fob to meet si.bjno«tis.(c

FOB CHARITIES AND CORRECTION The Virginia Conference to Be Held in Petersburg Next Tuesday Evening. WOMEN'S HOME MISSIONS Forty Graduates of the Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute. PETERSBURG, VA., May 15..Tho fifth annual meeting of tho Virginia confer¬ ence of Chnrltlen nnd Correction will be culled to order next Tuesday overling nt A. P. Hill Camp Mall by Rev. Dr. J. M. Pllclier, president of tho organization. Addresses of welcome will bo delivered by Mayor William M. Jones and Churlos T. Lasslter, to which Dr. Pllclier and John M, Higglns, of Richmond, will respond, after which the conference will hear the President's addresB, and tho report Of the local Committee on Arrangements. Tho following two days' sessions of the conference will be devoted to tho hearing of reports from Its Working Committee, addresses and papers on charltaUo and reformatory work, and general discussion of those subjects by members of the or¬ ganization. On subjects relativo to tho sick and In¬ firm p"or In their homes, of which com¬ mittee, Mrs. W. M. Jone« is chalrinah, papers will bo rend by MIsb Ann Gully, of Richmond; Dr. O. C. Wright, of Sus¬ sex county, and Rev. Dr. J, 8. Foster, of Petersburg. John M. Glenn, of Baltimore, cx-pres- Idont of the national conference, will make an address Wednesday afternoon on the subject of education ns a factor In chnrlty, and on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, of Washington, D. d.'i will rend her address on dependent nnd delinquent children. Among other work¬ ers with I he conference, whose papers will in rend during the meeting, are Bur¬ nett Lewis, of Richmond: Miss Mfittle Orundy. of Fairfax: Miss Eva Robinson, an/1 Rev. J. T. Mastín, of Henrlco, and thé following Richmond representatives: Dr. Robert Frazor, Charles Hutzler, Otorgo B. Davis, secretary of the con¬ ference, and W. XV. Gillette. Cli Wednesday afternoon Dr. Wil¬ liam F. Drewry, treasurer of tho conference will conduct the mem¬ bers around the big Central State Hospital, of which ho Is superintendent. The conference will ndjonrn Thursday af¬ ternoon. At the request of Secretory Davis, Mayor Jonc« has appointed t'wen- ty-flvo delegates from this city, among whom are Rev. Dr. J. S. Foster, Rev. W. McC. White, Rev. J. T. O'Fnrrell. Mrs. David Collender, Mrs. J. J. Law¬ rence, Rev. R. W. Barn well, Rev Dr. C. B. Bryan, Rev. Dr. W C. Taylor, Mies Martha D. Vnughan, Mrs. Marlon Wells, R. P. Barham, Augustus Wright and others, The'Womnh's Home Mission Boclety, ol the Virginia Methodist conference will convene to-morrow morning at tho Market Street Methodist Church for a three days' meeting. About thirty-five delegates aro expected. Diplomas were presented to more than forty graduates at the commencement exercises of the Virginia Normal and In¬ dustrial Institute. NEW IRON BRIDGE. Large Attendance at Louisa Cir¬ cuit Court. (Special to The Tlmes-DlRpatch.) LOUISA, May 16,-The contract for the new Iron bridge, with concrete pillars, to connect Orange and Louisa counties at Ellis'« Mills, was yesterday awarded to tho Virginia Bridge and Iron Company, of Roanoke, Va., the cost to bo borne one-half by each county. yesterday the largest crowd that has been In Louisa for some time attended court, thlB being the first term of court- since January last. Yesterday and to¬ day the time of tho court, has been occu¬ pied in trying the liquor cases, one of which Is the case of John Evans, which como up before a United State* commis¬ sioner in Richmond last month. Much Interest Is felt, as It is thought that these trials will go far towards closing the blind tigers In this "dry county." Tho docket Is long, and It la thought that Judgo Orlmsley wilt extend tho term of tho court to_ the fend of the week. James Lo Shefton and B. Ran. Well- ford, of Richmond, nro here, interested In tho cose of Wiltshire vs. tho Metro¬ politan Life Insurance Company", The demand for building sites still continues, and .tho Episcopal Church hBB decided to sell Its vnlunble holding. to the east of the church, to be converted Into dwelling lots. The Odd-Follow_ will observo Deco¬ ration Day by a parade, In which will Join the Rebekahs, after which the graves In the dlfforont cemotorlea will bo deco¬ rated. CASE AFTER CASE Plenty More Like This in Rich¬ mond, Score- of Richmond people can tell you about Doan's Kidney Ptlla. Many a hap» py citizen makes a public statement of hi» exporlonco. Hero Is a caso of it. What better proof of merit can bo had than such endorsement"! J. S, Good, retired farmer, of 017 West Main Street, says: "For twenty years I have had nttaoks of lamene**** and «ore- noss across the email my back! some¬ time- I was hardly able to got up or down from a chair, and whon I stooped or made any sudden or awkward move» ment whort, the attacks were In the aouto stage tho sharp twinges aoross the loins fairly made ma groan. Tho secretions from tho kidneys bo|ng highly colored, irregular ana too frequent In action, par» tlcularly so when I contracte«-! a, cold, compelled me Anally to consult a physl- olan, I also used mor« than one ita-nd» ard remedy and. wore plasters, but I met with very indifferent Buccesa until I went to Owens & Minor's drug store for Doan's Kidney pills. They proved to be just what'I required, "undoubted results fol. lowed the treatment very promptly, and When I had completed It the aching dis¬ appeared and the kidney secr,tlon8 re¬ sumed their ordinary condition." For sale by all dealer«. Pries 50 cent«. FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, K, y. solo agonta for tho United States. Remember the name.Doan's.and take «9 etbtr. . «I g I STANDING *** on your head is one way of re¬ lieving «of¬ fer i ng feel» but it's incon¬ venient and undignified. CROSSETT *4-»SHOE*55g MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY uabk. No need to be an acrobat to get comfortable feet. Sim¬ ply wear Crotsetti.that's the trick. It your dealer dot* not keep them, un will »end any tiple on reaeipt of prtee with Ut. additional to pay forwarding charge,. LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Inc. NORTH ABINCTON. MAfiS. CHESTER CAPTURES THE HP SCHOOL Other Districts Given Concessions if They Pay Their Share. .(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHESTERFIELD, VA., May lú.-In an- Bwer to the county school superintendent's call to the school board and invitation to all other Interested citizens, about forty substantial and representative Ches- terfleldlans gathered to-day at the court¬ house to discuss the feasabllity of estnb«- libhlng a high school for the county. The State superintendent of public Instruc¬ tion, Mr. Eggleston, was among the in¬ vited who came from outside tho county and he early in the meeting addressed tho body of men In the Interests of better schools and In explanation of tho pro¬ visions of law« for the assistance and maintenance of high schools, making by his clear and forceful talk a fine impres¬ sion on his audience. A delegation from Chester, headed by Rev. C. N. Friend, camo loaded with in¬ ducements for the location at Chester of a high school, backed by substantial «ut*- ecrlptlons amounting really to tho erec¬ tion nnd equipment of an extra room to be attached to the present public school building at that place, without cost to tho county, nnd by co-operation with Dale District, captured the State emolu¬ ments coming to this county In the pro¬ posed new branch of Its educational work. It was practically agreed that what is called a third grado high school be es¬ tablished at Chester for tho present, with one teacher In addition