pahn of=f on .You won't be amed to tell your hbors where you younr new dress 'Kseassyu chset ssreto ifyour buy ihere le'ihat stur .ol thos andle ras. upn1he c,ess Guoeds arapl, absoluely rliabl Clerk's the aki , Coun of Icktes d tomo Pbey s Yourt. rn uananc ofs h eret rermd ol thool ob namdtcs, n nf i st le' ofee,ha I ilsllt h igesto bidrIurn oth on a ouso You a wikn ont Hoe. .,o aedyin tovtembeyor 96h olw drim her mis oned, to-wt ian yoluinst alheendns Allta e rtiic.paclo rc ftestte inshp o Cedarrek renha, Jtf. P.' tharey,D .B ig anred n di e'Ithiroy-thee 13 ce sr ress o. Wrp. loe-af'csh adteblneo Credi t ofP e nt.s. Tecei >rtion ea Courbtabn. oh Torchasrande aorgaeeo ordter prem- asth lit nate eighser cent. on l theof iale onofhecerediwiporteon,twithe ghs privie ofi the ral or ofr- ilelsltigacs nday iNoeerofn the ifw iy desiereal d sta pn h em oen honr altirneal, owit:l crsl Allrthatertai py fral paers tact curecrineg do.ini lad f.. rcnshlw, J. . re, gD..( al.)ng oW 0les. dey Cr takest kines and bight righ Cot.om iofstonhe rdiprto,

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Page 1: flocking ARN GREATER STORE it, variety styles buys Hat ... · creditors all, or at least half, you owethem. Butdon'tglut the mar-ket. Better still, whereoyer you can store cotton

Farime UnionBureau of

IIoriiitlloii.Conducted by the-

South caro inn Farmers' hducatiuonal ninCo-Oporativo Union.

Communications intended for this departomt should be addressed to .1. C. Strioling,

Pondleton, South Caroliua.

Sell a few bales of your cotton

at, or about, the Farmers' Unionminimum of 11 cents and pay yourcreditors all, or at least half, youowe them. But don't glut the mar-

ket.Better still, where oyer you can

store cotton in a good warehousedo it, and turn these cotton certi-ficates over to your creditors andkeep all the cotton off the marketthat it is possible to do. If youare not pushed up hard for moneydon't put a bale of cotton on themarket now and let the price go upto 12 cents, where our South Carolina ;Union put the price in theoutset,But don't for a moment under-

take to dodge your creditors or doany dirty tricks in order to save a

few dollars.Let no Farmers' Union man sell

out his reputation as an honorableman by not standing up square tohis just obligation with all men.

It does no man any credit to doa shady deed to get even with hisunfair creditors.Two wrong don't make one right


The cotton market is pushingup, trying to get above 11 centsbut the cotton farmers keep pilingthe cottoi on the market everytime the price starts upward, andthis rushing cotton on the marketholds the price downThe cotton growers are now the

worst cotton bears in our country-they are the men that keep pricesfrom rising by dumping on the cot.ton every time the .market start:on a rise.The men that supply the cottor

growers and have that amount, o

cotton under their control couldnow do a grat big thing for theouthern cotton growers if thel

would only come together and pulto save this advanceinut in cottolfor the South.The hind, selfish greed that pos

sesseS some men will never allovthem~t.o consider the wvelfare o

their country at any imeTlhese meCn never OncO rea$ bz - t.he

fact tht, t.he~(coutntry' prot ects theli-prioperty or t hey coul1d io osse

this selfish gran n,fter t hey hav'. aken it for thei? owni.

A cow thi& t.ucks hersel fiabouit ni~good~a (iutien and dioe

the wedlth anid 4-ileila pr. sp.eilt..ot the coul'itry', as thedupply iinowho makes the condit ins of hicontracts with the farmer in a wIthat causes the dumping olf t.cotton crop of the hielpless mloltgaged farmers oni the market alin a few months time.Some of these men that fu rial

these helpless, improavidentanunbusinesshike tfarmers witzh supplies, say that they don't kioohow they could mnlanage to cointrthe affairs of their customers inway to help the cotton farmeors iigetting profitable priced f or h icotton. But the last one of thierknow how to control the affauirs oIthese silly farmers in a way t.

compel them to turn in their cropto themselves at the chosen timewhether prices are profitable o

unprofitable to the farmers. ''Evfry fellow for himself and let ihdevil take the m n that falls behind'' is too often the b>lind, selfish plans of many mani.

Cotton speculators and the millwill soon got all the weak cottoiout of the hands of the unorganized cotton growers. When thesaclonditions prevail the larmer cdtton bear becomes a bull and worksright into the hand of the organized cotton farmer, who has mnage<wto hold.his cotton off' the gluttedmarket.Now the Farmers linjion had

much ratheir have the supply mento join in with thoem and take cartof th)is weaker class of cotton grow.

