food & nutrition objectives: explain why water is so

Food & Nutrition Objectives: Name the 3 classes of nutrients that supply your body with energy Describe the roles that carbohydrates, fats, and proteins play in your body Identify two main classes of of vitamins. List four minerals your body needs in significant amounts. Explain why water is so important to your body.

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Page 1: Food & Nutrition Objectives: Explain why water is so

Food & Nutrition● Objectives:

○ Name the 3 classes of nutrients that supply your body with energy

○ Describe the roles that carbohydrates, fats, and proteins play in your body

○ Identify two main classes of of vitamins.○ List four minerals your body needs in significant

amounts.○ Explain why water is so important to your body.

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● Substances that the body needs to regulate bodily functions, promote growth, repairs body tissue and obtain energy

● Six types of nutrientsProvide Energy Other Essential Functions

Carbohydrates Vitamins

Fats Minerals

Proteins Water

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Energy Supply

● Metabolism○ The chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy.

● Calorie○ Measures the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down○ 3,500 calories = 1 pound

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● Supply energy for your body’s function

● Simple Carbohydrates (Sugars)○ Fruits, vegetables, and milk○ Added to cookies, candy, and

soft drinks● Complex Carbohydrates (Starch)

○ Potatoes, rice, oats, and wheat○ High in vitamins and minerals

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Daily Carbohydrates

● 45 - 65 percent of your calorie intake● More complex than simple● If you eat more carbs than your body can use, your body

will store the extra as glycogen● Glycogen can be turned back into glucose

○ Glucose is what your body uses to create energy● If glycogen stores are full, then the excess

carbs turn to fat

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● A complex carbohydrate that is found in plants● Passes through your body without being digested

○ Prevents constipation○ Reduces risk of colon cancer○ Prevents heart disease

● Whole-grain breads and cereals, vegetables, fruits, beans, and seeds

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Fats● Supply your body with energy, maintain

body temperature, and protect your nerves● Unsaturated Fat

○ Liquid at room temp.○ Vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds○ Can help fight against heart disease

● Saturated Fat○ Solid at room temp.○ Animal fats, lard, and dairy products○ Can lead to heart disease

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Fats● 20 -35 percent of your diet

○ Primarily unsaturated fat● Cholesterol

○ Fatlike substance found in animal products

○ Can lead to plaque buildup ● Trans Fat

○ Added to food to keep fresh longer○ Few benefits, more risks

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Proteins● Needed for growth and repair of body tissue

○ Meats, eggs, poultry, nuts, beans, peas, and milk products● Amino Acids (20)

○ Small units bonded together to form proteins○ Are absorbed into bloodstream

● Essential Amino Acids (9)○ Your body does not produce so

you must supply them through your diet

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Proteins● Complete Proteins

○ Meats, fish, chicken, eggs, and cheese○ Provide all 9 essential amino acids

● Incomplete Proteins○ Plant source proteins○ Lack at least one essential amino acid○ Vegetarians - Combine plant sources

to get all 9 (rice & beans)● Daily Intake

○ 10 - 35 percent of your calories should come from protein

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● Nutrients that are made by living things● Required only in small amounts● Assist many chemical reactions in the body

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● Do not provide your body with energy or materials for cell production.

● Help the body with various processes.● Play a role in various chemical reactions

○ Vitamin K helps blood clot● Two classes of vitamins

○ Fat-soluble○ Water-soluble

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Fat-Soluble Vitamins

● Vitamins A, D, E, and K● Vegetable oils, whole grains, dairy, and eggs● Can be stored in the body

Water-Soluble Vitamins● Vitamin B complex and vitamin C● Fruits and vegetables● Cannot be stored in the body

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● Protect healthy cells from damage.● Prevent the process of oxidation,

thereby helping prevent cancer.● Vitamins C and E

○ Citrus fruits○ Broccoli○ Whole grains

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● Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil.● Plants absorb minerals through their roots● Animals obtain minerals by eating plants or

by eating animals that have eaten plants● 24 different minerals for good health

○ Seven in significant amounts○ Trace amounts of others

■ Iron, copper, zinc

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● Calcium○ Assists with blood clotting and keeps bones and teeth strong

● Potassium○ Helps maintain lower blood pressure

● Iron○ Necessary for healthy red blood cells

● Sodium○ Important for the regulation of water in cells

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● 65% of your weight, is water weight● Everyday consumption

○ Females - ten 8 ounce cups○ Males - fourteen 8 ounce cups

● May suffer from dehydration○ A serious reduction in the body’s water

content● Water contains electrolytes

○ Substance found in many sport drinks