to the two al¬ ready employed there, the school to bo In the main for the b«eneflt of the two districts, Bermuda ami Dalou though con¬ cessions will be. madó to" all tho other districts, with tho understanding that the other districts may by appropriations from their several funds share equally in the high school privileges at any future time, Mr. Eggleston In his address spoke most flatteringly of Chesterfield's future, nnd declared that by reason of its location nnd peculiar and varied advantages It was destined to become one of the fore¬ most counties of the State within a com¬ paratively short, timo. One of the strongest evidences of the county's advancement nlong general lines is the decided Interest taken In late years In good roods and educational work. VIRGINIA BRIEFS (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DANVILLE. VA.. May 16..Tho Danvlllo Athletic Association director» to-day accepted the resignation of Mr. Oeorgo O. Templa a<j president, and Mr. Rice Qwynn was elected to succeed liltn. W. Vf. Clark was elected vice- pr*»Ident. FARM VILLE, VA..Mr. J. D. Eggleston. Jr.. State superltnendent of Public Instruction, was In the county to-day to see his father. Dr. .1. D. EggleHion, who has been III for some week». FRBDERICK8BUKO, VA..Tho plant of the Southern Foundry and Machino Works, In this City, has been sold by Mr. John T. Dale, Chicago, the. owrior. to the Acme Manufac¬ turing Company of New York, who will operate I: as a general foundry and repair shops, and will manufacturo various specialties, such as flr« «¡ulnaulshors. Improved churns and Xamlly tee machinas. SUFFOLK, VA..After an all-day session in Nansomond Circuit Court to-day John King was oworded a divorce from his one-tlmo wife, Maria Kin«. The case was warmly contested by tho wife and her attorneys, jiradforo im my, Mayor of Suffolk, WM one of the husband's lawyers. _ "WINCHESTEH, VA..Miss Cannon, of Dan¬ ville, III., daughtor of Speaker Cannon, of tho House of Representativos, accompanied tho auto party of Mr, and Mrs. J. I,. Loose, or Chicago, to Winchester yesterday, and spent to-day hero. They are touring tho Valley, LIKE a'cLOCK. Never Missed a Day at School for Ten Years. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) STAUNTON VA., May .. 15.-At tho closing of tho Beverly Manor School In Augusta county yesterday, Mr. John XV, Todd, had the pleasure of delivering to Miss Vivian Lohr, daughter of Mr, Thorna» Lohr, a gold medal, In honor of her being present every school day for tho last ten years. Tho modal, a beautiful and costly one and had engraved on It, "Vivian Lohr, from Beverly Manor School Board" on one side, and on tho other, "Present overy day for ten years," Miss Lohr lived two miles from tho school« house. SOLD WITHOUT LICENSE. Jerry Raines Fined and Im¬ prisoned for Selling Liquor. (Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspnioh.) FREDERICKBBURO, VA., May IB.-« Jerry Raines, a morohnnt of Stafford county, was tried to-dny In Stafford Cir¬ cuit Court on five Indict monts for selling liquor, Ho pleaded guilty, and was fined five nundred dollars and sentenced to sixty days In jail,_ STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Thomas Gardner «md His Horse Instantly Killed, (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch,) FRANKLIN, SOUTHAMPTON COUN¬ TY, VA., May IB..Mr. Thomas Gardner, age*, thirty-five, was Instantly killed by lightning about a mile and half from Handsom, Southampton county, this af- tornoon at throo o'clock. Mr. Gurdner wm »9tn«f to jttandeoin with a load of pea- nuts, when the Btorm came up. He stop« ped under some trees In front of Mr, J. W. PerBon's house and the lightning struck the trees, killing him and IiIb horse Instantly. Mr. Gardner was working at the time for Miss Vlrgie Tiers and was taking the peanuts to Hnndsom for her. Mr. Bllncoe, of Bllncoo, Davle Com¬ pany, Norfolk, was about half a mllo from Mr. Gardner when he was struck, Mr. Gardner was a married man and leaves a wlfo nnd six children. I TOOK HIS OWN. LIFE. Wallace Hughes, While De¬ mented, Kills Himself. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ELLERSON. VA., May 15.-Mr. Wallace Hughes, who lived near Pole Green, shot and killed himself this morning, His mind had been affected for some time past and It Is supposed he was deranged when ho fired the fatal shot, ¦.-... . VALLEY BRANCH. B. and O. Officials on a Tour of Inspection. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) \V_NCHESTBR. VA., May 15..A party of Baltimore and Ohio I'allroad officials. Includ¬ ing General Superintendent C. C. F. Bent, aio Inspecting the Shcnandoah division. One of the tlnest freight yard» In the world is being built by this road at Brunswick, Md., the terminal of the division, and It Is believed that the offcials' visit here means more im¬ provements to the A'alley branch, «- A Freight Wreck. ( Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHATHAM, VA. May 16..A through freight, south-bound, was wrecked here to-day, derail¬ ing: seven loaded coal cars, six of which were demolished, and wiping out tho track and part of the roadbed for nearly ono hundred yards. Nobody was hurt, The train was goln«? very rapidly, and the cars left the rails Just north of the depot, running for two hundred yards on the ties and overturning down an embank¬ ment. The wreck occurred between the station ewtlches, leaving the passing track clear, and trafilo was uninterrupted Conductor Walter Aaron, of Chatham, and Engineer E, L. Smith, of Lynchburg, were in charge, Strangely Missing. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DANVrLLE, VA., May 15..Jcane Imhofl, aged sixty years, and a native of Switzerland, rns been strangely missing since Friday af¬ ternoon, and no trace of his whereabouts can be learned. Mr. Imhoff has for tho past thirty years resided at Chalf Level, this county, and reared a large family. Ho camo to Dan¬ ville Thursday, stopping with relatives. He started to the depot Friday afternoon for home, but ns far as can bo ascertained never reach¬ ed his destination. Mr. Imhoff Is a man of good ihablts, and highly respected. The police and tho reslatlves of tho missing man havo been at work on the case for some time, but In no manner can account for tho strange dlrapupearance. Farmer's Heavy Loss. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DISPUTANTA, VA.. May 15..Mr.' W, T. Cordon, a prosperous farmer, living near this placo, awoke last night about 12 o'clock to tine his barns on nro. lost three fine horses, all of his corn, two farm wagons, double «surrey and all harness; peanut planter and other farm ihmplemcnts and guano for this year's crops. It is supposed to have been tho work of an Incendiary. No Insurance, and loss will reach 53,000. Episcopal Council. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ALEXANDRIA. VA. May IE..The Episcopal Council for the Dloceso of Virginia will moet at St. Paul's Episclpal Church at 10 o'cIock to-morrow morning. Bishop oibson will pre¬ sido. It Is oxpectod that between ono hundred and fifty and two hundred ministerial and lay delegates will be in attendance, and will bo entertained by the members of tho Episcopal Churches of Alexandria. The council will re¬ main In session about throe days. ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF NEW MARKET Memorial Address and Con¬ federate Graves Deco¬ rated. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WODSTÓCK, VA.. May 15.