Fr<pareothershe w

" J.lTh<

ITS WORthatyouwLadies Ta4


\\'hen you liLy a 1

o that your-He ad

ere and keep this profit in our owncounty where it will1help every-body. But, If 0 r Own people will<not work with us, we will ''fcourse, take any help that we canget without comimittinig ourse84lvesw~ith the specuilative f4l(omenft <Tlhere is not one in t.rest i n the

whole South that is not benetit' eddirectly or inodirect ly w heni pro,dutce of c ,ttOni receive &.-iod pro-fitable prices for thi co,tton.

When ther8 is plety tmotney alloatevery one Can~ receivye som n e tijtfrom a livolier trHeOil M I ~i ar Not Patnig ICa 41nghl fo r

Cot tonl Need.

ProfesUOr J. MI. Johns8on, of the t

- i versity of GeQorgial, satys t,hat$I6 per ton1 is low wa ter imark for.f.is year 's cottonitt~( seed)fro.-

P'rof . .Johntson figu ros that eachdlotljl ut. 0on to theO 8(1,igg pricof seed mneans4 an increats4 of $,500,000 t.he far mors of t.ho.Si>uth.A presetnt prices of cottoi1 oil

anid mleal the farmer(1 (1 houlId getI at i

leas3t $18$ for thleir seedl, which I

amoun ts, to $5 p)erI ton loss( to tlh' <

(n rmers on each t on tlint. hio eIllsn

IN)m every section offor their Fall and Vstore. When a wt

ants to feel and kn<

~HOM?Largest Read,

TH A TRIP OFill go to Arnold's to

or Suits and WrapsHandsome Suits$12.50 each to $,Every suit just thecut and the best fimoney. They coiall the new cloths.Handsome coats5.00 each to 40.oCoats for every u

every color. Imrline to select from

Si/ tn1derskBeautiful Silk Pettin Black and colorMade of GuaraTaffeta from 4.98each. A beautifu

. Underskirt to j

your suit is the th

eC Milliniery Styles.ait here you are buying the n

Il absolutely satisfied anywherpear is correct.


or *18 or e :.. los o ver tw ent.yive lill i OI I olRTM til f.he wlilahrop)l 'f t he Souithi.Tis los o0 n Osieedl in 4ne st easo)I

v'ouilI puit tip &llotagh wedroi~ Oset.

Stake cutre' 'f hlfIt heu cotto

rop. of1 the w~h ole Sut.h.Otir l'i limers I iioll eXpt'riiiitu

ast year prove(I t ha lt groundi( cotonI M sI J<l p id( noiy~1 $425 pet tot

ill(Ier ('i 011 *fld $1 pel' t till

ix o'r teight d. hlarsi per toio loss!

ha teed s worl.'th o r n i torti-

ol' t hie ltIt.ile s It.O 'I I tleir filrm.ig Ifor tiei I Owli ilit''ltHl 1( qiiak ing ths' other iinI's tiiguers IIn

veryt thin ~g.

ho% ts a l'arg et'vlelonset hring

var.house abut't fi nishled and rea.

NP i to x w olV I .u t.n f I o m - ......


the Piedmlont peopleVinter needs. No suc

man buys her new.St)W that its the right ti

-to-Wear DeparMANY MILES inbuy your goods-it is

largains Not 11

rpm.o.right)r thene in


se, in luriense





GET I'i FIXEDawest T1hat you wil go) to Ara you where *ou .hoe a tremne

merchandise from which tc


COttoni miill townis in the South Jo..cated li ke And(erson rignlt in1 some1ot the hoHt cottoni growinzg territory,-have not been; payinig the markotprice tor cotton. Ini other words,the local mills18 have( this rich cot.loln produ'iag territory rather bot..t.lP(d up for thei r own profit, whileh0 producers of 001.001 hlave ben

folTeed to cO~jLiri htto a tarIifft to thesei ocal u Il, w ere they shoul d have

reevda bounty. This hottlingu p of' t he cotton market. at thesetownls of (couio inljures~the tradeof the towns. It operates after thefashiion(of ihn cow that suicks her-so If. TI'he bulsineIss Imen oft these~bo(tt led up; COt.lA.l, mill towns are~no0w atfter joining handI~with theI'lrmer. lin ill their move t0tore nll~ thetir cottoni inl hulk and1(bin11 it, (lt.1( export 01 ')ther2 buy-

WVhen t he organ ized fa rmerslan d orgaizo'~d butsiness men jih ands in IL gi'eat big moVe likethi we ar din(0Ig the th ings t.hatwe have, beeni so lon'g talking

FO1EY'SKIDlEYCUREMakna Kidnava and Bladder Right


are flocking to ARNh quantities, varietyit, Hat, or any otheiing. You can be s

OLD (tment for Wornorder to do y(guir tra matchless chance

ratched in the South.36

inch eavy fleeced Flannelettes. dalcolors,-Special per yardHeavy mottled fleece Domets, per yd 828 inch ('otton Broadcloth, beautiflcolor range, worth 25 . per yard

