fluid properties

Fluid Properties Questions Objective Questions: complement of the binary digit is a) 01 b) 1 c) 10 d) 0 “XOR” gate is: a) a parallel switching circuit with exclude condition b) series switching circuit with exclude condition c) parallel switching circuit d) series switching circuit 21. Find the odd man out a) ALU, memory, counters b) CU, floppy disket, registers c) Control unit, MPU, d) ALU, auxiliary memory 22. The CPU of the 4 th generation computer is a) An IC chip using VLSI technology b) Microprocessor c) Both a & b d) None of the above 23. INTEL is a company involved in the manufacturing of a) printers b) storage devices c) IC chip d) None of the above 24. Bill gates is the chairman of a) IBM b) Microsoft c) Intel d) Motorola

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Fluid Properties


Page 1: Fluid Properties

Fluid Properties QuestionsObjective Questions:

complement of the binary digit isa) 01b) 1c) 10d) 0

“XOR” gate is:a) a parallel switching circuit with exclude conditionb) series switching circuit with exclude conditionc) parallel switching circuitd) series switching circuit

21. Find the odd man outa) ALU, memory, countersb) CU, floppy disket, registersc) Control unit, MPU,d) ALU, auxiliary memory

22. The CPU of the 4th generation computer isa) An IC chip using VLSI technologyb) Microprocessorc) Both a & bd) None of the above

23. INTEL is a company involved in the manufacturing ofa) printersb) storage devicesc) IC chipd) None of the above

24. Bill gates is the chairman ofa) IBMb) Microsoftc) Inteld) Motorola

25. The company Microsoft is involved ina) making of computer hardwareb) making of computer softwarec) both a & bd) none of the above

26. The fastest of the following is

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a) 80286 processorb) 80386 processorc) 80436 processord) Pentium processor

27. The main memory of the computer isa) RAMb) ROMc) Hard diskd) CD

28. RAM isa) volatile semiconductor memoryb) read/write memoryc) random access memoryd) all of the above

29. ROM isa) read memoryb) write memoryc) both a & bd) none of the above

30. EPROM can be erased bya) sodium lightb) uv raysc) Electrical pulsesd) Either UV rays or electrical pulses

31. The fastest memory of the followinga) RAMb) ROMc) Cached) Hard disk

32. The main memory of a computer is located ina) the hard discb) compact diskc) floppy diskd) none

33. ROM isa) volatile semi conductor memoryb) non volatile semi conductor memoryc) magnetic memoryd) all of the above

34. The processing of the CPU is in the order ofa) millisecond

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b) microsecondc) nanosecondd) megasecond

35. DRGM isa) Semi conductor memoryb) Volatile memoryc) Has to be coefficiated with the data after a certain interval of timed) All of the above

36. 1KB is equal toa) 1000 bytesb) 2 bytesc) 1000 MBd) none of the above

37. A nibble is equal toa) 8 bitsb) 4 bitsc) 2 bitsd) 16bits

38. The fastest component of the computer isa) CPUb) Computer memoryc) Storage devicesd) Input/output devices

39. Locate the odd man outa) hard diskb) floppy diskc) magnetic taped) compatt disk

40. Compact disk is a a) semi conductor deviceb) magnetic devicec) optical deviced) none of the above

41. Locate the odd man outa) OBRb) OMRc) OCRd) MICR

42. Floppy diskett is a :a) EPROM

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b) RAMc) EEPROMd) Flexible storage media

43. The slowest of the following isa) hard diskb) floppy diskc) CDd) Magnetic tape

44. CPROM is released bya) –b) infrared lightc) electrical packaged) by appropriate programming only

45. Vol storages are those from where data are losta) when the programme is overb) with respect to timec) when the power is shutoffd) all the above except c

46. Locate the odd man outa) light penb) plotterc) moused) joystick

47. The “printed document” in computer terminology is termed asa) soft copyb) hard copyc) firm copyd) live copy

48. The display of MONITOR of a computer system is mostlya) semi conductor displayb) LED type displayc) LCD type displayd) Electron beam type

49. Choose the correct statement among the followinga) Line printer is non impact printerb) LASER printer is a non impact printerc) DOT matrix printer is non impact printerd) Character printer is faster than line printer

50. Printer is connected througha) parallel port

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b) serial portc) both a & bd) none of the above

51. The screen in the laptop computer isa) CPTb) LCDc) Semi conductor displayd) All of the above

52. Which of the following is fixed disk drivea) hard disk driveb) floppy disk drivec) winchaster disk drived) CD-ROM drive

53. Modem is ana) input deviceb) output devicec) input/output deviced) none of the above

54. Locate the odd man outa) Dot matrix printerb) Inkjet printerc) Chain printerd) Drum printer

55. Optical scanner is aa) input deviceb) output devicec) input/output deviced) none of the above

56. A software is aa) set of programmesb) set of instructionsc) all of the aboved) none of the above

57. Disk operating system isa) a system softwareb) software environmentc) software utility packaged) a high level language

58. Computer virus is aa) software programme

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b) hardware programmec) machine languaged) assembly language

59. Assembly language isa) low level languageb) high level languagec) machine languaged) all generation language

60. Which of the following language used memoriesa) machine languageb) assembly languagec) high level languaged) all generation language

61. Which of the following is a scientific languagea) COBOLb) ADAc) FOPTRANd) BASIC

62. Which of the following is not a languagea) FOXPROTb) LISPc) Cd) VISUAL C++

63. Pick the odd man outa) DOSb) UNIXc) WIN-95d) DBASE

64. A package is a a) softwareb) set of instructionc) a programmed) all of the above

65. Windows 3.1 is a/ana) operating systemb) operating environmentc) packaged) language

66. Which of the following is not a high level language

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a) basicb) Cc) Assembly d) Cobol

67. Which of the following is not a high level computer languagea) windowsb) visual c++c) corald) pascal

68. DOS stands fora) data operating systemb) disk operating systemc) diode operating systemd) none of the above

69. Unix is aa) a softwareb) a programmec) multiuser operating systemd) all of the above

70. Assembler isa) a softwareb) a translatorc) a programmed) all the above

72. High level language area) machine dependentb) machine independentc) language in which programme is done in 1 & 0d) b & c

73. Interpreter in computer field is aa) softwareb) floppyc) hardwared) the special electronic circuit which translate high level to low level

74. Internet system is based ona) WAN systemb) LAN systemc) Mainframe computer systemd) Many computers connected to a other computer

75. GUI stands fora) graphical user interfaceb) graphical user internet

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c) graph & user interfaced) graph & user internet

76. Y2K problem is aa) software problemb) hardware problemc) data problemd) all the above

77. Virus affectsa) hardwareb) softwarec) both a & bd) none of the above

78. Anti virus software isa) dreaded softwareb) software to scan & remove softwarec) packaged) none of the above