-A large crowd attended tho forty-second anni¬ versary of tho battle of New York at New Market to-day, coming from this and surrounding counties. The groves of tho Confederate dead burled in St. Mathews' Cemetery, were decorated, Mr. Matthew Paxton, editor of tho Rockhrldge County News, of Lexington, delivered tho address before tho Ladles' Memorial Society nnd Rlce-Noff Cnmp Confederate Veterans. During tho day several gamos of base¬ ball were played and other artraetlons were had for tho amusement of tho crowd. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. ELIXIR BABEK Cure* Malaria, Chill and Fever When All Other« Fall. Its Effect Is the Same In All Countries.. To the Manufacturers of "ELIXIR BA» J3BKt" Oentlomen: During the summer of 18.» I contracted the disease known as ma¬ laria. After a year's fruitless treatment by a prominent Washington physician, I was entirely cured by your ELIXIR BA» B10K. Upon my arrival In this country I was again stricken with malaria, hut this time In a worse form-.the tropical ma¬ laria. Remembering tho merits of you«« remedy. I Immediately sent for soirio. Again it proved to mo that for malaria It wns far superior to. any phys'olan'B treat» ma n't. ¦..-"' Elixir Babok In this country |a worth Its weight In gold. Respectfully yours, BRAS1R O'HAOAN, Troop K. Sixth U. S. Cavalry, "Balayan," Provlnco of Batangivs, Luzon Island, Philippine Islands. For salo by all druggists, _0o per t> .'.- tl9t " RED MEN TO MEET IN PORTSMOUTH Grand Council to Close With a Banquet to the Great Chiefs. NEW BOAT FOR OYSTER NAVY 1.ought in New York and Will Soon Go Into Com¬ mission. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., May lK..Tlio Gtunt Council of Red Mon of ^'l'.ßfnla will meet in annual tiohvotltio/i I:i Ijthlun Cns'.l'J, Portmnouth, to-movrow at 11 oVl.rk. Tho convohtian will continuo for thrse days. Mayor Reed will welcome tho visitors, and Oreat Sachem J. «W. Bowon will pre¬ side over the chlefs: to the number of one hundred, representing overy trl'oo of tho order In' tho State, Following tho programme, tho kindling of tho Great Council flro will occur, nnd all who aro not member* of tho Oicat Council will '..etiro.-. f At 8 P. M. tho adoption degree will bo amplified by teams from Black Hawk Trlbo, No. 67, and Massasolt Tribe, No. 77. At tho conclusion of the night ses¬ sion a banquet will be served tho great chiefs In the assembly hall of Pythian Castle, at which Mon. Brother Charles T. Bland will bo toastmaster. j Great Incohonoo John XX.', Cherry, Past Groat Incohonoo Thomas K. Donnelly, of Philadelphia; Great Sachem J. \V. Brown, of Petersburg, Va.; Great Benlor Sagn- moro CharleB Burkott, of Manchester, Va.; Past Great Sachem C. Emmett Hill, of Richmond, and Grent Trustee of Fi¬ nance Committee Richard XV. Jones, of Richmond, will respond to toasts. Chairman McDonald Lee and Secretary S, Wllkins Mnthews, of tho State Board of Fisheries, were In New York last week and bought In that city a veBsel for the Virginia oyster navy. The boat pur¬ chased Is 110 feet long, 10 1-2 feet beam, and was built by Roach & Brother, of New York, at a cost of «5,000. She In an Iron boat and first class. Tho boat left «Ntew York IFlriday nfkernoon, tcdming through the canal, and went to Irvington, on the Rnppahannock River, where Bhe will have repairs made, and bo repainted. She will be put in service In about thirty days. After repairs are made, the boat wll have cost the State about $17,000. Herbert Robinson, aged 0 years, foil from a third-story window to tho paved yard at 175 Brewer Street to-day. He suffered tho breaking of a leg and other painful injuries. The child is the son of W. H. Robinson, of Canada, who recently came here and entered the em¬ ploy of the Southern Bel Telephone Company ao a cable splicer. The child was playing alono In the upper story of the house when he fell. He was unconscious when picked up by a colored servant girl. -.- ELEGANT WEDDING. Miss Rebekah Harvey Barrett the Bride Whitman,R.. Smith, (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) ALEXANDRIA, VA., May lß.-Ono of the prettiest church weddings which has taken placo in Alexandria this season was the marriage of'Miss Rebekah Har¬ vey Barrett, of this city, and Mr. Whit¬ man Rathbone Smith, of Llnko, Ontario, which took place at 8 o'clock to-night at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The cere¬ mony was performed by Rov. P. P. Phillips, tho recrtor of the church. James McDonald, of Ottawa, was best man, and Miss Lila Barrett, a sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The bridesmaids wore Miss Bessie Herbert, Of Baltimore; M'.ss PrlBcllla Dodson, of Greensboro, N. C.'j Miss Anne Cnldwell, of Loulsburg, XV. Va.; Miss Marian AVal- ler, of Wide AVater, Stafford county, Va. ¡ Miss Kitty Barrett, a Bister of the brido, and Miss Lucy Douglas, of Alexandria. Tho bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Alfred Pike, of Southport, England. The ushers were Mr. Robort Tempost. of Llnko, Cnnado; Mr. Allan Stevenson, of Plttsburg, Pa. ; and Messrs, Harry Beverly, Taylor Burke, Richard Chlchos- ter, Charley Barrett and James Doug¬ las, of Alexandria. Tho church was beautifully decorated .with palms, pink carnations and pink roses. The bride's gown was of white satin brocade. The matron of honor wns dressed In pink sun-ploated silk, while tho bridesmaids wore gowns of white Valenciennes lace and enrried bouquots of swoet peas. Immediately after tho ceremony a reception was held nt tho home of tho bride's mother, .Mrs. Kato Waller Bnrrott, Tho house was decorated with American, Canadian and English flags. Refreshments were served from a .marque on the lawn. The bride Is tho daughter of tho late Rov. Robert 8, Barrett, dean of St. Luke's Cathedral, Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Kato Waller Barrott, flold secretary of tho Florence Crlttenton Mission. She Is a granddaughter of tho late Colonel Wed, Waller, of Wide Water, Stafford county, Vn., and belongs to onoof tho most prom¬ inent families In tho State. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Emily Kllbort, of Boston; Miss Cox, of Boston; Mrs. A,. J. C. Semple, of Bos¬ ton; Senor DoNeatl, Senator and Mrs, Laninr, Senator nnd Mrs. Dubois, Mrs.« Robert S. Bnrrott, of Mexico, and Dr. Howard Kelly, of Baltimore. Aftor tho reception Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for Saulto Sto Mario, Canada, whero thoy will visit tho groom's paronts and later they will miiko their homo at Llnko. Ontario, wihoro tho groom Is employed as a civil engineer by. one of the Ca¬ nadian rnllronils. ._« NEW HIGH SCHOOL. School Trustees Decide on Ten Thousand Dollar Building. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.; ¦BLAC'KSTONK, VA., May 15.-T1.3 school trustees of tho county held t\ meeting at tho courthouse to-day In re¬ gard to building tho new high school building InBlnckKtono, a largo number was present, and a »i'iyvt deal of Interest was shown'in tho now school, nnd every effort was made to push forward tliu work. Tho building will coHt $10,000, it large part of the nionoy lias been raised, tho plan for the house has been submitted by tho contractor, and work wll soon bo In progress, The Peoples Bunk has opened up in their new brick building, which has re¬ cently boon completed. The officers aro very «much gratified aT""the good start they have made, and are much pleased with their new quarters. THREE INDICTMENTS, Betrayal, Non-Support and Post- office Robbery, (Special to The Tlines-DIspatoh.) WOOIXSTOCK, VA«, May lí..Tho regular May term of the grand Jury for '¦¡henumioan county met hero thin weak iin<l returned throo against Jame» B. I'oijtor for betrayal of Mum[le u, Drinker, and one for nilhileini'iinfir against John P, Webb and Emoery Sllvlous, who uto chuu'tfod with «Jesur. tlon of tlmlr wive» and failure to support tliiMJi and their children, A bench «v/irrnnl has been Issued nftnlnst Foster, while It In .