Heavy Round Thread Sheeting. the hemade, per yard

Best Drills, per yArd10 in Sheeting, 2 3-4 yards weighpound, per yard!ll wool Red Twill Flannel per yard 12ftound Thrt-ad Cheviotc, worth 10c piyard, for shirts, per yard 7'ine 8 1-2c Dress Ginghams: per yard 6

3eautiful Plaid Dress Goods, the late:styles, per yard

16 inch Winter Percales, worth 10c pcyard 8ic Bleach Table )amask, special

yardPablo Oil Cloth per yard 12IOc Black Sacks, special, four pairslE5e White Foot Socks per pair3lack top W hite feet Ladies hose, specia3eniniie Linen Torchion Laces. perI yar,Anrd hundired of other grandi barg

hat no other Store in thle Srtate will ma

IN YOUR MINDInold's the first opp)ottunity,ndous variety of beautifulchoose your winter nead1s.

LLE, S. C.

UnleiaSm's New F'arni.Director Charles I).u aleott of th

United States Geological Surve;states that the governmnent ownabout 600,000.00 acres of vacani1land(. Of tisj land the

greatepart is aridl. About 6,500,00acres is irrigated . T[here is w.ateEvailabje for mantily more. MIost (

thi s land1( al ready i.Arigatedl isi(Dolorado anid California, M~luchi cthe land w~ill cost $25 or $30 whoaprovirded wrth water. I t is estimated that if 800,000,000 was expeisded dIuring the next forty yeai

inalarge and( consIist.ent schemtiDf irriga',i, the laud s iproveowould be worth by the end of t.haP''riod, ~O 1s 1hla n $2,00)00,(M)tI' nclhWnril en n s! 11I provide usx a]t faim, but it will he a mourr exFiensiv'0one thar thiose of thIie free4

IQomeslrnd.of 1.00 ~4ya ago. Hui~he newI farmsg are insured againis1'IroghIte -and1 that is a prIetty goc

siany meni give lavislyi of gold,

l'o build bhiuges anid caislles arnd tower.3

of oldf yOul watI Pe'irlating fame, a honofae

for be,iIlive J)fpor and3( needy Roc4ky MI >:i

fain Ten('i. Pmb.nIs)u Jo .


or styles to be found inr article of wearing apjtire of this if you come

mOMPAIen in upper Carolit

ading here. so make up


1-3c pritl4 .J1 Oil150 firs

;t disc1cWve

7e uta7 oil

1-2c for

1-se No1-4cn

tt I~ C'.


l.c V ot

A4W9d to yOeli".Ve x.l ior buaSu it utal h t

il1c1tgte.''u.povsta . i.pt

hoesan Ailne W ordfith othel.



s)Count.y of Pickens.t(inCommon P.leas Court. . Ilr Inii nrliMuance of the~decretal order.)made mn the following anmed eiae anid "!

.on hile~in t he Clerk 's office. 1 will Hell to r1I he highest hidder duiring the legal b~

f hours for sale at Pickentn Court Hioue,8. (., on Salesdaiy in November, 1906, jthe following deecribedl real estate upon h

fthe terms hereinafter meintionied, to-wit:,J. P. Carey and C. E. Robinson,

I Plaintiffs,aigainist

C. CKenemnore, ot al. D)efendants.All that piece, parcel or lot of land j0Sitiate~in the town of Pickens, South ig.Carolina, fronting on Bowven streot and C

Pendleton avenne and know~n ats Lots atNos. 75 and 91 on the towni plat, con. httinnig in the aggregate two and one- nihalf (2;1 acres more or less.Termas cash on dlay of' sile Pu r- aIeba.ser must comly .with thle terms pwithin one hour or the premises will be0 p1resold on saime day. Is

I The growing crops on t.beooe lola are re- ohiservedt und(er this sale ando does not pass tIto the purchaser of naid lots.IPur- o.

I (:hal5dr to puay for pars)I' and recording I

for the saine.A. J. .log, (Seal.) ~i"

...............-Cl-rk of Court. of

PAR ,ER'S tiHAIR BALSAMI ~ ~1ie ananiiAttfL h hair.

Yrhnil teii*Igol'ito cetW orry




yOurl minds

['hat Arnold does

:handle trash. Theces quoted are up-

absolutely reliablet- class merchan-e. It's the kindhave built our rep-tion on. It's they kind you can af-

d to buy. You do

run any risk, here.old stock, job lots,1-dewed, "outlaw-in style merchan.,old enough to

e, to pahn of=f on.You won't be

amed to tell yourhbors where youyounr new dress



ifyour buy ihere

le'ihat stur .ol thos

andle ras. upn1hec,ess Guoedsarapl,

absoluely rliabl

Clerk'sthe aki ,

Coun of Icktesd tomo Pbey s Yourt.

rn uananc ofs h eret rermdol thool ob namdtcs, n nfi st le' ofee,ha I ilsllt h

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renha, Jtf. P.' tharey,D .B ig

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