« tlin nilsdeninnr i-nsfs will bo remanded the uni I. of tho peace for trial. The cnio nknlnsl Lester Walker, who Is chnrik-ed with robbing Hie utoro of Mr, s. II. Culler« at Miiurertnivn during ln_t ftUthM.t. IH pet for trial at this term of Hie court. A Inrgo number of articles recovered from WfilR- er were Identified by the mut mnrke. Tlmta aro PCvernl Indictments iiRiiInst him for brefik- lli* Into different Ptores. and olio In tho United ntnten Court for robbing the postoftlco at W'alerll.k, AVnrren county, NEW MARKET HEROES. Memorial Exercises By the V. M. I. Cadets. (from Our Regular Correspondent.) LEXINGTON, VA., May 15,-Tho forty- second anniversary of the battle of New Mnrket, in Which tho cadet« of tho Vir¬ ginia Mllltnry Institute won renown, was okscrved at tho Instituto to-day by tho suspension of nil duties. Tills afternoon at 6 o'clock the .mttaHon of cadets marched to tho Instituto cemetory whero tho Blx cadets who fell at No'V Market He, and fired three rounds of musketry over the graves. The decorations by the ladles of tho Now Market Memorial Aüsoelnllon were clnhorato. During the exercises minute gtins were fired. NO CONFESSION. Mr. P. H. Pemberton Married for the Fifth Time. (Speclnl to Tho Times-Dispatch.. FnEDEiniCKSBURO, VA., May ._.- Thero Is no truth In the statement pub¬ lished In a Richmond paper that Gabriel Battnilo, tho young negro sentenced to be hanged on June 8th, for committing an assault on Miss ,/rnn. Rogen», In King George county, hn3 made a conrosslon. Battulle is confined in Jail here, await¬ ing the day of execution. Councilman E. XV. Mills Is seriously 111 at hl8 home here. Mr, P. H. Pemberton, of Mathlni» Point, King George county, was mnrrled lost Thursday for tho nfth time, Rev. AV. W. Owens officiating. The ceremony took placo at. his home. Mr. Pemberton hna lost sovcral wives and a number of chil¬ dren by typhoid fever within tho past several yeors. Booker to Hang. (Special to Tho Tlmcs-OIspatch.) PARMVILLE, VA., May 15..Robert Booker, the condemned.miiraerer of Char¬ ley Brown, both colored, will bo hnngecl next Friday morning In tho county Jail unless there should be further respite granted by the Governor. Tho scaffold 'hn-<* been erected In the jail building. Booker has been perfectly reconciled to his fate since ho made a public profession of religion, and declares that he Is glad his troubles will soon be over. Primary Candidates. . (Special to The Times-Dispatch.. DAî-rvILLE, May 15..Ward muss-meetlnBS of tho Democratic voters of the Mx wards were held to-night for Ihe purpose of naming candi¬ dates to be voted on at the primary to be held May ISth. The inoettnff* were largely attend¬ ed, and all of the present councllmen, with the exception of Alderman E. G. Mosoley, will bo candidates beforo tho primary. S0Z0Q8NT TOOTH POWDER the favorito dentifrice. Perfectly de¬ licious and fragrant. Positively bene¬ ficial. Ask your dentist. Many operators never pro¬ gress because they are not fur¬ nished with good typewrite«. Tho fault of poor work rests often with tho employer. If you povldo your oporator with a Monarch Visible Typewriter thero will bo less cause for com¬ plaint. A good machine make» a good oporator. Only a good operator, with a good machine, can produce good writing. Send for literature, C H AM B LIN«. MORRI&SETTE, Agents, 706 American National Bank Building. QUICK LOANS On Furniture, Pianos, &o., without removal from your possession. Lowest Rates. No Publicity. The Weakly Payment on a Loan of. 10.1«.} ,60 15.!¦.H 30.1«.t_ _5.ja. 1.15 30.Ib.. 1.8- 36.Il. 1.1» itó.Is. 1.74 _.Il. 1.W »60.1». 2.1Î Othor compañías paid off and mor- money advanced on eailor term*. If you cannot call personally, wrlto or telephone, and our confidential agent will call on you. .Phono 4312. RICHMOND LOAN CO. 108 NORTH NINTH _TR_.T, Second Floor Front. FLOOR PAINTS BEST READY-MIXED PAINTS. Waxene. Floor Wax, Brushes, &c TANNER PAINT i OIL CO, Cow or Stock Peas Wo urn prepared to fill order« In mny quan¬ tity for -lack, Clay, AVhlppoorwIII Mixed, .New Km l'eau and .«"..Ja lit-»«-». Send your order» to h-udqu«rler_ for l"e__. WAia'.wuHTHitf rnopucu CO,, _---U S. .Stil fciU'c.l. m si.Bjno«tis.(C<j Suit-/*! SuitH Sale of Suits and Skirts at Half Price and Less Than Half Price. We're closing the tailored suits in a manner that does not admit of any doubt of our determination to close out our stock at once. WE HAVE REDUCED THEM TO HALF PRICE AND LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Never before! have prices been so low this early in the .season, with such a comfortable stock of late models to chose from, many of these suits having arrived within the " lasty two weeks. All plain colors in Panama and voile, and the desirable gray worsteds, shown in model of Etons I and Pony Coat styles. , j «V Divided Into Four Lots as Follows: Lot No. 1.Suits that were $25.00 to $35.00 now.$15.00 V, Lot No. 2.Sultn that wero $87.50 nnd $3!).50 now.$25.00 ".«;.,«¦ Lot No. 3.Suits that wore $42.50 nnd $45.00 now.»29.50 ¦'£' Lot No. 4.Suits that were $47.50 to $50.50 now.$35.00 Made Doubly Attractive Because the Saving Is One-Half. Silk Suits and Cloth Suits. Mostly last season's styles, of Eton and Blouse, about v twenty-five suits in all. Every suit in this lot is up to our ..' usual high standard in quality and finish. If you can find to your size in this lot a rare bargain awaits you. These suitá*:!* were from $24.50 to $35.00 each. All MarKed Down to $9.98. ^ SB» Tuning... NOW IS THE TIME. Havo your Pianos tuned, nnd repaired by ex-Si pert factory men. Wo have tho largest and best equipped repair factory.' In the city.floor space 130x40 foot. Estimates free. All work guaranteed. Phono us your orders. Pianos polished, Pianos rented, Pianos moved, ¡. Pianos stored. The World's Best Piano, The Knabe. One thousand copies Muslo given away. Fergusson Brothers, 11 West Broad Street. RICHARD O. FERGUSSON. Phono 2910. Chartered 1832. The Virginia Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY, RICHMOND. VA. ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1906, - - - - - - $1,134647.11 WM H PALMER«..'..'.'.«.'.'«President. W. H. MCCARTHY........ .Secretary. E. B. ADDISON....... Vice-President. OSCAR D. PITTS.Treaeurer. No Loss In San Francisco Look at the Patterns, Please, and you will find tho noatost and most attrnotlvo designa that have boon shown In Wall Papers In many years. Wo havo a wonderful assortment of new and bountiful putterns, suitable for Drawing and Dining Rooms, cheerful and bright colors for Pod Rooms, Halls, etc R. B. Brauer, 120 East Broad. Phono 1699. Roses» Cut Flowers, arid Designs. Largest Stock, Hammond. Florist, .09 East Broad Street. I-.- ROOF LEAK PAINT CEMENT! DOI.8 YOUK 1.001«" I,1-UK? PO.VT .00 TO TIU3 JOXl'KXStO OF PUT» TINO ON A NRW OKBi WE VAX SÍAK« IT WATl-l.TK'llT. Anuilage Muuuiucturiiig Co., I'l-hoMo 871. lilchuwnfl. V». It Depends on the Trunk how far you can go without a break«* ' down. Trunks sold by us last longer, go fur* thor. and do you moro good than anyj other make. Our Roller ïray Is simply perfection In trunlc making, j Rountree's Trunk Store, 703 E. Droad Street. Delicious Pie! Puro, flesh, with a light, crisp, crust, puro fruit filling und a flavor delightful.}' tumpt«. lng. Such are nroinin's pies.tho hounalteeper's favorito, that satisfies every taste. Try those. Apple Lemon Peach Cocoanut Apricot Huckleberry L. Bromm, Bakeries, 516 E. Marshall, Phone 875. 501 W, Broad, Phonal635, >-»

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The Virginia Conference to BeHeld in Petersburg Next

Tuesday Evening.


Forty Graduates of the VirginiaNormal and Industrial


PETERSBURG, VA., May 15..Tho fifthannual meeting of tho Virginia confer¬ence of Chnrltlen nnd Correction will beculled to order next Tuesday overling nt

A. P. Hill Camp Mall by Rev. Dr. J. M.Pllclier, president of tho organization.Addresses of welcome will bo deliveredby Mayor William M. Jones and ChurlosT. Lasslter, to which Dr. Pllclier and JohnM, Higglns, of Richmond, will respond,after which the conference will hear thePresident's addresB, and tho report Ofthe local Committee on Arrangements.Tho following two days' sessions of theconference will be devoted to tho hearingof reports from Its Working Committee,addresses and papers on charltaUo andreformatory work, and general discussionof those subjects by members of the or¬

ganization.On subjects relativo to tho sick and In¬

firm p"or In their homes, of which com¬

mittee, Mrs. W. M. Jone« is chalrinah,papers will bo rend by MIsb Ann Gully,of Richmond; Dr. O. C. Wright, of Sus¬sex county, and Rev. Dr. J, 8. Foster,of Petersburg.John M. Glenn, of Baltimore, cx-pres-

Idont of the national conference, willmake an address Wednesday afternoon on

the subject of education ns a factor Inchnrlty, and on Thursday afternoon, Mrs.Kate Waller Barrett, of Washington, D.d.'i will rend her address on dependent nnddelinquent children. Among other work¬ers with Ihe conference, whose paperswill in rend during the meeting, are Bur¬nett Lewis, of Richmond: Miss MfittleOrundy. of Fairfax: Miss Eva Robinson,an/1 Rev. J. T. Mastín, of Henrlco, andthé following Richmond representatives:Dr. Robert Frazor, Charles Hutzler,Otorgo B. Davis, secretary of the con¬

ference, and W. XV. Gillette.Cli Wednesday afternoon Dr. Wil¬

liam F. Drewry, treasurer of thoconference will conduct the mem¬

bers around the big Central StateHospital, of which ho Is superintendent.The conference will ndjonrn Thursday af¬ternoon. At the request of SecretoryDavis, Mayor Jonc« has appointed t'wen-ty-flvo delegates from this city, amongwhom are Rev. Dr. J. S. Foster, Rev.W. McC. White, Rev. J. T. O'Fnrrell.Mrs. David Collender, Mrs. J. J. Law¬rence, Rev. R. W. Barn well, Rev Dr.C. B. Bryan, Rev. Dr. W C. Taylor, MiesMartha D. Vnughan, Mrs. Marlon Wells,R. P. Barham, Augustus Wright andothers,The'Womnh's Home Mission Boclety,

ol the Virginia Methodist conference willconvene to-morrow morning at tho MarketStreet Methodist Church for a three days'meeting. About thirty-five delegates aro

expected.Diplomas were presented to more than

forty graduates at the commencementexercises of the Virginia Normal and In¬dustrial Institute.


Large Attendance at Louisa Cir¬cuit Court.

(Special to The Tlmes-DlRpatch.)LOUISA, May 16,-The contract for the

new Iron bridge, with concrete pillars,to connect Orange and Louisa counties at

Ellis'« Mills, was yesterday awarded to

tho Virginia Bridge and Iron Company,of Roanoke, Va., the cost to bo borneone-half by each county.yesterday the largest crowd that has

been In Louisa for some time attendedcourt, thlB being the first term of court-since January last. Yesterday and to¬day the time of tho court, has been occu¬

pied in trying the liquor cases, one ofwhich Is the case of John Evans, whichcomo up before a United State* commis¬sioner in Richmond last month. MuchInterest Is felt, as It is thought thatthese trials will go far towards closingthe blind tigers In this "dry county."Tho docket Is long, and It la thought thatJudgo Orlmsley wilt extend tho termof tho court to_ the fend of the week.James Lo Shefton and B. Ran. Well-

ford, of Richmond, nro here, interestedIn tho cose of Wiltshire vs. tho Metro¬politan Life Insurance Company",The demand for building sites still

continues, and .tho Episcopal ChurchhBB decided to sell Its vnlunble the east of the church, to be convertedInto dwelling lots.The Odd-Follow_ will observo Deco¬

ration Day by a parade, In which willJoin the Rebekahs, after which the gravesIn the dlfforont cemotorlea will bo deco¬rated.

CASE AFTER CASEPlenty More Like This in Rich¬

mond,Score- of Richmond people can tell you

about Doan's Kidney Ptlla. Many a hap»py citizen makes a public statement of

hi» exporlonco. Hero Is a caso of it.What better proof of merit can bo hadthan such endorsement"!

J. S, Good, retired farmer, of 017 WestMain Street, says: "For twenty yearsI have had nttaoks of lamene**** and «ore-

noss across the email oí my back! some¬time- I was hardly able to got up ordown from a chair, and whon I stoopedor made any sudden or awkward move»ment whort, the attacks were In the aoutostage tho sharp twinges aoross the loinsfairly made ma groan. Tho secretionsfrom tho kidneys bo|ng highly colored,irregular ana too frequent In action, par»tlcularly so when I contracte«-! a, cold,compelled me Anally to consult a physl-olan, I also used mor« than one ita-nd»ard remedy and. wore plasters, but I metwith very indifferent Buccesa until I wentto Owens & Minor's drug store for Doan'sKidney pills. They proved to be justwhat'I required, "undoubted results fol.lowed the treatment very promptly, andWhen I had completed It the aching dis¬appeared and the kidney secr,tlon8 re¬sumed their ordinary condition."For sale by all dealer«. Pries 50 cent«.

FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, K, y. soloagonta for tho United States.Remember the name.Doan's.and take

«9 etbtr. .

«I g I

STANDING*** on yourhead is one

way of re¬lieving «of¬fer ing feel»but it's incon¬venient andundignified.


No need to be an acrobat toget comfortable feet. Sim¬ply wear Crotsetti.that'sthe trick.

It your dealer dot* not keep them, unwill »end any tiple on reaeipt of prtee withUt. additional to pay forwarding charge,.LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Inc.



Other Districts Given Concessionsif They Pay Their

Share..(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

CHESTERFIELD, VA., May lú.-In an-Bwer to the county school superintendent'scall to the school board and invitationto all other Interested citizens, aboutforty substantial and representative Ches-terfleldlans gathered to-day at the court¬house to discuss the feasabllity of estnb«-libhlng a high school for the county. TheState superintendent of public Instruc¬tion, Mr. Eggleston, was among the in¬vited who came from outside tho countyand he early in the meeting addressed thobody of men In the Interests of betterschools and In explanation of tho pro¬visions of law« for the assistance andmaintenance of high schools, making byhis clear and forceful talk a fine impres¬sion on his audience.A delegation from Chester, headed by

Rev. C. N. Friend, camo loaded with in¬ducements for the location at Chester ofa high school, backed by substantial «ut*-ecrlptlons amounting really to tho erec¬tion nnd equipment of an extra room tobe attached to the present public schoolbuilding at that place, without cost totho county, nnd by co-operation withDale District, captured the State emolu¬ments coming to this county In the pro¬posed new branch of Its educationalwork.

It was practically agreed that what iscalled a third grado high school be es¬tablished at Chester for tho present, withone teacher In addition to the two al¬ready employed there, the school to boIn the main for the b«eneflt of the twodistricts, Bermuda ami Dalou though con¬cessions will be. madó to" all tho otherdistricts, with tho understanding that theother districts may by appropriations fromtheir several funds share equally in thehigh school privileges at any future time,Mr. Eggleston In his address spoke most

flatteringly of Chesterfield's future, nnddeclared that by reason of its locationnnd peculiar and varied advantages Itwas destined to become one of the fore¬most counties of the State within a com¬

paratively short, timo.One of the strongest evidences of the

county's advancement nlong general linesis the decided Interest taken In late yearsIn good roods and educational work.


(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)DANVILLE. VA.. May 16..Tho Danvlllo

Athletic Association director» to-day acceptedthe resignation of Mr. Oeorgo O. Templa a<j

president, and Mr. Rice Qwynn was electedto succeed liltn. W. Vf. Clark was elected vice-pr*»Ident.FARM VILLE, VA..Mr. J. D. Eggleston. Jr..

State superltnendent of Public Instruction, wasIn the county to-day to see his father. Dr. .1.D. EggleHion, who has been III for some week».FRBDERICK8BUKO, VA..Tho plant of the

Southern Foundry and Machino Works, In thisCity, has been sold by Mr. John T. Dale, oíChicago, the. owrior. to the Acme Manufac¬turing Company of New York, who will operateI: as a general foundry and repair shops, andwill manufacturo various specialties, such as

flr« «¡ulnaulshors. Improved churns and Xamllytee machinas.SUFFOLK, VA..After an all-day session in

Nansomond Circuit Court to-day John Kingwas oworded a divorce from his one-tlmo wife,Maria Kin«. The case was warmly contestedby tho wife and her attorneys, jiradforo im my,Mayor of Suffolk, WM one of the husband'slawyers. _

"WINCHESTEH, VA..Miss Cannon, of Dan¬ville, III., daughtor of Speaker Cannon, of thoHouse of Representativos, accompanied thoauto party of Mr, and Mrs. J. I,. Loose, or

Chicago, to Winchester yesterday, and spentto-day hero. They are touring tho Valley,

LIKE a'cLOCK.Never Missed a Day at School for

Ten Years.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

STAUNTON VA., May .. 15.-At thoclosing of tho Beverly Manor School InAugusta county yesterday, Mr. John XV,Todd, had the pleasure of delivering toMiss Vivian Lohr, daughter of Mr,Thorna» Lohr, a gold medal, In honor ofher being present every school day fortho last ten years. Tho modal, a beautifuland costly one and had engraved on It,"Vivian Lohr, from Beverly Manor SchoolBoard" on one side, and on tho other,"Present overy day for ten years," MissLohr lived two miles from tho school«house.


Jerry Raines Fined and Im¬prisoned for Selling Liquor.

(Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspnioh.)FREDERICKBBURO, VA., May IB.-«

Jerry Raines, a morohnnt of Staffordcounty, was tried to-dny In Stafford Cir¬cuit Court on five Indict monts for sellingliquor, Ho pleaded guilty, and was finedfive nundred dollars and sentenced tosixty days In jail,_STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.

Thomas Gardner «md His HorseInstantly Killed,

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch,)FRANKLIN, SOUTHAMPTON COUN¬

TY, VA., May IB..Mr. Thomas Gardner,age*, thirty-five, was Instantly killed bylightning about a mile and half fromHandsom, Southampton county, this af-tornoon at throo o'clock. Mr. Gurdnerwm »9tn«f to jttandeoin with a load of pea-

nuts, when the Btorm came up. He stop«ped under some trees In front of Mr,J. W. PerBon's house and the lightningstruck the trees, killing him and IiIb horseInstantly. Mr. Gardner was working atthe time for Miss Vlrgie Tiers and was

taking the peanuts to Hnndsom for her.Mr. Bllncoe, of Bllncoo, Davle Com¬

pany, Norfolk, was about half a mllofrom Mr. Gardner when he was struck,Mr. Gardner was a married man andleaves a wlfo nnd six children.


Wallace Hughes, While De¬mented, Kills Himself.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)ELLERSON. VA., May 15.-Mr. Wallace

Hughes, who lived near Pole Green, shotand killed himself this morning, Hismind had been affected for some timepast and It Is supposed he was derangedwhen ho fired the fatal shot,

¦.-... .


B. and O. Officials on a Tour ofInspection.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)\V_NCHESTBR. VA., May 15..A party of

Baltimore and Ohio I'allroad officials. Includ¬ing General Superintendent C. C. F. Bent, aio

Inspecting the Shcnandoah division.One of the tlnest freight yard» In the world

is being built by this road at Brunswick, Md.,the terminal of the division, and It Is believedthat the offcials' visit here means more im¬provements to the A'alley branch,


A Freight Wreck.( Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

CHATHAM, VA. May 16..A through freight,south-bound, was wrecked here to-day, derail¬ing: seven loaded coal cars, six of which weredemolished, and wiping out tho track and partof the roadbed for nearly ono hundred yards.Nobody was hurt, The train was goln«? very

rapidly, and the cars left the rails Just northof the depot, running for two hundred yards on

the ties and overturning down an embank¬ment.The wreck occurred between the station

ewtlches, leaving the passing track clear, andtrafilo was uninterruptedConductor Walter Aaron, of Chatham, and

Engineer E, L. Smith, of Lynchburg, were incharge,

Strangely Missing.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

DANVrLLE, VA., May 15..Jcane Imhofl,aged sixty years, and a native of Switzerland,rns been strangely missing since Friday af¬ternoon, and no trace of his whereabouts canbe learned. Mr. Imhoff has for tho past thirtyyears resided at Chalf Level, this county,and reared a large family. Ho camo to Dan¬ville Thursday, stopping with relatives. Hestarted to the depot Friday afternoon for home,but ns far as can bo ascertained never reach¬ed his destination. Mr. Imhoff Is a man ofgood ihablts, and highly respected. The policeand tho reslatlves of tho missing man havobeen at work on the case for some time, butIn no manner can account for tho strangedlrapupearance.

Farmer's Heavy Loss.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

DISPUTANTA, VA.. May 15..Mr.' W, T.Cordon, a prosperous farmer, living near thisplaco, awoke last night about 12 o'clock totine his barns on nro. H« lost three finehorses, all of his corn, two farm wagons,double «surrey and all harness; peanut planterand other farm ihmplemcnts and guano for thisyear's crops. It is supposed to have been thowork of an Incendiary. No Insurance, and losswill reach 53,000.

Episcopal Council.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

ALEXANDRIA. VA. May IE..The EpiscopalCouncil for the Dloceso of Virginia will moetat St. Paul's Episclpal Church at 10 o'cIockto-morrow morning. Bishop oibson will pre¬sido. It Is oxpectod that between ono hundredand fifty and two hundred ministerial and laydelegates will be in attendance, and will boentertained by the members of tho EpiscopalChurches of Alexandria. The council will re¬main In session about throe days.


Memorial Address and Con¬federate Graves Deco¬

rated.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

WODSTÓCK, VA.. May 15.-A largecrowd attended tho forty-second anni¬versary of tho battle of New York atNew Market to-day, coming from thisand surrounding counties. The groves oftho Confederate dead burled in St.Mathews' Cemetery, were decorated,Mr. Matthew Paxton, editor of tho

Rockhrldge County News, of Lexington,delivered tho address before tho Ladles'Memorial Society nnd Rlce-Noff CnmpConfederate Veterans.During tho day several gamos of base¬

ball were played and other artraetlonswere had for tho amusement of thocrowd.


ELIXIR BABEKCure* Malaria, Chill and Fever When All

Other« Fall.Its Effect Is the Same In All Countries..

To the Manufacturers of "ELIXIR BA»J3BKt"

Oentlomen: During the summer of 18.»I contracted the disease known as ma¬laria. After a year's fruitless treatmentby a prominent Washington physician, Iwas entirely cured by your ELIXIR BA»B10K. Upon my arrival In this country Iwas again stricken with malaria, hut thistime In a worse form-.the tropical ma¬laria. Remembering tho merits of you««remedy. I Immediately sent for soirio.

Again it proved to mo that for malaria Itwns far superior to. any phys'olan'B treat»ma n't. ¦..-"'

Elixir Babok In this country |a worthIts weight In gold. Respectfully yours,

BRAS1R O'HAOAN,Troop K. Sixth U. S. Cavalry, "Balayan,"Provlnco of Batangivs, Luzon Island,Philippine Islands.For salo by all druggists, _0o per t> .'.-

tl9t "


Grand Council to Close With a

Banquet to the GreatChiefs.


1.ought in New York and WillSoon Go Into Com¬


(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)NORFOLK, VA., May lK..Tlio Gtunt

Council of Red Mon of ^'l'.ßfnla will meetin annual tiohvotltio/i I:i Ijthlun Cns'.l'J,Portmnouth, to-movrow at 11 oVl.rk.Tho convohtian will continuo for thrsedays.Mayor Reed will welcome tho visitors,

and Oreat Sachem J. «W. Bowon will pre¬side over the chlefs: to the number of

one hundred, representing overy trl'oo of

tho order In' tho State,Following tho programme, tho kindling

of tho Great Council flro will occur, nndall who aro not member* of tho OicatCouncil will '..etiro.-. fAt 8 P. M. tho adoption degree will

bo amplified by teams from Black HawkTrlbo, No. 67, and Massasolt Tribe, No.77. At tho conclusion of the night ses¬

sion a banquet will be served tho greatchiefs In the assembly hall of PythianCastle, at which Mon. Brother CharlesT. Bland will bo toastmaster.

j Great Incohonoo John XX.', Cherry, PastGroat Incohonoo Thomas K. Donnelly, ofPhiladelphia; Great Sachem J. \V. Brown,of Petersburg, Va.; Great Benlor Sagn-moro CharleB Burkott, of Manchester,Va.; Past Great Sachem C. Emmett Hill,of Richmond, and Grent Trustee of Fi¬nance Committee Richard XV. Jones, of

Richmond, will respond to toasts.Chairman McDonald Lee and Secretary

S, Wllkins Mnthews, of tho State Boardof Fisheries, were In New York last

week and bought In that city a veBsel for

the Virginia oyster navy. The boat pur¬chased Is 110 feet long, 10 1-2 feet beam,

and was built by Roach & Brother, of

New York, at a cost of «5,000. She In an

Iron boat and first class. Tho boat left«Ntew York IFlriday nfkernoon, tcdmingthrough the canal, and went to Irvington,on the Rnppahannock River, where Bhe

will have repairs made, and bo repainted.She will be put in service In about thirtydays. After repairs are made, the boatwll have cost the State about $17,000.Herbert Robinson, aged 0 years, foil

from a third-story window to tho pavedyard at 175 Brewer Street to-day.He suffered tho breaking of a leg and

other painful injuries. The child is theson of W. H. Robinson, of Canada, whorecently came here and entered the em¬

ploy of the Southern Bel TelephoneCompany ao a cable splicer.The child was playing alono In the

upper story of the house when he fell.He was unconscious when picked up bya colored servant girl.


ELEGANT WEDDING.Miss Rebekah Harvey Barrett the

Bride o£ Whitman,R.. Smith,(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

ALEXANDRIA, VA., May lß.-Ono ofthe prettiest church weddings which hastaken placo in Alexandria this season

was the marriage of'Miss Rebekah Har¬vey Barrett, of this city, and Mr. Whit¬man Rathbone Smith, of Llnko, Ontario,which took place at 8 o'clock to-night atSt. Paul's Episcopal Church. The cere¬

mony was performed by Rov. P. P.Phillips, tho recrtor of the church.James McDonald, of Ottawa, was best

man, and Miss Lila Barrett, a sister ofthe bride, was matron of honor. Thebridesmaids wore Miss Bessie Herbert,Of Baltimore; M'.ss PrlBcllla Dodson, ofGreensboro, N. C.'j Miss Anne Cnldwell,of Loulsburg, XV. Va.; Miss Marian AVal-ler, of Wide AVater, Stafford county, Va. ¡Miss Kitty Barrett, a Bister of the brido,and Miss Lucy Douglas, of Alexandria.Tho bride was given away by her uncle,Mr. Alfred Pike, of Southport, England.The ushers were Mr. Robort Tempost.

of Llnko, Cnnado; Mr. Allan Stevenson,of Plttsburg, Pa. ; and Messrs, HarryBeverly, Taylor Burke, Richard Chlchos-ter, Charley Barrett and James Doug¬las, of Alexandria.Tho church was beautifully decorated

.with palms, pink carnations and pinkroses. The bride's gown was of whitesatin brocade. The matron of honor wns

dressed In pink sun-ploated silk, whiletho bridesmaids wore gowns of whiteValenciennes lace and enrried bouquotsof swoet peas. Immediately after thoceremony a reception was held nt thohome of tho bride's mother, .Mrs. KatoWaller Bnrrott, Tho house was decoratedwith American, Canadian and Englishflags. Refreshments were served froma .marque on the lawn.The bride Is tho daughter of tho late

Rov. Robert 8, Barrett, dean of St.Luke's Cathedral, Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs.Kato Waller Barrott, flold secretary oftho Florence Crlttenton Mission. She Isa granddaughter of tho late Colonel Wed,Waller, of Wide Water, Stafford county,Vn., and belongs to onoof tho most prom¬inent families In tho State.Among the out-of-town guests were

Mrs. Emily Kllbort, of Boston; Miss Cox,of Boston; Mrs. A,. J. C. Semple, of Bos¬ton; Senor DoNeatl, Senator and Mrs,Laninr, Senator nnd Mrs. Dubois, Mrs.«Robert S. Bnrrott, of Mexico, and Dr.Howard Kelly, of Baltimore.Aftor tho reception Mr. and Mrs. Smith

left for Saulto Sto Mario, Canada, wherothoy will visit tho groom's paronts andlater they will miiko their homo at Llnko.Ontario, wihoro tho groom Is employedas a civil engineer by. one of the Ca¬nadian rnllronils. ._«


School Trustees Decide on TenThousand Dollar Building.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.;

¦BLAC'KSTONK, VA., May 15.-T1.3school trustees of tho county held t\meeting at tho courthouse to-day In re¬gard to building tho new high schoolbuilding InBlnckKtono, a largo numberwas present, and a »i'iyvt deal of Interestwas shown'in tho now school, nnd everyeffort was made to push forward tliuwork. Tho building will coHt $10,000, itlarge part of the nionoy lias been raised,tho plan for the house has been submittedby tho contractor, and work wll soonbo In progress,The Peoples Bunk has opened up in

their new brick building, which has re¬

cently boon completed. The officers aro

very «much gratified aT""the good startthey have made, and are much pleasedwith their new quarters.


Betrayal, Non-Support and Post-office Robbery,

(Special to The Tlines-DIspatoh.)WOOIXSTOCK, VA«, May lí..Tho regular

May term of the grand Jury for '¦¡henumioancounty met hero thin weak iin<l returned against Jame» B. I'oijtor forbetrayal of Mum[le u, Drinker, and one fornilhileini'iinfir against John P, Webb andEmoery Sllvlous, who uto chuu'tfod with «Jesur.

tlon of tlmlr wive» and failure to supporttliiMJi and their children, A bench «v/irrnnl hasbeen Issued nftnlnst Foster, while It In .«epe_l.iltlin nilsdeninnr i-nsfs will bo remanded theuni I. .¦ of tho peace for trial.The cnio nknlnsl Lester Walker, who Is

chnrik-ed with robbing Hie utoro of Mr, s. II.Culler« at Miiurertnivn during ln_t ftUthM.t. IHpet for trial at this term of Hie court. AInrgo number of articles recovered from WfilR-er were Identified by the mut mnrke. Tlmtaaro PCvernl Indictments iiRiiInst him for brefik-lli* Into different Ptores. and olio In thoUnited ntnten Court for robbing the postoftlcoat W'alerll.k, AVnrren county,


Memorial Exercises By the V. M.I. Cadets.

(from Our Regular Correspondent.)LEXINGTON, VA., May 15,-Tho forty-

second anniversary of the battle of NewMnrket, in Which tho cadet« of tho Vir¬ginia Mllltnry Institute won renown, was

okscrved at tho Instituto to-day by thosuspension of nil duties. Tills afternoonat 6 o'clock the .mttaHon of cadetsmarched to tho Instituto cemetory wherotho Blx cadets who fell at No'V MarketHe, and fired three rounds of musketryover the graves.The decorations by the ladles of tho

Now Market Memorial Aüsoelnllon wereclnhorato. During the exercises minutegtins were fired.

NO CONFESSION.Mr. P. H. Pemberton Married for

the Fifth Time.(Speclnl to Tho Times-Dispatch..

FnEDEiniCKSBURO, VA., May ._.-

Thero Is no truth In the statement pub¬lished In a Richmond paper that GabrielBattnilo, tho young negro sentenced tobe hanged on June 8th, for committingan assault on Miss ,/rnn. Rogen», In KingGeorge county, hn3 made a conrosslon.Battulle is confined in Jail here, await¬ing the day of execution.Councilman E. XV. Mills Is seriously 111

at hl8 home here.Mr, P. H. Pemberton, of Mathlni» Point,

King George county, was mnrrled lostThursday for tho nfth time, Rev. AV. W.Owens officiating. The ceremony tookplaco at. his home. Mr. Pemberton hnalost sovcral wives and a number of chil¬dren by typhoid fever within tho pastseveral yeors.

Booker to Hang.(Special to Tho Tlmcs-OIspatch.)

PARMVILLE, VA., May 15..RobertBooker, the condemned.miiraerer of Char¬ley Brown, both colored, will bo hnngeclnext Friday morning In tho county Jailunless there should be further respitegranted by the Governor. Tho scaffold'hn-<* been erected In the jail building.Booker has been perfectly reconciled tohis fate since ho made a public professionof religion, and declares that he Is gladhis troubles will soon be over.

Primary Candidates.. (Special to The Times-Dispatch..

DAî-rvILLE, May 15..Ward muss-meetlnBSof tho Democratic voters of the Mx wards wereheld to-night for Ihe purpose of naming candi¬dates to be voted on at the primary to be heldMay ISth. The inoettnff* were largely attend¬ed, and all of the present councllmen, withthe exception of Alderman E. G. Mosoley, willbo candidates beforo tho primary.


the favorito dentifrice. Perfectly de¬licious and fragrant. Positively bene¬ficial. Ask your dentist.

Many operators never pro¬gress because they are not fur¬nished with good typewrite«.Tho fault of poor work restsoften with tho employer. If youpovldo your oporator with a

MonarchVisible Typewriterthero will bo less cause for com¬plaint. A good machine make»a good oporator. Only a goodoperator, with a good machine,can produce good writing.Send for literature,


706 American National BankBuilding.

QUICK LOANSOn Furniture, Pianos, &o., without

removal from your possession.Lowest Rates. No Publicity.The Weakly Payment on a Loan of.

10.1«.} ,6015.!¦.H30.1«.t__5.ja. 1.15

30.Ib.. 1.8-36.Il. 1.1»itó.Is. 1.74_.Il. 1.W»60.1». 2.1Î

Othor compañías paid off and mor-money advanced on eailor term*.

If you cannot call personally, wrltoor telephone, and our confidentialagent will call on you..Phono 4312.


Second Floor Front.


Waxene. Floor Wax, Brushes, &c


Cow or Stock PeasWo urn prepared to fill order« In mny quan¬

tity for -lack, Clay, AVhlppoorwIII Mixed, .NewKm l'eau and .«"..Ja lit-»«-». Send your order»to h-udqu«rler_ for l"e__.

WAia'.wuHTHitf rnopucu CO,,_---U S. .Stil fciU'c.l.


si.Bjno«tis.(C<jSuit-/*! SuitH

Sale of Suits and Skirts at HalfPrice and Less Than Half Price.

We're closing the tailored suits in a manner that doesnot admit of any doubt of our determination to close out

our stock at once. WE HAVE REDUCED THEM TOHALF PRICE AND LESS THAN HALF PRICE.Never before! have prices been so low this early in the.season, with such a comfortable stock of late models to

chose from, many of these suits having arrived within the "

lasty two weeks. All plain colors in Panama and voile,and the desirable gray worsteds, shown in model of Etons I

and Pony Coat styles. , j«V

Divided Into Four Lots as Follows:Lot No. 1.Suits that were $25.00 to $35.00 now.$15.00 V,Lot No. 2.Sultn that wero $87.50 nnd $3!).50 now.$25.00 ".«;.,«¦Lot No. 3.Suits that wore $42.50 nnd $45.00 now.»29.50 ¦'£'Lot No. 4.Suits that were $47.50 to $50.50 now.$35.00Made Doubly Attractive Because the Saving Is One-Half.

Silk Suits and Cloth Suits.Mostly last season's styles, of Eton and Blouse, about v

twenty-five suits in all. Every suit in this lot is up to our ..'usual high standard in quality and finish. If you can find to

your size in this lot a rare bargain awaits you. These suitá*:!*were from $24.50 to $35.00 each.

All MarKed Down to $9.98.^

SB» Tuning...NOW IS THE TIME. Havo your Pianos tuned, nnd repaired by ex-Si

pert factory men. Wo have tho largest and best equipped repair factory.'In the city.floor space 130x40 foot. Estimates free. All work guaranteed.Phono us your orders. Pianos polished, Pianos rented, Pianos moved, ¡.Pianos stored.

The World'sBest Piano, The Knabe.

One thousand copies Muslo given away.

Fergusson Brothers,11 West Broad Street.


Chartered 1832.

The Virginia Fire & MarineINSURANCE COMPANY,


ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1906, - - - - - - $1,134647.11WM H PALMER«..'..'.'.«.'.'«President. W. H. MCCARTHY........ .Secretary.

E. B. ADDISON.......Vice-President. OSCAR D. PITTS.Treaeurer.

No Loss In San Francisco

Look at thePatterns, Please,

and you will find tho noatost and mostattrnotlvo designa that have boon shownIn Wall Papers In many years. Wo havoa wonderful assortment of new andbountiful putterns, suitable for Drawingand Dining Rooms, cheerful and brightcolors for Pod Rooms, Halls, etc

R. B. Brauer,120 East Broad.

Phono 1699.

Roses»Cut Flowers,

aridDesigns.Largest Stock,


.09 East Broad Street.I-.-




SÍAK« IT WATl-l.TK'llT.Anuilage Muuuiucturiiig Co.,

I'l-hoMo 871. lilchuwnfl. V».

It Depends on the Trunkhow far you can go without a break«* '

down.Trunks sold by us last longer, go fur*

thor. and do you moro good than anyjother make.

Our Roller ïrayIs simply perfection In trunlc making, j

Rountree's Trunk Store,703 E. Droad Street.


Puro, flesh, with a light,crisp, crust, puro fruit fillingund a flavor delightful.}' tumpt«.lng.Such are nroinin's pies.tho

hounalteeper's favorito, thatsatisfies every taste. Try those.

Apple LemonPeach CocoanutApricot Huckleberry

L. Bromm,Bakeries,

516 E. Marshall, Phone 875.501 W, Broad, Phonal635,
